Impact of Agriculture On Soil Degradation I
Impact of Agriculture On Soil Degradation I
Impact of Agriculture On Soil Degradation I
Paulo Pereira
Miriam Muñoz-Rojas
Igor Bogunovic
Wenwu Zhao Editors
of Agriculture
on Soil
Degradation I
Perspectives from Africa, Asia, America
and Oceania
The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry
Volume 120
Founding Editor: Otto Hutzinger
With contributions by
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Series Editors
Prof. Dr. Damia Barceló Prof. Dr. Andrey G. Kostianoy
Department of Environmental Chemistry Shirshov Institute of Oceanology
IDAEA-CSIC Russian Academy of Sciences
Barcelona, Spain Moscow, Russia
and and
Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA) S.Yu. Witte Moscow University
Scientific and Technological Park of the Moscow, Russia
University of Girona [email protected]
Girona, Spain
[email protected]
With remarkable vision, Prof. Otto Hutzinger initiated The Handbook of Environ-
mental Chemistry in 1980 and became the founding Editor-in-Chief. At that time,
environmental chemistry was an emerging field, aiming at a complete description
of the Earth’s environment, encompassing the physical, chemical, biological, and
geological transformations of chemical substances occurring on a local as well as a
global scale. Environmental chemistry was intended to provide an account of the
impact of man’s activities on the natural environment by describing observed
While a considerable amount of knowledge has been accumulated over the last
four decades, as reflected in the more than 150 volumes of The Handbook of
Environmental Chemistry, there are still many scientific and policy challenges
ahead due to the complexity and interdisciplinary nature of the field. The series
will therefore continue to provide compilations of current knowledge. Contribu-
tions are written by leading experts with practical experience in their fields. The
Handbook of Environmental Chemistry grows with the increases in our scientific
understanding, and provides a valuable source not only for scientists but also for
environmental managers and decision-makers. Today, the series covers a broad
range of environmental topics from a chemical perspective, including methodolog-
ical advances in environmental analytical chemistry.
In recent years, there has been a growing tendency to include subject matter of
societal relevance in the broad view of environmental chemistry. Topics include
life cycle analysis, environmental management, sustainable development, and
socio-economic, legal and even political problems, among others. While these
topics are of great importance for the development and acceptance of The Hand-
book of Environmental Chemistry, the publisher and Editors-in-Chief have decided
to keep the handbook essentially a source of information on “hard sciences” with a
particular emphasis on chemistry, but also covering biology, geology, hydrology
and engineering as applied to environmental sciences.
The volumes of the series are written at an advanced level, addressing the needs
of both researchers and graduate students, as well as of people outside the field of
viii Series Preface
Damia Barceló
Andrey G. Kostianoy
Series Editors
x Preface
hectares of farmlands per year and has an annual cost of US$31 million.6 Soil
acidification also has substantial costs. In Australia, it is estimated that the annual
loss due to soil acidification is AUS $8.7 million per year [5]. Examples across the
world are multiple international agencies, such as the United Nations, which claim
that stopping soil degradation (e.g., erosion) is key to “save our future”.7 Soil
degradation is a severe problem in the global South, and there are several reports8
[6] that highlight that the populations are vulnerable to soil conditions and poor
harvest yield. For instance, in Africa, “More Than Half of Africa’s Arable Land ‘Too
Damaged’ for Food Production.”9 This is too dramatic to be true. It is time to act
urgently. The time to think or to wait has already passed. Sustain global food
security can no longer be at the expense of agriculture intensification. It is essential
to understand this. To understand it is key to know the causes of in different countries
for agricultural soil degradation. This was at the core of our motivation to develop
the compendium of different case studies worldwide focused on global agricultural
soil degradation in “The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry.” This project was
divided into two volumes. One focused on Africa, America, Asia, and Oceania
(Volume I) and Europe (Volume II). In the first volume, Argentina, Australia,
Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, India, Israel, Kenya, Mexico, Peru, South
Africa, and the USA participated in this work.
Preface xi
5. Government of South Australia (2018) Soil acidity status report 2018 – SAMDB
NRM Region.
6. DeValue K, Takahashi N, Woolnough T, Merle C, Fortuna S, Agostini A (2022)
Halting deforestation from agricultural value chains: the role of governments.
FAO, Rome
The editors appreciate the support of Prof. Damia Barcelo and Sofia Costa in
developing this book. Their encouragement was crucial to bring this project to
light. We would like also to acknowledge the support of the project No. 42271292,
funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
xvi Contents
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Types of Land Degradation in Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 Characteristics of Land Degradation in the Main Regions of the Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.1 Northwest Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Northeast Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.3 Pampas Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
D. S. Fernández (✉)
Grupo de Investigación en Geología Ambiental, Cátedra de Pedología, Facultad de Ciencias
Naturales e IML, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina
SEGEMAR (Centro Regional Tucumán), San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina
e-mail: [email protected]
M. E. Puchulu
Grupo de Investigación en Geología Ambiental, Cátedra de Pedología, Facultad de Ciencias
Naturales e IML, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina
e-mail: [email protected]
C. M. Rostagno
Instituto Patagónico para el Estudio de los Ecosistemas Continentales (IPEEC) – CCT
CENPAT, CONICET, Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina
e-mail: [email protected]
L. La Manna
Centro de Estudios Ambientales Integrados, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de la
Patagonia San Juan Bosco (UNPSJB), Esquel, Chubut, Argentina
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Esquel, Chubut,
e-mail: [email protected]
A. R. Becker
Departamento de Geología, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina
Paulo Pereira, Miriam Muñoz-Rojas, Igor Bogunovic, and Wenwu Zhao (eds.), 1
Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation I: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, America
and Oceania, Hdb Env Chem (2023) 120: 1–48, DOI 10.1007/698_2022_917,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022,
Published online: 17 December 2022
2 D. S. Fernández et al.
1 Introduction
Argentina is one of the main exporters of agricultural products in the world along
with countries such as the USA, Brazil, Australia, Uruguay, among others. This
support the fact that agricultural production is the main economic activity of the
country, and until today, the principal driving force of the country development. In
2018, the agro-food sector, primary plus processed agricultural and livestock prod-
ucts, accounted for 58.8% of total exports [1]. The great influence of the agricultural
activity in the Argentina is based on a big natural comparative advantage for the
production of many agricultural products: 33.5 million hectares of arable land, deep
and fertile soils, fairly regular rainfall distribution, and direct access to the sea [2].
The agricultural activity has been changing through the history of the Argentina,
taking the period of 1860–1880 as starting point. Agriculture in Argentina domi-
nantly consists of cereal crops and livestock that was carried out in a traditional way
for a period of 100–120 years following patterns similar to those adopted in Europe.
Agriculture and livestock grazing expanded until the mid-twentieth century by
cultivating new lands, largely employing low-intensity agricultural practices
[3]. Due to the climatic characteristics of the plains of the country, with alternating
wet-dry periods and high-intensity rainfalls of short duration, the historical agricul-
tural practices elevated soil water and wind erosion [4]. This speeds up an adoption
and spread of no-tillage management during the 1970s [5]. Since then, there has been
a great increase in production driven by the adoption of new technologies and
changes in the form of organization of production, accelerating the process of
agriculturization [6]. Since the 1990s, the agricultural frontier has expanded to the
north-east, the north-west, and the west, moving into areas with drier climates and/or
less fertile soils [3, 7, 8]. The expansion of agriculture frontier outside the pampas
was possible due to an increase in rainfall during 1977–2005 period and the price
growth of agricultural commodities (principally soybean). Large dry forests areas
have been cleared in the Semi-arid Chaco Region of Argentina for cultivation
[9]. The cultivated area increased from about 15 to 40 million ha since
1988–2020, and bulk grain production shot up from about 27 to nearly 140 million
tons in the same period [10]. Soybean, maize, and wheat have become the primary
grain field crops in Argentina [11]. The soybean harvested area has increased
dramatically in the country from 980 ha in 1961 to 16 Million ha in 2019 [12]. Argen-
tina is the third soybean producer of the world behind the USA and Brazil [13]. Due
to this extraordinary increase in agricultural production associated to the land use
changes, Argentina faces serious problems of land degradation that are reviewed in
this chapter.
Land degradation has been defined as a negative trend in land condition, caused by
direct or indirect anthropic actions that lead to a loss of actual or potential biological
productivity [14, 15]. Land use changes into agricultural land generally negatively
affect the soil and ecosystem services. For example, overgrazing leading to wind
erosion. Deforestation and tillage methods leading to water erosion. Salinization
triggered by water table-level rises as a consequence of irrigation. The land-
degradation processes in Argentina are triggered by rapid land-cover changes and
poor conservation policies [16–19].
4 D. S. Fernández et al.
Fig. 2 Spatial distribution of the number (a) and types (b) of land-degradation processes in arable
lands of Argentina. Data sources: affected areas (Prâvâlie et al. [21]); arable land extension (Volante
et al. [22])
aridity. In northeast region main degradation processes are water erosion and soil
compaction. In pampas region soil erosion, salinization, nutrient depletion, and
aridity are the main degradation processes. In Cuyo and Patagonia regions soil
erosion and salinization are the main degradation processes. Sometimes a combina-
tion of two or more degradation processes occurs in the same territory. In a recent
study Prâvâlie et al. [21] recognized up to three different processes acting in a same
area of Pampas Region (Fig. 2a). These authors analyze the land-degradation
footprint on global arable lands applying geostatistical techniques that are represen-
tative for identifying the incidence of five land-degradation processes: aridity, soil
erosion, vegetation decline (vegetation loss/damage), soil salinization, and soil
organic carbon decline. Figure 2b shows the result of the spatial analysis of land-
degradation processes in arable lands of Argentina and reveals that significant part of
Argentina soils suffers from combined effect of several degradation processes.
Although Argentina’s image is generally linked to the green prairies of the
Pampas, it actually may be defined as an arid country. An estimated 70% of its
area is in arid, semi-arid, or dry-sub-humid (drylands) environment, where only 12%
of the country’s water resources are located [23]. Desertification is a process that
affects drylands that consist in a loss of biological complexity and economic
productivity of a region, and involves vegetation degradation, water balance alter-
ation, and soil erosion [24]. In the case of Argentina’s dry lands, main land
degradation causes are overgrazing and land-use change, enhanced by long dry
periods [25]. In humid and sub-humid regions, main land degradation causes are
6 D. S. Fernández et al.
Data sources: aInstituto de Suelos y Agrotecnia [28], bINTA-SAGyP [29], cCasas [30], dGaitán et al.
[27], eColazo et al. [31]
stable compared to the 1950–2000 period [34, 35]. Nowadays, there are 41 Mha of
soils eroded by wind, of which 12.5 Mha are severely eroded. Most of the eroded
soils match with the area of high risk of wind erosion as Patagonia, the Northwest
Region, and Semi-Arid Pampas [31].
Soil salinization constitutes one of the most important soil degradation processes
and a major threat to agricultural productivity in arid and semi-arid areas of the
world. According to FAO [36] more than 70 Mha are affected by salinization
processes and at least 600,000 ha (one third of the total) of the irrigated soils suffer
from excessive salinization. The regions that were pointed out as the most affected
by soil salinization in the country are the semi-arid Chaco, the Salado River
depression, and the northwest of Buenos Aires province [37].
Complementary demands of irrigation for crops such as soybean, maize, and
wheat have increased, partly due to climatic change, but mainly due to the shallow
root development, derived from soil compaction [38]. In Argentina, agricultural soils
have decreased soil organic matter (SOM) content and aggregate stability and
increased bulk density in addition to pristine soils. Soils with less than 10 years of
continuous agriculture had 83%, 62%, and 106% of the pristine SOM content,
aggregate stability, and bulk density, respectively, while soils with 10–20 years of
continuous agriculture had 64%, 48%, and 116% of the pristine values, respectively
[11]. These findings indicate that SOM decreased by approximately 18% per decade
due to agricultural use.
The main land-degradation processes in the different regions of Argentina and
their current situation related to them are described below.
Fig. 3 Clearing forest temporal trend in Northwest Region of Argentina. (a) Historical spatial
distribution of the deforested areas in the different provinces of the region. (b) Evolution of the land
areas affected by deforestation in the region
Agricultural Land Degradation in Argentina 9
showed the highest rate of deforestation with 2.35 Mha, approximately 10.2% of
Northwest Region (Fig. 3). Such a vast land clearing process was triggered by two
factors: (1) the increase of global demand of soybean and (2) a 20–30% increase in
precipitation [43, 44].
Most important crops of the region are sugar cane, citrus, soybean, bean, wheat,
and maize. In dry lands area predominates soybean, bean, wheat, sorghum, and
pasture for cattle farms. Monoculture farming of bean and soybean contributes to
water erosion due to unprotected topsoil and the occurrence of intense rainfall during
summer season. High soil losses as a consequence of gully and rill erosion processes
are frequent in piedmont areas and intermountain valleys of the region [45, 46] while
in the oriental plains, sheet erosion predominates due to unrestricted cultivation or
overgrazing in relatively poor soils, previously covered by the Chaco forest [47].
In the province of Salta, land-use changes enhance runoff due to intensive
agricultural practices. The expansion of soybean crop area, with narrow crop rotation
with wheat and sorghum, has exacerbated land degradation by water erosion pro-
cesses [48]. Soil losses higher than 10 t ha-1 year-1 in area of 941,950 ha (15.3% of
the total area under study) were estimated under arable sloped (<15%) lands in the
Bermejo River Basin in the northeast of the provinces of Salta and Jujuy [49, 50].
Deforestation in Santiago del Estero province reached 3.5 Mha during the period
1976–2019. Of this total, approximately 41% took place during the 2000–2010
decade. This drastic land use change usually leads to important erosive processes,
soil organic carbon (SOC) decline, and loss of ecosystem services [51]. The effects
of land clearing on ecosystem functional attributes of the dry forest of Northwest
Region were analyzed by Volante et al. [44]. They found that once deforested, soils
significantly became more seasonal dependent than others under natural vegetation.
Such increase in seasonality is associated with a reduction of photosynthetic activity
during fallow period. Direct consequences of this biomass and vegetation shortage
can be expected on several ecosystem services such as erosion control and water
regulation, mainly due to greater exposure of bare soil, and lower biodiversity,
habitat quality, and green biomass availability for primary consumers during fallow.
In the semi-arid Chaco Region of Argentina, the total SOC stocks already decline
during the first year after deforestation, but then continue to decrease substantially
with increasing cropping time [9]. After 40 years of continuous cropping at the top
5 cm soil loss 61% SOC in addition to forest soil. The organic carbon stock content
up to 1 m depth also decreases with the land use change. Between 10 and 40 years
after deforestation, SOC loss at depth 0–30 cm was around 30%. Under different
land uses carbon stock content up to 1 m depth in Mollisols of Santiago del Estero
was reported by Osinaga et al. [48]. The organic C stock content expressed as
equivalent mass varied as follows: forest (119.3 mg ha-1) > pasture 87.9 mg ha-1
> continuous cropping more than 20-year (77.3 mg ha-1) > continuous cropping
less than 10-year (71.9 mg ha-1). Moreover, in the transition between the humid
Yungas and dry Chaco forests, in Jujuy Province, a decrease in SOC by 37% and
greater soil penetration resistance was noted in rangeland compared to deciduous
forest rangeland [52].
10 D. S. Fernández et al.
In the arid valleys of the west of the region land degradation is linked with
desertification processes like wind and water erosion, dune mobilization, aridity,
and salinization. The Santa María River Basin, a large basin that occupy part of the
provinces of Catamarca, Salta, and Tucumán, suffers from the expansion of desert-
ification during the period 1997–2012 [60]. According to Navone et al. [61], 15% of
the basin area (approximately 25,000 ha) suffer from severe problems of desertifi-
cation. Main drivers of desertification in the area are climate change (drier condi-
tions), water and wind erosion, and deforestation [62, 63].
The Puna region covers plateaus, high plains, and slopes of the Andes at
elevations between 3,200 and 6,000 m a.s.l. from Bolivian border to about 28°S. It
is an arid region with annual rainfalls between 100 and 300 mm concentrated during
summer. Features of this region are the characteristic endorheic basins with the
Agricultural Land Degradation in Argentina 11
development of saline playas. The predominant soils are Aridisols and Entisols that
are in a fragile environmental balance [64]. Regarding the area affected by the
degradation process, approximately 74% of the study area (120,000 km2) is affected
by ongoing land-degradation processes [65]. The magnitude of the different types of
soil degradation affecting the Puna region varies among provinces. Puna region of
Jujuy and Salta provinces showed a severe degree of land degradation. Soil erosion
by wind, chemical soil deterioration, and livestock rearing drive land degradation in
the dryer areas while water soil erosion became more important in the more humid
eastern part [61, 65].
Soil contamination evidences were recorded in some local areas of Northwest region
associated to industrial and mining activities [66–68]. Chemical soil degradation
refers to the accumulation of toxic chemicals and chemical processes which impact
on chemical properties that regulate life processes in the soil [69]. Soil salinization
and alkalinization due to wastes from pulp and paper industry were registered in a
rural area of Tucumán province [67]. Solid wastes were buried in agriculture lands
producing an increase in soil electrical conductivity and pH and a decrease in SOC
(Table 2). High concentration of heavy metals in topsoil were reported by Fernández
Turiel et al. [66] in lands around a lead smelter plant in Lastenia, province of
Tucumán. Soil and plant patterns of Pb, Cd, Ag, Zn, and Cu demonstrated the
effects of pollutant dispersion plumes over the area. The high Pb concentration in
soil (>5,000 mg kg-1) caused serious health problems in children from Lastenia
locality [70]. Soil contamination by abandoned mine tailings was reported in western
part of Northwestern Region where an intense mining activity took place [71]. The
tailings usually have elevated levels of heavy metals or other toxic elements. In
Catamarca province, high concentrations of Cu (20–1600 mg kg-1), Zn
(25–600 mg kg-1), As (5–4,900 mg kg-1), and Sn (40–1,900 mg kg-1) were
found in soils of surroundings of ancient mine tailings [72]. Other example of soil
contamination by heavy metals in adjacent lands to tailings was reported in the
abandoned mines of Concordia and La Poma in Salta province with high concen-
trations of As (200–613 mg kg-1) and Pb (230–5,000 mg kg-1) [68].
Table 2 Comparison of the chemical properties between soil samples in a contaminated area of the Lules department, Tucumán province. Data source: Puchulu
et al. [65]
Electrical conductivity Carbonate Salts content Organic Calcium content Sodium content
Soil sample pH (dS m-1) (%) (mg l-1) matter (%) (meq 100 g-1) (meq 100 g-1)
Non-affected soil 6.68 0.70 0.79 0.04 2.24 0.17 0.19
Buried industrial 8.95 2.42 52.45 0.15 0.82 0.65 0.32
Affected soil 7.99 2.05 3.76 0.13 1.42 2.25 0.80
D. S. Fernández et al.
Agricultural Land Degradation in Argentina 13
Chaco (900–1,200 mm) and dry Chaco (450–900 mm) [43]. Soybean cultivation and
cattle ranching are the most important proximate drivers of deforestation in the
Chaco, although their relative importance varies across the region on a base of the
annual rainfalls [73]. Soybean crops are currently limited to areas above 500 mm
rainfall [74]. Other important crops in the area are cotton, sunflower, and maize.
In the case of Corrientes and Misiones provinces, they present more humid
conditions with mean annual precipitations that vary from 1,200 mm in Corrientes
to more than 2,000 mm in Misiones. In consequence, native vegetation in Corrientes
is represented by a dry subtropical forest and shrubs called The Espinal, while in the
more humid areas of Misiones the Paranaense rainforest is located. Principal crops in
these provinces are yerba mate, tea, and rice. In Misiones it is also important the
forestry industry.
Chaco forest clearing for agricultural activities impacted in great manner in Chaco
and Formosa provinces. According to the Dry Chaco Forest Deforestation Monitor-
ing Project [41], during 1976–2019 period, deforested areas in the provinces of
Chaco and Formosa increased from 1.6% to 12.1% of their area. The evolution of
deforestation in the period 1997–2016 shows that until 2006, the deforested areas
were led by the province of Chaco. From this year, the province of Formosa began a
very marked increase in deforestation, surpassing Chaco province and leading the
Northeast region in the period 2012–2016 (Fig. 4). The general trend of deforestation
in the provinces of the region is downward with the exception of the province of
Formosa. During the 2010–2015 period, 188,660 ha of Chaco dry forest were
deforested in Formosa province mainly in Matacos and Patiño departments for
agricultural land use [41].
Land use change from forest to agriculture and cattle ranching is the most
important drive factor for land degradation in this region. Main land-degradation
process in Northeast Region is water erosion. Water erosion is particularly important
in Misiones province where tropical rains and moderate to high gradient slopes
converge. In this province 24.5% of its area presents soil loss rates higher than
10 t ha-1 year-1, that is approximately 735,955 ha [27]. Gully and rill erosion are the
main types of water erosion that affect red soils, Ultisols and Oxisols, formed in a
hilly terrain with 5–15% slopes [75]. In Formosa and Chaco provinces sheet erosion
predominates due to agriculture advance or overgrazing in fine soils (Mollisols and
Alfisols). In the central parts of both provinces water erosion processes are affecting
soybean, sunflower, and cotton crops where severe soil losses were reported
[76]. Table 3 shows the areas affected by water erosion processes in the region.
Estimates show that a total of 4,150,000 ha present moderate to severe soil losses due
to water erosion (14.3% of the total area), where 990,000 ha present soil losses
higher than 10 t ha-1 year-1.
Agricultural expansion and intensification and overgrazing affect soil structure
altering the water and gaseous movement. Soils from Chaco and Formosa provinces
are silty with shallow water table which gives high vulnerability to soil sealing,
compaction, and waterlogging [77]. Approximately 770,000 ha are affected by soil
sealing, waterlogging, and floods in the central part of Chaco province affecting
principally cotton and sunflower crops [78]. Physical soil degradation processes in
Northeast region are a consequence of agriculturization that includes deforestation
(clear cutting, slash burning, and plowing), technological improvements with heavy
machinery use, and monoculture [79]. Total organic carbon, particulate organic
carbon, bulk density, and structural stability are the most affected soil properties
by agriculturization [80, 81]. In semi-arid areas of the province of Formosa, with
severe weather, and for 10 years of continuous agriculture, the losses of organic
carbon, total nitrogen, and light carbon have been significant [82]. In order to face
this situation long-term crop rotation was suggested as an alternative to monoculture
in order to increase chemical and physical quality of the soils of the region [83].
Land use change from natural woodlands to agriculture and livestock can alter the
hydrologic balance and salinity of soils that influence productivity and sustainable
land use [84]. Chaco forest and natural pastures naturally grow in moderate saline
soils. Land use management/change must be adjusted to this area; otherwise soil
salinization will tend to desertification. This is the case with livestock production in
Agricultural Land Degradation in Argentina 15
the south of the Chaco province where overgrazing in natural pastures usually tends
to forming bare soil patches with high salt content interspersed with non-saline soils.
Saline and sodic soils in this area cover an area of 950,000 ha [76]. In the east part of
the region with sub-humid to humid conditions irrigation is not widely used. Only
5% (117,000 ha) of the total irrigated lands of Argentina are located in this region
[85]. The affected area by salinity in irrigated lands is 8,350 ha, mostly located in
Corrientes province [53].
The Pampas region is the most productive and highest-income area in the country.
The region has an approximate area of 60 Mha formed by the provinces of Córdoba,
Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, Buenos Aires, and La Pampa (Fig. 1). It can be divided into six
sub-regions on a base of climatic and geomorphological settings [86, 87]: Southern
pampa, flooded or depressed pampa, rolling pampa, sub-humid or sandy pampa,
semi-arid pampa, and Mesopotamian pampa (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5 Principal subdivisions of Pampas Region with indication (blue squares) of annual rainfall
spatial distribution
16 D. S. Fernández et al.
Pampas region is one of the largest temperate grasslands in the world with great
variability in environmental conditions. Annual average precipitation ranges from
1,100 mm in the east to less than 600 mm in the southwest, especially in spring-
summer and autumn period with more frequent deficits during summer. The average
annual temperature varies from 12.5°C in the south to 17.5°C in the northeast. The
natural biome is the grassland with dominant prairie vegetation, followed by the
steppe, belonging to the Pampean phytogeographic province [29]. It is an extensive
plain where loess sediments outcrop, partially reworked by fluvial action and
modified by pedogenesis [88]. The dominant soils are Mollisols, with smaller
areas covered by Alfisols, Entisols, Vertisols and in a very subordinate way
Aridisols, as well as in a specific places Inceptisols [89]. Among the Mollisols,
predominate Argiudolls (to the east) and Hapludolls, Haplustolls (to the west)
[90]. The aptitude of the lands is agricultural-livestock in similar proportions,
depending on whether it is elevated and stable landscapes or dunes or lowland
areas [89, 91, 92]. Pampas region has very favorable environmental and pedological
conditions for agriculture (cereals and oilseeds). Currently the main crops are
soybeans, maize, wheat, and sunflower, as well as barley, sorghum, and canola.
Before the conversion to agricultural land, this region was covered by grasslands
without large herbivores and a low human population. Agriculture and livestock
began to develop slowly from the arrival of immigrants with an increase in the
human population. Natural grasslands were grazed until the last quarter of the
nineteenth century when forage crops and mercantile crops began to grow. Since
then, agriculture expands the region and nowadays represents the dominant activity
[93]. The expansion of the agricultural and livestock frontier in Argentina and the
use of agricultural technology are factors that explain the increase in biological and
economic productivity of rural sector in the last five decades [94]. Historically,
farmers have made business decisions based on an economic relationship between
benefits and costs, and has generally ignored the relationship between the economic
benefit and the environmental cost of such a decision [95].
The increases in gross production in the pampas prairie were marked by an
expansion over new lands until the 70s and 80s [96], and from then on, the
productive jump can be explained by a more intensive agricultural practices. Since
the 70s, there has been an important increase in the area under arable crops, with the
cropped area increasing relative to the pasture area at an annual rate of 4% [97]. In
recent years, there has been an extreme simplification of the Pampean production
systems with a gradual replacement of traditional rotations by monoculture. This
trend toward the production of a single crop had an unfavorable impact on the soil
functions and the agroecosystem sustainability, such as the loss of organic matter
and clay by water erosion [98]. In different sectors of this region, as a response to
monoculture, physical degradation of the soil is observed [99] that strongly induces
wind and water erosion processes [35, 91, 100–105].
Agricultural Land Degradation in Argentina 17
Fig. 6 (a) Aerial photograph of soil water erosion processes in the locality of Río Cuarto, Córdoba
province. (b) Rill erosion in soils of the locality of General Cabrera, Córdoba province. (c) Gully
erosion in soils of the locality of General Deheza, Córdoba province. (d) Laminar and rill erosion in
soils of the locality of General Cabrera, Córdoba province. Photos: (a) M Cantú, November 2011.
(b) A Becker, September 2017. (c) Analía Becker, October, 2018. (d) Analía Becker, April 2019
For these reasons, the most relevant soil degradation process is wind and water
erosion. Long history of conventional tillage promotes sediment movement and loss
of the surface horizon can usually be observed [106] (Fig. 6). The widespread
adoption of no-tillage in the last two decades has slowed down the deterioration
process [107]. However, in areas under monoculture, mainly soybean, no-tillage
method was not enough to reverse soil degradation [108], although the inclusion of
cover crops is mentioned as an alternative in no-tillage systems [109–111].
According to Casas [5] in the last three decades, Buenos Aires province has
greater intensity of agricultural land use and a greater concentration of livestock
(Feedlot). The lack of rotations, the outsourcing of land use, and the excessive
demand for stubble by concentrated livestock farming contributed to the presence
of a new scenario where the processes of soil degradation are showing a different
dynamic. In general, compaction and structural deterioration processes are being
developed that help reduce infiltration, percolation, and retention of water in the soil.
Consequently, in flat areas, surface waterlogging tends to increase, and in undulating
areas surface runoff and water erosion increase [112]. In areas of the west and
southwest of the Pampas region, where the occurrence of drought periods is fre-
quent, the processes of wind erosion increase. According to Casas and Puentes
[113], the province of Buenos Aires has 35.5% of their lands affected by water
erosion. In the rolling pampa, with slopes that varies from 0.3 and 3%, highly
18 D. S. Fernández et al.
evolved Typic Argiudolls develop on loess material [91]. In this area, processes of
water erosion, degradation of the surface horizon due to loss of organic matter,
compaction and acidification due to continuous agriculture are observed.
Naturally or anthropogenic-induced compacted layers that present difficulties for
root growth, tillage, water and gaseous movement, and engineering uses were
described in the Pampean region [112]. In addition, these authors [112] point to
the occurrence of fragipan distribution in the soils on approximately 500 km2 in
some regions.
In the southwest of Buenos Aires, compaction processes are recorded that could
be attributed to the loss of macroporosity in soils under no-tillage management [114]
since this system has not been able to reverse the problems of physical degradation.
Important compaction processes were reported by Agostini et al. [115] in soils with
high organic matter (OM) content and loamy texture in the southeast of Buenos
Aires province. Soils with physical degradation processes due to compaction were
reported in the rolling pampas in Buenos Aires province due to the high silt content,
long agricultural history and their management, with a predominance of no-tillage
management [116]. In cultivated fields of the sandy Pampas, sectors with chlorotic
less developed plants are observed called “overos” or “spotted” fields. Spotted fields
occur mainly due to severe compaction at variable depths caused by cementing of
silica or Fe, very hard Bt horizons, high apparent density, or excessively alkaline
reaction [117].
The central-west part of Córdoba province is affected by processes of water
erosion, mainly linked to change and intensification of land use in fragile environ-
ments [118] where the simplification of rotations and soybean monoculture contrib-
uted to increase in the erosive process. The gullies represent one of the most severe
forms of erosion due to their impact on road infrastructure and due to their high
sediments production [119]. Migration of peanut production (3,500 ha sown in 1998
to 116,000 ha in 2012) to south-central part of province increased susceptibility of
soils and frequency occurrence of phenomenon of “blast” (dust flying by wind),
particularly in dry years [120]. Waterlogging affects a total area of 1.7 Mha in the
province of Córdoba, of which 880,000 ha correspond to agricultural land, and the
rest to natural shallows suitable for livestock use or wetlands (usually used for
biodiversity reserve and flood control).
Soils under agricultural and livestock use in south-central Córdoba province
present anthropogenic-induced evidence of compaction [121] where reduced infil-
tration favoring surface runoff and water erosion that negatively affect the behavior
of crops in the area. These soils present natural susceptibility to compaction due to
high silt and low organic matter content [121, 122]. In the current depressed areas of
south eastern Córdoba province, the presence of subsoil compacted layers, together
with the climate and the relief is the cause of great periodic floods and long period of
permanence of the surface water. It is important to mention that fragipans interfere
regionally in the dynamics of water infiltration when they are close to the
surface [123].
Water erosion processes in Mesopotamian pampa are manifested with greater
intensity in the western half, extreme south west of the Entre Ríos province, and in
Agricultural Land Degradation in Argentina 19
part of the south east sector. Water erosion affects 42% of the province with soil
losses higher than 2 t ha-1 year-1 [27]. This means that around 4.5 Mha can be
eroded and therefore must be managed using conservation practices. To mitigate soil
degradation caused by water erosion, conservation tillage systems were developed
and adopted, mostly reduced and no-tillage. However, in some regions, depending
on the type of soil, slope and intensity of rainfall, the use of conservation tillage
systems is insufficient to mitigate the erosion. Therefore, farmers and land managers
have to implement technologies such as systematization of land and construction of
terraces to control water erosion [124].
Soil compaction problems in center and north Santa Fe province were reported by
Imhoff et al. [125], whose causal agents would be silt high content and organic
matter loss that is manifested in high bulk density (>1.3 g cm-3) in topsoil. Entre
Ríos province under Vertisols used mainly for rice cultivation is highly susceptible
to compaction due to high content of expandable clay (>40%). Moreover, harvest is
often performed under saturated conditions by heavy harvesters [126].
Currently, in La Pampa province water erosion has a greater magnitude in the
central and south east zone, occupied by the natural ecosystem of the Caldenal and
dedicated to extensive cattle ranching. However, there is pressure from agriculture to
force clearings and transform extensive silvopastoral systems into agricultural ones.
In the zones affected by wind erosion like the east of La Pampa province the area
occupied by highly susceptible soils usually exceeds 50% [127]. Approximately
51% of the total area of the provinces of the region is affected by soil erosion
according to the latest estimates, with more than 8.8 Mha with soil loss rate higher
than 10 t ha-1 year-1 (Table 4). In north and center of La Pampa province studies
carried out by Duval et al. [128] indicate that agricultural use has generated a
non-critical compaction of soils at expense of 12% decrease in macropores. In
relation to soil type, Argiudolls are vulnerable to agricultural practices intensification
increasing degradation processes by compaction. Regardless of soil type,
The Pampa region contains several areas with salt-affected soils as a consequence of
waterlogging in lowlands or the presence of a shallow saline water table. According
to Taboada et al. [132], there are 11.6 Mha of soils with some degree of alkaliniza-
tion/sodification in the region. These soils are located principally in the meridional
lowlands of the north of Santa Fe province, in depressed pampa in the center of
Buenos Aires province and in the south-east of Córdoba province. Irrigation plays a
key role in the intensification of agricultural systems of sub-humid areas. In the case
of the Pampas Region, agricultural lands use pressurized irrigation systems. Soil
salinization problems were reported in irrigated crop lands as a consequence of the
use of sodic bicarbonate type groundwater for irrigation purposes [133]. The use of
sodic bicarbonate water produces an increment of soil pH and ESP (exchangeable
sodium percentage) with little or no variation of electrical conductivity. As a result,
soil sodification is the highest risk for these areas [134]. According to statistical data,
the region has more than 500,000 ha of crop lands under irrigation where 163,000 ha
(29.3%) are affected by soil salinization [53]. The province of Buenos Aires is the
most affected part of the region with 40% of the irrigated lands with soil salinization
evidence (Table 5).
Table 5 Irrigated and salt-affected soils area in the different provinces of Pampas region
Irrigated land Area affected by soil Area affected by soil
Province area (ha) salinization (ha) salinization (%)
Buenos Aires 317,720 128,560 40.4
Córdoba 102,000 17,710 17.3
Santa Fe 62,508 6,000 9.5
Entre Ríos 69,000 10,350 15.0
La Pampa 4,600 460 10.0
Total for the 555,828 163,080 29.3
Data source: Sánchez et al. [51]
Agricultural Land Degradation in Argentina 21
Table 6 Summary of GLP, AMPA, and ATZ contents in soil samples (0–10 cm soil layer) for the provinces of the Pampas region
Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Buenos Aires
Province (n = 58)a (n = 6)b (n = 5)c (n = 16)d Córdoba (n = 58)a Córdoba (n = 7)e Santa Fé (n = 58)a Entre Ríos (n = 17)f
Locations Coronel Suárez, La Olavarría, Tapalqué Quequén Grande Balcarce, Necochea, B° Ituzaingó, Piedmont area of Hersilia Urdinarrain
Plata River Basin San Cayetano, Tres Malvinas Sierras Chicas Range
Arroyos Argentinas, Marcos
Juárez, Brinkmann
Prevalent Soybean-wheat, Soybean, wheat, System barley- Soybean-wheat, sun- Soybean-maize Soybean, maize Wheat Soybean, wheat,
crop type horticultural maize, oats soybean flower-wheat- sunflower, maize
Dominant Mollisols Mollisols, Alfisols Mollisols Mollisols Mollisols Mollisols Mollisols Vertisols
soil type
(μg kg-1)
Mean 216 <LoD 12 28 270 – 66 231 – 401 686 – 97 297 14 1,100 1,453 – 214 <LoD – 2,299 4,204 –
Min 184 <LoD 6 2 3 – 8 7 – 35 299 – 28 80 4 130 910 – 104 <LoD <LoD 450 1,250 –
Max 248 <LoD 17 176 712 – 179 472 – 1,502 1,052 – 233 732 66 3,700 2,500 – 323 <LoD 7 5,200 6,550 –
Median 216 <LoD 12 – – – 39 201 – 232 730 – 67 223 5 285 1,200 – 214 <LoD – – – –
LoD limit of detection
Alonso et al. [139]
Pérez et al. [138]
Lupi et al. [140]
Aparicio et al. [141]
Bento et al. [142]
Primost et al. [136]
D. S. Fernández et al.
Agricultural Land Degradation in Argentina 23
The Cuyo region of Argentina covers an area of approximately 40 Mha and includes
the provinces of San Luis, Mendoza, San Juan, and La Rioja (Fig. 1). It is an
extensive area consisting from sub-humid plain in the east to semi-arid and arid
Andean regions in the west. The aridity index, defined as the ratio of potential
evaporation to precipitation [145], varies from 30 to 5 east-west [146] showing the
vulnerability to desertification processes of the entire region.
Land use change in agricultural presents different trends among the provinces of
the region. San Luis and La Rioja have the largest areas affected by deforestation. In
contrast, in Mendoza and San Juan deforested areas are not significant. According to
the Dry Chaco Forest Deforestation Monitoring Project [41], the evolution of
deforestation in the period 1997–2019 shows that the deforested areas in this region
were led by the province of San Luis (Fig. 7). The highest deforestation rate in Cuyo
region was observed during the 2012–2016 period, while deforestation trend in San
Luis province remains on rise until 2019.
Principal crops of the region are vineyards, olive, grape, maize, sorghum, and
pasture for cattle farms. Soils of the region are represented principally by Entisols
and in driest areas by Aridisols. They exhibit variations in their capacity to sustain
agricultural activities, always within the overall low productivity that characterizes
dryland soils. These variations are principally related to differences in chemical
compositions, to local combinations of climate and geomorphology and with irri-
gated agriculture [24].
The main drivers of desertification in this region are land use change and
overgrazing. Approximately 25% of the affected lands by desertification processes
in Argentina are located in Cuyo Region [147]. As a consequence of the overgrazing
in eastern undulating plains the original grassland savannah with isolated woody
plants called “El Caldenal” was replaced by unpalatable grasses [25]. Wind and
water-sheet erosion are the main soil degradation processes due to the lack of
vegetation cover. Soil degradation in the area includes the loss of biodiversity
and/or ecosystem services, water and wind erosion, and salinization [148].
Land use conversion, particularly from the second half of the twentieth century,
increases over-exploitation of natural resources, producing a notable modification of
the vegetation cover [149]. As a consequence, water and wind erosion and the
advance of the dunes affect important areas of Cuyo Region. Approximately 45%
of the total lands of the region show values of erodible fraction of 75–100%
according to results of wind erosion models applied for Argentina [135]. Approxi-
mately 38% of the total area region is affected by soil erosion according to the latest
estimates, with more than 6.7 Mha with soil loss rate higher than 10 t ha-1 year-1
(Table 7).
Livestock create pressure on soils, generating visible signs of overgrazing in most
cases. Cattle ranching is concentrated in the plains of the center-east and south of the
region and in some privileged mountain valleys with more humid conditions.
Overgrazing consequences on soil physical conditions were assessed in the El
Caldenal semi-arid area of the region. The lack of vegetation in grazed areas is
always translated into the disappearance of the topsoil layer. Reduction of topsoil
depth and rise of soil bulk density were reported in this area [150].
Table 8 Irrigated and salt-affected soils area in the different provinces of Cuyo region
Irrigated land Area affected by soil Area affected by soil
Province area (ha) salinization (ha) salinization (%)
Mendoza 276,324 73,213 26.4
La Rioja 51,738 5,300 10.2
San Juan 95,704 53,830 56.2
San Luis 76,437 9,580 12.5
Total for the 500,203 141,923 28.3
Data source: Sánchez et al. [51]
Patagonia is the southernmost region of South America. The part located in Argen-
tina extends from the south of the Colorado River, from about 36°S latitude, to the
Beagle Channel in the southern part of the Tierra del Fuego Island located at 55°S
latitude. Longitudinally, it extends between the Andean range and the Atlantic coast.
It is mostly characterized by different levels of plateaus and mountains interrupted
26 D. S. Fernández et al.
by transversal valleys of the main rivers and numerous close basins. The north-south
distribution of the Andes range acts as a barrier for the humid winds coming from the
west giving rise to a narrow, humid strip characterized mainly by forests, that, in few
kilometers changes into dry lands with highly evaporative conditions, that charac-
terize the Patagonian rangelands [146].
The Patagonian rangelands represent approximately 95% of the territory of
Patagonia (about 790,000 km2) and are characterized by an arid to semi-arid climate,
with annual precipitation in most of its extension below 400 mm. Central portion of
Patagonia in most parts has less than 200 mm of rain per year. In a narrow strip of the
west Patagonian rangelands (the ecotone with the woodland biome), and in the north
east portion and many parts of the coastal area mean annual precipitation is above
250 mm per year reaching up to 600 mm year-1. The strong, constant west winds
(westerlies) are dominant across the region [161]. The strong winds as well as some
intense rainfall events are the main geomorphic factor explaining the erosion pro-
cesses in the Patagonian rangelands.
Sheep raising for wool and meat production has been the main economic activity.
Since 1885, settlement and economic development were based on sheep ranching.
Almost free of domesticated animals in 1885, by 1910, the Patagonian rangelands
supported nearly 12 million sheep [162]. In 1952, it attained its maximum stocking
rate of approximately 25 million [163]. Goat farming is practiced in small areas of
the Patagonian rangelands, mainly in the northwestern region. The high environ-
mental spatial heterogeneity as well as the annual and inter-annual rainfall variability
affects the spatial and temporal uncertainty in forage production and has favored the
negative impact of livestock grazing. The overestimation of the rangeland carrying
capacity favored overgrazing and land degradation. Thus, in the rangelands of
Patagonia, continuous sheep grazing, practiced for more than a century, has changed
the vegetation structure, mainly its cover, and accelerated soil erosion [164]. Indeed,
soil erosion is recognized as the main degradation process underlying the desertifi-
cation that affects a large proportion of the arid and semi-arid lands of Patagonia
[165]. In spite of its aridity, water erosion seems to have been the most important
process of soil degradation [166, 167]. In some areas, wind erosion is an important
geomorphologic process and seems to have modeled the landscape before the
introduction of domestic livestock. However, sheep grazing has contributed to an
acceleration of the wind erosion process and has activated some originally fixed sand
Desertification has been recognized as a serious problem affecting the arid and
semi-arid lands of Patagonia. In this region, the severe and very severe conditions
affect ~30% of these rangelands [165]. One of the main land-degradation processes
underlying the desertification syndrome in this region is soil erosion. Desert pave-
ments, a common feature of many naturally eroded areas, are widespread all over
Agricultural Land Degradation in Argentina 27
Fig. 8 Gully erosion in a wet meadow (mallin) of the central area of Patagonia. Gullies lower the
water table and accelerate the water circulation throughout these ecosystems favoring their desic-
cation. Photo by CM Rostagno, October 2015, El Escorial, Chubut
Wind erosion is an important process of land degradation in the arid and semi-arid
grazing lands of Patagonia. It occurs under strong winds over dry sandy low
vegetated soils (a common condition in the Patagonian rangelands). Wind erosion
and deposition as natural processes have affected different areas of the Patagonian
rangelands as the southern part of Peninsula Valdés where some dune fields origi-
nated in the west coast have been advancing since pre-settlement times
[181]. The supply area of the sediments forming these dune fields are the sandy
beaches of the Nuevo Gulf [182]. These loose, sand-sized sediments are transported
inland by the prevailing westerly winds. However, after the introduction of sheep in
this area at the beginning of the last century [183], sheep grazing has accelerated
wind erosion in some stabilized dunes under the form of blowouts [184]. Blowouts,
the most common aeolian erosional landforms in dune landscapes in arid zones, are
depressions or hollows formed by wind erosion on a preexisting sand deposit [185]
and are common features in vegetation-stabilized dune fields [186]. Other forms of
wind erosion are the erosion tongues, a highly visible wind erosion form in aerial
photos or satellite images that were originally described for the west area of the
Patagonian rangelands [187]. These forms develop as sand is transported and
deposited in narrow strips parallel to the wind direction, the “tongue” consisting of
an active front of dunes or mounds, a central area where transportation is maximum,
and the area of origin, generally a dry lagoon, where blowing prevails [188]. A
narrow strip along the parallel of 46°S, in the boundary between the Santa Cruz and
Chubut provinces, where strong west winds prevails, is one of the heaviest affected
areas by wind erosion in Patagonia (Fig. 9).
Agricultural Land Degradation in Argentina 29
Fig. 9 An erosion tongue (1) in the SW of the Chubut province. The erosion tongue originated in
the Coyote lagoon (2) has a length of 60 km and an average width of 600 m. The dune field in the
extreme of the tongue advances at a mean rate of 600 m year-1
Toward the west, all along the Patagonian Andean Region of Argentina, soils are
mainly developed from volcanic ashes. The sub-humid sector, the ecotone between
the forest and the steppe, has been deeply modified by different land uses. Histor-
ically, extensive sheep and cows grazing was practiced in this region. Recently, more
intensive land uses such as feed-lots and agriculture were incorporated. Erosion
studies developed in the ecotone of Chubut province, based on fallout radionuclides
(Caesium-137) showed that soil losses in the last 50 years varied between 22 and
33 mg ha-1 year-1 under different land uses [170]. Water erosion studies proved that
volcanic soils are highly erodible when they are bare, while soils without
non-crystalline aluminosilicates are the most erodible ones [167]. Furthermore,
soil degradation processes in rangeland ecotone may include changes in mineralogy
[180]. Overgrazing may expose soil to desiccation, allowing the non-crystalline
materials to evolve to halloysite-type crystalline minerals [189], reducing the poten-
tial of soils to stabilize organic matter and its resistance to erosion [167, 180].
In this zone, agroforestry practices help to reduce soil erosion [190] and might
improve carbon sequestration [191]. Afforestation measures in many degraded areas
developed as an alternative to extensive sheep grazing have been implemented in the
rangelands ecotone zone [192]. Afforestation decreases wind erosion (Fig. 10),
serving, at the same time, as carbon sinks, particularly when done with locally
adapted species. Pine plantations are also controversial, among other aspects, due
to their high invasive potential in fire affected areas. Pines could also increase fire
intensity and/or frequency creating a potential positive feedback between invasion
and wildfires [193].
Wildfires are a cause of desertification, because fires reduce vegetation and litter
cover, soil fertility, and increase runoff and soil erosion. In the Patagonian
rangelands, accidental fires are common in north east portion, the area that mainly
belongs to the Monte phytogeographical province. Wildfires usually occurred after
30 D. S. Fernández et al.
Fig. 10 (a) Pine plantation in the extra Andean, subhumid region of the Neuquen province on
strongly degraded soils covered by desert pavements. (b) Degraded shrub steppe of Mulinum
spinosum, an increaser species in overgrazed areas in the ecotone, west of the Chubut province.
Photos: (a) J Irisarri, 2019, NW Neuquén province. (b) CM Rostagno, December 2015, 15 km W of
Esquel, Chubut
Fig. 11 The picture in the left (February 3, 1994) shows a dust storm in an area that was burnt on
January 21, 1994. Note the small sand accumulation (nebka) in the leeward area of a mound with a
partially burn shrub. The picture in the right shows a set of pins used to assess soil erosion in the
mounds and in the intermound area. The mean soil layer removed from the top of the mounds
during the 12 months following the fire event was equal to 27 mm, equivalent to 130 mg ha-1.
Sediment and partially burned organic matter accumulated in the leeward area of the mound. Photo
by CM Rostagno, February 3, 1994, 20 km W of Puerto Madryn, Chubut
2 or 3 years of rainfall above the average. During these wet years, grass biomass
increases and fine fuel, provided manly by grasses, accumulates and the risk of high
severity wildfires increases. Wildfires generally occur in the middle of the summer,
when strong winds, high temperatures, and low humidity occur. Under these condi-
tions, wildfires may affect thousands of hectares in few hours. In the areas affected
by extreme summer wildfires, soil erosion, mainly wind erosion, may attain high
values in few days (Fig. 11).
Agricultural Land Degradation in Argentina 31
Table 9 Irrigated and salt-affected soils area in the different provinces of Patagonia Region
Irrigated land Area affected by soil Area affected by soil
Province area (ha) salinization (ha) salinization (%)
Neuquén 14,600 4,380 30.0
Río Negro 79,320 22,500 28.3
Chubut 26,050 17,749 68.1
Santa Cruz 500 – –
Tierra del – – –
Total for the 120,470 44,629 37.04
ND no data
Data source: Sánchez et al. [51]
Soil salinization is an important cause of soil degradation in the arid and semi-arid
areas under irrigation. However, salt-affected soils, both saline and sodic, may
develop both under dryland and irrigated conditions [38]. In Patagonia there is
about 120,470 ha of irrigated land; in this area, the extent of salt-affected soils is
~44,600 ha (Table 9). Salinity and sodicity adversely affect the physical and
chemical soil properties as well as biological soil functions and cause degradation
of soil and water resources negatively affecting crop production. It may result from
the water table elevation, dissolution of salt presented in the irrigated soil profile, or
by salts added in the applied water [53]. Other factors may contribute to salt
concentration in the soil profile, including insufficient drainage network, poor
maintenance of collectors and main drains, soil compaction, natural cycles of
seawater intrusion as is the case of the lower Chubut valley [181], fertilizer appli-
cation, and soil parent material. The link between Welsh colonization, the begin-
nings of agricultural production, and soil salinization in the lower Chubut valley has
been described in detail by Bergmann [194].
Other economic activities like oil and gas pipeline construction have only a localized
impact on soil degradation [195]. Soil compaction in Patagonia is also mainly
associated with this industry. In a clear-cut strip of a gas-pipeline installation in
NE Patagonia, the highest bulk density (1.43 g cm-3) was recorded in the area where
the traffic of heavy machinery was more intense. The penetrometer resistance data
was also significantly higher in this area, where values higher than 1.00 MPa were
recorded. As a result of the increment in soil compaction, the infiltration rate in this
area decreased significantly [195]. In the soil beneath shrub clumps of the control
32 D. S. Fernández et al.
area, bulk density and penetrometer resistance were 1.03 g cm-3 and 0.5 MPa,
Occasional spills of oil and its by-products have caused contamination with
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon [196, 197]. It is known that hydrocarbon pollutants
modify the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils [198]. Certain
technologies to deal with degradation caused by oil activity have been developed
in Patagonia, including conservation tillage in decapitated areas and the selection of
native shrub species to recover the vegetation structure [196, 199, 200].
Bioremediation is considered as relatively cost-effective and environmentally
friendly technology for decontamination of polluted soil. The successful application
of bioremediation depends on the presence of appropriate hydrocarbon-degrading
microorganisms and the environmental conditions in situ [197]. In this sense,
climatic and edaphic conditions in Patagonia are restrictive; cold and fluctuating
temperatures, low moisture contents, low nutrient levels, and high soil pH are the
conditions which most likely limit hydrocarbon degradation [201]. To overcome
these limitations, autochthonous bioaugmentation, i.e. the introduction of indige-
nous microorganisms to the site to be decontaminated was proposed as a remediation
alternative. Indigenous soil aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons degrading bacteria
with the ability to tolerate the environmental stresses were isolated from Patagonia
contaminated soils, which could be considered for autochthonous bioaugmentation
strategies [197, 202].
Although pollution problems associated with metalliferous mines are recognized
worldwide, they have been scarcely addressed in Patagonia. A recent work found
high levels of heavy metals, such as Cu, Zn, As, and Pb, in the surface horizons of
soils near a polymetallic mine which was abandoned more than 60 years ago in the
Chubut province [203]. Besides, heavy metal pollutants were also recorded in the
soils of a Patagonian salt marsh (a protected coastal area) that has been exposed to
mining wastes deposited 40 years ago, showing that these wastes are still a source of
metal contamination [204, 205]. Concentrations of Cd (45 mg kg-1), Pb
(42,853 mg kg-1), Cu (24,505 mg kg-1), and Zn (28,686 mg kg-1) in the soils of
the waste pile exceeded guidelines for agricultural, residential, and industrial land
uses [205].
Thus, the advance of these extractive industries on Patagonian lands can increase
the risks of soil degradation and contamination, with serious consequences on the
environment, health, and the agricultural land use.
4 Concluding Remarks
Fig. 12 Surface area affected by main land-degradation processes in the different regions of
of total affected area. Patagonia and Central regions show the higher percentages of
degradation affected areas with 69.2% and 51.1%, respectively (Fig. 12). These
results agree with estimations of the report of Ministry of Environment and Sustain-
able Development of Argentina, that shows that 38.5% of the land area of the
country is degraded [206]. Regarding agricultural lands, that occupy approximately
57 Mha in Argentina, 61% would be affected by one or more degradation processes
[21]. The Central Region of Argentina is clearly the most affected followed by the
North-West Region where single or multiple land-degradation processes were
assessed in both regions.
In Argentina, the main drivers of land degradation are land-use/cover change
(from woodland and grazing land to cropland) and agricultural intensification. It is
particularly problematic in dry sub-humid environments (400–600 mm annual
precipitation) due to the confluence of instability climate conditions (alternating
periods of droughts and floods) and agriculture expansion. Deforestation and
overgrazing are the main causes of human-induced soil erosion while agriculture
intensification and vegetation change are the main drivers of nutrient depletion. The
increasing demand for food commodities and the rise of market prices, has put
pressure to increase the productivity of existing agricultural soil and the efficiency of
agricultural production [2]. As a consequence of the high demand, narrow crop
rotations or even monoculture, principally soybean, was adopted leading to soil
degradation of agricultural lands. These changes in agricultural production contrib-
uted to an accelerated negative increase in nutrient balances and soil compaction.
Humid and sub-humid Argentinean plains present loess derived soil with high
content of fine silt that tend to develop shallow compaction from years of continuous
no-tillage farming that use heavy machinery [207, 208]. This compaction has
34 D. S. Fernández et al.
reduced soil infiltration rates and contributed to runoff losses during periods of high
precipitation [209].
The climate change related drivers of land degradation are gradual changes of
temperature, precipitation, and wind, as well as changes of the distribution and
intensity of extreme events [210]. In the Atlantic coast of Argentina, rainfall has
shown a clear positive increasing trend throughout the twentieth century
[211]. Mean annual precipitation in the humid Pampa increased by 35% in the last
half of the twentieth century. This raise of humidity increases susceptibility of soils
to water erosion in this area. In dryland areas of Argentina, increased air temperature
and evapotranspiration and decreased precipitation amount, in interaction with
climate variability and human activities, have contributed to desertification.
According to the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Argen-
tina the effects of climate change in Patagonia and Cuyo regions are linked with
increased aridity, extreme heat waves, and wildfire hazards. In Northeast region,
climate change produce increased temperatures and more intense droughts that affect
ecosystems and communities. In this region, a study made on climate change impact
on crops production reflected a reduction in maize yields in future scenarios asso-
ciated with increased temperatures that shortened the crop cycle more than with
water stress [212]. Instead, water stress will continue to be an important constraint to
soybean yield in the context of global warming, but this effect is strongly affected by
rainfall regimes.
The total loss of ecosystem services due to land-use/cover change (LUCC),
wetlands degradation, and use of land degrading management practices on grazing
lands was about US$75 billion in the year 2007 [213]. This amount represented 16%
of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) for that year. The magnitude of the
problem highlights the need for an adequate land use planning, incentives and
actions from local authorities and producers in order to protect high value biomes.
Land-degradation processes described in this chapter put in focus the need of
sustainable land management in Argentina. In agricultural lands the strategy should
be oriented to minimize soil erosion, create positive SOC and nitrogen budgets,
enhance crop diversification, and improve structural stability of soils. The manage-
ment of land farming systems should include novel and diversify crop sequences in
order to improve yields and resource use. Studies on crop sequences of Pampa
Region have shown that repeated cereal crops reduce their productivities, while well
balanced sequences with greater diversity resulted in the highest productivities of
cereal crops [28, 214]. Besides, the inclusion of some species as cover crops in the
simplified cropping systems improves water and nitrogen use efficiency, compared
to the long alternative fallow periods between summer crops [30]. The replacement
of natural areas of forests, woody and grasslands by annual crops must be carried out
within a land use scheme for rural areas, especially in regions where agriculture and
livestock are expanding faster like in Northwest region.
The state of situation related to agrochemicals in agricultural soils suggests that
some efforts have to be made to improve the biocide management decisions toward a
more efficient biocide profiles in oil-seed and cereal crops because of its large sown
area in Argentina. Different management practices and technological alternatives are
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Agricultural Soil Degradation in Australia
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2 Agricultural Land Degradation Drivers and Impacts on Australian Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.1 Soil Erosion in Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.2 Soil Compaction in Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.3 Salinization and Acidification of Australian Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.4 Soil Contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
M. Muñoz-Rojas (✉)
Centre for Ecosystem Science, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, UNSW
Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Sevilla,
Sevilla, Spain
e-mail: [email protected]
Paulo Pereira, Miriam Muñoz-Rojas, Igor Bogunovic, and Wenwu Zhao (eds.), 49
Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation I: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, America
and Oceania, Hdb Env Chem (2023) 120: 49–68, DOI 10.1007/698_2023_966,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023,
Published online: 25 March 2023
50 F. A. Dadzie et al.
Abstract Australia is the fifth largest country by size, and one of the most arid in the
world. Agriculture is one of the key sectors in terms of spatial extent and economic
relevance. However, because of their ancient and weathered nature, Australian
agricultural soils are particularly susceptible to degradation processes such as ero-
sion, compaction, salinization, acidification, and contamination, which ultimately
lead to fertility loss, desertification, and thus decline in agricultural production and
food security. Agricultural systems are under further pressure due to the rapidly
intensifying threat of climate change. Consequently, protecting, maintaining, and
restoring healthy soils is a significant challenge and one of the key national priorities.
