Fpubh 12 1357131
Fpubh 12 1357131
Fpubh 12 1357131
Hemant Khuntia,
Primary Hospital, Amhara Region,
Siksha ’O’ Anusandhan University, India
Rashid Jan,
University of Swabi, Pakistan
north east Ethiopia
Fekade Demeke Bayou Genet Muche1 , Asmamaw Tesfaw1 and Fekade Demeke Bayou2*
[email protected]
RECEIVED 26 January 2024 Department of Biology, Debre Berhan University, Debre Berhan, Ethiopia, 2 Department of
ACCEPTED 05 August 2024
Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Colleges of Medicine and Health Science,
PUBLISHED 16 August 2024
Wollo University, Dessie, Ethiopia
Muche G, Tesfaw A and Bayou FD (2024)
Prevalence of typhoid fever and its associated Background: Typhoid fever is one of the major public health concerns in
factors among febrile patients visiting Arerti developing countries, including Ethiopia. Understanding the burden and factors
Primary Hospital, Amhara Region, north east
Ethiopia. Front. Public Health 12:1357131.
contributing to the transmission and development of the disease is crucial to
doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1357131 applying appropriate preventive and therapeutic interventions.
COPYRIGHT Objective: To assess the prevalence of typhoid fever and its associated factors
© 2024 Muche, Tesfaw and Bayou. This is an among febrile patients visiting Arerti Primary Hospital from 1 March to 30
open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution May 2022.
License (CC BY). The use, distribution or Methods: A facility-based cross-sectional study was employed among 326
reproduction in other forums is permitted,
provided the original author(s) and the febrile patients visiting Arerti Primary Hospital for health services. The data were
copyright owner(s) are credited and that the collected using laboratory procedures (widal test) and a structured interviewer-
original publication in this journal is cited, in administered questionnaire. The data were entered using Epi Data version 3.1
accordance with accepted academic practice.
No use, distribution or reproduction is and analyzed by SPSS version 25. Logistic regression was used to determine
permitted which does not comply with these associations between variables. P-value < 0.05 and adjusted odds ratio with
terms. 95% confidence interval were used to measure the presence and strength
of associations.
Results: In this study, of the total 317 cases that participated, the majority
(64.4%) of them were males with age ranges from 13 to 63 years. The overall
prevalence of positive antigen tests for typhoid infection was 30.0% (95% CI:
25.0%−35.3%). About 66.9% of the study participants had good knowledge, 75.7%
had favorable perception, and 42.3% had good infection prevention practice.
Being unemployed [AOR = 7.57, 95% CI (1.98, 28.93)], being a farmer [AOR =
2.73, 95% CI (1.01, 7.41)], and having a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5 kg/m2
[AOR = 5.12, 95%CI (2.45, 10.68)] were significantly associated with typhoid
fever infection.
Conclusion: The prevalence of typhoid fever among febrile patients was
high. Typhoid fever infection was significantly associated with occupational
status (being unemployed and being a farmer) and lower BMI. The level of
knowledge, perception, and practice of typhoid fever infection prevention were
found inadequate. Therefore, behavioral change interventions are needed at the
community level.
Introduction of typhoid fever was 68.75% (15), while it was found at 943
per 100,000 in Ghana (16). In Ethiopia, limited studies found
Typhoid fever is a life-threatening acute febrile illness caused that 13.2, 10, and 25.7% of the study population in the Afar
by Salmonella typhi and paratyphi (with a 10:1 case ratio) Region, West Wollega Zone, and Injibara, Northwest Ethiopia,
(1–3). After ingestion in contaminated food or water, typhoid respectively, had S. Typhi infection (17–19). In general, the
organisms pass through the pylorus, reach the small intestine, estimated pooled prevalence of typhoid fever from blood and
penetrate the mucosal epithelium, cause acute infection, and are stool culture diagnosis was 3% and Widal test examination 33%
released into the bloodstream by lymph drainage from mesenteric (20). Socio-demographic and clinical conditions including the
nodes. Incubation periods ranging from 3 days to more than 60 duration and severity of typhoid fever disease, sex, age, personal
days have been reported (1). After infection with the bacteria, and environmental hygiene (11, 21), income (15, 16), sharing
symptoms usually start 8–14 days later for typhoid fever and 1– food, ownership/utilization of toilets (22, 23), residence (24),
10 days later for paratyphoid fever (3). The clinical presentation educational level, and misconception about the transmission of
of typhoid fever varies from a mild illness with low-grade fever, typhoid fever (18, 25–27) were found to be significantly associated
malaise, and a slight dry cough to a severe clinical picture with with typhoid prevalence.
