Static and Dynamic Performance of Single Batter Piles Embedded in Slope
Static and Dynamic Performance of Single Batter Piles Embedded in Slope
Static and Dynamic Performance of Single Batter Piles Embedded in Slope
Abstract. The performance of pile foundations embedded in the sloping ground has received the least
attention. Further, considering piles with batter angles, the investigation is even more limited. In this study, 3D
non-linear finite element analyses were conducted to investigate the lateral load-carrying behaviour of vertical
and batter (with angles -5, ?5, -10 and ?10) pile foundations embedded in slope. Firstly, static analyses
were performed, and the behaviour of the batter piles was compared with the vertical piles, considering the piles
are embedded in a 30 slope of height 5.0 m with medium-stiff clay. It was observed that the capacity of piles
reduces when they are installed on sloping ground. Negative batter piles were found to be more effective than
the vertical piles in the slope. Next, the performances of the piles were investigated for dynamic lateral loading.
It was inferred that the negative batter piles provide better resistance under lateral loading than the vertical and
positive batter piles in sloping ground under dynamic loading as well.
than in the middle and front rows of the pile group. Elahi conducted an analytical investigation on the batter pile and
et al [9] conducted research on the seismic behaviour of a subjected them to lateral load by using Reese and Mat-
cluster of piles situated on an inclined ground surface using lock’s [23] non-linear variation of subgrade modulus.
the pseudo-static approach. They presented a simple Several equations were developed for the performance of
methodology and compared the results with shaking batter piles under static loads, indicating that the dis-
table investigations. This study confirmed that for slopes placements are largely unaffected by the batter angles [24].
with angles between 15 and 35, for earthquakes with The investigation into the lateral pile capacity at varying
dominant frequencies in the range of 2-5 Hertz, and the batter angles (positive and negative batter angles) in sandy
shear wave velocity for the soils between 200 m/s and 600 soils employed earth pressure wedge theories [25]. Mey-
m/s, free field soil movements considering one-dimensional erhof and Ranjan [26] found that a configuration involving
ground response analysis will suffice. Yan et al [10] pre- a single vertical pile and a battered pile (either negative or
sented the seismic behaviour and dynamic deformation of a positive) forming the pile bents exhibited higher lateral
cluster of piles situated on a slope having an inclined weak resistance to lateral deflection and the comparison of the
intercalated layer. They examined the performance using similar arrangement with two vertical piles. Lu’s [27]
real earthquake time histories and synthetic waves charac- experiments involving laterally loaded piles established a
terised by varying peak ground accelerations (PGA). guideline for determining the design loads for the pile. The
A batter pile-supported structure can be built on level findings indicated that the soil reaction at the ground level
ground or a slope to resist the lateral load, as a batter pile is zero for a positively inclined batter pile and reaches its
foundation has a larger lateral load-carrying capacity. In maximum for a negatively inclined batter pile. This sug-
many instances, a combination of vertical and batter piles gests significant support from the upper soil layer in the
has performed quite well in resisting lateral loads acting on case of negatively inclined batter piles. Veeresh [28] con-
a structure, as there is increased lateral stiffness in the case ducted a model test on the battered pile under cyclic lateral
of the battered pile in comparison to the vertical pile. As a loads, noting that in the case of a vertical pile and positive
result, inclined piles are considered advantageous for battered pile, the soil’s strengths decrease, creating a gap
structures, especially in situations involving significant backside the pile. Conversely, for a negatively battered pile,
lateral loads, such as in ports, harbours, bridges, wharves, soil slippage occurs in the gaps, enhancing soil resistance.
