Cbjeenpl 02
Cbjeenpl 02
Cbjeenpl 02
3. In emergencies, mobile phones have proven to be iii. How does the writer support the claim that mobile
lifesavers for many. Additionally, smartphones phones can be lifesaving in emergencies? 2
play a crucial role in crime prevention, as they (paragraph 3)
enable citizens to quickly provide vital information
Page 2 Sample Paper 02 Solutions CBSE 10th English
negative impact of mobile phones on young
iv. Choose the correct option that describes the people: 1 (a) Young people misuse phones to
improve their academic performance. people and lead them to undesirable activities. v. The
(b) Smartphones can become addictive for statement “Prepaid services can only be
young people and lead them to undesirable purchased from a physical phone shop” is False.
activities. (paragraph 4) vi. (B) Using a prepaid card purchased online to top
up airtime.
v. State whether the following statement is True or
vii. The reasons why smartphones are beneficial for
False : 1 Prepaid services can only be purchased
students, as mentioned in the passage, are : (a)
from a physical phone shop.
Smartphones allow students to quickly find
(paragraph 5)
definitions and conduct research, helping
vi. Which of the following is an example of prepaid them expand their knowledge and learn more
service availability mentioned in the passage? 1 efficiently.
(A) Monthly subscription plans available with (b) They provide a convenient way for students to
major network providers. submit assignments through online platforms,
(B) Using a prepaid card purchased online to top improving both academic performance and
up airtime. time management.
(C) Buying a second-hand smartphone from an viii. (B) Tools that assist people during critical
online retailer. situations, such as emergencies.
(D) Subscribing to a yearly internet package.
2. Read the following text. 10
5) 1. The Amazon Rainforest, often referred to as the
“lungs of the Earth,” plays a vital role in
vii. List any two reasons why smartphones are regulating the global climate. It absorbs large
beneficial for students, as mentioned in the passage. amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and produces
2 (paragraph 2) approximately 20% of the world’s oxygen. This
vast tropical forest spans nine countries in South
viii. Fill in the blank with the correct option : 1 In the America, with the majority located in Brazil.
phrase “smartphones have proven to be
2. The Amazon is home to an extraordinary diversity
lifesavers for many,” the word “lifesavers” refers
of life. It harbors around 10% of all known
to :
species, including plants, animals, and insects,
(A) Devices that provide entertainment and
many of which are found nowhere else on Earth.
social connectivity.
Its biodiversity makes it one of the most
(B) Tools that assist people during critical
important ecosystems in the world.
situations, such as emergencies.
(C) Phones that are used for online shopping 3. Unfortunately, deforestation is a growing threat to
and financial transactions. the Amazon. Over the past few decades, large
(D) Gadgets that help people avoid boredom areas of the forest have been cleared for
during downtime. agriculture, mining, and logging. This destruction
(paragraph 3) not only threatens wildlife but also contributes to
increased CO2 emissions, accelerating global
Ans : warming.
i. The phrase “people can explore the universe 4. Efforts to curb deforestation have been made by
virtually without leaving their seat” implies that several countries and international organizations.
modern technology, like smartphones and the Reforestation projects, stricter enforcement of
internet, allows users to experience and learn environmental laws, and sustainable farming
about the world from the comfort of their home. practices are some of the measures being taken
ii. (b) they allow instant and cost-effective global to preserve the Amazon. However, illegal logging
connectivity. and land-grabbing continue to undermine these
iii. The writer supports the claim by stating that efforts.
mobile phones can be used to provide essential
information to security forces quickly, which can 5. Scientists warn that if deforestation continues at
the current rate, the Amazon may reach a
prevent crimes and help in emergencies.
tipping point where it can no longer sustain
iv. (b) Smartphones can become addictive for young
CBSE 10th English Sample Paper 02 Solutions Page 3
consequences, including the loss of biodiversity
itself. This would have catastrophic and the release of enormous amounts of CO2
into the atmosphere, further exacerbating point. 2
climate change
Ans :
Answer the following questions, based on the
i. (B) It plays a key role in producing oxygen and
passage above.
regulating the climate.
i. What does the phrase “lungs of the Earth” in (The phrase “lungs of the Earth” refers to the
paragraph 1 suggest about the Amazon Amazon’s ability to absorb CO2 and produce
Rainforest? 1 (A) It is the only source of oxygen oxygen, contributing to climate regulation.)
for the planet. (B) It plays a key role in producing ii (A) Both the assertion and reason are true, and the
oxygen and regulating the climate. reason is the correct explanation of the
(C) It consumes most of the world’s assertion.