In this chapter, we review the major climatic, anthropogenic, and biotic drivers of
agricultural land degradation in Australia, illustrating the impacts of these processes
on agricultural production, discussing implications for soils and land sustainability
in a global change context and outlining potential mitigation strategies. We conclude
by highlighting current policies in place to resolve the challenges of agricultural land
degradation in the Australian continent, with emphasis on the importance of con-
certed and collaborative effort involving government, business, and civil society
sectors to address them effectively.
1 Introduction
Australia is the fifth largest country by size and the largest island continent, covering
about 5% of the world’s land area. Given its large area there is a high diversity of
climate, vegetation, and soil, with eight of the 14 global ecoregions found within its
borders. About three-quarters of the continent is considered arid or semiarid with
highly variable rainfall, with the driest regions concentrated in the interior and west
of the continent [1].
Following a similar distribution, Tenosols, Kandosols, Rudosols, Sodosols, and
Vertisols comprise the majority of Australian soil types [2] (Fig. 1). Less than 6% of
Australia’s land mass is arable, with flat, barren, and heavily eroded landscapes that
are largely unproductive for agriculture [3]. This is mainly because Australian soils
are ancient and highly weathered, largely nutrient-poor, and low in fertility. Most of
the continent’s soil is characterized by low pH, total and available Phosphorus (P),
and total Nitrogen (N), and greater C:N and C:P ratios than other regions of the globe
[4]. The annual value of ecosystem services contributed by soil in Australia is
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Australia 51
Fig. 1 Australian Soil Classification. Based on the Australian Soil Classification Map. Version
1.0.0. Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN). (Dataset) by Searle (2021). Used under
CC 4.0
estimated at Aust $570 billion [5]. Considering agricultural production alone, soil
contributes Aust $63 billion per year to the Australian economy [6].
In terms of area covered, the dominant land use in Australia is livestock grazing
of native vegetation (44.9%) followed by grazing of modified pastures (9.2%) per
cent (Fig. 2a). Nature conservation and other forms of protection cover 38.2% of
Australia’s land area, with a 16% (a total of 124.7 million has) occupied by forests
and woodlands (Fig. 2b).
Australia has long been heavily reliant on primary production, so livestock
grazing has been an integral component of the Australian agricultural landscape
since the arrival of Europeans. At a continental level, livestock grazing can broadly
be divided into three main categories: (1) highly industrialized systems where
animals are restricted to feedlot situations, (2) mixed livestock-cropping systems,
and (3) extensive pastoralism on unfertilized native pastures. Industrial feedlot
grazing is highly localized, and the environmental effects are limited to small-scale
nutrient production from urine and dung, waterlogging, and sedimentation
[7]. Mixed cropping-grazing systems are typically located in more mesic areas,
and soil-related environmental effects are generally related to soil erosion (mostly
rill and gully erosion), soil structural decline, loss of soil carbon (C), changes in
nutrient pools, and acidification [8]. The most extensive form of livestock grazing
occurs in areas of low pastoral productivity (rangelands) and occurs over about 70%
of the national land area. The gross value of Australian agriculture in 2018–2019 was
Aust $62.2 billion, with the top three agricultural commodities produced (ranked by
export value) being: cattle and calves at Aust $9.5 billion, wool at Aust $4.2 billion,
and wheat at Aust $3.7 billion [9]. In total, about 44% of the terrestrial land area is
Fig. 2 Australian land use at the national scale, 2010–2011. Source: Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences, Land Use of
Australia 2010–11, used under CC BY 3.0 (a), and extent of all forms of vegetation across Australia. Source: Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource
Economics and Sciences, Integrated Vegetation Cover dataset 2009, used under CC BY 2.5 (b)
F. A. Dadzie et al.
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Australia 53
dedicated to livestock grazing, and the annual value of livestock grazing for the
period 2019–2020 was about Aust $28 billion [10].
Australia’s soils are threatened by land degradation, defined as a reduction in land
condition through inappropriate land management coupled with effects of climate
[1, 11]. About a third of Australian soil is degraded and threatened with fertility loss,
yet soils are under increasing pressure due to increasing national and international
demand for food. Consequently, in a country where soils are inherently infertile by
world standards, protecting, maintaining, and restoring soils are significant chal-
lenges and one of the key national priorities [11]. In this chapter, we outline the main
drivers and impacts of agricultural land degradation and discuss their implications on
soils and land in a global change context.
Agriculture is the dominant sector driving degradation, yet one of the sectors most
susceptible to the effects of deteriorating land condition. In Australia, the main
impacts of land degradation are erosion, surface compaction, salinization, acidifica-
tion, and contamination [12]. The drivers of this soil degradation are numerous and
include climate, human-induced disturbance, and biotic factors (Fig. 3). These
drivers generate pressures on the land that, if not properly managed, can result in
reduced fertility, and in arid areas, desertification. Fertility decline mainly involves
changes in soil biological (e.g., shifts in microbial community composition, biodi-
versity loss) and physicochemical (e.g., losses in C, nutrients, moisture, structure,
decrease in pH, increase in salinity) properties, and a reduction in the capacity of the
soil to support plant growth and productivity [13].
Soil erosion is associated with soil surface destabilization, nutrient depletion, altered
soil microbial community structure, and a reduced capacity of the soil to cycle
nutrients, decompose organic matter, and support plant production). An inherently
variable climate, combined with sparse vegetation cover over about much of the
continent, and the typically poorly-structured, shallow and infertile topsoil make the
Australian continent particularly susceptible to erosion [3, 14]. Extreme climatic
events, such as droughts, floods, and wildfires intensify the removal of soil by wind
and water, and these events are expected to intensify over the next century due to
changing climates [15], strengthening the negative effects of erosion on soil fertility.
The greatest rates of erosion occurred during the early years of European colonisa-
tion in Australia [16], with overgrazing, land clearing (Fig. 4a), and other land use
Fig. 3 Schematic representation of how climatic, anthropogenic, and biotic factors drive fertility loss in Australia
F. A. Dadzie et al.
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Australia 55
Fig. 5 Extensive soil erosion caused by (a) sheep grazing, and exacerbated by drought, in northern
Victoria, (b) rabbit burrowing in western New South Wales, and (c) horse trampling in the
Australian alps. Credit: David Eldridge
predisposing the soil to erosion [19] and reducing its capacity to mineralize C, N,
and P, which are critical elements for plant growth. Trampling also reduces habitat
for soil biota (fungi, bacteria, invertebrates) that are critical for the breakdown of
litter. Removal of the biocrust, which is most common in rangelands in winter-
dominant rainfall areas in southern Australia, can lead to declines in infiltration and
may increase runoff [18]. In northern Australia, cyanobacterial biocrusts are known
to fix up to 5 kg ha-1 of nitrogen annually and are critical to support the N balance of
summer-growing grasslands [20]. Overall, overgrazing reduces this N and leads to
declines in pastoral production, reduced resilience to drought, and increased risk of
In addition to livestock overgrazing, introduced alien species are also responsible
for soil erosion across the Australian continent. For example, European rabbits
(Oryctolagus cuniculus), invasive herbivores that occur over much of the continent,
are widely recognized as contributing to soil erosion, nutrient decline, and pasture
deterioration due to their warren building activities [21] (Fig. 5b). Apart from their
effects on plant community composition and wind erosion, rabbit activity can result
in the transportation of P from the subsoil, enhancing the growth of exotic plants.
Unlike European livestock, rabbits do not use defined pathways or tracks, which
become conduits for water, and potentially link areas of bare soil and therefore
produce runoff and overland flow. The effects of kangaroos (Macropus spp.),
however, are more nuanced and controversial. High densities of kangaroos have
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Australia 57
been shown to lead to declines in plant cover [22], particularly during droughts [23],
but these effects are not obvious at low animal densities [24]. Finally, land degra-
dation can also result from unrestrained grazing by introduced feral herbivores. In
northern Australia, unrestricted grazing by feral horses, buffaloes, wild cattle,
camels, and donkeys can result in widespread erosion, leading to land degradation,
loss of perennial pastures, and fouling of watering points. Australia’s alpine grass-
lands have also become extremely overgrazed by feral horses [25] (Fig. 5c). Their
impacts not only damage fragile, humous rich soils, but also reduce the quality of
drinking water available for many communities in the Murray-Darling Basin.
Improved land management strategies have now been widely adopted over much
of the wheat-sheep belt in eastern Australia in order to reduce erosion and improve
crop yields. These include reduced or no-till farming, conservation farming, and the
use of crop rotations, which maintain a protective mulch on the surface to reduce
raindrop impact, water and sediment loss, and wind erosion [13]. The widespread
adoption of these control measures has reduced soil erosion over the past 30 years,
particularly in the southeastern states [26]. However, the effectiveness of these long-
term management practices varies markedly across the country, and the legacy effect
of past erosion events may be present for many years.
Approaches relating to grazing rely on the control of animal stocking duration
and intensity to increase plant growth and organic matter retention in soil [27]. For
example, in southern and eastern Australia, traditional forms of livestock manage-
ment such as continuous grazing have been replaced by time-controlled or rotational
grazing where different paddocks are allowed to rest on a rotational basis. Rotational
grazing systems are considered to be more effective at mitigating the effects of soil
erosion and have the potential to enhance soil organic C stocks, increase ecosystem
sustainability, and enhance production outcomes [28]. They are also likely to have
an important role in increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change
[14, 29]. In drier areas, additional mitigation strategies include exclusion fencing
to reduce native and feral animal populations [28] and the use of low-risk or
conservative grazing, where the aim is to maintain critical levels of plant cover on
the soil surface by running fewer animals [30]. However, the effectiveness of these
different approaches to reduce soil fertility loss depends largely upon soil types,
locations, and other environmental factors (e.g., topography), further complicating
the management, sustainability, and resilience of agricultural land in Australia [12].
The early colonisers described Australian soils as soft and loose; very different from
our present-day soils. Much of the soil softening resulted from the soil disturbing
activities of abundant small mammals such as the Greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis)
and Burrowing bettong (Bettongia lesueur) that were once widespread but are now
restricted to small areas of the country [31]. European settlement was also associated
with the introduction of hard-footed ungulates (sheep, cattle, horses), that unlike
58 F. A. Dadzie et al.
resident soft-footed macropods, did not co-evolve with Australian soils. The intro-
duction of large numbers of livestock, coupled with traditional intensive cultivation
practices such as tillage and intensive cropping with short rotation periods has led to
extensive soil compaction [32].
Soil compaction leads to lower soil biodiversity and fertility levels, due to
reduced capacity to store and supply nutrients and water, creating a negative
feedback loop that makes restoration difficult. The annual loss in agricultural
production from soil compaction in Australia is estimated to exceed Aust $850
million [33]. While compaction is a widespread issue in Australia, it is difficult to
diagnose compared with other forms of land degradation such as salinization and
erosion because it lacks clear soil surface indicators [31]. A recent management tool
based on a Bayesian approach to assessing the qualitative measures of compaction
[34] allows farmers to make an informed decision about the likely crop yield losses if
they ignore the problems of compaction.
Deep ripping of soils has been promoted as a technique to restore compacted
soils, but this is often only a temporary solution, and its effectiveness depends on soil
characteristics such as texture [32], with soils compacting faster and often deeper
than the initial compaction prior to deep ripping (plow pan). Current research on
combatting soil compaction focusses largely on the positive benefits of controlled
traffic farming, which results in lower levels of soil compaction indicators [35]. The
benefits of controlled traffic farming depend on soil type, but despite its promotion as
an effective method since the 1990s, adoption has been low, at about 30% nationally.
Other techniques include crop rotation with deep, tap-rooted species such as canola,
maintaining ground cover, and mulching, to increase soil porosity, structure, and
organic matter content indicators [36]. Novel application of biochar has also been
explored recently and shows promising results, alleviating compaction pressure on
growth and reducing NO2 emissions indicators [37]. Rotational grazing has been
shown to reduce soil compaction while enhancing soil health [28]. Given that
approximately half of Australia’s land use is dedicated to grazing [17], the imple-
mentation of even modest management changes would have long-term benefits on
soil porosity, structure, and organic matter content.
salinity concentrations increase [38]. Thus, poor soil and water management can
exacerbate the problems of salinization [38, 39]. The financial loss in agriculture
from salinity and sodicity in Australia is estimated at Aust $187 million and Aust
$1.03 billion, respectively [40].
Natural perennial native vegetation has historically kept groundwater tables low
[41], but the expansion of shallow-rooted annual plants associated with land use
change means that plants are no longer able to intercept and absorb rising ground-
water, exacerbating dryland salinity. The increase in concentrated salt at the soil
surface leads to secondary salinity, which affects more than one million hectares of
agricultural land in Western Australia, with estimated annual losses of Aust $0.5
billion [42]. Secondary salinization causes osmotic stress and yield declines and can
reduce microbial activity and diversity [43], leading to reduced nutrient availability
[41]. Leaching and flushing salt beyond the rooting depth are effective methods to
prevent a build-up of salts in the soil profile, though excessive leaching and flushing
can reduce water and nutrient use efficiency [44]. Poor quality saline water when
used for irrigation can lead to salt accumulation, particularly in drylands, so in these
situations, micro-irrigation methods are preferred [45], though they are expensive to
implement. Saline soils can be amended with gypsum to improve plant growth, but
this does not restore the osmotic imbalance in the soil [46], so additional treatments
such as the incorporation of mulch or organic matter are needed. Deep subsoil
ripping and slotting with gypsum can be used to reduce the effects of sodic soils
and reduce compaction [47]. More recent, cost-effective methods to improve soils
include the use of cyanobacteria to improve plant yields [48], though this is seldom
practiced in Australia. Planting salt-tolerant species has also been used to ameliorate
sodic and saline soils, with species such as Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus
camaldulensis shown to grow well in moderate to highly saline soils [49].
Poor management practices are also responsible for increased acidification of
Australian soils, with over-use and leaching of nitrogen-based inorganic fertilizers
among the major contributors [50]. During acidification, excess soluble aluminum is
released, restricting water and nutrient uptake by reducing root growth. Declining
pH can also reduce soil microbial activity and diversity, reducing the activity of
agriculturally important associations such as mycorrhizae and legume nodulation
[51]. Acidic soils are generally treated with lime and gypsum. Application rates vary
depending on the extent of acidification in the soil profile, with surface applications
taking up to two decades to improve acidic subsoils [52]. As with salinization, deep
ripping and the application of lime is an appropriate strategy, but only where the risk
of soil erosion is low [53]. Deep rippling may mix topsoils and subsoils and therefore
effect seedling emergence [52]. These include tree plantings (agroforestry) to
improve water use efficiency and reduce nitrate leaching and excessive use of
fertilizers [54], and the planting of acid-tolerant pasture species such as rye grass,
subterranean clover, and some native grasses [55].
60 F. A. Dadzie et al.
the biogenic transport of microplastics can be a pollution source for groundwater and
food webs [68]. In Australia, a recent study showed a 200% increase in the
bioaccumulation of two contaminants (perfluorooctane sulfonate, perfluorooctanoic
acid) in earthworms exposed to microplastic-contaminated soil, resulting in a sig-
nificant reduction in their reproduction [69].
Australian soils, ecosystems, and their unique biodiversity are already under con-
siderable stress from multiple human-induced impacts, with climate change and land
use change being major threats [12]. Plant and animal species have limited oppor-
tunity to adapt to climate change due to the physical and biotic characteristics of the
Australian environment (i.e., topography, habitat fragmentation, and low capacity
for dispersal) and the restricted geographic ranges of species [70]. Even under
modest future warming scenario (~1°C), the potential for negative effects on
Australian ecosystems and species is significant. For example, evidence suggests
that shrub cover will decline, and bare ground will increase in eastern Australia [15]
over the next century. In some dryland regions, higher land temperature, greater
evapotranspiration, and decreased precipitation amount, in interaction with climate
variability and human activities, have already contributed to desertification [15, 71].
Agriculture production, climate change, and land degradation are closely
interconnected in Australia. Climate change poses a serious and present threat to
the viability of Australia’s agricultural sector, as well as regional food security
[72]. Higher temperatures reduced rainfall and snowfall, and increased frequency
and intensity of extreme weather events (i.e., droughts, floods, bushfires, and dust
storms) have reduced farm productivity and produce quality, and increased farm
expenditure in many regions (Fig. 6). With typically less than 30-day supply of
non-perishable food and less than 5-day supply of perishable food, a low level of
on-hand food reserves makes Australia extremely vulnerable to supply chain dis-
ruptions via extreme weather events [73, 74].
These impacts directly influence food insecurity, not only nationally, but also
with countries reliant on Australian farm produce, as well as having a negative
impact on the sector’s economic value, and natural landscapes. Changing climates
also make land less productive for growing crops and raising livestock [71, 75] and
increase the likelihood that new pests and diseases will emerge, further reducing the
quality of agricultural produce [76]. Food nutritional quality can also be reduced by
rising temperatures and potential increases in mycotoxins. Thus, the climate change
effects on food security ultimately have many direct and indirect consequences on
human health and wellbeing.
62 F. A. Dadzie et al.
Fig. 6 Effect of 2000 to 2019 climate conditions on average farm business profit. Source: Source:
ABARES farmpredict [74], used under CC BY 4.0
engagement with experienced and highly motivated specialists; (3) the development
of up-to-date soil maps and monitoring programs at resolutions relevant to farm
management; and (4) the design of technical solutions for erosion control, seques-
tering carbon, and sustainable farming. The integration between public sector and
private sector data streams is also considered of utmost importance for the successful
implementation of such strategies and programs.
To overcome some of these challenges, a National Soil Strategy has recently been
developed in collaboration with state and territory governments, the National Soils
Advocate and other major stakeholders in soil science and land management
[11]. The Strategy is a 20-year plan that sets out how Australia will value, manage,
and improve its soil and aims to include specific and measurable targets to underpin
the progress measures and ensure the success of the Strategy can be clearly mea-
sured, monitored, and communicated. The Strategy will be implemented through a
National Action Plan, which will set out 3- to 5-year milestones and actions, subject
to 5-yearly reviews to incorporate changing or emerging soil-related priorities. The
Plan will include a first investment (2022) of AUD$196.9 million in new funding
over 4 years to implement the National Soil Strategy and an Interim Commonwealth
Action Plan. The plan will include increasing soil knowledge through standardized
data collection, management and storage, allowing for more informed decisions
using reliable, up-to-date, accessible information. This nationally coordinated strat-
egy is a first step toward a “soil-centric” approach to land management that can only
benefit the sustainable management of Australia’s natural resources.
Nevertheless, efforts to address climate change impacts on Australian land and
soils are still needed. With the agricultural sector’s vulnerability to climate change,
and its strong linkages with food security, social stability, human health and
wellbeing, and viability of the land and soils, the seriousness of the challenge cannot
be overstated. Urgent, cohesive, and evidence-based strategies are needed to miti-
gate emissions, discourage poor land practices, and facilitate improved social and
environmental resilience. Commitment to tackling climate change must be supported
and advanced by political, business, and community leaders at national, regional,
and local levels. A systemic view of climate change impacts and opportunities for
improvement are needed, such as the transition of Australia’s energy from fossil fuel
dependence to renewable sources. Clean energy is intrinsically linked to the reduc-
tion of climate disrupting greenhouse gasses that are threatening producer liveli-
hoods and environmental health. The capture and storage of carbon in agricultural
landscapes offers opportunities not only to lessen dangerous greenhouse gas con-
centrations but also to improve natural resources (such as soil health via increased
carbon concentration) and economic opportunity from emerging carbon markets.
The allocation of funding for climate mitigation and adaptation strategies represents
an investment in Australian social and political stability, and the avoidance of
worsening environmental deterioration, including land degradation, and food inse-
curity. The impacts Australia, and the rest of the world, will experience from climate
change will be determined by the strategies employed and actions taken today.
64 F. A. Dadzie et al.
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Agricultural Land Degradation in Peru
and Bolivia
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2 Levels of Soil Erosion in Agricultural Areas in Peru and Bolivia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.1 The Amount of Soil Degradation in Agricultural Lands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.2 The Distribution of Soil Erosion in Agricultural Lands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3 Causes and Impacts of Soil Degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.1 Agriculture Production Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.2 Soil Erosion and Salinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.3 Soil Erosion and Soil Organic Carbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.4 Irrigated Agriculture Effect on Slope Stability in Peru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3.5 Pesticide Pollution Risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
3.6 Soil Degradation and Microplastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3.7 Overgrazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3.8 Slash-and-Burn Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4 Solutions to Soil Degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.1 The Role of Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.2 New Agriculture Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.3 Reforestation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.4 Erosion Control Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Paulo Pereira, Miriam Muñoz-Rojas, Igor Bogunovic, and Wenwu Zhao (eds.), 69
Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation I: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, America
and Oceania, Hdb Env Chem (2023) 120: 69–96, DOI 10.1007/698_2022_926,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022,
Published online: 14 December 2022
70 R. R. Gutierrez et al.
Abstract Soil erosion is the most prominent evidence of soil degradation and is
regarded as the main type of agricultural land degradation worldwide. The objective
of this contribution is to assess soil degradation associated with agricultural lands in
Peru and Bolivia. The assessment is mainly based on a recent soil erosion survey;
maps describing soil erosion rates across 5 km grids for the years 1990, 2000, 2010,
and 2020; and global observations of agricultural land areas. We observe that soil
erosion rates in agricultural lands from Peru and Bolivia are steadily growing. We
also observe that (1) the highest quantities of soil erosion are found in the Andean
highlands and the largest areas of soil denudation in the Amazonian sections, and
(2) there is a positive relation between erosion degree and soil organic carbon stock.
The main drivers of soil erosion are the intensive agriculture production and fertilizer
use that have increased in Peru and Bolivia. This land use intensification in both
countries is also the driver of other land degradation factors such as soil salinization
and soil pollution. The use of sewage (e.g., gray water) in urban and peri-urban
agricultural areas increases the risk to soil health by inducing the dispersion of
microplastics assisted by soil erosion. Overgrazing affects a large portion of the
highlands from both countries. Very limited information of the extent of slash-and-
burn fire agriculture exists; however, this practice is mostly observed in the Depart-
ment of Santa Cruz (Bolivia). To prevent or minimize the pressure on soil resources
associated with soil erosion or soil pollution, we highlight the need to support
sustainable soil management practices and responsible use of fertilizers in
agricultural land.
Keywords Agriculture, Bolivia, Fire, Overgrazing, Peru, Slash and burn, Soil
1 Introduction
From the causes in question, soil erosion is regarded as the main type of soil
degradation worldwide [5]. Thus, there is global societal concern over soil erosion,
particularly in tropical developing nations, where it is reaching critical rates [6, 7]. In
Latin America, for example, nearly 20% of land area is being affected by soil erosion
[8, 9]. This is due to anthropogenic stressors such as a marked increase of land used
for agriculture [10] and the impacts of agronomic technical change, inappropriate
government policies, and poor institutional quality [11].
Erosion directly affects on-site agronomic productivity and rises off-site costs
associated with the operativity of hydraulic infrastructure (e.g., reservoirs, water
ways, flood protection works) due to siltation. Water treatment also increases due to
sediment concentration increase [12, 13]. Bolivia (a lower-middle income economy)
and Peru (an upper-middle economy) have increased their agricultural production in
the last two decades. Although Bolivia exhibits a high proportion of small-scale
farmers, in the last two decades, flex crops – namely, crops that have multiple uses
that can be easily and flexibly inter-changed – have expanded the Bolivian agricul-
tural production mainly through deforestation [14–16]. In 1993, the Peruvian gov-
ernment issued explicit policies to stimulate investment and the adoption of new
technologies in the agricultural sector. It allowed the country for exhibiting the
greatest annual production growth (5.6%) in the Latin American region between
1993 and 2008, and to maintain a growing trend in the last two decades [17, 18].
Current estimates indicate that the Andean catchments from Peru and Bolivia
combined are the largest contributors of sediments for the Amazon system
[19]. Higher sediment rates from Bolivian catchments than those from Peru were
observed in previous studies [20]. Likewise, due to a potential expansion of cropland
areas in Bolivia and Peru, soil erosion, and consequently discharge of particulate
organic carbon, may increase in the upcoming years [6, 21]. In addition, these
countries are included among the top 30 nations exhibiting high risks for soil
degradation by fertilizers contamination [22]. To date, accessible studies on soil
degradation at country scale for Peru and Bolivia are limited or not available. Most
studies report area-specific analysis of soil degradation in severely affected areas
[7, 23, 24]. Moreover, based on our academic and research experience in Peru and
Bolivia, we believe that soil erosion appears far less in public discourse compared to
other topics such as water pollution, which is also a pattern commonly observed in
many countries [10].
Rosas and Gutierrez [7] highlighted the technical challenges of quantifying soil
erosion rates in developing countries, which commonly exhibit limitations to build
and validate soil erosion models. They also introduced RUSLE-GGS, a GIS-based
RUSLE methodology, to quantify soil erosion rates at country scale applicable to
these nations. RUSLE-GGS allows for obtaining soil erosion rates estimates with a
known uncertainty and has been successfully applied to Peru.
The main objectives of this study are (1) conducting a digital soil degradation
assessment (e.g., salinization, SOC loss, soil erosion) based on freely accessible
72 R. R. Gutierrez et al.
global data (e.g., global food security-support analysis data,1 global distribution of
field size2), past studies, and soil erosion rates estimates obtained through the
RUSLE-GGS methodology by Rosas and Gutierrez [7]; (2) reviewing existing
evidence of the severity and concentration of slash-and-burn agriculture and
overgrazing; and (3) identifying potential actions to improve the knowledge and
the effects of soil degradation. This study could be used by decision-makers, public
agencies, and scientists from Peru and Bolivia as a knowledge resource to improve
the understanding of the dynamics of soil degradation through a multidisciplinary
This section examines the current condition of soil erosion in Peru and Bolivia
because it is regarded as the main type of soil degradation worldwide and a major
risk to soil health in Latin America [8]. That being so, it is analyzed by applying the
RUSLE-GGS methodology by Rosas and Gutierrez [7]. RUSLE-GGS comprises the
following steps to estimate soil erosion rates: (1) construction of erosion rate samples
using RUSLE-GIS based on freely available global geoenvironmental observations
(e.g., NASADEM Merged DEM Global 1 arc sec [25], NOAA NDVI version 4 [26],
SoilGrids Global gridded soil information [27], CHIRPS Daily Precipitation with
Station Data [28]), model outputs, and field relations; (2) construction of area-
specific sediment yield samples utilizing a set of soil delivery ratio functions; and
(3) assessment of the most behavioral samples through bias analysis and cross
The application of RUSLE-GGS to Peru [7] for 1990, 2000, and 2010 indicates
that the most behavioral erosion rate samples are predominantly obtained by means
of the following fundamental parameters of RUSLE: the Arnoldus rainfall erosivity
factor based on satellite precipitation input data, cover and management factor based
on global data, and slope length/steepness factor based on the LS-TOOL output [29],
and the sediment delivery ratio function by Williams and Berndt [30]. The erosion
rate estimates circumscribed to agricultural lands are obtained by using the global
observations thereof for the year 2000 [31]. The quantification of erosion rates in
agricultural lands provides the basis for the subsequent sections, in which the causes,
consequences, and solutions to soil degradation are discussed.
1 (Accessed on 03/10/2021).
2 (Accessed on 06/05/2021).
Agricultural Land Degradation in Peru and Bolivia 73
Table 1 Erosion coverage evolution by degree in agricultural lands from Peru and Boliviaa
Peru Bolivia
1990 2000 2010 2020 1990 2000 2010 2020
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Very low 17.0 12.9 10.5 10.0 67.3 55.1 45.7 60.1
Low 38.0 31.5 25.1 25.1 20.7 31.8 39.1 25.4
Moderate 20.8 21.3 19.4 19.2 6.2 6.1 5.9 5.5
Moderate 13.1 14.8 16.0 16.3 3.1 3.6 4.2 4.1
High 6.9 10.9 14.2 13.6 2.1 2.3 2.9 2.7
Severe 4.2 8.5 14.8 15.7 0.6 1.1 2.2 2.3
These quantities should be regarded as a broad erosion rate survey for Peru and Bolivia
Peru and Bolivia exhibit similar biomes in their Amazonian and Andean sections
[32–34]; pollution characteristics (e.g., the largest percentages of population using
solid fuels along the Andes), long-term climatology and future potential impacts
associated with global warming, and increase in detected fires [35]; and economic
reliance on extractive industries such as mining [36]. Therefore, it is reasonable to
assume that the aforementioned RUSLE structure to estimate erosion rates for Peru
can be extended to Bolivia. Thus, erosion rates estimates for Bolivia for 1990, 2000,
2010, and 2020, as well as those for Peru for the year 2020, are obtained. These
results should be regarded as a broad-scale erosion survey for assessing erosion rates
spatio-temporal evolution [7].
Table 1 summarizes our results, which are categorized according to a 6-class
scheme of soil erosion degrees, namely: very low (<1 ton/ha/year), low (<10 ton/ha/
year), moderate low (<25 ton/ha/year), moderate (<50 ton/ha/year), high
(<100 ton/ha/year), and severe as any rate above 100 ton/ha/year [3]. As shown in
Table 1, there is an increasing overall trend of erosion rates in Peru and Bolivia, with
Peru being the most affected by presenting in 2020 an increased agriculture area with
severe soil degradation of about 3.7 times the modeled coverage in 1990. Bolivia
exhibits a similar growth in degradation, although its base values are about 15% of
The distribution of agricultural land based on the Köppen climate units by Peel et al.
[37] shown in Fig. 1 indicates that the largest area of agricultural land in Peru and
Bolivia develops in the tundra climate (ET) and tropical savannah climate (Aw),
74 R. R. Gutierrez et al.
Fig. 1 Land coverage distribution of agriculture areas from Peru (left) and Bolivia (right) based on
[31] and according to the Köppen climate classification [37]. Af tropical rainforest climate, Am
tropical monsoon climate, Aw tropical savannah climate, BSh hot semi-arid climate, BSk cold
semi-arid climate, BWh hot desert climate, BWk cold desert climate, Cfb temperate oceanic
climate, Csb warm Mediterranean climate, Cwa monsoon humid subtropical climate, Cwb subtrop-
ical highland climate, Cwc cold subtropical highland climate, ET tundra climate
Overall, Fig. 2 indicates that severe erosion in agricultural lands occupies a larger
proportion of the Peruvian territory than in the Bolivian one. This suggests that
tropical rainforest, cold and hot semi-arid, and tundra climate units in Peru and
Bolivia are persistently affected by severe erosion in 2020. The highest proportion of
severe erosion in Bolivia was identified in the subtropical highland climate (~15%).
In Peru most of severe erosion (~55%) was observed in agricultural lands from the
This section surveys the potential causes of soil degradation by agricultural produc-
tion in Peru and Bolivia. To that end, the recent temporal dynamics of agricultural
production, its associated water depletion potential, and fertilizer consumption in
these countries are analyzed. Then, a digital assessment of the relationship of these
dynamics with the spatio-temporal evolution of erosion rate, salinity, and organic
carbon is performed. This assessment also focuses on the pesticide pollution risk, the
increasing presence of microplastics on soils, and, for the specific case of Peru, the
potential causes of slope instability associated with irrigated agriculture. Finally, the
potential effect of overgrazing slash-and-burn agriculture in both countries is
Agricultural Land Degradation in Peru and Bolivia 75
Fig. 2 Severe erosion distribution in agricultural lands per climate unit based on global agricultural
land maps for the year 2000 by Ramankutty et al. [31]. Figure 1 describes the acronyms
According to FAO [38], over the last two decades, the crop production and the use of
fertilizers such as nitrogen (N), phosphate (P2O5), and potash (K2O) increased over
the last few decades in Peru and Bolivia (Fig. 3). The most evident increase was
observed in maize and potato production, which are the most representative crops in
these countries. As observed in Fig. 3, the Peruvian production increased rapidly
from the year 1990 onward due to constitutional changes introduced in the early
1990s that removed restrictions to private ownership of land, liberalized land
markets, and incentivized private acquisition of land in the Coastal region [17]. Sim-
ilarly, Bolivia also exhibits a growing production and fertilizer use after the 2000s
76 R. R. Gutierrez et al.
Fig. 3 Representative crop production of Peru and Bolivia compared to the usage of fertilizers in
tons [38]
(Fig. 3). It possibly responded to a growing foodstuff internal demand as the country
has historically prioritized an agricultural autarky system [39].
Hofste et al. [40] estimated the worldwide water depletion and stress-inducing
hazard by comparing all potential water sources and the water demand from different
uses. In Peru and Bolivia, agricultural production is the largest consumer of water. In
these countries, the main factor contributing to water scarcity is the overexploitation
of water for agricultural production, mainly across water-limited environments in the
arid coastal region (where large-scale irrigated agriculture develops) and the low
Andean region. Figure 4 represents the agriculture land distribution and the areas
with the water depletion potential.
Soil salinity affects crop production as it reduces plant growth and induces crop
wilting by interfering with N uptake. Thus, several techniques (e.g., use of transgenic
breeds or bacteria-enriched fertilizers) were proposed to fight high salinization
[41]. However, these methods only inhibit the immediate effects on current crops
without reducing the potential of long-term salinity transport [42].
A global satellite-based study by Ivushkin et al. [43] for the period 1986–2016
identified an important saline concentration in the Piura region soil (Northern
Peruvian Coast in Fig. 5), which is confirmed by local studies that indicate the
increase of salinity due to unregulated rice crops that are mainly irrigated by flooding
the terrain [44]. Ivushkin et al. [43] did not identify any important soil salinity
hotspot for Bolivia, possibly due to the limitations of the methodology. Neverthe-
less, preliminary results from regional soil salinity assessments led by the Global
Partnership of the Food and Agriculture Organization [45] suggest that other impor-
tant areas with high soil salinity, mainly in Arequipa in Peru and La Paz or in the
higher land surrounding the Titicaca Lake in Bolivia. These soil salinity patterns
Agricultural Land Degradation in Peru and Bolivia 77
Fig. 4 Overall water depletion potential in Peru and Bolivia in contrast to the water stress induced
exclusively by agricultural practices based on freely accessible supporting material provided by
Hofste et al. [40]
were associated with the increase of highly irrigated areas shown in Fig. 5 and
reported by Lacroix et al. [46].
Figure 5 combines erosion degree, categorical information of salinity hotspots,
and average regional (i.e., geographical unit called region in Peru and department in
Bolivia) SOC stocks [27]. A visual inspection suggests that there is a positive
relation between erosion degree and salinity in the Peruvian South West section. A
high soil salinity is also observed in the arid Northern coastal section, which may
also increase in the coming years if the agricultural expansion continues. In the
Bolivian territory, salinity appears to be reaching slightly saline degrees. The only
extreme saline spot is in the vicinity of Uyuni salt flat.
78 R. R. Gutierrez et al.
Fig. 5 Comparison of the erosion degree in 2010 with the soil salinity at surface level and organic
carbon stock down to 30 cm depth per region based on freely available data provided by Hengl et al.
[27]. Salinity categories are defined as follows: non-saline (<2 dS/m), slightly saline (<4 dS/m),
moderately saline (8 dS/m), highly saline (16 dS/m), and extremely saline (>16 dS/m). Thin gray
lines represent the limits of geographical units called regions in Peru and departments in Bolivia
A key component of a healthy and fertile soil is SOC, which is the major component
of organic matter. SOC serves as a key nutritional resource for plants and microbes.
Although Earth’s soils are a rich reservoir of carbon, both soil erosion and current
agricultural practices have a predominantly detrimental impact on SOC, especially
on sloping Andean areas where the SOC loss due to erosion is more pronounced.
Agricultural practices such as intensive tillage, used in these areas, cause declines of
SOC stocks due to oxidation of organic matter, destruction of soil aggregates, and
reduction in water infiltration [47].
Agricultural Land Degradation in Peru and Bolivia 79
At the regional scale, the interaction between soil erosion degree and SOC stock
is observed in Peru and Bolivia (Fig. 5). The northern part of Peru is identified as a
tropical alpine environment, which represents an important SOC reservoir. The
continuous vegetation cover, low air temperature, low atmospheric pressure, and
frequent soil waterlogging increase SOC accumulation [48, 49]. However, many
tropical alpine areas present considerable human activity. Due to high pressure for
arable land, land use changes are observed from alpine grasslands to croplands rather
than forest [50]. SOC storage under these land uses is reduced due to the lack of
fertilization and manuring combined with high levels of erosion [51]. The tropical
and subtropical moist broadleaf forest in the Amazonian region of Peru and Bolivia
is experiencing high deforestation rates [52]. Along with deforestation, the area is
affected by soil erosion, which occurs when heavy rains fall on deforested bare soil
with gentle and moderate slopes. Soil erosion disrupts the continuous addition of
organic matter to the soil, altering SOC dynamics, affecting the soil biodiversity, and
consequently affecting soil ecosystem functions [53].
The arid region of the Peruvian coastal plain has the lowest SOC stocks of Latin
America and the Caribbean with rates under 25 ton C/ha (Fig. 6). A previous study
[54] estimated a rate of SOC loss of around 15 ton C/ha. Similarly, Bolivia exhibits
some regions with low soil carbon content (25–75 ton C/ha) in the Eastern Andes
and very low (<25 ton C/ha) in the Western Andes (Fig. 5). In these arid regions, it
becomes essential to preserve the scarce carbon due to the fragility of the local
ecosystems [55]. Continuous SOC losses across these areas may trigger irreversible
land desertification processes.
Both rainfall-driven and internal soil erosion play an important role in slope stability
[56, 57]. The latter includes two phenomena: suffusion (i.e., fine particles are eroded
through the voids between larger particles by seepage flow, leaving behind a coarse
soil skeleton) and piping (i.e., progressive erosion and transportation of soil particles
along a flow path), which diminishes soil stability, mainly in cohesionless soils as
silt and silica sands [58].
Large-scale and irrigation-intensive agriculture led to increased volumes of
seepage in some coastal Peruvian areas [59]. For instance, in the Quilca watershed
located in the coast of the Arequipa region (see location in Fig. 5), the constant
manipulation and deterioration of the existing soil due to the farming practices
induced several landslides over the last 40 years [42, 46]. A similar scenario was
also observed in the mid/upper Jequetepeque watershed (Cajamarca region in
Fig. 5), where small-scale irrigation interventions were enacted to promote organic
methods for fruit production and pasture [60].
80 R. R. Gutierrez et al.
Fig. 6 Pesticide risk score, number of active ingredients of pesticides, and overall concern level of
pesticide contamination potential [22] coupled with the erosion rate estimates for 2020 displayed as
elevations. The circle and red arrow highlight the location of the high concern level in the
Jequetepeque area. Spikes represent local peaks of erosion rate
Figure 6 shows the relationship between erosion rates for 2020 (displayed as
topographical information) and the pesticide risk score, number of pesticide active
ingredients (i.e., pesticide use), and concern level due to potential impact on the
existing biodiversity for the year 2021 by Tang et al. [22].
From Fig. 6, although not quantified herein, it is reasonable to infer that there is a
positive relation between erosion rate and pesticide risk score and erosion rate and
the number of active ingredients. This is particularly evident in Andean highlands of
Peru and Bolivia and some possibly deforested areas in the Amazonian section. Most
of the study area is nevertheless categorized below the medium concern level with
Agricultural Land Degradation in Peru and Bolivia 81
Fig. 7 Land fraction exposed to certain pollution risks. HWR = low and variable water supplies
exposed to high pesticide risk, HB = significant biodiversity exposed to pesticides directly,
EA = endangered amphibian species critically endangered by pesticides (based on freely accessible
material provided by Tang et al. [22])
only one exception, namely, the Jequetepeque region (Northern Peruvian Coast),
which presents a high level of concern. As underlined above, this region also
exhibits high salinity [44].
Tang et al. [22] ranks the World’s 30 countries exhibiting the highest levels of
pollution risk associated with pesticides based on three criteria: (1) water supplies
exposed to high pesticide risk, (2) significant biodiversity exposed to pesticides, and
(3) endangered amphibian species critically endangered by pesticides. Comparing
multiple South American countries (Fig. 7), Peru, along with Ecuador and Mexico, is
exposed to risks associated with the three criteria. Bolivia is affected by risks
associated with the first and the second criterion (Fig. 7).
Microplastics are important factors of soil degradation with negative implications for
soil biodiversity. Recent studies suggest that microplastics affect soil microbial
activity [61] and the microbiota of soil animals such as centipedes [62]. They also
inhibit plant growth in wheat crops [4]. These facts raise concerns on the increasing
presence of microplastics in soils across Bolivian and Peruvian territory over the last
few years. For instance, high-density microplastic traces are observed in coastal and
fluvial environments [63–65].
Certain microplastics affect the soil mechanical properties. For example, poly-
esters commonly found in clothing reduce the soil bulk density of loamy sands and
induce the formation of soil clumps [61]; other microplastics may affect overall
slope stability and erodibility rate in soils [57]. Thus, microplastics could exacerbate
soil erosion [61], which is one of the main vehicles for microplastic spread
82 R. R. Gutierrez et al.
3.7 Overgrazing
and burn, its ecological impacts, and the rate at which it is changing in Amazonian
countries such as Peru and Bolivia [87].
In Peru, slash-and-burn increase is mainly triggered by economic structures such
as credit or cooperatives and public policies; likewise, slash-and-burn decrease is
controlled by economic structures and public attitudes toward it [87]. It is used
chiefly by indigenous farmers on both upland forest sections and riverine corridors,
mainly for cattle and agricultural production [17, 88, 89]. Anecdotical evidence
suggests that slash and burn does not necessarily exhibit a simple dynamic. For
instance, in the vicinity of Iquitos (the largest city in the Peruvian forest), it started to
increase since the 1950s, accelerated its pace in 1980s reaching a peak in the early
1990s, and then started to decrease [90]. Overall, it appears that slash and burn is one
of the main causes of forest and land degradation [89, 91, 92] and that it may
marginally affect the water chemistry of streams [93].
Slash and burn is practiced in most of the Bolivian forest section [94]. Neverthe-
less, most of the research on its use concentrates in the department of Santa Cruz,
which, at this point, occupies 61% of the national crop area [95] largely obtained
through slash-and-burn cultivation [96, 97]. In the late 1980s, slash and burn in
Santa Cruz was exacerbated by structural adjustment policies that resulted in a long-
term increase of the crop area and degradation of fragile soils [98, 99]. Slash-and-
burn agriculture is observed in both piedmont and alluvial areas from Santa Cruz
[100]. In some areas, soils exhibit the presence of charcoal and pottery shards [101].
[106] to small-scale farming where the sensors may only trigger immediate warning
to farmers via cellphone when a potential hazard is detected [107]. These practices
were driven by the Peruvian Ministry of Environment to improve the crop quality in
Lambayeque, Peru, yielding favorable results [104]. Likewise, prototypes tailored
for banana and mango crops in Sullana, Peru, demonstrated the effectiveness and
efficiency of these methods cost wise [108]. In Bolivia, up-to-date technology is
commonly used in export crops (e.g., soybean, sunflower, sugar) and fruit trees such
as bananas and grapes [39]. However, it is being adopted at a low pace due to the
shortage of well-trained personnel to operate the associated equipment and
devices [103].
Drones, on the other hand, are small aircrafts often controlled by a remote control
or a pre-programed routine which carry a payload, which is often a camera or
infrared sensor, to gather soil data and soil information from inaccessible areas
[109]. Although it is not widely reported, this method is gaining popularity in Peru
and Bolivia as it allows for easily assessing several parameters from large areas of
crops, such as plant health monitoring, canopy cover mapping, field water ponding,
and chlorophyll measurement, among others [110]. These examples of remote
monitoring tools are becoming essential to agricultural practices in Peru [105] and
Bolivia [103]. Possibly they will also be used for real-time erodibility sensing as the
capabilities of particle tracking sensors improve [111], which may advance the
practical assessment and the scientific understanding of soil degradation dynamics
in developing countries.
Aside from the precision farming techniques discussed in Sect. 4.1, Agriculture 4.0,
a production system that will not depend on the uniform and massive use of water,
fertilizers, and pesticides across entire fields [112, 113], has been introduced in
recent years. Agriculture 4.0 will involve 3D printing of foods, cultured meat,
genetic modification, and seawater agriculture, which could grow in arid areas by
using abundant and clean resources such as the sun and seawater and new sophis-
ticated technological elements such as artificial intelligence, robots, temperature and
moisture sensors, aerial images, and GPS [112]. The arid Peruvian coastal region,
where most of the country population is concentrated, possibly has a high potential
for the application of large-scale Agriculture 4.0, especially in large cities (e.g.,
Lima, Trujillo, Piura) peri-urban areas.
Vertical farming or indoor farming represents another alternative to conventional
farming as it directly addresses the areal limitations thereof [114]. In contrast to
traditional farming, vertical farms require sophisticated equipment and a highly
specialized workforce [115]. Likewise, they are energy-intensive, especially those
using hydroponics that also require a relatively large number of personnel to
properly function [116]. Nevertheless, if planned correctly, vertical farming systems
can vastly outperform traditional farming, reporting returns of investments of 20%
Agricultural Land Degradation in Peru and Bolivia 85
and doubling the crop yield of leafy green vegetables under certain conditions
[115]. Most of the development in this field points to aeroponic cultivation as it
markedly reduces resources consumption [117].
The potential environmental benefits (e.g., reduction of fertilizers and water use)
of large-scale application of vertical agriculture have been identified in both devel-
oped and developing nations [118, 119]. By extension, in the geographical context
of Peru and Bolivia, it would be central to reduce the rate of deforestation and
expansion of agricultural frontiers. It would also reverse the increasing need to build
small- and large-scale irrigation reservoirs, create profitable small and medium-size
peri-urban agricultural business, decrease the pressure over soil, and improve bio-
diversity. However, these potential benefits could represent additional challenges to
smallholder farmers (the weakest group in the agricultural production chain), par-
ticularly those from remote high-altitude Andean and Amazonian regions of Peru
and Bolivia.
4.3 Reforestation
Small-scale illegal mining has severely impacted large areas of fragile ecosystem
from the Peruvian and Bolivian Amazon at an accelerated pace [130, 131]. Appar-
ently protecting regulation has been more effective on the Peruvian side [131–
133]. Possibly it is nevertheless fair to state that a wide knowledge gap on the
technical approaches for reforestation of these areas still exists [121, 122, 134].
Brancalion and Chazdon [126] highlight the necessity of accounting financial
assessment and modeling prior to any reforestation initiative. Unfortunately, in many
cases in the Andean region, these projects are poorly executed or abandoned due to
budget constraints or lack of government incentives, thus undermining the original
purpose, and affecting the economy of the local communities [60].
There is a need of an adequate soil governance frame (i.e., laws, policy, and law
enforcement) for soil erosion control in developing countries [7, 11, 135, 136]. Ero-
sion has not only largely contributed to soil degradation in Peru and Bolivia, but also
it seems that it has exacerbated poverty in these countries [80, 137]. Currently, Peru
and Bolivia lack specific regulation for controlling soil erosion; they only have
general guidelines and recommendations on the matter (Table 2), which are com-
monly strictly verified in Peruvian mining and petroleum operations [138].
We postulate that in designing and enacting soil erosion control regulations, the
countries in question could consider the requirements governing land-disturbing
activities from developing countries. For instance, under the US Environmental
Protection Agency’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, a soil ero-
sion and sediment control plan should be developed for construction activities that
disturb one acre (0.4 ha) or more, or smaller projects that are part of a larger common
plan of development [140]. Likewise, according to the policies of the US Federal
Highway Administration, since 2016 “all highway projects should be located,
designed, constructed and operated according to standards that will minimize soil
erosion and sediment damage to the highway and adjacent properties and abate
pollution of surface and ground water resources” [141]. In addition, the US Depart-
ment of Agriculture establishes general soil erosion control treatment categories
(e.g., slope grading; seed, fertilizer, and soil amendments; soil stabilizers and
tackifiers; mulching) and promotes the use of nature-based solutions [142]. The
efficiency of some of these measures, however, has been questioned in recent
studies [143].
5 Conclusions
Table 2 List of laws and regulations regarding erosion mitigation and control in Peru and Bolivia
Country Codea Name Article Description
Peru Ley N° Law that declares of national Art. 1 It is of national and public
30.557 interest and public necessity interest to improve river
the construction of flood defense structures, which will
defenses and hydraulic be included in the national
structures management agenda
Art. 2 The central government will
manage the project coordina-
tion and budget related to
flood defenses
Ley N° Law that establishes three Art. 3 Regarding agriculture, the
30.191 measurements for prevention, scope of this law will manage
reduction, and readiness in the the budget of river defenses,
presence of a disaster highland watershed treat-
ment, riverbank restoration
and control, and ENSO-
related phenomena
D.S. N° Regulation of environmental Art. The environmental manage-
004-2017- protection for the transporta- 33 ment plan must include mea-
MTC tion industry surements that regulate the
water use management, soil
and land use, wildlife and
fauna protection, erosion
control and reduction, and
treatment of emissions
D.S. N° Regulation of environmental Art. The construction of perfora-
039-2014- protection for activities related 78 tion platforms must include a
EM to hydrocarbons detailed study of slope stabil-
ity, erosion and sediment
control, and an evaluation of
the natural drainage systems
D.S. N° Regulation of environmental Art. The basic contents of the
019-2012- management in the agriculture 25 environmental impact report
AG industry must consider the water
usage, land cover conserva-
tion, soil degradation mea-
surements, biologic diversity
conservation, public health,
national heritage conserva-
tion, and basic service
D.S. N° Regulation of environmental Art. In the case of an existing
042-2017- protection for mining 17 nearby river or natural drain-
EM exploitation age line, erosion control
structures must be built
Boliviab Ley N° Environmental law Art. Mining operations must
1333 71 restore used areas, mitigate
erosion, assure slope stability,
and protect water streams,
during and after execution
88 R. R. Gutierrez et al.
Table 2 (continued)
Country Codea Name Article Description
Art. Hydrocarbons-related activi-
73 ties must contain environ-
mental measurements of
prevention from deforesta-
tion, erosion, sedimentation,
and biota protection
“Ley” = Act, “D.S.” = Ordinance
Based on Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua [139]
by Rosas and Gutierrez [7], global observations of agricultural lands extension for
the year 2000, and the extraction of soil degradation-related data from freely
available global datasets and model outputs available across these countries.
Our results indicate that soil erosion rates at agricultural lands have increased in
the last three decades in Peru and Bolivia. The largest areas of severely denuded soil
are persistently located in agricultural lands from the tropical rainforest, cold and hot
semi-arid, and tundra climate units in Peru and Bolivia. Likewise, although initial
and based on an observational criterion, our assessment reveals that there is a
positive relation between soil erosion and soil organic carbon stock. A further
analysis of this relationship is certainly needed.
Industrial-scale agriculture has markedly grown in Peru since the early 1990s,
especially in the Coastal section. In contrast, only flex crops have developed in
Bolivia in the last two decades. This agricultural growth dynamics appears to be
related to (1) the development of high soil salinity spots in the Peruvian Coast (e.g.,
Piura and Arequipa regions) and the Bolivian highlands (e.g., La Paz and the
surroundings of the Titicaca Lake) and (2) the increase in fertilizer pollution risk
in both countries, although this risk in Peru is one of the highest in Latin America
(only comparable to that in Ecuador and Mexico).
A limited number of local studies have addressed the presence of microplastics in
soils. They nevertheless report a sustained growing trend. The use of sewage-derived
waters of urban and peri-urban farms at large Peruvian cities and several areas of
Bolivia may result in high concentration microplastics spots in these locations.
Overgrazing affects a large portion of the highlands from both countries. Very
limited information regarding the extent of slash-and-burn agriculture is reported in
the scientific literature. However, it suggests that most of this practice is concen-
trated in the Department of Santa Cruz in Bolivia.
This contribution identifies some potential measures to limit the current high
pressure on soil resources in the study countries. Adopting new technology (e.g.,
remote sensors, UAV monitoring and mapping) and new agricultural techniques
(e.g., vertical farming, aeroponic cultivation) or the adoption of sustainable soil
management practices (e.g., zero tillage, responsible fertilizers use, and crop diver-
sification) appears to be feasible in the short/medium term.
In addition, establishing regulatory frameworks for erosion control in Peru and
Bolivia like the US National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System might limit the
Agricultural Land Degradation in Peru and Bolivia 89
Acknowledgments We acknowledge the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) for
supporting this contribution.
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Agricultural Land Degradation in Brazil
1 Insights from Agriculture and Land Degradation in Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
2 Water Erosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
2.1 Cerrado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
2.2 Atlantic Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
2.3 Amazon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
2.4 Pantanal, Pampa, and Caatinga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
2.5 Water Erosion Studies in Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
2.6 An Estimate of Water Erosion Rates in Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
2.7 Soil and Water Conservation in Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
3 Wind Erosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
4 Slash-and-Burn Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
5 Soil Compaction and Overgrazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
6 Salinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
7 Agrochemicals Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
8 Microplastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
9 Challenges and Future Perspectives for Agriculture and Land Degradation in Brazil . . . . 115
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
P. T. S. Oliveira (✉)
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism and Geography, Federal University of Mato
Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil
Department of Hydraulics and Sanitation, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São
Paulo, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
R. de Faria Godoi, C. B. Colman, J. S. Motta, and A. Almagro
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism and Geography, Federal University of Mato
Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil
J. S. Sone
Department of Hydraulics and Sanitation, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São
Paulo, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Paulo Pereira, Miriam Muñoz-Rojas, Igor Bogunovic, and Wenwu Zhao (eds.), 97
Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation I: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, America
and Oceania, Hdb Env Chem (2023) 120: 97–128, DOI 10.1007/698_2022_923,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022,
Published online: 14 December 2022
98 P. T. S. Oliveira et al.
Abstract In the last 50 years, Brazil changed its position of food importer to
become one of the main global players in food, fiber, and renewable energy pro-
ductions. This shift was only possible because of the country’s favorable climate
condition, soil types, relief, and environmental diversity, together with agricultural
technological advances such as the use of no-till, level terraces, development of
adapted seeds, intensification of mechanized agriculture, and currently smart agri-
culture. However, the country still faces problems with agricultural land degradation,
such as soil erosion (water and wind), slash-and-burn agriculture, soil compaction
and overgrazing, salinity, the abusive use of agrochemicals, and microplastics. In
this chapter, we discuss some of these issues on the agricultural land degradation in
Brazil, showing the main challenges, advances, and perspectives on this topic.
Brazil is a country with continental dimensions (total area of ~8,500,000 km2), home
to a great diversity of landscapes, a large range of elevations (sea level to 2,900 m),
different hydrometeorological conditions, and a variety of rich ecosystems. The
country has six biomes – the Amazon, Atlantic Forest, Caatinga, Cerrado, Pantanal,
and Pampa [1]. The country is also known currently as one of the main global
players in agriculture and beef production. Agribusiness has been the main sector of
the Brazilian economy, representing one-third of Brazil’s gross domestic product
(GDP). For instance, in 2020 the Brazilian GDP was R$ 7.45 trillion and the
agribusiness GDB of R$ 2.0 trillion [2]. However, this was not the reality 50 years
ago, when the country was a food importer.
During the 1960s, only 2% of the Brazilian farmers had agricultural machinery
[3]. In general, soil management began with the elimination of undisturbed vegeta-
tion, followed by soil tillage and sowing performed using animal traction, and ended
with the burning of residues after harvesting. In the 1960s and 1970s, Brazil
experienced rapid urbanization and middle-class expansion, increasing the purchas-
ing power of households and changing the food consumption patterns. Domestic
food production was insufficient thanks to poor agricultural technology and land
management, while food imports were becoming unsustainable. The first page of a
national newspaper on April 24, 1968, was “The food scarcity in Brazil,” showing
the issues and challenges that the country was going through.
In the 1970s, Brazilian agriculture had the first steps toward more efficient
production. In that decade, the soil was managed with more intensity, using plows
and grades (plowing, chipping, and leveling), and sowing with mechanical traction,
using limestone to correct soil acidity and phosphate fertilizers. In general, crop
Agricultural Land Degradation in Brazil 99
residues were still burned after harvesting. We also need to highlight the initial use of
terrace farming and contour plowing [4]. In addition, on December 7, 1972, the
Brazilian president Emílio Garrastazu Médici created the Brazilian Agricultural
Research Corporation (in Portuguese Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária –
Embrapa). The Embrapa was of such importance to improve agriculture efficient
production, bringing, together with the universities, science and technology to the
Brazilian farmers.
After the 1970s, year by year the Brazilian agriculture has proved to be robust,
efficient, and extremely productive. The traditional soil management system that
used plows and harrows (conventional tillage) was replaced by a system involving
soil cover with crop residues and reduction/elimination of mechanical tillage
(no-till). With the use of direct seeding, water erosion and crop costs were reduced
in relation to conventional tillage. Currently, the country is one of the world’s largest
producers and exporters of grain and beef [1]. Figure 1 shows the development of
Brazilian agriculture divided into three steps: the 1960s, 1970s, and currently.