abdominal discomfort and multiple complications. Depending To combat the impact of typhoid fever on the health,
on the clinical setting and the quality of available medical care, economic, and social activities of the community, there should
a significant portion of typhoid patients may develop serious be clear information regarding the magnitude of the disease and
complications like intestinal perforation, hemorrhage, hepatitis, its socio-demographic, economic, cultural, and geographic risk
altered mental status (confusion and delirium), etc. (1, 3). The factors contributing to the transmission and development of the
definitive diagnosis of typhoid fever depends on the isolation of disease. To evaluate the impact of this infectious disease in a
S. typhi from blood, bone marrow, or a specific anatomical lesion. particular area, one must be aware of the prevalence of typhoid
Blood culture is the mainstay of the diagnosis of this disease (1). fever. For public health officials to deploy focused interventions
Transmission of typhoid fever can be prevented by maintaining and allocate resources efficiently, this information is essential.
food safety, safe water supply, proper sanitation, vaccination, Understanding associated risk factors facilitates understanding the
and health education to create public awareness and induce mechanisms underlying the transmission of typhoid fever. This
behavioral change after identifying socio-demographic, cultural, information can direct the creation of approaches to stop the
and economic risk factors contributing to the transmission of the spread, like strengthening immunization campaigns and enhancing
disease (1, 3). food safety, water quality, sanitation, and hygiene. Understanding
Globally, there were more than 14 million cases of typhoid and the prevalence and risk factors helps medical professionals diagnose
paratyphoid fevers, with an estimated 136,000 deaths. Moreover, and treat patients more accurately. It can result in faster, more
typhoid and paratyphoid fevers were responsible for 9.8 million precise patient care, better recovery rates, and a decrease in typhoid
disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in 2017 (4, 5). In Africa, fever-related complications or deaths. However, such relevant
typhoid fever remains a higher endemic tropical disease of public information is limited in Ethiopia, particularly in the study area.
health significance due to its faster transmission rates (6, 7). Hence, this study was aimed at assessing the prevalence of typhoid
The reported figures on typhoid fever cases show that the trend fever and its associated factors among febrile patients attending
of typhoid-related morbidity is in rapid increment over time in Arerti Primary Hospital.
Africa. Outbreaks of typhoid fever were reported in 15 countries
(6). The estimated case fatality rate among non-surgical patients
was 5.4% for the Africa region, which is six times higher than
Methods and materials
that of the Asia region (5). The burden of the disease was more
pronounced in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), with 7.2 million cases of Study setting, design, and period
typhoid fever annually and an incidence rate of 762 per 100,000
person-years. Recent studies show that almost all regions of SSA This study was conducted at Arert Primary Hospital located in
are tending toward high incidence rates, especially Central and Minjar Shenkora woreda, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia. Minjar
Western Africa (7). Shenkora Woreda is located 130 km from Addis Ababa. The woreda
Typhoid and paratyphoid fever was endemic in many countries is populated with an estimated number of 156,040 people (80,729
in South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and East Asia and the Pacific male) and (75,311 female) (28). There are five health centers, 27
(8–10). In Africa, a study done in Kaduna State and South-East health posts, and one primary hospital providing health services
Nigeria showed that the prevalence of typhoid fever was 33.3% for the catchment population. A facility-based cross-sectional study
and 14.1%, respectively (11, 12). In the Democratic Republic was conducted from March 01 to May 30, 2022.
of Congo and South Africa, the annual incidence of typhoid
fever ranged from 1.7 to 9.1% and 0.11 to 0.39 per 100,000
populations, respectively (13, 14). In Cameroon, the prevalence
Abbreviations: AOR, adjusted odds ratio; APH, Arerti Primary Hospital; CI, Source population
Confidence Interval; OPD, Out Patient Department; SPSS, Statistical Package The source population was all febrile patients attending Arerti
for Social Sciences; TF, Typhoid Fever. Primary Hospital during the study period.
