PDF Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching 6th Edition Jeanne Ellis Ormrod Download
PDF Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching 6th Edition Jeanne Ellis Ormrod Download
PDF Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching 6th Edition Jeanne Ellis Ormrod Download
Food law for public health 1st Edition Pomeranz
Essentials of
Educational Psychology
Big Ideas to Guide Effective Teaching
Brett D. Jones
Virginia Tech
Content Development: Curtis Vickers
Content Management: Rebecca Fox-Gieg
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ISBN-10: 0-13-681782-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-681782-6
To Olivia, Miles, and Jack Fox (from Jeanne)
To Mia and Jack Jones (from Brett)
About the Authors
Jeanne Ellis Ormrod received her A.B. in psychology from Brown University and
her M.S. and Ph.D. in educational psychology from The Pennsylvania State U niversity. She
earned licensure in school psychology through postdoctoral work at Temple U niversity
and the University of Colorado at Boulder and has worked as a middle school geography
teacher and school psychologist. Dr. Ormrod was Professor of Educational Psychology at
the University of Northern Colorado (UNC) until 1998 and is currently Professor Emerita
in UNC’s School of Psychological Sciences. She has published and presented extensively
on cognition and memory, cognitive development, instruction, and related topics but
is probably best known for this book and four others: Human Learning (currently in its
8th edition); Educational Psychology: Developing Learners (10th edition, coauthored with
Eric Anderman and Lynley Anderman); Child Development and Education (coauthored with
Teresa McDevitt, currently in its 7th edition); and Practical Research (coauthored with Paul
Leedy, currently in its 12th edition). After raising three children (two of whom have become
teachers themselves), she now lives in New Hampshire with her husband, Richard. Within
the past few years, she has had the good fortune to visit schools in diverse cultural settings,
including Rwanda, Tanzania, Thailand, Malaysia, and Peru’s Amazon region.
vi Preface
Pedagogical Features
The book includes a variety of features that can help readers better understand, remember,
and apply what they’re reading. These features are provided here in a bulleted list along
with an example of each.
Photo by Unsplash
• Big Ideas: Each chapter begins with about four Big Ideas—overarching principles that
provide a general organizational scheme for the chapter’s content.
4.3 The cultural and societal contexts in which learners grow up also
influence their behaviors and cognitive processes.
4.4 Although various environmental contexts influence learners and
their development, so, too, do learners influence the environments in
which they live and grow.
• Case Studies: Immediately following the list of Big Ideas presented at the beginning
of each chapter is a Case Study that introduces some of the ideas and issues that we
address in the chapter. Throughout each chapter, we periodically revisit the case to
offer new insights and interpretations.
That seventh-grader was away from home for 5 days, and his parents don’t care! . . . Almost and Cognition
one-third of my Navajo students were absent this week. Their parents just don’t support
their education. How can I teach when they are not in my classes?
A few days later, Jack’s sister explained why her parents had eventually begun to look for Jack:
He went to see [the film] Rambo II with friends and never came home. If he was in trouble
we would know. But now the family needs him to herd sheep tomorrow. Learning
It was spring—time for the family to plant crops and shear the sheep—and all family members
needed to help out. Jack’s whereabouts were soon discovered, and the family stopped by
Donna’s house to share the news:
Jack’s dad said, “We found him.” His mother turned in his direction and said teasingly, Contexts
“Now maybe school will look easy!” Jack stayed at home for several days, helping with the
irrigation of the corn field, before he decided to return to school.1
1. Did you interpret Jack’s absence from school in the same way his English teacher did,
concluding that “his parents don’t care” about his education? If so, how might your own 4.4
cultural background have influenced your conclusion? Environments
2. Like most parents, Jack’s mother and father cared deeply about his school achievement
and general well-being. What alternative explanations might account for their behaviors in Environment
this situation?
Quite possibly you concluded that Jack and his parents don’t place much value on for-
Exam: Adam
mal education. If so, your conclusion might have been based on two widely held beliefs
in your culture: (1) School should take priority over most activities at home and else-
where and (2) responsible parents insist that their children attend school. In reality, most
5.2 Internal Factors That Affect Learners’ Motivation and Engagement 205
Preface vii
It might seem paradoxical that learners who want to be successful 3.4 Thinking 119
• Guiding Principles
would actuallyandtryKey Strategies:
to undermine Boldfaced
their Guiding
own success. But ifPrinciples and KeyFigure
they believe
5.14 In this interview, a student
explains why she sometimes doesn’t work
are provided throughout
they’re unlikely to the
no to
matter highlight
what they key
especially and
if concrete
creativity skills.133 A particular advantage is that they can be designed in ways that recom-
very keep
hard on her assignments
mendations will reflect
students’ can poorly
cognitive loadonwithin
their intelligence
teachers and ability—they
in their decision
reasonable bounds making
and increase their
and classroom
appropriately structure practices.
and guide
chances justifying Interviewer: What if you don’t do so well?
students’ofefforts. 134 the failure and thereby protecting their self-worth (see
Their acts of altruism and compassion aren’t
As children grow older, they become increasingly aware of their own thinking and learn-
ing processes and increasingly realistic about what they can learn and remember in a
given time period (see Table 3.2). With this growing self-awareness come more effective
viii Preface study strategies.
