Ginanon Lang Ako So Much
Ginanon Lang Ako So Much
Ginanon Lang Ako So Much
replication of something
that is beautiful or
Plato says that all art is
mimetic by nature; art is an
imitation of life.
He believed that ‘idea’ is
the ultimate reality.
Expression became
important during the
Romantic movement with
artwork expressing a
WHAT IS ART? definite feeling, as in the
ART sublime or dramatic.
AR - aryan; to put or join Audience response was
together important, for the artwork
ARTIZEIN (Greek Word)- to was intended to evoke an
prepare emotional response.
ARKISKEIN(Greek Word) - This definition holds true
to put together today, as artists look to
Arts/Artis (Latin) - Skills - connect with and evoke
Techne (Greek) responses from their
What is art? ART AS FORM
How do we determine Art should not have a
what is defined as art? concept but should be
the essential nature of judged only on its formal
art and its social qualities because the
importance content of a work of art is
The definition of art has not of aesthetic interest.
generally fallen into (Immanuel Kant).
three categories: DEFINITION OF ART
representation, Art is creation.
expression, and form. Creating something new,
ART AS REPRESENTATION something original and
OR MIMESIS something different
Plato first developed the Art is life. It is creating life
idea of art as “mimesis,” on a material and making
which, in inanimate objects to have
Greek, means copying or life.
Art is defined as the
representation or
To create art is to give life 3) It expresses or describes
according to Ramon Orlina, collective aspects of existence
glass sculptor. as opposed to individual and
The purpose of art is personal kinds of experience.
washing the dust of daily The visual arts, like the
life off our souls. – Pablo other arts can function as
Picasso languages of praise and
All art is but imitation of celebration, anger and
nature. - Lucius Annaeus protest, satire and ridicule.
Seneca In other words, art can
Art is the signature of influence the attitudes of
civilizations. - Jean Sibelius people in groups, affecting
Art is not what you see, but the way they think or feel
what you make others see. and, ultimately, the way
-Edgar Degas they act.
Art has the power to render Advertising art is a common
sorrow beautiful, make illustration: its purpose is to
loneliness a shared influence collective
experience, and transform purchasing behavior.
despair into hope. - Brené PERSONAL FUNCTION
Brown The personal functions of
FUNCTION OF ART art are often the most
PHYSICAL FUNCTION difficult to explain.
The physical functions of There are many types of
art are often the easiest to personal functions and
understand. these are highly subjective.
Works of art that are Personal functions of art are
created to perform some not likely to be the same
service have physical from person to person
functions. An artist may create a piece
Architecture, crafts such as out of a need for
welding and woodworking, selfexpression or
interior design, and gratification.
industrial design are all They might also or instead
types of art that serve want to communicate a
physical functions. thought or point to the
Art performs a social An artist is only trying to
function when; provide an aesthetic
1) It influences the collective experience, both for self
behavior of people; and viewers.
2) It is created to be seen or A piece might be meant to
used primarily in public entertain, provoke thought,
situations; and
or even have no particular representation of our experiences, it
effect at all. demands attentiom.
assumptions - wised guess smart a person who performs all forms of
guess creative arts. (art for art lang ndi
ART IS UNIVERSAL ibebenta) serves social function
it transcend cultures, races, and blablabla. Were born that way (as
civilization. As long as human beings artist)
exist, art is feasible, alive and NO FUNCTIONAL VALUE, WORK
dynamic. (it keeps on changing) ONLY FOR THE ENJOYMENT AND
expressing their thought and feelings ARTISAN
that is through art like music, dances, worker who practices a trade or a craft.
etc .These forms of art are utilized to (Gumagawa ng art para kumita) ex.
establish and strengthen shoemakers (natuturuan)
ART is also used to call for unity and
reconciliation. And to communicate
mutiny and rebellion.
Timeless because it goes beyond the
time of our own existence (it
continually evolves).
ART defines TIME
style of directing and filming, the
clothing and bearing of the characters
etc. that would make the viewers
guess the period when it was
TIME also defines ART identifies
artwork that would "click" in a
particular time for the particular
because it addresses needs of people
from all over the world. Gives you ELEMENTS OF ART
comfort (ex.bahay mo), entertainment The building blocks or ingredients of
and education, which would somehow art. They structure and carry the work.
lead us to self-fulfillment and 1. LINE
satisfaction. A mark with length and direction. A
ART IS NOT NATURE continuous mark made on a surface by
because ART is man-made, NATURE a moving point.
is natural/evanescent (conctant May be vertical, horizontal or diagonal,
transformation of change), beauty of curved, straight, zigzag, or show
nature, innate and silent. It is given, it emotion.
