Crack 1
Crack 1
Crack 1
ISSN : 2248-9622, PP 36-46
ABSTRACT : Fracture mechanics is the field of mechanics concerned with the study of the propagation of
cracks in materials. The analysis of crack growth is one of the key problems in safety evaluation of industrial
components subjected to cyclic loading. Different approach for fracture mechanics are Linear Elastic Fracture
Mechanics, Elastic Plastic Fracture Mechanics and Dynamic time dependent fracture Mechanics. Linear Elastic
Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) method is used in present study mainly based on the assumption of small scale
yielding condition. This is expressed by means of two parameters, the stress intensity factor and the T stress. If
the loads are above a certain threshold, microscopic cracks will begin to form at the surface. Eventually a crack
will reach a critical size, and the structure will suddenly fracture. To predict the fatigue crack growth with
numerical approach, ASTM standard fracture test specimens viz., compact tension specimen, semi-elliptical
crack specimen and single edge notch specimen are simulated and its fatigue crack growth is predicted and
validated using analytical method. Further, the approach is applied to simulate and predict the fatigue crack
growth on an axial semi-elliptical surface crack in a section metallic pressure vessel using AFGROW.
Keywords– Crack length,Fatigue crack growth, Pressure vessel,Stress intensity factor, Semi-elliptical crack.
of structure design, the important aspect is the
I. INTRODUCTION calculation of the stress intensity factor.
Many investigations have shown that Yanyao Jiang et al. [1] presented an
sudden failures of aircraft components, pressure investigation on both standard and non-standard
vessels or pipeline systems might occur due to compact specimen to determine the fatigue crack
presence of surface cracks. Potential sources of these growth behavior of 7075-T651 aluminum alloy
cracks are material defects or geometric experimentally in normal environment condition.
discontinuities i.e. zones where stress increase The effect of the stress ratio on the crack growth was
happens. These zones, known as local stress studied with overloading and under loading. From
concentrations, are regions where the points with an the experiment they observed relationship between
extremely high magnitude of stresses could appear. da/dN and ∆K are practically independent of the
These points are areas where cracks are most often geometry and also the size of the specimen.
initiated and later propagate under cyclic loadings. SlobodankaBoljanovie [2] made an
Fatigue process consists of three stages, initiation investigation on estimating the fatigue crack growth
and early crack propagation, subsequent crack behavior on the finite plate having semi-elliptical
growth, and final fracture Due to previous reasons crack which is subjected to cyclic tensile loading.
the ability to assess the effects of thesedefects on The Stress intensity factor was obtained by applying
structural integrity under fatigue and fracture analytical and numerical methods. The analytical
loadings is of much practical significance. results were compared with experimental results and
it has shown good results.
The basic parameter that should be defined K. Ray et al. [3] presented a methodology
when formulating computational models is a shape to determine the fatigue crack growth rate curves
of the flaw i.e. initial crack. One of the most without integration of it. Exponential model has
common flaws found in structural components is a been used to predict the crack growth. The model
part-through surface flaw. These flaws could most provided a good agreement with experimental data. \
often be approximated and analyzed as a semi- P. Kannana et al [4] has carried out the
elliptical crack. For the assessment of fracture work on determining the leak pressure prior to
strength and residual fatigue life for defects failure, having axial semi elliptical crack with crack
contained in structures, or for damage tolerance length four times to that of thickness value which
analysis recommended to be performed at the stage represent a typical crack length of tested cylinder
For benchmark or validation, three test
specimens are taken from journals paper of
references section of [1], [2] and [3] which are
compact tension, semi elliptical crack specimen and
single edge notch specimen. As it is necessary to
find stress intensity factor which represents the
stress state at crack tip which is very important Fig.2 Meshed model of compact tension specimen.
factor in fracture mechanics ANSYS workbench 17
is used for it.For better feasibility of modeling Boundary condition applied for compact
standard test specimens CATIA V5 is used. The tension specimen by applying fixed support at
standard test specimens were modeled in CATIA bottom of the hole and force applied at upper hole of
and then imported to ANSYS workbench. A stress the specimen, force applied is of 2700N as shown in
intensity factor result which is obtained from figure 3
ANSYS workbench is validated with the theoretical
results. The theoretical formulas used for validation
are again taken from same journals paper of stated
above reference section. Air Force Crack
Growth(AFGROW) software is used for finding the
fatigue crack growth of standard test specimens by
using geometrical similarity model which are inbuilt
in the AFGROW software.
m Number of cycle
Fig. 5 Crack length verses number of cycles.
Fig. 7Geometry of semi elliptical crack.
ΔK in MPa m
Fig. 6 Crack growth rate.
Figure 6shows the crack growth of compact Fig. 8 Boundary condition.
tension specimen and graph is plotted log da/dN Figure 9 shows the value of stress intensity
verses log∆K for a load ratio of 0.1. factor for semi elliptical crack specimen having
National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (NAME) 2018 38 |Page
Department of Mechanical Engineering Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering, Shivamogga
Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, PP 36-46
maximum value of 226.6MPa mm and minimum width direction. Figure 10 and 11 shows crack
value of 203.89MPa mm length for both thickness (A) and also for width
direction(C). Finial crack length along thickness was
0.01m and crack length along width direction was
0.0169m. Fatigue crack growth is determined by
using NASGRO equation.