CO2. (D) It is crucial for agriculture. (The Amazon is indeed one of the most
biodiverse ecosystems, and the fact that it is
ii. Select the option that is true for the assertion and home to 10% of known species supports this.)
reason given below. 1 Assertion : The Amazon iii The primary cause of deforestation mentioned in
Rainforest is one of the most biodiverse the passage is clearing the forest for agriculture,
ecosystems on Earth. mining, and logging.
Reason : It is home to around 10% of all known iv Deforestation and global warming are related
species. because clearing the forest releases more CO2
(A) Both the assertion and reason are true, and into the atmosphere, accelerating global
the reason is the correct explanation of the warming.
assertion. v. The percentage of the Amazon’s biodiversity that
(B) Both the assertion and reason are true, but is home to all known species is 10%.
the reason is not the correct explanation of vi. Reforestation projects aim to restore the forest,
the assertion. improve biodiversity, and reduce CO2 emissions. vii.
(C) The assertion is true, but the reason is The Amazon’s biodiversity is important because it
false. (D) The assertion is false, but the reason supports a wide variety of species, many of which
is true. are found nowhere else on Earth.
viii Deforestation contributes to climate change
iii. Identify the primary cause of deforestation because it releases stored CO2 into the
mentioned in the passage. 1 atmosphere, increasing greenhouse gases and
global temperatures.
iv. How do deforestation and global warming relate,
ix. The Amazon reaches a tipping point, it could lead
according to the passage? 1
to the loss of biodiversity and the release of large
v. Read the given prompt and select the correct amounts of CO2, which would worsen climate
option in the brackets to fill in the blank : 1 The
Amazon Rainforest is home to an extraordinary
variety of life, including many species found
nowhere else on Earth.
The percentage of the Amazon’s biodiversity that SECTION B - WRITING SKILLS &
is home to all known species is _____ (10% / GRAMMAR 20 GRAMMAR 10
20% / 30%).
3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following
vi. What do reforestation projects aim to achieve, tasks, as directed.
according to the passage? 1
vii. Complete the sentence suitably. 1 The Amazon’s i. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to
biodiversity is important because _____. complete the sentence.
The bridge is being _____ at the moment so it
viii. Complete the following with a suitable reason : 1 can’t be used.
Deforestation contributes to climate change (a) repaired (b) repairing (c) repair (d)
because _____. repairs
ix. Based on paragraph 5, describe the potential
Ans : (a) repaired
consequences of the Amazon reaching a tipping
Page 4 Sample Paper 02 Solutions CBSE 10th English
by completing the sentence :
ii. Read the conversation between Raman and Gardener: Did you water the plant today?
Anitha. Complete the sentence by reporting Dev: No, but I will, today.
Anitha’s reply correctly. Gardener: Then tomorrow I will get a sapling of
Raman : What’s the matter, Anitha? sunflower.
Anitha : Oh, nothing. You cannot help me. I only The Gardener asked Dev if he had watered the
want that blue umbrella. plant that day. Dev replied negatively but said he
would that day. Then the gardener said that
Raman asked Anitha what the matter was. She
replied that it was nothing and he could not help
her as _____ Ans : he would get a sapling of a sunflower the
next day.
Ans : she only wanted that blue umbrella.
viii. Identify the error in the given sentence and
iii. Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the
supply the correction.
given line.
Diwali, well known as the festival of lights, is a
_____ I suggest a slight change in your plan ? festival that is celebrate in almost all parts of
(a) May (b) Would India.