It has been reported that food production needs to increase by 60% to feed the
world population in 2050 [5]. Pastor et al. [6] have shown that the global agricultural
expansion into undisturbed lands may be around 300 Mha (100 Mha cropland and
200 Mha grassland) between 2000 and 2050. This projection was done considering
an increase in food demand, with more than 60% of the increase coming at the
expense of forests. Furthermore, 50–60% of this total conversion would occur in
Latin America according to the authors. This farmland expansion has occurred
mainly in the Brazilian Cerrado in one of the largest expanding agricultural frontiers
in the world known as MATOPIBA [1]. Therefore, it is clear that the Brazilian
agribusiness has been crucial for global food trade. Land-use and land cover
planning supported by new technologies is key to keep improving food, energy,
and fiber production in Brazil. Furthermore, it is also needed to solve important
issues related to soil degradation, such as soil erosion, slash-and-burn agriculture,
soil compaction and overgrazing, salinity, the abusive use of agrochemicals, and
microplastics. Some of these issues are discussed below in this chapter.
100 P. T. S. Oliveira et al.
2 Water Erosion
Water erosion is a prominent threat to Brazilian soils. The removal of the fertile
topsoil reduces crop productivity and produces polluting sediments that will be
transported downstream and may cause siltation and flooding. Water erosion in
Brazil is mainly related to its historical intensive agriculture expansion with a lack
of agricultural technology and unplanned occupancy. Brazil’s agriculture expansion
progressed mainly based on forest conversion to pasture and crops under manage-
ment systems that were inadequate to the pedoclimatic and topographic conditions
[7–9]. However, currently new agricultural technologies and soil and water conser-
vation practices have supported Brazilian farmers to improve productivity without
increasing soil erosion [10].
The high land availability, abundant water resources, and climatic conditions
have allowed Brazil to intensively expand its agricultural production while
protecting 67% of its native vegetation (Fig. 2) [11]. Even facing adversity in
managing its agricultural soils and using a small fraction of its land when compared
to other countries (i.e., 7.5% for crops and 19.7% for grazing), Brazil is still a major
food producer and exporter. The country is the world’s leading producer of soybean,
sugarcane, and coffee, the second major producer of beef cattle, and the third major
producer of chicken meat [12].
In a scenario where the conservation of remaining forest areas is sought, to
enhance food production, the amount of food produced per unit of land must
increase instead of increasing the agricultural area. Studies have shown that Brazil
has the unique opportunity to enhance agricultural production to meet projected food
demand at the same time conserving its biodiversity [13–15]. The balance between
soil protection, greenhouse gas emissions, and food security in an agriculture
intensification plan has been discussed [16–19]. Although the strategies for intensi-
fication have yet to be settled, one thing is sure: to effectively guide sustainable
agriculture intensification, knowledge on soil resources and the related degradation
processes is essential. Thus, the current status of agricultural soils in Brazil
concerning water erosion is briefly discussed here in more detail for each biome.
2.1 Cerrado
The land-use intensification in the Cerrado is one of the main causes of the current
powerful agri-food production of Brazil. For instance, from the late 1970s to 2020 in
the central-western region (where the Cerrado is the predominant biome), land use
for grain production increased 6.7 times, while the production increased almost
23 times [20]. Being a region with naturally low fertility soils, this growth was
only possible because of agricultural research on genetic improvement and acidity
correction, besides intense use of fertilizers [3, 21].
Agricultural Land Degradation in Brazil 101
Fig. 2 Land use and land cover summary of Brazil, depicting the coverage of the nine most
common classes in each biome. Forests alone correspond to almost half of Brazil’s land. Agricul-
tural land occupies 30% of the country’s territory
Currently, 41% of the country’s land use for agriculture and 36% for livestock
take place in the Cerrado (Fig. 2). The intensive change in land use in the biome
leads to land degradation, as it has been shown that the crop productivity loss more
than doubled in areas under severe erosion between 2000 and 2012, reaching an
annual soil loss rate of 12.0 Mg ha-1 year-1 [22]. The Cerrado portion in the states
of Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí, and Bahia (MATOPIBA) is the newest agricultural
hotspot: the area for crops in this region more than doubled in the last two decades,
coming mostly from the conversion of natural vegetation [23, 24]. Clearing
Cerrado’s native vegetation increases soil loss rates in orders of magnitude and
consequently decreases agricultural productivity [22, 25, 26].
102 P. T. S. Oliveira et al.
Concerning the forest biomes, the Atlantic Forest concentrates 32 and 18% of
Brazil’s land for agriculture and pasture, respectively, and 71% of lands of mosaic
agriculture (Fig. 2). The major part of Brazil’s forest plantations and sugarcane crops
is located in the Atlantic Forest. The latter were planted mostly over areas of
degraded pastureland and cropland [27], where soils have faced severe erosion
with rilling and gullying for many years [28, 29]. No-till with straw mulching has
been increasingly used in sugarcane crops to avoid accelerated erosion, although soil
compaction caused by the intense machinery traffic still poses a major limitation to
the spread of no-till in sugarcane crops [30]. Legal and political efforts associated
with market mechanisms have made the Atlantic Forest move toward reducing
deforestation rates and enhancing forest transition [31–33]. However, soil data
have been neglected in restoration projects [34]. Land management in the Atlantic
Forest requires major improvements concerning soil conservation [27].
2.3 Amazon
Cattle ranching and soybean crops have been put as the major causes of forest
clearing in the Amazon [35, 36]. The Amazon comprises almost one-third of Brazil’s
pastureland (Fig. 2). Although these areas are the outcome of deforestation, grazing
activity in already-cleared areas has been considered sustainable use of Amazon land
[37, 38]. Degraded pastures are responsible for 50% of total soil loss caused by
agricultural activities in Brazil [39]. In the Amazon, degraded pastureland reduced
more than nine times between 2008 and 2014 [40]. This fact is a response to
environmental policies such as the Soy Moratorium that incentivized soy expansion
in already-cleared areas, prioritizing degraded pastures [24].
Water erosion rates in soybean crops are diminished as at least half of the crops
are planted under no-till cultivation [39]. However, the market’s pressure for crop-
land expansion creates off-site effects, boosting the risk of deforestation advancing
north [24, 36, 41]. Wildfires in the Amazon also increase the risk of water erosion
[42], especially in lowland forests where lower tree cover densities occur [43] and
soil erodibility [44] and rainfall erosivity are high [45, 46]. If not controlled, soil
erosion can change Amazon rainforests into a savanna state [47].
The Pantanal, Pampa, and Caatinga biomes also offer many opportunities for
sustainable use, for which land-use planning and conservation policies are essential
[48, 49]. For instance, in the Pampa biome, the natural grasslands offer shelter for
Agricultural Land Degradation in Brazil 103
sustainable large-scale livestock grazing [50, 51], but previous inadequate manage-
ment practices and financial interests for quick profit made farmers trade the
grasslands’ potential for cattle production for other agriculture activities [52]. In
fact, agriculture currently represents 41% of the biome’s area (Fig. 2), being the main
rice and wheat producer in Brazil [53]. Once the soils in the Pampa biome are very
susceptible to water and wind erosion, inappropriate land use represents a major
threat to this fragile environment [54].
In the Pantanal, ranchers have been conciliating low-density cattle grazing with
landscape conservation for two centuries and a half [55]. However, increasing
pressure coming from intense land use in the surrounding highlands (Cerrado and
Amazon biomes) represents a major threat to the Pantanal ecosystem [56]. The
lowlands and the highlands dynamics are strictly connected, so that the Cerrado
rivers carry the increased sediment load caused by water erosion to the deposition
plain, worsening already existing siltation problems in the Pantanal [57] and threat-
ening the sustainable management in the region.
The Caatinga biome is a semi-arid region located in the Northeast of Brazil, being
the driest region of the country. It comprises mostly secondary vegetation (herba-
ceous and arboreous) and presents a severe dry season, where ~70% of the annual
precipitation occurs between February and April. Despite this dry condition, the
lands of the Caatinga are destined for grazing livestock on pasture (25.2%) and
agriculture production (11.3%) by using irrigation and rain-fed agriculture (Fig. 2).
Most of the farmlands in this region are rain fed, although irrigated areas have
significantly increased in the last few years [58]. Furthermore, there is a concentra-
tion of small family farmers in this region. There is potential to increase food
production in this region by using irrigation; therefore, soil and water conservation
techniques are necessary to improve productivity and to control the soil erosion
The number of soil erosion studies with field experiments in Brazil has decreased by
86% since 2000 [59]. Although direct measurements are essential for the modeling
validation process, indirect methods to predict soil erosion by water have been
extensively and increasingly applied in Brazil. The empirical Universal Soil Loss
Equation (USLE) by Wischmeier and Smith [60] is the most widespread model to
predict soil loss by water in Brazil [61]. The recent advances in remote sensing and
environmental data availability allow researchers to approach the USLE six envi-
ronmental risk factors in large-scale studies.
Almagro et al. [46] have estimated the rainfall erosivity (R) and its projected
changes across Brazil. The study finds increased projections of R-factor in north-
eastern and southern Brazil, and a decrease of as much as -71% in the 2071–2099
period was estimated for the southeastern, central, and northwestern parts of the
country. Knowing the change patterns in rainfall distribution is essential for planning
104 P. T. S. Oliveira et al.
soil and water conservation. The soil erodibility factor (K) has been indirectly
determined by Godoi et al. [44] based on the USLE nomograph and validated against
field measurements. The study identifies critical erodibility values for the Western
Amazon soils, where the forests present a crucial role in protecting against water
erosion. The results provide support for the sustainable management of soil
The improvements in terrain data and algorithms allow a more precise estimation
of the topographic factor (LS). For instance, the LS tool developed by Zhang et al.
[62, 63] is an improved method to estimate the slope length and USLE LS factor.
This method presents an approach for overcoming the limitations of slope length
determination based on flow path and cumulative cell length-based method (FCL).
Refined digital elevation models (DEMs) have been developed such as the MERIT
DEM created by Yamazaki et al. [64]. The improved DEM removes major error
components from existing digital elevation models (DEMs), providing substantial
improvements for flat areas, such as the Amazon floodplain.
With the decline of plot-scale erosion studies, the most recently applied methods
for the determination of the cover-management factor (C) are based on geographic
information system (GIS) procedures, basically by the assignment of literature
C-factor values to land-use maps or the application of vegetation indices. Although
these methods may not adequately represent the management aspect of the C-factor,
they allow a better understanding of the soil erosion potential in large-scale appli-
cations [65]. Durigon et al. [66] propose a method for calculating C-factor based on
the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for tropical regions. This method
was investigated by Almagro et al. [67] against literature values and was considered
the most suitable alternative for computing soil loss in tropical regions. Most
recently, Macedo et al. [68] proposed a new approach for computing the C-factor
considering the effect of low-reflectance vegetation cover areas on the reduction of
the effects on erosion caused by rainfall seasonality. The authors found a better
C-factor estimating by their approach than that proposed by Durigon et al. [66]; thus,
this is also a suitable approach to be used in Brazil.
Combining the above-discussed methods and data for R [46], K [44], LS [62–64],
and C [66] factors, we have the necessary inputs to estimate the average soil loss rate
by water erosion using the USLE, by simply multiplying the factors. To estimate the
C-factor, we used MODIS imagery of the last 10 years (2011–2021) as input to the
formula proposed by Durigon et al. [66], with the adjustment factor of 0.1 reported
by Colman [69]. In the first moment, the support practice factor (P) was not
evaluated. The resulting map of water erosion for Brazil is presented in Fig. 3.
According to the present mapping, approximately 81.7 Mha or 9.6% of Brazil’s
land is under severe erosion (>11 t ha-1 year-1). Considering the arable land (areas
currently under agricultural use and grasslands), 28.4 Mha or 9.4% are severely
Agricultural Land Degradation in Brazil 105
Fig. 3 Map of soil loss by water in Brazil. The numbers outlined by the dashed border indicate the
biomes: 1 – Amazon, 2 – Caatinga, 3 – Cerrado, 4 – Pampa, 5 – Pantanal, and 6 – Atlantic Forest
eroded. In terms of biomes, the Atlantic Forest is the most threatened one with
almost 25% under severe erosion, followed by the Cerrado with 9%. Figure 4
presents the coverage of each erosion interval for each land-use class. Non-forest
ecosystems (NFE; here basically composed of grasslands) is the class most affected
by water erosion, while wetlands represent the least susceptible one.
Fig. 4 The stacked bars indicate the coverage of each soil loss interval for the main land-use classes
in Brazil
to the present day achieving ~33 Mha [70–72]. NTS performed a crucial role in the
progress of Brazilian agriculture, expanding its double-cropping area by reducing
the soil tillage [3]. However, the system that is based on minimal soil disturbance,
permanent ground cover, and crop rotation has been “simplified” by farmers with
harmful techniques such as monoculture continuous cropping, straight-row farming
up and down the hill, and even eliminating terraces [73].
Soil research institutions have been gathering forces to rescue the principles of
conservation agriculture and improve farming techniques in Brazil. It is estimated
that NTS is applied in 86% of the area of soybean, maize, and bean crops [3]. If
correctly applied, no-tillage systems can reduce soil losses by up to 90% as com-
pared with the conventional tillage [74]. Integrated crop–livestock and crop–
livestock–forest systems (ICLFS) are also a reality in 11.5 Mha in Brazil, where
the improvement of soil quality with increased C accumulation, better soil resilience,
and increased crop and meat productivity have been reported [75, 76]. Integrated
systems under no-tillage offer an opportunity to recover and produce on sandy soils
previously considered inhospitable to agricultural production [77].
3 Wind Erosion
Wind erosion is a movement of soil forced by the wind that occurs in dry conditions
when the soil is exposed to the wind [78]. In the face of climate change, higher
temperatures, reduced rainfall, and changes in wind speed are expected [79]. While
the increase in the wind speed may increase wind power generation [80], the wind
can become an intensifier of soil loss, especially when the soil is uncovered,
unstructured, or not in a natural condition. With changes in land use and land
Agricultural Land Degradation in Brazil 107
cover associated with climate change, wind erosion can cause major social, envi-
ronmental, and economic impacts [81].
Although studies on water erosion are more common (as seen in the topic water
erosion) in Brazil, wind erosion can happen in certain situations and in places with
greater wind occurrence and where the soil is more exposed, such as in the regions
from the northeast of Brazil and in the state of Rio Grande do Sul [82, 83]. However,
studies on the impacts of wind erosion in Brazil have received considerably less
attention, mainly due to the difficulty of observation, the low amount of field
experiments, and the low availability of data. A study carried out on a plot-scale
study in Rio Grande do Sul state is a closer example of wind erosion assessment, in
which the movement of sand caused by the wind was evaluated [84].
The modeling of wind erosion can be done using equations that consider factors
such as wind speed, soil, vegetation, and land use and management [81]. The field
erosion model revised wind erosion equation (RWEQ) [78] is one of the most
applied equations in wind erosion modeling in the world [82, 85, 86]. In general,
the input data needed to run the model are usually measured directly [82]. In Brazil,
although climatological and hydrological data are monitored over time [87, 88], the
country lacks field experiments to validate the model. In addition, research groups
need to be equipped with a high computational power to perform the modeling and
with a large data storage capacity to run the entire continental extent of Brazil.
The increase in the rates of soil loss due to wind is a challenge on site that reduces
the capacity of soils to support vegetation and livestock [89]. At the same time, it
also causes impacts off site the farm related to the spread of dust, herbicides, and
pesticides [89]. Therefore, knowledge of wind erosion is essential for the mainte-
nance of soils in Brazil. The potential for soil loss due to wind erosion is still little or
not known in Brazil. It remains unclear where, when, and to what extent wind
erosion can affect Brazilian arable land. Therefore, field observations and technical
and financial support are required. We encourage researchers about the importance
of local measurements, observations, and future research on a field scale, seeking a
better understanding of the complex issue of the dynamics of wind erosion for better
use and management of soil in Brazil.
4 Slash-and-Burn Agriculture
Slash and burn is one of the most primitive and employed agricultural techniques in
the world, especially in tropical areas. It comprises the slash of the native vegetation
and later burn of the biomass to convert the area to permanent cropland or pasture.
Due to the low cost, lack of machinery, and governmental incentives, this traditional
agricultural method is still very much utilized by smallholders and farmers.
In Brazil, slash-and-burn agriculture dates to centuries ago, by indigenous,
caboclos, caiçaras, and quilombolas communities, which adopted the slash and
burn to their subsistence [90–93]. It is important to note, as stated by Serrão et al.
[92], that there is a huge difference between the slash-and-burn agriculture employed
108 P. T. S. Oliveira et al.
by these traditional Brazilian communities and the small farmers who migrated to
Brazil. Traditional communities’ slash and burn can be considered sustainable due to
their ecological knowledge acquired through ages of farming and low cropland
density. On the other hand, the migrant farmers are often susceptible to a quick
move for a new area after a slash-and-burn cycle, due to a too short (or inexistence
of) fallow period, leading to excessive deforestation in a “never-ending” cycle of
Nowadays, the employment of slash-and-burn agriculture is mainly concentrated
in the Amazon, by smallholders for their supply. However, there are also large areas
where the slash-and-burn technique is employed to convert into pasture for live-
stock. In 1996, it was estimated that more than 500,000 farmers were used to
applying the slash-and-burn technique throughout the Amazon, especially at the
“Arc of Deforestation” [92]. Given the actual situation of the Amazon, being one of
the most prominent agricultural frontiers in Brazil [94], it is expected that this
number of farmers adopting the slash-and-burn technique is highly underestimated.
Slash-and-burn agriculture in southern Brazil has different characteristics than
that employed in forest areas. In this region, the technique is applied in well-
established agricultural landscapes, mainly to black beans and maize cultivation
[95]. The first Italian settlers and immigrants also employed the technique in
southern Brazil but also fertilized the soil with rotating crops. They implemented
mainly familiar agriculture with mixed crops from Brazil and Italy, such as tobacco,
potatoes, wheat, rice, maize, and beans [96].
There are many negative impacts related to the slash and burn, such as high
greenhouse gas emissions, loss of biodiversity and soil nutrients, deforestation, and
accidents related to smoke, aside from the risk of uncontrolled forest fires. In a study
case in the Caatinga biome, Mamede and de Araújo [97] suggest that successive
slash-and-burn events with short fallow intervals may contribute to diminishing
livestock carrying capacity, by lowering native plants species diversity.
Despite the ease of application, slash-and-burn agriculture does not have the
capacity for the needs of growing demand and sustainable development
[98]. Then, many techniques have been suggested as alternatives to slash-and-burn
(ASB) agriculture to ensure the ecosystem services provisioning and well-being of
local communities. Comte et al. [98] suggest that by permitting fallows in short
intervals between slash-and-burn implementation, and an increased period of culti-
vation to an amelioration of the soil quality, it is possible to promote more sustain-
able intensification of agriculture in Amazon. Tomich et al. [99] and Tremblay et al.
[100] suggest that agroforestry with medium- and high-size tree crops is a viable
alternative to local farmers to abolish slash-and-burn agriculture in the Amazon, with
profitable results from the farmer’s perspective and sustainable management from
the ecological perspective. Even the implementation of improved pastures could be
profitable for local farmers, while this would not achieve public global concerns of
carbon stocks, biodiversity, and greenhouse gas absorption [99].
In all the abovementioned studies, there is a common belief that all the alterna-
tives to the slash-and-burn techniques are dependent on policy-makers’ funding and
incentives to the local farmers, lowering the risks for the communities and nature. In
Agricultural Land Degradation in Brazil 109
Fig. 5 Cattle herd (a) and cattle density (b) by municipality in the Brazilian biomes: 1 – Amazon,
2 – Caatinga, 3 – Cerrado, 4 – Pampa, 5 – Pantanal, and 6 – Atlantic Forest. Cattle herd data were
obtained from IBGE’s Census of Agriculture [53]. To estimate the cattle density per municipality,
the number of heads was divided by the pasture area mapped by MapBiomas [11]. For Pampa and
Pantanal biomes, native grassland area was added to pasture area
110 P. T. S. Oliveira et al.
and compaction due to cattle trampling. This negative impact on the soil physical
properties increases soil bulk density and penetration resistance and decreases soil
porosity and water infiltration. Thus, management practices are key to increase
production through agricultural intensification while mitigating the deterioration of
soil physical properties.
Sone et al. [104] showed that site-specific management practices can increase
livestock productivity and provide higher water infiltration into the soil. They
investigated the impacts of intensive grazing management on water infiltration and
found a negative correlation between grass cover and soil bulk density (i.e., a pasture
with an optimal grazing pressure maintains an adequate grass cover and height,
which prevents the soil from compaction). Moreover, increasing productivity by
49–52% of the Brazilian pastures’ potential would be sufficient to meet the demand
for beef, crops, wood, and biofuels until at least 2040 without further conversion of
natural ecosystems [13]. It shows the potential of the Brazilian agriculture to increase
production through intensification while sparing land and avoiding soil
Alternatives to avoid soil compaction by overgrazing are the adoption of site-
specific optimal grazing pressures along with adaptable stocking rates and rotational
grazing [104–106]. There is no general rule of thumb for universal grazing pressure
or stocking rate to maintain the long-term sustainability of beef production systems
in Brazil. Another alternative to avoid soil degradation is the use of fertilizers to
encourage forage growth and, consequently, make the soil more resistant to tram-
pling [104, 107]. However, fertilization should always be done in the proper amount
and at the right time, taking into account the characteristics of the soil and climate of
the area, associating it with good management practices [108, 109]. Pasture restora-
tion and maintenance costs can be offset by the sustainable intensification of grazing
that can provide higher animal and land productivity and, in turn, increase the
profitability of the production chain. For instance, in Brazil, the adoption of forage
grass cultivars and legumes in about 41 million ha generated an annual net benefit of
US$ 3.45 billion in 2012 [14, 110].
Croplands comprise around 7.5% of the Brazilian total land area (~640,000 km2;
Fig. 2) [11, 111]. Intensive machinery traffic compacts the first layers of soil
increasing the soil vulnerability to soil erosion by water, which removes the
nutrient-rich topsoil and consequently decreases crop yield. Crop residue and
no-till management have been feasible alternatives for coping with these challenges
in agriculture worldwide. No-tillage systems are mainly based on crop rotation and
the use of cover crops and crop residues for maintaining a continuous soil cover.
More than 320,000 km2 of the Brazilian croplands are under no-till [3], and it has
contributed to addressing the devastating soil erosion caused by intense tillage in the
1970s – when no-till farming started in Brazil. One of the disadvantages is that the
long-term no-tillage practice may increase soil bulk density and soil penetration
resistance [112], which is minimized by adopting periodic subsoiling [113].
Currently, no-till farming is generally known as conservation agriculture and –
along with adequate crop, nutrient, weed, and water management – is the basis of the
sustainable agricultural intensification strategy developed by the Food and
Agricultural Land Degradation in Brazil 111
6 Salinity
The soils in the State of Rio Grande do Sul are barely susceptible to soil
salinization due to the large amounts of rainfall that leach the soluble salts, with an
exception for the coastal plains, particularly surrounding the Patos Lagoon which
borders the Atlantic Ocean [123, 124]. There, the seawater enters the lagoon in the
driest months, which coincides with the irrigation cycles of the flooded rice crops
[123, 125, 126]. The Patos Lagoon, along with the coastal rivers, can act as a salinity
source for the soil as it is a major water source for irrigated rice crops in the region.
Some of the alternatives used to reduce the exchangeable sodium percentage in rice
crops are the application of gypsum, limestone, rice husk, manure, vinasse, and other
sulfur-based amendments [123, 124, 126].
In Nhecolândia, a sub-region of the Pantanal, the atypical freshwater entry is
transforming the soils around the saline lakes into saline-sodic, while around the
brackish lakes soils are turning into sodic and degraded sodic soils [127]. Furquim
et al. [128] point out that the region has been through a general desalinization, as
salinization and solonization processes around the saline lakes have been replaced by
solodization, which generates degraded sodic soils. Besides excess exchangeable
sodium, degraded sodic soils also contain exchangeable hydrogen and therefore
present an acidic reaction. The authors point out that this replacement process is
strictly related to water geochemistry.
The identification of the areas susceptible to salinization/sodification is vital for
preventing enduring degradation, in order to apply proper soil and water manage-
ment. For instance, Carmona [123] has mapped the saline soils in the coastal
lowlands of Southern Brazil by field sampling. The monitoring is pertinent to the
rice production in the region. Researchers have been trying to develop remote
sensing strategies to monitor salinity soil areas [129–131]. However, studies on
salinization/sodification are scarce for Brazilian soils and require further spatial and
characterization investigations, in order to classify proper areas for irrigation and for
the reclamation of degraded soils.
7 Agrochemicals Use
In Brazil, the demand for the use of agrochemicals is mainly due to the different
crops and the diverse climatic conditions [132] that favor the emergence of living
beings that are considered harmful to agricultural production [133, 134]. In the
Brazilian territory, the most diverse types of cultivation are distributed, such as
grains, vegetables, and livestock [135].
The agrochemicals use in Brazil began in the 1950s when an agricultural mod-
ernization movement emerged [136]. The favorable context for the use of agro-
chemicals was part of a series of agricultural technologies, such as the use of
synthetic fertilizers, limestone, tractors, certified seeds, and other agricultural imple-
ments [136]. In addition, the Brazilian government started to encourage farmers,
creating technical assistance offices and offering rural credit [137]. In the 1980s,
Agricultural Land Degradation in Brazil 113
8 Microplastics
The release of plastic into the environment is known as a major threat to marine
biota, besides freshwater and estuarine environments, but the effects of microplastics
on terrestrial ecosystems remain largely unexplored [153]. Studies show that with
several potential exposure pathways, soils may represent the largest global environ-
mental reservoirs of microplastics, as plastic release to land rate is estimated at 4–23
times that released to oceans [154, 155].
Brazil ranks fourth in the production of plastic waste in the world with ~11
million tons of waste per year and, of this total, approximately 91% is collected, but
only 1.4% is actually recycled [156], threatening the soil and water ecosystems as
mismanaged waste is the principal source of plastic to the environment
[157]. According to He et al. [158], agricultural inputs from practices such as the
utilization of sewage sludge treatment and plastic mulching, besides the usage of
untreated wastewater for irrigation, represent the main source of microplastics to
In Brazil, agricultural use of sewage sludge is restricted to the states of São Paulo,
Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Distrito Federal, and Espírito Santo [159]. Basic sani-
tation in Brazil is precarious: almost half of the municipalities do not have sewage
treatment [160]. Even though the agricultural use of sludge portrays a sustainable
solution for sludge disposal, the sewage treatment process does not guarantee the
complete removal of microplastic particles, being a potential pathway to agricultural
The benefits of pest control, moisture retention, increased productivity, and
protection from sun and wind make plastic mulching a common and emerging
practice in vegetable and fruit cultivation in Brazil [161, 162]. However, little is
known about the plastic mulching effects in Brazil regarding microplastics. Recent
studies reinforce the need for truly biodegradable plastic mulching [163, 164].
Studies on microplastics in Brazil began in the 1970s, but the first publication was
four decades later by Ivar et al. [165] reporting the occurrence of microplastics on the
beaches of the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. Since then, several investigations
have been published in different matrices, predominantly aquatic: microplastic
contamination on beaches, estuaries, mangroves, lotic environments, and
organisms [157].
Pollution by microplastics is an emerging topic in global soil science and a
knowledge gap to be filled. The scarcity of data on soil pollution by microplastics
for a food exporter country as Brazil makes urgent and clear the necessity of further
studies on identification, quantification, qualification, and removal techniques of
microplastics in terrestrial environments, with a focus on agricultural soils.
Agricultural Land Degradation in Brazil 115
In the last 50 years, Brazil has turned the tables in food production by overcoming its
own environmental, social, and economic adversities. Brazil’s successful transition
from a net food importer to a leading global food exporter was underpinned by
agricultural technology advances. The improvements were based on more conser-
vative land management policies, substituting the practice of clearing forest areas
with the recovery of degraded land for planting.
In this context, conservation practices have also played a fundamental role in the
Brazilian food production by adopting practices such as no-tillage, terracing, inte-
grated crop–livestock and crop–livestock–forestry systems, acidity correction, agri-
cultural machinery, and genetic improvement of crops for adaption to the country’s
pedoclimatic conditions [3]. Moreover, slash-and-burn practice is in decline in
Brazil [93, 95]; it is still adopted mainly by smallholders due to the lack of
inspection, besides cultural and financial reasons [92, 95]. Funding and incentives
should be provided to local farmers to combat this practice, as well as environmental
Although Brazil has managed to achieve a prominent position in the global food
market, the country is still subject to a series of threats to its agricultural soils. Soil
erosion is a major threat as it removes the fertile topsoil, reduces soil productivity,
and creates a series of off-site issues by the transportation and deposition of
agricultural pollutants into water bodies. Soil erosion studies are fundamental to
the sustainable management of soil resources. Measured soil loss data are necessary
for erosion models’ development and validation. Yet, the number of studies with
observed data has decreased in Brazil [59]. Research and governmental institutions
should join forces to keep experimental plots in activity to develop a robust soil
erosion database. On the other hand, the number of studies with simulated or
estimated data is increasing, providing a better perspective of the status of soil loss
impacts in large-scale studies [61]. While water erosion studies are growing, wind
erosion comprises an important research gap in Brazil.
With the growth of the world population and increased food demand, Brazil’s
soils are inevitably necessary to guarantee food security. Aiming at increasing
agricultural production, Brazilian agriculture has bet on intensification practices to
reduce losses caused by soil degradation. Nonetheless, agricultural intensification
has contributed mainly to pasture degradation due to overgrazing. Nearly one-fifth of
the country’s territory comprises pasturelands, of which about 50% is somewhat
degraded [13]. Studies on best management practices for a sustainable intensification
are increasing in Brazil [10, 14, 104, 166]; however, more research is needed in order
to investigate particular characteristics of Brazil – which has continental proportions
and, consequently, diverse pedological and edaphoclimatic features – for an ade-
quate and adaptive agricultural management. Furthermore, ecosystem services other
than food provision need to be encouraged in research related to sustainability in
agriculture in Brazil. A better understanding of synergies and trade-offs between
116 P. T. S. Oliveira et al.
agricultural activities and the surrounding ecosystem services (e.g., water and air
quality, climate regulation, and biodiversity) is required to reduce the footprints of
agriculture in Brazil and worldwide.
To keep its soil productivity, Brazil relies on the use of agrochemicals such as
herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers. In fact, Brazil is placed as the world’s biggest
importer of pesticides [167], which raises concern, since pesticides may be a major
environmental risk [134, 168, 169]. While the adverse effects of agrochemicals on
the health of humans and the environment are still nebulous and controversial, the
usage of agrochemicals must strictly follow regulations rules, especially because
fertilizer overuse also causes land degradation [109]. Continuous monitoring and
further investigations on behavior and fate of agrochemicals in soil are needed to
bridge this research gap.
Heavy metals accumulation in agricultural soils harms soil and water quality, in
addition to human and animal health and food security, agricultural inputs being a
major source for these contaminants [170–173]. Some studies have focused on
setting baseline concentrations [174–176] and on remediation, extraction, and indi-
cators [177–180], but we did not find studies aiming at the current status of
contamination of Brazilian agricultural soils. Once Brazil is a leading agrochemicals
consumer, contamination by heavy metals in the country comprises an important
research theme that has received little attention. In this sense, establishing soil
sampling sites for a heavy metals monitoring program is recommended.
While several studies have addressed contamination by microplastics in aquatic
environments in Brazil [157], little is known about the effects of these pollutants on
the soil. Considering that Brazil is one of the world’s top-four producers of plastic
waste [156], that mismanaged waste is the principal source of plastic to the envi-
ronment [157], and that soils may be the largest global environmental reservoirs of
microplastics [154, 155], studies focusing on soil pollution by microplastics repre-
sents an important research gap in Brazil.
Another important research gap that threatens agricultural soils comprises salini-
zation and sodification. These processes relate to poor soil drainage, high evapo-
transpiration, and scarce rainfall and can also be human induced by associating
irrigation and inadequate drainage. It is very difficult to recover the soil after
salinization [119], so assuming a preventive behavior is decisive. The studies on
salt-affected soils in Brazil are scarce. Remote sensing strategies to monitor salt-
affected soil areas have been developed [129–131], but require further spatial and
characterization investigations, in order to classify proper areas for irrigation and for
the reclamation of degraded soils.
Further studies on agricultural land productivity and degradation should be
conducted in the context of climate changes and water–food–energy security
nexus [1, 181–183]. Although Brazil has abundant water resources, the changing
climate brings important variations in temperature and rainfall patterns with
increased frequency of drought that, coupled with the increasing demand for agri-
cultural water, enhance water stress scenarios [184, 185]. With the required land
availability and agricultural technology, Brazil has the opportunity to maintain its
prominence in the agricultural goods market [13]. However, the health of its
Agricultural Land Degradation in Brazil 117
Acknowledgments This study was supported by grants from the Ministry of Science, Technology,
Innovation and Communication (MCTIC) and the National Council for Scientific and Technolog-
ical Development (CNPq) [grant numbers 441289/2017-7 and 309752/2020-5]. This study was also
financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brazil
(CAPES) – Finance Code 001 and CAPES PrInt.
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Agriculture Land Degradation in Chile
Marcos Francos
1 Origins and Evolution of Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
2 Pest Management Impact on Soil Contamination in Agricultural Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
3 Soil Water Stress and Climate Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
4 Agrochemical Use and Soil Contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
4.1 Agricultural Fertilisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
4.2 Microplastics Contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
5 Land-Use Change and Geomorphological Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
6 Final Remarks and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Abstract Soil is one of the most important and non-renewable elements of the
environment. In order to improve income and increase productivity from the soil,
various techniques (e.g. tillage) and substances (e.g. pesticides, fertilisers) have been
employed. The use of these techniques and substances increased soil degradation.
This is coupled with other socioeconomic processes that occurred in recent years,
such as the land-use change from forest areas to agricultural lands. For this reason, in
recent decades, awareness has been raised about these issues, and various regulations
have been dictated on the need to protect the environment and the soil in agricultural
areas, identify sustainable practices to implement in agricultural areas, control the
number of fertilisers and pesticides used, and protect the mosaic of territories to
avoid further degradation.
M. Francos (✉)
Department of Geography, Faculty of Geography and History, University of Salamanca,
Salamanca, Spain
Centro de Investigación de Estudios Avanzados del Maule (CIEAM), Universidad Católica del
Maule, Talca, Chile
e-mail: [email protected]
Paulo Pereira, Miriam Muñoz-Rojas, Igor Bogunovic, and Wenwu Zhao (eds.), 129
Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation I: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, America
and Oceania, Hdb Env Chem (2023) 120: 129–152, DOI 10.1007/698_2022_921,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022,
Published online: 14 December 2022
130 M. Francos
Agriculture has accompanied the existence of humans for approximately the last
12,000–10,000 years [1], with the first evidence of cultivated land being in South-
west Asia [2]. At that time, annual and perennial crops were cultivated and relied on
organic amendments after soil preparation [3]. Agriculture was an alternative to
hunting and gathering. Humans began by sowing wild plants and domesticating
animals [4, 5].
One of the earliest recorded areas of agricultural development is the Near East
[6]. Here, the first domesticated plant was found—einkorn, emmer, barley, and pea
[7]. Some authors found that lentil cultivation began around 7,500–6,500 years BC
in Southwest Asia and the Mediterranean region [8], specifically in areas that
correspond today to the territories of Iraq, Israel, Turkey, and Syria, as detailed by
Flannery [6]. The history of Castanea sativa (sweet chestnut) in some of these
countries, such as Syria, began around 8,600 BP [9]. Rice in East Asia was planted
around 8,500 BP [10], which is considered the most important crop [11, 12]. Rice
origin is not as well documented as other major cereals like wheat and barley
[6]. Evidence of early rice cultivation was found along the Indus River valley
(3,000 BC) and in Taiwan (2,500 BC) [13]. In Mesoamerica, the first crops culti-
vated were agave, beans, squash, pumpkins, amaranths, chillies, tomatoes, and
avocados, all dating from 5,000 BC [14].
In the case of South America, squash (Cucurbita pepo and C. moschata) has been
domesticated in southern Mexico and northern Peru since 10,000–9,000 BP
[12]. Critical changes in South American societies led to the transition from a
hunter-gatherer to an agricultural way of life in mountain areas in the Andes
[15]. Around 10,000 BC, agriculture and domestic animal herding began to take
place from the north to the south of Chile [16–18]. Based on the archaeological
evidence, although today maize and pumpkin are among the dominant crops in
northern Chile, around 10,000 BC, the people ate mainly wild fruits, especially carob
(Prosopis sp.) [19].
Due to the geological (volcanism) and geomorphological (steep slopes) condi-
tions in northern Chile, soils are shallow [20]; the only cultivable areas are the valley
bottoms [21]. The shallow soils in the north of Chile make cultivation areas scarce,
where only some sloping areas are deep enough to allow for cultivation and
irrigation of the terraces and provide them with water [22]. This has been used for
many crops and extends the cultivated area from the valley bottoms up the slope,
necessary for two reasons: (1) the lack of space in valley bottoms and (2) the need to
produce food. In South-central Chile, the evidence of agriculture goes back to
11,000 BP with potato cultivation. Soon after the cultivation of potatoes, other
species were domesticated, such as squash (10,000 BP) and peanuts (8,500 BP),
Agriculture Land Degradation in Chile 131
bottle gourd (8,000–7,000 BP), and corn [12]. Only one Chilean territory that
followed a different dynamic was Easter Island (Rapa Nui). With the arrival of the
first colonisers, several crops started to be cultivated, such as dryland taro (Colocasia
esculenta), yam (Dioscorea spp.), and ti (Cordyline) [23]. In the case of wine
production, the farm owners began to work and produce together, giving rise to
the greater specialisation of the existing processes [24]. Social changes caused the
conversion of small farming estates into large latifundios, about which there is a lack
of information [25]. Chile is a country with large agricultural production, ranking as
the second-largest avocado producer in the world [26]. Agriculture is the second
most relevant primary activity after mining [27]. The agriculture sector represents
8.6% of the country’s labour force and generates a gross domestic product (GDP) of
US$258.16 billion (8% of the total Chilean GDP) [28].
With the evolution of agriculture in Chile over the years, the area cultivated by
each species changed as well (Table 1). Chile’s main agricultural products are
grapes, apples, tomatoes, wheat, maize, and potatoes. In 1969, the most widespread
crops were wheat (51.44%), grapes (6.92%), oats (5.60%), potatoes (5.28%), and
maize (4.05%). Ten years later, the dominant crops were wheat (36.29%), maize
(8.45%), grapes (7.45%), dry beans (7.12%), potatoes (5.24%), and oats (5.10%). In
1989, these were wheat (37.36%), maize (8.62%), grapes (8.19%), oats (4.75%), dry
beans (4.38%), potatoes (4.33%), and rapeseed (4.23%). By 1999, the main crop was
wheat (29.05%), with grapes (12.58%), oats (6.81%), maize (6.29%), potatoes
(5.19%), and sugar beet (4.29%). The crops occupying more than 4% of the total
agricultural surface area in 2009 were wheat (23.14%), grapes (16.41%), maize
(10.57%), and oats (8.34%). Finally, in 2019, the latest official data available show
the following distribution of major crops: wheat (18.61%), grapes (16.32%), maize
(6.72%), oats (6.23%), and rapeseed (4.02%). In Chile, the cultivated area increased
from 1,444,377 ha to 1,544,223 ha between 1969 and 1979 and then decreased
to 1,446,355 ha in 1989. The agricultural area underwent an important decrease, to
1,165,405 ha, in 1999, but in 2009, it increased to 1,212,662 ha, decreasing again to
1,196,777 ha in 2019 [27].
Agriculture in Chile has been affected by a variety of environmental problems.
Some of these problems are related to crop pests [29, 30]. One of the most-used
management procedures is tree thinning, favouring crops by eliminating the com-
petition for light and water that other plant species can generate [31]. This can be
done manually to avoid direct soil compaction and degradation due to the use of
machinery [32]. In other cases, management can be used to improve crop yields by
keeping crop residues on the soil and carrying out conservation tillage [33].
This chapter focuses on the origins and evolution of agriculture in Chile to
understand its current state and the problems that occur in soil in agricultural
areas. The work is focused on examining pest and management actions, the impact
of soil water stress and climate change, the sources of soil contamination, and the
implications of land-use change in Chile’s agricultural areas and providing informa-
tion about sustainable alternatives to avoid soil and environmental degradation.
Table 1 Evolution of the cultivated area of each species in the last few decades in Chile
Hempseed 3,600 0.25 1,000 0.06 1,000 0.07 1,083 0.09 1,602 0.13 3,323 0.28
Kiwi fruit 0 0.00 0 0.00 11,810 0.82 7,865 0.67 10,800 0.89 7,595 0.63
Lemons and 5,400 0.37 6,375 0.41 5,800 0.40 7,414 0.64 7,700 0.63 6,655 0.56
Lentils 12,645 0.88 50,360 3.26 14,690 1.02 3,170 0.27 955 0.08 1731 0.14
Lettuce and 1,600 0.11 3,500 0.23 4,184 0.29 5,991 0.51 7,357 0.61 6,476 0.54
Linseed 810 0.06 1,000 0.06 1,000 0.07 1,071 0.09 1,519 0.13 4,157 0.35
Lupins 0 0.00 2000 0.13 8,570 0.59 18,724 1.61 10,283 0.85 21,280 1.78
Maize 58,440 4.05 130,410 8.45 124,650 8.62 73,284 6.29 128,211 10.57 80,428 6.72
Maize, green 9,700 0.67 9,900 0.64 11,402 0.79 14,774 1.27 11,458 0.94 10,151 0.85
Melons, other 5,300 0.37 6,600 0.43 3,705 0.26 3,733 0.32 3,130 0.26 3,091 0.26
(inc. cantaloupes)
Oats 80,830 5.60 78,720 5.10 68,690 4.75 79,402 6.81 101,101 8.34 74,617 6.23
Olives 0 0.00 0 0.00 3,400 0.24 4,481 0.38 12,000 0.99 21,951 1.83
Onions 3,500 0.24 8,800 0.57 10,320 0.71 5,892 0.51 6,144 0.51 7,919 0.66
Oranges 4,000 0.28 4,983 0.32 6,270 0.43 7,237 0.62 7,500 0.62 6,244 0.52
Table 1 (continued)
Tobacco, 1920 0.13 2,981 0.19 3,460 0.24 3,959 0.34 1,652 0.14 2,396 0.20
Tomatoes 9,500 0.66 16,000 1.04 12,185 0.84 18,968 1.63 11,562 0.95 15,202 1.27
Triticale 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 17,907 1.48 27,023 2.26
Vegetables, 4,900 0.34 6,020 0.39 6,100 0.42 6,161 0.53 6,791 0.56 5,762 0.48
Vegetables, 2000 0.14 3,500 0.23 1,495 0.10 2,339 0.20 1922 0.16 1869 0.16
Walnuts, with 0 0.00 0 0.00 5,600 0.39 7,565 0.65 12,600 1.04 40,801 3.41
Watermelons 6,300 0.44 12,200 0.79 3,743 0.26 3,927 0.34 3,159 0.26 2,918 0.24
Agriculture Land Degradation in Chile
Wheat 743,045 51.44 560,470 36.29 540,290 37.36 338,583 29.05 280,644 23.14 222,705 18.61
Total in Chile 1,444,377 100 1,544,223 100 1,446,355 100 1,165,405 100 1,212,662 100 1,196,777 100
Source: Data extracted from FAOSTAT in the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) website ( Consulted on 01/04/2021
136 M. Francos
Pests are one of the greatest risks to which agricultural areas are exposed, and
landowners can lose their crops. Chemical pesticides are used to prevent pests,
remaining in the soil for long periods. Pesticides are a major source of contamination
worldwide [34]. Several studies have analysed the influence of pests in agricultural
areas of Chile [30, 35–37], but none have focused on how pest control treatments
contaminated the soil but instead evaluated the effect of pests on crops and the
effectiveness of such treatments (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Density of studies concerning agriculture and soil in Chile between 2010 and 2021
published in English. (a) Studies concerning agricultural pest and management strategies in Chile
between 2010 and 2021. Data source: scientific papers published mainly in English found by the
Google Scholar academic search engine for the 2010–2021 period using the following criteria in the
title: “pest” OR “management” AND “soil” OR “agriculture” AND “Chile” [38–40]; (b) Studies
concerning water stress and climate change in agriculture in Chile between 2010 and 2021. Data
source: scientific papers published mainly in English found by the Google Scholar academic search
engine for the 2010–2021 period using the following criteria in the title: “water” OR “climate”
AND “soil” OR “agriculture” AND “Chile” [33, 41–62]; (c) Studies concerning agrochemical uses
and soil contamination in agriculture in Chile between 2010 and 2021. Data source: scientific papers
published mainly in English found by the Google Scholar academic search engine for the
2010–2021 period using the following criteria in the title: “fertiliser” OR “plastic” OR “contami-
nation” AND “soil” OR “agriculture” AND “Chile” [63, 64]; (d) Studies concerning land-use
change and geomorphological processes in agriculture in Chile between 2010 and 2021. Data
source: scientific papers published mainly in English found by the Google Scholar academic search
engine for the 2010–2021 period using the following criteria in the title: “land-use” OR “geomor-
phology” AND “soil” OR “agriculture” AND “Chile” [65–71]
Agriculture Land Degradation in Chile 137
Water stress and variable water availability in agricultural areas can lead to land
degradation and the death of crops. In most cases, water stress leads to differences in
the natural vegetation [75] and, consequently, productivity. Different factors can
produce water stress, the most important being climate change [76], which decreases
available water resources [77]. Some studies have looked for ways to reduce water
stress [78] by quantifying the damage it causes and supporting the need for public
policies that not only incentivise productivity or provide subsidies to alleviate the
damage of water stress but also work to solve the problem from the bottom up so that
the problem in question is much less likely to occur.
Other authors have suggested using agricultural conservation systems to improve
agricultural productivity under water stress conditions [79]. In this system, there is
zero tillage, and the crop residues are deposited under soil cover. The relationship
between climate change and the reduction in water availability for crops is a topic of
study that has been widely addressed worldwide [75, 80–82]. This has become
particularly relevant in recent years as the inevitable impacts of climate change on
agricultural areas become visible [76, 83]. For this reason, many authors have not
only been raising the question of water scarcity or establishing models to predict the
situation in a few years but have also been looking for management alternatives or
crops that are much more adapted to the new conditions of the future [84, 85]. Despite
these attempts, climate change is universally agreed that it irreversibly affects water
availability, leading to water stress [86].
138 M. Francos
The close link between climate change and decreased water availability in
agricultural areas means that alternatives, such as groundwater pumping, must be
sought to avoid land degradation [87]. In the Maule region, several studies have been
carried out in which, based on evidence of a decrease in water availability due to
climate change, various alternatives have been sought to avoid land degradation. The
most important of these studies is the one carried out by Letelier et al. [41], in which
they raised the question of using water from the Atlantic Ocean to irrigate crop fields.
Other studies, carried out in the same region in central Chile, have pointed to the
high vulnerability of these agricultural areas to climate change and water stress that
lead to land degradation in agricultural areas [42]. This will inevitably lead to
changes in land use, causing policy-makers to intervene, firstly to avoid the deteri-
oration and death of agricultural fields by prioritising existing resources and sec-
ondly to avert environmental degradation by ensuring a satisfactory transition during
land-use change [88] (Fig. 1).
Pesticides are used worldwide to protect crops [89]. The excessive and uncontrolled
use of these pesticides leads to the contamination of ecosystems and abiotic factors
(e.g. watersheds, soils) [34]. The proliferation in the use of fertilisers has occurred in
recent decades due to the increase in the world’s population to meet the growing
demand [90]. Fertiliser use in agriculture is a topic of study that has been widely
analysed worldwide, as have remediation treatments [91]. According to Zhou and
Wang [92], agrochemicals increase cadmium concentrations and other metals
(nickel, cobalt, copper, barium, and lead) in agricultural soils [93, 94]. The ingestion
of food plants cultivated in contaminated areas can endanger human health through
bioaccumulation (e.g. radish, garlic, barley and wheat) [95]. The pesticides and
fertilisers used in agriculture remained in the environment for a long time, contam-
inating water resources. Previous works analysed how some agrochemicals that are
not listed as pesticides affect the soil and have an important impact on the biota, and
thus on the ecosystem as a whole, causing insecticidal side effects and the death of
arthropods [96]. In addition, heavy metal contamination affects large areas under
cultivation in rural areas and has a major impact on urban gardens, affecting the
health of the consumers of these products [97].
Chile is not exempt from this contamination (Fig. 1), being one of four countries
(along with China, Australia, and Guatemala) where pollution from pesticides
intersects the habitat of at least one endangered or critically endangered amphibian
species [34]. For this reason, the use of agrochemicals in agricultural areas is a topic
of study that involves professionals from different research areas because it gener-
ates an important impact on the different components of habitat and the living beings
that inhabit it. In many cases, these studies have focused on the visible part of the
Agriculture Land Degradation in Chile 139
ecosystems, forgetting one of the most important elements – the one that takes the
longest time to recover after a disturbance such as contamination, the soil [74]. The
problem of agricultural soil contamination in Chile is a topical issue that must be
given the importance it deserves, although not many papers have been published on
this issue so far. It is mainly caused by high concentrations of copper, cadmium,
lead, and zinc and metalloids, such as arsenic. Alekseev and Abakumov [98] pointed
out that the retention of these metals and compounds in soils occurs through
mechanisms such as complexes forming with organic matter or occlusion within
organic matter. Therefore, soil contamination studies should focus on these mech-
anisms. Alekseev and Abakumov [98] analysed heavy metal contamination in
central Chile, finding that soils with higher amounts of the organic matter showed
higher abundances of aromatics and lower abundances of aliphatic matter, conclud-
ing that these soils had a higher nitrogen content and that they retained heavy metals
and contaminating compounds more effectively, which made the soils more
Vega et al. [99] conducted a comprehensive review of perchlorate contamination
in Chile and suggested possible solutions. One of the main sources of soil contam-
ination in Chile is saltpetre, found in the Atacama Desert. This saltpetre is commonly
used in Chile as a nitrogen fertiliser and can be found in high concentrations in water,
fruit, and wine, all of which can affect human health. Several studies have shown the
harmful impact of perchlorate on soils in agricultural areas [100]. Calderón et al.
[100] observed the impact of perchlorate contamination caused by nitrogen
fertilisers on agricultural soils cultivated with Lactuca sativa (lettuce). In these
areas, as the authors pointed out, one of the agronomic practices that produce the
greatest accumulation of fertilisers in the soil is fertigation, which is necessary
because it constitutes an important source of perchlorate in soils. Reyes et al.
[101] and Reyes et al. [102] analysed the impact of improper waste disposal
practices on the heavy metal contamination of agricultural and urban soils in
northern Chile. The authors concluded a need to develop intervention limits and
guidance for environmental legislation to restrict these pollutants in Chilean soils. In
recent years, some authors have highlighted the influence that mining has on the
contamination of agricultural areas in Chile [103, 104]. Chile is one of the countries
where mining accounts for a relatively high percentage of the GDP and is one of the
main economic resources in the central and northern parts of the country. The
existence of mining areas adjacent to agricultural fields means that, in many cases,
the soils of agricultural fields are affected by copper contamination [105]. Stowhas
et al. [105] suggested that the application of Zn could be a good alternative to deal
with this copper contamination through fixation by microorganisms. Chile is the
world’s leading producer of copper, rhenium, natural nitrates, lithium, and iodine
[106]. It also stands out for its participation in the production of molybdenum, silver,
and gold. For this reason, mining occupies large land areas, and agricultural areas
must develop methods or techniques to combat the effects of this economic activity.
In Chile, pesticides are often implicated in reported cases of acute poisoning,
mainly due to the direct exposure of workers in the agricultural sector to these
pollutants [106]. Ramírez-Santana et al. [107] highlighted the need to implement
140 M. Francos
There has been some interest in the impact of land-use change on soil degradation.
The impact of land-use change is mainly determined by differences in general soil
management practices and the cropping system [123]. Historical land-use changes
have led to changed soil characteristics [124]. One of the most internationally proven
effects is soil loss and degradation due to erosion. Ferreira et al. [125] assessed the
impact of irrigation on the risk of erosion in a cultivated area and found that the areas
where erosion was most severe were the cultivated areas occupied by olive trees and
orchards. They observed how the application of Good Agricultural and Environ-
mental Conditions conservation practices has substantially reduced soil loss while
generating increased soil organic carbon stock, making these practices very useful
for preventing soil erosion and environmental degradation in agricultural areas.
In recent years, land-use change, and its impact on agricultural areas, has become
more relevant (Fig. 1). Studies on this have mainly been carried out where areas of
special natural value are affected. The extension of, and increase in, cultivated areas,
in many cases, has caused native forests to give way to shifting cultivation, leading
to a decrease in water and sediment quality in these areas [126]. Hernández et al. [65]
focused on land-use change from native forest to agricultural land of different types.
They studied the degradation of native forest and its conversion to annual and
perennial crops, which led to a profound alteration in soil quality. Another study,
carried out in southern Chile, used satellite imagery and multi-criteria analysis to
illustrate significant changes in land use over the last three decades, with many areas
changing from forest to plantations [127]. This change in land use due to the intrinsic
properties of plantations negatively affects the soil system, with monoculture crops
affecting soil properties and soil biodiversity. The expansion of agricultural areas
(in addition to mining and urbanisation), and the concomitant changes in land use,
has been studied by Montoya-Tangarife et al. [128]. The authors analysed how this
land-use change has affected ecosystem services in central Chile. Agricultural areas
have suffered a significant decline in the last few decades due to urbanisation in the
peri-urban areas of large Chilean cities, such as Santiago and Valparaiso. With the
passage of time and demographic pressure, forested areas have been disappearing in
order to supply the new residents through local consumption. Montoya-Tangarife
et al. [128] observed that this change in land use did not significantly affect large-
scale ecosystem services at the environmental level.
The land-use change from forest to plantation has also been studied by
Nahuelhual et al. [129] in terms of the expansion of crops or timber plantations
142 M. Francos
and the processes of deforestation and reforestation that have taken place in recent
decades for economic purposes. The described land-use changes produce losses in
ecosystem services at the environmental level, pointing out the need to conserve
native forest landscapes by retaining patches of native forest among a variety of
heterogeneous land uses [130]. These authors reported a significant loss of biodi-
versity and a negative impact on the soil. A study carried out by Braun et al. [131] is
one of those few. They examined land-use change from forested areas to plantations
for economic gain and the potential erosion risk associated with these areas. The
study revealed how plantations associated show higher erosion rates and soil deg-
radation than previously native forests, with corrective measures being needed at
many points to curb the erosion. Estimates by authors such as Díaz et al. [132]
indicate that the most vulnerable areas for future land-use changes are agricultural
areas giving way to timber plantations, even in mountainous areas, so that protecting
agricultural areas and sustainable agriculture is a measure that should be taken
Crops in Chile have diversified over several decades, with many different species
having been planted. This means that those diseases that affect only one type of crop
and thus could damage the entire production system do not pose a significant threat
in Chile due to the percentage distribution spread among diverse crops, so the
production system is maintained. The increase, over the years, in the fragility,
profitability, and quality of the crops has led to greater care being taken of them
and greater protection directed towards agricultural lands. Considering the incidence
of pests in Chile as a whole and knowing the distribution of the various crops
throughout the country, it can be understood that the areas most affected by these
pests are the central and southern regions of Chile, which is where most of the
agricultural fields are concentrated.
Fertiliser depletion must be dealt with proactively, not only after the fact. After
the fact, severe corrective measures must be established, and transgressors who
cause such pollution must be subject to severe sanctions to force them to rectify
the environmental damage. In the case of fertilisers in Chile, studies need to be
carried out not only on the impact of fertilisers on soil but also on sediments, surface
water and groundwater, and foodstuffs. Studies are also required into ways of
mitigating or averting damage to human health. For example, finding new
perchlorate-reducing microorganisms in the Atacama Desert opens a door that
might allow biological treatments to deal with soil contamination and environmental
degradation. Studies on the microplastics contamination of soil in agricultural areas
in Chile are non-existent, so there is a lack of knowledge on this topic that needs to
be addressed. General plastics degradation studies should be carried out, and
microplastics should be included, in terms of their contribution to agricultural soil
Agriculture Land Degradation in Chile 143
contamination and degradation at the national and international level, so that appro-
priate policies and corrective measures can be developed.
Most studies on land-use change and its impact on soil characteristics are based
on the conversion from native forest to tree plantations or agricultural lands. In
Chile, such studies have mainly been carried out on the central-southern region
because the Atacama Desert covers the country’s northern half. The conversion of
forest to agricultural land is likely due to the difficulties associated with cultivating in
these challenging areas. All changes in land use must be controlled and regulated to
avoid soil degradation. In many cases, natural forest areas are converted to exotic
plantations or agricultural areas due to market pressures and the human desire to
obtain (more) income from the environment. It is necessary to carry out land-use
planning to generate a landscape mosaic of different land uses to protect natural
areas. Therefore, the objective is not to limit the connectivity of biodiversity.
