10.1007@s11277 020 07048 0
10.1007@s11277 020 07048 0
10.1007@s11277 020 07048 0
A new DC–DC converter capable of working with more than one source for harvesting
energy from clean energy sources is proposed. Key features of this proposed converter are
single inductor and reduced total number of components. In addition the converter has
reduced stresses and power losses. Dual input and output modes, with its operation and
steady-state analysis are discussed. Comparative study of the topologies given in literature
with a proposed topology for parameters considered like the number of components and
voltage gain is presented. Compatibility of the proposed converter is proved with reduced
losses using loss distribution analysis of the converter and it is more reliable for energy
system in telecom applications, which is validated using reliability analysis, is also high-
lighted. Finally, to substantiate the working of the non isolated DC–DC converter consid-
ered the test results are presented.
1 Introduction
Recently fossil fuels are depleting, and slowly the world is moving toward renewable
energy. Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission has targeted 20,000 MW from Solar
energy in India by 2022. Location and climatic conditions prevailing in India favour solar
energy generation and has tremendous scope for power generation from solar power. PV
source has seen the exponential growth in past 10 years in India. Due to the various rea-
sons like scarcity, depleting nature of fossil fuels and how it affects the environment, it
is the right time to depend on renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources are
intermittent, fluctuating, but still inexhaustible, clean energy, no pollution and zero emis-
sions [1, 2]. If more than one energy source is combined then intermittent supply from the
* A. Lavanya
[email protected]
R. Jegatheesan
[email protected]
K. Vijayakumar
[email protected]
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur 603203, India
A. Lavanya et al.
This paper exhibit the outline of a novel dual input dual output converter design and
analysis in following subsections: In Sect. 2 synthesis, operation, design and analysis of
DIDC topology are discussed. In Sect. 3, comparative and reliability analysis, in Sect. 4
validations of the theoretical results through experimentation and finally concluded in
Sect. 5.
DIDC converter synthesized consists of three switches, in which one main switch controls
the output and other two switches for battery charging and discharging. Four diodes are
present in which two diodes and used to maintain unidirectional current flow, one linked to
Design of Novel Dual Input DC–DC Converter for Energy Harvesting…
the main converter and other associated to the output filter. Figure 1a, b shows the battery
charging and discharging branch, which is incorporated to design DIDC converter. DIDC
converter has only one inductor and two capacitors, one connected to the main converter
PV and V
and other connected to the filter. V b are two independent power sources. Efficient
at the same time inexpensive PV is used to power batteries in this application of IOT sen-
sors. Reminiscent to the operation of traditional boost converter the energy store in battery
and generated PV power are boosted with the energy accumulated in the inductive passive
component is carried to the load.
2.1 Operation modes
The working of DIDC converter is analysed in two phases. Phase-I operation is with two
inputs. PV ( VPV) and battery ( Vb) supply the load. In this mode, the battery is discharg-
ing. Phase-II the converter operation is with two outputs. PV supplies both battery and
the load. In each phase the converter is operated in three different modes (a, b, c) & (a′,
b′, c′). The explanation for six functioning states of the converter is dealt detail in this
segment as shown in Fig. 2a–f. S1, S2, S3, D1, D2, D3, D4, L, C, C0 are the components
Fig. 1 a Second input introduced to DC–DC converter; b synthesized DIDC converter
A. Lavanya et al.
Fig. 2 Modes of operation a, b, c-dual input and a′, b′, c′-dual output states
connected in this converter, Significance of Switch S2 and S3 is during charging and dis-
charging of the battery respectively.
(a) Phase-I
In Phase-I sources V
PV and V
b, both are supplying power to the load. Switches S1 and S3
is turned ON and OFF, while S2 remains in OFF state.
Design of Novel Dual Input DC–DC Converter for Energy Harvesting…
Mode b ∶ VL = Vb − V0 (6)
In this Phase-II input sources VPV supplies both Vb and the load. Switches S1 and S2 are
conduction is varied, while S3 remains in OFF state.
Mode a′ Switch S 1 will remain in ON state. Diode D 1 is in reverse biased state, if the
storage element (SE) voltage is more than the PV source voltage. Capacitor C and inductor
L gets charged during this mode. Diode D2 remains in the forward biased state. Diode D3
connected to the output filter remains in OFF state. The energy is stored in capacitor C and
capacitor CO discharges to the load.
Figure 3a, b shows different modes of analysis waveforms of DIDC topology.
Mode b′ This mode is mainly different from Phase-I. In this mode Switch S2 remains
in ON state. Battery charges in this mode, PV supplies both the battery and the load.
This mode is dual output mode. Switch S 1 and S3 are in open condition. D 1 is in the
A. Lavanya et al.
Fig. 3 Significant waveforms of DIDC topology a dual input and b dual output states
The steady-state analysis using applying the voltage-sec and charge balance principle
is applied. Inductor voltage and the capacitors C and C0 currents equations are written.
