Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering: Proceedings of the International Conference on Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering, ADM 2019, September 9–10, 2019, Modena, Italy Caterina Rizzi 2024 Scribd Download
Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering: Proceedings of the International Conference on Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering, ADM 2019, September 9–10, 2019, Modena, Italy Caterina Rizzi 2024 Scribd Download
Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering: Proceedings of the International Conference on Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering, ADM 2019, September 9–10, 2019, Modena, Italy Caterina Rizzi 2024 Scribd Download
Lonely Planet Portugal 11th Edition Lonely Planet
Publications (Firm)
Caterina Rizzi ·
Angelo Oreste Andrisano ·
Francesco Leali · Francesco Gherardini ·
Fabio Pini · Alberto Vergnano Editors
Design Tools
and Methods
in Industrial
Proceedings of the International
Conference on Design Tools and
Methods in Industrial Engineering,
ADM 2019, September 9–10, 2019,
Modena, Italy
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Caterina Rizzi Angelo Oreste Andrisano
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale, Dipartimento Di Ingegneria “Enzo Ferrari”
dell‘Informazione e della Produzione Università Di Modena E Reggio Emilia
Università di Bergamo Modena, Italy
Dalmine, Italy
Francesco Gherardini
Francesco Leali Dipartimento Di Ingegneria “Enzo Ferrari”
Dipartimento Di Ingegneria “Enzo Ferrari” Università Di Modena E Reggio Emilia
Università Di Modena E Reggio Emilia Modena, Italy
Modena, Italy
Alberto Vergnano
Fabio Pini Dipartimento Di Ingegneria “Enzo Ferrari”
Dipartimento Di Ingegneria “Enzo Ferrari” Università Di Modena E Reggio Emilia
Università Di Modena E Reggio Emilia Modena, Italy
Modena, Italy
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
Vincenzo Nigrelli
ADM President
Letter to the Authors
viii Letter to the Authors
Caterina Rizzi
Conference Chair
This book collects the proceedings of the ADM 2019 International Conference,
entitled “Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering”, held in Modena,
Italy, on 9–10 September 2019.
This is not the first time that an event organized by ADM (formerly known as
Italian Association of Machines Design, today renamed the Italian Association of
Design Methods for Industrial Engineering) or by our scientific sector
(ING-IND/15) takes place in Modena. I am pleased to remember the “ADM day”
held at the Military Academy of Modena in 2008, as well as the ING-IND/15
workshop organized in 2009 in the hills of Bologna, not far from Modena.
However, this conference is particularly significant, for the reasons I wish to
summarize here.
Firstly, the ADM Conference constitutes a new international, permanent event
held in Italy, aimed at disseminating cutting-edge research to a national and
international audience. For several years, our association has had a collaborative
relationship with the Spanish members of INGEGRAF and the French members of
S.mart (formerly AIP-PRIMECA), with whom we organize the International Joint
Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing
(JCM) every two years. This event is hosted alternately by one of our three
countries. Therefore, the ADM International Conference was born from the need for
an event “in the middle”, to strengthen the international research network and to
meet our colleagues in Italy. As a matter of fact, the ADM 2019 scientific com-
mittee was joined by Spanish and French colleagues, as well as German, Swedish,
Norwegian and American ones, thanks to partnerships created by our “Enzo
Ferrari” Department of Engineering (Modena) over the years.
Secondly, I am honoured to play the role of conference chair, a position that has
led me to be one of the editors of this book. In more than 45 years of experience in
this sector, I have seen many developments and evolutions. From the first use of
CAD in the industrial sector, today we have reached a high multidisciplinary level
and integration with information technology and electronics. The integration of
novel tools and approaches in the industrial world is also due to the activity of our
x Introduction
Organizing Committee
Scientific Committee
Conference Chair
Honorary Chair
xii Organization
xvi Contents
Additive Manufacturing
Adoption of Additive Technologies by Florence Industries:
Designing a Survey Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827
Francesco Saverio Frillici, Lorenzo Fiorineschi, Rocco Furferi,
and Federico Rotini
now to explore a rich
collection of eBooks, textbook
and enjoy exciting offers!