There has not been enough space for conversation within the national context in
Chile on some fundamental issues of agricultural land degradation that need to be
addressed in greater depth. Due to the low number of articles written in Chile and the
difficulties in establishing firm conclusions on soil compaction, overgrazing, salin-
ity, and slash and burn agriculture. These have not been incorporated as subsections
in the chapter, but it is noted that there are some studies on these topics carried out in
Chile and that the study of these issues has been gaining relevance in recent years
[70, 133–137].
The areas where a greater number of studies published internationally are dis-
tributed in Chile depend on various causes such as a) the existence of a greater
agricultural extension favoured by more suitable climatic conditions for the devel-
opment of different crops and b) greater concern for this topic of study, mainly
caused by greater development of the universities in the area in this problem (Fig. 1).
Agricultural areas are an environment where soil contamination and degradation is
very widespread. In addition, these areas are an essential source of resources and
food for humans, and the health of agricultural lands is directly related to the health
of the food produced there and that people consume. Therefore, protecting the soil of
these areas from pollution, and developing sustainable treatments and production
systems for the benefit of all, should be everyone’s task.
Acknowledgements The author also wishes to thank Cambridge Proofreading & Editing LLC for
the English revision of this chapter and to Oscar Corvacho-Ganahín for his help with the carto-
graphic design.
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Agricultural Land Degradation in China
Yang Yu, PanPan Ma, Qilin Zuo, Ming Gong, Miao Hu, and Paulo Pereira
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
2 Soil Compaction and Erosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
2.1 Effect of Soil Compaction on Soil Physicochemical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
2.2 Soil Compaction Risk in Farmland Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
2.3 Technical Strategies for Avoiding or Mitigating Soil Compaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
2.4 Prospects of Research on Alleviating Soil Compaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
3 Overgrazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
4 Slash and Burn Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
4.1 Classification of Slash-and-Burn Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
4.2 Solutions for Slash-and-Burn Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
4.3 Expectation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
5 Salinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
6 Agrochemical Use and Soil Contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
6.1 Current Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
6.2 Remediation of Farmland Soil Contaminated by Agricultural Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . 167
6.3 Comprehensive Control Countermeasures of Farmland Polluted by Agricultural
Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
6.4 The Way Forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
7 Microplastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
7.1 Classification of Microplastics in Soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
7.2 Sources of Microplastics in Soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
7.3 Solutions to Microplastic Environmental Pollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Paulo Pereira, Miriam Muñoz-Rojas, Igor Bogunovic, and Wenwu Zhao (eds.), 153
Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation I: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, America
and Oceania, Hdb Env Chem (2023) 120: 153–176, DOI 10.1007/698_2022_930,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022,
Published online: 25 March 2023
154 Y. Yu et al.
Abstract China is a major agricultural country in the world. Since the 1980s,
China’s food problem has been basically solved, and 22% of the world’s population
has been fed and nursed with 9% of the world’s arable land. However, due to the
large population with relatively little land, the per capita arable land area is only
0.08 hm2, less than one-fourth of the world average. The hilly areas account for
about two-thirds of the total land area, and the middle and low yield fields account
for two-thirds of the total arable land area. There is a severe shortage of water
resources. China’s per capita water resources are only about 2,200 m3, listed as one
of the 13 water-deficient countries in the world. In recent years, the environment and
cultivated land quality have attracted government attention and related research.
Several policies were created to promote farmland system protection, agricultural
production, quality of agricultural products, and land degradation prevention and
control. However, what is the environmental condition of agricultural-producing
areas in China? How does this kind of condition influence the quality and safety of
agricultural products? This chapter summarises the main factors affecting China’s
farmland degradation from six aspects: soil compaction and erosion, overgrazing,
slash-and-burn agriculture, salinity, agrochemical use and soil contamination, and
1 Introduction
Soil, water, and biodiversity are the foundations of our societies and economies. A
global pattern of human dominance has resulted in persistent degradation and loss of
land resources in recent decades [1]. Degradation of soil results from natural or
anthropogenic disturbances that reduce actual or potential productivity or utility.
Agricultural land degradation is a global threat, and it has a strong influence on food
and energy resources and environments [2]. The degradation of soil, the quality of
the environment, food security, and energy consumption are all interconnected.
Globally, agricultural soil degradation is most often caused by human activities
and climate change. Agricultural soil degradation and accelerated soil erosion affect
agricultural productivity and the environment. Therefore, unveiling the complex and
interactive relationship between agricultural land degradation and soil erosion will
be a critical step towards solving the problem of food security and the decline in soil
Agricultural Land Degradation in China 155
environment quality [3, 4]. China is one of the largest agricultural countries [5]. Set-
tled agriculture may have started in China as early as 10,000 years ago. China’s
arable land protection and utilisation work face many challenges. The degradation of
agricultural land has intensified, the organic matter of the black soil in the northeast
has declined, the red and yellow soil in the south is acidified, the soil in the north is
arid and saline, and the area of degraded arable land with obstacles accounts for 40%
[6, 7]. In order to break the vicious cycle of soil erosion, low crop yield, poverty, and
low resource agriculture, policy and technological interventions need to be
implemented. In crops, microbes, soils, and plants interact and respond to different
management practices. Agroecosystems have become one of the most inextricable
self-organising systems [4, 8]. In contrast, how are the agricultural producing areas
in China affected by the environment? What are these conditions’ impacts on the
quality and safety of agricultural products? The scientific understanding of these
problems is of great significance to the prevention and control of agricultural soil
degradation, the healthy production and supply of agricultural products, and the
sustainable development of agriculture and the rural economy. Understanding how
human activities affect agricultural land degradation will result in management
practices and strategies to restore the soil environment to improve its quality and
prevent erosion while potentially improving the yield.
This chapter summarises the main factors affecting China’s farmland degrada-
tion: soil compaction and erosion, overgrazing, slash-and-burn agriculture, salinity,
agrochemicals use and soil contamination, and microplastics. Based on these pre-
mises, this chapter’s objectives are to review the impacts of the six aspects of the
abovementioned agricultural land degradation in China and highlight important
management strategies for preventing agricultural land degradation.
Tractor trafficking increases soil compaction [9], which is considered one of the
most severe forms of degradation [10]. Agricultural soil compaction is common in
all world climatic regions. It is manifested by increased mechanical resistance and
bulk density and decreased porosity and water infiltration, affecting crop yields and
vegetation recovery [11]. Chinese scholars began to pay attention to the soil com-
paction problem in the 1980s. So far, the research carried out is mainly focused on
the influence of compaction on soil physical and chemical properties, improving soil
conditions, impacts on the carbon cycle, and modelling soil compaction [e.g. 12, 13].
The effect of compaction on soil physical properties is visible by the increase of soil
bulk density and the decrease in soil porosity, aeration, soil water holding capacity,
156 Y. Yu et al.
and permeability. Decreasing soil aeration and porosity decreases water infiltration,
microbiological activity, and root penetration [14].
Soil compaction directly increases soil bulk density and decreases soil porosity.
Under the same site condition, the more serious the soil compaction is the more
obvious surface soil bulk density and porosity changes. The effects of compaction on
soil bulk density, porosity, water permeability, and other soil structural parameters
are significant. The effects on soil physical properties will also increase with the
increase of compaction times. The change in soil structure caused by compaction is
mainly concentrated in the 0–30 cm soil layer. Meanwhile, as the degree of com-
paction increases, the soil’s thermal conductivity and heat capacity will both
increase [15].
Soil water retention is closely related to soil permeability. Soil water retention is a
comprehensive reflection of soil aggregates, soil porosity status, and particle com-
position, and soil porosity status plays a decisive role in water infiltration. Compac-
tion directly changes the composition of soil particles, the size and number of
aggregates, and the size and distribution of soil porosity, which inevitably affects
soil water retention capacity and permeability [16, 17]. This increases the likelihood
of surface runoff and soil erosion.
Compaction will affect the effectiveness of soil nutrient absorption and change
the adsorption and fixation process of chemical elements and ions in the soil. N, P,
and K are essential growth elements for plants. After compaction, soil aeration is
reduced, and surface runoff is increased, which directly leads to the loss of gaseous
nitrogen and nitrogen compounds. The compacted soil is not conducive to the
extension of plant roots, and the roots become thinner and smaller, while the uptake
of P and K mainly depends on the root configuration. At the same time, the decrease
in soil aeration leads to the decrease of O2 content in the soil, and the nutrient
elements such as Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu will be released through peroxidation reduction
[10, 18, 19].
The mechanical compaction of farmland soil not only significantly affects the
development of crop root systems and crop growth but also increases the energy
demand for cultivation, affects water infiltration and movement, and even causes soil
erosion and pollution [20, 21]. Mechanical compaction of soil has adverse effects on
soil physics, chemistry, biology, and crop growth and development, and its harms
mainly include the following:
1. Due to compaction, soil porosity decreases, natural macropores decrease, soil
water holding capacity decreases, and permeability decreases significantly. In the
case of short-term heavy rainfall, surface runoff increases, erosion increases, the
dry period is prolonged, and soil compaction has become one of the leading
causes of soil and water loss [22]. When soil porosity is less than 10%, soil
Agricultural Land Degradation in China 157
macropores are reduced, and small pores are closed by water. In these circum-
stances, the air exchange, carbon mineralisation, and nitrification are reduced.
Denitrification is enhanced, and the ratio of soil carbon and nitrogen will be
increased, resulting in a decrease in soil quality [23].
2. Compaction significantly changed the soil structure. The soil tended to be
anaerobic, the biomass and activity of soil microorganisms decreased, and the
number of soil animals decreased [24].
3. Compaction increases soil strength and osmotic resistance, which makes it
difficult for crop roots to grow in compacted soil. Root ratio in the surface layer
and secondary roots increase significantly. Roots near compacted areas become
coarser, flat, and tortuous, and epidermal cells are twisted and radiated [25].
4. Due to the increase of soil mechanical resistance, the energy consumption of soil
tillage increases, and the tillage benefit decreases. In the most severe case, the
positive benefit of tillage is offset by the negative benefit of compaction [26].
Fig. 1 Farmland tillage methods on the Loess Plateau a: Abandoned farmland; b: Less-tillage
farmland; c: No-tillage farmland; d: No-tillage with straw return; e: tillage with straw return; f:
Machine axle load and grounding pressure are the main reasons for soil compaction
[34]. It is necessary to minimise the axle load and grounding pressure in tractor
design. The specific measures are as follows:
1. Change two-wheel drive to four-wheel drive
More than 70% of the total load of a two-wheel drive tractor is distributed in
the rear axle. Therefore, the rear wheels hit the ground harder. If changed to four-
Agricultural Land Degradation in China 159
wheel drive, at rest, the front axle load accounts for 55%. The rear axle load
accounts for 45%. When walking, the axle load distribution is more uniform,
which reduces the axle load and the rolling of soil without increasing the total
weight [35].
2. Change four-wheel to six-wheel or eight-wheel
Increasing the number of tires and tire width increases the ground area, and the
tire’s internal pressure can be reduced [36]. This can significantly reduce the
tractor pressure on the surface
3. Change wheeled tractor to tracked tractor
The ground area of a tracked tractor is much larger than that of a wheeled
tractor. Therefore, the compaction effect on the soil when cultivated with a
tracked tractor is much less than that of a wheeled tractor [37].
4. Change multilayer tire to radiate tire
Improve the traditional multilayer tire to radiate layer tire. When the inner
pressure of the tire is reduced, the ground area of the radial tire increases, and the
left and right sides remain unchanged. Therefore, the radial tire does not increase
the track area, which benefits the ridge planting or crops with small row spacing.
The ground area of the ordinary multilayer tire will increase, and the concave
change occurs in the middle of the tire crown, which causes soil shear. With the
increase of load or tire pressure decrease, the direction-finding rolling area of
common multilayer tires is increased, which may cause harm to crops [38].
Compaction not only changes the physical and chemical properties of soil and
significantly reduces soil productivity, but also the CO2 produced by soil respiration
cannot be released in time, which affects the expected growth of plants and soil
biological activities. With the expansion of human activities in recent years, the area
of soil compaction is becoming larger and larger. If we do not pay more attention,
soil quality and the environment will deteriorate rapidly [39].
Currently, studies on the effects of compaction on soil under different land use
patterns mainly focus on the changes in soil’s physical and chemical properties
[40]. Studies on the effects of compaction on the CO2 release from soil respiration
are still weak, but it is an important step that cannot be ignored in studying the global
carbon cycle. Second, some soil compaction is inevitable when conducting produc-
tion operations, but it does not mean that soil compaction can only have adverse
effects. We know, as long as it does not exceed the natural resilience of the
environment. Compaction limits the amount of CO2 released from the soil surface
and can slow down the greenhouse effect. Future studies should pay attention to the
extent and scope of the effects of different compaction degrees on soil respiration
under different land use patterns. Suppose the scope of reasonable compaction
degree can be determined. In that case, the adverse effects of mechanical compaction
on the environment can be reduced by injecting advanced technology and improving
160 Y. Yu et al.
3 Overgrazing
increase is the indirect cause of overgrazing [44]. Farmers are primarily engaged in
traditional herding. Cattle and sheep are their only source of income. As rational
“economic men”, farmers also aim to maximise their interests. Driven by a strong
desire to improve living standards, farmers only have to look for ways from
grassland. Increasing livestock production is almost the only option for farmers to
increase their ability to cope with changes in economic incomes, ensure that living
standards do not decline even in a lousy year, and meet their expenses [45].
In order to solve the problems caused by overgrazing, several aspects must be
considered. (1) Clarify the property rights of grasslands and end the excessive use of
grasslands institutionally. First of all, we should continue to implement “dual rights
and one system” so that herdsmen can organically combine the interests of raising
livestock with the maintenance of grassland. In addition, we should reasonably
extend the paid contract period for pastures in light of local conditions. (2) Reduce
the pressure on utilising grasslands and apply periodical rotations. To reduce the
pressure of grassland utilisation, we should reduce the pressure on the population in
pastoral areas and the number of livestock. (3) Strengthen the construction of
grasslands and improve the capacity of grass production and livestock carrying.
(4) Change the production mode and reduce animal husbandry industrialisation.
Seeking economic growth solely by increasing primary livestock products will
inevitably lead to the overuse of grassland. Therefore, the sustainable development
of grassland animal husbandry must be combined with the deep processing of animal
162 Y. Yu et al.
products and the international division of labour of animal products and implement
industrial management.
In the 1980s, the land use in the Tiaoheba area underwent significant changes, and
the agricultural economic structure began to adjust. The primary feature was the
change from rice-based food agriculture to a new type of agriculture with the
development of cash crops. Based on self-sufficiency in grain, they found and
formed the primary road of economic development, planting amomum and rubber
and developing aquaculture. Since the 1990s, they have practised intensive farming.
Despite modern farming techniques, they do not use any fertilisers on cultivated
land. Instead, they focus on managing the farmland, the irrigation system, and the
surrounding environment. The agricultural economic structure gradually improved,
and farmers’ income gradually increased. In the twenty-first century, the growth of
economic forests in Xishuangbanna, especially the widespread planting of rubber
forests, has indeed increased farmers’ income in some ways, and most farmers have
entirely gotten rid of the slash-and-burn mode of production. However, on the other
hand, there are still some hidden dangers in environmental protection. Planting a
large area of rubber forest is not conducive to protecting the environment in the long
run [50].
4.3 Expectation
As one type of agriculture, slash and burn is the adaptation of tropical and subtrop-
ical mountain peoples to their habitats. Slash-and-burn practices are traditional in
mountain areas, and however, they can also pose environmental problems
164 Y. Yu et al.
[49]. Slash and burn is ostensibly a type of agricultural production but is a profound
social problem, especially in ethnic minority areas in Yunnan. It involves specific
areas, ethnic groups, environmental conditions, social systems, culture, customs,
politics, religion, and other related aspects. The slash-and-burn practices applied by
Yunnan minorities should be fully explored, such as the traditional rules of forest
protection, rational utilisation of natural resources, and the idea of harmonious
coexistence between man and nature. This is key to preserving the culture
and religion of Yunnan ethnic minorities [51]. We should choose the right attitude
and methods to treat slash and burn, take measures according to local conditions, and
strive to improve economic and cultural development and people’s living standards
in minority areas.
5 Salinity
The process and mechanism of soil salinisation are complicated. Its formation is a
form of land degradation influenced by natural factors and human activities. The
fragile eco-geological environment in arid and semi-arid areas is the objective basis
of soil salinisation. Geological conditions, soil conditions, low-level terrain, high
wind, groundwater, groundwater salinity, evaporation, salt-containing parent mate-
rial, drought, and less rain climate conditions are important natural factors that affect
soil salinisation [53]. Also, unsustainable human practices such as overexploitation,
overgrazing, and irrigation accelerated soil salinisation. As an important type of soil
degradation, the relationship between soil salinisation and the environment has been
paid more and more attention. Recently scientific and technical works have been
carried out to assess the human and climate impacts on soil salinisation [e.g. 54].
Human and natural factors can be responsible for the soil salinisation process
together with natural factors. Tillage and excessive irrigation are some of the causes
responsible for secondary salinity [55]. Human factors have two effects on
salinisation risk. The first is a positive effect; if human development and utilisation
and irrigation methods are unsustainable, the salinisation risk will increase. The
second is a reverse effect [56].
1. Unsustainable human production and living activities have promoted the occur-
rence of soil salinisation. In the past, people unilaterally implemented the policy
of focusing on grain and blindly destroying grass to open up land, which led to the
reclamation of a considerable part of grassland suitable for grazing into arable
land. After grassland was reclaimed, the surface “desalinated layer” as a result of
the growth of vegetation was destroyed. Salt rose to the surface with evaporation
from the deep level, resulting in salinity [57].
2. Excessive agricultural water use and backward irrigation technology have inten-
sified the frequency and intensity of the conversion between groundwater and
surface water, resulting in significant changes in the chemical characteristics of
regional groundwater and surface water [58]. At the same time, the groundwater
level of some wasteland or half wasteland in and around the irrigated area will rise
and become a dry wasteland, leading to the accumulation of soil salt in these areas
and becoming a hidden danger of soil salinisation.
3. Humans can influence the salinisation by building drainage channels. Ground-
water level and the saline-alkali components of the soil itself play a significant
role. The alkaline drainage channel is proposed based on the above principles. It
effectively reduces the groundwater level, discharges the saline-alkali compo-
nents, and controls salinisation [59].
With further research on the essential characteristics of saline soil and its evalu-
ation techniques, the comprehensive application of multidisciplinary methods and
techniques has been strengthened. The optimal management of saline soil utilisation
and the optimal control of soil water and salt dynamics are emphasised [60]. The
influence of human activities on secondary soil salinisation has been gradually
linked with environmental change [61]. Environment-friendly and cost-saving bio-
logical treatments and salt-soil farming techniques are highlighted elsewhere [62]
The research on saline soils needs to clarify the transport mechanism of salts into the
166 Y. Yu et al.
soil and their relationship with the plants [61]. In saline soils, management tech-
niques should be utilised to optimise the regulation of the saline soil’s water, salt,
and fertility. Soil quality could be improved, and secondary salinisation could be
prevented by directional cultivation of saline soil to improve the productivity of
saline soil and the utilisation efficiency of saline soil resources in China [61].
In general, future research on soil salinisation needs to pay attention to six
aspects: (1) monitoring, assessment, prediction, and early warning of soil
salinisation; (2) study of soil water and salt transport process at field scale and its
simulation; (3) interaction mechanism between plant and soil salinity and biological
treatment of saline soil; (4) study on mechanism and technology of soil water and
salt optimisation; (5) study on the treatment and restoration of saline-alkali barrier
and optimal management of saline soil resource utilisation; and (6) environmental
effects of soil salinisation.
The actual harm caused by chemicals is mainly reflected in the harm to the environ-
ment and human health. Firstly, from the perspective of the environment, it is mainly
reflected in three aspects: air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution. Hazard-
ous chemicals in industrial waste gas and dust, automobile exhaust, and agricultural
chemicals have caused severe air pollution, mainly reflected in the north of China’s
air pollution [66]. Industrial organic products and agricultural chemicals cause
severe water pollution and water quality deterioration through the discharge and
leakage of wastewater. Harmful chemicals enter rivers, lakes, seas, and farmland,
causing water and severe soil pollution [67]. Also, soil acidification is a consequence
Agricultural Land Degradation in China 167
of acid rain. All these events hurt human health. Many harmful substances enter
people’s respiratory system, causing respiratory diseases, heart and lung diseases,
and even cancer. Water pollution causes more human diseases and even directly
causes death in severe cases. On the one hand, soil pollution causes destructive
effects on agricultural production. On the other hand, it causes great harm to human
health through agricultural products [68].
There are several methods to remediate agriculture soil pollution (e.g. physical,
chemical, and biological). Physical and chemical techniques are efficient but very
expensive and require much work. They are more suitable for remediating soils with
high concentration pollutants [69]. Bioremediation has a long repair cycle. It is more
suitable for soil contaminated by agricultural chemicals with medium and low
residual concentration, such as remediation of agrochemical pollution in farmland
soil, because of its advantages such as financial and environmental protection, and
not easy to damage the ecosystem. Soil bioremediation includes microbial remedi-
ation, phytoremediation, and mycorrhizal remediation [70].
The pollution of harmful chemicals to the environment is evident to all. The effective
prevention and control of pollution has become an urgent matter for the development
of industry and agriculture in China at the present stage [71]. Under the premise of
correct understanding of environmental hazards caused by harmful chemicals,
strengthening the investigation and research on the residues of agricultural chemicals
in farmland soil, increasing the research and development of alternative technologies
for harmful agricultural chemicals, adjusting agronomic measures and strengthening
the self-purification capacity of the soil, guiding peasants to rational drug use and
safe application technology, improving their awareness of environmental protection,
perfecting laws and regulations, and establishing a standard quality system in line
with international standards and other measures can all provide practical solutions
and means for comprehensive treatment of polluted farmland [67].
China’s soil contamination has specific development characteristics, and the preven-
tion and control of soil pollution has become one of the most important aspects of
168 Y. Yu et al.
7 Microplastics
Microplastics can be divided into primary and secondary according to size [77]. Pri-
mary microplastics refer to the plastic microspheres and nano-plastics made into
micron size during the production process and used as raw materials in industrial
detergents and cosmetics. Secondary microplastics are fragments produced by large
plastic products, such as household garbage and plastic film. The shape of
microplastics can be divided into fibres, beads, films, flowers, spheres, particles,
Agricultural Land Degradation in China 169
foam, and debris [78]. It is essential to classify the particle size of microplastics,
which affects their migration potential in soil. Microplastics with particle size
>150 mm are unlikely to be absorbed by most plants and soil organisms (except
mesozoa) and pose no risk to human health.
the legal basis for preventing and controlling plastic pollution. The economic
policy encourages waste plastics recycling and sets materials and product
standards to improve the quality of recycled plastic. Reducing plastic use at
source by limiting production, banning the use, product substitution and tax
regulation, and exploring the use of an extended producer responsibility system
to promote plastic waste recycling and reduce plastic waste in the environment
[88]. In terms of technological innovation, product design should be improved
to extend the service cycle of plastic products, and environmentally friendly
alternative materials should be researched and developed to reduce the use of
plastic raw materials [89]. It is essential to understand the ecological effects of
microplastics, assess their ecological risks and human health hazards, and
provide direct evidence of the harm of plastics. Regarding education, improve
public consciousness, change consumption patterns, develop citizen science,
and advocate public participation in preventing and controlling environmental
plastic waste (microplastics) pollution.
Microplastics are widely distributed and accumulated in the soil, which has attracted
researchers’ attention to their source, distribution, migration, and ecological risk
[78]. However, due to the imperfection of appropriate research methods and classi-
fication standards, there is a lack of consistency in the research on the environmental
behaviour of microplastics in soil [77]. The research on the ecological risks of
microplastics to soil structure and physical and chemical properties, soil plants,
animals, and microorganisms is still in the exploration and accumulation stage and
has not yet formed a complete theoretical and methodological system [82]. In the
future, in-depth research should be carried out from the following aspects:
1. Establish unified microplastic sample collection, classification, separation, and
detection methods. Currently, the separation and detection methods of
microplastics in soil are limited. Therefore, it is urgent to standardise the separa-
tion and detection system of microplastics in soil.
2. Microplastics can adsorb heavy metals, organic pollutants, and antibiotics in soil.
Further research on the combined pollution of microplastics is needed, and it is
important to understand microplastic migration, biotransformation, and
bioaccumulation in the soil.
3. Research on ecological risk of microplastics to soil organisms. Future research
should include more microplastics, animal and plant species, and soil conditions.
The effects of microplastics and related pollutants should be further studied. It is
essential to understand that the interaction between microplastics and soil micro-
organisms, including microbial community structure and activity, should be
further studied. More field experiments should be carried out to study further
the effects of microplastic exposure on soil fauna under real-world environmental
Agricultural Land Degradation in China 171
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Agricultural Soil Degradation in Colombia
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
2 Natural Regions of Colombia and Taxonomic Diversity of Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
3 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
4 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
4.1 Agricultural Soil Degradation Process in Colombia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
4.2 Soil Degradation Extension in Natural Regions of Colombia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
4.3 Main Causes and Consequences of Soil Degradation in Colombia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
4.4 Conflicts by Soil Use in Colombia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
4.5 Viable Agricultural Practices to Reduce Soil and Land Degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
4.6 Research Gaps and Enabling Factors in Colombia for Soil and Land Sustainability 207
5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
M. Quintero-Angel (✉)
Universidad del Valle-Sede Palmira, Palmira, Colombia
e-mail: [email protected]
D. I. Ospina-Salazar
Universidad del Valle-Sede Palmira, Palmira, Colombia
Departamento de Ciencias Agronómicas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín,
e-mail: [email protected]
Paulo Pereira, Miriam Muñoz-Rojas, Igor Bogunovic, and Wenwu Zhao (eds.), 177
Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation I: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, America
and Oceania, Hdb Env Chem (2023) 120: 177–218, DOI 10.1007/698_2022_914,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022,
Published online: 22 December 2022
178 M. Quintero-Angel and D. I. Ospina-Salazar
identify research gaps or current problems which demands immediate and effective
actions to advance towards a sustainable management of soils and lands. Finally, we
conclude that to stop agricultural and land degradation in Colombia, and, if possible,
to reverse this process, is only feasible through state-level policies and the transfor-
mation of paradigms in which diverse actors impact soils and land with their
agricultural activities.
1 Introduction
Due to its location in the northwestern corner in South America, Colombia has two
of the most important physiographic units of the subcontinent: Andes range and
Amazon basin. Both sum to volcanic activity and weathering of diverse parent
materials has been resulted on a high diversity of soils, which is threatened since
the twentieth century.
Degradation processes such as water erosion, loss of organic matter, soil com-
paction, micro and macro fauna reduction and agrochemical pollution, among others
had affected gravely the soils of the country [1]. However, intensity and extension of
degradation processes are not evenly distributed, it varies depending on the region1
and socio-economic activities in the territory; e.g., water and wind erosion, soil
compaction, and loss of organic matter predominantly occur in the Caribbean and
Andes regions. Currently, more than 40% of continental lands of the country are
affected by erosion, 5% by salinization and 24% are susceptible to desertification
[3]. Other forms of soil degradation, such as pollution with agrochemical, heavy
metals, and micro plastics, are less studied.
There are multiple factors that influence soil and land degradation in Colombia.
Urban sprawl is responsible for permanent soil loss, while socio-economic activities,
namely agro-industrial modernization, had generated multiple changes in the soil
uses, leading to transformation of rain forests, tropical dry forest, natural savannas,
swamps, and moorlands in croplands, pastures, and/or timber plantations. Moreover,
Colombian economic model in the last years is oriented to reprimarisation of the
economy, which had led to an increase of mining extractive projects with irreversible
negative impacts in the soil.
In Colombia there is a limited knowledge and assessment of soil, its function and
conservation importance, which is product of accumulated weakness in national
education, science, technology, and innovation systems [1]. Moreover, in the last
years, the Colombia had experience a complex socio-political situation in which
Colombia is divided into six natural regions: Caribbean, Pacific, Andean, Orinoquian, Amazonian,
and Insular [2]. In Colombia there are 32 departments, which constitute the administrative divisions
of the country.
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Colombia 179
Colombia is located at the northwest of South America between 12° 30′ 46″ N and
4° 13′ 30″ S and 66° 50′ 54″ W and 79° 01′ 23″ W. The country has borders with
Venezuela and Brazil in the east, Ecuador and Peru in the south, the Caribbean Sea in
the north, northeast with Panama and the Pacific Ocean to the west [2]. It has a total
area of 2,070,408 km2, from which 1,141,748 km2 is continental area and
928,660 km2 is maritime surface [4]. The country is inhabited by 48,258,494 people,
mainly settled in cities, (77.1%), rural villages (7.1%), and dispersed rural areas
(15.8%) [5].
Diversity in topography, weather, vegetation, soils, and distance to sea results in
six natural regions [6] (Fig. 1). Andean region is composed of all territories on the
three mountain ranges of the Andes. This area concentrates most of the population
and socio-economic development. Caribbean and Pacific regions are located next to
the Caribbean Sea in the north and the Pacific Ocean to the west, respectively.
Amazon region owes its name to the Amazon Forest, in the southernmost part of the
country, while Orinoquian region encompasses the extended plains along the Ori-
noco River in the east. Amazonian and Orinoquian regions represent approximately
60% of the national territory and 5% of the population. Finally, insular region
includes San Andres and Providencia islands in the Caribbean and other islets and
keys in the Pacific [7].
Colombian climate is determined by its position at the tropical zone, the influence
of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), as well as other geographic and
atmospheric features (precipitation, solar radiation, temperature, wind systems,
altitude, continentality, and atmospheric humidity). All these factors produce diverse
climates and microclimates conditions, from hot in the coast and plains up to cold in
the Andean mountains and Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta in the Caribbean
[4]. Annual precipitation in Colombia is 3,000 mm, with a real evapotranspiration
of 1,180 mm and mean annual runoff of 1,830 mm [4]. The lowest annual precip-
itation is observed in the northernmost extreme of Guajira peninsula region with
500 mm or less, while the highest is registered in the Pacific region with values of
more than 10,000 mm [4].
Colombian pedosphere contains 11 of the 12 taxonomic orders of soils according
to the USDA classification system, with exception of Gelisols. They mostly belong
to incipient and less-evolved soils, such as Entisols and Inceptisols, and acid, highly
weathered soils such as Ultisols and Oxisols (Table 1) [8].
180 M. Quintero-Angel and D. I. Ospina-Salazar
Table 1 (continued)
Extension in hectares Departments and
(% of national formations where can be
Soil order Characteristics territory) found
Inceptisols Incipient soils, although not 43,758,312 (38.33%) Distributed in all Colombia,
as much as Entisols, are in association with other
characterized by low devel- soil orders
opment of diagnostic hori-
zons. Frequently have more
evident coloration or clay
content, but without accu-
mulation layers due to illu-
viation. Occurs almost in
all-climates but dominantly
in arid ones. Any soil that is
not possible to be classified
in any of the other orders is
considered an Inceptisol
Mollisols Soils from semi-arid and 1,752,929 (1.54%) Located on Cauca, Sinú,
semi-humid environments, San Jorge, and Magdalena
deep, with presence of River valleys
mollic horizon, and high
content of transformed
organic matter (humus).
Very suitable for agriculture,
they show base saturation of
at least 50%
Oxisols Highly weathered, 14,941,577 (13.09%) Located mainly in
red-yellowish soils with Orinoquian and Amazonian
high content of free soluble regions
aluminum (Al3+), acidic,
poor fertility and CEC.
Mainly present in humid and
hot tropical climates with
mild slopes, having good
drainage due to its high
Spodosols Naturally infertile soils, 921,162 (0.81%) Located mainly in Guainía
podzolized and developed in and Vaupés departments
very humid environments. It (Amazonian region)
presents a horizon of organic
matter associated to alumi-
num and iron by illuviation
(spodic horizons), under a
sandy, deep horizon of ligh-
ter color (ash gray). Low pH
and clayey textures, not
suitable for agriculture
Ultisols Highly weathered soils, 17,921,151 (15.70%) Located mainly on
acidic, with low fertility, Orinoquian, Amazonian,
saturated most of the year, and Pacific Coast regions
with high content of iron
oxides, showing a clay
accumulation horizon
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Colombia 183
Table 1 (continued)
Extension in hectares Departments and
(% of national formations where can be
Soil order Characteristics territory) found
Vertisols Soils with high content of 851,507 (0.75%) Located in the Caribbean
montmorillonites clays, region and especially in the
prone to cracking, high con- Valle del Cauca department
tent of organic matter, fertile
for many crops, short time
for optimal tillage. Charac-
teristic of humid environ-
ments with contrastable dry
and humid seasons
Based on information from Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi [8]
3 Methodology
To identify the main problems of land and soil degradation in different natural
regions of Colombia, a consultation with experts on agricultural soils and similar
areas was conducted. The experts were selected from a list of national experts of soil
science and a snowball sampling or chain-referral sampling conducted during
January and February 2021. The expert consultation was anonymized and followed
the American Anthropological Association Statement on Ethics. Consultation with
experts is a scientifically validated method that employs key informants with
experience in the topics of interest to quickly obtain knowledge related to a particular
topic [10]. Experts were asked to voluntarily answer several questions through
Google Forms. The form inquired about some characteristics of experts, including
gender, higher education, and years of experience. It also contains questions about
importance of different agricultural land and soil degradation processes in Colombia.
Additionally, it inquired the main causes and derived consequences of land degra-
dation and Science, Technology, and Innovation gaps in Colombia related to
agricultural soil and land degradation. For each natural region, where the expert’s
professional experience was concentrated, experts were asked for the extension of
land and soil degradation, the agricultural practices which produce the main degra-
dation, and practices for reversing it. From quantitative information, reported by
experts a descriptive statistic was made. Moreover, qualitative information was
organized deductively by categories to get patterns. Answers from each expert
were organized by topic codifying the source of anonymous information and were
ordered in an analysis matrix.
Additionally, a systematic search of information was carried out Spanish and
English on soil and land degradation, according to some search criteria, information
sources, and predefined keywords, along with the three basic Boolean operators
AND, OR, and NOT, as described below: (1) Search criteria: Policies, reports,
articles, and scientific publications on soil or land degradation in Colombia;
184 M. Quintero-Angel and D. I. Ospina-Salazar
(2) Information sources: meta search engines Google, Google Scholar, and Scopus;
(3) Keywords: soil, land, degradation, Colombia, erosion, organic matter loss,
compaction, desertification, micro and macro fauna reduction, salinization, sodicity,
acidification, soil fertility loss, and contamination. Specific search in Scopus was
made with the following algorithm: TITLE-ABS-KEY (land OR soil AND degra-
dation AND Colombia) AND (LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE, “ar”) OR LIMIT-TO
(DOCTYPE, “re”) OR LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE, “ch”). To track the thematic evolu-
tion of scientific publications on land and soil degradation in Colombia, the results of
Scopus were processed in SciMAT (Science Mapping Analysis Software Tool)
[11]. The latter in order to cluster keywords and their interconnections in research
themes to generate a strategic diagram, which is a bidimensional space to graph
themes according to their centrality and density values [12].
4.1.1 Erosion
erosion above soil formation rate. This generates a net loss of soil, affecting its
functions and ecosystem services and reducing its productive capacity [13].
Unlike other more specific degradation processes, such as salinization and desert-
ification, erosion occurs along all natural’s regions in magnitudes and severities that
affect large portions of the territory. Forty percent of the soils of the continental and
insular area of the country (45,379,057 ha) are affected by some degree of erosion as
follows; 2.9% (3,334,594 ha) show severe and very severe erosion, 16.8%
(19,222,575 ha) moderate erosion and 20% (22,821,889 ha) mild erosion [13].
Water erosion is the predominant type, showed mainly as of laminar class
(19.33%), furrows (9.31%), terraces (7.30%), and gullies (0.52%), in practically
the entire country. Wind erosion is manifested in less than 1% of the territory,
particularly in the Guajira desert, as deflation depressions, desert pavements, and
dunes [13]. In Colombia, there are 34 hotspots2 of erosion, concentrated in the
Andean and Caribbean regions (Fig. 3).
The severity degree of erosion varies according to the soil cover, being higher in
cropland and pastureland, and very low in woodlands. Likewise, croplands have
greater susceptibility to erosion compared to pastureland, with the highest erosion
values occurring in cultivated hillsides. Although the extent of moderate erosion is
greater in croplands, the extent of severe degree is lower, in comparison with soils
under pastures (Fig. 4). Several authors report that, in this soil cover, the net loss of
soil is usually greater than in pastures, due to the frequent management of crops
without weed cover [14–17]. However, in pasture soils runoff is higher than in
cultivated soils due to a lower infiltration capacity, which can produce severe
overland flow under heavy rainfall [15, 18, 19].
A place of significant activity or danger.
186 M. Quintero-Angel and D. I. Ospina-Salazar
Soil loss (kg ha-1 year-1) in Colombia has been estimated experimentally or by
modeling, taking into account the soil cover and the rainfall intensity (Table 2). As a
reference value in humid tropical regions, it is estimated an annual loss of
15,570 kg ha-1 in bare soil, 825 kg ha-1 in soils covered by crops, 374 kg ha-1 in
grasslands, while in forest soils it reaches 107 kg ha-1 [16].
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Colombia 187
Fig. 4 Severity degree of erosion by soil cover in Colombia. Elaboration from information of
Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales andAmbientales and Universidad de
Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales [13]
4.1.2 Compaction
Degradation by compaction has been studied using indicators such as bulk density,
porosity, infiltration rate, and resistance to penetration, mostly in pasturelands, and
to a lesser extent in croplands. The available literature confirms that cattle grazing is
the main cause of soil degradation by compaction in Colombia.
Induced compaction by grazing is well described from the agricultural frontier in
Guaviare department [26]. Here, slash-and-burn agriculture is practiced in the
predominant Ultisols, taking advantage of the nutrient-rich ash, to initially fertilize
corn and cassava. Subsequently, grasses (Brachiaria decumbens) are sown with very
high planting distances, which leaves large portions of bare soil while the grass
covers the entire area. The livestock cycle begins with very low densities (less than
one cow per hectare), which can be managed for up to a decade before the pastures
degrade and get outplaced by weeds. As soil quality indicators, bulk density
increased 28%, as well as the resistance to penetration (ten times higher), while
total porosity and infiltration rate were reduced drastically, with respect to an intact
soil of the surrounding forest, in an evaluation from 3 to 9 years. The increase in bulk
density was negatively related to the biomass and crude protein yield of the
established pastures. However, as long as land is not scarce in these regions, soils
degraded by these changes in land use do not arouse interest in being recovered for
further agricultural exploitation [26].
The effect of livestock trampling is considerable in the compaction of soils with
isohyperthermic and high humidity regime, typical of Orinoquian and Amazon
regions. In hilly and low terrace soils with Brachiaria decumbens coverage for cattle
ranching in the last 15 years, notable increases in resistance to penetration are
reported in the first 15 cm of depth, alongside to a reduction of up to ten times in
infiltration rate [27]. Similarly, in two soils under pastures of the foothills of Caquetá
department, a reduction in total porosity, an increase in bulk density, and in
resistance to penetration (<3.0 MPa) is reported in the first 30 cm, compared to a
soil with intact native vegetation [28].
In the Andean region, agricultural soils showed significant compaction and
modification of the soil-air-water relationship, 2 years after the establishment of
the pastures [29]. Soils historically devoted to livestock in the Caribbean region,
established in highly degraded tropical dry forest ecosystems, show erosion signs on
80–100% of the pastures, along with increased compaction and low nutrient avail-
ability. This is ascribed to overgrazing and prevalence of grasses, not taking into
account the diversity of native trees and bushes that could contribute to nutrient
cycling [30]. As a consequence of this, these soils exhibit high levels of compaction
indicated by penetration resistance (4.42–7.49 MPa) and bulk density
(1.33–1.36 g cm-3) [31].
Soils subjected to mechanized tillage have also undergone compaction processes,
namely, in sugar cane monocultures in Valle del Cauca (inter-Andean zone), where
agricultural machinery is frequently used on wet soils [32]. A laboratory compaction
experiment in two soils (Haplustol and Calciustol) at two moisture regimes showed
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Colombia 189
that, in these crops, the bulk density, porosity, and hydraulic conductivity were
drastically affected compared to an intact forest soil. Likewise, the higher content of
organic matter per se did not prevent the increase in compaction in very humid
soil [32].
Given that these soils are susceptible to compaction by agricultural machinery,
the Sugar Cane Research Center-CENICAÑA has established the most suitable
types of tires, wagons, axles and harvest lift to mitigate this degradation process
[33–35]. This could explain why some soils under mechanized sugarcane production
exhibit low values of bulk density (1.35 g cm-3) and a high infiltration rate, leading
to an optimal quality index for intensive agriculture, which suggests good practices
over time [36].
The reduction of SOM is initially the result of tillage incorporation of the above-
ground biomass, from which the organic matter is oxidized in the form of CO2. Over
time, the SOM content tends to stabilize or decrease as a function of the incorpora-
tion and mineralization of crop residues, as well as the respiration of the microbial
biomass. The dynamics of SOM in livestock systems is more complex, since it
depends on the type and intensity of rotation and the animal contribution of manure/
urine. As a degradation process, SOM reduction is closely linked to soil erosion and
deforestation, therefore, it manifests with greater intensity in tilled soils and pastures,
especially located in agricultural frontier regions.
In Andean areas above 2,000 m.a.s.l., dairy farming is often extended on mild to
harsh slopes. In these areas, low conservation of SOM is reported under intensive
management, due to the removal of the vegetation cover, plowing, and the low
contribution of organic matter, which increases the loss of carbon due to secondary
mineralization and surface runoff. However, in wild pastures, higher CO2 emissions
were noted due to the greater contribution of organic matter subjected to minerali-
zation by microorganisms [37].
The complexity of soil organic carbon (SOC) and its interchangeability between
different pools (residual carbon, microbial biomass, humus) makes it difficult to
predict management practices that steady increases SOC in degraded soils. For
example, the establishment of trees like Albizia saman and Guazuma ulmifolia did
not significantly increase SOC in silvopastoral systems, when compared to that of a
degraded pasture [38]. This may be due to the dynamics of the litter that falls from
the trees, which determines the tradeoff of organic matter into the soil and the
intensity of the nutrient cycle [38]. In Amazonian pastures with low grazing inten-
sity, SOC tends to increase 20 years after the deforestation of the land, even above
the level before deforestation. On the contrary, in pastures with intensive grazing,
SOC suffered a decrease of up to 27% compared to the soil prior to deforestation
[39]. The latter results contrast with the increase in SOC in an intensive, highly
rotational grazing system, which was attributed to a higher density of grass
roots [40].
190 M. Quintero-Angel and D. I. Ospina-Salazar
4.1.4 Acidification
Colombian soils are generally acid due to dissolving of acid parent material and
humid climate conditions that characterize great part of its territory. It is estimated
that 85.6% of the soils have a pH lower than 5.5 [41]. However, most of these soils
are used in agricultural systems. Without liming, these soils tend to undergo acid-
ification, especially in the Orinoquian region [42]. The foregoing does not imply that
this problem is inexistent in other regions; e.g., in 187,000 soil samples analyzed
from 11 Andean coffee-producer departments, 56% had pH values below 5.0 and
45% had Al3+ saturation percentages above 1% [43].
Acidification of soils can also be generated by the addition of acid reaction
fertilizers such as urea, diammonium phosphate, phosphoric acid or chlorides, as
well as by ammonium nitrification and lixiviation of exchangeable bases and their
replacement by aluminum. The exchange of bases/H+ in the root-soil system, the
decomposition of organic matter, and the respiration of the roots also generate soil
acidification. In Risaralda department (Andean region), lower pH values have been
reported in native forest soils than under pastures, unshaded-coffee and pine plan-
tations, due to the decomposition of organic matter that releases carboxylic acids and
phenolic compounds. In contrast, onion crop soils showed a slight reduction in pH
after 4 months of evaluation, together with a greater activity of ammonium and
nitrite-oxidizing bacteria [44]. The latter is interesting since pine plantations in
Colombia have been blamed for soil acidification and is a common believe among
Other acidification processes have been detected as a result of the deposition of
volcanic materials after the eruption of Ruiz volcano in 1986. This type of acidifi-
cation is more pronounced in high altitude alpine-like soils than in plantation soils of
the surroundings [45]. Acid sulfate soils are also of local concern in some areas of
the northeast Andes (Chicamocha irrigation district, Tundama valley) and the
Caribbean plains (lower Sinú valley) [46, 47]. Banana cultivation, which is of
great economic importance in the Urabá gulf coast (Caribbean region), is known
for promoting soil acidification. This occurs because of the release of H+ from the
roots to the soil, and also for the application of ammonium fertilizers. Within 2 years
of intensive banana cultivation in this region, an increase of Al3+ by 5% was noted
[48]. Although sugar cane cultivation has been acknowledged as a promoter of soil
acidification worldwide [49], there is no evidence of acidification by this crop in
Colombia, at least in Valle del Cauca region where it is most cultivated, aside from
few reports [50].
4.1.5 Desertification
When defining desertification as the advance of desert sands over fertile lands, it can
be said that in Colombia this phenomenon is marginal, and possibly only occurs in
very specific sectors of the Guajira desert (Caribbean region). However, there are
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Colombia 191
In the continental and insular area of Colombia, 12.3% (14,041,883 ha) of the soils
present some degree of degradation due to mild to moderate and severe salinization
[57]. Salinization usually occurs either in natural depressions where surface evapo-
ration is greater than precipitation, or where the water table is very high and/or where
the parent material produces salts when it weathers. The limitations to productivity
of saline or saline-sodic soils are related to dispersion processes and lack of avail-
ability of Mg2+ and Ca2+, which reduces the stability of the aggregates and generates
a poor physical condition of the soil. High sodium concentration also affects plant
development due to its toxicity on most species [58].
Saline and saline-sodic soils are mainly located in the Caribbean and Andean
regions, along Cauca and Magdalena inter-Andean valleys, plateaus and depressions
of the eastern range, Guajira peninsula, as well as Cesar, San Jorge, Sinú, Atrato and
Magdalena-Cauca river plains. In Orinoquian, Amazonian and Pacific regions, its
presence is negligible [57].
In Valle del Cauca department (inter-Andean zone), it is estimated that there are
around 20,000 ha with certain risk of salinity or sodicity, and 40,000 ha affected by
sodium saturation levels greater than 15% [59]. Here, the progressive advance of
sodicity in agricultural soils is related to inadequate irrigation practices and a lack of
monitoring of water quality parameters (such as bicarbonate content), which pro-
duces a transfer of this anion to the soil [60]. It is also mentioned that the drainage
management in sugarcane crops (predominant in the department) has been
neglected, which prevents the correct washing of salt excess in the soil [61]. In
contrast, in the irrigation district of Alto Chicamocha (Andean region), salinization
of the soils has been ascribed to emanations of thermal waters with content of
sulfates, sodium, and calcium chlorides. Weathering of lake-type sediments depos-
ited in ancient geological times, the high water table, and the salinity of the irrigation
water also contribute to salinization, evinced in more than 50% of the district soils
(4,148 ha) having mild to moderate salinity levels [62].
The Guajira peninsula, in the northernmost part of the country, is the region with
most prevalence of salinity due to its arid condition, in more than 80% of its
extension. The Urabá gulf coast, the greatest producer of exportation bananas in
Colombia, despite having abundant rainfall, suffers from salinization of its soils, as a
consequence of the strong fluctuations in the water table [63]. In Cesar River Valley,
as well as on the eastern bank of the Magdalena River and around the Santa Marta
Great Marsh, salinity is also an acknowledged problem, that can seriously affect the
productivity of oil palm crops that are the agro-industrial engine of the region [9].
It is of general acceptance that addition of manure, compost, and biosolids is a
good reclamation practice for saline soils, which improves physicochemical param-
eters such as electric conductivity, pH, and aggregate stability [64–66]. This practice
was evaluated in a field experiment at Valle del Cauca, showing that the application
of three biowastes (pig manure, composted biosolids, and vinasse) reduced the
exchangeable sodium percentage and the electrical conductivity, preventing the
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Colombia 193
loss of soil productivity in the short and long term [67]. Other experiences also
mentioned the use of cattle manure, molasses, and vinasses for sodic soil reclamation
in the Caribbean region; however, the use of inorganic amendments (gypsum and
sulfuric acid) exhibited better results in relation to pH reduction and sodium dis-
placement in the soil [68]. More recently, the use of low rank coal treated with
solubilizing bacteria that release humified organic matter has proved to be a feasible
alternative for saline-sodic soil reclamation in Colombia [69].
Recent studies in Colombia report the characteristics and population dynamics of the
soil macrofauna, comparing the cover types, management and altitudinal gradient
[40, 70–72]. This is a recognition of the importance of soil biological component as
an indicator of quality. For instance, the migratory impediment of the earthworm
Martiodrilus carimaguensis was associated with soil degradation, notable by an
increase in compaction and aluminum saturation, and with a decrease in SOC
content and plant biomass. This favored the appearance of opportunistic weeds,
showing that the loss of worms can alter the agroecosystem of the Orinoquian
plains [73].
In conventional grazing paddocks, with very little rotation and high permanence
of cattle, a notable decrease was detected in the populations of adults and larvae of
coleopterans, hemipterans and earthworms, compared to those with intensive rota-
tion. The latter was associated with poor soil quality indicators, in particular bulk
density, porosity, and SOC [40]. Intensive rotation of cattle seems to favor the
abundance of macrofauna, particularly that of worms and beetles, which improve
the structure of the soil by bioturbation. Other authors mention that earthworms seem
to increase their population with agricultural intensification, being found in greater
abundance in grasslands and silvopastoral systems than in forests [71]. However,
this can be in part attributed to the presence of Pontoscolex corethrurus, an invasive
earthworm species associated with degraded landscapes in Amazonian region [71].
In coffee farms of Huila department (Andean region), it was evidenced that the
abundance of macrofauna in soils was mainly concentrated in ants, worms, beetles
and termites. More importantly, significant correlations between the presence of
these taxa and physicochemical properties of the soil were reported, such as sand
percentage, CEC, phosphorus content, and pH [72]. This shows that the alteration of
the physicochemical properties due to inadequate management practices can have a
negative impact on the edaphic macrofauna. After transition from coffee plantations
into pastures, a noticeable reduction in biological diversity was verified, in short
period from 2 to 3 years [29].
Macrofauna groups associated with soil litter, such as decomposers (Collembola
and Diplopoda) and predators (Araneae and Chilopoda), were mainly affected by
the intensification of land use. A strong relationship was found between springtail
density and soil moisture, suggesting that changes in its density are linked to
194 M. Quintero-Angel and D. I. Ospina-Salazar
variations in the microclimate of each type of land use, being more abundant in
cocoa production agroecosystems [71].
In plantain farms situated over 1,200 m.a.s.l. of the Andean region, a distribution
of soil macrofauna is reported, as follows: Oligochaeta (48.6%), Coleoptera
(19.1%), Myriapoda (14.5%), Blattodea (5.5%), and Hemiptera (2.6%) [70]. The
mean abundance of macrofauna was 249.9 ind. m-2 among all farms analyzed. It
highlights the relative importance of earthworms and beetles in the soil; however, the
more intensive the cultivation, the higher the prevalence of exotic species such as
Pontoscolex corethrurus [70].
4.1.8 Contamination
Soils are contaminated naturally or by human action, mostly by pesticides and heavy
metals. The apparent consumption of pesticides in Colombia is 13.5 kg ha-1
between 1990 and 2018, much higher than the world average (2.63 kg ha-1). This
consumption place Colombia on seventh place in the world with the highest con-
sumption of pesticides in its agricultural land, higher than several countries with
more intensive agricultural systems [74]. Other sources place the country in the 17th
place on agrochemical use by hectare with 9.9 kg ha-1 [75]. According to World
Bank, agrochemical consumption in Colombia is 499.4 kg ha-1 [76], much higher
than average value for Latin America (106.9 kg ha-1). However, the last two sources
do not make a distinction between fertilizers and pesticides.
Various sources seem to support the trend of abuse of agrochemicals in Colom-
bia. The National Department of Statistics of Colombia (DANE), estimated the
average annual consumption of fertilizers between 2000 and 2015 at
703.61 kg ha-1 [77]. This value included the consumption of both chemical and
organic fertilizers. The latter may partly explain this high value, since chicken
manure is a commonly used input in national agriculture. Regarding the consump-
tion of pesticides, DANE reported an annual average consumption of 10.19 kg ha-1
in the same period, which is close to the 13.5 kg ha-1 reported in FAOSTAT [74].
Two aspects that can determine the high consumption o agrochemicals in Colom-
bia are (1) reduction of agricultural land use since 2011, due to a change in DANE
methodology which impact apparent consumption calculations of agrochemicals,
and (2) high consumption of herbicides between 1990 and 2018 which was esti-
mated for Colombia in 0.49 kg ha-1, three times higher than world average
(0.16 kg ha-1) [74] (Table 3). This can be related to a high annual consumption of
glyphosate herbicide for illegal crop eradication (mainly coca) by Colombian gov-
ernment. Although since 2016, aspersion with glyphosate for illicit crop eradication
is suspended by ordinance of Constitutional Court, eradication and manual aspersion
continue. By 2015, the last year with aerial aspersion, and area of 36,494 ha in coca
was sprayed [78], at average doses of 4.99 kg of active ingredient per hectare [79].
Other studies evidence negative impact of agrochemicals on soils and ecosys-
tems. Between 1960 and 1970, intensive cotton cultivation with pesticides and
fertilizers, and excessive tillage caused a degradation of thousands of hectares
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Colombia 195
especially in Cesar river valley [54]. A study from FAO and Health Ministry
revealed that the most affected ecosystems by the use of pesticides are: Ariari,
Caquetá and San Jorge rivers due to rice; Zapatosa marsh by palm oil; Cauca river
by sugar cane; high plateau of Cundinamarca and Boyacá by flowers, potato and
vegetables; Meta, Saldaña and Coello rivers by rice and cotton; and Santa Marta
Great Marsh by banana, palm oil and rice [80]. Additionally, illicit crops (mainly
coca) strongly impact soils and water of sensible ecosystems in the Andean, Ama-
zonian and Pacific regions as they use strong chemical reagents for its processing
(sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium permanganate, ketone among
others) [81].
The use of agrochemicals is culturally internalized among rural population,
according to the results of the Third National Agricultural Census of 2014. Chemical
control of pests, diseases and weeds is preferred over other less polluting practices,
as well as the application of chemical fertilizers for soil improvement (Figs. 5 and 6).
However, some authors report very low detection values for pesticide residues in
soils, as these residues are degraded by photolysis during the dry season, and then
leached during the rainy season [82].
In terms of contamination by heavy metals, mercury is by far the most
concerning, impacting the soils of Caribbean, Pacific and some watersheds in the
Andean and Amazonian regions. More than 80 municipalities and 17 departments
face the consequences of mercury contamination, used by artisanal gold extraction
from alluviums. It was estimated that in 2009, 345,570 kg of mercury were released
into the environment, distributed as 31,260 kg in water, 74,420 kg in air, and
151,650 kg in soil [83].
Cadmium is another heavy metal of great concern, especially in regions of cocoa
cultivation, which may reach high soil concentrations due to weathering of the parent
material, by addition of phosphate fertilizers, or by residual deposition of mining and
electronic industry [84]. Cocoa is a cadmium bio-accumulator species and is culti-
vated in rainy regions on acid soils where this metal is more bioavailable. Since there
is a real risk of cadmium for this crop, the need to implement hyper-accumulating
species and/or soil amendments to divert this heavy metal from cocoa trees is
rising [84].
196 M. Quintero-Angel and D. I. Ospina-Salazar
Fig. 5 Preferences for pest control in agricultural production units. Based on information from
Departamento Nacional de Estadística-DANE [77]
Fig. 6 Preferences for soil improvement in agricultural production units. Based on information
from Departamento Nacional de Estadística-DANE [77]
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Colombia 197
Natural fertility of Oxisols and Ultisols, predominant in low and humid regions, is
very low per se due to a fast mineralization of organic matter and high weathering of
the solid fraction. However, further nutrient loss due to management and cover type
in natural fertile soils in the Andean zone is attributed to erosion and lixiviation.
In general, over-fertilization in Colombia is widely present, therefore, soil nutri-
ent loss by crop extraction is not a generalized problem. For instance, inputs and
outputs balance of N, P, and K in sugar cane soils has been of positive sign (inputs >
outputs) since 1940 because of fertilizer over application, especially nitrogen.
However, the magnitude of this “unbalance” has been reducing towards the present
time due to better soil management practices, which leads to an optimal nutrient use
through incorporation of crop residues [85]. Nutrient losses through leaching in
Colombian coffee soils depend on its mineralogy, which is highly variable in the
Andean region. Leaching increases with excess water, being always higher for N and
K than for P, given the tendency of this element to fixate in the mineral fraction or to
form insoluble salts [86].