(c) Must (d) Will
Ans : (a) May Use the given format for your response.
Error Correction
iv. Select the option that identifies the error and
supplies the correction for the following line: The
people of India show remarkable unity at the
time of Kargil Conflict.
Option No. Error Correction
Ans :
(a) time times
Error Correction
(b) conflict conflicts
celebrate celebrated
(c) show showed
(d) The A
ix. Transform the following direct speech into
reported speech :
The beggar said to the old man, “Can you tell me
Ans : (c) the way to the nearest temple?”
Ans :
v. Complete the given sentence, by filling in the
The beggar asked the old man if he could tell him
blank with the correct option :
the way to the nearest temple.
When I was a child, I _____ to school everyday
instead of going by cycle.
x. Identify the error in the given sentence and supply
(a) walked the correction.
(b) have been walking You have a large number of shirts. You can not
(c) had walked buy any more.
(d) have walked Use the given format for your response.
Ans : (a) walked
Error Correction
vi. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the
word in the bracket.
Many a student _____ (try) hard to pass his
entrance exam.
Ans : tries
Ans :
vii. Report the dialogue between Gardener and Dev, Error Correction
choosing the correct option.
can not need not
Rohit : How do you like the idea of going to the
Rajat : That sounds good, But I _____ my
xi. Rohit and Rajat are discussing their plans for the parent’s permission.
weekend. Complete the dialogue below by
CBSE 10th English Sample Paper 02 Solutions Page 5
Through this letter of mine, I wish to draw the
(a) needs to take attention of the authorities towards the problems
faced by students everyday. We reach our
(b) need not to take
college fifteen minutes late as our college bus
(c) needs not to take gets stuck in a traffic jam near Chintpumi Temple
(d) need to take crossing. People park their vehicles in a
Ans : (d) need to take haphazard way. Beggars crowd the gates as well
as roads, waiting for someone to come out of the
xii. Identify the error in the given sentence and temple and give alms to them. There is a traffic
supply the correction. signal at that crossing but people do not follow it.
At the age of seventeen, Galileo know that he It is my humble request that a parking area
had discovered an important law- a law of a should be allotted to the Temple site so that
pendulum. people can park their vehicles in a proper way.
The Temple Trust should appoint someone who
Use the given format for your response. can make the beggars sit in a queue and that too
on the footpath and not on the road. And last but
Error Correction
not the least, a police-picket should be there at
the crossing to make people follow the rules and
I hope you’ll publish this letter in your
esteemed newspaper so that some actions can
be taken in this matter.
Ans : Thanking you
Error Correction Yours sincerely
a the
Transformation of an Island
Ans :
ii. How does the poet compare fog to a cat? Answer i. Why does the postmaster send money to Lencho?
in about 40 words. Why does he sign the letter ‘God’?
(A Letter to God)
Ans : The Buddha asked Kisa Gotami to bring a
The postmaster was a kind, generous, helpful handful of mustard seeds from a house where
and God fearing man. When he received the no one had died ever, because he wanted her to
letter written to God asking for 100 pesos he felt realize the ultimate truth of life. Now she came to
sympathetic towards Lencho. Hence, he decided know that no one can escape death as death is
to help Lencho. He gave a part of his salary and common to all.
asked the other employees to help. He signed
the letter ‘God’ in order to preserve the man’s iv. Describe the method Anne Gregory suggested in
faith in God. order to prove that she is loved for who she is. (For
Anne Gregory)
ii. What special characteristic of Mijbil did Maxwell Ans :
learn after he took him to the bathroom? (Mijbil the She said that she would change her hair from
Otter) yellow to some other colour by applying a hair
Ans : dye to confirm that she is loved for her inner
Maxwell took Mijbil to the bathroom. For half an beauty and not for her outer personality.
hour he went wild with joy in the water, plunging
and rolling in it, shooting up and down the length v. “Fire and Ice” project a pessimistic outlook.
of the bathtub underwater, and making enough Comment.
