Identification of The Cations and Anions in Toothpaste
Identification of The Cations and Anions in Toothpaste
Identification of The Cations and Anions in Toothpaste
1. Certificate by Teacher…………………
2. Certificate by Examiner………………
3. Declaration……………………………
4. Acknowledgement……………………
5. Verification…………………………..
7. Introduction…………………………
8. Material Required…………………..
9. Procedure…………………………...
10. Observation……………………….
11. Conclusion………………………..
12. Bibliography………………………..
Every Health book insist on the chewing of food. The act chewing the excretion of
saliva. Saliva mixes up with the food and helps its digestion. That is, the enzyme
ptyalin or amylase present in human saliva hydrolyzes the big molecules of food
into many molecules. For example starch into mono-saccharides maltose and
glucose; proteins into amino acids and glycerol. Thus saliva not only helps in
digestion substances. Further, enzymes and their activity are very sensitive to
temperature and ph. Even a slight variation in these two factors, can disturb the
Material Required
1) Test tubes
3) One dropper
4) Beaker
5) Stop watch
6) Starch and Iodine solution
7) Thermometer
Passed 1 2 3 4
starch in the mixture solution. That is whole of the starch in the mixture solution.
By saliva.
2) Take 5ml of the starch solution, 2ml of the saliva solution and 5ml of water
3) Place test tube Number 1 in water at room temperature, test tube number in a
4) After 5 Minutes, observe the color change on mixing two drops of the
mixture of every tube with one ml of 1% iodine solution. Note the intensity
Digestion of starch
2) Add 5 ml of the starch solution, 2ml of the saliva solution in each test tubes
3) Now ass 2ml of water in test tube Number 1 2ml of Dilute HCL in test tube
4) Keep the tree test tubes in water at room temperature for about 10 minutes.
5) Add 2 drops of the solution of each test tubes with 1% iodine solution and
take place
4 Dinesh Chemistry
5 Comprehensive Chemistry