Erosion associated with plant cover type and soil management is the most
important factor of nutrient loss. In hillsides, bare soils exhibit an elevated depletion
of Ca, Mg, N, and K by water erosion during rainy season [14]. In soils with transient
and permanent crops, losses of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg in runoff water were signifi-
cantly superior to pasture and forest soils [15]. Similar results showed a soil loss rate
almost ten times higher in potato cropland than in pastures, which concomitantly
caused losses of N and P by 41.8 and 33.3% [21]. Unexpectedly, a greater loss of N
and P in runoff was registered in potato crops under conservation tillage, mostly due
to greater mineralization of the organic matter from plant biomass incorporated as
green manure [22].
Fig. 7 Extension of soil degradation process by regions in Colombia per expert criteria in each
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Colombia 199
According to most of the 22 experts in the Caribbean region, in this zone organic
matter loss, erosion, compaction, and micro and macrofauna reduction and nutrient
loss are very extended degradation processes. Desertification is considered as a very
extended process by nine experts, however, other nine considered an extended
process. Salinization and sodicity, acidification, as well as contamination are classi-
fied mainly as extended processes (Fig. 7).
For the Orinoquian region, most of the 22 experts considered compaction,
organic matter loss, and acidification are very extended soil degradation processes.
Erosion, nutrient loss and micro and macrofauna reduction were mainly classified as
extended processes, and desertification as a less extended process. Contamination is
considered as an extended process by six experts and less extended by another six.
Also, salinization and sodicity are not considered relevant soil degradation processes
in this region (Fig. 7).
Most of the 21 experts in the Pacific region, consider erosion, acidification,
nutrient loss, organic matter loss, and micro and macrofauna reduction as very
extended soil degradation processes. Contamination is considered mainly as an
extended process and desertification and compaction as an extended process by six
experts and less extended by another six (Fig. 7).
Most of the nine experts in the Amazonian region considered that compaction,
organic matter loss, acidification and micro and macrofauna reduction are very
extended soil degradation processes. Erosion is classified mainly as an extended
process, while nutrient loss is considered as an extended process by four experts and
less extended by another four. Nevertheless, desertification, salinization and
sodicity, and contamination are not considered as relevant soil degradation processes
in this region (Fig. 7).
In the Insular region, the consensus between the two experts indicates that
compaction, erosion and salinization and sodicity are very extended soil degradation
processes. Erosion is classified as a very extended process by one expert and as a less
extended process by the other (Fig. 7).
Although there are contrary opinions, most of the 81 experts consulted agreed that
the main causes of soil degradation in Colombia are: (1) unappropriated planning
and land use planning without considering soil properties (79.01%, 64 experts);
(2) intensive farming practices under technological packages which degrade soil
(77.77%, 63 experts); (3) unawareness of soil ecosystem services, functions and its
importance (77.77%, 63 experts); (4) agricultural frontier expansion by economic
system interests and pressure (76.54%, 62 experts); (5) lack of political will,
disarticulation and state institutionalism weakness (75.30%, 61 experts), (6) lack
of norms, instruments, or its application to sustainable soil management (69.13%,
200 M. Quintero-Angel and D. I. Ospina-Salazar
56 experts); (7) knowledge gaps such as few alternatives and technological packages
oriented to soil recovering, restoration and rehabilitation (67.90%, 55 experts);
(8) limited soil quality monitoring (65.43%, 53 experts) (Fig. 8).
Activities producing higher soil degradation in the Andean region correspond to
cattle overgrazing and deforestation for 50 (82%) and 47 (77%) experts, respec-
tively. Crops with no covers and/ or in the hillside are referred by 44 (72.1%)
experts, as well as excessive pesticide and fertilizer application by 39 (63.9%)
experts. Mechanized farming is recognized as a cause of soil degradation by
37 (60.7%) experts, while vegetation burning is recognized by 26 (42.6%) experts,
water quality and quantity in irrigation by 20 (32.8%), as well as unappropriated
waste management by 15 (24.6%) experts (Fig. 9). Some experts highlighted other
activities that favor soil degradation in the Andean region: unappropriated runoff
water management, road construction, soil sealing by urbanization and cropping
systems that affect soil structure such as tuberculous.
In the Caribbean region experts agreed that the main soil degradation activities
correspond to cattle overgrazing and deforestation by 18 (81.8%) and 16 (72.7%)
experts, respectively. Additionally, excessive pesticide and fertilizer application is
referred by 14 (63.6%) experts, water quality and quantity in irrigation by
12 (54.5%) and vegetation burning by 10 (45.5%) experts. Mechanized agriculture
tillage is recognized as soil degradation cause by 8 (36.4%) experts, inadequate
waste management by 7 (31.8%), while crops with no covers and/or in the hillsides
are referred by 4 (18.2%) experts (Fig. 9). Some experts highlighted other activities
that favor soil degradation in this region: overgrazing, cropping in saline/sodic soils
monoculture farming and the lack of soil cover.
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Colombia 201
For the Orinoquian region, experts considered that the higher soil degradation
activities, corresponding to deforestation and overgrazing according to 19 (86.4%)
and 17 (77.3%) experts, respectively. Mechanized agriculture tillage is recognized as
a soil degradation cause by 15 (68.2%), vegetation burning by 14 (63.6%) and
excessive pesticide and fertilizer application is referred by 13 (59.1%) experts. Also,
two experts (9.1%) recognized crops with no covers and/or hillside cultivation, and
water quality and quantity in irrigation (Fig. 9), as main soil degradation causes.
Some experts highlighted other land degradation causes such as inadequate crop
selection for acidic soils, inadequate tillage, mechanization and agricultural intensi-
fication of savannas.
The Pacific region experts referred that the main activities causing soil degrada-
tion in this region are deforestation for 19 (90.5%) experts, crops with no covers
and/or hillside cultivation by 17 (80.1%), and vegetation burning by 14 (66.7%)
experts. Cattle overgrazing is referred by 13 (61.9%) experts, excessive pesticide and
fertilizer application by 12 (57.4%), mechanized agriculture tillage by 10 (47.6%),
water quality and quantity in irrigation by 8 (38.1%),3 and inadequate waste man-
agement by 7 (33.3%) experts (Fig. 9). Some experts referred to illegal mining as an
activity that degrade soils in this region, additionally, they suggest that agricultural
intensification under monoculture farming and the loss of traditional cropping
systems are other important factors causing soil degradation in this region.
Amazonian regional experts recognized that main soil degradation activities are
deforestation by 9 (100%), vegetation burning by 8 (88.9%) and cattle overgrazing
These answers can be associated with the heavy precipitations, as this region does not use
irrigation but drainage is necessary.
202 M. Quintero-Angel and D. I. Ospina-Salazar
by 6 (66.7%) experts. Also, two experts (22.2%) recognized crops with no covers
and/or hillside cultivation, excessive pesticide and fertilizer application and mech-
anized farming as other degradation causes. Water quality and quantity in irrigation
are referred by one expert (11.1%) and inadequate waste management by none
(Fig. 9). A couple of experts also mention mining as an important factor on soil
degradation in this region.
For the Insular region two experts (100%) agreed that main causes of soil
degradation are deforestation and vegetation burning (Fig. 9). Also, one expert
mentions the use of saline water for irrigation as a problematic practice for soil
degradation in the region.
Among problematics or consequences derived from soil and land degradation in
Colombia, of 81 experts consulted, 73 (90.1%) experts referred alteration and
ecosystems disequilibrium, 64 (79%) increase of rural poverty, 61 (75.3%) decrease
of farming productivity and 60 (74.1%) to the food insecurity. Also, 59 (72.8%)
experts referred to the increase of agricultural frontier by land use change to new
productive lands, 56 (69.1%) increase of sedimentation and water sources turbidity,
and 43 (53.1%) loss of livelihoods. Additionally, some experts suggested other
consequences such as land use conflicts and violence; rural to urban migration, an
increase of landslides emergencies and disasters; increase in CO2 emissions; low
agricultural sustainability and loss of biodiversity, particularly the one in soils which
has been little studied.
Owing to the fact that Colombia is one of the countries that concentrates a large part
of the arable land without exploitation and where the agricultural frontier could be
expanded [87], there is a well-documented conflict between the vocation of soils and
their current use. An excess of cattle ranching and underutilization of soils with
agricultural and forestry vocation are highlighted. In Colombia, 22 million hectares
are suitable for agriculture, 4 million for agroforestry and 15 million for livestock.
However, only 8.5 million hectares are used for agriculture and more than 34 million
for livestock [8].
In the context of the agricultural frontier expansion, deforestation in the Amazon
region has increased significantly, particularly since the 2016s signing of the peace
treaty and the disarmament of Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia
(FARC), the largest illegal armed group in the country. This deforestation is closely
linked to land grabbing and speculation, and is sustained thanks to extensive cattle
ranching that convert forests into pastures; on many occasions with credits from
public entities, which do not verify the location of the farms, or the vocation of the
land or the management practices used [88]. Contrary to what happens in other South
America and South East Asia countries, soybean and oil palm crop expansion are not
strongly correlated with deforestation [89, 90].
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Colombia 203
Data from last Agricultural National Census (2014) showed that 56.7% of the
rural area is covered in wild forests, 7.6% in crops, 30.8% in pastures and 4.7% in
other non-agricultural uses (Table 4) [77]. Comparing these figures with the world
average from 2018, where 18.45% of the area was dedicated to crops and 20.63% to
pastures, the trend is confirmed: Colombia dedicates an excess of land to pastures,
while under-utilizing land suitable for crops [74].
According to the potential area with aptitude for forests and the census data,
Colombia has a cover according to its potential. However, its distribution is highly
uneven among natural regions. Most (45.1%) of the natural forests are concentrated
in four departments of the Amazon region, while in some departments of the Andean
and especially at Caribbean region, these land cover has disappeared or are well
below the national average (56.7%); e.g., in Caldas and Sucre forests cover 12.0% of
the area. Similarly, the highest percentage of the area for agricultural use is concen-
trated in four small departments in the Andean region and one in the Orinoquian.
The excess of land under pastures generates a conflict over land use, since it is
present in about 30% of the country, but ideally should only be implemented in
13.3% of the territory because of different geomorphological and environmental
restrictions (high slope, low fertility, scarce or uneven precipitation). Meanwhile, the
agricultural panorama is the opposite: 7.6% of the national territory has crops, while
the potential area is 19.3% [92] (Fig. 10). Therefore, areas under pastures should be
converted into cropland, since there is no margin to expand the agricultural frontier
at the expense of natural forests. Purposely, conversion of pastures into oil palm
crops in the Orinoquian region has been regarded as an economically viable alter-
native and also neutral in carbon emissions [89].
In established agricultural regions, the spread of new croplands can come from
abandoned agricultural areas or by converting from pastures. However, in
204 M. Quintero-Angel and D. I. Ospina-Salazar
Fig. 10 Soil use vocation in Colombia. Based on data from Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi
agricultural frontier areas, the tendency to convert wild areas into new pastures
would continue, counteracting the previous process. The release of pasture land for
crops and forestry would reach about 15 million hectares to achieve a proper
distribution of land use in Colombia [25]. Due to the current narrow benefits of
cattle ranching and inefficient land use, economic incentives can be applied to
convert pastures with intensive CO2 emissions to forest or crops with higher benefits
such as oil palm, sugar cane or coffee [93].
A relevant aspect in land use change and land degradation in Colombia has been
internal conflict between the state and illegal armed groups for over five decades.
Presence and control of these actors, especially guerrillas, in several protected areas
resulted in deforestation discourage. After peace agreement signing in 2016, it was
evident a dramatic increase in deforestation where guerillas were present, mainly in
national parks in the Amazon region and the Catatumbo River watershed. This is a
symptom of state absence in those areas and disconnection with communities
inhabiting those regions [94].
State weakness to control territory, violence and illegal activities also have been
evident in other regions. Although in Colombia deforestation rate in indigenous
communities and afrodescendants territories is up to two times lower than in other
non-ethnic territories [95], these communities faced and try to resist violence of
illegal groups and its pressures towards mechanized mining and drug dealing [96]. In
ethnic territories less deforestation is explained by environment-culture relationship,
traditional knowledge, as well as laws restricting soil use and recognize collective
territorial rights, etc. [95].
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Colombia 205
Fig. 11 Adherence to and type of soil conservation practices in agricultural units. Based on
information from Departamento Nacional de Estadística-DANE [77]
206 M. Quintero-Angel and D. I. Ospina-Salazar
that water quality control in irrigation can contribute to reducing soil degradation
(Fig. 12).
In the Orinoquian region, 20 experts recommended silvopastoral system (90.9%),
17 cover crops or crop residues incorporation into soil (77.3%), 16 rotational grazing
(72.7%), 15 (68.2%) crop rotation, as well as precision and site specific-agriculture.
Also 12 experts recommended zero tillage (54.5%), 11 polyculture production
system and living barriers (50%), and 6 (27.3%) sowing in contour lines, while
intensive agriculture in greenhouses is not considered or recommended by experts.
Additionally, experts suggested other options like productive systems implementa-
tion based on agroforestry science and adequate use of efficient irrigation systems.
However, one expert mentioned that the savanna ecosystem should not be consid-
ered for agriculture intensification (Fig. 12).
In the Pacific region, in order to reduce soil degradation, 16 (76.2%) experts
recommended silvopastoral systems, polyculture production system and living bar-
riers implementation. Also, 15 experts (71.4%) suggested crop rotation, cover crops
and crop residues incorporation into soil, and precision and site specific-agriculture.
Other 13 experts recommended rotational grazing (61.9%), 11 sowing in contour
lines (52.3%), 9 zero tillage (42.9%) and 6 intensive agriculture in greenhouses
(28.6%). Additionally, experts referred to other alternatives such agroforestry in
multilayer systems (wood, fruits, leguminous and agricultural crops), restoration of
degraded zones with native species, sector adoption of farming practices adapted to
humid and pluvial tropics. Also, one expert highlighted that this region has a limited
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Colombia 207
Concerning soil and land degradation research in Colombia, the Scopus search
showed 172 publications from 1988 to 2021, with 1,954 different keywords,
which were clustered in 12 research themes and plotted in a strategic map (Fig. 13).
Motor themes in soil and land degradation are in the upper-right quadrant
(Fig. 13) and correspond to sediment-yield, soil-pollutant and crop. These themes
are well developed and are important for research field structuration, also “they are
related externally to concepts applicable to other themes that are conceptually
closely related” [12, 150p]. The thematic areas inside sediment-yield field include
coastal environmental change, erosion rate, delta, mangrove, peat-soil, and Holo-
cene. Soil-pollutant theme includes organic-pollutant, metabolite, endosulfan, insec-
ticide, indoleacetic acid, bacterial protein, enzyme, soil-surface, herbicide,
glyphosate and human. Crop theme includes several fields such as agricultural
production, climate change, trade-flow, crop survey, water resources, rural area,
peace-building, armed conflict, biofuel, and microalgae.
Basic and transversal themes are in the lower-right quadrant, these themes “are
important for a research field but are not developed” [12, 151p]. In this quadrant
there are three themes: Soil, Ecosystems, Acinetobacter sp. The thematic area of soil
theme includes soil degradation, degradation pathway, soil organic matter, nutrient,
growth rate, organic compound, carbon isotope, waste-water, and pasture. Ecosys-
tems theme includes high Andean forest, temperate forest, mangrove, wetland, river,
watershed, ecosystem service, bioindicator, gastropods, above-ground biomass, and
structural equation modeling. Acinetobacter sp. topic includes Bacillus sp.,
208 M. Quintero-Angel and D. I. Ospina-Salazar
mainly three research gaps and overcome some disabling factors to an adequate soil
management in Colombia. These gaps and disabling factors correspond to priority
topics identified by authors from the systematic search, expert consultation and their
critical analysis.
• Gap 1. Limited scientific knowledge of soils and low incidence of it in sustainable
land use in Colombia
In Colombia, there is limited research for land and soil knowledge, its conser-
vation, recovery, use and sustainable management, as well as low outreach of the
available research. Similarly, at a regional level, there is limited knowledge of
land and soil degradation, the incidence of different productive and extractive
practices in it, and few soil assessment indicators have been implemented.
According to the national policy of sustainable soil management, limited research
related to soil and land problematics, its characteristics and recovery alternatives
had increased its degradation [1].
For the consulted experts, more research is required in several themes at the
national level: The analysis of effects of different productive practices on soil
fertility and degradation by soil orders and its socio-ecological consequences in
ecosystems and Colombian society quality of life; studies of morphologic, phys-
icochemical and biological properties in soil horizons and its relationship with
agricultural production and soil conservation status; knowledge of potential land
use and productive vocation of soil at a regional level; knowledge, monitoring
and tracing of soil degradation and its effects on function and ecosystem services
loss; evaluation of soil covers with native weeds; determination of thresholds of
soil quality indicators; emergent pollutants studies; study on (un)sustainability of
different soil fertility reposition techniques and determination of nutrient absorp-
tion and extraction curves for different crops and regions; climate change impacts
on soil degradation. Additionally, inventories of soil biodiversity are required, its
genetic identification which is extremely poor, and characterizations of soil
ecosystem services.
Although experts identified relevant research themes, it is important to study
land, soils, and their degradation with an interdisciplinary approach that allows to
correlate changes in soil morphological, physicochemical and biological proper-
ties with changes in food systems or land uses and land covers change, and
particularly, the proximate causes and underlying drivers of change [98]. More-
over, it is a challenge to achieve the understanding of different actors such as
peasant, mestizos, colonist, indigenous, afrodescendants, landowners and cattle
ranchers’ communities, which interests can be opposite. Also, it is necessary to
consolidate knowledge data set of raw data and publications about national soils.
It is also important to finish rural cadastral and delimitation of national wasteland,
as well as ecological sensible areas, for example, moorlands (páramos) and
• Gap 2. Technological dependence and limited local innovation for sustainable
soil and land use
210 M. Quintero-Angel and D. I. Ospina-Salazar
5 Conclusions
The Colombian natural regions present a wide diversity of soil and land, which has
been threatened since decades ago. The country faces significant soil and land
degradation, primarily compaction, erosion, desertification and salinization, that
challenges the socio-economic activities in the territory.
Stopping agricultural soil and land degradation in Colombia, and if possible, to
reverse this process, will only be possible through state policies implementation and
a paradigm transformation of the stakeholders impacting soil and land with their
activities (farmers, cattle ranchers, among others). Particularly, considering the big
impact of cattle ranching and overgrazing in extended areas of the national territory,
a solid intervention from political and technical level is needed, promoting conser-
vation soil use based on tree-crop-cattle systems, reducing its impacts and environ-
mental passives. Also, it should be considered pasture reconversion to forestry
production systems or permanent crops, offsetting crop land deficit.
Regarding research and innovation on land and soil degradation in Colombia,
three gaps or current problematics were identified which demands immediate and
effective actions. These are (1) Limited scientific knowledge of soils and low
incidence of it in sustainable land use in Colombia; (2) Technological dependence
and limited local innovation for sustainable soil and land use; (3) Limited valuation
of land and soil importance.
Closing these research gaps require public policy implementation such as the
national policy for soil sustainable management. Its implementation will allow to
strengthen and integrate national institutions that manage land and soil, improve the
land use planning, among others. Also, public and private investment is required to
Agricultural Soil Degradation in Colombia 213
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218 M. Quintero-Angel and D. I. Ospina-Salazar
1 Introduction to Agricultural Land Degradation in India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
2 Policy Framework of India for Agriculture Promotion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
3 Land Degradation Status in India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
4 Land Degradation Status in the Climatic Zones of India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
5 Land Degradation Processes in India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
5.1 Soil Erosion and Overgrazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
5.2 Salinity/Alkalinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
5.3 Waterlogging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
5.4 Agrochemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
5.5 Slash-and-Burn Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
5.6 Microplastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
5.7 Fluoride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
6 State-Wise Land Degradation Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
7 Mitigation Strategies Adopted in Agro-Climatic Zones of India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
7.1 Himalayan Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
7.2 Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
7.3 Dry and Arid Regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
7.4 Coastal Regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
7.5 Red and Black Soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
7.6 Slash-and-Burn Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
8 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Abstract Agriculture plays a vital role in the Indian economy, contributing 19.9%
to the country’s total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and providing employment to a
large proportion of the country’s population. Being a country known for its
S. Periasamy (✉)
Department of Civil Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chengalpattu,
R. S. Shanmugam
Institute of Remote Sensing, Anna University, Chennai, India
Paulo Pereira, Miriam Muñoz-Rojas, Igor Bogunovic, and Wenwu Zhao (eds.), 219
Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation I: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, America
and Oceania, Hdb Env Chem (2023) 120: 219–258, DOI 10.1007/698_2022_913,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022,
Published online: 14 December 2022
220 S. Periasamy and R. S. Shanmugam
physiographic diversity with desert, plains, mountains, coastal plains, and peninsular
plateau and ever-increasing population, Indian agricultural land has been prone to a
wide variety of physical and chemical stresses from natural and anthropogenic
channels. In the country, nearly 29% (96.4 Mha) of India’s total geographical area
(328.7 Mha) is subjected to degradation majorly by soil erosion by water
(36.1 Mha), followed by vegetation degradation, referred to as a decline in the
above-ground biomass resulted from deforestation/overgrazing (29.3 Mha), wind
erosion (18.2 Mha), salinity (3.7 Mha), frost shattering (3.3 Mha), and human
interventions that include mining, urbanization, and industrial activities (2.3 Mha),
mass movement or mass wasting that includes all forms of downward movement of
soil and rock under the influence of gravity (0.9 Mha), waterlogging (0.7 Mha), and
others (1.9 Mha). India has focused on reducing degraded areas, particularly from
1996 through the new policy framework with public investments made in the
agricultural domain to achieve a neutral status in land degradation by 2030. How-
ever, while focusing on the existing major degradation processes like water and wind
erosion, salinity, and waterlogging, emerging pollutants like microplastics and
fluoride are given the least priority, which may result in a significant threat to
environmental sustainability and food security in the future. This chapter’s objective
is to highlight the status of soil degradation in India with particular emphasis on the
existing and emerging degradation processes such as soil erosion by wind and water,
overgrazing, salinity, waterlogging, slash-and-burn agriculture, agrochemicals,
microplastics, and fluoride pollution. This chapter also emphasizes the leading
causes and effects of various physical and chemical land degradation processes,
macro- and micro-scale statistics of different degradation processes, and national
interventions in conserving and reclaiming the affected lands.
Agriculture contributes about 19.9% to the country’s total GDP and plays a major
role in the Indian economy by contributing a significant role in national output and
providing employment to around 54.6% of the country’s workforce [1, 2]. However,
ensuring environmental sustainability and food security to the population is still
challenging as agricultural development has taken place at the cost of soil degrada-
tion and biomass loss [3, 4]. India is experiencing huge monetary losses from the
agricultural sector as agricultural land degradation has become a severe problem in
the rain-fed and irrigated areas [5]. Land degradation processes are progressing
through various natural and anthropogenic channels. Climate change and
non-climate stresses (growth of population and cattle community) are increasingly
adding pressure on the natural resources and thus result in unsustainable land
Agricultural Land Degradation in India 221
In this section, several Indian agricultural policies and their effects on agricultural
growth are emphasized. The evolution of Indian agricultural promotion schemes was
categorized into five phases 1951–1965, 1966–1981, 1981–1991, 1992–2004, and
2005–2013. In the first phase (1951–1965), the industrial promotion strategy was
given high priority with limited focus on agriculture. During this phase, the agricul-
tural area increased without any productivity gains, so the food requirements of the
population had addressed by importing agricultural commodities from the USA
through the PL-480 agreement [24]. Due to the sudden disruption of food supplies
under the PL-480 program, India experienced a severe food shortage in the early
222 S. Periasamy and R. S. Shanmugam
1960s. Achieving food self-sufficiency in a short period became the primary goal of
policy planning [25]. The second phase (1966–1981) was the most remarkable phase
in the history of Indian agriculture with the introduction of Green Revolution or
High-Yielding Variety Seeds (HYV seeds) technology to attain self-sufficiency in
food production [26]. This policy has eradicated large-scale famine by producing
huge quantities of food grains mainly rice and wheat, due to which India has
achieved self-sufficiency in food grain production in the mid-1970s. In the third
phase (1981–1991), the agricultural growth was equalized in all parts of India. The
attention was shifted to the production of oilseeds and pulses as self-sufficiency was
already met in food grain through the green revolution. The Technology Mission on
Oilseeds and Pulses (TMOP) was initiated in 1986 to promote the growth and
increase the production of oilseeds and pulses [27].
During the fourth phase (1992–2004), the macro-economic reforms were
launched to reduce the anti-agricultural bias [28]. Despite a reduction in anti-
agricultural bias, the sharp decline in agricultural production was witnessed in the
second stage of this phase due to decreased capital investment and farm productivity.
This was due to the rapid increase of subsidies on power, fertilizer, and food that led
to the decline in public investment in agriculture, resulting in an adverse effect on
agriculture performance in the 1990s. The country’s GDP dropped to 3.1 in the
1990s compared to 3.5 in the 1980s, resulting in a severe agricultural crisis in the late
1990s. Though the average growth rate of agriculture increased steadily after the
green revolution from 2.1 to 3.5, it came down drastically to 2.2 (equal to the
pre-green revolution phase) during 1997–2004, because of the decline in public
investment in the agricultural sector that resulted in a reduction in the supply of
inputs required for agricultural activity [25]. In the fifth phase (2005–2013), signif-
icant efforts were undertaken by the country in reforming the policy to address these
issues, including the decline in public investment in agriculture, making the framing
viable, increasing food production, and providing economical access to food to the
larger population through the launch of “Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)” in
2007. The agricultural GDP was considerably stabilized during this phase. At the
end of the 11th 5-year plan, another important program, the “National Food Security
Mission (NFSM),” was launched to promote the production of rice, wheat, and
pulses in the selected districts of India, which has achieved the targeted production
of each crop [25, 29]. To provide economic access to food, another vital program, the
“National Food Security Act (NFSA)” was launched. Several studies have stated that
after the recent initiatives in the fifth phase, a significant improvement has been
recorded in the agricultural production and country’s agricultural GDP [25, 30].
Fig. 1 The status of land degradation projected by various organizations of India between 1976 and
2004 [34–40]
India’s agricultural land degradation accounted for 4% of its total agriculture GDP
[32]. Recent studies reported that India experienced a loss of Rs. 3,177 billion
(2.54% of India’s GDP) from land degradation and land-use change in
2014–2015, in which agricultural loss accounted for 23% of the total cost
[33]. Among various soil degradation processes, the economic loss due to soil
erosion by water shares a significant proportion (60%) in the total agricultural
loss [33].
The extent of land degradation in India has been previously examined by various
organizations [34–40] according to the land-use statistical report obtained from
secondary estimates (Fig. 1) [41]. In 1976, the National Commission on Agriculture
estimated that 148.09 Mha of the total geographical area was degraded [34]. In 1978,
1984, 1985, and 1994, the Ministry of Agriculture and Society for Promotion of
Wastelands Development (SPWD) projected that around 175, 129.58, 173.64, and
107.43 Mha of land were degraded. These organizations estimated the extent of land
degradation in early times only based on the analysis of secondary data, and no
systematic way of survey and delineation was done. However, accurate information
on the spatial extent of degraded lands plays a vital role in better management and
may mitigate the negative impacts of land degradation on the agro-economy
[42]. The recent advancements in geospatial techniques have allowed policymakers
to examine and monitor the spatio-temporal distribution and changes in the land use
and land cover accurately [43]. The national-level assessment and mapping of the
extent of land degradation were initiated in the 1980s on a 1:1 million scale in the
224 S. Periasamy and R. S. Shanmugam
early phase of exploring remote sensing data applications [40, 44]. According to the
NBSS & LUP report [40], in many research studies, it was stated that nearly 30%
(147 Mha) of agricultural soil has been subjected to degradation from 2004 to date.
With the pioneering research on satellite data acquisition and image processing
techniques in the early 2000s, India has achieved its excellence in mapping the
distribution of land degradation for both regional and local scale at a much finer
resolution [45].
A scientific report on the extent of land degradation in India was prepared and
published by Space Application Centre (SAC) in association with various state
remote sensing centers between 2003 and 2005 and between 2011 and 2013 based
on temporal analysis of Indian remote sensing satellite data by adopting standard
mapping protocol. According to the report [46], published in 2016, out of 328.7 Mha
of India’s total geographical area, nearly 96.4 Mha (28.76%) of land was declared as
degraded land (Fig. 1) on a 1:500,000 scale. The leading cause of the agricultural
land degradation is soil erosion by water (10.98%), followed by vegetation degra-
dation (8.91%) and wind erosion (5.55%). Other studies have also confirmed that out
of 142 Mha of net sown area, 64 Mha of land is affected by various degrees of land
degradation processes [47].
The trend for land degradation’s extent shows that the distribution of degraded
land has declined from 1994 to 2013 (57–29%). This appears to be the result of
increased public investments to address the land degradation problems after 1996
[9]. Due to the high priority given to the restoration of degraded lands with the aim of
achieving the Bonn challenge, India has restored 9.8 Mha of degraded lands between
2011 and 2018 as reported by the International Union for Conservation of Nature
and Natural Resources (IUCN) [48]. The dynamic spatio-temporal trend of the
extent of the land degradation was the evidence for the parallel conversion of
degraded lands into the arable lands and arable lands into wastelands. Despite
intensive land degradation processes and subsequent agro-economic failure, a sig-
nificant increase in the cropland category (5 Mha) was recorded between 2001 and
2009 [9]. The change analysis performed between 2003–2005 and 2011–2013
revealed that 1.95 Mha of land had been reclaimed and 0.4 Mha of land has been
shown improvement in few states of India [46]. Despite this, the change matrix also
revealed a slight increase (0.57%) in a total area undergoing degradation. While few
states of India, namely Delhi, Tripura, Nagaland, Himachal Pradesh, and Mizoram,
have considerably lost the cropped area, states like Odisha, Rajasthan, Telangana,
and Uttar Pradesh have shown improvement. The reduction in the percentage of
degraded land in few places has demonstrated the success rate of the reclamation
measures in those areas.
India is well known for various climatic regions, namely arid, semi-arid, sub-humid,
and dryland (Fig. 2).
Agricultural Land Degradation in India 225
Fig. 2 The three major climatic regions of India are shown according to Köppen climate classi-
fication system. The classification was done by identifying the relationship between the climate
(mean monthly and annual temperature and precipitation) and the distribution of vegetation
(Original source: National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Bangalore, Map credit:
Desertification and Land Degradation Atlas of India by SAC, ISRO, 2016)
India’s arid part is dominantly affected by wind erosion process, and the degra-
dation in the semi-arid and sub-humid areas is chiefly triggered by water erosion
followed by vegetation degradation [46]. The arid regions comprise two zones,
namely hot arid and cold arid, which cover 12 and 2% of India’s total geographical
area, respectively. The hot arid zones are majorly spread over the western part of
India, including the parts of Rajasthan (61%), Gujarat (20%), and Punjab and
Haryana (9%) [49], while cold arid areas are distributed in the northern part of the
country that mainly covers Ladakh district (72%) of Jammu and Kashmir State
[50]. Wind erosion is the major degradation process that affects nearly 17.63 Mha of
productive land in the country’s hot arid areas [44, 51]. On the other hand, in the cold
arid region (covering 2% of the country’s total geographical area), around 3.78 Mha
of land is severely affected by frost shattering and mass movement
226 S. Periasamy and R. S. Shanmugam
Fig. 3 The contribution of various land degradation processes in the arid, semi-arid, and sub-humid
areas of India is projected as per the statistics published in Desertification and Land degradation
Atlas of India by SAC, ISRO in 2016
[52]. Approximately 10% of the hot arid areas lies between a north-south zone of
Deccan Plateau comprising the states Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Maharashtra,
in which about 8.41 Mha of land was affected by processes like water erosion
(3.30 Mha), vegetal degradation (2.86 Mha), and salinity (2.52 Mha) [46]. Figure 3
indicates the summary of the land degradation processes in India’s arid, semi-arid,
and sub-humid areas.
The semi-arid area covers nearly 37% of the country’s total area that extends
majorly in the states of Maharashtra (19%), Karnataka (15%), Andhra Pradesh
(15%), Rajasthan (13%), Tamil Nadu (10%), Gujarat (9%), Uttar Pradesh (7%),
Madhya Pradesh (6%), and Punjab & Haryana (6%) [53]. The agricultural activities
are extensive in the semi-arid regions subjected to soil type and water availability. In
these areas of India, the dominant degradation process that threatens agricultural
production is water erosion [46]. About 17.51 and 13.48 Mha of land in the semi-
arid areas are severely affected by water erosion and vegetal degradation, respec-
tively (Fig. 3). The arid and semi-arid regions are subjected to low rainfall reception
and poor vegetative cover, which results in more soil loss than the humid regions.
The north-eastern states cover the maximum proportion of the sub-humid areas of
India, which are affected by water erosion followed by vegetal degradation. How-
ever, compared to the semi-arid regions, the area under degradation by water erosion
(8.97 Mha) and vegetation loss (6.65 Mha) is considerably less (50%) in the
sub-humid areas irrespective of the good annual rainfall reception. This is due to
the presence of extensive vegetation cover that arrests the soil from being eroded
from its primary place and adaptation of various mitigation measures. In these areas,
soil erosion by water is often facilitated by virtue of topography and high rainfall.
Agricultural Land Degradation in India 227
Soil erosion is a natural destruction process of removal of topsoil with high organic
matter and nutrient content driven by the chief natural agents like wind and water,
which is often favored by geomorphology of the site [54], removal of bio-shield
from the field by overgrazing [55], tillage practice [56, 57], and deforestation [58]
(Fig. 4). Removal of fertile topsoil poses a significant threat to crop production.
During the erosion process, soil particles are detached and removed from their
primary location. The water erosion process not only affects crop production but
also tends to pollute the adjacent low-lying areas. Among the two natural agents, i.e.,
wind and water, soil erosion is majorly driven by water in India.
Livestock production is the primary source of income for the people in arid and
semi-arid regions in India. Hence, the increased cattle population in these regions
causes severe overgrazing, resulting in severe soil erosion, which is 3–18 times
greater than the average occurrence at the macroscale [55]. Among all the crucial
land degradation processes of India, overgrazing has a strong connection with the
soil erosion process in the arid regions [55] causing land degradation in eight Indian
states [5]. The soil erosion cycle is explained in the Indian context in Fig. 4. This
process exhibits remarkable spatio-temporal variation due to climate, topography,
land-use/land-cover changes, and intensive agricultural practices. Hence, under-
standing the factors responsible for accelerating this process in different climatic
conditions is of utmost importance before it jeopardizes agricultural productivity
In India, about 13.3% of the land has the minimum rate of soil loss tolerance limit
(2.5 t/ha/year) and is prioritized as a high-risk category under soil erosion by water
[59]. It has been reported in several studies that about 37 Mha of the country’s land is
experiencing severe soil loss (40–80 t/ha/year) due to water erosion, and the highest
has been recorded in Madhya Pradesh, where around 26,420 t/ha of soil is lost
annually [40]. Recent studies reported that about 13.4 Mt of crop production,
including cereal, oilseeds, and the pulse, is lost due to soil erosion [31].
The agricultural land degradation in India is majorly witnessed by soil erosion.
About 61% of the total eroded soil is transferred from its primary place, 29% is
deposited in the sea, and the residual 10% is dropped in reservoirs [5]. Nearly
54 Mha (16.5% of the total geographical area) of land is severely affected by soil
erosion, out of which 37 Mha is affected by water, and 18 Mha is affected by wind
[46]. The area affected by water erosion has increased about 0.5 Mha since
2005–2013 [46], with this process being responsible for the severe vegetal degra-
dation of 25 states of India, contributing 37.4% of the total degradation (96.4 Mha).
The Indian states Maharashtra (8 Mha), Karnataka (5 Mha), Orissa (4.4 Mha),
Jharkhand (4 Mha), Gujarat (3.9 Mha), Telangana (2.9 Mha), Rajasthan
(2.1 Mha), West Bengal (1.3 Mha), and Madhya Pradesh (1.1 Mha) are predomi-
nately affected by water erosion (Fig. 5). Further, a few eastern states of India are
TemperatureVegetation type
Human activity
wind and water
Soil type
agricultural practices Top soil loss
Human pressure
on agricultural land
over a time
Fig. 4 Soil erosion cycle in the Indian context. Soil erosion processes are activated by natural agents like water and wind with the support of climate,
S. Periasamy and R. S. Shanmugam
topography, soil type, and human practices. The removal of topsoil affects vegetation production, and fertilizers from the soil to the water bodies lead to
eutrophication. Vegetation loss and eutrophication increase runoff that accelerates soil erosion and results in land degradation. Further, human activities act as a
threat multiplier for the already degrading soil, thus makes it even more vulnerable to the erosion process
Agricultural Land Degradation in India 229
Fig. 5 The percentage contribution of various degradation processes is projected state-wise as per
the statistics published in Desertification and Land degradation Atlas of India by SAC, ISRO
in 2016
also actively affected by water erosion, particularly in the state Tripura and Megha-
laya where about 42 and 10.7% of the total degraded land is affected by water
erosion because of reception of quantum of rainfall and sloped cultivation practice
[9, 46].
Wind erosion is the most prominent process in India’s hot arid regions, respon-
sible for the loss of total organic carbon in the soil. Nearly 660 Mt of soil is being lost
every year in India due to wind erosion [60]. Wind erosion actively removes the
topsoil (where the nutrients and bacterial activity is higher), majorly from the desert
areas of India. The process affects the soil’s stability, thereby reducing the water
holding capacity of the soil and nutrient availability to the crops [61]. The process is
proactive in the north-western part of the country, covered by desert areas. Out of
18 Mha of total affected land by wind erosion, nearly 83% (15 Mha) of land is shared
by Rajasthan and the adjoining areas of Jammu and Kashmir (9%) and Gujarat (6%).
According to the scientific report of SAC, the land area affected by wind erosion has
decreased by 0.1 Mha from 2005 to 2013 due to the implementation of various wind
control measures by the Indian government.
230 S. Periasamy and R. S. Shanmugam
5.2 Salinity/Alkalinity
Next to soil erosion by water and wind, a relevant process accountable for severe
land degradation in the nine states of India is salinization/alkalinity (Fig. 6) [46]. The
ever-expanding extent of land degradation due to soil salinity has become a severe
threat to agricultural production and economic growth. Soil salinity is a typical land
degradation process in arid and semi-arid environments where evaporation is higher
than precipitation [62]. In India, around 3.8% (3.7 Mha) of the total degraded land
(96.4 Mha) is affected by salinity [46]. Of 3.7 Mha of total degraded land, 2.65 Mha
(72%) is distributed across Gujarat state alone. Reports state that the areal extent of
the salt-affected regions is kept increasing by 10% annually in India [63], and if it
continues, it is estimated to be increased to 16.2 Mha by 2050 [64]. Further, nearly
5–11 Mha out of 141 Mha of irrigated land was estimated to be converted into barren
land due to primary and secondary salinization by 2050 [65–67]. Primary salinity
occurs in agricultural soil naturally supported by the upward flux of groundwater
with capillary flow from the shallow aquifer in the pre-monsoon period [68, 69],
whereas secondary salinity is a result of human activities for intensive agricultural
practices [70].
Based on the SAC report (2016) on the overall status of the saline-affected lands
of India, the area affected by salinity decreased by 0.3 Mha between 2005 and 2013.
Being a Peninsula country surrounded by three oceans, i.e., the Arabian Sea on the
west, the Indian Ocean on the south, and the Bay of Bengal on the east, the
agricultural lands of coastal states of India like Gujarat (2.65 Mha), Andhra Pradesh
(0.12 Mha), Karnataka (0.09 Mha), Maharashtra (0.03 Mha), and Tamil Nadu
(0.01 Mha) are undergoing degradation by coastal induced salinity problems due
to the proximity to the sea [46, 71]. The coastal salinity may degrade the soil by a
wide variety of processes. The groundwater at shallower depth quickly gets con-
taminated in the coastal area by seawater intrusion due to the over-extraction of
groundwater for irrigation (Fig. 6). The salinity also reaches the soil root zone by
using contaminated groundwater for irrigation purposes, the salts in the groundwater
take upward migration through capillary action and reach the crop’s root zone
(Fig. 7). The speed of such salt migration is subjected to the soil type and temper-
ature. In Rajasthan, soil salinity has been associated with the use of contaminated
groundwater for irrigation [72] and the absence of natural drainage [73]. The
capillary rise is considerably lower in sandy soil than the clay soil in a deeper
depth. Since the soil type in this state is predominately sandy in texture and
groundwater’s average depth is 23.58 m below ground level [74], the upward
migration of salt solutions from shallow groundwater to the soil root zone is
considerably controlled.
Soil salinity in the irrigated land can also be caused by excessive application of
fertilizers and other chemicals (Fig. 6). This land degradation process may produce
an irreversible effect on the soil if it continues over time. India has experienced a
monetary loss of Rs. 230.20 billion annually by losing 16.84 MT of agricultural
production due to soil salinity [67]. Many research institutes in India are engaged in
Ground water intrusion
Irrigation Practice
Soil salinity
Agricultural Land Degradation in India
Crop failure
Reduction in osmotic
Chemical Fertilizers
potential of plants
Fig. 6 Soil salinity cycle in Indian context. Being a country surrounded by three oceans, with diversified climate and geologically saline-rich minerals, Indian
soil is affected by both seawater and groundwater salinity. Soils near the coastal region are affected by saltwater intrusion due to over-extraction of groundwater,
and soils in the geologically active area are affected by groundwater salinity through capillary action. The application of chemical fertilizers and irrigation
practices also add salinity to the soil, resulting in waterlogging and reduction in the osmotic potential of plants
232 S. Periasamy and R. S. Shanmugam
Fig. 7 Unproductive land due to higher accumulation of salinity at the root zone, location: Vellore
district of Tamil Nadu, India, date of observation: 20th July 2019
5.3 Waterlogging
The country’s annual agricultural growth is projected only about 2.6% over the last
25 years [75]. To reduce the problems in the farming sector due to frequent monsoon
failure, the Government of India has developed a canal irrigation plan for about
57 Mha of arable land [76]. As a result, irrigated lands were mainly affected by the
twin effects of salinity and waterlogging caused by excessive irrigation of the canal
water in the conception of obtaining more yield [77]. Because the irrigation water
also carried salt concentration (0.3 dS/m) [77], it was reported that around 5.5 Mha
of the saline-affected land is waterlogged [75]. In Fig. 8, the agriculture failure due to
irrigation-induced waterlogging in the saline-affected area is shown.
Waterlogging is a dynamic process in which the irrigated water saturates the soil
surface and tends to be stagnated as a layer for a longer time in the absence of a
natural or artificial drainage system. The waterlogging condition in the saline-
Agricultural Land Degradation in India 233
Fig. 8 Agriculture failure due to waterlogging condition. Location: Perambalur district of Tamil
Nadu, India, date of observation: 25th November 2018
affected patches is mainly due to the virtual absence of drainage, low precipitation,
and high temperature [78]. Waterlogging in the agricultural areas is also a result of
water table rise by capillary action and unavailability of natural and artificial
drainage system in the soil. The continued existence of crops is severely constrained
by waterlogging as it restricts the air circulation in the plants’ root zone. The
restricted air movement in the saturated zone results in a reduced level of O2 and
an increased rate of CO2 [79]. The combined effect of soil salinity and waterlogging
is considered a significant problem in India’s irrigated lands [80]. In India, the flood-
prone regions [81], areas with shallow groundwater and high rainfall [82], coastal
areas with saltwater intrusion [83], and irrigated command areas [84] are under high
risk of waterlogging hazard.
In 1976, the National Commission on Agriculture identified nearly 6 Mha of land
was waterlogged, out of which 3.4 Mha of land was affected by surface water
stagnation, and 2.6 Mha of land was affected by water table rise [85]. According
to the Ministry of Agriculture report, during 1984–1985, an area of 8.53 Mha of
land, including irrigated and unirrigated lands, was estimated to have been affected
by the waterlogging problem. According to the report published by NRSC in 2005,
the surface stagnation of water affects about 1.66 Mha of wastelands while
sub-surface waterlogging affects 4.75 Mha of India’s agricultural land [44]. A recent
macro-scale study conducted in 2013 showed that 0.7 Mha of India’s agricultural
land was subjected to waterlogging conditions [46]. In the eastern states of India, the
problem is significant, especially in Assam, where nearly 186,667 ha of land is
affected by waterlogging due to excessive irrigation, while in the southern part of
India like Andhra Pradesh, the twin effects of salinity (117,952 ha) and waterlogging
(132,334 ha) are prominent. An overall increase of about 9% in waterlogging areas
was observed between 2005 and 2013.
234 S. Periasamy and R. S. Shanmugam
5.4 Agrochemicals
With a total of 26.5 Mt per year, India ranks second in the world in the consumption
of fertilizers [86]. The application of fertilizers requires a scientific approach based
on the soil testing results. But, at present, Indian agriculture has a negative balance of
necessary plant nutrients because of the use of fertilizers without knowing the actual
requirement of the soil [87]. The intensive use of agrochemicals on agricultural land
was encouraged in countries like India during the Green Revolution to achieve self-
sufficiency in food production and to support the growing population. In the initial
period of the Green Revolution, a positive effect of fertilizers was reported in terms
of agricultural production. However, due to the prolonged use of chemical pesticides
and fertilizers, there were negative consequences on the soil, like declining rate of
microorganisms and significant change in the physico-chemical characteristics of the
soil [88]. The excessive pressure on agricultural land in the conception of crop
diversification, increasing the crop yield, short-time benefit, land shortage, and
intensive farming practices resulted in inappropriate land-use policies and manage-
ment [89]. Indian farmers are started using agrochemicals to increase the productiv-
ity, obtain the expected yield from the wide variety of seeds, and overcome the
deficiency in micro- and macro-nutrients in the soil. The unbalanced use of such
agrochemicals beyond the limit causes an adverse effect on soil fertility character-
istics, thereby impacting crop production. The application of fertilizers beyond the
assimilative capacity of soil adversely affects the nearby environment and enhances
the soil’s erodibility rate.
The fertility status of the soil distributed in the Indo-Gangetic plain shows a
declining trend due to the application of agrochemicals [87]. The northern states of
India are likely to use excessive fertilizers to produce cereal crops and eventually
contaminate soil and the nearby water sources [9]. During 1990–1991, 2000–2001,
2009–2010, and 2014–15, the rate of imbalanced fertilizer use was widened from
6.2:4:1 (N: P: K) to 31.4:8.0:1 (N: P: K), well above the desirable limit 4:2:1,
especially in the agriculturally important states Punjab and Haryana [5, 87]. These
states are often recognized for their significant contribution to rice and wheat
production, which have virtually extracted essential nutrients from the soil. About
292 out of the 525 districts in the country accounted for 85% of the total fertilizer
consumption. The continuous application of agrochemicals has reduced the required
proportion of sulfur, zinc, and boron in many soils of the country. The minerals’
unequal balance has affected the soil response to fertilizers and the crop
productivity [87].
Furthermore, agrochemicals like fertilizers, pesticides, and disposal of effluents
from the industries result in significant soil damage and are often responsible for land
degradation. The disposal of effluents and application of fertilizers often resulted in
the accumulation of heavy metals like arsenic (As) and fluoride (F) in the soil and
water that causes undesirable effects on the crop production and human food cycle
(Fig. 9). Despite overconsumption of the major essential nutrients, comprehensive
deficiency of Zn, followed by S, Fe, Cu, Mn, and B, was reported throughout the
country [5].
Agricultural Land Degradation in India 235
Fig. 9 The use of fertilizers and disposal of industrial effluent into the arable land. Location:
Vellore district of Tamil Nadu, India, date of observation: 15th January 2020
Another crucial farming method that contributes to land degradation in India is the
slash-and-burn agricultural practice. The slush-and-burning method, also known as
Jhum cultivation and stubble burning in India, involves cutting and burning the
plants as shifting cultivation, deforestation, and post-harvest practice, which
adversely affects the soil organic content to a more significant extent by killing the
microorganisms that are essential for soil to balance the fertility characteristics
(Fig. 10). It was estimated that the burning of one ton of rice crop residue resulted
in the loss of essential nutrients like nitrogen (5.5 kg), phosphorus (2.3 kg), potas-
sium (25 kg), and sulfur (1.2 kg) [90]. The demand for crop residue for cattle feed
and industrial activities is ever-increasing in India because of the in-situ crop burning
practices. The rice-wheat system cultivation accounted for nearly 70% of India’s
total crop residues production [91]. According to the statistics published by the
Ministry of Statistics and Programme during 2013–2014, nearly 516.3 Mt of crop
residue generated annually in India, out of which 110 Mt is shared by wheat, 122 Mt
by rice, 71 Mt by maize, 26 Mt by millets, 141 Mt by sugarcane, 8 Mt by fiber crops,
and 28 Mt by pulses. The highest crop residue production was recorded in the state
Uttar Pradesh (60 Mt), followed by Punjab (51 Mt) and Maharashtra (46 Mt). Of the
total crop residue production, nearly 21% (109.2 Mt) and 10% (52.7 Mt) were
contributed by Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra states, respectively [92]. In both of
these states, the major share of crop residue was contributed by sugarcane. A paddy
waste contributed 40% of the total residue burnt in India since 2008–2009 [93]. Of
various crop residues, wheat, rice, and sugarcane crop residues were involved in crop
burning in the north and southern part of India [92, 94].
Out of the 501.76 Mt of stubble generated annually [95], 92.81 Mt of the stubble
is being burned on-site in which the highest being recorded in the state Uttar Pradesh
(21.92 Mt) followed by Punjab (19.62 Mt), Haryana (9.06 Mt), and Maharashtra
(7.41 Mt) [95, 96]. The southern states like Karnataka (6%) and Tamil Nadu (4.4%)
236 S. Periasamy and R. S. Shanmugam
Fig. 10 The agricultural land patch is shown with sugarcane crop residues burnt after harvest.
Location: Namakkal district of Tamil Nadu, India, date of observation: 13th October 2018
5.6 Microplastics
Microplastics (synthetic polymer-based particles with less than 5 mm size) are one of
the serious and emerging pollutants of India’s agricultural land as it has been
increased exponentially in the past years [99]. According to the Central Pollution
Control Board (2015) statistics, nearly 62 Mt of solid waste was produced in India,
out of which about 36 Mt of waste was openly dumped without treatment causing
Agricultural Land Degradation in India 237
water and soil pollution [14]. Microplastics endanger the agricultural production in
India as it induces significant changes in the biophysical and chemical properties of
the soil. Further, the earthworm’s life is under severe threat due to the microplastics
that significantly degrade the fertility of the agricultural soil. In India, it is reported
that the microplastics reach the soil in the form of nutrient prills for the controlled
release of nutrients to the soil, capsules for crop production, water-soluble polymers
for soil remediation, water absorbents, and seed coating [100]. The accumulated
plastic debris in the soil undergoes macro- and micro-scale breakdown by photo- and
bio-degradation process. While microplastics in the ocean and freshwater ecosystem
have been widely studied, their consequences on agricultural soil productivity are
overlooked [101–103]. Recent studies have also proved that agricultural soil has a
higher potential to store microplastics (>40,000 particles kg-1) than the ocean
basins [104]. Microplastics in agricultural soils are primarily “secondary
microplastics” (with the fibers as the predominant element (92%) followed by
fragments (4%)) derived from the disintegration of larger plastic particles in the
environment. Microplastics commonly reach the soil by anthropogenic sources
represented by agricultural activities like plastic mulching, irrigation using plastic-
polluted water, and soil amendment practice with plastics [105].
5.7 Fluoride
Among all other contaminants, the important geogenic pollutant which threatens
agricultural sustainability and is found to be responsible for the severe soil degra-
dation in 19 states of India is fluoride (F) [106, 107]. The distribution of F roughly
shares more than half of the country’s total geographical area. F is the most
widespread pollutant in India, followed by As, as the country shares a significant
percentage (14%) of the world’s total F deposition [108, 109]. In India, there are
three common types of F found in the soil, namely calcium fluoride (CaF), sodium
fluoride (NaF), and hydrogen fluoride (HF) as natural and industrial versions in
which NaF and HF are majorly distributed and found to be very harmful to the
environment and the health of the human community. This pollutant is widely
distributed in various ranges in all the environment components, such as air,
water, soil, plant, and rocks [110]. The intake of F by plants from soil and the
associated health risks are more significant in India than in other countries [111]. The
F contamination in agricultural soil is kept increasing ever since, and however, its
adverse effects on soil’s physical and chemical properties are being given less
attention. While concentrating mainly on the impacts of major soil degradation
processes on biomass reduction, F’s contribution to agricultural soil degradation
and associated human and livestock health risk is often overlooked in India. The
concentration of F is relatively higher in clay soil than sandy soil [112] as the rate of
F release increases in the soil which is capable of exchanging cations [113]. In low
pH ranges, the F present in the clay soil as a mineral due to electrostatic potential. In
contrast, in the higher pH range, it is available in soil solution due to the alkaline
238 S. Periasamy and R. S. Shanmugam
condition that favors the dissolution of F and repulsion between soil particles and F
ions in the negatively charged surfaces [114]. So, in the low pH values, the soil
transfers the contamination directly to the crops, while in the higher pH values, the F
triggers crop-water stress by reducing the plant’s osmotic potential.
The deposition and accumulation of F in the soil’s root zone results from natural
and anthropogenic causes. But in the Indian context, the contaminated groundwater
by country rocks is considered a major source of F supply to the soil. Conversely, it
was also reported that soils contaminated from industrial sources played a significant
role in contaminating groundwater [115] through downward leaching. The transport
and deposition of this contamination in the soil profile depends on the soil’s various
physico-chemical conditions and climatic variables. So, as discussed, the naturally
occurred F shows an immediate effect on the groundwater and contributes to
degrading the soil at a slower rate. Likewise, the F release to the environment by
human activities primarily affects the soil properties and subsequently the ground-
water. Hence F cyclically contaminates the soil and groundwater and becomes a part
of human and livestock’s food chain through bioaccumulation. This section
describes the F contamination cycle between soil and groundwater affected by
different sources (Fig. 11).
Weathering and leaching of F-bearing minerals due to rock–water interaction in
the aquifers is the common cause for the F enrichment in the groundwater [116]. This
groundwater F experiences upward movement often from shallow aquifers through
capillary action and reaches the soil profile, favored by climatic conditions, soil type,
soil depth, and water table depth. This process of upward migration through capillary
rise is often accompanied by groundwater salinity. Similarly, F contamination from
anthropogenic activities like application of F inducing phosphate fertilizers and
pesticides [114], groundwater irrigation [117], releasing industrial F-rich effluents,
and industrial emission [118] may reach the soil profile (1) as a dry deposition and
remain as a semi-permanent reservoir of F, (2) by decomposition of the contami-
nated plant tissues, and (3) by atmospheric precipitation [119]. These processes are
further accompanied by the transport of F in water-soluble fractions through the
saturated zone of soil in recharging groundwater through precipitation [120],
resulting in increasing groundwater F [108].
This ever-ending mobilization cycle of F through the atmosphere, soil, and
groundwater may produce a notable effect on the existing ecosystem. The significant
effects of these processes are:
1. F contamination considerably influences the fertile characteristics of the agricul-
tural soil, thereby decreasing crop productivity.
2. The human and livestock are directly exposed to high risk by inhaling the F
released as a gaseous effluent from industries.
3. The accumulation of F in the plant tissues through atmospheric precipitation
affects the yield potential.
4. Irrigating the soil with contaminated water transfers F to the crops, and this
contamination becomes a part of human and livestock’s food chain through
Agricultural Land Degradation in India
Fig. 11 A simplified description of the fluoride (F) migration cycle and its causes and effects. The F contamination reaches the soil through natural and
anthropogenic channels, including the dissolution of F-rich minerals in the groundwater, groundwater recharge with F-contaminated water, chemical fertilizers,
industrial release (air and water), and irrigation practice. The contaminated soil transfers F to the crops, and this contamination becomes a part of human and
livestock’s food chain through bioaccumulation. The other direct sources of F to humans and cattle populations include (1) gaseous effluent from industries,
(2) contaminated drinking water, and (3) atmospheric precipitation. The effect of F includes dental and skeletal fluorosis in humans and livestock
240 S. Periasamy and R. S. Shanmugam
The total agricultural land degradation status was projected state-wise as per the
record published by SAC in 2016 (Fig. 12). Maps were produced on a 1:500,000
scale using Indian Remote Sensing data products [46]. In the western and central
states of India, including Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Madhya Pradesh, more than 10%
of the total geographical area was in a degraded condition. In contrast, in the eastern
states, the distribution of degraded land is minimal compared to its total area. Wind
erosion is dominant in Rajasthan, and water erosion is active in Gujarat and Madhya
Pradesh. Nearly 8% of the total area in the northern state Jammu and Kashmir is
degraded majorly by frost shattering. Karnataka state (southern part of the country)
is reported to have a high proportion (7%) of degraded land due to water erosion. The
state-wise distribution of degraded land under various categories is listed in Table 1.
