Assignment 1A

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Sr. No. Service Description

1 Residenti Residential care is defined as rendering long-term care and
al care support to people in their homes and specialty care homes
including nursing homes, aged care facilities and the like. This
model is intended for citizens who require constant care and
observations throughout their daily activities due to different
ages, disabilities, or stable health issues.
Key features of Residential care are as follows:
● 24/7 supervision and support

● Doctors and other related healthcare services

● Social and recreational activities

● Help in ADL (Activities of daily living): (for example,

washing, dressing, and feeding etc. )
2 Respite Respite Care is organised with a schedule of certain activities
care which set times for meals It entails the availing of a temporary
solution for the needy and a halt for the main caregivers who
care for the person in need. This can happen at the client's
home in a day centre a residential care home or any other
caregiving facility. The duration can take from a few hours up
to a few weeks.
Key features of Respite care are as follows:
● Temporary care primarily relieves the main care
provider or caregiver.
● This can be divided into planned tasking and emergency
● Attainable in other locations such as homes, day
centres, or residential facilities.
● Cares for persons with disability, illnesses, and the
● Reduces stress and strain on a caregiver.
3 Home Home and Community Care entails the delivery of a set of
and services and assistance to patients in their homes or
communi communities. This model will assist the client to remain as
ty care independent as possible, achieve maximum potential well-

being, and remain integrated with society.

Key features of Home and community care are as follows:
● Description of the care plan according to the client's
specific needs
● They range from bathing, dressing, and feeding, to
cleaning the house, doing the laundry, and providing
● Entitled to include medical and therapeutic services
such as nursing care, physical therapy
● Encourages the independence of clients with disabilities
and gets them involved actively in the community.
● It should feature a flexible schedule based on the desires
as well as requirements of the concerned person.


Sr. Service Standards

No Delivery
. Model
1 Residenti Standard 1- Consumer Dignity and
al care Choice: This standard provides for
the delivery of services by
supporting the consumer’s dignity
and right to make their own
decisions. Much significance is
attached to the recognition and
respect of the client’s choices,
ethnicity and situation.

Standard 2- Personal Care and

Clinical Care: This standard is
centred on offering secure and
efficient individual and dependant
care versus each consumer’s
requirement. This ensures that care
services respond to each consumer’s
needs, desires, and capacities as was
evaluated by the assessor.
2 Home Standard 1- Effective Management:

and This standard thus helps in the

communi management of home care services
ty care to the extent of delivering the
intended results regarding quality
care. It consists of planning,
governance, and continuous
improvement processes.

Standard 2- Appropriate Access and

Service Delivery: This standard
aims to ensure that the consumer
gets proper access to home care
services and that services are
provided in a way that best suits the


Sr. Requiremen Details

No. ts
1 Privacy: Safeguarding one’s clients by guaranteeing that
Privacy, their personal information is accepted, processed and
confidentiali managed according to the legislation of privacy.
ty, and Confidentiality: The record must ensure that information
disclosure about a client must not be disclosed unless the client has
waived this right or the law requires that the information
be disclosed. This entails protecting papers and talking
about personal matters in places that are not easily
accessible by members of the public.
Disclosure: This is the process of releasing information
on the condition that such release meets certain
specifications and permits. The policy may require
disclosure in some cases for example in cases of child
2 Delivering services to the consumer to an acceptable
Duty of care standard of competency and care. This policy entails

adequate measures to safeguard the lives of clients,

identifying risks that may harm the clients, and the
overall responsibility of the company to act in the best
interest of the clients.
3 Accepting the principle of autonomy, that is the right of
Dignity of individuals to bring certain decisions with their risks.
risk Supplier services require the consideration of
independence and security so that clients are provided
with information and support that will guide them in
their decisions.
4 Human Making sure that all the initiatives and interventions
rights uphold the rights of and provide regard accredited to
every person. This entails honouring certain dictates like
equality, non-discrimination, and the dignity of the
patient’s self.
5 Discriminati Offer services that do not in any way discriminate the
on customers through race, gender, age, disability, sex that
one has, or any other form. This contains issues such as
the management of diversity and reporting any case of
6 Disclosing specific kinds of information as mandated by
Mandatory the state like when a child is being abused or neglected.
reporting Mandatory reporting laws are legal requirements that are
formulated to safeguard the interest of vulnerable
persons and to make sure that they receive the help of
intervention at the right time.
7 The term concerns the roles and responsibilities of a
Work role professional and their functions as well as maintaining
boundaries; the boundaries of professional conduct. This is
responsibilit embracing the role of a nurse, understanding what the
ies and individual is capable of doing and what is not within
limitations their capacity. If the task is beyond one’s capability, then
the person should seek help or refer the matter to another
capable person. This guarantees that service delivery is
done safely and professionally.