The following equations with respect to Fig. 2 are as follows:Volt-sec balance equation:
( ) ( )( )
Vb D3 TS + VPV D1 − D3 TS + 2VPV − V0 1 − D1 TS = 0
Therefore the output voltage equation is obtained from the above expression
Design of Novel Dual Input DC–DC Converter for Energy Harvesting…
( )
VPV 2 − D1 − D3 + Vb D3
V0 = ( ) (9)
1 − D1
Based on the expression for output voltage, output current expression is obtained as
( )
VPV 2 − D1 − D3 + Vb D3
I0 = ( ) (10)
1 − D1 R0
(b) Dual output (DO) mode
Similar to phase-I the equation is written:
( ) ( )( )
VPV D1 TS + VPV − Vb D2 TS + 2VPV − V0 1 − D1 − D2 TS = 0
Therefore the output voltage equation is obtained from the above expression
( )
VPV 2 − D1 − D2 − Vb D2
V0 = ( ) (12)
1 − D1 − D 2
Based on the expression for output voltage, output current expression is obtained as
( )
VPV 2 − D1 − D2 − Vb D2
I0 = ( ) (13)
1 − D1 − D2 R0
(c) Design of inductor and capacitor
The selection of inductor, capacitor and type of switches is critical in the design procedure.
Inductor value is designed to reduce ripples and operate DIDC in continuous conduction
mode (CCM). The allowable ripple current is chosen as 10% of the load current.
The inductor and capacitor values are chosen based on the following expression:
V0 − 2VG (1 − D)
Inductor ripple current, ΔiL = (14)
L ∗ fs
V0 − 2VG (1 − D)
Inductor value, L = (15)
ΔiL ∗ fs
Depending on the load conditions there is a possibility to drive the converter to discon-
tinuous conduction mode (DCM). Especially in several input DC–DC converters dealing
with a multitude of situations, components selection and sizing is very important.
Capacitor ripple voltage
IG (1 − D)
ΔVC = (16)
C ∗ fs
A. Lavanya et al.
V0 ∗ D
ΔVC0 = (18)
C0 ∗ fs ∗ R0
V0 ∗ D
C0 = (19)
ΔVC0 ∗ fs ∗ R0
Average and RMS currents and voltages of switches, diodes are derived for the DIDC
topology based on the steady-state analysis carried out and are shown in the Table 1 below
from Eqs. (1)–(19).
3 Analysis of DIDC
In this section power loss analysis, comparative analysis and reliability analysis of DIDC is
discussed in detail.
Power loss analysis: Losses of DIDC is calculated using the following formulas.
Conduction power loss in the switches is given below:
Switching losses of the different switches can be calculated using the formula given below:
Design of Novel Dual Input DC–DC Converter for Energy Harvesting…
( )
PD = VF iD1(avg) + iD2(avg) + iD3(avg) + iD4(avg)
PL = I2L(rms) rL (23)
3.2 Comparative analysis
DIDC converter is proved superior to the existing DC–DC converter with numerous inputs
with better performance in the comparison. Only one main switch in DIDC converter as
shown reduces the complexity and the converter is more compact with only one inductor
than the converters [11–13, 15, 16] as shown in Table 2.
The graph shown in Fig. 5 shows that DIDC converter has less components compared to
existing topologies [12, 13, 15]. Therefore reduced driver circuits to turn on the switches,
makes DIDC compact and cheaper. Parameters chosen for comparison are number of uni-
directional switches, diodes, inductors, total number of components in the converters and
the output voltage.
A. Lavanya et al.
DIDC proposed 3 4 1 2 10 V0 =
VPV (2−D1 −D3 )+Vb D3
(1−D1 )
[10] 4 4 2 1 11 V0 =
V1 −Vb (D1 −D3 )
(1−D1 )
[11] 4 4 2 2 12 V0 =
V1 (1−D3 )−V2 (D1 D2 )
(1−D1 )(1−D2 )
[12] 6 – 3 3 12 V0 =
(1−D2 )
[13] 2 8 3 3 16 V0 =
V1 D1
V2 D2
(2−D2 ) (2−D1 )(2−D2 )
[14] 2 3 2 4 11 ∑ n
V0 =
i=1 (
1−Di )
[15] 3 5 2 3 13 V0 = V1 + V2 + V3
[16] 2 4 2 5 13 V0 =
(1−D) (1−D)
Figure 6 shows that DIDC converter has improved gain than the other topologies in
literature. With the input voltage maintained for all topologies considered, for various duty
ratio the graph is plotted. DIDC is better compared to other topologies, which is clearly
Design of Novel Dual Input DC–DC Converter for Energy Harvesting…
3.3 Reliability analysis
The purpose of reliability analysis study is to predict the life time of the components in the
DIDC converter as discussed in [22, 28, 29] for non-isolated converters. The various factors
influence the performance, failure rate and life time of the components used in the converter
like stress factor, temperature, losses, environmental factor, etc.