Study population education, residence, marital status, dietary habits, safe water
Selected febrile patients clinically suspected for typhoid fever in source, and toilet access were collected by face-to-face interview
the study period were considered as the study population. using a structured questionnaire. After the interview, a 5 ml
blood specimen was collected from each study participant in the
laboratory department using a test tube without anticoagulant.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria The blood samples were collected by puncturing superficial veins
(mainly from median cubital veins) of the upper limb using
Inclusion criteria a 5 cc needle. The collected blood samples were processed to
All febrile patients clinically suspected for typhoid fever in the get serum, and the Widal slide agglutination tests were done to
study period were included in the study. detect S. Typhi using known S. Typhi flagella (H) and somatic
(O) antigens.
The slide-agglutination tests were performed as per the
Exclusion criteria manufacturer’s instruction. Briefly, the antigen vials were gently
Patients with impaired mental status (unconscious) during the mixed with saline by an aspirate dropper multiple times to make
study period were excluded. a thorough mixture. A 50 µl serum sample was added to a row
of circles on the test card. Drops (one drop each) of positive
and negative control sera were dispensed into respective circles.
Sample size determination A drop of the appropriate well-shaken suspension of the antigen
was added to each circle next to each sample to be tested and
The sample size for this study was determined using a single mixed with the content of each circle with a disposable stirrer
population proportion formula by taking the proportion (p) of and spread over the entire area enclosed by the ring with separate
typhoid fever of 25.7% from the previous study (18), the confidence applicators for each mixture. After that, the slides were shaken
level of 95%, the marginal error of 5%, and adding 10% non- gently by hand or using a mechanical rotator (100 rpm) for 1 min.
response rate. It was calculated as follows: Finally, the test was observed immediately under a suitable light
source for any degree of agglutination, and qualitative results
Zα/ 2 2 (P) (1 − P) (1.96)2 (0.26) (0.74) were recorded.
n= 2 n= .
d (0.05)2
After adding 10% non-response rate, the total sample size for
this study was 326 individuals. Study variables
Dependent variable
Sampling technique Typhoid fever status (positive or negative).
Operational definitions
Data collection, clinical sample processing,
and serological testing Case definition of typhoid fever
According to the Ethiopian Ministry of Health, typhoid fever is
All febrile patients visiting Arerti Primary Hospital outpatient defined as: A probable or suspected case of typhoid fever: A patient
department (OPD) during the study period were examined with documented fever (38◦ C and above) for at least 5 days prior
clinically by physicians or health professionals. Patients presenting to presentation with a rising trend AND having no other focus to
with fever (axillary temperature >37.5◦ C) and any of the explain the cause of the fever (e.g., malaria, meningitis, pneumonia,
complaints like abdominal pain or discomfort, headache, abscess, pyelonephritis, etc.). A confirmed case of typhoid fever: A
constipation, or diarrhea were requested for a Widal test. After patient with persistent fever (38◦ C or above) lasting three or more
getting informed consent, data on individual and household days and S. Typhi isolated on culture (blood, bone marrow culture,
socio-demographic data such as age, sex, family size, occupation, stool, or urine) (29).