landing piers, etc. These inclined piles are categorised into Rajashree and Sitharam [29] investigated batter pile beha-
positive batter piles (with upward deflection of slip sur- viour through non-linear finite element analysis under
faces) and negative batter piles (with downward deflection cyclic loading. Rajeswari and Sarkar [30] explored the
of slip surfaces) based on the behaviour of the slip surface behaviour of batter pile groups in liquefiable soil deposits
[11]. Prakash and Subramanyam [12], Ranjan et al [13], using three-dimensional numerical modelling. Das and
and other researchers illustrated that negatively inclined Maheswari [31] carried out an investigation on the seismic
batter piles exhibited superior performance in resisting response of hill buildings located in the centre of the slopes
lateral loads and possessed greater lateral resistance com- through two-dimensional finite element analyses. It was
pared to vertical piles. Conversely, positively inclined observed that the slope’s effect on the buildings’ seismic
batter piles demonstrated lower lateral resistance. However, behaviour increases with the increase in the peak ground
various codes, including AFPS [14] and Eurocode EC acceleration and slope angle. The study also inferred
8/Part 5 [15], advise against using batter piles in earth- greater amplification of ground motion near the crest of the
quake-prone areas. Also, certain researchers [16–18] have slope. Assimaki and Kausel [32] investigated the relative
emphasised the detrimental consequences of batter piles for contribution of topographic amplification and kinematic
earthquake loading. Besides this, certain case studies like soil-structure interaction (SSI) on the surface and embed-
the 1964 Alaska earthquake and the Loma Prieta earth- ded structures located along the crest of a single-faced
quake in 1989 have expressed the poor performances of slope. Considering the literature in the domain, the key
batter piles during earthquakes. However, in more or less points of the current investigation can be outlined as
recent studies, the usefulness of batter piles in earthquake- follows:
prone regions has been investigated.
• Non-linear three-dimensional finite element investiga-
Researchers have studied the characteristics and beha-
tion of the single pile to different batter angles in level
viour of batter piles in recent decades by applying labora-
ground and in slope
tory experiments and theoretical research. Tschebotarioff
• Comparative behaviour of piles in the level ground and
[19] conducted tests on the cohesionless soil model, and it
in the sloping grounds for static as well as dynamic
was found that the slip surface gets deflected upward in the
cases of positive batter piles while the slip gets deflected
• The performance of batter piles in the sloping ground
downward in the cases of negative batter piles. Further,
is considered dynamic loading compared to the vertical
model tests were conducted by Murthy [20] and Prakash
and Subramanyam [21] on batter piles in sandy soils and
subjected to lateral loads. Alizadeh and Davisson [22]
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2. Numerical modelling of the soil-pile system three-dimensional finite element investigations. In sum-
mary, the following four systems are considered for
2.1 Soil-pile systems considered investigation:
In this study, the static and dynamic performance of a • System-I: vertical pile in level ground
single pile of square cross-section embedded in a slope is • System-II: batter pile in level ground
investigated considering the vertical and batter piles. For • System-III: vertical pile in slope
comparison purposes, analyses are performed for the case • System-IV: batter pile in slope
of level ground as well. Medium stiff clay is considered for
the whole investigation. Schematics of the soil-pile systems
are demonstrated in figure 1. Figure 1a presents the sche- 2.2 Details of numerical modelling of soil-pile
matic of the vertical piles in level ground condition. The
length of the pile (L) is set at 10 meters, and the diameter of
the pile (D) is 0.5 meters. The pile is treated as a floating Three-dimensional non-linear finite element (FE) investi-
pile, and its tip is positioned 3.0 meters above the bedrock gations are carried out in this study, employing only half of
level (Lt). The lateral boundary of the soil domain is taken the actual models to decrease computational effort and take
to be 21.66 meters (Hb). Using the same outline, figure 1b advantage of symmetry. The dimension in the transverse
demonstrates the schematic of a pile with batter angle (b) in direction of the model was considered to be 6.0 m, con-
a flat ground scenario. Similarly, figure 1c displays the sidering the half model. The commercial software package
schematic of the vertical pile on a slope. The slope angle ABAQUS (6.14) [33] is adopted for this purpose. Piles are
(a) was considered to be 30 with the slope height (H) 5.0 presumed to be a linear elastic material, and for modelling
m, and the pile is considered to be embedded in the middle piles, eight-noded brick elements in which three transla-
of the slope. Further, the schematic of the same with the tional DOFs at every node with reduced integration
battered pile embedded in the slope is illustrated in fig- (C3D8R) are adopted. Considering the elastoplastic Mohr-
ure 1d. The domain size of the models was considered to be Coulomb constitutive model, the soil material is modelled
2.5 times the width of the slope. This was decided through with the eight-nodded brick element (C3D8). A penalty-
trial investigations with different domain sizes and con- type interface between the soil and the pile in contact was
sidering the computational efficiency of the models for used to model the interaction between the soil and the pile.