1) Health and Mobility Issues:

Chronic Health Conditions: The elderly or disabled people include people with
chronic diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, heart ailments or respiratory
ailments that will prevent them from carrying out day-to-day activities without
assistance from somebody else.
Mobility Limitations: Such situations as osteoporosis, stroke, or physical disabilities
in general, may influence the patient’s ability to move around, care for themselves or
get the required services or assistance they need.

2) Social and Environmental Factors:

Isolation and Loneliness: People with old age disabilities, for instance, may go out
since they have no family and friends. Their mobility, low energy levels or chronic
diseases may prevent them from going out and engaging in social activities. They may
live in homes where there are no other occupants, thus lacking companionship. This
can damage their psychological state and general health.
Accessibility of Services and Infrastructure: Access to support services, transport, and
facilities including ramps, lifts and personal environments, greatly determine the
quality of life in most elderly disabled persons. Inadequate services lead to difficulty
to be compensated with sufficient care and to become actively involved in society.


1)Ongoing Training and Professional Development:

Workshops and Courses: Continuing education through the attendance of workshops,

courses and seminars appropriate to support workers’ area of specialisation ensures
that they are well-informed of the existing best practices, new practices and trends in
care practices. This can range from basic training in focused care including dementia
care, and monetary handling to professional first aid and mental health service.
Certification Programs: It is also possible for the support worker to take certification
courses and acquire additional, higher-level qualifications. Thus, getting certifications
in palliative care, disability support, or aged care can help in acquiring niche
knowledge and experience.

2) Supervision and Mentorship:

Regular Supervision Meetings: Support workers can have centre-based supervision

meetings with their senior supervisors or managers for taping into their centre-based
practice, for getting feedback and for discussing issues. This enables one to pinpoint
deficits and work on strategies for improving on those shortcomings.
Mentorship Programs: It is therefore advisable to be assigned a tutor who has
experience in the specific field so that he or she can offer advice. This implies that
mentors can impart their knowledge, advise the mentees on matters that may seem

rather tricky and facilitate the growth of the latter’s professional abilities and self-


Condition Indicators of unmet care Ways to respond to unmet needs

Incontinen ● Assessment and Monitoring: It
● Physical Indicators:
ce is necessary to evaluate the
Wearing or damp client’s condition and observe
clothes or bed linen, changes in the patterns of their
irritation of the skin, incontinence to adjust the care
rash, or infections plan.
such as urinary tract ● Hygiene and Skin Care:
infections. Maintain the client’s hygiene
● Behavioural status: the clothes and beddings
of the client should be changed
Indicators: immediately after getting
Exacerbation of soaked; use appropriate creams
anxiety/embarrassmen that do not irritate the skin or
t to join certain develop rashes that may lead to
activities or social infections.
isolation because of ● Supplies and Equipment:
the fear of falls, etc. Replace those incontinent items
● Environmental needed for the management of
Indicators: Bad incontinent patients in the
smells, improper hospital by ensuring they are
hygiene, or absence of available in the hospital.
appropriate diaper
(pad), or catheter for
incontinent patients.
● Cognitive Indicators: ● Individualised Care Plans: The
Inability to reason individualized treatment plans
properly, express that should be created and
oneself, or memory followed by the staff are the
loss getting worse. further recommendations
concerning the need to take into
● Behavioural
account all personal
Indicators: peculiarities of the client, his or
Restlessness, her needs, and preferences.
irritability, aimless
roaming, poor ● Consistent Routine: Prescribe
concentration or daily activities to allow for the
excessive sleeping, minimum level of confusion

