The Palgrave Handbook of Conflict and History Education in The Post-Cold War Era Luigi Cajani Download PDF
The Palgrave Handbook of Conflict and History Education in The Post-Cold War Era Luigi Cajani Download PDF
The Palgrave Handbook of Conflict and History Education in The Post-Cold War Era Luigi Cajani Download PDF
The Flipped Classroom Practice and Practices in Higher
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The Palgrave Handbook of
Conflict and History Education
in the Post-Cold War Era
Edited by
Luigi Cajani · Simone Lässig
Maria Repoussi
The Palgrave Handbook of Conflict and History
Education in the Post-Cold War Era
“History textbook expert Terence Leonard once lamented that if only Foreign Offices
would read the history textbooks of other countries they could save all the money
they spend on agents’ reports about public opinion abroad. As this unprecedented
guide finally brings together dozens of recent history education conflicts around the
globe, one would hope that diplomats and their masters will take this golden oppor-
tunity and act smarter than they did in Leonard’s time. This Handbook’s advice is
threefold: watch the tribulations of history education, peer into a country’s soul in
the process, and, most of all, handle that knowledge responsibly.”
—Antoon De Baets, Professor of History, Ethics and Human Rights, University of
Groningen, the Netherlands
The Palgrave
Handbook of Conflict
and History Education
in the Post-Cold War
Luigi Cajani Simone Lässig
Modern History and History Didactics German Historical Institute
Sapienza University of Rome Washington, DC, USA
Roma, Italy
Maria Repoussi
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki, Greece
This Palgrave Macmillan imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
vi Preface
the original idea for this book, which had come into being at the previous
congress, five years previously and thousands of miles away, and the presen-
tation of initial results in the same intellectual environment.
The editors would like to take this opportunity to express their grateful
thanks to all those who have actively supported and furthered this project.
First among them are the contributors, who undertook the task of map-
ping public debates on history education and providing tools for further
study. We owe them gratitude for their patience as well as their labours; a
book with this kind of scope and so many scholars from highly diverse
academic cultures is never a speedy publication project. Our thanks also
go to the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Università degli
Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’, both of which organised and co-funded our
two project meetings in Rome and Thessaloniki. We are particularly
indebted to the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook
Research, without whose long-standing commitment this ambitious pro
ject would not have been possible. The institute offered a unique scholarly
space in which to develop the rationale for this handbook during several
workshops held at the ‘Villa von Bülow’ in Braunschweig, Germany. The
GEI’s research library was an indispensable resource for such an interna-
tional project, as were the network of scholars and the digital infrastruc-
ture the institute has developed over many years. Additionally, the GEI
supported the publication itself by allocating the resources necessary to
achieve such a complex project.
Dr Marcus Otto enriched our discussions and contributed enormously
towards developing the categorisation of cases employed in this hand-
book. Thanks are also due to Michael Annegarn-Gläß, Lisa Gerlach and Dr
Wendy Anne Kopisch, whose assistance in the coordination of this project
was indispensable. Without their commitment, diligence and reliability,
this book would never have reached publication. The same is true of Dr
Katherine Ebisch-Burton, who did a wonderful job in translating some of
the case studies. The time, the impressive knowledge, and the formidable
passion she invested in translating and editing the introduction was
extremely valuable. Sophie Perl and Nicola Watson edited and/or translated
the contributions to this book with precision, skill and experience. We are
also grateful to Eva Fischer, Meyrick Payne and Karolina Kubista for their
support at various stages of the publication process. The German Historical
Institute in Washington, DC, supported the completion of this publica-
tion in many ways during its final stages, for which the editors express
Preface vii
2 Argentina 55
Gonzalo de Amézola
3 Armenia 69
Philip Gamaghelyan
4 Australia 81
Anna Clark
5 Azerbaijan 89
Sergey Rumyansev
6 Belgium101
Tessa Lobbes and Kaat Wils
x Contents
8 Bulgaria129
Krassimira Daskalova
9 Burundi143
Denise Bentrovato
10 Canada155
Christian Laville
11 Caribbean165