Figure 1. Schematics of soil-pile systems taken in the study: (a) System-I: Vertical piles within the ground level; (b) System-II: Batter
pile in the level ground; (c) System-III: Vertical pile in slope; (d) System-IV: Batter pile in slope.
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Figure 2. Finite element mesh of the soil-pile systems took in the study: (a) System-I: vertical pile in the level ground; (b) System-II:
batter pile in the level ground; (c) System-III: vertical pile in slope; (d) System-IV: batter pile in slope.
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Table 1. Properties of material of the soil considered in the surface; if the slip surface deflects upward, they are termed
study. positive batter piles and negative batter piles if the slip
surface deflects downward [20]. In this investigation, pos-
Parameter Value itive batter piles of batter angle (b) ?5 and ?10 and the
Cohesion, c (kPa) 34 negative battered piles of batter angles -5 and -10 were
Friction angle, u () 16.5 considered for investigation. The comparison of perfor-
Dilation angle, w () 16.5 mances of the battered pile to that of the vertical pile.
Unit weight, cs (kN/m3) 12.0
Elastic modulus, Es (kPa) 29104
Poisson ratio, ms 0.45 4.1 Performance of batter piles in level ground
under static loading
In the first phase of the study, the performance of batter
piles in terms of horizontal load vs deflection is compared
Table 2. Properties of material of the pile. with that of vertical piles considering level ground condi-
tions. Horizontal loads are applied with the pile head, and
Parameter Value
lateral deflections are measured. In figure 4, the responses
Unit weight, cp (kN/m ) 23.0 of the piles with various batter angles under the static
Elastic modulus, Ep (kPa) 29107 horizontal load are compared. The observation from the
Poisson ratio, mp 0.30 figure reveals that the pile head deflections are lower for
negatively battered piles compared to vertical piles,
whereas positively battered piles exhibit higher lateral
deflections under the same horizontal loads. This again
emphasizes that negatively battered piles offer greater lat-
eral resistance than vertical piles, while positively battered
piles have lower resistance under static horizontal loading.
This finding aligns with the suggestions of Subramanyam
140 and Prakash [12] and Ranjan et al [13], who also indicated
Horizontal Load (kN)
Vertical Pile
4. Results and discussions Positive Batter (+5°)
100 Negative Batter (-5°)
Positive Batter (+10°)
Depending on the direction of the loading, batter piles may Negative Batter (-10°)
be categorised as positive or negative battered piles. A 50
Figure 7 presents the deformation profiles of the piles
with different batter angles for the lateral load of 250 kN.
The deformation profiles for the level and sloping ground
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 are presented. The vertical pile on a slope exhibits signifi-
Horizontal Displacement (cm) cant deformation of approximately 28.2 mm, which is
almost 17% more than the deformation in a pile negatively
Figure 5. Comparison of static horizontal load vs deflection of
piles to different batter angles in sloping ground.
inclined at 10 and approximately 11% less than a battered
pile inclined at positive 10. While the pile on level ground
exhibits the same trend, deformation under the same load in
a vertical pile on level ground is 6% greater than in a
35 negative batter pile at 10 and 10% less than in a positive
batter pile at 10. Interestingly, piles in the sloping ground
30 show a rigid movement of approximately 4.0 mm
Max. Pile Head Displacement (mm)
1 1
2 2
3 3
Depth along Pile (m)
7 7
Vertical Pile
8 Positive Batter (+5°) 8
Negative Batter (-5°)
9 Positive Batter (+10°) 9
Negative Batter (-10°)
10 10
Figure 7. Deformation profiles of piles with different batter angles embedded in (a) Level ground and (b) Sloping ground.