Fig. 9 Stress intensity factor of semi elliptical m
Number of cycle
Fig.10 Crack length along thickness verses number
Theoretical validation of semi elliptical
of cycles.
crack specimen is made by taking the expressions
from the journal paper of reference section [2].
∆K = ∆S × Me (2) ck
Where ∆S= applied Stress range len
Q =elastic shape factor gth
∆K = Stress intensity factor range in
a = crack length in the depth direction m
Me= correction factor
a a
Q = 1 + 1.47 × ( )1.64 ( ≤ 1.0) (3)
b b
b = crack length in the surface direction Number of cycle
b a Fig.11 Crack length along width verses number of
Me = [ M1 + ( Q − M1 ) × ( )p ]fw g (4) cycles.
a t
P = 2 + 8( )3 (5)
b The figure 12 shows the fatigue crack
a a
M1 = 1.13 − 0.1 , 0.02 ≤ ≤ 1.0 (6) growth of semi elliptical specimen having crack
b b
The term fw is the finite width correction factor length of 3mm in width direction and 3mm along
1 thickness direction.
fw = πb a
w t
1.3 Single edge notch specimen Figure 15 shows the value of stress
The figure 13 shows single edge notch intensity factor for single edge notch, having
specimen geometry having thickness of 6.5mm and maximum value of 288.44MPa mmand minimum
initial crack length of 17.75mm. The material used value is 204.94MPa mm.
for analysis is 2024T3 aluminum alloy. Young`s
modulus is 73100MPa and Poisson ratio is 0.33. The
Model of single edge notch specimen was modeled
using CATIA with crack inserted in the model.
Crack is defined in ANSYS workbench with the pre-
meshed option.
Number of cycle
Fig.14 Boundary condition. Fig.16 Crack length verses number of cycle.
National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (NAME) 2018 40 |Page
Department of Mechanical Engineering Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering, Shivamogga
Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, PP 36-46
The figure 17 shows the crack growth rate thickness of 7.2mm and minor radius of crack is
of single edge notched specimen having crack length 5.4mm and major radius is 25.4mm. Length of
of 17.75. NASGRO equation was used to determine specimen is of 1400mm. The material used for
the fatigue crack growth. analysis is AISI 4130 steel. Young`s modulus is
205GPa and Poisson ratio is 0.32.
Since large dimension of geometry
involved in pressure vessel mainly in case of length,
taking in the mind of computational time involved in
meshing, computer configuration and also
da/d computational time involved in result extraction. It is
N in essential to use symmetry of model. The figure
m/c below shows symmetry of pressure vessel model.
ΔK in MPa m
Fig.17 Crack growth rate.
K=4496.21 MPa mm
The difference (error) between theoretical
value and ANSYS result is of 9%..
Number of cycle
Fig. 27 Crack length verses number of cycle for
pressure of 14MPa.
Fig. 26 Stress intensity factor verses thickness. m/
1.5 Parametric study using AFGROW
Parametric study is done on HY (higher
yielding material) 130 steel pipe material using
AFGROW. Same dimension are taken as earlier to
that of pressure vessel. Same variation of pressure
and thickness has been made as earlier to parametric
study. Since due to insufficient material data of
AISI 4130 steel material which is required for
AFGROW software as input, so material chosen was
HY 130 steel pipe which come under pressure vessel ΔK in MPa m
of NASGROW material data base file. Pressure Fig. 28 Crack growth rate for pressure 14MPa.
variation has been made on pressure vessel having
thickness of 12.2mm. For pressure of 22MPa there is
no crack length because of crack growth is less than
2.54e-15m.The below figures shows crack length Cr
verses number of cycle up to failure along the ac
thickness and length direction. Crack growths for k
the pressure of 14MPa, 18MPa and 22MPa with the
fixed thickness of 12.2mm. Load ratio taken
parametric study is of zero. ng
Number of cycle
Fig. 29 Crack length verses number of cycle for
pressure of 18MPa.
Number of cycle
ΔK in MPa m Fig. 33 Crack length verses number of cycle for
Fig. 30 Crack growth rate for pressure 18MPa. thickness of 27.2mm.
k da
le /d
ng N
th in
in m/
m cy
Number of cycle e
Fig. 31Crack length verses number of cycle for
pressure of 22MPa.
ΔK in MPa m
Fig. 34 Crack growth rate for thickness 27.2mm.
in Cr
m/ ac
cyc k
le len
da/ m
dN /c
in yc
m/ le
ΔK in MPa m
ΔK in MPa m Fig. 38 Crack growth rate for thickness 17.2mm.
Fig. 36 Crack growth rate for thickness 22.2mm.
Cra leng
ck th
len in
gth m
Number of cycle
Number of cycle Fig. 39 Crack length verses number of cycle for
Fig. 37 Crack length verses number of cycle for thickness of 12.2mm.
thickness of 17.2mm.
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