xxii Contents
1 Introduction
Recent technological advances including new imaging modalities as well as stor-
ing, sharing and computing resources have facilitated the collection of very large
amounts of three-dimensional medical data [1]. In this scenario shape and tex-
ture analysis of such data has been receiving increasing attention during the
last few years. The overall objective is that of extracting quantitative param-
eters from the imaging data (biomarkers) capable of correlating with clinical
features such as disease phenotype and/or survival. The whole process, usually
referred to as radiomics, can be regarded as an improvement on the traditional
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
C. Rizzi et al. (Eds.): ADM 2019, LNME, pp. 3–14, 2020.
4 F. Bianconi et al.
practice wherein medical images were mostly used as pictures for qualitative
visual interpretation only [2,3]. In the management of oncologic disorders, for
instance, a number studies have supported the use of radiomics for a variety of
tasks including prediction of outcome [4,5] and response to treatment [6,7]; dis-
crimination between benign, malignant, primary and metastatic lesions [8–10];
and classification of hystologic subtypes [11].
Radiomics, however, is still a new discipline and definitely far from being
mature. There are significant obstacles that prevent the application on a large
scale – chief among them the lack of large enough datasets for building models
and classifiers, and the absence of standards establishing how the biomarkers
should be computed [12]. The objective of this paper is to provide an overview
of the steps involved, discuss the open issues and indicate directions for future
research. A significant part of the paper deals with the description of the most
common texture and shape features used in the literature.
2 Methods
The flow-chart of Fig. 1 summarises the overall workflow in radiomics. Image
acquisition is always the first step and can optionally be followed by a post-
processing phase. Segmentation is then required to separate the region of inter-
est (ROI) from the background. Feature extraction is the core of the procedure
and consists of extracting a set of meaningful parameters (features) from the
ROI. The features can undergo some post-processing step as for instance selec-
tion and/or reduction. Finally, the resulting data are fed to some classifier or
regression model suitable for the required task.
* * * * *
Here some illustrations of the intelligence and the lofty spirit of
British soldiers will not be misplaced.
When the last of the retreating troops had passed the bridge, an
Irishman of the 43rd, named Pigot, a bold turbulent fellow, leaned on
his firelock, regarded the advancing enemy for some time, and then in
the author’s hearing thus delivered his opinion of the action.
“General Craufurd wanted glory, so he stopped on the wrong side
of the river, and now he is knocked over to the right side. The French
general won’t be content until his men try to get on the wrong side
also, and then they will be knocked back. Well! both will claim a victory,
which is neither here nor there, but just in the middle of the river.
That’s glory!” Then firing his musket he fell into the ranks. Even to the
letter was his prediction verified, for General Craufurd published a
contradiction of Massena’s dispatch.
This sarcasm was enforced by one of a tragic nature. There was a
fellow-soldier to Pigot, a north of Ireland man, named Stewart but
jocularly called the Boy because of his youth, being only nineteen, and
of his gigantic stature and strength. He had fought bravely and
displayed great intelligence beyond the river, and was one of the last
men who came down to the bridge, but he would not pass. Turning
round, he regarded the French with a grim look, and spoke aloud as
follows. “So! This is the end of our boasting. This is our first battle and
we retreat! The boy Stewart will not live to hear that said.” Then
striding forward in his giant might he fell furiously on the nearest
enemies with the bayonet, refused the quarter they seemed desirous of
granting, and died fighting in the midst of them!
Still more touching, more noble, more heroic was the death of
Sergeant Robert M‘Quade. During M‘Leod’s rush this man, also from the
north of Ireland, saw two Frenchmen level their muskets on rests
against a high gap in a bank, awaiting the uprise of an enemy; the
present Sir George Brown, then a lad of sixteen, attempted to ascend
at the fatal point, but M‘Quade, himself only twenty-four years of age,
pulled him back, saying with a calm decided tone “You are too young
Sir to be killed,” and then offering his own person to the fire fell dead,
pierced with both balls!