DIDC converter in this paper mainly designed for roof top PV system. The details regard-
ing the forecast of lifetime of the components in the converter is carried out in this paper. First
the power loss in every component is determined, secondly failure rate is determined, thirdly
total failure rate is determined and finally MTTF gives the predicted life time of DIDC con-
verter for PV EHS applications.
λ denotes the failure rate (failure/hours) with L for inductor, D for diode, π denotes various
factors considered the T denotes the temperature A is the application, Q denotes the quality,
E gives the environmental, S is the electrical stress, C is taken as the contact construction
value (failure/hours),T refers to temperature variable with HS for hot spot in (°C), C for case
temperature A is for ambient value, θJC junction-to-case thermal resistance θCA is between the
case and environment temperature in (°C/W), P D the device’s worst scenario power dissipa-
tion (W), ΔT mean temperature change above environment temperature(°C), A is the radiating
exterior area of the case (in m2).
For roof to PV system the environment factor ground benign is chosen which a stationary,
controlled environment readily reachable for maintenance. General equation for failure rate is
given in Eq. (26).
λp = λb πT πa πQ πE (26)
The failure rate model of switch (MOSFET) is
λs = λb πT πa πQ πE (27)
[ ]
− 1
πT = e
−1925 Tj +278 298 (28)
fs [
Pswloss = I2sw (30)
Rds(on) + tr + tf Isw1 (avg) Vsw1 (max)
1 (rms) 2
� �
30 × 103
�√ �2
Psw1 = DIG (0.077) + [44 + 43] × 10 2IG VG = 0.686 W
To determine λs:
λb = 0.012, πT = 2.63, πa = 8, πQ = 1, πE = 1
A. Lavanya et al.
fs [
Psw2 = I2sw (31)
Rds(on) + tr + tf Isw2 (avg) Vsw2 (max)
2 (rms) 2
fs [
Psw3 = I2sw (32)
Rds(on) + tr + tf Isw3 (avg) Vsw3 (max)
3 (rms) 2
πT = 1.3, πS = 0.6, πC = 1, πQ = 1, πE = 1
Capacitor: The failure rate model of passive components capacitor and inductor:
λC = λb πT πa πQ πE (34)
λL = λb πT πa πQ πE (35)
Failure rates of the switches used in DIDC converter analysis is shown in the Fig. 7.
Figure 7 shows the failure rate of the switches used in the DIDC converter is given
based on the equations [27–33] and for passive elements are given in equations [34, 35].
Design of Novel Dual Input DC–DC Converter for Energy Harvesting…
Optimizing the switching frequency definitely reduce the failure rate of S 2 and other
switches S1 and S3 has less failure rate therefore the reliability of the converter increases.
Calculation of failure rate shown above, using MIL-HDBK-217-F, proves that the DIDC
converter is best suited for renewable energy applications in IoT systems, telecom and
space systems.
A 100 W prototype of the DIDC converter results are presented. Parameters of the DIDC
converter used in the prototype are shown in Table 3. PV source and a battery source are
the two different voltage sources for experimentation. The specifications of the imple-
mented DIDC are as follows. VPV = 25–30 V, Vb = 30 V, P0 = 100 W, L = 3 mH, Co = 10 µF,
C = 20 µF, switching frequency = 10 kHz.
The test waveforms of DIDC converter functioning in duplex input mode from both
solar photovoltaic and battery source to the load, with almost three times more than the
input voltage is shown in Fig. 8. This also shows that the utmost voltage stress across the
switches and diodes are 1.5 times less than the load voltage. The suitability of the DIDC
converter considered has been assessed with resistive load scenarios. The practicability of
DIDC converter is established through the test results is presented and this authenticates
the theoretical analysis.
5 Conclusions
A new non isolated DIDC converter with duplex input and output capability for energy
harvesting system is designed and analysed. DIDC converter has fewer components and
reduced losses, are proved in the analysis. Gain of DIDC converter is improved than exist-
ing converter with minimized voltage stress across the switches as proved from the hard-
ware results. The flexibility and reliability superiority of the designed DIDC converter are
proved through power loss analysis, reliability analysis which is rarely dealt in literature for
testing. To validate the DIDC topology, hardware results are presented. This derived DIDC
topology is a promising concept for EHS in IoT wireless sensors network.
A. Lavanya et al.
Fig. 8 Test results a input voltage b inductor voltage c switch voltage d output voltage–time (100 μs/div)
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A. Lavanya She received the B.E. degree from Madras University and
the M.E. degree from Sathyabama University in power electronics and
Industrial drives. She is currently working in the area of Industrial
drives. Her research interests include DC–DC converter and soft
Dr. K. Vijayakumar He received the B.E and M.E degree from Anna-
malai University in Power systems. His research interests include
Power system: Deregulation, Modeling, Control and Operation, Opti-
mization, FACTS, Power Quality. He is a life member of IEI, ISTE.