Truly effective strategies emerge quite slowly, however, especially if young learners
don’t get guidance from teachers, parents, or other adults about how to study.41 For
instance, unless specifically instructed to take notes, many young adolescents take few or
• Developmental Trends: To a considerable degree, we talk about concepts and prin-
no notes to help them remember class material. And even when they do take notes, they’re
apt to use superficial strategies in choosing what to focus on—perhaps focusing on defini-
ciples that apply to children and adolescents at all grade levels. Yet 1st graders often
tions and formulas in a textbook or writing down only the things their teacher writes on
think and act very differently than 6th graders, and 6th graders can, in turn, be quite
the board—and miss critical ideas as a result.42
Furthermore, many children and adolescents engage in little or no comprehension
different from 11th graders. Most chapters have one or more Developmental Trends
monitoring.43 When they don’t monitor their learning and comprehension, they don’t
know what they know and what they don’t know, and so they may think they’ve mastered
tables that highlight and illustrate developmental differences that teachers are apt
something when they really haven’t. This overconfidence leads to an illusion of learning,
which is seen in learners at all levels, even college students.44
to see in grades K–2, 3–5, 6–8, and 9–12. Here is an example from part of a Develop-
Comprehension monitoring isn’t just an important study strategy in its own right—it
mental Trends table.
also plays a pivotal role in the development of other study strategies.45 Learners will acquire
Developmental Trends
Table 3.2 Metacognition at Different Grade Levels
6.4 Intelligence 283
• Awareness of thought in oneself and An adult tells 6-year-old • Talk often about thinking processes
Photo by Unsplash
others, albeit in a simplistic form; limited Brent that she will read (e.g., “I wonder if . . . ” “How might you
Intellectual disabilities are
ability to often
reflect caused by genetic
on the specific natureconditions.
of him a listFor example,
of 12 words; shethey areremember to . . . ?”).
common in children with Down
one’s own syndrome, an inherited condition
thought processes then asksmarked by distinctive
him to predict • Provide opportunities for students to
• Considerable overestimation of what
facial features, shorter-than-average arms and legs, and poorhow many he’ll be able to
muscle tone. Other intellec-“experiment” with their memories (e.g.,
has been learned and how much can be remember. Brent predicts playing “I’m going on a trip and am going
tual disabilities are due to biological but noninherited causes,“about
remembered such as8 orsevere malnutritionto pack
9 . . . maybe ,” in which each student
Grades K–2
or excessive alcohol consumption during
• Belief that learning is athe mother’s
relatively pregnancy
passive or prolonged
all of them,” but in fact heoxygenrepeats items previously mentioned and
activity recalls only 6.
deprivation during a difficult birth. In still other situations, environmental factors, such
166 Later, when then adds another item to the list).
• Belief that the absolute truth about any the adult asks him what • Introduce simple learning strategies (e.g.,
as parental neglect or antopic
extremely impoverished
is “out there” somewhere,and unstimulating
waiting home
he did to try environment,rehearsal of spelling words, repeated
to remember
may be at fault.167 Although
to be usually
discovered a long-term condition, an theintellectual
words, he says disability
only, isn’tpractice of motor skills).
necessarily a lifelong disability, especially when its cause is“Think” and “Holdedrather
environmental it, holdthan
it in my brain.”
genetic. 168
Severe intellectual disabilities are usually identified long before children begin kin-
dergarten or first grade. However, mild cases can go undetected until school age. Teachers
De Lasuspect thatDunning
Paz, 2005; a student
et al.,has significant
2004; delays
A. King, 1992; in cognitive
Wong, 1985. development and adaptive
A. King, should definitely consult with2004;
specialists trained in identifying and working with
• Classroom Strategies boxes: Most chapters have two or more Classroom Strategies
1992; R. E. Mayer, 2010; Shanahan, Wade-Stein & Kintsch, 2004.
J. E. Barnett,
children who2001;
have Rawson
special& Kintsch,
educational2005; Schommer,
needs. 1994a; Schneider, 2010; Veenman, 2011.
Dee-Lucas & Larkin, 1991; Dole et al., 1991; R. E. Reynolds & Shirey, 1988.
boxes that offer concrete suggestions and examples of how teachers might apply a
Some students with mild intellectual disabilities spend part or all of the school day in
Dole et al., 1991; McKeown & Beck, 2009; Nokes & Dole, 2004.
L. Baker,education
1989; D. L. classrooms.
Butler & Winne, They’re apt to have
1995; Carpenter et al.,poor
2020; reading
Dunloskyand language
& Lipko, skills,&less
2007; Hacker
particular concept or principle. These features should provide yet another mecha-
Bol, 2004;knowledge about the world, poor memory for new information, difficulty with
N. J. Stone, 2000.
Kuhn etideas, and
al., 1995; fewet(ifal.,any)
Lodico 1983;metacognitive
Loranger, 1994. skills. Nevertheless, they can make con-
nism to help our readers apply educational psychology to actual classroom practices.
siderable academic progress when instruction is appropriately paced and provides a lot
Part of one of these Classroom Strategies boxes is shown here.
of guidance and support. The Classroom Strategies box “Working with Students Who
Have Significant Delays in Cognitive Development” offers suggestions for working effec-
tively with these students.
Classroom Strategies
Working with Students Who Have Significant Delays in Cognitive Development
• Introduce new material at a slower pace, and • Give students explicit guidance about how to study.
provide many opportunities for practice. An elementary teacher tells a student, “When you study a new
An elementary teacher gives a student only two new spelling word, it helps if you repeat the letters out loud while you
addition facts a week because any more than two seem practice writing the word. Let’s try it with the word house. Watch
to be overwhelming. Every day, the teacher has the student how I repeat the letters—H . . . O . . . U . . . S . . . E—as I write
practice writing the new facts and review the facts learned the word. Now you try doing what I just did.”
in preceding weeks.
• Encourage independence.
