Water Conservation and Sustainability An Utmost Importance 2157 7587.1000e117

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Water Conservation and Sustainability: An Utmost Importance

Article in Hydrology Current Research · January 2014

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7587.1000e117


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1 author:

Senthil Kumar Kurunthachalam

Water Research Institute


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Hydrology Kurunthachalam, Hydrol Current Res 2014, 5:2
Current Research

Editorial Open Access

Water Conservation and Sustainability: An Utmost Importance

Senthil Kumar Kurunthachalam*
Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Savannah State University, USA

Water is one of the core essential and basic necessity; 1) for the population and economic growth, environmental natural ecosystems
life forms-living things on the biosphere, 2) for the natural processes, (e.g., wetlands, rivers, lakes and groundwater systems), energy growth
3) for the communities, 4) for the society, 5) for the economy of the and supply shifts expected with climate change [3].
country and 6) for on-coming generations. Although total earth’s water
Wastage of potable water occurs in several ways especially from
(>71%) is constant, it goes through continuous hydrological cycle
domestic kitchen (unnecessary running of tap in the sink), bathroom
such as transpiring by vegetation, evaporation, precipitation, runoff,
(continuous running of tap during tooth brush/shaving and long
infiltration and other natural processes. Consequently, the rainfall in
shower [also leaky faucet and toilet contributes 20-100 gallons/day]),
any locations may not be same and therefore water shortage is the final
several flushing of toilets with more than expected water to wash,
outcome. Despite earth’s majority of the cover is filled by water (97%
laundry (less loaded laundry), home garden/lawn and car washing. In
by oceans), only freshwater (about 3% in which 85% is available as a
the U.S., the water consumption per home is almost 50-70 gallons/day/
glacier) is suitable for living organisms including humans. In recent
person in which almost 15% of water wasted. In India, the approximate
years water table is facing serious threat due to rapid population
usage of water/home/day is 900 liters (approximately 240 gallons/
increase, industrial and urban development, over usage, climate
home/day if the home has 4 persons it would be a 60 gallons/person/
change, global warming, shrinkage in glaciers in Arctic and Antarctic,
day) without any conservative method. However with conservative
natural calamities (shifting of precipitation and reduced snow pack)
method 20 gallons/home/day is good enough therefore 92% of water
and negligence of people to use the water in proper way and slow
can be saved. Further defective plumbing in municipal, domesticated,
replenishment of natural waters [1]. Besides, drastic economic
industrial areas to reduce leaking is necessary. For example, in Delhi,
expansion, energy demand and shrinkage of replenished waters are
point of major concern. Water withdrawals across all sectors including India estimated losses of drinking water is from 30% to 40%.
public use (municipal), rural or domestic use, livestock use, irrigation, More than 650 million people in almost 40 countries suffer from
thermoelectric power generation increased dramatically between 1950 water scarcity. Among them particularly, 36 countries face extremely
and 2005 in the USA [2]. When compare with few decades during the high water stress, including several countries in the Sub-Saharan
past, the draught condition in all over the world have been doubled. region, Middle East, Indian deserts contributes to the looming crisis
The rainfall has been changed during the current years and catchment from African and Asian continents. Due to water shortage, the energy
of rainwater is decreasing in several countries. Very recently, with production and economic development in India and China has been
increasing demand of water requirement, preservation of water affected seriously. Water scarcity is very severe in fast developing
resources has been increased. It is anticipated that water level may country like India, along with decreased energy production, the water
go further down and their necessity may increase more in future. It quality with respect to chemical and biological contamination [1]. The
is utmost necessity for the humans to take care of the water resources, water shortage in India, China, Nepal, Bangladesh, is very common as
usage pattern and sustainable management/conservation at great the tropical monsoon fail to pour a rain on the seasonal basis. In the
importance. Consequently, water conservation can be achieved 1) USA water shortage is very common (e.g., western parts of arid desert
through logical policy, 2) from existing resources, 3) by mechanical zone) especially from the past 10 years [4]. Water supplies decreased
auditing, 4) by rain water harvesting, 5) increase de-salination projects due to the drying up of streams, decline in the ground water levels due
(to get additional sustainable water from ocean), 6) water re-use and 7) to the excess pumping, chemical contamination and increased drought
stringent regulations to adopt safe and conservative water adaptation conditions. Among European Union, the water scarcity hits several
policy by individuals in order to save the earth and improve the quality countries among them Spain, France, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania,
and quantity of the sustainable water. Germany, Czech and some others are affected while Croatia is least
Majority of water bodies on the earth contain cocktails of toxic water stressed country. The aquifers in Belgium, France have been over
chemicals. In some countries along with toxic chemicals, bad sanitary exploited and contaminated by chemicals. Due to climate change and
quality makes water to carry biological pathogens and replenishment decrease in groundwater level related water stress makes Australian
of these contaminated water take several years. Moreover, chemical economy hit during the past 2-5 years. For the regional, humans welfare
and biological contamination tend to increase more in future if there is and the development, the reliable sources and supply of drinking water
no strict water conservation/management policy is maintained in and
around developing countries, industries, in house, commercial sector,
municipalities, metropolitan cities and in agriculture [1]. Peoples *Corresponding author: Senthil Kumar Kurunthachalam, Department of Natural
Sciences and Mathematics, Savannah State University, USA, Tel: 912-358-4778;
living in big cities are exposed to cocktails of toxic contaminants due E-mail: [email protected]
to elevated aquifer/ground water contamination, decrease in the water
Received February 07, 2014; Accepted February 08, 2014; Published February
table, less waste water treatment facilities in developing countries
12, 2014
in which industrial development is sky rocketing and therefore
replenishment of available freshwater is decreasing. In addition, Citation: Kurunthachalam SK (2014) Water Conservation and Sustainability: An
Utmost Importance. Hydrol Current Res 5: e117. doi:10.4172/2157-7587.1000e117
as it indicated earlier the loss of freshwater by 1) by precipitation
(evaporation), 2) during incorporation in to the products (e.g., building Copyright: © 2014 Kurunthachalam SK. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
materials), 3) in the vegetation transpiration 4) runoff, 5) evaporation unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
cannot be ignored. Increasing water demands in order to support original author and source are credited.