sadness or worsening and stress in a day with the

of baseline behaviour. individual.
● Physical Indicators: ● Communication Techniques:
No personal care such Employ ordinary language and
as lack of bathing, helpful verbal interventions that
poor diet and eating make the client feel listened to
habits, sudden weight and thus, decrease a patient’s
loss, or not drinking level of frustration.
enough water.
● Safe Environment: They
● Environmental should ensure that the living
Indicators: Untidy environment is safe, this is by
homes, fire hazards, iT; Eliminating all potential
unsanitary houses, sources of falls, Implementing
presence of choking locks on doors, For individuals
materials and other who keep on wandering using
hazardous things that monitoring systems.
pose dangerous
situations of
● Social Withdrawal ● Assistive Devices: Make sure
and Isolation: This that the client has at least
Hearing will give the client the adequate hearing aids or any
difficulties tendency to isolate other assistive listening devices
himself or herself and is using them. If they are
from other people or not, assist the students plan for
refrain from any an appointment with the
group activities. This audiologist for diagnosis and
can be attributed to setting up of the hearing aid.
hearing problems such
as acquiring a feeling ● Communication Techniques:
of loneliness or They should not complicate
depression. their language while speaking,
and should avoid speaking very
● Miscommunication fast . Make sure the client is
and Frustration: Just focused before speaking to
like earlier mentioned, him/her and or use hand signals
if the client constantly which would help the client in
misunderstands and comprehending what is being
fails to respond to said. In a situation where the
verbal client could not hear them
communication, it speak well, the Healthcare
could be interpreted Worker should ensure to speak
that the hearing- facing the client to from doing
impaired aspects of lip-reading.
the client are not well

managed. This results

in social stress for the
client as well as for
others engaged with
the person
experiencing the

● Safety Concerns: The

client might not hear
alarms, doorbells and
other important
sounds; thus placing
them in a dangerous


Sr. Risks Ways to respond to these risks

1 Manual
● Proper Training: Make a policy that all the support workers
injuries are trained often on safe handling of patients especially
when moving them through use of hoist, transfer belt and
slide sheet.
● Use of Equipment: Improve communication during lifting
and transfer activities to minimize the impact on workers’
health. Education administrations should inspect and
maintain this equipment frequently to guarantee that they
are efficient and safe to use.
● Risk Assessments: Current suitable policies and
procedures related to manual handling and follow them
through conducting risk control assessments to establish
hazards and employ methods that can be used to decrease
the risks assessed.
2 Resident
● De-escalation Training: In order to reduce instances of
on aggression, it is recommended to ensure support workers
undergo orientation for non-physical intervention in case

of patient’s aggressive actions. This involves avoiding

processes such as angering the suspect, making sudden
movements, and verbal communication.
● Behavioral Support Plans: It was established that
individual behavioral support plans should be implemented
for residents with a tendency of aggression. Such plans
should identify certain indicators that signal an aggressive
episode and channels of handling the situations that lead to
● Environmental Modifications: One should modify the
environment in a way that leads to the reduction or
removal of any items that may elicit aggression such as
loud noises and lack of space as well as making available
comforting exercises or simply providing quiet rooms.
3 Infection
● Infection Control Training: Train all employees in
infection prevention measures such as hand washing
technique and the use of gloves, masks and other protective
clothing, washing of hands before and after putting a
mouth mask, proper cleaning of equipment’s and surfaces.
● Hand Hygiene: Conduct regular teaching and
encouragement of hand washing habits or the use of
alcohol base hand antiseptic among all the staff, the
residents, and any other person who is likely to access the
residents. Ensure there are many hand washing stations all
over the facility.
● PPE Use: Supply proper PPE like gloves, mask, gowns,
and face shield, and also to ensure that the users have
proper knowledge about its usage and proper disposal.
● Cleaning and Disinfection: Intensify cleaning and
disinfection practices for every facility with special
emphasis on those frequently touched. Choose the suitable
disinfectants and strictly follow the guidelines provided by
the manufacturers on how to use them.

Part 2: Independence and Well-being


Basic Description

1.1 Physical Physical wants are a basic necessity because they are the
physiological requires for the proper functioning of the human
body. These are basic needs which include food, water,
compulsory habitation and rest, and the necessity of being
appropriately covered. Furthermore, there are embodied needs that
include; Healthcare and Physical security. Meeting of necessary
physiological needs helps in the proper operations of the body as
well as its health.
1.2 Psychological needs refer to the human wants as it relates to their
Psychologic feelings and thoughts. Some of the important psychology of needs
al covered include the love needs, affection needs, security and need
to belong. It also entails the need to respect one’s self, have self-
dignity and be respected in equal measure. It is important to note
that human’s psychological needs have to be met in order to
maintain his or her psychological wellbeing.
1.3 Cultural religious needs mean the desire of an individual to achieve
Spiritual a purpose in their lifetime, belong to a certain religion or belief in
something supreme. This can be religion, spirituality, or even
belonging to a team, and knowing that there is something greater
than all of us out here. Moral needs may also involve seeking for
spirituality in the broad sense, which encompasses finding inner,
serenity and upholding of the right vales.
1.4 Cultural Cultural needs include the person’s affiliation to the cultural
background, practices, language and group. This can involve the
obligation to perform cultural activities, including festive ones, and
the preservation of cultural personality. Cultural needs meet the
human psychological need and makes the individuals feel that they
belong to a cultural group
1.5 Sexual Sexual wants encompass the desire for sexual contact, sexually
related companionship and or sexuality. Such things include
touching and being touched, making love, and the overall
emotional intimacy between two people. Sexual satisfaction and
fulfilling sexual relationships are crucial for individuals’ quality of
life as these could affect their self-esteem and emotional status.