• Explain tasks and expected behaviors A middle school teacher teaches a student how to use her calcu-
concretely and in very specific language. lator to figure out what she needs to pay for lunch every day. The
An art teacher gives a student explicit training in the teacher also gives the student considerable practice in identifying
steps needed at the end of each painting session: the correct bills and coins to use when paying various amounts.
(1) Rinse the paintbrush out at the sink, (2) put the brush
and watercolor paints on the shelf in the back room, and • Provide technology that can enhance students’
(3) put the painting on the counter by the window to dry. self-reliance.
Initially, the teacher needs to remind the student of every Using a task organizer app on a smartphone (e.g., Visules,
step in the process. But with time and practice, the Picture Scheduler), a high school life skills teacher creates a
student eventually carries out the process sequence of step-by-step pictures that can help a student learn
independently. and remember how to cook a hard-boiled egg.
Sources: Feuerstein, Feuerstein, & Falik, 2010; K. L. Fletcher & Bray, 1995; Heward, 2009; Patton, Blackbourn, & Fad, 1996; Prout, 2009; Turnbull et al., 2010.
Dorris, 1989; Keogh & MacMillan, 1996.
Batshaw & Shapiro, 2002; A. A. Baumeister, 1989; D. A. Chapman et al., 2002.
Hallahan et al., 2009; Landesman & Ramey, 1989; Ormrod & McGuire, 2007.
• Use of footnotes: Some of our colleagues in the field may be surprised to see our
Beirne-Smith et al., 2002; Butterfield & Ferretti, 1987; Heward, 2009; Kail, 1990; Turnbull et al., 2010.
use of footnotes rather than APA (American Psychological Association) citation style
throughout the book. Our decision has been strictly a pedagogical one. Yes, students
need to know that the principles and recommendations in this book are research-
based. But we’ve found that APA style can be quite distracting for someone who
is reading about psychology for the first time and trying to sort out what things
M06_ORMR3618_06_SE_C06.indd 283 06/10/2021 20:33
are and are not important to learn and remember. Novice psychologists should be
concerned more with the ideas themselves than with the people behind the ideas.
By putting most of the research authors’ names in small print at the bottom of the
page, we can help novices better focus their attention on what things truly are most
important to know and understand.
Preface ix
• Learning Outcome Quizzes: Each chapter Big Idea is the focus of a Learning Outcome
Quiz that is available for instructors to assign through their Learning Management
System. The Big Ideas identify chapter content that is most important for learners
self-regulation, a topic we
and serve as the organizational framework for each chapter. The quiz questions Figure 2.2
focus almost exclusively on meaningful learning and, often, on application of key learning
concepts and principles related to scenarios and problems. In general, the quiz-
zes have been written with a particular principle in mind: When used in the LMS
testing effect information at one time.
retrieval-based learning).142 Because students •
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x Preface
• From the main page, use the search function to look up the lead author (i.e., O
or the title (i.e., Essentials of Educational Psychology). Select the desired search
result, then access the “Resources” tab to view and download all available resources.
• From the main page, use the search function to look up the ISBN (provided above)
of the specific instructor resource you would like to download. When the product
page loads, access the “Downloadable Resources” tab.
• More explicit connections between principles and teaching strategies: For several
chapters in the prior edition, we provided most of the teaching strategies in separate
Preface xi
sections near the end of the chapter. In this edition, we integrated those teaching
strategies throughout the chapters. As a result, the Big Idea sections in many chapters
now include a subsection titled Teaching Strategies to make the connections between
the principles and the teaching strategies more explicit.
• More explicit connections between theories and principles: Although our approach
in this book is to integrate the concepts, principles, and educational strategies that
diverse theoretical perspectives offer, it’s also important for teachers to have some
familiarity with specific psychological theories and with prominent theorists who
have had a significant influence on psychological thinking (e.g., Jean Piaget, Lev
Vygotsky, B. F. Skinner). To better connect these theories to the Big Ideas and prin-
ciples presented in the text, we moved the theories from the Theoretical Perspectives
tables in the prior edition to within the body of the text.
• New figures to facilitate comprehension: We added over 90 new figures to sum-
marize or present the concepts explained in the text.
• Updated references and explanations: We have included over 500 new references
to provide readers with the most current and relevant research.
• New keywords and definitions: We added new keywords and definitions that are
consistent with current research.
for organization along with a new Figure 2.16; added a new example for encouraging
elaboration along with a new Figure 2.18; added a new Figure 2.22 to show several
different types of constructivism; added a new Figure 2.26 to provide an example of
one of the teaching strategies; added an example in Section 2.5 about how memories
are retrieved by following pathways; added information in Section 2.5 about the role
of forgetting and new findings from neuroscience with updated citations; added a
new subsection in Section 2.5 about providing opportunities to practice retrieval,
including a new Figure 2.28; added a new subsection in Section 2.5 about intermixing
practice problems, including a new See For Yourself exercise and a new Figure 2.29;
added a new sub-section in Section 2.5 about spacing review sessions that includes
a definition for spacing effect; and made minor edits throughout the chapter.