doesnt need/ask attention. CONTOUR LINES- outline the edges
ART INVOLVES EXPERIENCE of forms or shapes
GESTURAL LINES- indicate action INTENSITY (also called chroma or
and physical movement saturation) is the brightness or
FORM dullness of a color. A color as we see it
A 3-dimensional object; or something on a color wheel is at full intensity
in a 2-dimensional artwork that (bright).
appears to be 3-dimensional When we mix it with gray, black, or
Shows an object in space, the mass or white, it becomes dull. Colors also lose
positive space it occupies. intensity when mixed with their
For example, a triangle, which is 2- complement (the opposite color on the
dimensional, is a shape, but a wheel).
pyramid, which is 3-dimensional, is a Secondary colors are two primary
form. colors mixed together (green, orange,
Form can be 2D violet).
Form can be 3D White is pure light; black is the
absence of light.
COLOR Primary colors are the only true colors
Consists of Hue (another word for (red, blue, and yellow).
color), Value (lightness or darkness) All other colors are mixes of primary
and Intensity (brightness). colors.
1. HUE: this is the name of the colors SOMETIMES CALLED TERTIARY
2. VALUE: refers to the lightness or COLORS, are made by mixing a
darkness of primary and secondary color together.
a hue. Some examples of intermediate colors
2. INTENSITY: refers to the purity of the hue are yellow green, blue green, and blue
(called "chroma") violet.
are made by adding a complimentary located directly across from each other
color (opposite on the color wheel) to a on the color wheel (an arrangement of
hue. Neutralized hues are called colors along a circular diagram to
tones. show how they are related to one
TINTS - adding the color white to another).
lighten a hue Complementary pairs contrast
SHADES - adding black to darken a because they share no common
hue colors. For example, red and green are
WARM COLORS: Red, Orange & complements, because green is made
Yellow of blue and yellow. When
COOL COLORS: Green, Blue, & complementary colors are mixed
Violet together, they neutralize each other to
SPACE make brown.
The distance or area between, around,
above, below, or within things.
Foreground, Middleground and
Background (creates DEPTH)
Positive (filled with something) and
Negative (empty areas)
Analogous colors are next to each When all the elements and principles
other on the color wheel work together to create a pleasing
The feeling of wholeness or the parts
belonging together.
The focal point of an image, or when
one area or thing stand out the most.
Can be created through the use of
many different elements and principles
The surface quality or "feel" of an The use of differences and change to
object, its smoothness, roughness, increase the visual interest of the work.
softness, etc. CONTRAST
Textures may be actual or implied. A large difference between two things
IMPLIED - texture that has been to create interest and tension.
simulated in drawing and painting on a PROPORTION
smooth surface The comparative relationship of one
ACTUAL - texture that you can feel part to another with respect to size,
with your sense of touch quantity, or degree; SCALE.
An enclosed area defined and A regular of elements to produce the
determined by other art elements; 2- look and feel of movement.
dimensional. MOVEMENT - The motion created in a
Shapes can be geometric or organic. work of art. Often uses the principle of
GEOMETRIC: square, triangle, rhythm to achieve this.
rectangle, rhombus, circle, cone RHYTHM - The repetition of lines,
ORGANIC: free form shapes, shapes shapes, or colors to create a feeling of
in nature; for example: leaves, trees, movement.
What we use to organize the Elements -J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM
of Art, or the tools to make art.
They are concepts that affect content WHAT IS CPAR?
and message. Not restricted to individual experience
BALANCE but it is reflective of the world we live
The way the elements are arranged to in.
create a feeling of stability in a work. Events in the world having an effect to
SYMMETRICAL BALANCE- the parts the Philippines.
of an image are organized so that one Artwork that is created by today's
side mirrors the other. contemporary artists and has a world
ASYMMETRICAL BALANCE view, and is sensitive to changing
When one side of a composition does times.
not reflect the design of the other.
Existing artworks are appropriated to Today’s artists work in and respond to
produce another artwork. a global environment that is culturally
Usage of prints, images, and icons to diverse, technologically advancing,
produce another art form. and multifaceted.
When art inspires other art. Working in a wide range of mediums,
Combines past from the present. contemporary artists often reflects and
Revivesintereststo existing forms of comment on modern-day society.
arts. Their art is a dynamic combination of
materials, methods, concepts, and
subjects that challenge traditional
PERFORMANCE boundaries and defy easy definition.
