Term Paper Nuclear Physics 2024
Term Paper Nuclear Physics 2024
Term Paper Nuclear Physics 2024
Liquid Drop Model, Single Particle Shell Model and Collective Model
l. Nuclear Model
(I) Introduction
(Il) Liquid Drop Model
(Ill) Shell Model
(I) Introduction
(Il) Similarities between Liquid Drop and Nucleus
(Ill) Assumption of the Liquid Drop Model
3. Shell Model
(l) Introduction
(Il) Basic Assumptions of the Shell Model
(Ill) The Square well potential
(iv) The Harmonic Oscillator Potential
(v) Predictions of the Shell Model
(vi) Achievements of the Shell Model Failures of the Shell Model
(l) Introduction
(Il) Assumptions made
(Ill) Quadrupole deformation parameters
(IV) Bohr - Wheeler parameterization
This project would not have been possible without the collective
contributions of these individuals. I offer my heartfelt thanks to each
of you for your support and guidance.
Nuclear Model
s discussed in SLM 44, the size of the nucleus is very small and nuclear
forces are far more complicated than other well-known forces. In fact, the
picture of nuclear forces is still not clear. This picture is different from the
ease of atom, where the forces are known and atomic model is well established for
deducing various properties in atomic domain. Due to the lack of detailed
knowledge of nuclear forces, nuclear models, namely liquid drop model, shell
model, Nilsson model, Fermi gas model, collective model, Bohr Mottelson model,
interacting boson model, etc. have been developed, each of which is useful in a
more or less limited fashion.
In order to understand and predict the properties of the nucleus, we have to know
the forces completely. For knowing nuclear forces, we adopt a different approach.
In nuclei, we choose an oversimplified theory, the treatment of which is
mathematically possible, but the theory should be rich in physics. If this theory is
fairly successful in accounting for at least a few properties of the nucleus, we can
then improve the model by adding additional terms so that it is capable to account
more nuclear properties. In this way, we construct a nuclear model, a simplified
view of nuclear structure, which still contains the essentials of the
The devotement of nuclear model has taken place along the filming lines. In the
first type oc nuclear model, treated like a drop of liquid, in which nucleus has been
nucleons present in the nucleus interact very strongly among thetnselves. This is
like tnolecules present in a drop of liquid, shish interact atoning thetnselves very
strongly. This treattnent gave rise to tnodels like liquid drop pnodel, collective
pnodcl, etc. The second type of ruodels is constructed in analogy with the shell
model of the atoni. In these tnodels, the nucleons are weakly interacting among
thetnselves. This treattnent gave rise to Fermni gas pnodel, shell tnodel, Nilson
tnodel, etc. In this chapter, we discuss only two models, i.e. liquid drop model and
shell model. In the end, a brief description of Collectives given. Nuclear properties.
A good nuclear model must satisfy following two criteria:
Based on these similarities, Weizsacker in 1935 and Bohr and Wheeler in 1939 developed
liquid drop model. They ignored the finer features of nuclear forces but strong Internucleon
attraction is stressed
Assumptions of the Liquid Drop Model: -
LMm = constant
This means that B/N is independent of the number of molecules
present in the liquid drop. As we know that in the liquid drop, a molecule
interacts only with its nearest neighbor’s and number of neighbors is
independent of the size of the drop. This characteristic of the system shows
that range of interaction among the molecules is much smaller than the
dimensions of the drop.
In SLM 44, we have seen that neutrons and protons are
held together in nuclei by short- range attractive forces. These forces
reduce the mass of the nucleus below that of its constituents by an
amount proportional to the number of nucleons A. Since the volume of
the nucleus is proportional to A, hence this term is regarded as a
volume binding energy and in analogy to Eq. (2.4) is given by
Which is usually expressed as?
4m eo r
where r is the radius of the nucleus.
For a single-proton nucleu
r=R0A1/3 ,
For a single-proton nucleus no work is done against
Coulotnb repulsion in assetnbling the nucleus. Thus, the true
Coulotnb energy tertn Cor a nucleus containing Z protons is
5 41tfor
The negative sign indicates the repulsive term. As r ,
Eq. (2.7) can be written as :-
zcz-l) (2.8)
Where ac is constant.
As El N + Z and aa IS constant
Pairin Ener Tern' B5
Even Odd 55
Odd Even 50
Odd Odd 5
the five stable odd Z--odd N nuclei are: ill, #Li, i !B, t 4N, 1 %Ta)
From Table 2.1, it is clear that even Z—even N nuclei, being most
stable, are most abundant. Accordingly, odd Z—odd N nuclei are least
abundant and hence least stable. The remaining nuclei have intermediate
stability. Therefore, the binding energy also depends upon whether the
number of protons and neutrons are odd or even. This pairing effect
incorporated by putting Where
Substituting the values of B 1, B2, B3, B4 and B5 from Eqs. (2.5), (2.6),
and in Eq. we get Substituting the value of B from the above equation in
Eq. (2.1), we get thesemi empirical mass formula as:-
(A -202 314
19K = 3 20Ca=6 21 sc 1
491n 50Sn 51Sb 2
2 10 83Bi 1
81 Tl 82Pb 4
It is clear that number of stable isotopes for z 20, 50
and 82 are much larger compared to neighbouring
3. Number of stable isotones. The numbers of stable
160 (N
(N z = 20)
1 18Sn (Z 50)
88 90
sr, 89M, zr (N 50)
138Ba, 139La, (N 82)
(Z 82, IV
l . Binding energy of next neutron after a magic number
is small. The separation energy of the last neutron for
N 8, 9; 19, 20, 21 and 27,28 29 is shown in Table
TABLE 3.4 Binding energy of the last neutron around
magic numbers
27 7.3
ca 19 13.3 Ca
16 9.9
0 8 15.7 48
ca 28
15.7 20
0 9 4.14 41ca 21 8.4 49ca 29 5.1