• Chapter 3: Deleted Big Ideas 3.5 and 3.6 and moved the principles and practices
within them into other sections of the chapter; edited the wording of Big Idea 3.4;
added a figure to list many different types of complex cognitive processes; added
a new figure illustrating self-regulation, metacognition, and motivation; explained
the differences between self-regulation and metacognition in Section 3.1; provided
more explanation about metacognition and a figure showing the three categories of
metacognitive knowledge; added four new strategies and examples in the Classroom
Strategies section titled “Fostering Self-Regulation”; added a new figure related to
specific transfer; added a new paragraph using an example about computer pro-
gramming for general transfer in Section 3.2; revised the definition of service learning
and provided a new example of it in Section 3.2; added an explanation of critical
service learning along with an associated figure; added a new figure showing the
components of well-defined and ill-defined problems; expanded the explanation of
creativity in Section 3.3; added text and an associated figure related to the creative
problem-solving process; added the key term engineering design and explained the
processes involved in it; added three examples of how teachers can help students
avoid mental sets (Section 3.3); added a new section about thinking at the beginning
of Section 3.4 along with a figure of the categories of cognitive processes; added the
terms design thinking and computational thinking along with explanations of each;
moved the ideas in the Cultural Considerations box (Section 3.4) to within the text
in the appropriate section; and added a new figure related to students being critical
• Chapter 4: Deleted Big Ideas 4.5 and 4.6 and moved the principles and practices
within them into other sections of the chapter; edited the wording of Big Idea 4.3;
added a definition and explanation of ecological systems theory in the introduction;
added a definition of Behaviorism in Section 4.1; edited Figures 4.3 and 4.6; added a
definition and examples of the Premack Principle in Section 4.1; added a definition
of social cognitive theory in Section 4.1; added a definition of cognitive modeling in
Section 4.1; added new Figures 4.7, 4.8, and 4.12; provided more examples of
using verbal praise and a token economy in Section 4.1; added definitions of social
constructivism and sociocultural theory in Section 4.2.; the ideas in the Cultural
Considerations box (Section 4.3) were moved to within the text in the appropri-
ate section; added an example of how cultural lenses can affect students’ views
in Section 4.3; added a new section in subsection 4.3 related to race and included
definitions and examples of racial ideology, color-blind racial ideology, racial microag-
gressions, and racial battle fatigue; added a new Figure 4.16; added another example
of stereotypes in Section 4.3; and added two new sections for teaching strategies in
Section 4.4.
• Chapter 5: The title of the chapter was changed to “Motivation and Emotions”; Big
Ideas 5.2 and 5.4 were combined; deleted Table 5.1 and distributed the text from the
Preface xiii
table to within the chapter or within other chapters; added a new figure in Section 5.1
about theoretical approaches; added a new section in Section 5.1 titled “Teacher
Beliefs About and Assessment of Students’ Motivation” along with an accompany-
ing section with teaching strategies that include a new figure; included new figures
in Section 5.2 related to arousal, self-worth, and interest; added two new See For
Yourself activities in Section 5.2 (“Enjoyable Activity” along with an accompanying
figure and “Self-Efficacy for Different Activities”); added more explanation about
cost in Section 5.2; revised a figure related to self-efficacy and added a complemen-
tary paragraph to explain it; added a new figure related to appropriate attributions;
added a new teaching strategy related to usefulness in Section 5.3; moved the ideas
in the Cultural Considerations boxes (previously in Sections 5.3 and 5.4) to within
the text in the appropriate section; edited a couple examples in the Classroom Strate-
gies box titled “Enhancing Self-Efficacy and Self-Worth”; added a new figure related
to SMART goals; edited some examples and added two new examples (with an
accompanying figure) in the Classroom Strategies box titled “Forming Productive
Expectations and Attributions;” added a new figure about situational interest in
Section 5.3; added more strategies related to caring in Section 5.3; and added defi-
nitions of emotions, social and emotional learning, and emotion regulation (along with
accompanying explanations) in Section 5.4.
• Chapter 6: Deleted Big Idea 6.5 and moved the principles and practices within it into
other sections of the chapter; deleted Table 6.1 and distributed the text from the table
to within the chapter or within other chapters; updated several figures throughout
the chapter; added a figure that shows synaptic connections in Section 6.1; added a
paragraph about children’s use of different brain areas in Section 6.1; in Section 6.2,
added a figure that shows an example of mental schemes, a figure related to language
development, a figure explaining reciprocal teaching, and a figure about apprentice-
ships; added to the definition and explanation of scheme in Section 6.2; edited the
examples for assimilation and accommodation in Section 6.2; in Section 6.4, added a
figure related to dispositions and a figure about multiple intelligences; and moved
the ideas in the Cultural Considerations box (Section 6.4) to within the text in the
appropriate section.
• Chapter 7: Edited the wording of Big Ideas 7.1 and 7.2; deleted Big Idea 7.4 and
moved the principles and practices within it into other sections of the chapter; in
Section 7.1, edited the principles and the order in which some of them appear; added
a table for personality traits along with text to accompany it; created several new
figures in Section 7.1; in Section 7.1, added definitions and accompanying explana-
tions for traits, sociability, activity level, environmental sensitivity, permissive and unin-
volved parenting, self-concept, self-esteem, reciprocal effects model, gender identity, and
sexual orientation identity; added a new See For Yourself exercise titled “Your Sense
of Self” along with an explanation of it; added a new principle related to sexual
orientation; added a principle about creating positive environments for all gender
identities and sexual orientation identities; added a new definition for social and
emotional learning; added a new figure for steps in social problem solving; moved
the ideas in the Cultural Considerations box (Section 7.3) to within the text in the
appropriate section; and reorganized the principles and text in Section 7.4.
• Chapter 8: Added a new Figure 8.1 related to teacher control and edited two other
figures in Section 8.1; added a new See For Yourself exercise titled “Driving a Car”
along with an explanation of it; reorganized Section 8.2 and added a new table at the
beginning of this section to organize all of the approaches within this section; added
a new figure related to different question types; reorganized Section 8.3 and added
a new table at the beginning of this section to organize all of the approaches within
xiv Preface
Although the title page lists us as the authors of this book, we’ve hardly written it alone.