Performance evolved to "emphasize CHARACTERISTICS
spontaneous elements of chance.” - 1. Bold strokes, bright colors
Walker Art Center 2. Expressionist and Surrealist
Performance Art is art that has to 3. Art became public
acted out live in front of an audience. 4. Some artists were self-taught
This means that people have to be 5. Different materials were used instead of
watching. the
Interpreting various human activities traditional ones
such as ordinary activities such as 6. Originality is not an issue in ConArt
chores, routines and rituals, to socially 7. Process is important
relevant themes such as poverty,
commercialism and war. DIFFERENT FORMS OF
Arts transforming space. Known as “photographic art” or “artistic
Flash mobs photography”.
Art installations in malls and parks It refers to an imprecise category of
Site specific art forms photographs, created in accordance
Art form that is performed and with the creative vision of the
positioned in a specific space such as cameraman.
public places The basic idea behind this genre is
that the photographer aims to produce
HYBRIDITY a more personal – typically more
Usage of unconventional materials, evocative or atmospheric –
mixing of unlikely materials to produce impression.
an artwork. 2. CONCEPTUAL ART
TECHNOLOGY In conceptual art, the concept(s) or
Usage of technology in the creation idea(s) involved in the work take
and dissemination of art works. precedence over traditional aesthetic,
CONTEMPORARY ART technical, and material concerns.
Contemporary Art is a statement that It means that the most important
an artist makes about life, thoughts, aspect of the work is the idea or
ideas, beliefs and many other things concept.
that define human life. Planning and decisions are made
Strictly speaking, the term beforehand and the execution is a
“contemporary art” refers to art made perfunctory affair.
and produced by artists living today.
The idea becomes a machine that 7. GRAPHIC ART
makes the art. Graphic arts depend their effect on line
3. PERFORMANCE ART and tone, not color.
Performance Art begun in the 1960s The main classical type of graphic art
and retain its popularity today. is drawing, which includes cartoons,
Performance art is a drama-inspired caricature, comic strips and animation,
approach to art. as well as line drawings and sketching
While the art form is performed by with pencil or charcoal, and pen and
artists (as the name suggests), it is not ink.
solely intended as entertainment. Graphic art also denotes those art
Instead, is goal is to convey a forms involved in printmaking, such as
message or idea. etching and engraving, including dry
Installation art is a genre in which 8. POSTER ART
“ideas” and “impact” are regarded as Poster art describes a general
being more important than the quality category of printed 2-D artwork which
of a finished “product” or “work of art.” is designed to be affixed to a vertical
In here, installation artists are more surface.
concerned with the presentation of Posters may consist exclusively of
their message than with the material images, or images and text.
used to present it. Poster art is used by painters and
A form of contemporary art, also printmakers, art publishers and cultural
known as Earthworks or Earth Art. organizers, politicians and
This is a land-based interventions or propagandists, as well as commercial
artworks that has a variety of forms, firms, PR and Advertising Agencies.
from large-scale artworks like man- GAMABA (Gawad sa Manlilikha ng
made curtains reaching across vast Bayan)
stretches of landscape, the NATIONAL LIVING TREASURES
encirclement of whole islands in In April 1992, the Gawad sa
colored fabric, and reshaped Manlilikha ng Bayan or the National
waterways and volcanoes, to simple Living Treasures Award was
lines of footprints in the earth. institutionalized through Republic Act
5. ANIMATION ART No. 7355.
Animation art is a form of visual art The NCCA, through the Gawad sa
that makes motion picture from a Manlilikha ng Bayan Committee and
series of still drawings. an Ad Hoc Panel of Experts,
Although twenty first century animation conducts the search for the Manlilikha
is dominated by computerized film and ng Bayan Awardee.
video technology, the creative figure MANLILIKHA NG BAYAN
drawing skills and draftsmanship of A citizen engaged in any traditional art
cartoonists and graphic artists remain uniquely Filipino whose distinctive
an integral part of the process. skills have reached such a high level
6. COMPUTER ART of technical and artistic excellence and
Computer art refers to any form of have been passed on to andwidely
graphic art or digital imagery which is practiced by the present generation in
produced with the aid of a computer, his/her community.
or any types of art in which the role of HOW TO BECOME A GAMABA
the computer is emphasized. AWARDEE
1. Must be an inhabitant of an people painstakingly piecing together
indigenous/traditional cultural the elements of this oral tradition
community anywhere in the Philippines nearly lost.
that has preserved indigenous MUSIC/DANCE
customs, beliefs, rituals and traditions ALONZO SACLAG
and/or has syncretized whatever He campaigned for the use of local
external elements that have influenced costumes to school events and out up
it. creative presentations that helped
2. Must have engaged in a folk-art children learn folk songs.
tradition that has been in existence He established the Kalinga Budong
and documented for at least fifty (50) Dance Troupe to ensure that the music
years. and dance of his ancestors are passed
3. Must have consistently performed or on to the younger generation
produced over a significant period, MASINO INTARAY
works of superior and distinctive A Pala'wan of Brookes Point, Palawan.
quality. He was awarded for his exemplary
4. He/she/group must possess a mastery skills in basal or gong music
of tools and materials needed by the ensemble.
art and must have an established He was also recognized for his
reputation in the art as master and versatility as musician, poet, epic
maker of works of extraordinary chanter, and storyteller of the Kulilal
technical quality. and Bagit traditions of the Pala'wan.