20–29 86 26.5
Practice of typhoid infection prevention Educational status of Cannot read and 34 10.7
the respondents write
A total of 14 practice-related questions were used to assess
participants’ practice of typhoid infection prevention. The average Can read only 13 4.1
score was calculated to determine their level of prevention practice, Can read and 67 21.1
and participants who scored the mean and above were considered write
to have good prevention practice, while those scored below the Completed 34 10.7
mean score were regarded as having poor prevention practice. primary
Secondary 70 22.1
Data quality control education
Diploma 24 7.6
The questionnaire was pretested on 5% of the sample
Degree and 75 23.7
population in Arerti health center. During the pre-test, the above
questionnaire was evaluated for its clarity, sensitivity, and cultural
Average monthly <5,000 142 44.7
acceptability. Confusing questions were identified based on the
income in birr
obtained results from the pretest, and necessary modifications have
5,000–10,000 166 52.4
been made to the questions. Training was given for data collectors
on the portion of the questionnaire and data collection procedures. 10,001–15,000 4 1.3
The questionnaire was translated from English to Amharic by
15,001–20,000 5 1.6
language experts to ease the data collection process. During
data collection, on-site supervision and technical assistance were Religion of the Orthodox 260 82
provided by the principal investigator. Finally, the questionnaire respondents
was checked daily for its completeness and consistency by Protestant 10 3.2
the principal investigator, and any incomplete information was
excluded from analysis after data collection. Muslim 47 14.8
The collected data were entered into the computer using Epi Divorce/widowed 4 1.3
Data version 3.1 and then exported to SPSS version 25 for further Occupation of Farmer 111 35
analysis. The data was cleaned, edited, sorted, and coded before respondents
analysis. Descriptive statistics such as mean, median, and standard Merchant 52 16.4
deviation were carried out for continuous variables. Participants’
responses to knowledge and practice-related questions were coded, Government 65 20.5
scored, summed, and averaged. Eleven (11) questions were asked
for the participants to assess their level of knowledge about typhoid Student 74 23.3
fever. Those who answered the correct answer were scored “1” Other 15 4.8
and “0” if not. The summed scores ranged from 0 to 11. The
TABLE 3 Febrile patient knowledge about the preventive measure of TF, route of transmission, and clinical presentation of TF in APH, Arerti town,
Ethiopia, 2022.
Typhoid fever is transmitted from an infected person to other healthy persons No 65 20.5
Typhoid fever can be prevented by washing table fruits and vegetables No 52 16.4
Knowledge of study participants about typhoid fever infection Poor knowledge 105 33.1
prevalence of typhoid fever in the study setting was 30.0%, 95% CI likely to have typhoid fever infection than merchants. Likewise, as
(25.0%−35.3%; Figure 1). compared with the same group, farmers were nearly three times
more likely to have a positive antigen test for typhoid infection.
Moreover, study participants whose body mass index (BMI) was
Factors associated with typhoid fever <18.5 kg/m2 were more than five times more likely to have typhoid
infection as compared with their counterparts (Table 6).
TABLE 4 Perception of the study participants about the preventive TABLE 5 Febrile patients’ practices to prevent TF infection among febrile
measure of TF and route of transmission of TF in APH, Arerti town, patients who were visiting APH, Arerti town, Ethiopia, 2022.
Ethiopia, 2022.
Practice Response Frequency Percentage
Perception Response Frequency Percent assessment
assessment items
Do you consume raw Yes 138 43.5
Do you believe that you No 113 35.6 meat in the last month?
are exposed to TF
infectious sources? No 179 56.5
Do you think consuming No 81 25.6 Do you have a toilet and Yes 289 91.2
raw fruit and vegetables use it properly?
can expose you to TF
infection? No 28 8.8
Typhoid fever infection based on an antigen test using the Widal test among febrile patients visiting Arerti Primary Hospital, Amhara, 2022.
In Ethiopia, studies conducted in the Afar (17), West environmental determinants of health. The mentioned study
Wollega, and Oromia (19) regions reported that the prevalence was a type of trend analysis using secondary data (health
of typhoid fever was 13.2 and 10.0%, respectively. Which is facility records), which assessed typhoid fever diagnosed
lower as compared to the figure found by this study (30.0%). by using both clinical and laboratory diagnosis methods.