slosh and splash for a hippo. Maxwell learnt that Ans :
Mijbil had immense love for water. The poet links human desire to be the reason for
the possible extinction of the world. The poem
iii. Why did the Buddha ask Kisa Gotami to bring a tries to imply that humanity should not try to
handful of mustard seeds? innovate and develop new weapons. It projects a
(The Sermon at Benares)
Ans :
CBSE 10th English Sample Paper 02 Solutions Page 9
iii. How did the Loisels react when they realized that
pessimistic outlook by suggesting that following
dreams and passion by humankind may lead to the necklace had been lost? (Necklace) Ans :
catastrophic destruction on the earth. The Loisels became very unhappy when they
understood that the necklace had been lost. They
9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three were sure that the loss of the necklace would
questions, in about 40-50 words. 23 6 # = make their life miserable because Mr Loisel was
a poor clerk. So, it was very difficult for them to
i. Why was Tricki an uninteresting object for other replace the lost diamond necklace.
dogs at the surgery?
(A Triumph of Surgery) 10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two
Ans : questions, in about 100-120 words. 6
At the surgery, the household dogs surged
i. Valli was sensitive, but at the same time, she was
around Dr. Herriot to see Tricki. Tricki looked
fearless and quite determined. Think of another
down at the noisy pack with dull eyes and when
put down, lay motionless on the carpet. The character from your textbook, First Flight, who
other dogs sniffed around for a few seconds and displayed similar character traits. Compare and
then deciding he was an uninteresting object contrast the lives of Valli and the other character.
and ignored him. Ans :
Valli was a young girl of 8 years who still
ii. Henry unintentionally saved Ausable’s life. Briefly displayed mature and responsible behaviour in
comment. the story. She was bold enough to fulfil her
(The Midnight Visitor) desire of riding a bus without her parents help in
Ans : any way. I think Anne Frank had the same
Henry had come to serve water in the room. But, characteristics. Even after being punished thrice
Ausable took the benefit of his knocking at the for talking in class, she did not get depressed
door. He warned Max that it was police and he and accepted the
would be caught soon if he did not jump out of punishment intelligently. Her answers impressed
the window. In this way, Ausable was saved by her teacher and he praised her writings in front of
Henry, though, intentionally. other students.
I feel Nelson Mandela, too, was a man of moon. The author hereby emphasizes that trees
strong determination and willpower. He also need to be kept alive, but should not be
sacrificed material possessions for fulfilling his ‘imprisoned’ inside the house as they look more
desire of getting freedom from apartheid in South beautiful, and tend to thrive outdoors - that is
Africa. For this, he had to spend a large part of where trees belong.
his life in prison away from his family. These
three characters portrayed similar attributes in 11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two
their respective lessons. questions, in about 100-120 words. 6
ii. Explain the phrase “the forest that was empty all i. “And in her smiling eyes was the right of deep
these days”. After reading the poem “The Trees”, satisfaction that an artist feels when he is
for whom do you think are the forests needed ? contemplating the completion of his
Imagine you are a tree in a forest, what values masterpiece.” Imagine you are Bholi’s teacher.
would you like the humans to learn from the tree? You are overwhelmed with a sense of
Ans : satisfaction to see the conversion of ‘Bholi’ to
In the poem ‘The Trees’ poetess Adrienne Rich ‘Sulekha’. Express your feelings in the form of a
subtly drives home the message about the diary entry.
importance of trees. Without trees, the birds Ans :
would not have a place to sit, insects will have
no place to hide and the sun would not bury its Diary Entry
feet in shadow. As saplings we enjoy the beauty 11.04.20XX
of plants as they adorn the surroundings. But Today I felt very much satisfied as I got success
slowly the tree spreads its roots, its branches in changing Bholi to Sulekha. As her name
and leaves and seems to yearn to go outside signifies Bholi was really a simple girl. I cannot
where it can live and grow without any forgot her first entry in my class. A frightened,
restrictions. No more does the tree look confused and a simple girl was her first
attractive indoors. The trees are, however, appearance. She used
welcomed into nature by strong winds and the
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