5. Must have passed on and/or will pass A member of the Pala’wan tribe,
on to other members of the community musician and epic chanter Masino
their skills in the folk art for which the Intaray was a master of the basal, a
community is traditionally known. gong music ensemble played during
LITERATURE rice cooking (tambilaw) and sharing
GINAW BILOG (tinapay) rituals, which gather the
A Hanunuo Mangyan of Mansalay, community as they serve offerings to
Oriental Mindoro. Pala’wan rice god Ampo’t Paray.
Awarded for faithfully preserving the SAMAON SULAIMAN
Hanunuo Mangyan script and A Maguindanaon of Mamasapano,
Ambahan poetry. Maguindanao.
He has promoted the local script and He was awarded for his outstanding
poetry so that the art will not be lost artistry and dedication to his chosen
but preserved. instrument, the Magindanao kutyapi.
The Mangyan script is one of the four Kutyapi is a two-stringed plucked lute,
remaining syllabic scripts in the regarded as one of the most
country, and Ginaw Bilog’s work has technically demanding and difficult to
been crucial to its preservation. master among Filipino traditional.
FEDERICO CABALLERO A Yakan of Lamitan, Basilan was
A Panay-Bukidnon of Calinog, lloilo awarded for his dexterity in playing
was awarded for his mastery of Yakan musical instruments such as
chanting the Sugidanon, the epic the kwintangan, gabbang, agung,
tradition of Central Panay. kwintangan kayu, tuntunganamong
He ceaselessly worked for the others.
documentation of the epics of his
He has a deep knowledge of the A T'boli of Lake Sebu, South Cotabato,
aesthetic possibilities and social was awarded for weaving the abaca
contexts of those instruments. ikat cloth called T'nalak .
In spite of the dimming of his eyesight, She has produced creations which
he has devoted his life to the teaching remain faithful to the T’boli tradition as
of Yakan musical traditions manifested in the complexity of her
WEAVING design, fineness of workmanship and
DARHATA SAWABI quality of finish.
A GAMABA awardee of barangay TNALAK WEAVING
Parang, Jolo Island, Sulu province has SALITA MONON
preserved the art of Pis Syabit A bagobo textile weaver.
weaving. She gathered the reputation of being
It is a difficult art of tapestry weaving the best weaver in her community.
that creates the traditional squares She spent all her life weaving and
used by the Tausug for ornamentation. preserved the art of the bagobo.
Darhata Sawabi’s mission was to lead EDUARDO MUTUC (METAL WORK)
young women towards making a living A Kapampangan from Central Luzon is
out of her craft. recognized for reviving the Spanish
PIS YABIT colonial-era craft of Plateria.
MAGDALENA GAMAYO This self-taught master craftsman
Based in Pinili, Ilocos Norte, found his calling in producing religious
Magdalena Gamayo took up weaving and secular art in silver, bronze, and
when she was 16, guided by her aunt’s wood.
patterns. In doing so, and in his pursuit of
She taught herself traditional patterns, perfection for himself and his
such as kusikus (whirlwind), marurup apprentices, he assures the continuity
(Milky Way), and sinan paddak ti pusa of this rich tradition.
(cat’s pawprint), building on the more TEOFILO GARCIA (CASQUE)
common inuritan (geometric design) A GAMABA awardee of San Quintin
and sinan-sabong (flowers). Abra who have discovered and
Gamayo’s skill and instinct are none popularized the durable Tabungaw hat
more apparent than they are in her out of enlarged upo or gourd.
ability to replicate designs she’s only He hollowed out the upo / tabungaw,
seen once. varnished and polished it to make it
Her expertise dwell in weaving high- more durable and unique yellow
quality Ilocos’ textile called Abel. sheen.
Lives in Ungos Matata, Tandubas,
She is recognized as the master mat
weaver among the Sama indigenous
community of Ungos Matata.
Her colorful mats with their complex
geometric patterns exhibit her precise
sense of design, proportion and
symmetry and sensitivity to color.
it is an activity done for enjoyment
when one is not working
derived from a latin word “recreare”,
which means “to be refreshed”.