The probable reason for the observed difference in terms of This measurement difference might be the reason for the
typhoid fever prevalence could be a difference in study settings; observed discordance.
the above studies were community-based studies while ours was In this study, being unemployed, a farmer, and having
a facility based study. The community-based studies identified a lower body mass index (BMI) were significantly associated
the prevalence of typhoid fever among a healthy population, with the occurrence of typhoid fever infection. Although not
whereas the facility-based studies assessed the same outcome supported by previous studies, unemployed (daily labor) and
among patients manifested with apparent clinical manifestations. farmers would be more likely to be involved in risky conditions
Hence, this might end up with a significant difference in the for typhoid fever transmission. Since most farmers reside in
disease magnitude. rural areas, they might also face inadequate access to safe water,
On the other hand, the finding from this study was lower and late healthcare-seeking behavior may speed transmission.
as compared with the figures found by the studies conducted Having a lower body mass index (BMI) may indicate a state
in Littoral, Cameroon (68.75%) (16), Akure, Nigeria (80.5%) of undernutrition; hence, undernourished individuals might be
(32), Ghana (66.9%) (16), and Karu, Nigeria (69.6%) (33). highly susceptible for infection and other comorbidities. This study
This discordance might result from discrepancies in study might have the following limitation: since we conducted it at a
populations, sample size, study settings, and socio-demographic single health facility, the result may not be generalizable to the
variability of the study participants. For instance, the study whole community.
conducted in Cameroon included a small sample size of study
participants who were clinically diagnosed with typhoid fever.
This might overestimate the outcome as included already clinically Conclusions and recommendations
diagnosed cases for the confirmation purpose. Moreover, in
Ethiopia, studies done in Arba Minch, SNNPR, Ethiopia (25) The prevalence of TF among febrile patients in the study area
found higher prevalence of typhoid fever (47.37% among males was high. Typhoid fever infection was significantly associated
and 52.3% among females) as compared with the reported with occupational status (being unemployed and being a
figure by this study. This difference might be due to differences farmer) and body mass index (BMI). The level of knowledge,
in study designs, study population, measurement tools, and perception, and practice for typhoid fever infection prevention
TABLE 6 Multivariable analysis of factors significantly associated with the prevalence of TF among febrile patients visiting APH at Arerti town, Amhara,
Ethiopia, 2022.
Variables TF test results COR (95% CI) AOR (95% CI) P-value
Positive Negative
Sex of the respondent Male 63 141 1.13 (0.68, 1.88) 0.99 (0.55, 1.76) 0.963
Female 32 81 1 1
Occupation of the Unemployed 31 53 1.38 (0.67, 2.83) 7.57 (1.98, 28.93) 0.003
Merchant 17 40 1 1
Educational status Uneducated 24 90 0.71 (0.38, 1.34) 0.35 (0.09, 1.38) 0.132
Marital status Married 58 135 0.99 (0.61, 1.62) 0.39 (0.15, 1.04) 0.060
Unmarried 37 87 1 1
BMI <18.5 18 104 3.77 (2.12, 6.71) 5.12 (2.45, 10.68) <0.01
Practice categorized Poor practice 61 122 0.68 (0.41, 1.12) 1.06 (0.57, 1.98) 0.845
Perception toward Negative perception 19 58 1.42 (0.80, 2.54) 1.52 (0.59, 3.94) 0.384
typhoid fever prevention
Knowledge about TF Poor knowledge 24 81 1.70 (0.99, 2.91) 0.69 (0.24, 1.95) 0.482
was not adequate. Our findings may inform health planners Author contributions
and administrators in developing relevant interventions that
promote TF preventive practice toward TF disease among GM: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis,
the population. Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Software,
Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original
draft, Writing – review & editing, Funding acquisition,
Data availability statement Resources. AT: Data curation, Methodology, Supervision,
Validation, Visualization, Writing – review & editing. FB: Data
The original contributions presented in the study are included curation, Methodology, Supervision, Validation, Visualization,
in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be Writing – review & editing, Conceptualization, Formal analysis,
directed to the corresponding author. Investigation, Project administration, Software, Writing –
original draft.
Ethics statement
This study was reviewed and approved by the Debre
Berhan University Ethical Review Committee. The study was Funding
conducted in accordance with the local legislation and institutional
requirements. Written informed consent for participation in this The author(s) declare that no financial support was
study was provided by the participants’ legal guardians/next received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of
of kin. this article.
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