John Hamer
12 Chile173
Rodrigo Henríquez
13 China183
Biao Yang
14 Croatia189
Snježana Koren
15 Cyprus205
Eleftherios Klerides
16 Czech Republic221
Antonie Doležalová
17 France233
Marcus Otto
18 Georgia245
Nino Chikovani
20 Greece269
Hercules (Iraklis) Millas
21 India279
Michael Gottlob
22 Iceland289
Thorsteinn Helgason
23 Israel297
Eyal Naveh
24 Italy309
Luigi Cajani
25 Japan321
Sven Saaler
26 Latvia335
Daina Bleiere
27 Lebanon351
Nemer Frayha
28 Malaysia363
Helen Ting Mu Hung
29 Republic of Moldova375
Stefan Ihrig
30 The Netherlands385
Maria Grever
31 New Zealand403
Mark Sheehan
now to explore a rich
collection of eBooks, textbook
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xii Contents
32 Northern Cyprus413
Hakan Karahasan and Mehves Beyidoglu Onen
33 Northern Ireland425
Alan McCully
34 Norway435
Bente Aamotsbakken
35 Pakistan447
M. Ayaz Naseem
36 Palestine457
Samira Alayan
37 Poland469
Joanna Wojdon
38 Romania487
Mirela-Luminița Murgescu
39 Russia501
Victor A. Shnirelman
40 Rwanda527
Denise Bentrovato
41 Senegal541
Ibrahima Seck
42 Serbia553
Marko Šuica
43 Slovakia569
Slávka Otčenášová
Contents xiii
44 Slovenia579
Vilma Brodnik
45 South Africa591
Johan Wassermann
46 Spain605
Rafael Valls-Montes and Ramón López-Facal
47 Sudan619
Julia Nohn
48 Sweden629
Björn Norlin and Daniel Lindmark
49 Switzerland639
Markus Furrer
50 Taiwan651
Wei-chih Liou
51 Tatarstan661
Marat Gibatdinov
52 Turkey685
Büşra Ersanlı
53 Ukraine695
Polina Verbytska
54 United Kingdom707
Terry Haydn
56 Venezuela729
Tulio Ramírez
57 Zimbabwe739
Marshall Tamuka Maposa
Notes on Contributors
xvi Notes on Contributors
Vilma Brodnik is a historian and advisor for history teaching at the National
Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia and a lecturer in history didac-
tics at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Primorska. Her main
fields of research and activity are developing and designing history curricula in
primary and grammar schools, editing the journal Zgodovina v šoli (History in
schools), training history teachers and researching history didactics.
Selected publications: Didaktično-metodološka struktura gimnazijskih učnih
načrtov za predmet zgodovina na Slovenskem od začetka 20. stoletja do danes:
Doktorska disertacija [The didactic and methodological structure of high
school curricula for history in Slovenia from the early twentieth century to the
present day: doctoral thesis]. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v
Ljubljani, 2016; Izzivi razvijanja in vrednotenja znanja v gimnazijski praksi:
Zgodovina: Priročnik za učitelje zgodovine [The challenges of developing and
evaluating knowledge in high schools: History: Teacher’s Handbook].
Ljubljana: Zavod RS za šolstvo, 2015 (with Babič, D.; Frantar, Š.; Krzyk, Z.;
Rauter, S.; Krivec Čarman, D.; Kuzman, R.; et al.); Zgodovina 2: Delovni
zvezek za drugi letnik gimnazije [History 2: Workbook for the second grade of
high school]. Ljubljana: DZS, 2014 (with Babič, D.); Zgodovina 1: Delovni
zvezek za prvi letnik gimnazije [History 1: Workbook for the first grade of
Notes on Contributors xix
high school]. Ljubljana: DZS, 2012 (with Babič, D.); Poučevanje gospodarske
in socialne zgodovine Slovencev v 19. stoletju: Priročnik za učitelje zgodovine
[Teaching the economic and social history of Slovenians in the nineteenth
century: Teacher’s Handbook]. Ljubljana: Zavod RS za šolstvo, 2011;
Posodobitve pouka v gimnazijski praksi: Zgodovina: Priročnik za učitelje
[Revision of teaching in grammar schools: History: Teacher’s Handbook].
Ljubljana: Zavod RS za šolstvo, 2010 (with Popovič Lozar, G.; Krivec Čarman,
D.; Stergar, T.; Burjak, M.; Bizjak, S.; Globočnik, M.; et al.).
Anna Clark holds a Future Fellowship from the Australian Research Council
and is the co-director of the Australian Centre for Public History at the
University of Technology Sydney. She has written extensively on history educa-
tion, historiography and historical consciousness, including History Wars (2003)
with Stuart Macintyre, which was awarded the NSW Premier’s Prize for
Australian History and the Queensland Premier’s Prize for Best Literary or
Media Work Advancing Public Debate. In 2013 she was a visiting professor in
the Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies at Umeå
University. Selected publications: Private Lives, Public History. Melbourne:
Melbourne University Publishing, 2016; ‘Teaching the Nation’s Story:
Comparing public debates and classroom perspectives of history education in
Australia and Canada’. In Journal of Curriculum Studies 41, (2009) 6, 745–762;
History’s Children: History Wars in the Classroom. Sydney: UNSW Press, 2008;
Teaching the Nation. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2006; The History
Wars. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2003 (with Stuart Macintyre).