Relating or denoting activity done for
enjoyment during free time.
Personal satisfaction and enjoyment
To be in touch with nature
For personal pursuit
It will help you to take a break from
monotony and diversion from the daily
are experiences or organized activities
that you actively participate in with
help you to take a break from
It gives people the benefit of a positive Prevents a person from having
change sedentary life.
Provide source of joy and relaxation It allows people to move
Enjoyment 2. Psycho-Emotional Benefits
Source of Joy Helps people to rest, relax, de-stress /
Relaxation unwind and feel revitalized.
LEISURE ACTIVITIES Improves self-esteem, confidence and
things that you do primarily for creativity
relaxation and pleasure. Contribute to one’s personal and
OUTDOOR RECREATION spiritual growth
Is an organized activities done during 3. Social Benefits
one’s free time for his/her personal Family bonding
reasons. Allows one to meet and interact with
Is time spent for biological needs Promotes stewardship
SUBSISTENCE TIME 4. Economic Benefits
Refers to the hours spent for economic Productive
purposes Tourism / Eco-tourism
FREE TIME 5. Spiritual Benefits
ALL the remaining time can stir up spiritual values.
ACTIVITIES is all about psychology, personal
LAND health and how activity influences us
Mountaineering Trekking / Hiking as person.
Camping Backpacking This is important for anyone who
Picnic Bird-watching wants to live a physically active
Mountain Biking Rock Climbing lifestyle to support a higher quality of
WATER life.
Swimming Diving Fitness is a complex subject. In fact,
Surfing Kayaking there are many definition and
White water Rafting Sailing explanation about it.
Fishing Bamboo Rafting Health – related fitness speaks about
Snorkeling the components of fitness, which
AIR composed our health condition.
Skydiving is the percentage of body fat and lean
Paragliding body tissue in an individual, Lean body
TYPES OF RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES tissue is composed of water, blood,
Physical Activities skin, muscles and bone.
Social Activities From a health viewpoint, it is very
Outdoor Activities significant to have a low level of body
Arts and Crafts fat,
Musical Activities MUSCULAR STRENGTH
Drama and Theater Strength is the ability of a particular
Service Activities muscles or group of muscle to put forth
BENEFITS OF OUTDOOR force in a single maximal contraction to
RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES conquer other form of resistance.
1. Physical Health Benefits MUSCULAR ENDURANCE
involves the muscle in building a Lack of Support or encouragement
number of continuous movements. Lack of resource
Muscular strength and endurance are Lack of time
advantages in the capability to carry Non-availability of physical activity
out daily activities such as lifting, area
carrying, pushing and pulling without Bad weather
tension or unwarranted exhaustion.
BMI (Body Mass Index)
is capacity of a particular joints such
as our knee, to move during a
complete range of motion.
It is the ability of the joints to move.
Each joint (location where your bones
join together) in your body is designed
to move in a certain way.
is the ability to exercise your entire
body for a long time without stopping.
It includes the heart, blood vessels and
is made up of your lungs and the air
passages that brings air, including
oxygen, to your lungs from outside of
your body.
Oxygen enters the red blood cells.
refers to the ability to sustain effort.
These are test to assess the fitness of DEVELOPMENT
your cardio respiratory system. 1. Physical Self
The test may be done in two settings: Describe yourself. Try not to censor
the laboratory and the field. any thoughts which come to your
The two types of laboratory test are mind.
the maximal oxygen uptake test (also Include descriptions of your height,
referred to as the VO₂ max test) and weight, facial appearance, and quality
the graded exercise test of skin, hair and descriptions of body
BARRIERS TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES areas such as your neck, chest, waist,
Lack of Interest 2. Intellectual Self
Fear of Injury Include here an assessment of how
Lack of Skills and ability well you reason and solve problems,
Lack of Motivation your capacity to learn and create, your
Non-enjoyment of active recreational general amount of knowledge, your
activities specific areas of knowledge, wisdom
you have acquired, and insights you connections to others, feelings about
have. your spiritual development and history,
3. Emotional Self and thought about your metaphysical
Write as many words or phrase about self.
typical feelings you have, feelings you Think about your inner peace and joy.
seldom have, feelings you try to avoid, Think about your spiritual regimen or
feelings you especially enjoy, feelings routine.
from your past and present, and
feelings which are associated with PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT
each other. Growth/Development
4. Sensual Self BOYS
Write how you feel as a sensual Rapid growth of bones and muscles
person. ages 11 to 14
What sense do you use most – sight, GIRLS
hearing, speaking, smelling, touching? Rapid growth of bones and muscles
How do you feel about the different ages 9 to 12
ways you take in information - through CHANGES OBSERVED
the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, pores, BOYS
and skin. In what ways do you let Oilier skin and some acne
information in and out of your body? Increase sweating especially
5. Interactional Self underarms
Include descriptions of your strengths Growth of pubic and underarm, facial
and weaknesses in intimate and chest hair
relationships and relationships to Masturbation and fantasies about
friends, family, co-students and sexual intimacy
strangers in social settings. Enlargement of testicles, erections,
Describe the strengths and first ejaculation, wet
weaknesses which your friends and dreams,deepening of voice
family have noticed.