We’re greatly indebted to the countless psychologists, educators, and other scholars whose
insights and research findings we have pulled together in these pages. We are also incred-
ibly appreciative of the collective efforts of the Pearson team, including Rebecca Fox-Gieg,
Curtis Vickers, Janelle Rogers, Anitha Vijayakumar, Vanitha Puela, and others who have
attended to the gazillion (and sometimes mysterious) details of turning this book into both
concrete and virtual realities.
On the home front have been the many students and teachers whose examples, arti-
facts, and interviews illustrate some of the concepts, developmental trends, and classroom
Preface xv
strategies we describe in the book: Aleph Altman-Mills, Andrew Belcher, Katie Belcher,
Noah Davis, Shea Davis, Barbara Dee, Tina Ormrod Fox, Amaryth Gass, Anthony Gass,
Ben Geraud, Darcy Geraud, Macy Gotthardt, Colin Hedges, Philip Hilbert, Erin Islo, Jesse
Jensen, Sheila Johnson, Jack Jones, Mia Jones, Shelly Lamb, Michele Minichiello, Susan
O’Byrne, Alex Ormrod, Jeff Ormrod, Isabelle Peters, Laura Riordan, Corey Ross, Ashton
Russo, Alex Sheehan, Connor Sheehan, Matt Shump, Melinda Shump, Grace Tober,
Ashleigh Utzinger, Grant Valentine, Caroline Wilson, Hannah Wilson, and Brian Zottoli.
The reviewers who helped shape this sixth edition were Cassendra Bergstrom,
University of Northern Colorado; Anthony C. Derriso, The University of Alabama; Carla
M. Firetto, Arizona State University; Jodi Legnon, Northeastern State University; Regina
Rahimi, Georgia Southern University; Jill Wendt, Arizona State University; and Maaly
Younis, University of Northern Colorado. We are greatly indebted to all of these individu-
als for their deep commitment to preparing future teachers and to getting the word out
about the many things that the field of educational psychology has to offer.
We must also acknowledge the contributions of our professional colleagues around
the country who’ve reviewed prior editions of the book and offered many invaluable
insights and suggestions: Lynley H. Anderman, University of Kentucky; Heidi Andrade,
State University of New York at Albany; Bonnie Armbruster, University of Illinois at
Urbana–Champaign; Ty Binfet, Loyola Marymount University; Bryan Bolea, Grand Valley
State University; Kym Buchanan, University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point; Jessica C hittum,
East Carolina University; Rhoda Cummings, University of Nevada at Reno; Emily de la
Cruz, Portland State University; Karen A. Droms, Luzerne County C ommunity College;
Randi A. Engle, University of California, Berkeley; Vanessa Ewing, University of N orthern
Colorado and Metropolitan State University of Denver; Robert B. Faux, University of
Pittsburgh; William M. Gray, University of Toledo; Robert L. Hohn, University of Kansas;
Leah Johnson, Indiana University and Purdue University, Fort Wayne; Donna Jurich, Knox
College; Adria Karle, Florida International University; Julita G. Lambating, California State
University at Sacramento; Frank R. Lilly, California State University at S acramento; Jenny
Martin, Bridgewater College; Jeffrey Miller, California State University at D ominguez
Hills; Anne Marie Rakip, South Carolina State University; Marla Reese-Weber, Illinois
State University; Michelle Riconscente, University of Maryland at College Park; Cecil
Robinson, University of Alabama; Analisa L. Smith, Nova Southeastern University;
Beverly Snyder, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; Karthigeyan Subramaniam,
University of North Texas; Debi Switzer, Clemson University; Mark Szymanski, Pacific
University; Kimberlee Taylor, Utah State University; Tenisha Tevis, American U niversity;
Michael P. Verdi, California State University at San Bernardino; Vickie W
illiams, U
of Maryland, Baltimore County; Steven R. Wininger, Western Kentucky University; John
Woods, Grand Valley State University; and Sharon Zumbrunn, Virginia Commonwealth
Finally, of course, Jeanne must thank her husband, Richard; her children, Tina, Alex,
and Jeff; and her grandchildren, Olivia, Miles, and Jack. Brett would like to thank his
wife, Rebecca; his children, Mia and Jack; his parents, Carole and Jack; and his stepfather,
Larry. Our families have shaped our lives—and so also this book—in ways too numerous
to recall.