Fig. 12 Total area of agricultural land degradation projected state-wise as per the report published
by SAC in 2016
The Himalayan Region of India consists of two broad zones, namely the Eastern and
Western Himalayas region. The Indian states under Eastern Himalayas are
Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim,
Tripura, and West Bengal (Hilly region), and Western Himalayas are Jammu and
Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttaranchal. Recent studies have reported an
alarming rate of soil erosion (>40 t/ha/year) in nearly 39% area of the total
Himalayan region due to its underlying topography and rainfall [121]. The Himala-
yan regions are also severely affected by chemical degradation processes like soil
acidity. The extent of acid-affected soil in the North-Eastern Himalayan Region
(29%) was found to be higher than in the North-Western Himalayan Region (0.8%)
[5]. The North-Eastern parts of Himalaya are also affected by shifting cultivation
Table 1 State-wise land degradation status of India in 2013
Total area 29,298,553 36,099,042 18,233,594 3,674,759 653,908 3,338,404 927,986 2,285,239 1,886,682 96,398,166
Source: Desertification and Land Degradation Atlas of India by SAC, ISRO, 2016
244 S. Periasamy and R. S. Shanmugam
activity [122]. Thus, there are three physical and chemical stresses in the Himalayan
region, namely water erosion, soil acidity, and shifting cultivation practices that are
actively involved in degrading the agricultural soil.
More than 72% of the nutrient loss in the agricultural areas of the Himalayan
region is attributed to soil erosion. The extensive agricultural practice and Jhum
cultivation in the steep slopes has led to accelerated soil erosion [123] that increases
the need for proper conservation measures. According to the rainfall distribution
(Northern Himalayan ~500–2,000 mm, and North-Eastern Himalayan
~1,500–2,500 mm) and underlying steep topography, proper mitigation measures
have been identified and implemented including (1) creating contour tillage along
the contours to reduce the velocity of the water and increase surface drainage
(2) creating contour bunding from either vegetative cover or mechanical measures
across the slope, (3) construction of check dams (as a soil and water conservative
measure from integrated watershed approach) to increase the water infiltration and
reduce subsequent soil erosion, (4) encouraging subsoiling and broad-bed furrows
for the vertisols, (5) promoting terrace farming, and (6) adopting strip crop farming
system in which the usual crops are grown along with soil conserving crops on the
same strip perpendicular to the direction of the wind and water [122, 124]. Soil
acidity is often controlled by adding an appropriate dose of lime [125, 126] to the soil
during the time of crop sowing.
Wind erosion is an active degradation process in India’s dry and arid areas, which
has often resulted in multidimensional problems [131, 132]. With an annual average
rainfall of 150–500 mm, soils in the arid regions are often found with structure-less
topsoil with sparse vegetation under dry conditions, making the area more vulner-
able to wind erosion. Wind erosion can be controlled either by reducing the wind’s
speed or by decreasing the susceptibility of the soil to erosion using natural or
artificial barriers against the wind direction. The measures include (1) sand-dune
stabilization by checkerboard and planting of ecologically viable plants based on the
moisture availability, temperature, wind velocity, and salinity conditions, (2) increas-
ing surface cover in the sandy plains either by grass crops or by cover crops, (3) strict
measures to have a controlled grazing practice in the rangelands to retain the
sufficient wind-protective grass cover, (4) use of plant residues to control the effect
of wind erosion, (5) increasing the soil cohesiveness, (6) reducing the momentum of
wind by decreasing the track length of the agricultural field, (7) providing wind-
breaks, (8) establishing bioshields from the trees, particularly Prosopis juliflora,
Cassia siamea, and Acacia tortilis, to check the wind speed and damage, (9) crop
management like planting taller crops (Pennisetum glaucum, Sesamum indicum, and
Ricinus communis) in between the shorter crops (Vigna radiata, Cyamopsis
tetragonoloba, and Arachis hypogaea) to protect them from wind action, and
246 S. Periasamy and R. S. Shanmugam
(10) tillage operation to bring the sub-surface clay soil to the surface layers
[128, 133–135]. Nearly 0.1 Mha of agricultural land was reclaimed from wind
erosion from 2005 to 2013 due to the implementation of extensive conservation
The coastal agro-ecosystem of India, known for its diverse climatic and soil condi-
tions, shares around 10.8 Mha of the total geographical area. The agricultural
production in the coastal area primarily comes from mono-crops as it highly depends
on rainwater which occurs only in monsoon months. The agricultural regions spread
over both east and west coast region are highly affected by acidification, salinization,
and waterlogging problems [136]. The rainwater harvesting in the pond, also known
as the “land shaping technique,” has proven to increase the productivity of the salt-
affected agricultural lands of coastal India [137]. This technique aimed to address
some of the crucial issues of coastal agriculture, including lack of irrigation
resources, drainage congestion, brackish groundwater at a shallower depth, and
mono-cropping cultivation. The technique greatly helped the farmers in the
Sundarbans (a mangrove area in the delta region at the convergence point of Ganges,
Brahmaputra, and Meghna Rivers in the Bay of Bengal) to combat the prolonged
salinity and waterlogging problems and increase farm productivity. Crop diversifi-
cation was successfully carried out in nearly 370 ha of land in Sundarbans and the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, adopting land shaping technique that includes farm-
ponds, deep furrow and high ridges, paddy-cum-fish, broad-bed and furrow, the
three-tier system, the paired bed system, and the drainage improvement network
under the GEF funded National Agricultural Innovation Project [138, 139].
Red and Black soils are widely distributed (~150 Mha) in the central part of and
southern peninsular India, chiefly affected by sheet erosion, waterlogging, salinity,
fluoride contamination, and microplastics. In the sloppy terrain, soil conservation
and drainage were achieved with implementation of the “broad-bed and furrow”
(BBF) system. As a consequence, a considerable percentage of yield has increased,
mainly from legume crops, in the central parts of India [140]. Similarly, the contour
bunding method was deployed in the areas receiving less than 700 mm annual
rainfall and with a slope of less than 6% to decrease the runoff and increase water
retention within the agricultural field [128]. The contour farming practice has
significantly controlled the soil loss (from 18.92 to 0.3 t/ha) and has been reported
to increase 22.3–65.5% of the crop yield for both red and black soil [141].
Agricultural Land Degradation in India 247
The low infiltration problem in central India is being mitigated through the
subsoiling technique. Mitigation measures like providing drainage facilities in
lowlands, recharging the aquifers, and water harvesting in the natural and artificially
created ponds have controlled the rate of water erosion and decreased salinity
occurrence in southern Peninsular India. In a local-scale view, the problem of
salinity can be effectively managed by processes including leaching, irrigation
(with good quality groundwater), and growing salt-tolerant plants. Furthermore,
the supply of NPK mineral fertilizers to the fields, along with organic manure,
increases crop yield and improves soil organic contents [5, 142]. Other than these
methods, few chemical alternatives have been actively used by the farmers to reclaim
the non-saline and non-acidic soils.
In many countries like India, the significant contribution of increased F contam-
ination to soil reclamation failures is often ignored or given less attention. The crop
growth and yield depend on the rate of F deposition in the root zone. To improve
crop growth and prevent the crop from being contaminated with F, it becomes
essential to remove such contamination from the root zone. Implementing the
inappropriate reclamation measures without due consideration of the dynamic
upheaval behavior of contamination and leaching requirement of the soil often
results in an agro-economic loss. Soil refilling is a physical method for soil remedi-
ation in which the F-contaminated soil is removed at the required depth and replaced
with uncontaminated and nutrient balanced soil. This method is practiced in most
parts of India over decades as a remedial measure before sowing crops. Leaching of
F from soil profile is another commonly employed method in India to remove the
contamination below the root zone. This process is essential for poor drainage and
high water table areas that favor the F contamination in the soil. The leaching F
contamination is carried out for the shallow soils using distilled water [143].
Natural remedial measures like crop selection and green manure techniques could
control the soil from being contaminated from F and retain its fertile characteristics.
The crops like Gossypium (Cotton) [144] and Saccharum officinarum (Sugarcane)
are more resistant to the F toxicity. These crops are reported to be capable of
extracting a high amount of F (around 40%) [145] from the soil. For the barren
lands of high F contamination, planting P. juliflora and Nerium oleander plants
could be the effective solution to remove the excess F contamination from the soil
rather than leaving them barren. Such plants could withstand even under extreme F
contamination, and it has also got good market value for its products. Land prepa-
ration with the green manure method has a higher potential to enrich the organic
matter content, thereby promoting microbial activity in the soil. The leguminous
family plants like Sesbania bispinosa, Corchorus (Jute crops), Tephrosia purpurea,
Pithecellobium dulce, Sesbania grandiflora (Agathi keerai), and Vigna aconitifolia
are commonly used as green manure in India. However, the leguminous green
manure is more effective than the plants under the non-leguminous family [146],
subjected to decomposition rate.
There are many in-situ bioremediation techniques like increasing fungi, bacteria,
and other soil organisms that are being adopted by various countries to alleviate the
ill effects of microplastics on the agricultural soil [105, 147, 148]. However, in India,
248 S. Periasamy and R. S. Shanmugam
while the Government of India regulations are framed to address the issue of plastics,
the strict measures to alleviate the effects of microplastics in agriculture are inade-
quate due to the lack of research studies in this domain. Since this is an emerging
serious pollutant that would threaten agricultural production over time, the research
on the effect of microplastics in all agricultural elements deserves special attention in
8 Concluding Remarks
Nearly 96.4 Mha of the country’s land area requires the utmost attention to imple-
ment appropriate land management policies to mitigate the ill effects of various
prevailing and emerging degradation processes. Because of the unexpected decline
in agricultural GDP in the late 1990s, India has given its complete attention to
reforming the agriculture development policies. With no significant increase in the
land degradation area from 2005 to 2013, India is very close to achieving land
degradation neutrality status by 2030 as committed. However, reclaiming the
degraded land is equally as important as controlling the degradation rate to increase
the food production by 45% in 2050. Though India is a country with an excellent
record of successful implementation of various broad-scale land-use policies to
mitigate the land degradation processes and increase crop productivity, it still
lacks integration of the existing policies with micro-farm management. The com-
bined execution of conservation agriculture and integrated watershed approach
Agricultural Land Degradation in India 249
requires special attention to combating the agricultural land degradation in the fragile
environment. The land-use policies pertaining to the micro-environment are an
urgent requirement to address multidimensional issues like erosion, salinity, acidity,
and waterlogging in southern peninsular India. Creating awareness about the feasible
alternatives of crop residue burning like bio-gas, bio-char, in-situ treatment, and
economic returns through community programs could significantly reduce the crop
residue burning activity in India. A well-integrated land-use policy for rural fuel-
wood and fodder grazing is needed for the local community to have an economic
balance and reduce the overgrazing practice.
Most importantly, with an increasing population rate, industrial growth, and
erratic climatic behavior, land degradation is expected to increase due to the emerg-
ing pollutants like microplastics and soil fluoride in the future, which is being treated
with the least attention in the present time. So, there is an urgent need for the
government to lay down the new agro-environmental policy and regulations to
curb microplastics’ effects on the agricultural soil. The use of biodegradable mulches
is one of the best solutions to ameliorate the problem. It is also advised to create
awareness about its advantage over plastic mulches through the community pro-
gram. The integrated natural soil mitigation policy is necessitated for the fluoride-
affected parts of India. The policy needs to integrate the natural remedial measures
such as the selection of F-resistant crops, soil replacement, green manure, and crop
residue mulching to prevent the soil from being polluted from F’s upward migration
from the groundwater and increase crop production. However, the supply of F to the
soil through anthropogenic channels like industrial and irrigation activity is unavoid-
able in the semi-arid regions of India. The F-contaminated irrigation water signifi-
cantly controls the microbial activity in the soil. The supply of vermicompost to the
soil is recommended to address this issue, along with other reclamation measures.
The vermicompost supplies all essential nutrients for plant growth and increases
microbial activity in the soil. The use of other inorganic fertilizers should be avoided
for the land patches treated with vermicompost. It is also recommended to treat the
contaminated groundwater before irrigation. Besides, the systematic way of crop
rotation practice with F-absorbing crops also prevents the soil from being contam-
inated continuously.
Acknowledgment The authors acknowledge Ms. Kokila Priya Ravi, Research Scholar, SRM
Institute of Science and Technology, for helping in the visualization work for this chapter. We
extend our sincere gratitude to all the authors we referred to in the chapter. We also thank SRM
Institute of Science and Technology and the Institute of Remote Sensing for providing us with
excellent on-line and off-line accessibility of the reading resources.
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Gil Eshel, Elazar Volk, Alon Maor, Eli Argaman, and Guy J. Levy
1 Israeli Agriculture and Soil Degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
2 Soil Erosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
2.1 Soil Erosion by Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
2.2 Soil Erosion by Wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
3 Loss of Organic Carbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
4 Agronomic Approaches for Soil Degradation Mitigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
5 Salinization and Sodification by Irrigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
6 Agriculture Land Loss to Construction and Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
7 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Paulo Pereira, Miriam Muñoz-Rojas, Igor Bogunovic, and Wenwu Zhao (eds.), 259
Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation I: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, America
and Oceania, Hdb Env Chem (2023) 120: 259–272, DOI 10.1007/698_2022_931,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022,
Published online: 14 December 2022
260 G. Eshel et al.
Israel is situated in the eastern part of the Mediterranean basin with wet and cold
winters and hot and dry summers. It stretches along a climatic gradient, ranging from
the sub-humid Mediterranean in the North of the country to hyper-arid in the South
[1]. The soil parent materials are mostly carbonate rocks and eolian dust. The soil
scrapes are associated with highly diverse relief and vegetation [2]. Alfisols,
Mollisols, and Vertisols (Grumosols) are common in Israel’s northern and central
parts, and Aridisols are common in the South and Jordan Valley. Entisols and
Inceptisols, influenced by intense geomorphological processes and anthropogenic
activity, occur all over the country [3].
Israeli agricultural lands occupy an area of about 400,000 ha, which is about 20%
of the state’s land. About 80% of the farming activities occur in Israel’s southern and
northern districts, characterized by arid and semi-arid to semi-wet moist moisture
regimes, respectively. The majority of the agricultural activity is considered very
intensive, with about 45% of the cropped land being under irrigation. Concerning
irrigation water quality, Israeli agriculture currently faces a unique situation with the
recent introduction of large volumes of desalinized water into the country’s water
system. Hence, water allocated to agriculture includes (1) freshwater originating
from aquifers and the Lake of Galilee, desalinized water, and a mixture of the two,
and (2) marginal water comprising mainly municipal treated wastewater (TWW)
whose water of origin vary between freshwater, desalinized water, and a mixture
thereof. Marginal water is used for more than 60% of the irrigated land with an
annual volume of 384 × 106 m3 [4] Agriculture contributes a relatively small portion
to the Israeli economy, consisting of roughly 1% of the total GDP and about 1.8% of
exported goods [5]. Yet, Israeli agriculture is of great importance regarding fresh
produce supply and for fresh and nutritious food security. Israel is known for
growing a wide range of crop types. These include crops ranging from tropical
(Banana, Pineapple), and sub-tropical (Avocado and Mango) up to classical dessert
plantations (palms and olives). Field crops occupy 63% of the agricultural area,
followed by orchards 30%, with vegetables in greenhouses and flowers occupying
3% and 1%, respectively (Fig. 1).
Degradation of Agricultural Lands in Israel 261
2 Soil Erosion
matter and nutrients might only be seen when it is too late, i.e. only when the profits
from the agricultural activities are harmed. It is for these reasons that soil degradation
by erosion was not always perceived by the farming community, stakeholders, and
policymakers as a real and immediate threat to soil resources and food security.
Repeated loss of soil top layer, which is the layer most fertile and essential to crop
production, leads to continuous soil degradation. Additionally, soil erosion and loss
of organic matter and nutrients increase greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce
biodiversity [6, 9–12].
Water erosion begins when a water drop strikes the bare soil. Soil particles are then
detached from the surface and subsequently transported down-slope by raindrop
splash or by runoff (overland flow). If the runoff is in thin sheets, sheet flow and
sheet erosion (or interrill) occur. Ellison [13] suggested that for water velocity above
0.3 m s-1 the flow becomes turbulent and causes the formation of soil rills. These
processes occur by water drop impact originating from either rain or overhead
The sensitivity of soil to water erosion is enhanced by leaving the surface of
cultivated soils bare. The common practice of intense tillage results in a break-down
of the natural structure of the upper soil layer. Tillage is practiced in order to prepare
seedbeds, weed control, sanitation, and application of organic manure and fertilizers
[6, 14]. The more intensive the cultivation practiced, the more severe the expected
destruction of the soil structure and soil aggregate stability.
Soil erosion by wind (i.e., wind erosion) and dust emissions to the atmosphere
significantly impact human environments. These emissions are associated with
agro-environmental hazards, which severely impact crops production caused by
heavy damages to young crops during the planting season due to the mechanical
impact of saltating sand particles and stable soil aggregates. Furthermore, wind
erosion causes considerable nutrient loss and accelerates soil degradation processes
due to cultivation activities that significantly increase the erodible fraction to wind
erosion. These cultivation actions stimulate soil erosivity, affected mainly by
mechanical abrasion of soil aggregates [15].
The most susceptible regions to wind erosion processes are the western Negev
areas where the soils types vary from sandy soil along with the coastal areas and
loess soils abundant along the arid transition zones between the coastal plains and
deserts in the south [16] and the peat soils of the Hula Valley, located in the upper
Jordan catchment. When the land is bare during transition seasons, these regions are
Degradation of Agricultural Lands in Israel 263
affected by accelerated wind shear stress over the soil surface. The shear stress is
defined by the friction velocity (u*), which expresses the boundary layer’s wind
velocity gradient. The threshold wind velocity (u*t), the minimum friction velocity
required for initiating the movement of soil particles, is a crucial parameter control-
ling the frequency and intensity of wind erosion events. Determination of u*t is
complex since this property is affected by several surface factors, such as soil
texture, soil moisture, surface crusts, vegetation cover, or other roughness
elements [17].
In Israel, most agricultural lands are bare during autumn (Sept.–Nov.), when u*
may exceed u*t. Thus, the fields are prone to severe wind erosion events without
being adequately protected by soil conservation measures. In the western Negev
region during the autumn, the dominant wind direction is southwest and its average
maximal wind gusts exceed 9.0 m s-1. On the other hand, in the Hula Valley region,
the dominant wind direction varies from east to east-north-east, with average
maximal wind gusts above 12.0 m s-1. Considering that the average threshold
wind velocity required for soil aggregate detachment is ~6.5 m s-1, large agricultural
fields are exposed to wind shear stress above u*t (Argaman A., Unpublished data).
These dust emissions are associated with agro-environmental hazards that
severely affect crop production through damaging young crops during the seed
emerging season due to the mechanical impact of saltating sand particles and stable
soil aggregates. Furthermore, wind erosion causes considerable nutrient loss and
accelerates soil degradation processes following cultivation activities that signifi-
cantly increase the erodible fraction of soil aggregates to wind erosion.
The best practice for preventing soil degradation by erosion is the adoption of CA
practices. CA practices are based on three pillars: (i) minimal soil disturbance (i.e.,
no or minimal tillage), (ii) permanent organic soil cover, and (iii) diversification of
plant species by crop rotation coupled with a combination of mixed service crops
(cover crops) [24]. However, maintaining permanent soil cover is not commonly
practiced in field crops in Israel. This is because of the high demand for bio-
mass resulting from the ban on the import of coarse food for livestock feed. Thus,
there is no incentive for farmers to leave biomass residue in cultivated fields.
As a result, the widely adopted agronomic measure for soil conservation and
reclamation by the Israeli farmers in rain-fed field crops is the approach of conser-
vation tillage (CT). This approach includes Reduced Tillage for reducing soil
disturbance and manure addition (10 m3 ha-1 y-1) for reclaiming soil fertility
every third or fourth year of the crop rotation.
A recent survey, carried out in 2019, was conducted to examine the degree of
adoption of CT & CA practices in 150,000 ha of orchards and field crops in Israel
[25]. The survey examined the types of tillage practices used and assigned them with
grades as follows. Practice of “Conventional Tillage” was graded as “none,” “reduce
tillage” as “low,” “Minimum Tillage” as “Moderate,” CT as “Good” and CA as
“Best Practice.” This survey showed that for field crops (consisting mostly of rain-
fed crops with crop rotation) in Israel, an area of 11,500 ha (~11% of the surveyed
area) received a grade of “Good” (Fig. 2).
As opposed to field crops, in orchards and vineyards, more and more farmers are
adopting CA practices by eliminating soil disturbance and maintaining permanent
organic soil cover. The common approach for achieving permanent organic soil
cover is by introducing and managing service crops (cover crops). The service crops
can be established by seeding commercial crops (mainly oat) or managing sponta-
neous weeds as a service crop by mowing or rolling. The aforementioned survey also
showed that 8,600 ha of orchards are under CA (accounting for 25% of the surveyed
Orchards) received a grade of “Good” and above [25].
Degradation of Agricultural Lands in Israel 265
Fig. 2 Percentage area of the different groups representing the degree of adoption of Conservation
Agriculture practices in Israel. The data from a survey taken in 2019. Field crops (a), orchards (b)
(Adopted from [25])
The Soil Conservation and Drainage division of the Israeli Ministry of Agricul-
ture and Rural Development supports farmers in several ways to cope with soil
degradation. The support includes tutorials and guidance combined with direct
financial support. In the last 5 years, an average of 4.5 million USD per year have
been allocated for changing agricultural practices, and field planning for applying
physical soil conservation measures combining different elements such as weeding
waterways and channels, terraces and contour benches, buffer strips, and installation
of tile drainage systems in the case of poor drainage and salinity (Maor A. Personal
communication). In addition, the Conservation and Drainage division supports
knowledge development, whether by the Soil Erosion Research Station R&D unit,
supporting and partnering in the Model Farm for Sustainable Agriculture at Neve
Ya’ar, and supporting research through grants from the Chief Scientist of the
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Yet, degree of adoption of CA practices in field crops, both irrigated and rain-fed,
and vegetables (Fig. 2) is much lower than that in orchards. The data presented in
Figs. 1 and 2 clearly show that the cultivated soils in Israel are exposed to a
continuous course of degradation. Unless immediate measures such as CA are
employed on a large scale, a tangible danger to food production capacity can be
Among the common soil conservation practices that can be effectively utilized to
mitigate wind erosion, the use of polyacrylamide (PAM) as a soil stabilizing agent
proved highly efficient when applied following seedling [26]. Similar to the case of
soil erosion by water, an effective conservation measure is an application of service
crops (also referred to as cover crops) that increase the zero displacements height and
266 G. Eshel et al.
dramatically diminish the wind surface shear stress over the soil surface, below the
threshold detachment force required for saltation and suspension soil particles.
Albeit the high efficiency of the aforementioned practices in reducing soil
susceptibility to wind erosion, their utilization in agricultural fields is limited. That
is so, mainly due to the questionable profitability of their application over rainfed
areas where water availability (and costs) are a significant limiting factor.
In former years, most of the irrigation water in Israel comprised of freshwater. Use of
saline-sodic water was restricted to localities where shallow aquifers of such mar-
ginal water exist and could easily be pumped (e.g., North Western Negev in the
south of Israel). Irrigation with such water led to severe soil salinization and
sodification [27]. As of the early 1990s, TWW (being more saline and sodic than
their freshwater of origin) has become a significant source of irrigation water [28],
currently reaching ~45% of the water consumed by agriculture, with plans of
reaching ~70% in 2050. Widespread use of TWW exerts critical salinity and sodicity
hazards to the agricultural land in Israel. Long-term TWW irrigation has been
associated with numerous undesired phenomena such as (1) increasing soil sodicity,
especially that of soil sub-surface layers [29]; (2) increasing salinity of both the
saturated and unsaturated zones of the flow domain of the upper 1 m [30]; (3) initiate
hydrophobicity at the soil surface [31]; (4) enhance surface seal formation [28]. In
turn, the aforementioned may lead to degradation of soil structure and functioning,
e.g., weaker aggregates [32], poorer hydraulic conductivity [33], and lower infiltra-
tion rate [34]. Subsequently, the above results in deterioration of the ecosystem
services the soil can provide. In addition, because TWW may contain pharmaceu-
ticals and personal care products, its irrigation could lead to their accumulation in
and contamination of soils and surface and groundwater bodies [35].
In some areas in Israel (mainly on Vertisols), extensive irrigation with low water
quality leads to shallow anthropogenic saline groundwater that enhances the salini-
zation and sodification processes by evaporating the rising capillary waters. These
anthropogenic aquifers needed to be drained to reclaim the salinity and sodicity-
affected fields. Common means for coping with soil salinization in poorly drained
soils and soils with high water tables is by installation of tile drainage system
[36]. These systems consist of horizontal perforated pipes inserted into the soil
(Fig. 3). The systems then produces gravitational drainage paths to high water tables,
draining excess water and salts and from the soil profile to adjacent channels.
Such systems have been found effective in decreasing salinity and sodium
adsorption ratio (SAR) levels and draining excess water. A significant decrease in
salinity is obtained generally after 2 or 3 years from installation [37]. Yet, tile
drainage systems do have some disadvantages. Planning and installing tile drainage
is expensive. Following requests by farmers from the Ministry of Agricultural and
Rural Development for support, more than nine million USD have been invested in
Degradation of Agricultural Lands in Israel 267
various tile drainage systems in cultivated lands in Israel in the last 5 years. These
high costs are met through government support of 50–75%. In addition to the high
costs, the installation procedure involves soil disturbance resulting from intensive
earthwork (Maor A., personal communication). Moreover, the drain outlets have the
potential of polluting the waterways with saline water, fertilizers, and pesticides.
Estimates relying on measurements from two tile drainage system in the Jezreel
Valley showed annual leachate including a total of 184 and 257 ton TDS and 0.82
and 1.8 ton NO3. Tile drainage systems differ greatly in area and efficiency, thus
extrapolating these data to other systems is problematic (Volk E., unpublished data).
Unfortunately, other agronomic approaches such as precise irrigation and fertil-
ization have still not been fully adopted by farmers and policymakers. The advantage
of these solutions is that they are a primary mean for handling the source of the
problem rather than dealing with the symptoms of soil salinization the way tile
drainage does.
A GIS analysis has been performed in order to estimate the extent of risk for soil
salinization in agricultural land as a result of a high water table. Two GIS layers were
used, a layer of Israeli soil associations and one of the agricultural plots. Twenty-two
soil associations from a total of 89 soil associations [38] were selected and catego-
rized by three groups of severity as predictors of salinity and drainage problems
(Table 1). This rationale was based mainly on soil texture and field slope (example:
clayey soils in valleys). This type of division categorized the risk for salinization of
agricultural plots in Israel by its severity.
268 G. Eshel et al.
Table 1 Selected Israeli soil associations [38], categorized by expected severity of salinity
Minor problems
Severe problems expected Moderate problems expected expected
E1 – Hamric alluvial soil and gley H1 – Alluvial Brown A7 – Brown Grumosol
H4 – Hydromorphic Grumosol and H2 – Accumulative Brown B6 – Brown Grumosol
Grumosolic gley and Reddish Brown and Brown Rendezina
H5 – Alluvial Brown Grumosols and H3 – Calcareous accumula- D3 – Basaltic very dark
Hydromorphic Grumosol tive Brown Grumosol and Brown Grumosol
residual dark Brown
H8 – Organic Soils H6 – Light colored chalky D4 – Basaltic reddish
colluvial alluvial soils Brown Grumosol
L2 – Calcareous sierozem H7 – colluvial alluvial soils H9 – Very dark Brown
and Grumosols Bazaltic Grumosol and
Brown Grumosol
L3 – Calcareous sierozem, marly H12 – Gravelly Nazzaz and H10 – Very dark Brown
hydromorphic Grumosol, and highly Brown Hamra Bazaltic Grumosol
calcareous Grumosol
L4 – Lacustrine gley H11 – Reddish Brown
Bazaltic Grumosol
Y7 – Marly Solonchak
Z2 – Solonchak
Fig. 4 A map of the severity for salinization risk in Harod and Beit Shean valleys, Israel, and the
layer of installed tile drainage systems (in gray)
a threat to food security and the national water cycle. The pressure for land-use
changes has increased even more dramatically since 2016, when the Israeli govern-
ment approved large-scale housing strategies and established the strategic housing
plan (SHP). A recent study shows that from 2016 to 2040, about 40,000 ha
(an average of 1,660 ha year-1) of agricultural land will be converted for housing
and local infrastructure including residential parks and roads [39]. These numbers
are in agreement with estimates of the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and rural
development which projected that 1,000 ha of agricultural land had been lost to
urbanization and infrastructure every year in the last decade.
7 Concluding Remarks
Israel is characterized by long hot and dry summers and frequent cycles of drought
years. That, coupled with a shortage of good quality water that forces the use of
marginal water for irrigation, are acute challenges that the Israeli farming community
is facing. Moreover, albeit these harsh conditions, Israeli growers are expected to
support the food security to a rapidly growing population from less than a million at
270 G. Eshel et al.
the initiation of the state to ~nine million nowadays and to a projected doubling of
that in 2050.
Israeli agriculture is modern and intensive, with about half the cultivated area
being irrigated. Consequently, the agricultural soils of Israel are under constant
pressure: on the one hand, land-use changes to construction and infrastructure and,
on the other hand, rapid soil degradation that manifests itself in greater (i) water and
wind erosion, (ii) soil organic matter depletion, and (iii) soil salinization and
The importance of protecting agricultural land by minimizing loss for construc-
tion and infrastructure and by employing CA practices combined with improving
soil health has gained increased awareness in recent years by both farmers and
policymakers in order to prevent further soil degradation and build resilience to
the ongoing climate changes, thereby boosting local fresh food production. Yet,
current efforts and actions need to be further encouraged and strengthened to ensure
sustainable use of Israel’s soils so that the needs of future generations can be met.
15. Hagen L (1991) Wind erosion mechanics: abrasion of aggregated soil.
16. Singer A (ed) (2007) Soil classification in Israel. Soils Isr. Springer, Berlin, pp 249–262. https://
17. Argaman E, Singer A, Tsoar H (2006) Erodibility of some crust forming soils/sediments from
the Southern Aral Sea Basin as determined in a wind tunnel. Earth Surf Process Landf 31:47–
18. Lal R (2011) Sequestering carbon in soils of agro-ecosystems. Food Policy 36:S33–S39. https://
19. Page KL, Dang YP, Dalal RC (2020) The ability of conservation agriculture to conserve soil
organic carbon and the subsequent impact on soil physical, chemical, and biological properties
and yield. Front Sust Food Syst 4:31
20. Lefèvre C, Rekik F, Alcantara V, Wiese L (2017) Soil organic carbon: the hidden
potential. FAO
21. Gomiero T (2016) Soil degradation, land scarcity and food security: reviewing a complex
challenge. Sustainability 8:281.
22. Shklyar B, Maor A, Etinger E, Ein-Mor E, Eshel G (2021) First estimations of soil organic
carbon sequestration potential in agricultural land of Israel
23. Rinot O, Borisover M, Levy GJ, Eshel G (2021) Fluorescence spectroscopy: a sensitive tool for
identifying land-use and climatic region effects on the characteristics of water-extractable soil
organic matter. Ecol Indic 121:107103.
24. FAO (2017) Conservation agriculture – revised version. FAO, Rome
25. Maor A, Yaacobi B, Ein-Mor E (2020) First Survey of Conservation Tillage (CT) & Conser-
vation Agriculture (CA) adoption in Israel
26. Genis A, Vulfson L, Ben-Asher J (2013) Combating wind erosion of sandy soils and crop
damage in the coastal deserts: wind tunnel experiments. Aeolian Res 9:69–73.
27. Hopmans JW, Qureshi AS, Kisekka I, Munns R, Grattan SR, Rengasamy P et al (2021)
Chapter 1 – critical knowledge gaps and research priorities in global soil salinity. In: Sparks
DL (ed) Advances in agronomy, vol 169. Academic, pp 1–191.
28. Levy GJ, Fine P, Bar-Tal A (eds) (2011) Treated wastewater in agriculture: use and impacts on
the soil, environment and crops.1st edn. Wiley-Blackwell
29. Levy GJ, Fine P, Goldstein D, Azenkot A, Zilberman A, Chazan A et al (2014) Long term
irrigation with treated wastewater (TWW) and soil sodification. Biosyst Eng 128:4–10. https://
30. Russo D, Laufer A, Bardhan G, Levy GJ (2015) Salinity control in a clay soil beneath an
orchard irrigated with treated waste water in the presence of a high water table: a numerical
study. J Hydrol 531:198–213.
31. Wallach R, Ben-Arie O, Graber ER (2005) Soil water repellency induced by long-term
irrigation with treated sewage effluent. J Environ Qual 34:1910–1920.
32. Paudel I, Bar-Tal A, Levy GJ, Rotbart N, Ephrath JE, Cohen S (2018) Treated wastewater
irrigation: soil variables and grapefruit tree performance. Agric Water Manag 204:126–137.
33. Bardhan G, Russo D, Goldstein D, Levy GJ (2016) Changes in the hydraulic properties of a clay
soil under long-term irrigation with treated wastewater. Geoderma 264:1–9.
34. Assouline S, Mualem Y (1997) Modeling the dynamics of seal formation and its effect on
infiltration as related to soil and rainfall characteristics. Water Resour Res 33:1527.
272 G. Eshel et al.
35. Chefetz B, Mualem T, Ben-Ari J (2008) Sorption and mobility of pharmaceutical compounds in
soil irrigated with reclaimed wastewater. Chemosphere 73:1335–1343.
36. Warrick AW (ed) (2001) Soil physics companion.1st edn. CRC Press
37. Benyamini Y, Mirlas V, Marish S, Gottesman M, Fizik E, Agassi M (2005) A survey of soil
salinity and groundwater level control systems in irrigated fields in the Jezre’el Valley. Israel
Agric Water Manag 76:181–194.
38. Dan Y, Raz Z (1970) The soil Association of Israel
39. Feitelson E, Horowitz-Harel A, Levin N, Mintz Z, Steenekamp G, Zaban S (2021) Haste makes
waste: on the implications of rapid planning in Israel. Land Use Policy 103:105312.
Agricultural Land Degradation in Kenya
Kevin Z. Mganga
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
2 Land Degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
3 Causes of Land Degradation in Arid and Semi-arid Drylands in Kenya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
3.1 Livestock Overgrazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
3.2 Introduction of Exotic Invasive Plant Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
3.3 Soil Nutrient Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
3.4 Climate Variability and Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
3.5 Irrigation Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
3.6 Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
3.7 Increase in Human Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
4 Combating Land Degradation in Kenya: A Historical Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
4.1 The Swynnerton Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
4.2 Sessional Paper No.10 African Socialism and Its Application to Planning in Kenya 286
4.3 National Policy for the Sustainable Development of Arid and Semi-arid Lands
of Kenya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
5 Some Strategies to Combat Degradation in Arid and Semi-arid Drylands in Kenya . . . . . . 287
5.1 Conservation Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
5.2 Dryland Agroforestry Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
5.3 Indigenous Grass Reseeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
5.4 Rangeland Enclosures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Abstract Arid and semi-arid drylands cover approximately over 80% of Kenya’s
landmass and are home to almost 30 and 70% of the human and livestock
populations, respectively. Pastoral livestock–crop production systems constitute
the main economic activity and source of livelihood. In Kenya, land degradation
K. Z. Mganga (✉)
Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, Netherlands, Utrecht
Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
e-mail: [email protected];
Paulo Pereira, Miriam Muñoz-Rojas, Igor Bogunovic, and Wenwu Zhao (eds.), 273
Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation I: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, America
and Oceania, Hdb Env Chem (2023) 120: 273–300, DOI 10.1007/698_2022_929,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022,
Published online: 22 December 2022
274 K. Z. Mganga
1 Introduction
Kenya is located in the tropics at around longitude 34°E–42°E and latitude 5°S–5°N
and can be divided into seven broad agro-climatic zones (ACZ) using a moisture
index based on annual rainfall expressed as a percentage of potential evaporation.
Agro-climatic zones I, II, and III (Table 1, Fig. 1) have an index greater than 50%,
account for about 18% of Kenya’s land area, and have a high potential for cropping.
Agricultural Land Degradation in Kenya 275
The semi-humid to arid regions (zones IV, V, VI, and VII) have indexes of less than
50% [1]. Arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) of Kenya cover over 80% of the
country’s land mass and are home to nearly 30 and 70% of the human and livestock
populations, respectively [2].
Arid and semi-arid drylands in Kenya receive very low and erratic bimodal
rainfall that is highly variable. On average, annual rainfall ranges from 150 to
450 mm and 500 to 850 mm in the arid and semi-arid lands, respectively. However,
these annual rainfall figures can be misleading. This is because rainfall in the ASALs
of Kenya is highly variable in space and time with some years characterized by
above and below average annual rainfall. Subsequently, the inter-annual rainfall in
these environments can vary from 50 to 100% in arid lands and 20–30% in the semi-
arid lands. Abrupt shifts in Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and the arrival of
steady deviate meridional winds like Somali jet in January to February, and in June–
September, contribute to the low rainfall experienced in the ASALs of Kenya
[3]. The ASALs are characterized by high ambient temperatures with a wide diurnal
range. Ninety percent of the arid and semi-arid areas lie below 1,260 m, and mean
276 K. Z. Mganga
annual temperatures range from 22°C to 40°C [1]. In most areas, evapotranspiration
rates are more than twice the annual rainfall.
Dryland soils in Kenya are generally shallow, highly variable, low in fertility, and
subject to compaction, capping, and erosion. Soil nutrient deficiency is one of the
factors that limit cowpea yields in the soils of dryland of eastern Kenya, which are
commonly deficient in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) [4]. Although N and P
contents are often less than optimal, they are considered adequate for plant growth
Agricultural Land Degradation in Kenya 277
and crop production. Few arid and semi-arid lands in Kenya have volcanic soils and
alluvial deposits which are suitable for crop production. For example, in the dry
plains (keew) below the Kerio Valley escarpment the soil parent material is domi-
nated by sandy, silty, or clayey colluvial and alluvial deposits [5]. Moreover, heavy
clays, e.g., Vertisols (black cotton soils), are commonly found in Kenyan drylands.
However, cultivation in such soils remains a challenge because of poor workability
and salinization. In central Turkana, north-western Kenya, soil salinity affects
15–20% of the arid rangelands [6].
Natural vegetation in the ASALs of Kenya is diverse, widely varied, and char-
acterized by open savannahs dominated by perennial and annual herbaceous plants
interspersed with woody tree species, dwarf shrubs, and bush species. Some of the
common woody species with a wide ecological range include Acacia tortilis that
occurs mainly in riparian zones, A. senegal mainly occurring on hilly and rocky sites,
A. reficiens on non-riparian sites with fine soils, and A. drepanolobium in Vertisol-
dominated drylands. Some of the common native perennial grasses that dominate the
herbaceous vegetation layer and are a key source of forage for livestock and wild
herbivores include the drought-tolerant Themeda triandra, Cenchrus ciliaris,
Enteropogon macrostachyus, Eragrostis superba, and Chloris roxburghiana
[7]. In addition to the indigenous plant species, some introduced plant species are
now widespread, modifying the vegetation structure in arid and semi-arid landscapes
in Kenya. For example, the exotic Prosopis juliflora introduced in the Kenyan
drylands to combat desertification has increasingly become an important invader
species especially in the riverine floodplains, along roads and around human
settlement [8].
Generally, four (4) broad land use patterns characterize Kenyan drylands. Pasto-
ralism is the key land use system and dominates in the arid lands. Subsistence
pastoralism puts more emphasis on milk and milk-based diets than meat production.
Pastoralism in the arid drylands is characterized by large livestock (cattle, goat,
sheep, and camel) herds with relative take-off. Traditional nomadic pastoralism has
been found to be less risky than dryland agriculture, more economical and less
harmful to the environment [9]. Rainfed agriculture in these environments is scarce
and erratically practiced, though irrigation may be locally important (ecozones V,
VI, and VII). Pastoral-agricultural interface where pastoral lands have a potential for
cultivation is practiced in ecozones IV, V, and VI, such as the Maasai rangelands.
Commercial livestock ranches are present in a number of land use types, though
most are in the agropastoral and marginal ecozones IV, V, and VI agricultural lands.
Dryland agriculture is found in many ecozones in the Kenya drylands and is
characterized by crop–livestock production, with livestock as an important compo-
nent of land use. The most common crops include different varieties of drought-
tolerant cereals and pulses such as maize, sorghum, millet, beans, cowpeas, pigeon
peas, and mung bean [7]. Additionally, wildlife conservation areas, e.g., national
parks, nature reserves, and conservancies, are largely found in the Kenyan drylands.
This chapter gives an overview of land degradation in Kenya, especially in
dryland environments. The main aims are to (a) discuss the various forms and causes
of land degradation in arid and semi-arid lands in Kenya; (b) outline the historical
278 K. Z. Mganga
perspective of combating land degradation in Kenya; and (c) give a synopsis of some
contemporary soil conservation, rehabilitation, and restoration strategies and actions
being practiced to halt and reverse land degradation in the Kenyan drylands.
2 Land Degradation
In Kenya, land degradation is pronounced mainly in the Eastern and North Eastern
regions [20]. This can probably be due to low and variable rainfall, depleted
vegetation cover during the dry seasons, bare soils, and nature of the terrain that
increases vulnerability to degradation (Fig. 2). The extent of land degradation in the
country is shown in Fig. 3. Land degradation in the arid and semi-arid drylands of
Kenya has been attributed to both climatic and anthropogenic factors, yet it is still
unclear which factor is the main driver of the degradation process. Some researchers
consider climate to be the major contributor to the degradation processes, with
human factors playing a relatively minor supporting role. Other researchers reverse
the significance of these two factors and associate land degradation and erosion in
arid and semi-lands with human activities. A third category of researchers blame
climate and humans more or less equally [13]. The nature of this uncertainty
suggests that the processes that lead to land degradation involve complex interac-
tions between societal factors, e.g., poor land management and increasing population
pressures, and natural climatic factors, e.g., cyclical and short-term droughts [21].
very severe hazard
severe hazard
moderate hazard
slight hazard
very slight hazard
Water body
70 0 70 140 Kilometers
Fig. 2 Land degradation hazard areas in Kenya (Source: Kenya Soil Survey)
intensities around water points create patches of severely degraded soils and vege-
tation that contribute to reduced plant cover, increased exposure of bare soil and
runoff, reduction in rainwater use efficiency, and loss of productivity and diversity.
For example, the degraded semi-arid rangelands of Lake Baringo Basin in Kenya
inhabited by Il Chamus pastoralists are characterized by a lack of vegetation cover,
Agricultural Land Degradation in Kenya 281
Fig. 3 Typical dryland environment in Kenya characterized by depleted vegetation cover and bare
soils (Photo credit: Kevin Z. Mganga)
increased soil erosion, invasion of alien plant species, and bush encroachment,
mainly by Prosopis juliflora [24].
drylands. They are the most widely used and preferred species because of their high-
density heartwood and calorific value. For example, A. nilotica, A. tortilis and
A. xanthophloea have estimated calorific values of 20 MJ kg-1 [26],
19–20 MJ kg-1 [27], and 33 MJ kg-1 [28], respectively. Subsequently, sourcing
charcoal from these dryland zones, which are a major source of charcoal in Kenya,
has contributed to the destruction of the native vegetation leading to severe land
Over the years, the Kenyan government has continually established large-scale
irrigation schemes in the ASALs, e.g., Hola, Perkerra, Bura, Turkana, and more
recently the Galana-Kulalu Food Security Project. Kenya has the third largest
estimated potential for irrigation development (more than 0.5 million ha) in SSA
drylands [36]. Likewise, pastoralists and agropastoralists inhabiting drylands in
Kenya undertake different strategies to manage weather unreliability, thus enhancing
their adaptive capacity to respond to climate variability and change. For example,
since the late 1960s, pastoralists in the dry regions were exposed to and adopted
flood-retreat crop production [37]. These efforts are aimed at addressing the recur-
rent problem of food shortages that cannot be solved through rainfed agricultural
production alone, especially in the drylands, where water scarcity is the main
constraint to agricultural development. Moreover, in these dryland zones, natural
water resources used for irrigation are also predominantly saline [38].
Water logging and irrigation of these drylands have exposed the soils to degra-
dation through salinization [5]. In Kenya, salinization is estimated to affect 30% of
irrigated lands and has contributed to loss of around 27% of irrigated land over the
last century [20, 39]. Salinity is an environmental and economic problem especially
in the drylands as the productivity of soils is gradually reduced by rising saline
groundwater. Furthermore, the use of saline groundwater for irrigation in these
marginal drylands increases the concentration of salts in the rhizosphere, especially
when drainage is restricted and leaching of the salts inadequate. Subsequently, this
forces the rural communities to adjust their enterprise (crop–livestock) mix and/or
invest in mitigation measures at local scale.
284 K. Z. Mganga
Kenya has a long history of activities to combat desertification and mitigate the
effects of drought dating back to the 1940s and has continually made numerous
attempts to rehabilitate degraded drylands. Such initiatives are aimed at increasing
vegetation cover, enhance biodiversity, and provide ecosystem services [45]. The
Kenyan government aimed at trying to reverse the trend of loss of vegetation cover,
which in turn leads to loss of soil fertility and soil erosion. Soil erosion is the single
most visible and notorious form of environmental degradation in the study area.
Agricultural Land Degradation in Kenya 285
Over the past three to four decades, drylands in Kenya have experienced some
unprecedented land degradation [13].
African drylands, similar to those occurring in the arid and semi-arid zones in
Kenya, are especially susceptible to degradation because they have a poor soil
structure, worsened by scarce vegetation cover [14]. Degradation in African dry-
lands is well exemplified by declining soil fertility, loss of soil biodiversity, and soil
erosion [10]. Land degradation in the arid and semi-arid drylands in Kenya has been
extensively considered a major environmental problem [13, 46, 47].
Despite their susceptibility to degradation, arid and semi-arid drylands are resil-
ient ecosystems and thus responsive to restoration and rehabilitation. Past restoration
and rehabilitation programs undertaken in dryland environments in Kenya, e.g.,
Baringo, Machakos, Makueni, and Kitui counties from the 1930s to present, suggest
that many of the degraded sites, if fenced and protected, are likely to recover rather
quickly and dramatically. However, until such measures are taken, many areas will
produce less fodder, food, and other goods and services essential to rural life. Several
bodies including governmental, inter-governmental, non-governmental, and donor
agencies have been involved in community initiatives to combat land degradation in
the arid and semi-arid drylands in Kenya.
The African Land Development Board (ALDEV) was created in 1946 to address
the serious effects of land degradation. The Kenya Rangeland Ecological Monitoring
Unit (KREMU) was established in 1975 to monitor ecological changes in the
drylands. Most activities to combat land degradation in Kenya have fallen short of
the desired expectations because of among other reasons sectoral approach,
uncoordinated funding, inadequate policies, and inadequate involvement of the
local communities and not taking into account the historical background and cogni-
zance of the lessons learnt in the past attempts to combat land degradation in dryland
environments in Kenya.
The management of Kenya’s drylands has been guided by several cross-sectional
policy instruments most of which came to force long before Kenya ratified the
Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD). Kenya ratified the convention in
1997 with a view to joining the World Community to combat desertification and
land degradation. Some of the policy frameworks and instruments include the
Swynnerton Plan (1954), Sessional Paper No. 10 on African Socialism and its
Application to Planning in Kenya (1965), District Focus for Rural Development
(1982), Sessional Paper No. 1 on Economic Management for Renewed Growth
(1986), Development Policy for Arid and Semi-arid Areas (1992), the National
Environmental Action Plan (1994), Sessional Paper No. 1 (1994) on Recovery and
Sustainable Development to the year 2010, National Development Plans for
1974–1979, 1980–1984, 1985–1989, 1990–1992, 1993–1997, and 1998–2002,
Sessional Paper No. 6 on Environment and Development (1999), Poverty Reduction
Strategy Paper (2001), and National Policy for the Sustainable Development of Arid
and Semi-arid Lands of Kenya (2004). The listed and other policy frameworks and
instruments are available in the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and
Analysis Public Policy Repository (KIPPRA PPR)
handle/123456789/17 website. Out of all these policy instruments, the following
have had the greatest impact.
286 K. Z. Mganga
During the colonial period, much of Kenya was divided into independent reserves
and high potential areas for colonial settlement agriculture. The persistent low
productivity on the reserves and a growing political insurrection in some parts of
Kenya led to a liberal proposal for land-tenure reform, which continues to shape the
evolving landscape in Ukambani and all of Kenya. The Swynnerton Plan of 1954
was supposed to address African land problems by reforming land tenure, consol-
idating fragmented holdings, issuing freehold title, intensifying and developing
African agriculture, providing access to credit, and removing restrictions on growing
crops for export. It consisted of a three-phase program:
1. Land adjudication to “phase out” customary tenure
2. Land consolidation into one block per household to eliminate small, dispersed
parcels, to allow greater specialization, and to realize economies of scale in cash
crop production
3. Land registration to provide for security of ownership and to establish a land
Overall, the aim was to facilitate increased investment and employment in
agriculture and to increase rural incomes and the “productivity” of land [48]. The
plan was predicated on an assumption that explicitly “successful” or wealthy African
farmers would “be able to acquire more land and bad or poor farmers less, creating a
landed and a landless class.”
The Swynnerton Plan emphasized the need to de-stock the pastoralists in the
marginal areas and introduce grazing control. In addition, it also aimed at providing
the African farmer with secure title to private property so as to encourage him invest
his labor and profits into the development of his farm. This minimized the destruc-
tion of the environment, thus combating land degradation. (KIPPRA PPR http://
This Sessional Paper was drafted immediately after independence to facilitate the
so-called Africanization of the Kenyan economy and public service. It was aimed at
ensuring a rapid economic development and social progress for all Kenyans. In the
phrase “African Socialism,” the word “African” was not introduced to describe a
continent to which a foreign ideology was to be transplanted. It was meant to convey
the African roots of a system that was in itself African in its characteristics. African
Socialism is a term describing an African political and economic system that is
positively African not being imported from any country or being a blueprint of any
foreign ideology. The principal conditions the system had to satisfy were to draw on
Agricultural Land Degradation in Kenya 287
the best of the African traditions, be adaptable to new and rapidly changing circum-
stances, and not rest for its success on a satellite relationship with any other country
or group of countries. Under African socialism, the power to control resource use
resided with the state. Idle and mismanaged farms owned by the Kenyan citizens or
foreigners were not permitted. Production and yields were also influenced by
government extension officers and research. All this ensured the conservation of
our heritage for the future generations through the adoption and implementation of
policies designed to conserve natural resources. (KIPPRA PPR
intercropping [49], has demonstrated to have great potential for combating land
degradation in crop lands. These agronomic practices result in better soil structure
and have higher SOC compared to conventional tillage practice, especially at the top
soil depths [50]. Moreover, SOM accumulation under no tillage compared to
conventional tillage practices contributes to important improvements in soil quality,
soil fertility, and C sequestration. Therefore, conservation agricultural practices have
a great potential to combat land degradation in dryland cropping systems in Kenya,
characterized by poor soil structure.
A larger percentage of dry aggregates and less wind erodible fraction in no-tillage
practices decrease wind erosion. Erosion by water can also be reduced dramatically
due to the effects of conservation agriculture practices on soil properties and
processes that enhance rainwater infiltration and reduce surface runoff [49]. Higher
macro-aggregates and aggregation indices have been observed in no-till and com-
pared to conventional tillage systems in semi-arid environment in Kenya demon-
strate the potential of conservation agriculture in controlling soil erosion and
enhancing soil water content [51]. Furthermore, no tillage with residue retention
has also contributed to high soil water content and nitrogen use efficiency in a
dryland environment in Kenya similar to other regions in sub-Saharan Africa where
conservation agriculture-based practices have been reported to improve soil water
retention [52, 53].
Intercropping cereals and legumes is a critical component of conservation agri-
culture. This is because it contributes toward reversing land degradation and increas-
ing food production in arid and semi-arid regions in Kenya. Intercropping has been
identified as a sustainable agronomic strategy that offers greater stability than
monocropping in terms of enhancing soil fertility and crop yields [54]. Cajanus
cajan (L.) Millsp. (pigeonpea) has demonstrated a great potential for intercropping
with drought-tolerant varieties of cereal crops such as Zea mays (L.) (maize),
Sorghum bicolor (L.) (sorghum), Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. (pearl millet),
and Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. (finger millet) in the Kenyan drylands. This is
mainly attributed to its drought tolerance and contribution to household nutrition,
income generation, and enhanced crop productivity [55, 56]. Additionally, C. cajan
is incorporated in intercropping systems because of its slow initial growth, ability to
maintain growth and produce grain much later after harvesting the cereal crop, high
N-fixing capacity, and mineralization of sparingly soluble P on degraded sites
[57]. Three pigeonpea varieties fixed 60–70 kg N ha-1 in a maize–pigeonpea
intercropping system in semi-arid Kenya [58]. In another study in semi-arid
Kenya, pigeonpea–maize intercrop recycled 27 kg N and 1.6 kg P ha-1 annually
[55]. Incorporation of pigeonpea in intercropping systems has the ability to biolog-
ically fix N in small-scale croplands across different soil types and rehabilitate
degraded soils through input of 70–100 kg of N per hectare annually [57]. In another
study, cowpea fixed 50% of their N, and so provided a net input of N into a maize–
cowpea intercrop system in four growing seasons in a dryland zone in Kenya
[59]. These studies demonstrate that intercropping cereals and legumes, e.g., pigeon
peas and cowpeas, could ameliorate N deficiency that is a primary limiting factor for
crop production in the arid and semi-arid zones in Kenya.
Agricultural Land Degradation in Kenya 289
Crop rotations, i.e., the sequential and systematic cultivation of crops in succes-
sion, also play a key role in conservation agriculture. Adoption of crop rotations has
mainly been linked to its contribution to increased crop yield attributed to increased
soil fertility (notably rotations incorporating legumes), enhanced soil structure, and
pest and weed control [60]. Crop rotations with drought-tolerant annual legumes,
e.g., Vigna unguiculata (cowpeas), have the potential to increase soil N concentra-
tion through biological N-fixation in arid and semi-arid zones in Kenya. Previous
studies have demonstrated that inorganic fertilizers or organic manure do not solve
the challenges of soil degradation and nutrient depletion unless when used in
combination with other agronomic practices [61, 62]. Crop rotations of lablab/
pigeon pea or a cowpea/pigeon pea combination with maize or sorghum on an
infertile soil in semi-arid zone in Kenya gave an extra grain production of
300–400 kg ha-1 and the legumes contributed about 40 kg N ha-1 [63]. These
studies demonstrate that conservation agriculture agronomic practices have great
potential to mitigate the impacts of soil nutrient depletion and contribute to combat-
ing land degradation in arid and semi-arid drylands in Kenya.
Senna siamea and mulch have demonstrated to be the most effective system in
reducing soil loss from just over 100 to only 2 t ha-1 and runoff from just below
100 to 20 mm as compared to a maize and cowpea monocropping system in a semi-
arid environment in southeastern Kenya [66]. Nutrient cycling in an agroforestry
system with runoff irrigation in an arid environment in Kenya demonstrated that the
incorporation of Acacia saligna trees into cropland diminished nutrient leaching
compared to S. bicolor monocropping system, leading to a higher nutrient use
efficiency [67].
Additionally, tree species native to arid and semi-arid drylands in Kenya and
incorporated in dryland agroforestry systems, e.g., Acacia senegal, A. nilotica,
A. seyal, A. tortilis, and Salvadora persica, have displayed sustained growth and
great potential in rehabilitating sites affected by soil salinity in the arid zone of
central Turkana, north-western Kenya [6]. Studies from other drylands regions in
Eastern Africa have also demonstrated the great potential of agroforestry systems in
combating land degradation and enhancing soil fertility. Incorporation of A. senegal,
in the traditional dryland agroforestry systems in Sudan, has contributed to approx-
imately 217 and 1,500 kg ha–1 of K and soil organic carbon (SOC), respectively, to
the top 25 cm of soil during the first four years of intercropping with food crops such
as sorghum and sesame [68]. Likewise, agroforestry systems in Tigray regions,
Northern Ethiopia, displayed the highest SOC associated with microaggregates
(2 × 6 g kg-1) compared to rainfed cultivation, open pasture, silvopasture, and
irrigation agriculture systems, an indication of its potential to stabilize SOC more
than the other land uses [69].
Reseeding using indigenous perennial grasses has been used as a strategy to combat
land degradation in arid and semi-arid drylands in Kenya (Fig. 4). Perennial grasses,
e.g., Chloris roxburghiana Schult., Cenchrus ciliaris L., Enteropogon
macrostachyus (Hochst. Ex A. Rich.) Monro ex Benth., Eragrostis superba Peyr.,
Chloris gayana Knuth., Panicum coloratum L., Sorghum sudanense (P.) Stapf., and
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., are among the commonly used native species for
reseeding Kenyan drylands. Morphometric characteristics of selected perennial
grasses used for reseeding Kenyan dryland environments are shown in Table 2.
Selection of these species has been informed by their ability to tolerate drought,
produce biomass of good quantity and forage value, produce an adequate amount of
viable seed which can be easily harvested and easily established, tolerate grazing
pressure, and establish fast during spells of favorable climatic conditions. For
example, in order to take advantage of the low and sporadic rainfall in the arid and
semi-arid zones in Kenya, C. ciliaris, and C. roxburghiana have a high concentra-
tion of root biomass (about 75%) in the upper 0–30 cm soil depth [70, 71].