Describe what kind of son or daughter, GIRLS
brother or sister you are. Oilier skin and some acne
6. Nutritional Self Increase sweating especially
How do you nourish yourself? What underarms
foods do you like and dislike? What do Growth of pubic and underarm hair
you like and dislike about these? Masturbation and fantasies about
7. Contextual Self sexual intimacy
Descriptors could be in the areas of Breast budding, increased vaginal
maintenance of your living lubrication and the beginning of
environment: reaction to light, menstruation
temperature, space, weather, colors, COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT
sound and seasons and your impact GROWTH/DEVELOPMENT
on the environment. BOYS/GIRLS
8. Spiritual Self or Life Force Dramatic shift in thinking from concrete
Write words or phrases which tell to abstract
about how you feel in this area. Appreciate hypothetical situation.
This could include your feelings about Ability to think about future, evaluate
yourself and organized religion, alternatives, and set personal goals
reactions about your spiritual
CHANGES OBSERVED Increasing conflict between
BOYS/GIRLS adolescentsand their parents
Become more independent Family closeness is most important
Take on increased responsibilities protective factor against high-risk
such as babysitting, summer jobs, behavior
orhousehold chores LATE ADOLESCENTS (AGES 17-19)
Shift their focus from playcentered family influence is in balance with peer
activities to academics. influence
Begin to consider future careers and BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT
Begin to develop social conscience; BOYS/GIRLS
manifest concern about social issues Shaped their identities
Develop sense of values and ethical Tried out their new decisionmaking
behavior, recognizing the importance skills
of traits such as honesty, helpfulness, Developed realistic assessments of
caring for others them Gained peer acceptance and
EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT respect (Ponton,1997; Jessor, 1991)
Establish identity, new cognitive skills, LATE ADOLESCENCE
ability to reflect on who they are and STRESS
what makes them unique is common among teenagers.
CHANGES OBSERVED Recognizing stress and at the same
BOYS/GIRLS time learning how to reduce them are
Different ways of appearing, sounding important life skills for Teenagers.
and behaving It is the way your body responds to
Increased social relationship challenges and gets you ready to face
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT them with attention, energy and
SOCIAL GROUP strength.
Peers It gets you ready for action.
EARLY ADOLESCENTS (AGES 9-13) When you feel you can cope with
Center of social world shifts from these challenges, stress gives you the
family to friends motivation to get things done.
Peer group tends to be same-sex But there can be problems when your
Strong desire to conform to and be stress is greater than your ability to
accepted by a peer group cope.
Peer groups gradually give way to Source: American Psychological
one-on-one friendships and romances Association 2014 Journal
Dating begins For teenagers, stress may be caused
Less conformity and less tolerance of by their academic worries, how they
individual differences can get ahead of school in times of
LATE ADOLESCENTS (AGES 17-19) Covid-19 Pandemic, looking after and
series of intimate relationships begin to taking care of their younger siblings,
develop household chores, their friends, family
SOCIAL GROUP conflict, Facebook and online
Family concerns, how they look physically,
EARLY ADOLESCENTS (AGES 9-13) bullying, discrimination, some financial
and economic issues in the family, 20 to 23 Weakly Left-Handed
conformity with the peer groups, high 16 to 19 Moderately Left-Handed
personal expectations from parents, 12 to 15 Strongly Left-Handed
teachers and friends, and the like.
TEENAGERS? It controls muscles on the left side of
1. PHYSICAL SIGNS the body
2. BEHAVIORAL SIGNS Sensory information from the right side
3. EMOTIONAL SIGNS of the body crosses over to the left
4. MENTAL AND THINKING side of the brain
How to Cope with Stress? Damages in the right side of the brain
There are suggestions will affect the left side of the body
There are suggestions on how adolescent It controls muscles on the right side of
cope with stress from American the body.