J. E. O.
B. D. J.
xvi Preface
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1 Introduction to Educational
Psychology 2
Contents xix
Automaticity frees up working memory capacity for other Teaching Strategies: Facilitating Retrieval 76
tasks. 52 Give students time to think about questions. 76
With age and experience, children acquire more effective Give hints that help students recall or reconstruct what
learning strategies and use them more intentionally. 53 they’ve learned. 77
Teaching Strategies: Encouraging Effective Long-Term Provide opportunities for students to practice retrieving
Memory Storage Processes 53 information. 77
Help students learn concepts through the use of defining Intermix practice problems with problems from previous
features, examples, and nonexamples. 53 lessons. 78
Help students organize ideas by making connections Space review sessions over time. 79
among them. 54 Summary 79
Facilitate visual imagery. 56 Case Study Practice Exercises 81
Present questions and tasks that encourage
elaboration. 57
Suggest mnemonics for hard-to-remember facts. 58 3 Complex Cognitive Processes 82
Focus assessments on meaningful learning rather than rote Case Study: Taking Over 83
learning. 58 3.1 Self-Regulation and Metacognition 84
Provide many opportunities to practice important Effective Self-Regulated Learning 84
knowledge and skills. 60
Self-regulating learners establish goals for their
Be on the lookout for students who have unusual difficulty performance and plan their actions accordingly. 86
with certain cognitive processes. 61
Self-regulating learners control and monitor their processes
2.4 Learning as Active Construction 62 and progress during a learning task. 86
Knowledge Construction 62 Self-regulating learners seek assistance and support when
Learners use what they already know and believe to help they need it. 87
them make sense of new experiences. 63 Self-regulating learners monitor and try to control their
Prior knowledge and beliefs affect new learning, usually for motivation and emotions. 87
the better but sometimes for the worse. 65 Self-regulating learners evaluate the final outcomes of their
Learners differ in the factors that influence their ability to efforts. 87
learn and remember. 66 Self-regulating learners self-impose consequences for their
Teaching Strategies: Helping Students Construct performance. 87
Knowledge 68 Most learners become increasingly self-regulating over
Relate new ideas to students’ prior knowledge and the course of childhood and adolescence, partly as a
experiences. 68 result of maturation in key areas of the brain. 88
Take advantage of students’ diverse background The Roles of Metacognition 91
knowledge in designing instruction. 69 Some effective study strategies are easily seen in learners’
Provide experiences on which students can build. 70 behaviors. 91
Identify and address students’ misconceptions. 70 Study strategies are effective only to the extent that they
involve productive cognitive processes. 92
Regularly assess students’ understandings. 70
Metacognitive knowledge and skills gradually improve with
2.5 Why Learners May or May Not Remember What age. 93
They Have Learned 72 Learners’ beliefs about the nature of knowledge and
Recalling Information 72 learning influence their approaches to learning
How easily something is recalled depends on how it was tasks. 95
initially learned. 72 Teaching Strategies: Promoting Self-Regulation Skills and
Remembering depends on the context and retrieval Metacognitive Development 97
cues. 73 Guide and support self-regulated learning and behavior. 97
How easily something is recalled and used depends Encourage metacognitive self-reflection. 98
on how often it has been recalled and used in the Explicitly teach effective learning strategies. 99
past. 74 Communicate that acquiring knowledge is a dynamic,
Recall often involves construction or reconstruction. 74 ongoing process—that one never knows something
Long-term memory isn’t necessarily forever. 75 completely. 101
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xx Contents
classroom subject matter to new situations and
authentic activities. 107 Learning in Context 130
Construct assessments that require students to apply their Case Study: Why Jack Wasn’t in School 131
knowledge to new situations. 109
4.1 Immediate Stimuli as Context 132
3.3 Problem Solving and Creativity 110
Stimuli and Consequences Influence Learners’ Behaviors and
General Principles Related to Problem Solving and Cognition 132
Creativity 113
Some stimuli tend to elicit certain kinds of
The depth of learners’ knowledge influences their ability to responses. 133
solve problems and think creatively. 113
Learners are more likely to acquire behaviors that lead to
Both convergent and divergent thinking are constrained by desired consequences. 133
working memory capacity. 114
Learners are also likely to acquire behaviors that help them
How learners represent a problem or situation influences avoid or escape unpleasant circumstances. 135
their strategies and eventual success. 114
Learners tend to avoid behaviors that lead to unpleasant
Problem solving and creativity often involve heuristics consequences. 137
that facilitate but don’t guarantee successful
Learners acquire many behaviors by observing other
outcomes. 116
people’s actions. 139
Effective problem solving and creativity require self-
Learners learn what behaviors are acceptable and effective
regulation and metacognition. 117
by observing what happens to people whom they
Teaching Strategies: Encouraging Problem Solving and perceive to be similar to themselves. 141
Creativity 117
By seeing what happens to themselves and others,
Create a classroom climate in which problem solving and learners form expectations about the probable
creativity are both expected and valued. 117 outcomes of various actions. 141
Pose questions that require students to engage in divergent Teaching Strategies: Encouraging Productive Behaviors 142
thinking. 117
Create conditions that elicit desired responses. 142
Require students to work on complex problems, projects,
Make sure that productive behaviors are reinforced
and designs. 118
and that unproductive behaviors are not
Use technology to simulate real-world tasks and reinforced. 143
problems. 118
Make response–reinforcement contingencies clear and
Help students avoid mental sets when engaging in creative appropriate. 144
problem solving. 119
As an alternative to punishment, reinforce productive
3.4 Thinking 119 behaviors that are incompatible with unproductive
Attributes of Critical Thinking 121 ones. 145
Critical thinking can take a variety of forms. 121 Model desired behaviors. 145
Students can have difficulties engaging in critical Provide a variety of role models. 147
thinking. 123 Shape complex behaviors gradually over time. 147
Contents xxi
4.2 Social Interaction as Context 148 Be sensitive to cultural differences in behaviors and beliefs
Other People Affect Students’ Learning 148 and, when appropriate, adapt instructional methods
Learners sometimes co-construct new understandings with to students’ accustomed ways of learning and
more experienced individuals. 149 behaving. 170