It is very important to note that self actualization is the final level in the Maslow’s
need theory of human needs where one achieves his/her goals and feminine desire. On
aspects of individual support care, self actualization is to assist the clients to reach
their full potentials with an aim of them becoming responsible citizens and accomplish
the basic needs.

Here’s how self-actualization relates to individual support care:

● Personal Growth and Development: On balance, they assist and involve the
patients in activities of learning, innovativeness, and personal transformation.
This might include receiving of education, fun activities and even the
acquisition of skills.
● Autonomy and Independence: All supports shares the purpose of helping the
clients bring choices for themselves and guide their own lives. This entails
providing them with an option, supporting them when they come up with a
decision and providing for them the latitude to take risks albeit carefully
calculated ones.


Life Stages Descriptio

Infancy embraces the first two years of life, that is from
3.1 Infancy birth up to a year and a few months or two years at most.
It is a stage of social ontogeny that is characterized by a
rather fast physical development of a child, the
musculoskeletal, sensory and motor development and the
formation of the trust in the nearest significant figures. At
this age, children are able to crawl and walk as well as
start developing attachment and even be able to recognize
people’s faces.

Early childhood is the stage that is characterized by ages

3.2 Early childhood of 2 to 6 years. This is a stage of progressive
development where children make marked gains in
language and also understanding of social relations, and
bid for independence. Sociale emerge and cognitive
advances occur where children begin to be involved in
symbolic play and or even acquires a sense of self.
The age that preschool children are within is from the age
3.3 Preschool-age of 3 years almost up to 5 years of age. This stage focuses
on the expansion of interpersonal and intrapersonal social
competencies. People learn how to communicate with
others, be obedient, and start formal learning at the age of
3-5 in pre-school institution. They also achieve better
gross and fine motor skills and are involved in more
sophisticated pretend play.
School age therefore ranges from about 6 – 12 years. In
3.4 School age this stage, children are characterized by being more
logical in their thinking and problem solving. Thus,
socially they establish closer relationships with peers and

develop competence through academic and other related

performance. Moral / ethic, and sense of industry vs.
inferiority are the essential features of this stage.
Adolescence is continued through the ages of
3.5 Adolescence approximately 12 years to about 18 years. This stage is
characterized by adolescence and intensive physical,
psychologic, and social transformations. Adolescents
experience the enhanced identity level, greater self-
directedness and more sophisticated relationships.
Cognitive development also comprises of abstract and
critical thinking skills.
Early adulthood is defined to be of age between 18-40
3.6 Early adulthood years. The people that are in this stage are involved in
career establishments, intimacy, and procreation.
Fortunately, developmental tasks of this stage are quite
clear, they include the attainment of emotional and
financial responsibility, as well as attainment of personal
and professional identity.
Basically, adulthood is said to extend from the age of
3.7 Adulthood forty to sixty-five years. This final stage of life is
characterized by the protection, enhancement and
progression in ones career; emotional and social bonding;
and being involved in the improvement of community
and societal development. Among the common issues, it
is possible to list work and family conflict, challenges of
middle age, and preparation for retirement. Less subtle
changes in the physical environment are noticed, for
example changes due to aging.
Maturity, also referred to as late adulthood, is regarded to
3.8 Maturity start from age sixty-five through the rest of the life cycle.
At this stage, people retire and start to look back at what
they have been able to accomplish, besides confronting
the effects of ageing. People may consider the issues of
preserving the past, teaching, and passing the knowledge
to the younger generations, and dealing with losses. The
psychosocial crisis of this stage is known to be attainment
of integrity vs despair.

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