12 Level Ground
Level ground Sloping ground
Natural frequency (f) (Hz) (Hz) 6
1 Modal frequency, f1 3.11 2.12
2nd Modal frequency, 4.72 2.67 0
3rd Modal frequency, f3 4.97 3.16 -6
4th Modal frequency, f4 5.03 3.47
5th Modal frequency, f5 5.10 4.04
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s)
performance of piles in level ground and sloping ground
under dynamic/cyclic loading. Figure 8. Comparison of pile head displacements for vertical
piles in level ground and sloping ground for f = 2.0 Hz.
4.5 Dynamic performance of piles in slope the piles in level ground. Moreover, the displacement pat-
Considering the 1 natural frequencies of the soil-pile tern of the vertical pile in the level ground is symmetric,
system, analyses are carried out with frequencies changing whereas the pattern for sloping ground is not symmetric
from 0.5 Hz to 4.0 Hz with a sinusoidal lateral load of about the rest position of the pile. This pattern of dis-
amplitude 250 kN. Rayleigh damping was considered for placement was observed for other frequencies as well. The
the damping characteristics of materials. For the present deformation profiles along the pile length are compared in
analyses, a 7.5% damping ratio is considered for the soil figure 9 for vertical piles embedded in sloping ground. It
materials, whereas a 5% damping ratio was considered for may be observed that the frequency of loading had a sig-
the concrete pile. Rayleigh damping was provided in the nificant effect on the overall performance of the pile
forms of stiffness-proportional damping and mass-propor- foundation. The deformation value is very nominal for
tional damping. Figure 8 presents the typical dynamic pile dynamic loading with lesser frequencies. With the increase
head displacement of the vertical pile in level ground and in the frequency of loading, the dynamic deformation
sloping ground for the cyclic loading with a frequency of 2 increases. As expected, it is noted that tuning the loading
Hz. The absolute values of dynamic pile head displacement frequency with the fundamental frequencies of the soil pile
for piles on the slope are found to be reasonably higher than system tends to increase the vulnerability of the piles
186 Page 8 of 10 Sådhanå (2024)49:186
Max. Pile Head Displacement (mm) static case, it was observed that the piles with negative
-5 0 5 10 15 batter angles have lesser dynamic deformation throughout
0 the length of the piles. Further, a positive batter pile indi-
cates more deformation than the corresponding vertical
pile. It was observed that the lateral deformation of the
2 negative batter piles at 10 is 70% less than the lateral
deformation in the vertical pile. This highlights that the
Depth along Pile (m)
in sloping ground
This section reports the performance of single batter piles
in the sloping ground. Like the earlier case, piles were
subjected to dynamic lateral loading with a loading fre-
quency of 1.5 Hz. Figure 11 shows piles’ maximum lateral
Depth along Pile (m)
deformation profiles with different batter angles. Like the Negative Batter (-10°)
10 Positive Batter (+10°)
8 7
2 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 10
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 11. Variation of maximum lateral deformation profiles
Figure 10. Variation of maximum dynamic pile head displace- for piles in slope with different batter angles for a frequency of 1.5
ment with frequency for the vertical piles in slope. Hz.
Sådhanå (2024)49:186 Page 9 of 10 186
lateral loads.
8 • Similarly, when exposed to dynamic loading, it was
observed that the maximum displacement of negative
6 batter piles located on sloping terrain is 10 to 15% less
than that of vertical piles. This implies that batter piles
present better performance under lateral dynamic
2 loads. Moreover, the lateral capacity of negative batter
piles increases with a higher batter angle.
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
• Further, it was observed that the peak lateral displace-
Batter Angle ( ) ment and pile head settlement increase with the
increase in frequency for a range of frequencies
Figure 12. Variation of maximum dynamic piles head displace- considered in the study.
ments for piles with different batter angles in slope.
When the ground surface alters from level ground to a
sloping surface, the behaviour of single piles changes sig-
0 nificantly. Under the same magnitude of lateral load, the
Negative Batter (-10°)
-1 Negative Batter (-5°) peak displacement of different batter piles was found to be
Vertical Pile 48–55% greater than the pile on level ground. This suggests
Pile Head Settlement (mm)
Positive Batter (+5°)
-3 Positive Batter (+10°") a notable decrease in the laterally load-carrying capacity of
the piles incorporated into the slope.
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