Learners co-construct knowledge and understandings with Be sensitive to the culture shock that recent immigrants
peers. 150 might be experiencing. 171
Other people sometimes provide the support learners need Work hard to break down rigid stereotypes of particular
to take on challenging new tasks. 151 cultural and ethnic groups. 171
Teaching Strategies: Providing Opportunities for Students to Provide opportunities for students to interact regularly and
Learn from Others 152 productively with people from diverse cultural, ethnic,
and racial groups. 173
Encourage student dialogue and collaboration. 152
Identify and, if possible, provide missing resources and
Use computer technology to support both within-class and
experiences important for successful learning. 173
across-class communication. 153
Create a community of learners. 153 4.4 How Students Modify Their Environments 174
How Students Influence Their Environment 174
4.3 Culture and Society as Contexts 155
Learners alter their current environment through both their
Culture as Context 155
behaviors and such internal variables as beliefs, mental
Any cultural group encourages and models certain processes, feelings, and personality traits. 174
behaviors and actively discourages certain other
Learners actively seek out environments that are a good fit
behaviors. 156
with their existing behaviors and internal variables. 175
Every culture passes along many cognitive tools that
Teaching Strategies: Attending to Students’ Behaviors 176
enhance learners’ thinking capabilities. 159
Help students become aware of how they are influencing
Every culture instills certain worldviews that color people’s
their environment. 176
interpretations of events. 159
Be aware of how students’ behaviors affect your own
Every culture has certain ways of doing things,
thoughts and behaviors. 177
and these, too, are passed from generation to
generation. 160 Summary 177
Inconsistencies between home and school cultures can Case Study Practice Exercises 178
interfere with school learning and performance. 161
Society as Context 162
Any large society has multiple layers that all affect 5 Motivation and Emotions 180
children’s learning and development either directly or Case Study: Passing Algebra 181
indirectly. 163
5.1 The Nature of Motivation 182
Different members of a society have different specialties,
The Role of Motivation in Education 182
and they call on one another’s areas of expertise as
needed. 164 A variety of theories are often helpful in explaining students’
motivation. 184
In most situations, some society members have greater
access to the society’s resources than other members Researchers have identified some general principles about
do. 164 students’ motivation. 185
Teaching Strategies: Considering Students’ Broader Cultural Teacher Beliefs About and Assessment of Students’
and Societal Contexts 166 Motivation 186
Remember that membership in a particular cultural or Teachers should believe that they can affect students’
ethnic group is not an either–or situation but, instead, motivation and that it’s important to motivate
a more-or-less phenomenon. 166 students. 186
Come to understand your own cultural lens and learn Teachers can assess students’ motivation and
as much as you can about students’ cultural engagement. 186
backgrounds. 166 Teaching Strategies: Assessing Students’ Motivation and
Be aware of how your beliefs about race affect your Engagement 187
behaviors and communications with students and Assess students’ motivation by observing their behaviors
others. 167 and reactions during class. 187
Incorporate the perspectives and traditions of many Assess students’ motivation by talking to them. 187
cultures into the curriculum. 169 Assess students’ motivation by surveying them. 187
xxii Contents
5.2 Internal Factors That Affect Learners’ Motivation and Communicate with students in a clear, but less-controlling
Engagement 188 manner. 214
Learners’ Psychological Needs 188 Use extrinsic reinforcers when necessary but do so in ways
Learners have a basic need for arousal. 188 that preserve students’ sense of autonomy. 215
Learners want to be in control of their actions to some Ask students to set some personal goals for learning and
degree. 189 performance. 216
Learners want to believe they are competent and have Teaching Strategies That Demonstrate the Usefulness of
self-worth. 191 Activities 216
Learners want to feel connected to other people. 192 Explicitly relate class activities to students’ values, goals,
Learners’ Interests and Enjoyment 193 and everyday lives. 216
Learners have existing interests, but new interests can be Ask students to talk or write about how what they are
triggered by the environment. 193 learning is useful to their lives. 216
Learners experience greater enjoyment and interest in Create conditions that foster internalization of values
school activities when their psychological needs are essential for students’ long-term academic and
met. 194 professional success. 217
Learners can become immersed in an activity when the Teaching Strategies That Foster Perceptions of Success 217
conditions are right. 195 Protect and enhance students’ self-efficacy and overall
Learners’ Values and Goals 196 sense of competence and self-worth. 217
Learners are more likely to choose to devote time and effort Present challenges that students can realistically
to activities that they value. 196 accomplish. 218
Learners’ values are affected by their social and cultural Form and communicate optimistic expectations and
environments. 197 attributions. 220
Learners typically form goals related to their academic Minimize competition. 220
achievement; the specific nature of these goals Focus students’ attention more on mastery goals than on
influences learners’ cognitive processes and performance goals. 222
behaviors. 198 Teaching Strategies That Stimulate Interest 222
Learners must juggle their achievement goals with their Conduct interest-arousing lessons and activities. 222
many other goals. 201 Relate activities to students’ individual interests. 224
Learners’ Self-Efficacy, Attributions, and Beliefs 202 Teaching Strategies That Show and Promote Caring 224
Learners are more likely to choose activities and try harder Show students that you respect them and are concerned
at them when they believe that they can succeed at about their well-being. 225
them. 202
Provide regular opportunities for students to interact
When learners think their chances of success are slim, they productively with one another. 225
may behave in ways that make success even less
Create a classroom environment in which students respect
likely. 204
one another. 225
Learners identify what are, in their minds, the likely causes
of their successes and failures. 205 5.4 Emotions and Their Effects on Motivation
Learners’ attributions for past successes and failures and Learning 226
affect their emotional reactions and future The Role of Emotions in Student Motivation and Learning 226
performances. 207 Emotions and motivation are interrelated. 226
Learners’ attributions are affected by their teachers’ Emotions are closely tied to learning and cognition. 227