Hydrol Current Res

ISSN: 2157-7587 HYCR, an open access journal Volume 5 • Issue 2 • 1000e117
Citation: Kurunthachalam SK (2014) Water Conservation and Sustainability: An Utmost Importance. Hydrol Current Res 5: e117. doi:10.4172/2157-

Page 2 of 3

is utmost important. Considering those facts, water conservation/ In case of India the method adopted so far can be modified which
management policies should be implemented immediately. For this would able to conserve about 90% of the water. The examples are
particular context, in this editorial most efficient water conservation follows; for brushing, washing hands, shaving by running tap for 9
plans for two large democratic nations in the world such as USA min require 81 liters of water while using mug and tumbler require
(developed temperate country) and the India (fast developing tropical meager 3 liters. Similarly, shower (shower flower open all the time
country) were further highlighted. during shower), flushing traditional toilet consumes 104 liter, while
with modified adaptation of wet down, tap off, soap up, rinse off
The ultimate goal of water conservation effort can be focused to
method and using modern dual flush system in toilet needed 25 liters
reduce unnecessary water intake and to alter the flow to the places
of water. Besides, watering plants, washing floor, and washing car by
where physical and chemical properties of the water are encouraging
running hose for 20 min may exhaust 720 liter water, while water can,
to reuse. In addition, water conservation plans can be implemented by
mop or bucket and two buckets car washing method may require 41
new planning, management, technology, regulatory and enforcement
liters of water [9]. Similar to USA, in India promoting a water-saving
in water supplying systems and re-habilitate in water usage habit to
consciousness should be educated to support changes that will achieve
individuals. The key point in water conservation plans is monitoring the
a reduction in water use. Peoples and industries are ignorant about
water sources and reservoirs of stream flows, surface water resources
the water usage and misusing available water sources are large [1].
and ground water levels. First, securing the drinking water from the
Therefore, Government should implement a stringent rules on peoples
water scarcity, over consumption, degradation, natural damage (e.g.
and industries along with 1) surface water storage, 2) conservation of
drought, flood damage, waste of rainwater), prolonged unsustainable
rain water, 3) ground water conservation such as artificial recharge
management and pollution sources should be delineated and avoided.
and percolation tank method, 4) catchment area protection (CAP), 5)
During drought watch and drought warning emergency situations,
inter-basin transfer of water, 6) adoption of drip sprinkler irrigation,
water supply should be reduced by 5 to 15%, respectively to the
7) management of growing pattern of crops such as selection of crop
individuals. During emergency situations prohibition should be implied
varieties, nutritional management, and role of antitranspirants, 8)
for watering for a landscape, golf course, lawns, gardens, nurseries, reducing evapotranspiration, 9) reducing evaporation from various
driveways, garage, parking areas, streets, sidewalks, crematories and water bodies, 10) recycling of water and conservation of water in
paved ways. Besides, ban or restriction should impose to artificial domestic use, 11) reduce the loss of water and 12) reuse of wastewater
waterfalls, fountains, filling of swimming pools, washing vehicles and and artificial recharge to groundwater [9].
large water usage areas such as hotels and restaurants. Water pricing
and metering, water efficiency, integrated and general water supply Rainwater harvesting becoming an attractive in domestic as well as
and land use planning programs, water use regulation, assured supply agriculture sector and it should be encouraged by Government of India
law, water utility measures (e.g. water pressure management, water use by providing subsidies for rain water harvesting resources purchasing
audits, water accounting and loss control, information and teaching (catching ducts, filtration unit, pump and over head rainwater storing
to public, replacement and promotions, recycling municipal effluent) roof with appropriate plumbing). Particularly, rainwater harvesting in
water market, are additional source of water conservation plans. tropical countries should be implemented to domesticated areas. The
filtered and stored rainwater can be used to irrigate the home garden,
