All 12 Tenses of English - 159877

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V1 or V1+(-e)s or Ved or V2 will + V1

Signal words: last week, yesterday, Signal words: tonight, tomorrow, next
Signal words: today, every 2 days ago week/month, in two years, probably
Sunday/week/year, never,
seldom, rarely, sometimes,
often, usually, always
am/is/are + Ving was/were + Ving will be + Ving
Signal words: now, at the Signal words: when, while, at 5 Signal words: at 3 o'clock, this time tomorrow,
moment, these days, at present, o’clock yesterday evening meanwhile, from...till…, during the day
today/tonight. Look!
have/has + V3 had + V3 will have + V3
Signal words: ever, never, Signal words: before, after, just, Signal words: by tomorrow/next week/the
already, just, yet, so far, until yet, already, for, since, ever, never, end of the year/this time tomorrow/this time
now, up to now, for, since, etc. till / until, when, by, by the time next week; in two weeks

have/has been + Ving had been + Ving will have been + Ving
Signal words: lately, recently, Signal words: all day, the whole Signal words: by the time/then, the day after
for quite a while, all day, for, week, for an hour, since 5 o'clock, tomorrow, next week/month, in 2035/two
since; how long..? etc. years/months, etc.


V1 or V1+(-e)s or Ved or V2 will + V1

am/is/are Signal words: last week, yesterday, Signal words: tonight, tomorrow, next
2 days ago week/month, in two years, probably
Signal words: today, every
Sunday/week/year, never,
seldom, rarely, sometimes,
often, usually, always

am/is/are + Ving was/were + Ving will be + Ving

CONTINUOUS Signal words: now, at the Signal words: when, while, at 5 Signal words: at 3 o'clock, this time tomorrow,
moment, these days, at present, o’clock yesterday evening meanwhile, from...till…, during the day
today/tonight. Look!

have/has + V3 had + V3 will have + V3

PERFECT Signal words: ever, never, Signal words: before, after, just, Signal words: by tomorrow/next week/the
already, just, yet, so far, until yet, already, for, since, ever, never, end of the year/this time tomorrow/this time
now, up to now, for, since, etc. till / until, when, by, by the time next week; in 2 weeks

have/has been + Ving had been + Ving will have been + Ving

PERFECT CONTINUOUS Signal words: lately, recently, Signal words: all day, the whole Signal words: by the time/then, the day after
for quite a while, all day, for, week, for an hour, since 5 o'clock tomorrow, next week/month, in 2035/two
since; how long..? years/months, etc.

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