Psychological Journal (2014): Sensory information from the left side
1. Get enough time for sleep. of the body crosses over to the right
2. Focus on your strength side of the brain
3. Engage in physical activity. Damages in the left brain will affect the
4. Do things that make you happy. right side of the body
5. Talk to someone. BRAIN LATERALIZATION
It is a complex and ongoing process by
THE POWERS OF MIND which differing regions of the brain
How to Determine your Score? "take- over" the functioning of specific
1) Count the number of LEFT, RIGHT and behaviors and cognitive skills.
EITHER responses Lateralization literally means that
2) Multiply the number of RIGHT responses certain functions are located (in par or
by 3. This number = R total) on one side of the brain.
3) Multiply the number of EITHER responses LEFT
by 2. This number = E Analytical thought
4) Add R + E + (number of LEFT Detail oriented perception
responses). This sum is your score. Ordered Sequencing
How to interpret your score? Rational thought
Score Verbal
33 to 36 Strongly Right-Handed Cautious
29 to 32 Moderately Right-Handed Planning
25 to 28 Weakly Right-Handed Math/Science
24 Ambidextrous Logic
Right Field Vision 2. SIGNIFICANT
Right Side Motor Skills 3. FEASIBLE
Intuitive thought EYES”
"Holistic Perception 1. Seeks the truth from what he reads.
Random Sequencing 2. Does not jump into conclusions.
Emotional Thought 3. Treat opinions as opinions.
Non-Verbal In determining how to narrow down your
Adventurous topic, you need to be guided by the following
Impulse selection process. Here are some guidelines
Creative Writing/Art given by Baraceros (2016:38-39):
Left Field Version Being interested in a topic is usually
Left Side Motor Skills due to:
a) richness of your stock knowledge about it;
b) familiarity of the topic; and
c) curiosity about an issue/topic.
You must ensure that your sources
come from a wide variety of literature
such as books, journal, periodicals,
online articles, etc.
It should be timely, trending, and
A topic is relevant if it serves as an
instrument in improving the society or
if it answers or solves current issues.
Aside from your interest, you must also
consider the alignment of the topic in
your track and strand.
Remember that research is conducted
to contribute something valuable to a
particular area or discipline.
Prior to finalizing your chosen topic,
you must assess your research
abilities as a student.
You may do so by taking your financial
capability, health condition, personal
qualifications and trainings as a
researcher, needed facilities and time
allotment into account.
TOPIC should be Here are the steps that will guide you trim
1. RELEVANT down your area of interest.
1. Focus on your track, strand or area of The following must be considered in
specialization. formulating research problem:
2. Recall the specific area, lesson, or issue 1. Type of the study
in your perspective field or strand that has 2. Directional or non-directional verb
piqued or aroused your interest the most. 3. Central phenomenon of the study
3. Generate an unsanswered questions or 4. Participants
an unresolved problem from your chosen 5. When (Time)
area or lesson. 6. Purpose
4. Assess the questions or problems based RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS
on the five guidelines stated above. A hypothesis is a TENTATIVE
5. Write your research problem. EXPLANATION or an answer to a
When formulating an effective research title, question about variables, their
take the following guidelines into relationships and the other facts
consideration: involved in research.
1. Indicate accurately the subject and scope Generally, it means a guess or an
of the study. EDUCATED GUESS.
2. The title must be limited to 10 to 15 A hypothesis can be tested through
substantive words. Conjunctions (and, but, ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATION to
because), prepositions (in, on, at) and prove how true or false it is (Cresswell
articles (the, a, an) are not counted. 2014; Russel 2013).
3. Do not include analysis of, study of, an Two Common Categories of Research
investigation of and the like. Hypothesis
4. The title must be in the phrase form. 1. NULL HYPOTHESIS
5. Avoid title that gives too much information States the absence of relationship
BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEM between the independent and
It is an explanation and presentation of dependent variable.
the context of the study in a very It is a statement to DISPROVE THE
effective manner that acquaints the FACT that the independent variable
reader with the problem to be dealt (treatment, intervention or condition)
with. has an EFFECT on the dependent
1. It must drive an impact to emote interest variable.
from the reader. 2. ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS
2. It must be simple, clear, specific, and States the relationship between the
related to the topic. independent and dependent variable.