In the US, most of peoples have awareness on importance of lawn, taking shower (filtered and dis-infected), toilets and also in small
water in the life. However, they should understand exactly what all the scale agriculture. Harvesting rainwater by digging ponds, lakes, canals,
responsibilities to conserve water are. Therefore, water conservation channels, expand the size of existing water reservoir in rural areas
should begin from the household use by providing information and would help to cultivate short time economical yielding plants.
assistance with how they can reduce the amount of the water they
use every day. There are several water saving tips can be followed. Urban water conservation is typically achieved through prescriptive
For example, a water faucet left running can use 20 gallons of water regulations, including the rationing of water for particular uses and
while you shave, 10 gallons while you brush your teeth, 2 gallons while requirements for the installation of particular technologies. A significant
you wash your hands, >4 gallons while you flush (one time) toilet. A shift has occurred in pollution control regulations toward market-
continuous shower requires up to 12 gallons per minute, and a full based policies in recent decades [10]. Recycling or re-use of reclaimed
bathtub uses 36 gallons. Wetting down, soaping up, and rinsing off water (wastewater treatment effluent) to industrial, agriculture,
rapidly uses only 4 gallons. Water at a minimum level in a bath uses golf course, parks, cemeteries, road medians, paper mills and carpet
only 10 to 12 gallons. Toilets used the most water on a daily basis dyers, toilet flushing, dust control, construction activities, concrete
(20.1 gallons per person per day), clothes washers were the second mixing, and artificial lakes. Reused water can also be used in landscape
largest water users (15 gallons per person per day) and showers were irrigation, agricultural irrigation, aesthetic uses such as fountains, and
third (13.3 gallons per person day) followed by faucets (11.1 gallons fire protection. In the industries, water is mainly used for washing,
per capita/day for a family) and leaks (10 per capita/day for a family) heating, cooling purpose. Further industrial water also used as a carrier
[5-8]. Automatic dishwashers use up to 16 gallons of water; washing of coatings, chemical dyes and natural or artificial pigments. In order
dishes by hand in a sink or dishpan requires only 5 gallons. Further to reduce the cost and waste the industrial processed water, reusing
several conservative methods can be adopted during watering to lawn, in another area with less stringent water quality requirements such as
gardening, car wash, washing walkways and garage. With improved cooling water at power plants and oil refineries or industrial process
method water conservation per family would be 72.5 per capita/day to can be an alternate option. Because the most water-intensive cooling
49.6 per capita/day with almost 40% of the water can be saved/family. In method used in industrial applications is once-through cooling, in
addition, Installing water saving devices in old equipment, acquisition which water contacts and lowers the temperature of a heat source and
of new water-saving equipment, acquisition of water-saving household then is discharged. Recycling water with a re-circulating cooling system
appliances, other measures, device or equipment designed to save can greatly reduce water use by using the same water to perform several
water (repairing leaks, recycling of household liquid waste, rainwater cooling operations. Three cooling water conservation approaches that
collection, etc.) [7-8]. can be used to reduce water use are evaporative cooling, ozonation, and

Hydrol Current Res

ISSN: 2157-7587 HYCR, an open access journal Volume 5 • Issue 2 • 1000e117
Citation: Kurunthachalam SK (2014) Water Conservation and Sustainability: An Utmost Importance. Hydrol Current Res 5: e117. doi:10.4172/2157-

Page 3 of 3

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9. Environmental Science Senior Secondary Course, MODULE - 8A Water
3. Schaible GD, Aillery MP (2012) Water Conservation in Irrigated Agriculture: Resource Management, Water Conservation at Different Levels.
Trends and Challenges in the Face of Emerging Demands. A Report from the
10. Olmstead SM Stavins RN (2009) Comparing price and nonprice approaches to
Economic Research Service. Economic Information Bulletin Number 99.
urban water conservation. Water Resour Res 45.
4. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (2008) Water Supply
and use in the United States.

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