Agricultural Land Degradation in Kenya 291
Fig. 4 Chloris gayana cv. Boma Rhodes established in a semi-arid landscape in Kenya (Photo
credit: Kevin Z. Mganga)
Table 2 Morphometric characteristics of selected perennial grasses used for reseeding Kenyan
dryland environments
Perennial grasses native to Kenyan drylands
Cenchrus Enteropogon Eragrostis Chloris Chloris
Plant trait ciliaris macrostachyus superba roxburghiana gayana
Distribution 0–2,000 m 300–1,600 m 0–2,000 m 30–1,500 m 0–2,400 m
a.s.l. a.s.l a.s.l. a.s.l a.s.l.
Leaf blades 15–30 cm 10–60 cm long Up to 40 cm 15–30 cm 12–50 cm
long 2–10 mm wide long long long
3–8 mm 3–12 mm 3–6 mm wide 10–20 mm
wide wide wide
Stem 1–2 mm 1–2 mm wide 2–3 mm 2–3 mm wide 4–5 mm
thickness wide wide wide
Plant height 20–150 cm 30–100 cm 20–120 cm 40–150 cm 50–220 cm
Rooting Up to Up to Up to 100 cm Up to
depth 240 cm 220 cm 470 cm
Inflorescence Panicle 2– Spike 8–20 cm Panicle 10– Spike 6– Racemes 4–
14 cm long long 30 cm long 18 cm long 15 cm long
Optimal 300– 550–800 mm 500–900 mm 500–625 mm 600–750 mm
annual 750 mm
% Crude Up to 10% 9–12% Up to 15% Up to 16% Up to 10%
Source: Bogdan and Pratt [86]
292 K. Z. Mganga
Fig. 5 Trench to harvest rainwater and enhance the establishment of grasses native to Kenyan
drylands (Photo credit: Kevin Z. Mganga)
Enclosing rangelands for rehabilitating degraded arid and semi-arid grazing lands
involves closing off the denuded and depleted sections from livestock and wildlife
disturbance for at least 3 successive years, to allow the natural vegetation to
regenerate. This is an integrated landscape approach that offers numerous environ-
mental benefits, notably soil stabilization, enhanced hydrological cycles, soil nutri-
ents recharge and exchange, and C storage on a landscape level [76]. Previous
studies in the arid and semi-arid rangelands in Kenya have shown that enclosure
owners benefit from ecosystem services such as improved water infiltration and
retention, soil fertility, and erosion control [77, 78]. This rangeland rehabilitation
strategy and approach mimics the traditional nomadic pastoralism where designated
dry season pastures were set aside and not grazed. However, the shrinking rangeland
resource base and increased land use pressure have made the traditional annual
deferred grazing system among pastoralists challenging and increasingly difficult to
implement if not impossible. Subsequently, pastoralists in arid and semi-arid zones
in Kenya are using fences (e.g., live cacti, or cut Acacia thorn-bushes fences) to
enclose sections of their rangelands to rehabilitate and restore degraded patches.
Rangeland enclosures are increasingly becoming popular among pastoral commu-
nities for the rehabilitation of degraded arid and semi-arid lands in Africa [79]. This
is because enhanced vegetation cover in established enclosures is increasing soil
cover, thus minimizing loss of soil moisture through evapotranspiration, and enhanc-
ing soil water infiltration, thus reducing runoff and soil erosion. Moreover, deposi-
tion of plant litter and C storage have also enhanced soil fertility, hence increasing
rangeland productivity.
Approximately 38 communal enclosures covering a land area of about 1,496 ha
and well over 700 private enclosures ranging in size from 05 to 20 ha in the whole
Lake Baringo basin have been established [46]. Studies have shown that communal
and private enclosures enhance soil chemical and biological properties [77, 80,
81]. Both communal and private enclosures significantly increased organic C and
total N contents compared to open semi-arid rangelands in Lake Baringo basin. A
previous study demonstrated that organic soil C contents in an open semi-arid
294 K. Z. Mganga
rangeland increased from 3.91 to 5.60 and 3.69 to 9.20 mg C g-1 soil in the private
and communal enclosures, respectively. Similarly, total soil N contents in the same
rangeland increased from 0.41 mg N g-1 soil to 0.61 and 0.75 mg N g-1 soil in the
private and communal enclosures, respectively [77]. Soil microbial biomass C
content of 99.8 and 137.8 μg C g-1 soil in private and communal enclosures,
respectively, was significantly higher compared to 58 μg C g-1 soil recorded in
the open rangeland. Likewise, communal (61.7 μg N g-1 soil) and private
(39.5 μg N g-1 soil) enclosures had higher microbial biomass N content than open
rangeland of up to 30.0 μg N g-1 soil [77]. However, a 23-year chronosequence
analysis of communal and private enclosures in a degraded semi-arid rangeland in
Kenya demonstrated that soil health generally improved at a slow rate with time and
that the level of biochemical indicators of soil quality, e.g., soil microbial biomass,
obtained under both enclosure systems was still low [81]. Subsequently, this obser-
vation highlights the significance of continuous monitoring of livestock grazing and
forage harvesting in rangeland enclosures to ensure sustainable utilization of grazing
resources and combat degradation in arid and semi-arid zones in Kenya.
Similar studies in the Ethiopian drylands have also demonstrated that ecological
sustainability is the main reason for the establishment of rangeland enclosures
[82, 83]. In the Ethiopian drylands, enclosures are a form of diversification to an
alternative source of livelihood and a coping strategy among pastoralists against the
highly variable rangeland forage resource base. Borana pastoralists in southern
Ethiopia use enclosures as dry season grazing reserves for lactating cows, calves,
and sick and/or weak livestock. Similar to the Kenyan drylands, a high prevalence of
community enclosures and the trend toward setting up of new ones is increasing
among the Borana in southern Ethiopia [84].
6 Conclusions
Soil and land degradation characterized by soil erosion, depletion of soil nutrients,
and decline in fertility depicted by deficiencies in micro- and macronutrients limits
primary production and biological processes such as N-fixation. Despite these
inherent challenges in Kenyan arid and semi-arid drylands, sustainable land man-
agement practices have demonstrated great potential to combat soil degradation.
Conservation agriculture, dryland agroforestry, native grass reseeding, and range-
land enclosures are strategies that can halt and reverse the land degradation process
and mitigate the impacts of climate change and variability in these dryland environ-
ments. These approaches contribute to sustainable crop and livestock production
through increasing and maintaining vegetation cover, rehabilitating soil
hydrophysical properties, increasing rainwater use efficiency, and enhancing soil
Despite their significant contribution in combating soil and land degradation,
these strategies might also pose a threat to agroecosystem goods and services. For
instance, agroforestry systems have resulted in the reduction in crop yields in
Agricultural Land Degradation in Kenya 295
Kenyan drylands. This has been attributed to the competitive advantage trees and
shrubs have over food crops for light, water, and nutrients. Such emerging chal-
lenges offer researchers and other stakeholders with an excellent opportunity to
investigate how existing and new sustainable land management practices can best be
adapted to specific local, national, and regional contexts. Ideally, the choice and
adoption of these sustainable land management practices at farm and/or agricultural
landscape level should largely be informed by the anticipated short- and long-term
benefits vis-à-vis the potential trade-offs. Thus, there is a need to appreciate and
comprehend the complexities of using sustainable land management practices to
effectively combat land degradation. To achieve this, further research should aim to
identify and develop suitable solutions that will not only prevent and reverse land
degradation but also improve crop yields and increase resilience of land-based
production systems.
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Agricultural Land Degradation in Mexico
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
2 Agriculture in Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
2.1 Traditional Farming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
2.2 Intensive Industrial Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
3 The Soils of Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
4 The Health of Mexican Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
4.1 Physical Degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
4.2 Chemical Degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
4.3 Water and Wind Erosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
5 Examples of Soil Degradation Across Mexican Ecoregions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
5.1 Mexican Temperate Highlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
5.2 Tropical and Subtropical Dry Forests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
5.3 Degradation of North American Deserts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
6 Sustainable Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Abstract Mexico is one of the most diverse countries on Earth and is a centre of
origin for many major global crops, including bean, cotton, chilli, pumpkin, and
avocado. During the past decades, a growing demand for food has promoted clearing
N. S. Santini (✉)
Cátedra Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, Ciudad de México, México
Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México, México
e-mail: [email protected]
A. P. Cuervo-Robayo
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, Ciudad de México,
M. F. Adame
Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University, Nathan, QLD, Australia
Paulo Pereira, Miriam Muñoz-Rojas, Igor Bogunovic, and Wenwu Zhao (eds.), 301
Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation I: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, America
and Oceania, Hdb Env Chem (2023) 120: 301–324, DOI 10.1007/698_2022_915,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022,
Published online: 6 December 2022
302 N. S. Santini et al.
and conversion of Mexican forests to arable land, the irrigation of arid regions using
limited water resources and the transition of traditional farming practices to more
intensive agricultural practices. This rapid conversion of natural ecosystems and
poor agricultural practices have caused a marked decline in the soil health, including
physical and chemical degradation as well as water and wind erosion. This deteri-
oration in soil health results in a loss of microbial biodiversity, organic and mineral
nutrients and water. Here, we describe how different agricultural practices have
impacted the range of soil types across the diverse Mexican ecoregions. Despite the
negative impact, the Mexican government has proposed to expand and intensify
agriculture to increase crop output. Unless new policy regulations, such as the
supervision of chemical and fertilizer use, are urgently applied, this expansion and
intensification in agriculture will further reduce soil health, resulting in further losses
to biodiversity and environmental services upon which Mexican agriculture ulti-
mately depends.
1 Introduction
Soils are one Earth’s essential resource and provide a substrate for plant growth,
storage of water and nutrients and a habitat for a vast diversity of organisms. Soils
provide critical services to humans, including supporting the agricultural production
of crops and food. However, soil is a finite resource, and its structure, nutrients and
organisms and biodiversity can be lost [1]. Accordingly, the sustainable manage-
ment of soil health is necessary to assure these essential environmental services, that
are needed for human well-being and prosperity.
The health of soil is the result of physical, chemical and biological properties.
Physical properties include the texture and structure of the soil. Healthy soils are
porous, allowing the exchange of gases and water with the environment and the
movement of organisms and the growth of plant roots [2, 3]. The chemical properties
of soil include characteristics such as soil pH and cation exchange capacity, impor-
tant for the retention of nutrients, with carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus especially
important to support plant growth [4, 5]. Finally, the biological properties of a
healthy soil include the diverse range of biota that reside within the soil, including
bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, earthworms and arthropods. Soil biota has
many key roles in soil health, including degrading and releasing nutrients from
organic detritus, converting pesticides and improving soil structure [3, 6].
Agricultural practices have indelibly altered the landscape of Mexico. Between
2001 and 2018, Mexico lost 42,785 ha of primary forest per year due to conversion
to agricultural land. An additional 157,528 ha per year of forests was converted to
grasslands for cattle ranching and 6,035 ha per year to human settlements [7]. As
Agricultural Land Degradation in Mexico 303
expected, this conversion of natural ecosystem has also had a major impact on soil
composition and health.
A decline in soil health can result in the loss of biodiversity, nutrients and water
and limits the environmental services provided by soil, e.g. [8, 9]. Soil degradation
can result from poor land management, soil compaction, erosion and pollution
[10]. Unsustainable agricultural practices, deforestation and losses of vegetative
cover can intensify erosion, whilst fertilizers and pesticides can pollute the soils
and groundwater [11]. Here, we review the type and health of Mexican soils, and the
impact of agriculture and pastoral land use upon them. We provide examples from
across Mexico that demonstrate how unsustainable agricultural practices can lead to
physical and chemical degradation and erosion and discuss sustainable strategies for
managing the health of Mexican soils.
2 Agriculture in Mexico
Throughout Mexican history, traditional farming practices have been used to pro-
duce agricultural goods. Over 80% of Mexico’s agricultural land has been
304 N. S. Santini et al.
Fig. 1 Photographs showing examples of soils, farming practices and ecoregions throughout
Mexico. (a) Traditional agriculture in the tropical and subtropical dry forests of Chiapas, Mexico.
Tzotzil indigenous groups use crop rotation of maize, pumpkin and bean as well as other crops such
as chilli and soursop. (b) Expansion of maize fields results in a mosaic landscape of secondary
vegetation in Chiapas. (c) Land abandonment in the tropical and subtropical dry forests of Yucatán
during the rainy season, when shrubby secondary vegetation flourishes. (d) Conversion to agricul-
tural land in the Northern deserts of Coahuila, Mexico. (e) Conversion of temperate forests to
avocado orchards in Michoacán, Mexico. (f) Conversion of tropical and subtropical dry forests to
peanut and papaya farms within the Oaxacan coast. (g) Wood harvesting and deforestation in
Yucatán, Mexico. (h) Natural vegetation of the Cuatro Ciénegas Flora and Fauna Conservation
Area. (i) Intensive alfalfa farms in the Cuatro Ciénegas Basin. Photographs courtesy of Giezi
Anthony Gálvez (a, b); Anaitzi Rivero-Villar (c, g); Frédérique Reverchon (e); Nadia S. Santini
(f) and Pamela Chávez-Ortíz (d, h, i)
campesinos have selected maize varieties to grow from sea level to highlands and
from tropical humid environments to semi-arid conditions, resulting in the diver-
gence of at least 59 different maize-landraces [17]. Traditionally, Mexican farmers
also store and share seeds among themselves, and by using and planting seeds from
heterogeneous sources, campesinos secure a yield even under adverse environmental
conditions. These traditional practices, that result in differing genetic crop varieties,
may also ensure future food security, particularly when considering uncertain future
environmental changes [18].
The impact of traditional campesino farms on soil health has been mixed.
Traditional farming typically uses crop rotation to maintain nutrients within soils
and to keep soils healthy, as well as using of local pollination and pest controls
[19]. However, traditional farming has historically used slash-and-burn clearing to
convert natural lands to agriculture. Slash-and-burn practices consist of clearing
small land areas with fire, after which the burnt area is farmed for 2–3 more years,
and then abandoned for one to two more decades (Fig. 1b, c) [20].
Slash-and-burn clearance, followed by intensive tillage can quickly drain soil
health. The deforestation and clearance of vegetation disrupts soil structure, partic-
ularly the most fertile top 20 cm, and exposes soils to wind and water erosion. The
exposure of topsoil can result in the loss of water and nutrients and the release of
greenhouse gases during burning. This practice also initiates over 40% of the bush
fires across Mexico [12]. Given the negative impacts of traditional slash-and-burn
clearing on the Mexican forests and soils, the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural
Development (SADER by its Spanish acronym) launched a program called ‘Mi
parcela no se quema’ (in English ‘My agricultural land does not burn’) to promote
alternative practices among campesinos in 2020. These practices include retaining
the vegetative remnants after the harvest, and as such maintaining soil moisture,
nutrients and carbon within soils.
Chihuahua, the Rio Conchos watershed has been extensively modified for irrigated
cultivation of cotton, pecan nuts and sorghum. These crops were strategically
selected for domestic and international markets by the National Agricultural Pro-
gram 2017–2030 and are farmed on large-scale mechanized farms. Mexico is now
the second largest exporter of pecan nuts, mostly to China, whilst cotton production,
which has doubled in the Sonoran Desert and quadrupled in the Chihuahuan Desert,
is largely exported to the United States of America (USA) and countries from the
European Union. The increase in sorghum production is the result of a national
program to promote bioethanol making [12], and an increase in demand for fodder
for cattle raised in other regions of Mexico [22, 23].
This expansion of industrial farming in Mexico over the past decades has driven
increasing demand for agricultural land, with large areas of primary forests and arid
and semi-arid grasslands and shrublands cleared for farming in northern Mexico
(Fig. 1d). This loss of the vegetative cover is a primary cause of soil erosion in these
regions [7, 24] whilst the extensive irrigation of crops in arid and semi-arid Mexico
has also led to salinization of large dryland areas [25, 26]. Due to the use of heavy
mechanized machinery, intensive agriculture also leads to soil compaction, and soils
with high bulk density, impeding root and plant growth and resulting in lower yields.
Intensive agriculture has also caused chemical degradation of soils with extensive
and often unregulated use of chemical fertilizers and herbicides. For example,
Mexico only recently started to decrease the use of glyphosate in farming, despite
the known impact of this herbicide on soil and human health, e.g. [27]. Glyphosate
has long residence times within soils and disrupts soil nutrient dynamics and soil
microbial communities. In northern Mexico, glyphosate use has caused a decrease in
cyanobacteria from soil [24]. Given that cyanobacteria fix nitrogen and promote
plant root growth, the removal of these microbes has required farmers to increase the
use of fertilizers. Other pollutants, such as organophosphates, are also continuously
added to soils in farms and can be carried through run-off to pollute groundwater
reservoirs [28]. For example, the Yucatán Peninsula coastal water and groundwater
has been found to be polluted with glyphosate and other herbicides from
farming [27].
Mexico straddles the Pacific and North American tectonic plates and has a complex,
mountainous topography that harbours a diversity of environments. The major
mountain ranges, including the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Sierra Madre
Oriental, extend in parallel down the spine of the country, generating a diversity of
landscapes, rock and soil types across the coastal plains and interior of the country,
whilst the Yucatán Peninsula has a unique Karst limestone geography [29].
This diverse landscape has resulted in a range of different soils being developed.
The major soil types in Mexico include Leptosols (28.3% of the territory), Regosols
(13.7%), Phaeozems (11.7%), Calcisols (10.4%), Luvisols (9%) and Vertisols
Agricultural Land Degradation in Mexico 307
Fig. 2 Soil types of Mexico and degree of degradation by state. (a) The major soil types in Mexico
include Leptosols (28.3% of the territory), Regosols (13.7%), Phaeozems (11.7%), Calcisols
(10.4%), Luvisols (9%) and Vertisols (8.6%). (b) Degree of degradation across Mexican states.
(c) Degraded soil across Mexican ecoregions [30–32]
(8.6%) (Fig. 2a [30]). Much (52.4%) of the country is covered by shallow and poorly
developed Leptosols, Regosols and Calcisols (20 million ha) that are vulnerable to
erosion and degradation. Alternatively, Phaeozems, Vertisols and Luvisols are more
fertile, but are threatened by intensive agricultural use.
The Leptosols, which are common across the Sierra Madre Occidental and the
Sierra Madre Oriental mountain slopes, as well as the karstic environment of the
Yucatán Peninsula [33, 34], have a shallow profile (typically less of 25 cm depth),
contain large amount of rocks and are typically poorly developed, with low organic
308 N. S. Santini et al.
and nutrient content. Given their poor development, these soils are vulnerable to
rapid degradation, erosion and desiccation.
Regosols are a heterogeneous group of soils that are distributed throughout
Mexico, but particularly predominant in Baja California and the Sierra Madre del
Sur. Regosols are also poorly developed, with large rock and mineral content and
low clay content. These soils have a low capacity to retain water and organic matter.
Calcisols occur within the arid and semi-arid regions of Mexico and are rich in
secondary carbonates. Given the large amounts of rock fragments, dry content and
the shallow profile, these soils are vulnerable to erosion and are not typically suitable
for agriculture. However, in Mexico these soils have been used for agricultural
activities throughout intensive irrigation [33, 35].
Phaeozems soils develop from unconsolidated sediment in humid tropical and
temperate conditions, where plant growth promotes the accumulation of organic
matter within the top soil layers. Phaeozems are highly used in rainfed agriculture,
which can result in water and wind erosion [33, 35]. Luvisols form from unconsol-
idated materials and are associated with temperate or tropical climates, such as the
highlands from Oaxaca and the humid tropical forests of Chiapas. Most Luvisols in
Mexico are rich in carbon and exhibit low contents of calcium and magnesium and
are largely used for planting forage crops [35]. Vertisols occur across the fertile Gulf
Coast of Mexico and cover patches in Tamaulipas, Sonora and Sinaloa. These soils
are also common in the grasslands of Campeche and Tabasco. Vertisols are over
25 cm deep and exhibit over 30% of clay content. Vertisols are one of the most
productive agricultural soils in Mexico as they can retain water and are characterized
by a high fertility [36].
Andosols only cover 1.3% of the Mexican land, however, these soils are impor-
tant in Mexico because they originate from volcanic ashes. This material rapidly
forms secondary minerals, such as allophane or Al-humic complexes, that form
stable compounds with organic matter thereby protecting it from degradation.
Andosols are mostly distributed throughout the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt and
are widely exploited for agricultural activities and forestry [35, 37].
Fig. 3 Type of degradation across Mexican states and ecoregions. (a) Type of degradation across
Mexican states [30, 32]. (b) Type of degradation across Mexican ecoregions [30, 31]
The physical properties of soil include texture, which refers to the size of the soil
particles, and structure, the manner in which soil particles are aggregated. These
properties are partly a result of soil particle size (rock, sand, silt and clay), as well as
organic components and microbial activity that can aggregate together soil
particles [5].
A healthy soil that supports plant growth is usually porous, allowing an exchange
of gases with the atmosphere, and the ability of water to infiltrate and drain freely
through the soil, whilst resisting erosion. However, soil physical degradation by
compaction results in poor water filtration and drainage and reduced water retention
with greater run-off [2, 5].
Approximately 6% of the Mexican territory (10.9 million ha) is impacted by some
degree of physical degradation (Fig. 3a, b). In Mexico, physical degradation due to
soil compaction is largely due to high traffic from grazing animals and mechanized
tractors that compress the soil [31]. For example, compaction, flooding and land
subsidence are apparent in the Gulf Coastal Plain of Mexico. In this Coastal Plain,
the natural forests have been converted to grasslands for cattle ranching and lands for
310 N. S. Santini et al.
sugarcane production. As a result, Vertisols have lost their capacity to retain water
and have become highly eroded [36, 38].
Tillage refers to the digging, stirring and overturning of soil to reduce compaction
and is often used in agriculture to physically prepare soil before planting crops.
Whilst important, excessive tillage is also harmful to soil health as it disrupts the
soil’s physical properties, including fragmenting soil aggregates and breaking apart
the plant roots and fungal mycorrhizal networks that bind together soil aggregates.
Tillage can also reduce the coverage of soils by plant residues and top-cover, thereby
exposing soils to erosion and exposing underground organic matter to oxidation,
which is then rapidly decomposed and lost, and must be subsequently replaced by
input organic matter. For example, farming of maize and wheat in the highlands of
Central Mexico uses mechanical tillage that quickly exhausts the organic content of
the soils. Accordingly, tillage must be performed carefully and sustainably to ensure
soil health [39, 40].
Erosion results in the removal of soil mass, organic matter and nutrients that would
be otherwise available to support plant growth. Water erosion occurs when raindrops
displace soil particles, and flowing surface water removes soil particles, along with
nutrients and organic matter. In addition to removing soil, water erosion can change
soil properties, such as texture, structure and nutrient retention, and damage infra-
structure and waterways, e.g. [44]. Sites at higher risk of water erosion are those at
steep gradients, intense cropping and regions subject to extreme climatic events.
Whilst soil erosion is a natural process, it can be accelerated by poor land manage-
ment. For example, excessive tillage can remove crop residue cover, leaving soils more
exposed to water erosion. Practices that increase the water infiltration of soil, such as
cover cropping and tile drainage, can reduce run-off and limit the impact of water
erosion. Practices that slow run-off, such as terraces and buffer strips, also promote the
deposition and capture of suspended sediment before it leaves the field [45].
Water erosion is a pressing issue in Mexico, with almost 12% of the territory
(22.73 million ha) impacted by this process (Fig. 3a, b). Water erosion is particularly
important in the state of Guerrero on the Southwest Pacific (32% of its land),
however, the impact of water erosion is also broadly apparent across the Sierra
Madre Occidental, the state of Chihuahua and the state of Durango.
Strong wind blowing across light textured soils can also remove soil particles and
result in wind erosion. Sites that have little vegetation cover, low humidity and are
subject to strong winds are all vulnerable to erosion. Nationally, 18.12 million ha
(9.5%) of Mexican territory is impacted by wind erosion, with arid regions, such as
Chihuahua in the Northern plains of Mexico, particularly affected [30, 31]. An effective
method to mitigate wind erosion is to build and maintain vegetative cover. Trees and
shrubs can reduce wind speed, contribute to biodiversity, provide shelter for livestock
and protect from desiccation from the wind. The maintenance of crop residues and
stubble cover due to reduced tillage can also protect soil against wind erosion [46].
The abandonment of the lands used to previously grow alfalfa, oranges, beans, peas
and corn in the Baja California Peninsula has led to wind erosion problems and even the
formation of active sand dunes. This impact of wind erosion is particularly significant in
the Vizcaino Desert and the region bordering the Pacific Ocean on the Plains of
Magdalena. The ongoing wind erosion in Baja California results in the constant removal
and deposition of sediments and prevents establishment of vegetation coverage and the
accumulation of organic matter, and thereby limiting further soil development [47].
Mexico can be broadly categorized into seven ecoregions according to the climate,
physiography, and assemblages of vegetation and faunal communities. These
ecoregions include: (1) the great plains, (2) the southern semi-arid highlands,
312 N. S. Santini et al.
Fig. 4 Mexico largely encompasses seven ecoregions according to the climate, physiography and
assemblages of vegetation and faunal communities. (a) Ecoregions across Mexican states. (b)
Agricultural and urban areas that occur within each ecoregion for 2007, 2012 and 2015 [30, 32,
48, 49]
(3) the North American deserts, (4) tropical and subtropical dry forests, (5) Mediter-
ranean California, (6) temperate highlands and (7) the tropical and subtropical moist
forests. Here, we describe examples of how agriculture impacts soil health across
iconic Mexican ecoregions (Fig. 4a).
Agricultural Land Degradation in Mexico 313
Temperate highland forests cover almost a quarter of the Mexican landscape, over
43 million ha, and are dominated by conifer (e.g. Pinus spp., Abies spp., Juniperus
deppeana) and broadleaf trees (e.g. Quercus castanea, Q. rugosa, Q. crassipes).
These highlands extend from 1,000 m above sea level (masl) up to 3,700 masl, where
the subalpine grasslands start [37, 50]. These forests are distributed within the Sierra
Madre Occidental, Sierra Madre Oriental, the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, the
Sierra Madre del Sur and across the highlands from Chiapas (Fig. 4a).
Mexican temperate highlands are habitat to over 7,000 plant species, including
endemic pine (46) and oak (109) species, and are a priority ecoregion for global
conservation [51]. This ecoregion is the habitat of a large number of iconic animals,
including the hibernation site of the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) [50]. The
temperate highland forests also provide key environmental services to large rural and
urban Mexican populations that live within adjacent valleys, where they are key to
ensuring soil fertility to adjacent agricultural lands, carbon sequestration and water
The Mexican temperate highland regions retain a range of soils, from Andosols
that result from volcanic ash with low-bulk densities and high organic matter content
to Leptosols that are composed of coarse materials and especially susceptible to
erosion and desiccation. Phaeozems, Cambisols, Regosols and Luvisols are also
common across these highlands [52].
Despite their importance, more than 50% of the original Mexican temperate
forests have been deforested for agricultural use, cattle ranching and human settle-
ments (Fig. 4b). Much of the agricultural land that has been converted from
temperate forests is for maize production which has increased in response to a
growing population, as well as increasing demand for use as poultry feed
[53, 54]. Felled timber from the forests is used for fuel, construction or manufactur-
ing [55, 56]. Other common crops across the temperate highlands include peas,
potatoes, broad-beans and black-beans, whilst in the Mexican southwest, temperate
forests are increasingly being converted to avocado plantations [57, 58].
Deforestation causes profound changes to the properties of soils and is a major
driver of soil degradation. By removing the vegetative cover, deforestation reduces
soil organic carbon inputs, increases nutrient leaching from the soil, whilst the use of
heavy machinery reduces soil porosity [59]. The felling of trees also exposes topsoil
to erosion by wind and water by removing windbreaks or channelling streams.
Deforestation can also result in greater soil acidity, with net nutrient export by
harvested products and leaching losses causing a net release of hydrogen ions that
reduce soil pH over time [59].
The temperate highlands of Michoacán have fertile soils that include Andosols
(64% of the area), Luvisols (19.3%), Cambisols (8.3%), Phaeozems (5.3%) and
Vertisols (2.4%) [60]. However, much of these temperate forests have been
converted to agricultural land to produce avocados. The state of Michoacán has
become a major exporter and produces 80% of the avocadoes consumed globally,
314 N. S. Santini et al.
generating US$2.5 billion a year [61]. However, this has been a primary cause of the
loss of primary temperate forests in Michoacán and has resulted in widespread soil
degradation, over-extraction of the water reservoirs and loss of biodiversity [57, 62].
The deforestation of Michoacán’s temperate forests and the conversion of over
234,000 ha of land to avocado plantations have widely impacted soil health. A study
within the Pátzcuaro basin in Michoacán state found that soil erosion increased from
0 to 1.5 tonnes per hectare every year to 3–25 tonnes per hectare every year due to
deforestation [62, 63]. Soil erosion in avocado farms is often most pronounced at the
beginning of the plantation, when the soils are bare. Due to the steep slopes of
temperate highlands, soils are carried off-site, causing deep gullies or channels, and
carrying pesticides that are eventually deposited in water bodies, such as the
Zirahuén Lake in Michoacán (Fig. 1e) [64].
The deforestation of the Michoacán temperate highlands and conversion to
avocado plantations have also reduced the nutrients retained within the soil. Soils
of temperate forest store more organic carbon than those converted to avocado
plantations, which accumulate higher concentrations of nitrogen due to fertilizers.
In temperate forests, there is a higher concentration of nitrogen at lower depths,
whilst in avocado plots, nitrogen concentration is highest in the superficial soil. This
is likely because microorganisms involved in nitrate transformation are obligate
aerobes, and therefore require soil aeration [57].
Avocado plantations have also resulted in the widespread use of herbicides and
pesticides that accumulate within the soils. For example, aluminium phosphide is
commonly applied to control the insect pest Dendroctonus spp. and has been found
to accumulate and pollute aquifers in the area. Adequate soil management practices
are required to promote the conservation of the Andosols capacity to buffer the
lixiviation of agrochemicals, and thereby decreasing the contamination of the
aquifers [65].
Tropical and subtropical dry forests largely occur at sea level and are distributed
across the states of Campeche, Yucatán, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz,
Hidalgo and in the Pacific Coast of Mexico from Sinaloa to Chiapas, covering 13%
(almost 32 million ha) of the Mexican landscape (Fig. 4a). This ecoregion is
characterized by a high number of endemic species, including those from the
genus Bursera spp., and a range of cacti species. By 2015, 7.5 million ha of primary
forests was already converted to agricultural land, whilst human/urban settlements
increased from 208,515 ha in 2007 to 291,143 ha in 2015 (Fig. 4b).
Soils within these tropical and subtropical dry forests are often poorly developed
and originate from calcareous-, metamorphic- and volcanic rock. These soils often
have a shallow profile (<25 cm) and can be clayey or sandy. However, much of the
soil across this region exhibits physical and chemical degradation, largely due to
poor land management practices [50]. These forests are often initially felled and
Agricultural Land Degradation in Mexico 315
North American deserts extend over a third of the Mexican territory within an area of
55.7 million ha. This ecoregion occurs across the states of Coahuila, Baja California
Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua, Zacatecas, Durango, San Luis Potosi, Nuevo Leon
and Tamaulipas at lowland elevations. This ecoregion is characterized by dry and
316 N. S. Santini et al.
arid plains and deserts with mean annual rainfall ranging from 130 to 380 mm and
temperatures that can reach over 40°C during the summer months.
The soils across North American deserts largely comprise Regosols that are
weakly developed mineral soils. Accordingly, these soils are fragile and susceptible
to erosion and salinization. Vegetative cover can mitigate the impact of wind and
water erosion. However, the removal of vegetative cover through clearing or over-
grazing can be difficult to address, with plant succession slower in desert ecosystems
than in wet tropical ecosystems. Despite their shallow and poorly developed soils,
North American deserts have been heavily exploited for intensive agricultural
practices, with over 8% of this ecoregion converted for agricultural use (Fig. 4a,
b) [23].
An example of intensive agriculture within this ecoregion occurs within the
Cuatro Ciénegas Valley, within the state of Coahuila. Cuatro Ciénegas is a Ramsar
wetland of international importance and was declared a Flora and Fauna Conserva-
tion Area in 1997 to conserve 84,347 ha that contains a high number of endemic
cacti, reptiles, invertebrates and fish species, as well as to preserve some of the oldest
stromatolites on Earth [69, 70]. Despite the region receiving low precipitation at
200 mm per year, the wetland is supported by a large network of groundwater
streams and lakes.
Farming in the Cuatro Ciénegas Valley involves the intensive production of cattle
feeding crops, with more than half of agricultural land assigned to the production of
alfalfa (Medicago sativa), with the remaining land used for potatoes, maize, wheat
and grape. However, alfalfa production in these arid regions demands large amounts
of water, and an estimated 12 million m3 of water is required to irrigate the alfalfa
plantations each year [71]. This water depletes natural water resources in the region
that would otherwise support the natural vegetation of Cuatro Ciénegas (Fig. 1h, i).
The continuous irrigation of the regions has also increased the leaching of salt
through the soil profile and driven salination of soils in Cuatro Ciénegas. Soil
salination changes the acidity of soils which affects the availability of nutrients to
support plants. For example, critical nitrogen and phosphorus are only available at
pH of 6.5–7 [72]. Comparisons of native desert grassland to cultivated land used for
alfalfa production showed the impact of salination, with cultivated plot having a
lower soil pH. The intensive use of nitrogen amendments promotes nitrification by
releasing hydrogen ions into the soil solution. Together, these changes in the
chemical composition have resulted in a marked deterioration of soil health in Cuatro
Ciénegas [24].
6 Sustainable Agriculture
The Mexican population is expected to grow to 138 million people by 2050 [73]. To
meet the requirements of this growing population, food supplies and agricultural
productivity must increase, and distribution and access to food improve. Healthy
soils will be needed to support these increases in agricultural productivity.
Agricultural Land Degradation in Mexico 317
7 Conclusions
the State of Mexico, Chiapas, Nayarit and Tabasco that have joined the voluntary
carbon market for forest conservation through the Mexican Carbon Platform (MEX-
ICO2). These examples of local governance and sustainable practices are essential if
we are to conserve the health of Mexican soils.
The complex, mountainous landscape of Mexico harbours many different
ecoregions. As a result, Mexico is one of the most biodiverse countries on Earth
and is the centre of origin of many major global crops. Mexico has also been a cradle
for agriculture, which has been supported by a diverse range of soils that have
developed from the diverse landscapes across the country. However, decades of
deforestation and intensified clearing for agricultural land have indelibly altered the
landscape and impacted soil health. To continue to support agriculture, and more
broadly the diversity and health of the unique Mexican ecosystems, it is imperative
that practices to conserve soil health are urgently established.
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Agricultural Land Degradation in
South Africa
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
2 Natural Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
2.1 Climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
2.2 Soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
2.3 Vegetation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
3 Land Use and Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
4 Soil Degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
4.1 Plinthite Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
4.2 Surface Crusting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
4.3 Subsoil Compaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
4.4 Structural Decay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
4.5 Erosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
4.6 Fertility Decline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
4.7 Elemental Imbalance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
4.8 Organic Matter Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
4.9 Organism Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
4.10 Pathogen Increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
5 Land Degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
Abstract South Africa receives less than half of the annual global average precip-
itation, resulting in range-, crop-, and forestlands being very prone to degradation.
This dry climate and a very old and stable landscape formed unique combinations of
soil and vegetation. The major land use is therefore extensive grazing (83%), with
only 14% arable land, and 1% forestry. About 2% of this land is severely affected by
wind erosion, whilst water erosion varies from <1 to 60 Mg ha-1 year-1. Natural
acidification occurs on 16 × 106 ha, with anthropogenic acidification on
Paulo Pereira, Miriam Muñoz-Rojas, Igor Bogunovic, and Wenwu Zhao (eds.), 325
Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation I: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, America
and Oceania, Hdb Env Chem (2023) 120: 325–362, DOI 10.1007/698_2022_922,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022,
Published online: 29 January 2023
326 C. W. van Huyssteen and C. C. du Preez
12.9 × 106 ha cultivated land. About 1.4 × 106 ha irrigated land is saline, whilst
sodicity is not widespread. Water pollution occurs in some rivers in South Africa, but
agriculture is only responsible for 20% of this nitrogen and 53% of the phosphorus,
with the remainder from human effluent and industry. Only 4% of soils contain >4%
organic carbon, whilst 58% contain <0.5% organic carbon. Soil degradation is of
greatest concern in the KwaZulu-Natal, Northern, and Eastern Cape Provinces,
whilst vegetation degradation is of greatest concern in the Northern, KwaZulu-
Natal, and Northern Cape Provinces. Land tenure, inappropriate land use, and
management practices within the unique ecosystems emerged as primary drivers
of agricultural land degradation. This degradation seems to be restricted to certain
geographical areas. Focused management practices for either prevention or improve-
ment can therefore be developed.
1 Introduction
to farmers who have a profit motive and include single person operations to large
corporate enterprises [5].
The majority of farming enterprises in South Africa are labour rather than capital
intensive. In this regard, a 2017 census [6] of commercial farming units (in this case
registered for value-added tax) showed that only 2,610 of farm enterprises (6.5% of
the total) earned 67% of the agriculture income in South Africa. These farm
enterprises had an annual turnover greater than ZAR22.5 million (about USD1.4
million) each and employed approximately 51% of all employees in the agricultural
sector. About 25,000 farm enterprises (62% of the total commercial enterprises)
earned less than ZAR1 million (about USD60,000) each annually and thus represent
only 2% of the total agricultural income of commercial farming enterprises. In 2018,
commercial farming was practised on 46.4 × 106 ha or 37.9% of the total land area.
This commercial agricultural land comprised 36.5 × 106 ha (82.8%) rangeland,
7.6 × 106 ha (17.2%) cropland, and 2.3 × 106 ha (5.0%) undefined land [6].
Degradation of land (e.g. erosion, compaction, crusting, and organic matter
decline) results in the temporary or permanent reduction of the land’s productive
capacity for farming use (e.g. ranching, cropping, and/or forestry), farming systems
(e.g. smallholder, subsistence, communal, and commercial), and economic value.
Cognisance of land degradation is therefore of critical importance in an effort to
terminate and even to reverse this degradation and to thus conserve this irreplaceable
resource. This will aid in ensuring food security and employment opportunities for
the population of about 58.8 × 106 in South Africa [4].
This chapter starts with a concise overview of the natural resources (climate, soil,
and vegetation) to set the scene for the conditions under which ranching, cropping,
and forestry are practised in South Africa. Then the current land uses and resultant
produce are dealt with, focusing strongly on ranching and cropping, since these are
by far the greatest farming activities. This is followed by a detailed discussion of the
soil degradation processes occurring in range-, crop-, and forestlands. Soil is an
integral part of land and the two are so closely interwoven that the degradation of the
one inevitably implies degradation of the other. Finally, an appraisal of the current
state of land degradation in South Africa, as reflected by soil and vegetation, is
2 Natural Resources
The use of land for ranching, cropping, and forestry depends largely on the interac-
tion of climate, soil, and vegetation. Only these three natural resources are therefore
concisely discussed here.
328 C. W. van Huyssteen and C. C. du Preez
2.1 Climate
The rainfall that South Africa receives ranges from less than 100 mm a-1 in the
north-western part to over 1,500 mm a-1 in the eastern part of the country (Fig. 1),
averaging 460 mm a-1 against the global average of 990 mm a-1 [1].
Although the annual average rainfall in the mountainous eastern parts exceeds the
global average, the major problem is that rainfall is very poorly distributed through-
out the country and also throughout the year. Additionally, this low rainfall is
exacerbated by high evaporation, following an approximate converse pattern,
increasing from less than 1,800 mm a-1 in the southeast to 3,000 mm a-1 in the
north-west. Winters (June–August) are cold, whilst summers (November–February)
are warm. In winter, the minimum temperatures can drop below freezing, mainly due
to altitude.
The major part of South Africa is characterised by summer (November–March)
rainfall, occurring mainly as intense thundershowers in the afternoon. In the south-
western region of the country, rainfall is predominating in the winter (April–
September) months. Snow is rare throughout South Africa, but may fall on the
mountains of the Southern and Western Cape and in the Drakensberg in the winter
Fig. 1 Mean annual precipitation and evaporation in South Africa, based on data from Schulze
et al. [7]
Agricultural Land Degradation in South Africa 329
months. Hence, the climate of South Africa is generally conducive for the degrada-
tion of agricultural land [1].
2.2 Soil
Soils in South Africa are typically well-formed due to the geologically stable and
extremely old nature of the parent material. As could be expected, a rather good
relationship between soil distribution and parent material as augmented by climate
therefore exists. The general distribution of soils in South Africa is given in Fig. 2
and briefly discussed below. The terminology used here largely follows Fey’s
abridgment [9] of Soil Classification Working Group [10].
Clay soils, including duplex soils, vertic soils, and soils with dark, well-structured
topsoils, occupy the largest part of South Africa. The duplex soils are distinguished
by a distinct increase of clay in the subsoil horizons that results in strong columnar,
prismatic, or blocky structure, typically with an upper horizon boundary that is clear
or abrupt. Duplex soils occur commonly all over South Africa, particularly in the
more arid areas. Vertic soils have swelling, smectite clays, high clay content, and
strong structure and are chemically and physically active. Vertic soils typically occur
on mafic parent material in the semi-arid parts of the country, where the climate is
Fig. 2 Generalised soil distribution in South Africa, based on data from the Land Type Survey
Staff [8]
330 C. W. van Huyssteen and C. C. du Preez
characterised by wet summers and dry winters, allowing for swelling and shrinking
of these soils. The topsoils of melanic soils are strongly structured, have elevated
base status, and have dark colours. Duplex soils are particularly prone to water
erosion since the parent material typically contains sodium associated with the
depositional environment of the shale parent material. This sodium is released
upon weathering of the shale and accumulates in the subsoil, leading to clay
dispersion and erosion, especially when exposed by the removal of the protective
vegetation through ploughing or overgrazing [9, 10].
Red, yellow, and grey plinthic soils are characterised by segregation and accu-
mulation of iron and manganese oxides under alternating water saturated conditions
and may or may not be hardened. These soils therefore typically occur in the wetter
eastern parts, and on almost any parent material. Red and yellow apedal soils may
occur subdominantly in association with the plinthic soils. Sandy variants of these
soils are prone to wind erosion, whilst clayey variants can be prone to water erosion
and acidification [9, 10].
Red and yellow apedal soils are defined based on the homogeneously coloured
red and/or yellow subsoils. They are widely distributed throughout South Africa and
therefore vary greatly in base status due to their occurrence across various climate
zones. Plinthic soils may occur subdominantly in association with these soils. The
humic soils are characterised by accumulation of organic matter under well-drained
conditions and with acidic parent material and therefore occur mainly in the cool,
high rainfall elevated plateaus slightly inland from the coast, and in the mist- covered
midlands of KwaZulu-Natal. The sandy variants of the red, yellow, and grey plinthic
and apedal soils are mostly of aeolian origin on the flat landscapes, resulting in them
being particularly prone to wind erosion, when the protective vegetation is removed
through ploughing or overgrazing, as well as to surface crusting, subsoil compaction,
and acidification. Clayey variants can be prone to water erosion and acidification
[9, 10].
The genesis of soil is a long-term process, hence, little or no soil formation is
observed in the rock and rocky soils, and the original rock or saprolite is therefore
still distinguishable in the lithic soils. Podzolic soils occur in association with the
lithic soils and have illuvial organic material and sesquioxides in the subsoil, without
a marked increase in clay. The distribution of podzolic soils is largely limited to the
high rainfall, mountainous parts of the Western Cape Province, in the southern part
of South Africa, and are therefore naturally acidic. Rock and rocky soils do not form
deep gullies, but the limited topsoil can easily be eroded, leaving the barren rocky
subsoil [9, 10].
Sandy soils incorporate those cumulic soils that form in recent unconsolidated
colluvial or alluvial depositions that have undergone little or no soil formation.
These soils occur widely in the north-western part of South Africa and in association
with rivers and are therefore susceptible to water erosion. However, they are also
prone to wind erosion, especially if the protective vegetation cover is removed
through ploughing or overgrazing, subsoil compaction, and acidification [9, 10].
Swamps and alluvial plains are characterised by gleyic and organic soils, typical
of wetlands, and therefore do not occupy vast areas in South Africa. The gleyic soils
Agricultural Land Degradation in South Africa 331
are characterised by long periods of water saturation that result in the accumulation
or removal of colloidal material: organic soils, with >10% organic carbon that have
accumulated under acidic, wet, and/or cold conditions. Alluvial soils can be prone to
water erosion due to the increased water accumulation in these areas, organic matter
decline, and structural decay [9, 10].
Weakly developed soils include the cumulic, silicic, calcic, and anthropic soils.
Cumulic soils develop in recent unconsolidated alluvial or colluvial deposits that
have undergone some soil formation. These soils occur widely all over South Africa.
Silicic and calcic soils are exclusively found in the arid western parts. The silicic
soils have an indurated subsoil that has silica as the main cementing agent. On the
other hand, calcic soils have accumulated secondary (pedogenic) carbonates of
calcium and/or magnesium, in the subsoil that may or may not be hardened.
Anthropic soils are produced through anthropogenic soil deposition. Weakly devel-
oped soils can be prone to water erosion since these soils typically occur along water
courses where water flow is greater and because some of these soils can have
elevated sodium concentrations which may lead to clay dispersion and erosion,
when the vegetative cover is destroyed [9, 10].
2.3 Vegetation
Vegetation mapping of South Africa started with Pole Evans [11], but it was Acocks
[12] who really laid the foundation for the development of vegetation mapping.
Mucina and Rutherford [13] provide the most recent biome classification and
vegetation map (Fig. 3) of South Africa. They defined and mapped nine biomes,
incorporating Fynbos, Desert, Succulent Karoo, Nama-Karoo, Albany Thicket,
Savanna, Grassland, Forest, and Indian Ocean Coastal Belt.
Finch and Meadows [14] describe the biomes as follows: the Fynbos Biome is
largely restricted to the sandy soils of the Cape Fold Mountains, is endemic to
South Africa, and has ericoid, proteoid, and restioid vegetation. The Desert Biome
occurs as a narrow strip along the Orange River in the extreme north-western part of
South Africa, and has barren areas, dwarf shrubs, and occasional trees, typical of low
rainfall and high temperature. The Succulent Karoo Biome covers the western part of
South Africa, has approximately 5,000 vascular plant species, 40% plant endemism,
and with Aizoaceae and Crassulaceae as the largest plant families. The central
western part of South Africa is dominated by the Nama-Karoo Biome, with grass,
succulent, geophyte, and forb vegetation, which is very susceptible to overgrazing
and resultant soil erosion. The Albany Thicket Biome is located in the southeast of
South Africa, has thick, spiny, semi-succulent bushes and small trees, and is
arguably the most extensively degraded due to biomass reduction, alien plant
invasion, and soil erosion. The Savanna Biome primarily covers the north-western,
northern, and eastern extremities of South Africa, has continuous grass and discon-
tinuous tree cover, and is susceptible to alien plant invasion and bush encroachment.
In the central eastern part of South Africa, the Grassland Biome dominates, with
332 C. W. van Huyssteen and C. C. du Preez
Fig. 3 The biomes of South Africa, based on data adapted from Mucina and Rutherford [13]
Fig. 4 Normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) map for South Africa, compiled as a
composite of annual maximum values, averaged over 17 years, based on data adapted from
sustaining extensive grazing (see, for example, Fig. 5). The NDVI map is almost a
carbon copy of the rainfall map (Fig. 1), substantiating the vital role of water in
biomass vigour and production. It is this vegetative production that ultimately
supports animal grazing, as expressed by the grazing capacity map (Fig. 5).
The grazing capacity map [16] was compiled as the land necessary to sustain a
450 kg animal over an extended period of time, without degrading the soil or
vegetation. Grazing capacity is thus expressed as hectare per large stock unit
(ha LSU-1) and is relevant only for vegetation that is in relatively good condition.
The expectation is that the animal grows 0.5 kg per day from grazing alone that has a
digestible energy content of 55%. The grazing capacity map largely follows the
rainfall and evaporation map (Fig. 1) and varies greatly, from less than 2 ha LSU-1
in the east to 140 ha LSU-1 in the arid northwest. Stocking animals in excess of these
guideline values is therefore expected to degrade the vegetation and soil, whilst
stocking to these values on degraded land will further degrade the vegetation and
soil. Unfortunately communal farmers have little motivation, capacity, or infrastruc-
ture to manage their animal numbers to these norms [19]. This is one of the primary
drivers of vegetation and soil degradation in communal areas.
334 C. W. van Huyssteen and C. C. du Preez
Fig. 5 Grazing capacity map for South Africa, expressed as the number of hectares required to
maintain a large stock unit (ha LSU-1), based on data adapted from DAFF [16]
Climate, together with soil and vegetation, is the main determinant of the most
sustainable agricultural production practice (Fig. 6). Agriculture, in this context,
includes livestock and crop production. For crop production, climate and soil are the
main factors, whilst climate and vegetation are the primary factors for livestock
About 101 × 106 ha land is used for agriculture, whilst an additional 1.4 × 106 ha
is used for commercial forestry (Table 1). Only 16.8 × 106 ha land in South Africa
can be considered suitable for cropping, of which 14.2 × 106 is deemed to be
commercial, whilst 2.6 × 106 ha is deemed to be communal. Of this, a total of
12.9 × 106 ha is under crop production, comprising 11.5 × 106 ha dryland and
1.4 × 106 ha irrigation [4].
Most of South Africa, about 84 × 106 ha, is only suitable for extensive grazing
(Table 1), primarily due to the high evapotranspiration and low rainfall. Commercial
livestock production, on 72 × 106 ha land, and communally livestock production, on
12 × 106 ha land, therefore comprise the greatest part of South Africa. Total livestock
numbers are estimated at 13.7 × 106 cattle, 21.1 × 106 sheep, and 1.9 × 106 goats
(Table 3) [4]. The numbers of poultry, ostriches, and pigs are smaller. A synopsis of
Agricultural Land Degradation in South Africa 335
Fig. 6 Main agricultural production activities per magisterial district in South Africa, based on data
adapted from the WWF [20]
the dominant production enterprise per magisterial district is given in Fig. 6. Land
tenure (commercial vs. communal), production enterprise, and climate impact dif-
ferently on agricultural land degradation and are also uniquely affected by the
consequences of this degradation. These aspects are addressed in the next two
The agricultural production areas discussed above resulted in the following
production, primarily for the 2018/19 production season: of the agronomic com-
modities (Table 2), maize occupied the largest area (2.60 × 106 ha), followed by soya
beans (0.71 × 106 ha), wheat (0.54 × 106 ha), and sunflower (0.52 × 106 ha).
Production followed a similar pattern, except for sugarcane, which has a much
higher moisture content at harvest. For livestock commodities (Table 3), the greatest
production was poultry, with 1,861,000 Mg, followed by beef (1,027,000 Mg), pigs
(260,000 Mg), and sheep and goats (170,700 Mg). In terms of gross value, cattle
production contributed the greatest fraction of the livestock commodities. In terms of
gross value, grapes and oranges constitute the predominant horticulture production
(Table 4), followed by apples, and then approximately equal contributions from
lemons and limes, pears, and grapefruit. Potatoes, green mealies (corn) and
sweetcorn, tomatoes, and onions contribute the greatest gross value for the vegetable
crops (Table 5).
Table 1 Summary of land use in South Africa and the individual provinces, as determined during 1991, based on data adapted from DAFF [21]
Arable land
Potentially arable land utilisation Grazing land
Commercial Communal Commercial Communal Nature
Country and agriculture agriculturea Dryland Irrigation agriculture agriculturea Total conservation Forestry Otherb Total
provinces 106 ha
South Africa 14.19 2.55 11.54 1.36 71.99 11.93 100.67 11.79 1.43 8.43 122.32
Eastern Cape 0.64 0.53 0.41 0.19 10.17 3.47 14.82 0.62 0.13 1.49 17.06
Free State 4.19 0.04 3.86 0.14 7.39 0.15 11.79 0.27 0.00 0.91 12.94
Gauteng 0.44 0.00 0.38 0.03 0.39 0.00 0.83 0.23 0.02 0.79 1.89
KwaZulu- 0.84 0.36 0.70 0.13 2.60 2.73 6.53 1.38 0.47 0.78 9.15
Limpopo 1.17 0.53 0.50 0.16 5.98 2.86 10.55 1.16 0.07 0.02 11.96
Mpumalanga 1.60 0.14 1.61 0.13 2.89 0.35 4.98 2.33 0.55 0.32 8.18
Northern 2.41 0.00 0.03 0.19 29.09 0.00 29.54 4.29 0.00 0.45 36.33
Northwest 0.45 0.95 2.21 0.10 4.38 2.36 10.10 0.76 0.00 1.01 11.87
Western 2.45 – 1.84 0.29 9.11 – 11.56 0.73 0.19 0.45 12.94
In former homelands
For example, urban, mining, and industry
C. W. van Huyssteen and C. C. du Preez
Agricultural Land Degradation in South Africa 337
Table 2 Summary of the major agronomic commodities produced in South Africa, based on data
adapted from DALRRD [4]
Area planted Total production Gross value
Commodity Year 1,000 ha 1,000 Mg ZAR1,000 USD1,000a
Maize 2018/19 2,596 11,824 28,115,441 1,945,705
Wheat 2019 540 1,508 6,115,034 423,186
Grain sorghum 2018/19 50 146 437,693 30,290
Groundnuts 2018/19 20 22 170,856 11,824
Sunflower 2018/19 515 705 3,476,405 240,582
Soya beans 2019/20 705 1,243 5,836,634 403,919
Oats 2019 21 16 3,961 274
Barley 2019 132 345 3,040 210
Canola 2019 74 96 5,504 381
Sugar cane 2018/19 395 19,302 452 31
Average exchange rate for 2019: USD1 = ZAR14.45
Table 3 Summary of the major livestock commodities produced in South Africa, based on data
adapted from DALRRD [4]
slaughtered Production Gross value
Commodity Year Number 1,000 (Mg) ZAR1,000 USD1,000a
Cattle 2017/ 12,800,000 3,311 1,027,000 47,144,495 3,262,595
Pigs 2017/ 1,454,000 3,134 260,000 6,407,960 443,457
Sheep 2019 19,389 6,145 170,700 12,356,802 855,142
Goats 2019 1,781
Poultry 2019/ N/A N/A 1,861,000 N/A N/A
Average exchange rate for 2019: USD1 = ZAR14.45
Table 4 Summary of the major horticulture commodities produced in South Africa, for the 2018/
19 production year, based on data adapted from DALRRD [4]
Total production Gross value
Commodity 1,000 Mg ZAR1,000 USD1,000a
Grapes 1,852,299 13,270,411 918,368
Oranges 1,774,397 10,891,097 753,709
Apples 856,642 5,794,644 401,013
Lemons and limes 473,197 3,741,627 258,936
Pears 414,000 2,987,160 206,724
Grapefruit 445,351 2,500,262 173,029
Peaches 151,841 1,167,657 80,807
Plums 58,815 918,408 63,558
Tangerines 53,230 228,703 15,827
Apricots 33,288 222,973 15,431
Prunes 1,786 1,756 122
Average exchange rate for 2019: USD1 = ZAR14.45
338 C. W. van Huyssteen and C. C. du Preez
Table 5 Summary of the major vegetable commodities produced in South Africa, for the 2019
production year, based on data adapted from DALRRD [4]
Production Average price Gross value
Commodity (1,000 Mg) (ZAR/Mg) ZAR1,000 USD1,000a
Potatoes 2,485 3,948 9,810,780 678,947
Green mealies and 394 22,123 8,716,462 603,215
Tomatoes 558 7,020 3,917,160 271,084
Onions 724 3,854 2,790,296 193,100
Carrots 217 3,619 785,323 54,348
Pumpkins 265 2,204 584,060 40,419
Cabbage 161 2,481 399,441 27,643
Beetroot 83 3,761 312,163 21,603
Sweet potatoes 82 3,457 283,474 19,618
Green beans 22 11,694 257,268 17,804
Green peas 5 41,341 206,705 14,305
Cauliflower 11 12,371 136,081 9,417
Average exchange rate for 2019: USD1 = ZAR14.45
4 Soil Degradation
Production activities on range-, crop-, and forestland hugely impact soil quality and
vice versa. Soil quality can be defined as the ability of soil to function efficiently in
an ecosystem to sustain biologically production [22]. This guarantees that the
environment stays unblemished and the health of humans, animals, and plants is
A decrease in soil quality results from a range of degradation processes that may
be categorised as biological, physical, and chemical (Fig. 7). These processes are
predominantly caused by anthropogenic activities and may influence one another.
For example, salinisation, especially by sodium salts, causes structural decay, which
often manifests in surface sealing, inducing reduced water infiltration, higher water
runoff, and thus the increased risk of water erosion. Similarly, acidification of soil
results in the concurrent release of aluminium and fixation of phosphorus – a double-
edged sword for plant growth and development, because phosphorus is essential,
whilst aluminium is toxic [24].
Generally, it is assumed that 25% of soil in South Africa is severely degraded by
some of the processes shown in Fig. 7. Information on the contribution by either
communal or commercial farming is, however, almost non-existent. It is generally
perceived that water erosion, followed by wind erosion, salinisation, and acidifica-
tion, is dominant depending on the soil type, climate, land tenure, and land use.