3. It should clearly state the reason for 3. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
conducting the study. pinpoints the benefits certain groups of
4. It should move from broad to specific. people will gain from the findings of the
5. It should state the current condition of the study.
research problem. It must start from the most to the least
It is a clear statement of an inquiry or SCOPE AND DELIMITATIONS OF THE
gap that needs to be addressed STUDY
through a systematic approach. states the coverage of the study. It
The statement of the problem has two parts: must answer the following parameters
1. General statement of the as much as possible:
2. Specific research questions
To identify research problem/
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK stimulate new ideas
A conceptual framework serves as an To improve a research question and
outline or a blueprint that you can hypothesis
follow in doing your research. To determine what is known and
Is a graphical presentation of concepts unknown about the topic of inquiry
or ideas on the basic structure or To determine whether the study
components of your research needs to be replicated in a different
It is presented in a flow chart, map, setting or different group of
diagram or narrative form. population
When using a diagram, it is still a must And so, because of that, review of
to include narrative to explain the related literature involve a particular
details. process which are:
DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Searching relevant articles;
These are the key concepts and 2. Reading and analyzing research
terminologies used in the study. reports; and
These are the terms which are: 3. Writing the description of the existing
Unusual information on a topic in a manner that is
acronym ethical and based on standards.
not widely known As you look for literature to
ambiguous incorporate in your review, you
It is an alphabetical list of important have to consider the following:
terms that you define that will help 1. State of the art ideas
readers to avoid confusion about 2. Presentation
different terms in your research. 3. Credibility of the author
What is a literature review? 4. Relevance of the article
A literature review surveys books, 5. Citation
scholarly articles, and any other Here are the five basic criteria for
sources relevant to a particular evaluating information from any sources:
issue or area of research.
It is an analysis and synthesis of
articles related to the research topic
being studied.
What are the Purposes of Literature
WHAT IS CITATION? 1.3 When the author’s work is not identified
A citation are set of rules on how to and not revealed in the text, this is its
cite sources in an academic writing. citation format in MLA:
Citation is referred to as, the way you 2. American Psychological Association
tell your readers that a certain material (APA)
in your work came from another This citation style uses an author-date
source. system.
It will give the readers the information It is widely used in the Social Sciences
necessary to find that source again field such as Anthropology, Business,
(Turnitin, 2017). Communication, Education, Political
A citation is required in order to avoid Science, and Psychology.
plagiarism (Swaen,2015). It uses in-text citation in the text that
refer to an alphabetical list of
references appearing the end of the
2.1 Place the author’s name and year of
THE IMPORTANCE OF CITATION publication in parentheses and separate it
1. It is helpful for anyone who wants to find using comma.
out more about your ideas and where they 2.2 If the name of the author appears in the
came from. text, cite only the year in parenthesis.
2. Citing sources strengthens your work by 2.3 If both author and the publication year
lending outside support to your ideas. appeared on the text, do not include
3. It is a basis of authenticity of one’s study. parenthetical citation.
4. It ensures the ethical and academic 2.4 If there are two authors, cite both name
honesty of someone’s work. every time.
5. It reveals the sources of information and 2.5 If the source of your Review of Related
knowledge. Literature has three (3) or more authors, cite
Styles of Citation used in an Academic only one author’s name plus “” and its
Paper publication year
1. Modern Language Association (MLA) 2.6 For citing a direct quotations (rather than
It is widely used in the Humanities paraphrase), provide a page number in the
such as in the fields of English, citation in addition to the author and date.
Literatures, Arts, and Philosophy. 2.7 For citing secondary sources, find the
It uses brief parenthetical citations in primary source and cite it directly rather than
the text that refers to an alphabetical citing the secondary source. If the year of
list of work cited appearing at the end the publication is present for the primary
of the work. source is known include it in text.
These are the examples of MLA Style Meanwhile, if the publication year of the
of Citation when it comes to a Book as primary source is unknown omit it in the in-
a source of the researcher’s Review of text citation.
Related Literature. 3. Chicago Manual of Style (CMS)
1.1 When the author’s name and his work is It is a citation style that was introduced
cited in the paragraph, the citation using and published by the Chicago
MLA style is this: University.
1.2 When the author’s work needs to be This style supports two styles:
identified in the paragraph, see the example 3.1 Notes and Bibliography
below. 3.2 Author-Date.
Synthesizing an RRL must:
demonstrate a critical analysis of the
papers or sources that the researcher
collected; and
show the ability of the researcher to
integrate the results of her analysis.
Synthesizing a collection of RRL
combines parts and elements from a
variety of sources into one unified and
integrated entity.
How to synthesize a review of Related
1. Digest the material and understand
the content of the sources.
You need to determine and identify
concepts and its alignment.
2. Review and critically analyze the
You have to read and reread the
context in order to fully analyze the
3. Synthesize the content of the
information that you have gathered.
You have to develop conclusion based
on the articles within each topic.
It determines the existence of any
reoccurring concepts or themes and if
any of these are in need of further
A key element to make a good
synthesis of review of related literature
is the integration, which is about
making connections between and
among ideas and concepts.