attributions and resulting expectations for students’ Productive emotions can trigger effective learning
performance. 209 strategies. 228
Over time, learners acquire a general attributional Emotions can also trigger certain behaviors. 228
style. 210
Some anxiety is helpful, but a lot is often a hindrance. 229
5.3 Teaching Strategies to Support Students’ Motivation Teaching Strategies: Generating Productive Emotions for
and Engagement 211 Learning 230
Teaching Strategies That Empower Students 211 Get students emotionally involved in the subject
Give students control over some aspects of classroom matter. 230
life. 211 Help students to better regulate their emotions. 230
Contents xxiii
Keep anxiety at a low to moderate level. 233 Scaffold students’ early efforts at challenging tasks and
As students make the transition to middle school or high assignments. 253
school, make an extra effort to minimize their anxiety Involve students in age-appropriate ways in adult
and address their need for relatedness. 234 activities. 256
Summary 235 6.3 Trends in Cognitive Development 257
Case Study Practice Exercises 236 Development of Working Memory, Knowledge, and Thinking
Processes 258
6 Cognitive Development 238 Children’s growing working memory capacity enables them
to handle increasingly complex cognitive tasks. 258
Case Study: Hidden Treasure 239 Children’s growing knowledge base enhances their ability
to learn new things. 258
6.1 General Principles of Development 240
Children’s knowledge, beliefs, and thinking processes
Developmental Principles 240
become increasingly integrated. 258
The brain continues to develop throughout childhood,
Stages of Cognitive Development 259
adolescence, and adulthood. 240
Thinking becomes increasingly logical during the
The sequence of development is somewhat
elementary school years. 259
predictable. 242
Thinking becomes increasingly abstract in the middle
Children develop at different rates. 242
school and secondary school years. 261
Development is often marked by spurts and plateaus. 242
Several logical thinking processes important for
Development involves both quantitative and qualitative
mathematical and scientific reasoning improve
changes. 243
considerably during adolescence. 263
Heredity and environment interact in their effects on
Children can think more logically and abstractly about tasks
development. 243
and topics they know well. 265
Children’s own behaviors also influence their
True expertise comes only after many years of study and
development. 244
practice. 265
Teaching Strategies: Accommodating Developmental
Teaching Strategies: Fostering Cognitive Development 266
Differences and Diversity 245
Explore students’ reasoning with problem-solving tasks and
Ideally, teachers individualize instruction for every
probing questions. 266
student. 245
Rely heavily on concrete objects and activities, especially in
Technology-based instructional strategies can be used to
the early elementary grades. 267
meet students’ developmental needs. 245
Present abstract ideas more frequently in the middle school
6.2 Developmental Processes 246 and high school grades, but tie them to concrete
Knowledge Construction 246 objects and events. 268
Children have a natural tendency to organize their Initially introduce sophisticated reasoning processes within
experiences. 246 the context of familiar situations. 269
Children are naturally inclined to make sense of and adapt 6.4 Intelligence 270
to their environment. 248 The Nature of Intelligence 270
Inconsistencies between existing understandings and new Intelligence can be measured only imprecisely at best. 271
events promote development. 248
To some degree, intelligence reflects the general speed,
Development builds on prior acquisitions. 250 efficiency, and control of cognitive processing. 273
Observations of the physical environment—and, Intelligence also involves numerous specific processes and
ideally, frequent interactions with it—promote abilities. 273
development. 250
Learners may be more intelligent in some domains than in
Language development facilitates cognitive others. 274
development. 250
Intelligence is a product of both inherited characteristics
Knowledge Construction Through Interaction with Others 251 and environmental influences. 275
Interactions with other people promote development. 251 Intelligence may take different forms at different age
Challenging tasks promote development. 252 levels. 276
Teaching Strategies: Facilitating Learners’ Knowledge Learners may have specific cognitive styles and
Construction 252 dispositions that predispose them to think and act in
Encourage play activities. 252 more or less intelligent ways. 276
xxiv Contents
Learners act more intelligently when they have physical or Sexual orientation influences one’s sense of self and
social support for their efforts. 279 identity. 302
Teaching Strategies: Teaching with a Consideration of Despite the influence of others, growing children define and
Intelligence 279 socialize themselves to a considerable degree. 302
Interpret intelligence test results cautiously. 280 In forming their identity, it’s important for adolescents
Look for signs of exceptional abilities and talents. 280 to explore alternative beliefs, values, and career
Consult with specialists if children show significant delays in goals. 303
development. 281 Teaching Strategies: Fostering Personal Development 305
Be optimistic that with appropriate guidance and support, Accommodate students’ diverse personality traits. 305
all students can perform more intelligently. 284 Create a warm, supportive environment with clear
Be cautious in applying multiple intelligences theory and standards for behavior and explanations of why some
learning styles to teaching. 284 behaviors are unacceptable. 305
Summary 286 Help students get a handle on who they are and who they
Case Study Practice Exercises 287 want to become. 306
Channel adolescents’ risk-taking tendencies into safe
activities. 307
7 Personal, Social, and Moral Create a positive learning environment in which students
of all gender identities and sexual orientation identities
Development 288 feel welcome. 308
Case Study: The School Play 289 7.2 Social Development 308
7.1 Personal Development 290 Peer Relationships 309
Personality 290 Peer relationships promote personal, social, and academic
Personality traits can be grouped into five general development in ways that adult–child relationships
categories. 290 often cannot. 309
Personality traits are influenced by genetic and Peers help define “appropriate” ways of behaving. 310
environmental contexts. 292 On average, boys and girls interact with their peers in
One personality trait, effortful control, doesn’t fully mature distinctly different ways. 311
until adulthood. 292 Social groups become increasingly important in
Parenting styles can affect children’s personality traits and adolescence. 311
behaviors. 293 Romantic relationships in adolescence can provide
Cultural environments influence the development of valuable practice for the intimate relationships of
personality traits. 294 adulthood. 312
Sense of Self and Identity 294 Truly popular children have good social skills. 313