Agricultural Land Degradation in South Africa 339
Fig. 7 Summary of the biological, chemical, and physical processes of soil degradation, adapted
from Lal and Stewart [23]
Impervious plinthite horizons occur in <1% of South African soils (Fig. 2), in the
more humid areas from central to north-eastern South Africa [8]. These layers
develop due to iron and manganese that are mobilised and accumulate during
wetting and drying cycles. The process is natural and reduces the soil’s depth for
root growth and development and cannot be prevented. A shallower effective rooting
depth inhibits the capacity of soil to provide adequate water and nutrients for
optimum plant growth and root development. Plinthite formation is not considered
to be of concern in South Africa because most soils would dry out naturally in the
recent as well as geological past, leading to the natural induration of those horizons
that are prone to do so [25].
The current knowledge on South African topsoil crusting was recently reviewed by
Laker and Nortje [26]. They established that soil crusting is a widespread and severe
problem. Soil crusting leads to reduced water infiltration, increased water erosion,
and reduced seedling emergence. Unlike subsoil compaction, anthropogenic soil
crusting is not restricted to croplands but is also problematic in the rangelands used
for livestock and game ranching. Little is known about topsoil crusting on forestland,
but it is expected to occur on some soils, especially when the trees are still young and
a litter layer is either absent or miniscule.
Crusts are divided into two groups, namely mineral crusts and biological crusts
[27]. Mineral crusts develop from the disintegration of soil structure, resulting in a
340 C. W. van Huyssteen and C. C. du Preez
dense soil surface layer. In this process, the clay at the surface disperses during
wetting and ultimately blocks soil pores upon drying [28]. South African soils most
vulnerable to this crusting have clay fraction dominated by smectite, exchangeable
sodium >2%, organic matter content <0.2%, or Ca:Mg ratio <1 [26, 29]. However,
soils not having these properties can also form crusts mainly due to raindrop impact
[28], especially when the protective vegetation layer is removed. Mineral crusts
hamper seedling emergence and water infiltration. The extent of mineral crusting in
agriculture and forestry is unknown. This can probably be attributed to the fact that
mineral crusts are mostly detected in local patches of the landscape. Practices to
combat the detrimental impact of mineral crusting are maximum residue retention
under crop farming and retention of good vegetative cover in livestock and game
ranching [30].
Less is known about the biological crusts that form by a close relationship
between soil organisms and soil particles [26]. Soil organisms thus aiding in crusting
comprise inter alia of bryophytes, lichens, bacteria, micro-fungi, green algae, and
cyanobacteria that live in or on top of the soil [31]. Biological soil crusts can in semi-
arid and arid areas protect sandy soil against wind erosion. Serious biological
crusting is often observed in irrigated orchards under all climates, mainly in the
shaded areas under tree canopies [26]. The occurrence of this crusting can therefore
also be expected in forestland. Although not reported, biological crusting is also
probable in the cooler, wetter rangelands. Biological crusts protect soil against
erosion, but physical disruption counters this benefit [26]. Animal trampling in
rangelands, tillage of croplands, and either tree planting or harvesting in forestlands
may damage these crusts, thus increasing the risk of soil to either wind or water
Many South African soils, especially the sandy variants of the red, yellow, and grey
plinthic and apedal soils (Fig. 2), have dense subsoils in their natural state [32]. In
these hard-setting soils, bulk densities of 1,650 kg m-3 are not uncommon. How-
ever, subsoil compaction is induced by mechanisation in about 2 × 106 ha cropped
soils [24]. Maize and wheat are mainly grown on these soils that usually have well-
rounded and well-sorted sand, with low clay content [33]. The following depth zones
are observed in these soils [34]:
Zone 1 (<20 mm): A dense crust, but that is not always present.
Zone 2 (20–150 mm): Relatively loose cultivated layer within the upper part of the
plough layer.
Zone 3 (150–250 mm): Compacted layer in the lower part of the plough layer.
Zone 4 (250–450 mm): Compacted layer within the sub-plough layer.
Zone 5 (>450 mm): Naturally compacted layer in soils prone to compaction.
Agricultural Land Degradation in South Africa 341
In their review, Laker and Nortje [32] expanded on the soil factors (clay miner-
alogy, particle size distribution, and organic matter content) as well as management
factors (uncontrolled vehicular traffic, high tyre pressure, cultivating and traversing
on wet soil, and secondary tillage operations) contributing to subsoil compaction.
They also address the effects and consequences of subsoil compaction (weak root
and top growth and development, reduced uptake of nutrients, poor water use
efficiency, reduced hydraulic conduction, and aggravation of root diseases). Deep-
tine tillage and controlled wheel traffic are advocated to relieve subsoil compaction
[34]. It is further recommended to prevent cultivation on wet soils and to use low tyre
pressures to avoid subsoil compaction [32]. Conservation agriculture that comprises
inter alia of minimum soil disturbance (no-tillage) and maximum residue retention
(mulching) can be considered to counter subsoil compaction, but reliable research
data are currently lacking – an aspect that requires thorough investigation. Subsoil
compaction manifests in 15–30% lower crop yields due to ineffective water and
nutrient use resulting from poor root growth and development.
Compaction of subsoils is not confined to croplands only. Animal trampling and
off-road driving also induce subsoil compaction in rangelands for either livestock
farming [35] or game ranching [36] farming. Forestry soils in South Africa are also
very susceptible for subsoil compaction by heavy equipment used during
harvesting [37].
4.5 Erosion
This degradation process was reviewed by Scotney [42] and almost 25 years later by
Laker [43]. Both reviews cover erosion extensively and raised the concern that soil
loss through erosion exceeded soil formation. Du Plessis [44] estimates that about
0.3 Mg soil is formed per hectare per year, whereas soil removal from cropland and
rangeland is predicted at 1.7 and 3.0 Mg ha-1 year-1, respectively [45]. In eastern
South Africa, where the rainfall is higher, water erosion predominates. Conversely,
in the arid western parts wind erosion predominates. However, no clear boundary
line exists between these parts, because several factors (e.g. climate, topography, soil
type, and land use) influence the intensity of these two erosion processes. Erosion
contributes to air and water pollution, resulting in deteriorating environmental
About 25% of South African soil is vulnerable to wind erosion [46], whilst Du
Plessis [44] estimates that 2.2 × 106 ha land is severely affected by this degradation
process. The sandy soils of the cropped rain-fed fields in western South Africa are
very susceptible to wind erosion. This comprises the largest part of the Northwest
Province, the western Free State, and the western and northern parts of the Northern
Cape Province. The sandy coastal soils are also very susceptible to wind erosion.
Conventional tillage in the western Free State, with a fallow period of 10 months,
resulted in 59 Mg ha-1 year-1 soil loss through wind erosion [47]. However, under
mulch tillage soil loss was only 11 Mg ha-1 year-1. The reduction of the fallow
period from 10 to 5 months, when conventional mouldboard ploughing is practised,
decreased wind erosion from 59 to 23 Mg ha-1 year-1.
Water erosion varies greatly, depending on the prevailing conditions. On the same
soil type in the central part of the Free State Province, soil loss increased from 0.4 to
2.6 Mg ha-1 year-1 when the condition of rangeland deteriorated from good to poor
[48]. Water erosion [18] is caused mainly by overstocking, which manifests in poor
rangeland conditions. Other noteworthy factors include soil compaction in trampled
areas, reduction of water infiltration, and increased runoff.
The production of maize, cassava, and pineapple results in uncovered soil under
conventional tillage and is hence often also prone to great soil losses [49]. For maize,
the situation is worsened by the crop being planted extensively under conventional
tillage, with measured soil losses around 25 Mg ha-1 year-1, which can be more
than 60 Mg ha-1 year-1 in severe cases. However, soil loss through water erosion
under conservational tillage is measured at less than 2 Mg ha-1 year-1 when >30%
Agricultural Land Degradation in South Africa 343
residue cover is sustained. These amounts are affected by inherent factors like
rainfall intensity, soil stability, topography [43].
In the Eastern Cape Province, pineapple farming is notorious for loss of soil
through water erosion. Losses as high as 123 Mg ha-1 year-1 were measured.
Chopped old pineapple plants left as mulch and placing whole pineapple plants
inverted in the middle of the ridges reduced soil loss noticeably [50], from over
48 Mg ha-1 to less than 2 Mg ha-1 on a 10% slope [51, 52].
The period from 1953 to 1978 was highlighted by Grant [53] in her review for the
noteworthy upsurge in cultivation. She attributed this to an increase in the intensive
usage of stronger tractors and larger ploughs and to improved yields from better
hybrid seed. Little had been done concerning the maintenance of soil fertility. This
trend still continues, as concluded by Barnard and Du Preez [54].
From 1960 to 1980, 60 Gg nitrogen and 470 Gg potassium were removed
annually from South African cropland, more than was applied [55]. At the same
time, 90 Gg more phosphorus was applied annually than removed. This trend
possibly still continues, since sales of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium peaked
in 1980, at 520, 240, and 130 Gg, respectively. Sales then decreased and for the past
three decades averaged 400 Gg nitrogen, 80 Gg phosphorus, and 90 Gg potassium
annually [56, 57].
Since 1980, the quantity of nitrogen applied relative to the phosphorus and
potassium applied increased [55–57]. At the same time, farmers depended heavily
on the soil nitrogen and potassium reserves, whilst reserves of soil phosphorus were
built up. In their natural state, South African soils contain low phosphorus and high
potassium reserves. Thus, nitrogen was mainly released through organic matter
oxidation [54]. These deductions are confirmed by limited research on soil analytical
laboratory data [58].
Comparable information for calcium, magnesium, and sulphur is lacking. Indi-
cations are, however, that these nutrients are removed to a greater extent from
cropland than being applied. Zinc is the only micronutrient regularly applied to
South African croplands [54, 58, 59], because maize is the major crop being
cultivated. Maize is sensitive to insufficient zinc supply from the soil, if not
Barnard and Du Preez [54] reviewed research on essential plant nutrients and
other elements such as sodium, silicon, and selenium and that were deemed to be
adequate. However, the ascribed soil fertility benefits of different crop production
management practices led to renewed interest in conservation agriculture under
commercial [60–63] and communal [64, 65] farming.
For commercial farmers, excellent fertilisation guidelines exist for numerous
crops [66], supplemented by several site-specific studies [67–70]. This is not applied
for communal farmers in the Limpopo Province, and Ramaru and others [71]
344 C. W. van Huyssteen and C. C. du Preez
therefore developed a soil fertility management framework for these farmers. The
framework was successful in educating a community on the importance of
maintaining and improving soil fertility for sustainable cropping. All other eight
provinces can also benefit from this innovation.
The soil fertility status of “homefields” (fields close to the homestead) and “out-
fields” (fields further from the homestead) in two KwaZulu-Natal communal farming
communities was investigated by Roberts et al. [72]. In Obanjaneni, the median-
adjusted phosphorus was 4 Mg L-1 for “outfields” and 14 Mg L-1 for “homefields”.
The median-adjusted phosphorus was 11 Mg L-1 for “homefields” and 3 Mg L-1 for
“outfields” in the Valley of Thousand Hills. Comparable tendencies were observed
for potassium, implicating that these communal farmers applied two different
fertilising systems in their fields. Thus, individual fields must be sampled for
fertiliser recommendations.
Mkhabela and Materechera [73] observed that communal farmers in the
KwaZulu-Natal midlands use mainly manure to increase the fertility status of
soils. The available manure is, however, insufficient for this purpose. The farmers
prefer to use cattle manure instead of chicken manure, notwithstanding the greater
benefit of the latter. Traditionally, these communal farmers believe cattle manure to
be the best. Complementary organic and inorganic fertiliser use ought thus to be
encouraged to improve soil fertility in the long term.
Two-thirds of communal farmers in the Northwest Province apply manure to their
crops [74]. Manure from cattle is favoured, followed by sheep, goat, and chicken
manure. The use of manure was positively influenced by the size of farm, accessi-
bility of extension services, education, and effort involved. None of manure avail-
ability, land ownership, and herd size affected the choice not to use manure. Manure
should thus be used complementarily to chemical fertiliser.
Soil fertility also plays an important role in South Africa’s ecology, particularly
with regard to the dry savanna [75]. The importance of soil fertility for fynbos
vegetation was estimated by Richards et al. [76]. The effects of rangeland condition
on soil fertility properties of grassland [77] and savanna [78] biomes were also
examined. Swanepoel et al. [79, 80] investigated the fertility status of kikuyu-
ryegrass pasture under minimum tillage in the Western Cape Province.
In the Eastern Cape Province, the transformation of succulent thicket induced a
decrease of soil fertility [81]. A distinct soil fertility spatial pattern was observed for
intact thicket, with nitrogen and phosphorus accumulated below the perennial
shrubs. This caused a homogenisation of nitrogen and phosphorus. As a conse-
quence, soil fertility generally decreased in the landscape.
Acacia tortilis and Burkea africana plant populations occur as patches on sandy
soils with similar parent material at Nylsvlei in South Africa. Concentrations of some
macronutrients (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium) under the Acacia
communities were 10–100 times greater than under the Burkea communities. Almost
similar sodium levels were observed in both plant communities. Blackmore et al.
[82] attributed the differential accumulation of these macronutrients to the historic
Tswana tribe homesteads, rather than to landscape geomorphology.
Agricultural Land Degradation in South Africa 345
In the Eastern Cape Province, largely consisting of tribal land, important micro-
nutrient deficiencies that might cause oesophageal cancer were observed [83]. In the
KwaZulu-Natal Province, osteoarthritis was noted by Ceruti et al. [84]. A lack of
iron was recognised as impacting children’s intellectual development, impacting
human productivity negatively. Iron deficiency may also be the cause for scholarly
losses, increased mortality, and higher maternal deaths [85].
Lower trace element concentrations were reported in soils of resource-deprived
farmers of Mpumalanga Province, compared to soils of the adjacent rangelands
[86]. A comprehensive study of South African soils showed that many soils have a
natural deficiency in trace elements [87]. On the other hand, toxic high trace element
concentrations were observed in some parts of South Africa that may manifest in
health problems. These areas typically have low inherent fertility and typically
receive minimal fertiliser input under subsistence and communal land tenure
4.7.1 Acidification
4.7.2 Salinisation
In the Breede River, the declining water quality is also of concern since it might
lead to the salinisation of irrigated viticulture soils in the Western Cape Province
[101]. Full and supplementary irrigation of vineyards with 75–100 mS m-1 electrical
conductivity, combined with different frequencies and kinds of irrigation, was
investigated by De Clercq et al. [103]. Cultivars differed in tolerance to soil
salinisation, which was related to the soil depth, season, and irrigation kind. For
these situations, saturated soil extract electrical conductivity varied from 50 to
225 mS m-1. Subsurface drip, however, caused larger build-up of salt at the surface
than surface water application.
4.7.3 Pollution
Non-point source pollution results from hazardous wastes from cropping such as
fertilisers and pesticides [95, 104]. One of the most polluted rivers in South Africa is
the Elephants River in the Mpumalanga Province. This is because 24% of the
catchment above the Witbank Dam is monocropped with maize [105], threatening
particularly fish eagles [106]. From the estimated 118 Mg nitrogen released from the
Witbank Dam catchment, less than 20% stems from agricultural activities. A sub-
stantial higher percentage of discharged phosphorus, viz. 53%, originated from
agriculture. The pollution of irrigated water by nitrogen and phosphorus does not
usually pose a serious threat for cropping, although excessive nitrogen might result
in vigorous vegetative growth and hence delayed ripening.
Amending soil with effluent and organic waste from piggeries and feedlots is
usually advantageous, since it improves soil quality. Excessive application may,
however, increase copper, zinc, and mercury concentrations in the water and soil. No
significant concentration increases of other metals were measured.
Surplus water from industrial effluent is often irrigated on pastures to dispose
thereof through evapotranspiration. For example, the SASOL coal gasification
factory effluent contains fluorine and boron levels that could be detrimental for
plant growth and development [95].
Coal-burning power generation plants produce about 26 × 106 Mg pulverised fly
ash, which is frequently amended to soil. Toxic elements such as arsenic, barium,
bismuth, manganese, copper, and vanadium may thus end in soil through the fly ash.
The high pH of the ash counters the possible pollution hazard of these elements by
reducing their solubility and mobility [95]. Raised levels of cadmium, antimony, and
mercury were found close to a coal-fired station in Bloemfontein [107]. Some local
sites were polluted by arsenic, but none by selenium. The elevated levels of the
elements were attributed to ash of the power station as well as to other industries. In
most cases, soil pollution is related to the source and thus occurs in small regions,
hence facilitating the monitoring and management thereof.
348 C. W. van Huyssteen and C. C. du Preez
from the poor vegetation’s soil than from the good vegetation’s soil. Subsequent
studies [29, 77, 78] confirmed these results [118].
Game ranching, like livestock farming, also causes a decline in soil organic
carbon when the rangeland condition deteriorates. Efficient management of range-
land for both kinds of farming is therefore essential for sustainable production [17].
Despite limited information, Haynes and Graham [119] reviewed the impact of land
use change and soil disturbance on organism diversity and activity in South African
soils. Under sugarcane, a decrease in soil organic carbon resulted in a decrease of
microbial biomass carbon, microbial quotient, fluorescein diacetate (FPA) hydro-
lytic activity, and basal respiration [112]. By using grassland as a reference, kikuyu
pasture had increased soil organic carbon and therefore soil basal respiration as well
as microbial biomass carbon, whilst maize and sugarcane had clear decreases
[120]. In a long-term trial where pre-harvest burning against trash preservation
was investigated, Graham et al. [121] found that 60 years of green cane harvest
and/or NPK fertilisation improved the yield that manifested in greater soil organic
carbon and hence microbial biomass carbon, basal respiration, and microbial quo-
tient for the 0–300 mm depth.
For the University of Pretoria experimental farm, Belay et al. [122, 123] report
that 60 years of annual fertiliser and manure applications manifested in higher soil
organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon, and bacterial counts than in the control
plots. The nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilised plots had higher microbial
biomass carbon, and counts of bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes than the manured
Under annually tilled ryegrass pastures in the Eastern Cape Province, Milne and
Haynes [124] reported lower soil organic carbon, extractable carbon, microbial
biomass carbon, fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis, organic ammonification, and
basal respiration rates than under permanent kikuyu pastures. Similar results are
observed in podzols with minimum-till, irrigated kikuyu-ryegrass pastures after
19 years [115].
Fynn et al. [125] investigated the scheduling and frequency of grassland burning
on soil organic carbon as well as microbial activity. Generally, burning schedule had
little effect, but burning frequency led to decreases of soil organic carbon in the
0–20 mm soil depth and microbial biomass carbon increases in the 20–40 mm soil
depth. More studies of this nature are suggested to obtain better insight of the soil
organic carbon and microbial biomass carbon responses to grassland burning.
In rangeland environments, the drier sandy savanna had lower enzyme activities
and phospholipid fatty acid contents than the wetter clayey grassland under both
commercial and communal management practices [126]. This is probably due to the
soil texture that plays a vital part in preserving microorganism communities. On the
other hand, particular enzymes were elevated in the sandy savanna ecosystem, after
350 C. W. van Huyssteen and C. C. du Preez
the microbial activity was standardised against soil organic carbon and microbial
biomass carbon, indicating more efficient microbe functioning in the sandy
In a long-term trial where pre-harvest burning with trash management was tested
on sugarcane soils, Graham et al. [121] found clear contrasts in phospholipid fatty
acid profiles. This suggested community structural differences between sugarcane
soils under pre-harvest burning with trash management and less differences due to
long-term fertilisation. Metabolic variety displayed a comparable trend. A higher
soil organic carbon content led not only to an escalation in aerobic microorganism
numbers but also to a proliferation of the Gram-negative bacteria, whereas, under
unfertilised trash preservation, the fungi to bacteria ratio increased.
Earthworms in agricultural soils of the KwaZulu-Natal Province are mostly alien
species [120, 127]. Species from South America, India, and West Africa occur in the
northern, tropical parts, whilst European species cohabit with Indian and West
African species in the colder midlands. The earthworm quantities and biomass are
related to soil organic carbon, extractable carbon, and microbial biomass carbon.
Earthworm species and quantities are higher in permanent kikuyu pastures and lower
in cropped fields. The earthworm numbers were improved by the change of maize
fields from conventional mouldboard ploughing to no tillage and by the change of
sugarcane fields from pre- harvest burning to green cane harvesting. Low earthworm
quantities were observed in forest soils, probably because of the trash’s low
Soil-borne diseases often result from improper land and soil management, particu-
larly with monocropping. Prudent crop rotation systems can thus restrict soil-borne
diseases like “take all” (Gaeumannomyces graminis) in wheat, “root rot” (Fusarium
spp.) in maize, and “common scab” (Streptomyces spp.) in potato production.
Common scab is usually more severe in the neutral to alkaline soils and can therefore
be controlled by managing soil pH [128]. Crop rotation is also effective in restricting
nematode numbers in maize cultivated soils. Pathogen increase results in lower yield
of lesser quality, increases the production costs, thus resulting in lower profitability,
and is therefore mainly of concern in the intensively cropped areas (Fig. 6).
5 Land Degradation
This appraisal of land degradation in South Africa reflects the current state of soil
and vegetation degradation, individually and combined, as presented previously.
Hoffman et al. [129] conducted 34 workshops across South Africa, which captured
the opinions of 453 agricultural extension officers as well as resource conservation
Agricultural Land Degradation in South Africa 351
Fig. 8 Soil degradation index for South Africa, modelled per magisterial district based on data
adapted from Hoffman et al. [129]
technicians on inter alia the extent of soil and vegetation degradation in each of the
367 magisterial districts. Data from these workshops were augmented by case
studies, selected to represent “worst-case” and “best-case” scenarios. The question-
naire used largely followed the procedure set out in the WOCAT manual.
The collected data were used to compile a soil degradation index (Fig. 8) and a
vegetation degradation index (Fig. 9). These two indices were then joined into a
combined soil and vegetation degradation index (Fig. 10). The soil degradation
index incorporated inter alia soil loss due to erosion, soil covering (due to
overblowing), nutrient mining, acidification, and pollution. The vegetation degrada-
tion index incorporated loss of vegetative cover, transformation of vegetation com-
position, alien plant invasion, bush encroachment, deforestation, and “other”. The
combined soil and vegetation degradation index was calculated as the sum of the soil
degradation and vegetation degradation indices [129].
Hoffman et al. [129] concluded that soil degradation (Fig. 8) is of greater concern
in the KwaZulu-Natal, Northern, and Eastern Cape Provinces and of lesser concern
in the Free State, Western Cape, and Northern Cape Provinces. In general, soils in
communal areas were far more eroded than soils in commercial areas. Sheet, rill,
gully, and donga erosion dominated, followed by wind erosion, whilst salinisation
and acidification occurred only in selected areas. Some forms of soil degradation are
352 C. W. van Huyssteen and C. C. du Preez
Fig. 9 Vegetation degradation index for South Africa, modelled per magisterial district based on
data adapted from Hoffman et al. [129]
Fig. 10 Combined soil and vegetation degradation index for South Africa, modelled per magiste-
rial district based on data adapted from Hoffman et al. [129]
The combined soil and vegetation indices (Fig. 10) highlight the communal areas
(former Transkei, Ciskei, and KwaZulu-Natal) of the eastern escarpment as amongst
the most degraded in South Africa. Communal areas in the Northern and North West
Provinces, together with several commercial areas in the Northern Cape and Western
Cape Provinces, were also shown to be severely degraded, but due to differing
causes. Communal areas are often significantly more degraded than commercial
areas, even though these areas may occur in the same ecosystem, adjacent to each
other. These differences were therefore mainly attributed to the different land tenure
systems. Finally, the Northern and KwaZulu-Natal Provinces emerged as the most
degraded provinces, followed by the Eastern Cape and North West Provinces, whilst
the Gauteng and Free State Provinces were the least degraded [129].
6 Summary
South Africa is an arid country that receives about half of the global average
precipitation per year. This precipitation occurs mainly in the form of high-intensity
rainstorms that increases the risk of water erosion on the steep slopes created by
354 C. W. van Huyssteen and C. C. du Preez
continental uplift. The extensive occurrence of clayey, duplex soils further increases
the risk of water erosion. South Africa has unique vegetation, grouped into nine
biomes. One of these, the Fynbos Biome is endemic to South Africa. Each of these
biomes has unique vegetative production, palatability, and animal nutrition and
therefore has unique management challenges and degradation potentials.
Only about 14% of South Africa’s land surface is arable, with the rest only suited
to forestry (1%) and extensive grazing (83%). The risk for land degradation is thus
determined by this differentiation in land use. Another overruling factor is the
different land tenure systems, with 71% being under commercial and 12% under
communal agricultural production.
Plinthite formation is not of great concern in the South African agricultural
environment, whilst surface crusting is. Mineral crusts occur extensively, especially
on smectite-rich clayey soils, with >2% sodium and <0.2% organic matter, where
the vegetative cover has been removed through ploughing or overgrazing. Subsoil
compaction of cropped sandy soils that inhibits root growth is of concern on about
2 × 106 ha, whilst soil structure decay, due to organic matter decline, potentially
occurs in 12.3 × 106 ha ploughed land.
Wind erosion is of concern on about a quarter of South African soils, with about
2% severely affected. Soil loss through water erosion varies from <1 to 60 Mg ha-
year-1 in severe cases and is largely resultant from inappropriate land use practices
(e.g. overgrazing and conventional tillage) on susceptible soils. Fertility decline of
cropland is worrying since 60 Gg nitrogen and 470 Gg potassium were removed
annually, in excess of what was being applied. This decline is much greater for
communal than for commercial farmers. About 16 × 106 ha of land is considered to
be natural acidic, whilst an estimated 12.9 × 106 ha of cultivated land has been
anthropogenically acidified.
Salinisation occurs on 1.4 × 106 ha land irrigated in South Africa, whilst sodicity
is not of great concern. Water pollution though nitrogen and phosphorus occurs
extensively in selected rivers in South Africa; however, agriculture was shown to be
responsible for only 20% of the nitrogen and 53% of the phosphorus, with the rest
emanating from human effluent and other industrial sources. South African soils are
naturally low in organic matter, with only 4% of soils containing more than 4% soil
organic carbon, whilst 58% contain less than 0.5% soil organic carbon. Conven-
tional tillage further decreases this by more than 50% after 50 years of cultivation.
Based on these degradation processes and as estimated by stakeholders, soil
degradation in the KwaZulu-Natal, Northern, and Eastern Cape Provinces is of
greatest concern, whilst it is of lesser concern in the Free State, Western Cape, and
Northern Cape Provinces. Water erosion, followed by wind erosion, salinisation, and
acidification, was identified as the major degradation processes and more so in the
communal than in the commercial areas. Rangeland degradation was of greatest
concern in the Northern, KwaZulu-Natal, and Northern Cape Provinces. Once again,
the communal areas were about doubly more degraded than the commercial areas.
In conclusion, land tenure as well as inappropriate land use and management
practices within the unique ecosystems emerged as primary drivers for agricultural
land degradation. On a nation scale, this degradation does, however, seem to be
Agricultural Land Degradation in South Africa 355
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Agricultural Land Degradation
in the United States of America
Eric C. Brevik
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
2 Soil Erosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
3 Loss of Soil Organic Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
4 Overgrazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
5 Salinization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
6 Acidification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
7 Soil Contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
8 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Abstract Soil management for agricultural purposes has been practiced in the
territory that makes up the United States of America (USA) for thousands of
years. However, the introduction of European agricultural management techniques
during colonization led to large increases in soil degradation. The greatest soil
management problems in modern USA agriculture are soil erosion and loss of soil
organic matter (SOM). Soil erosion rates have been reduced since the 1980s, but still
exceed sustainable levels in many parts of the country. Several management prac-
tices have been proposed to restore SOM levels, but more research is needed to really
understand their effectiveness. Other soil degradation issues in the USA include
overgrazing, salinization, acidification, and soil contamination. Rangelands and
pastures are about half of the land area in the USA, with a large portion of these at
least lightly overgrazed. Salinization is a concern with irrigation in dryland regions
and in semi-arid regions where soil–water relationships have been altered. Mainte-
nance of appropriate soil–water levels is critical in these situations. Acidification has
become a problem due to (a) acid rain, (b) long-term fertilizer use, and (c) the
E. C. Brevik (✉)
College of Agricultural, Life, and Physical Sciences, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale,
e-mail: [email protected]
Paulo Pereira, Miriam Muñoz-Rojas, Igor Bogunovic, and Wenwu Zhao (eds.), 363
Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation I: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, America
and Oceania, Hdb Env Chem (2023) 120: 363–392, DOI 10.1007/698_2022_918,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022,
Published online: 11 December 2022
364 E. C. Brevik
1 Introduction
plants to identify areas of productive soils [2, 6]. One major soil management
technique missing from Native American agriculture was amending of soils with
animal manure, as North American tribes did not have domesticated livestock
[7]. The Native American approaches to agriculture were very attuned to nature,
and in some cases led to farming of the same fields for over 3,000 years with no
indications of soil degradation or decline in crop productivity [5]. However, due to a
lack of written records our knowledge of Native American agriculture is largely
restricted to archeological and anthropological studies and is therefore
incomplete [8].
Europe’s inability to feed itself was a major factor that led to a search for new
agricultural lands and launched European colonization, including immigration to the
lands that would become the modern USA [7]. The monoculture, plow-based, row
cropping methods of plant agriculture imported from Europe left soils more suscep-
tible to erosion and other forms of degradation than the agricultural methods of the
Native Americans [3]. As European farmers moved to the New World, they also
began to remove the forests from and farm steep hillsides [7]. This led to degradation
of soils and decreased crop productivity [9], sometimes in rather spectacular fashion
(Fig. 2). Not all Americans saw soil degradation as a necessary result of agriculture.
Thomas Jefferson, who would become the third President of the USA following
adoption of the present Constitution, was a leader in soil conservation and restora-
tion. However, the typical response to soil degradation was to pack up and move on
to new, fresh lands, something also inherited from European practices [7]. After the
USA formally gained independence from Great Britain in 1783 with the signing of a
peace treaty that ended the American Revolutionary War, the new nation rapidly
expanded westward [10], bringing European agricultural practices with it [11]. The
Native American practice of choosing prime agricultural lands based on their
landscape position gradually came to an end, and large-scale degradation was
introduced across large areas of the USA.
This chapter will review some of the major agricultural soil degradation chal-
lenges that have faced the USA, with an emphasis on the period from about 1900 to
the present. This is a period that occurs, for the most part, after the brief history given
above and more or less moves us into the era of modern agriculture within the USA,
where mechanical labor, widespread chemical treatments for nutrient supply and
pest control, and monoculture cropping came to dominate over traditional animal
labor and crop rotation systems. It will also explore some of the innovations that
have arisen to help address these challenges and ways that the situation might be
improved going forward.
2 Soil Erosion
Soil erosion represents a major threat to sustainable soil management [12]. By the
early 1900s that threat was gaining attention within the USA. William John McGee
and Edward Elway Free, both employees of the US Bureau of Soils, wrote extensive
reviews on what was known at the time regarding water and wind erosion, respec-
tively [13, 14]. Free’s (1911) publication is particularly noteworthy in that it appears
to be the first work to investigate aeolian processes from the perspective of their
impact on the soil resource, rather than as a geomorphic agent [15]. Early controlled
studies in soil erosion by water were also being set up in USA states like Ohio and
Missouri in the 1910s [16]. By the late 1920s Hugh Hammond Bennett, who would
go on to be recognized as the “Father of Soil Conservation” in the USA [17], was
loudly sounding the soil erosion alarm with publications extolling on the high cost of
soil erosion, which Bennett estimated cost American farmers $200 million year-1
(e.g., [18, 19]) (Fig. 3). Bennett’s efforts were instrumental in getting funding from
the US Congress to establish the Soil Erosion Service (SES) in 1933, and several
watershed-based experiment stations were rapidly established to start studying the
best ways to combat soil erosion [17] (Figs. 4 and 5).
The Dust Bowl, one of the greatest environmental disasters to hit modern
humanity, began in the 1930s. Choking clouds of dust blew across the Great Plains
region of the USA, burying and killing crops, livestock, and people [20] (Figs. 6 and
7a). By 1938 more than 5.4 million ha of land had lost at least 5 cm of topsoil
[21]. The Dust Bowl was most intense in the southern plains states of Colorado,
Agricultural Land Degradation in the United States of America 367
Fig. 3 H.H. Bennett standing beside a tree stump with roots exposed by erosion in Michigan USA,
ca. 1935. Evidence like this convinced Bennett that soil erosion was a national problem before it
was widely recognized as such in the USA. Photo courtesy of USDA-NRCS
Fig. 4 Planned soil erosion experiment stations in 1933, as shown by the colored dots. Map
courtesy of USDA-NRCS
368 E. C. Brevik
Fig. 5 A view of the Coon Valley watershed in Wisconsin, USA, in the 1930s. This was the first
soil erosion experimental station established by the Soil Erosion Service. Photo courtesy of the
Fig. 6 The Great Plains region in the USA (shaded green). This region is particularly vulnerable to
land degradation due to its semi-arid environment
Agricultural Land Degradation in the United States of America 369
Fig. 7 (a) A dust storm blows into a Midwestern USA town during the 1930s. (b) A dust storm
blowing across the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, in March 1935. Photos courtesy of the
Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas (Fig. 8), but it was felt in other parts of
the plains states as well. One of the author’s grandfathers grew up in western North
Dakota in the 1930s and told stories of drifts of dust to the roof of the house and
having to shovel dust to leave the house in the morning the way one might have to
shovel snow in the winter. Clouds of thick dust also made it all the way to major
cities along the east coast (Fig. 7b), and refuges from the Great Plains rolled into
California [7]. In short, no part of the USA was spared from the Dust Bowl’s effects,
and erosion became widely accepted as a problem in the USA.
Several steps were taken in response to the Dust Bowl. Bennett was convinced
that soil erosion was an agronomic problem and felt that there were agronomic
solutions [17]. Specifically, Bennett felt that erosion could be controlled using
vegetative cover while providing an economically viable option for farmers
[22]. Therefore, the watershed experiment stations focused on techniques such as
reducing tillage, crop rotations, contour strip-cropping on moderate slopes and
terraces with contour strips on relatively steep slopes, converting still steeper slopes
to pasture or hay, planting trees on the steepest slopes, and building fences to keep
out livestock. This approach reduced soil erosion by up to 75% on sloping agricul-
tural land [22]. Reduced tillage combined with various vegetative covers is often
referred to as conservation tillage. Wind erosion was addressed with standing
residues, wind barrier strips (taller crops planted in narrow rows between shorter
crops or fallowed fields), and tree rows (Fig. 9).
Today, many of the techniques developed in response to the erosion issues
highlighted by the Dust Bowl are still widely utilized in the USA, but it took
many decades to reach that point. In 2012 approximately 44% of USA croplands
were managed using some form of conservation tillage, but that percentage did not
rapidly grow until after the 1980s [23]. This growth has been effective at reducing
erosion. In the 1930s average soil erosion from croplands in the USA was about
16.3 t ha-1 [9, 24]. In 1989 soil erosion from croplands was similar, with an average
of about 16.0 t ha-1 (8.7 t ha-1 from water erosion and 7.3 t ha-1 from wind
370 E. C. Brevik
Fig. 8 A map of the areas most severely affected by the Dust Bowl between 1935 and 1938.
Recreation of a USDA Soil Conservation Service map from 1954, map is in the public domain
erosion). By 2017 this had been reduced to about 10.4 t ha-1 (6.0 t ha-1 water and
4.4 t ha-1 wind), with no meaningful change in erosion rates since 2007 [25]. How-
ever, rates did vary considerably across the country (Fig. 10). In particular, regions
that raise extensive row or small grain crops and have loess parent materials, such as
in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Tennessee, and Washington, had relatively
high rates of soil erosion.
One approach that has been used in the USA involves government programs that
pay farmers to take vulnerable lands out of production, an approach that is similar to
the current movement to pay farmers to manage their land in ways that provide
ecosystem services (e.g., [26, 27]). One popular such program was the Conservation
Reserve Program (CRP). Farmers enrolled in CRP received an annual payment to
plant sensitive land to species that would improve environmental health or quality,
with contracts lasting 10–15 years. Stated goals of the program included improved
water quality, reduced soil erosion, and providing wildlife habitat [28]. However,
Agricultural Land Degradation in the United States of America 371
Fig. 9 (a) Wind barrier strips in Montana, USA. (b) Tree rows in North Dakota, USA. Photos
courtesy of USDA-NRCS
372 E. C. Brevik
Fig. 10 Soil erosion by water on private lands in the USA in 1982 (top) and 2017 (bottom). Gray
through blue tones have erosion rates of 0–3.4 t ha-1, yellow and orange tones have erosion rates of
3.4–15.7 t ha-1, red tones have erosion rates of 15.7–22.4 t ha-1, and purple to black tones exceed
22.4 t ha-1. Map courtesy of US Department of Agriculture [25]
Agricultural Land Degradation in the United States of America 373
Fig. 11 Enrollment in the Conservation Reserve program, in millions of ha, by year. Data from US
Department of Agriculture [29]
government funding for CRP has declined in recent years and vulnerable acres are
coming out of the CRP contracts, with many of those acres being returned to
production agriculture (Fig. 11). CRP enrollment peaked at approximately 14.6
million ha in 2007 but declined to about 8.5 million ha in 2020 [29]. This has led
to considerable concern about loss of the environmental benefits CRP was designed
to provide, including reduced soil erosion. It is also important to note that semi-arid
areas are particularly susceptible to land degradation. The Great Plains region of the
USA is a semi-arid region and has been identified by Lepers et al. [30] as the portion
of the USA that may be the most susceptible to degradation, with both wind and
water erosion being of concern.
Soil organic matter (SOM) content is important for a number of soil physical,
chemical, and biological properties. Because of that, it is also important to crop
yield, with yields frequently being positively correlated to SOM content [31]. Soil
organic carbon (SOC) is often used as a proxy for SOM, and the levels of SOC vary
considerably across the USA (Fig. 12). Generally speaking, SOC content is expected
to be relatively high along the east coast, particularly in the northeastern part of the
USA, and low in the southwest. This is due to climate patterns, with high rainfall
along the east coast and cool temperatures in the northeast, while the southwestern
USA has a hot arid climate.
374 E. C. Brevik
Fig. 12 Average soil organic carbon stocks in various regions of the USA to a depth of 1 m
[32]. Image courtesy of USDA-NRCS
Agricultural management has led to a decline in SOC in many soils [33] (Fig. 13).
Lal et al. [34] report that croplands in the USA lost 3–5 Pg of C between 1750 and
1950. This represents a loss of approximately 50% of the original, naturally occur-
ring SOC in these soils [35, 36] (Fig. 14). The loss of SOC is due to microbial
decomposition following the introduction of oxygen into the soil during tilling, loss
Agricultural Land Degradation in the United States of America 375
Fig. 14 Expected response of soil organic carbon (SOC) content to changes in management. The
soil is under a natural system from t0 to t1. At t1 the soil was managed for agriculture using a
traditional moldboard plow system, as was common in the USA through much of agricultural
history, with the red curve showing the expected decline in SOC before leveling out at a new
equilibrium, while the gray wavy line shows expected SOC if the soil had remained under a natural
system. At t2 the management changed to a no-till system (brown curve), which led to more SOC
than if conventional tillage had been maintained (straight gray line) but less than if the natural
system had remained in place (gray wavy line)
Fig. 15 Two views of strong granular structure in a topsoil. This structure is associated with
sufficient soil organic matter levels, good water infiltration and aeration, and easy root penetration.
Photos courtesy of USDA-NRCS
of the organic-rich surface soil layer to erosion, and lack of fresh organic additions to
the soil when large amounts of the crop are removed during harvest. Losses of SOM
cause a loss of soil structure (Fig. 15), which in turn causes decreased infiltration,
water storage, aeration and makes it more difficult for plant roots to penetrate the
soil, all of which affect crop yields [37]. The large and heavy equipment used in
modern agriculture also causes intense and deep soil compaction, which has effects
376 E. C. Brevik
Fig. 17 The tractors typically used in the USA for field work in years past (left) were much smaller
and weighed considerably less than modern four-wheel-drive tractors (right). The extra weight
creates additional soil compaction concerns. Photos courtesy of USDA-NRCS
that are similar to those from structure loss; loss of structure is one effect of
compaction (Fig. 16). Tractors commonly used in the USA in the 1940s weighted
less than 2.7 metric tons, while today’s large four-wheel-drive tractors weigh about
18 metric tons [38] (Fig. 17).
A major point in the decline of SOM in the USA was likely the Homestead Act of
1862. This Act gave 65 ha of land owned by the US Government to anyone who was
21 or more years of age, a citizen of the USA or had stated plans to become one, paid
a $10 filing fee, and lived on and farmed the land for 5 years. In total, over
109 million ha of land was given out through the Homestead Act [39]. Because
Agricultural Land Degradation in the United States of America 377
the Homestead Act required working the land, and the moldboard plow was the
tillage tool of preference at the time, large areas of land that had been undisturbed
were plowed, initiating changes in soil properties. The decomposition of 1% of the
SOM in a typical natural soil would release about 1080 kg of N, 260 kg of P and
190 kg of S [35]. During the rush to acquire land following implementation of the
Homestead Act there was plenty of advertising that exaggerated the quality of the
available soils [40]. The nutrients released by decomposition of SOM can be taken
up by crops, and their release upon working of native soils with the moldboard plow
likely contributed to the stories of rich, fertile soils that helped bring new settlers
under the Homestead Act. However, as SOM levels decline nutrients in the soil are
depleted, and eventually the rush of natural fertilizer declines.
Soil scientists in the USA have long recognized loss of SOM as a serious concern.
Conservation tillage methods, including no-till, have been promoted by many as a
way to rebuild lost SOM in production agriculture fields (e.g., [36, 41–43]) (Fig. 14).
However, this has been questioned in recent years, with some studies now indicating
that SOC may be sequestered in the top few cm of soils being managed with
conservation tillage, but when the whole soil profile is considered there is no net
sequestration occurring (e.g., [44, 45]). In essence, these studies suggest only
sampling the top 10–30 cm of the soil is not sufficient to capture all of the SOC
dynamics that are occurring. VandenBygaart et al. [46] reviewed 62 Canadian
studies and concluded that no-till was most able to sequester SOC when average
annual precipitation was <550 mm year-1, suggesting that climate plays an impor-
tant role. Carr et al. [47] supported these findings, in that no-till sequestered SOC in
soils of western North Dakota, where average annual precipitation was about
400 mm. Whether or not cover crops, manures, and other management techniques
are included also makes a difference in the results obtained with any given tillage
system [37]. And finally, there is a lack of long-term studies in many areas, and
pedogenesis takes long periods of time. Therefore, more work in this area is needed
to determine the best practices to build SOM, and these practices may vary
depending on the environmental conditions of the locations in question.
4 Overgrazing
Rangelands and pastures represent approximately half of the land area in the USA
[48]. When properly managed, rangelands can provide meaningful food value
through livestock production. However, overgrazing can damage vegetative cover,
change forage species distribution including selecting for undesirable species,
increase erosion, decrease SOM, and cause a number of associated damages to soil
properties [49] (Fig. 18). The invasion of non-native grass species, sometimes
introduced during poorly conceived reclamation attempts, also increases the suscep-
tibility of rangeland to wildfires and climate change, and all of the above reduces the
ecosystem services that can be provided [50]. In the USA, overgrazed grasslands are
primarily found in the western part of the country. Of these, about 14.5% are lightly
378 E. C. Brevik
Fig. 18 Overgrazed pasture (left) beside well-managed pasture (right). Photo courtesy of USDA-
overgrazed and 73.4% moderately overgrazed. The remaining 12.1% are strongly
overgrazed and are largely confined to the southwestern part of the country
[49]. Another concern in pastures and rangelands is degradation of stream banks
[9]. This can have adverse effects on both forage, as land is lost to the stream, and on
water quality, as sediment load increases. Stream banks can be protected by limiting
the areas livestock have access to and armoring the parts of the banks and stream bed
they come into contact with (Fig. 19).
The precise objectives when restoring degraded rangeland depend on the use that
the restored land will be put to. However, in all cases the primary reclamation goal is
to establish a desirable plant community that has low susceptibility to invasive
species and will support desired land use(s) [48].
5 Salinization
Fig. 19 (a) A stream through a pasture that provides livestock unlimited access. Note the eroded
stream banks and exposed soil. (b) A managed stream crossing for livestock. Note the gravel cover
on the banks to prevent damage and erosion and the fencing that crosses the stream to limit livestock
access. Both pictures from Michigan, USA. Photos courtesy of USDA-NRCS
380 E. C. Brevik
Fig. 20 Salt accumulation (white on top of the ridges) due to capillary rise in a furrow-irrigated
system in the western USA. Note that the crop has been planted below the salts, but eventually salt
accumulation will reach a point where cropping will not be possible if soil remediation is not
undertaken. Photo courtesy of USDA-NRCS
that accompanies salinization. Approximately 23% of the irrigated land in the USA
faces the twin problems of salinization and waterlogging [52]. In the USA, the
regions of greatest vulnerability to salinization problems fall into the western portion
of the country, particularly in the southwestern and north-central regions.
Salinization problems are greatest in arid and semi-arid regions, where ground-
water often has a higher natural salt content than in more humid regions [51, 52]. It is
also common that water does not infiltrate all the way through the soil profile in these
dryland regions. Rather, evaporation tends to pull water up through the profile, leaving
dissolved salts behind as the water evaporates off the soil surface [53]. This process is
capable of accumulating large quantities of salts in a short period of time under
irrigated conditions (Fig. 20); up to 6.7 tons of salts has been documented ha-
year-1 in studies in the USA [51]. There are currently about 18.1 mha of irrigated
land in the USA, of which about 23% suffers from salinization [54].
Some areas of dryland farming in the USA are susceptible to the creation of
saline-seeps. These result from changes in vegetative cover leading to changes in the
hydrologic regime when the right (or wrong, depending on how one chooses to view
it) geological conditions are present. In summary, farming introduces a crop that
does not have a well-developed, living root system throughout the growing period.
This means the crop takes up less water than would be utilized by native vegetation,
and excess water infiltrates below the root zone, carrying dissolved salts with it. The
local geology includes an aquiclude below the root zone, so the infiltrating water
perches on this low permeability layer and runs along it down gradient. At some
point this aquiclude intersects the land surface, creating a seep that leaves salts
Agricultural Land Degradation in the United States of America 381
Fig. 21 Generalized diagram showing the creation of a saline seep. Figure courtesy of USDA-
NRCS [55]
behind as the water evaporates (Fig. 21). This process is particularly common in the
northern plains region of the USA, including Montana, North Dakota, and South
Dakota (Fig. 22).
Addressing salinization requires understanding the processes that drive it. In
irrigated systems, the problem is often too much water, which raises the local
water table and allows evaporation from the surface to wick water up through
capillary rise, leaving salts behind as the water evaporates. This is a particular
problem if the irrigated area is underlain by groundwater with a high dissolved
solids content [52]. Careful water application to avoid raising the water table [51]
and installing a drainage system [52] are techniques that have been used to address
this problem. For saline-seeps, the goal is to restore a more natural hydrology to the
agroecosystem, reducing the amount of water infiltrating through the soil profile,
which lowers the local water table and prevents the seepage of saline groundwater at
the saline seep site. This has been accomplished using alfalfa as a forage crop [56],
various cover crops [57], or by planting such sites to forages [58].
Saline soils can also be reclaimed by treating with gypsum and leaching with
high-quality water. However, this approach is very expensive and can only be used if
there is a source of high-quality water to leach salts from the soil with, along with a
way to drain leach waters away from the affected soil. This process also adds salts to
local water bodies, which is a drawback [59]. Other work on the remediation of salt-
contaminated soils has included the use of crystallization inhibitors to bring salts to
the soil surface, where they can be removed from the site [60].
382 E. C. Brevik
6 Acidification
Soil acidification in the USA has been driven by (1) acid rain, (2) fertilizer use, and
(3) the oxidation of soils that contain sulfides (acid sulfate soils). Acid rain became a
major problem in the USA, particularly the northeastern region, in the 1900s
primarily due to emissions of sulfur and nitrogen-based gases from industrial
activities and the burning of fossil fuels [61]. The acidification of soils due to acid
rain led to the leaching of base cations, increases in exchangeable aluminum, and a
decrease in soil pH [62], all of which are negatives in most plant production. In 1970
Agricultural Land Degradation in the United States of America 383
the US Congress passed the Clean Air Act, which began to regulate emissions of a
variety of pollutants into the atmosphere [63]. The annual wet sulfate deposition
levels, a common measurement of acid rain, decreased 68% from 1989–1991 to
2017–2019 ([63]; Fig. 23). Corresponding recovery of soil properties has been
documented, although many soils still have a way to go before they return to their
pre-acid rain conditions [62].
Soil acidification due to the long-term use of nitrogen fertilizers has also been
reported in the USA. Negative effects on the soil include increases in exchangeable
acidity and decreases in cation exchange capacity, exchangeable calcium and mag-
nesium, and lower pH [64]. Even in regions of the USA where soil acidification has
not previously been considered a problem due to high natural soil pH levels, decades
of chemical nitrogen fertilizer use is leading to problems such as declining pH and
aluminum toxicity [65, 66]. The degree of acidification depends on the type of
nitrogen fertilizer used and the rate at which it is applied. Acidification is a particular
problem with ammonium-N, while applying only the amount of nitrogen needed and
nothing more minimizes acidification problems [67, 68]. Proper crop rotations are
also critical to reverse soil acidification from nitrogen fertilization [65].
The problem of acid sulfate soils does not cover as many ha as the previous two
issues, in fact, the USA is not considered one of the world’s major acid sulfate soil
regions [69]. However, these soils can be an important challenge locally. There are
three main places where this has been identified as a problem in the USA, (1) drained
coastal wetlands, (2) dredged marine sediments, and (3) mine spoils or other soils/
sediments that have been taken from anaerobic settings and deposited into an aerobic
setting [69]. Acid sulfate soils can form naturally or anthropogenically, but the
common theme is oxidation of sulfide minerals in previously anaerobic materials.
The pH in acid sulfate soils can drop from near neutral to less than 3 as large amounts
of sulfuric acid are created by the oxidation [70]. If this process occurs near a body of
water, aquatic ecosystems can be devastated by a flood of metals into the system
[71]. On land, the low pH and release of metals into the soil system can cause severe
loss of organismal abundance and diversity, including loss of crop yields, and
subsidence can become a problem as soils may lose more than 50% of their volume
[72]. Builders have been sued over the construction of developments on acid sulfate
soils that then caused problems for the owners [73]. The best management strategy
for acid sulfate soils is to leave them undisturbed. However, if disturbance is
necessary, these materials should be disturbed as little as is required for the work
to be done, and if possible, sulfide-containing materials should be restored to an
anaerobic setting once the work is completed [72].
7 Soil Contamination
Soils in the USA have been contaminated in several ways, including industrial
accidents, illegal dumping, and improper landfill design. Such contamination is
important from a human and environmental health perspective and is a major reason
384 E. C. Brevik
Fig. 23 (a) Average annual wet sulfate deposition in the USA, 1989–1991. (b) Average annual wet
sulfate deposition in the USA, 2017–2019. Maps courtesy of US EPA
Agricultural Land Degradation in the United States of America 385
for the environmental movement that led to passage of the first environmental laws
in the USA in the 1970s [74]. However, these sources of contamination are beyond
the scope of this chapter, which focuses on agricultural lands.
There have been instances of contamination of agricultural lands with trace
elements, organic chemicals, or the products of the mining and extraction industry.
Metals such as cadmium can be present in fertilizers as natural impurities, leading to
concern that contamination might occur given long-term applications. Studies to
investigate this seem to indicate this concern is negligible [75]. However, trace
elements have been introduced to fertilizers as fill materials in amounts that have
caused problems. In the 1980s and 1990s a company in the State of Washington was
blending hazardous wastes into their fertilizers as a way to get around following state
and federal hazardous waste regulations and paying the associated fees, as there were
no regulations on fertilizer fillers [76]. Basically, farmers were paying the company
to dispose of the company’s hazardous wastes, rather than the company paying to do
so. At about the same time, a widely used garden fertilizer in the State of Minnesota
was revealed to have high levels of arsenic, lead, and cadmium in it. In both cases,
the States passed laws (1998 in Washington, 2003 in Minnesota) to regulate the
composition of fertilizer fillers. Likewise, a number of trace elements have been used
in the past as insecticides, particularly in the fruit industry. This has left a number of
orchard soils contaminated with elements such as arsenic, and the banning or
regulation of many of these pesticide products [76].
Organic chemicals are widely used in modern agriculture as fungicides, herbi-
cides, and insecticides. Within the USA, approximately 20,000 people receive
hospital treatment each year for pesticide exposure, and about 30 of those die
[76]. Many organic chemicals are persistent in the soil environment, resisting
degradation by soil microorganisms [77]. This allows them to cause human and
environmental health problems for years after their original application. Some of
these chemicals cause so many problems in the environment they have become
known as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). There were originally 12 POPs,
known as the “Dirty Dozen,” placed on the Stockholm Convention list in 2001.
Another 17 have been added since, giving 29 POPs at present. Some of the POPs are
permanently banned internationally from use, but others have a limited range of
approved uses (Table 1). Best management practices with organic chemicals include
handling and applying these chemicals according to manufacturer’s instructions and
the use of personal protective equipment when handling them (Fig. 24).
8 Concluding Remarks
Soil degradation in the USA occurs for several reasons. The most widespread of
these are soil erosion and loss of soil organic matter. However, other issues such as
overgrazing, salinization, acidification, and soil contamination are also concerns that
must be considered and addressed. Many of these issues are not unique to the USA,
but this chapter has sought to explain them from the perspective of where in the USA
386 E. C. Brevik
Table 1 Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) identified by the Stockholm Convention (SC). Some
POPs can still be used for specific purposes as outlined in the SC. Table from Brevik et al. [78]
Year Annex
Chemical added Source in SC Additional notes
Aldrin 2001 P A
Chlordane 2001 P A
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane 2001 P B DDT still used against mosqui-
(DDT) toes in several countries to con-
trol malaria
Dieldrin 2001 P A
Endrin 2001 P A
Heptachlor 2001 P A
Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) 2001 P, IC, A&C
Mirex 2001 P A
Toxaphene 2001 P A
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) 2001 IC, UP A&C Has specific exemptions under
Annex A
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p- 2001 UP C
dioxins (PCDD)
Polychlorinated dibenzofurans 2001 UP C
Alpha hexachlorocyclohexane 2009 P A No exceptions or acceptable
Beta hexachlorocyclohexane 2009 P A No exceptions or acceptable
Chlordecone 2009 P A No exceptions or acceptable
Hexabromobiphenyl 2009 IC A No exceptions or acceptable
Hexabromodiphenyl ether, 2009 IC A Can be used in accordance with
heptabromodiphenyl ether the provisions of Part IV of
Annex A
Lindane 2009 P A Human use for control of head
lice and scabies as second-line
Pentachlorobenzene 2009 P, IC, A&C No exceptions or acceptable
UP uses
Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, its 2009 IC A&B Acceptable purposes and spe-
salts and perfluorooctane sulfonyl cific exemptions in accordance
fluoride with Part III of Annex B,
amended 2019
Tetrabromodiphenyl ether, 2009 IC A Has specific exemptions under
pentabromodiphenyl ether Part V of Annex A
Technical endosulfan and its 2011 P A Exemptions for crop-pest com-
related isomers plexes in accordance with the
provisions of part VI of
Annex A
Agricultural Land Degradation in the United States of America 387
Table 1 (continued)
Year Annex
Chemical added Source in SC Additional notes
Hexabromocyclododecane 2013 IC A Expanded and extruded poly-
styrene in buildings in accor-
dance with the provisions of part
VII of Annex A
Hexachlorobutadiene 2015 IC, UP A&C No exceptions or acceptable
uses, added to annex C in 2017
Pentachlorophenol and its salts 2015 P A Pentachlorophenol for utility
and esters poles and cross-arms in accor-
dance with the provisions of part
VIII of Annex A
Polychlorinated naphthalenes 2015 IC, UP A&C Can be used for production of
polyfluorinated naphthalenes,
including octafluoronaphthalene
Decabromodiphenyl ether 2017 IC A Exemptions for certain uses in
vehicles, aircraft, textiles, addi-
tives in plastic housings, etc.,
polyurethane foam for building
Short-chain chlorinated paraffins 2017 IC A Allowed as additives in trans-
mission belts, rubber conveyor
belts, leather, lubricant addi-
tives, tubes for outdoor decora-
tion bulbs, paints, adhesives,
metal processing, plasticizers
Dicofol 2019 P A No exceptions or acceptable
P pesticide, IC industrial chemicals, UP unintentional production/by-products
Fig. 24 Proper personal protective equipment is important when handling organic chemicals in an
agricultural setting. Photo courtesy of USDA-NRCS
388 E. C. Brevik
they are most important and what has been done specifically within the USA to
address them. In most cases, the situation today is better than it was a few decades
ago. Soil erosion is down, the healthy soils movement is working to restore soil
organic matter, and the other issues discussed have generated considerable research
and efforts to reverse or slow them. However, there is still work to be done if the
USA is to achieve the zero net land degradation by 2030 goal set forth by the United
Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in 2012.
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