Week 1 Starter L1 G3
Week 1 Starter L1 G3
Week 1 Starter L1 G3
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM-UP/REVIEW (5 minutes)
Aim: To help students become familiar with common greetings.
Say Hello, encouraging students to say Hello in
response. Say Hello in response.
Ask one student to stand up. Say Hello to him/her.
Encourage the student to respond with Hello.
Point to yourself and say My name’s … Ask a Stand up. Respond with
student What’s your name? He / She answers My Hello.
name’s …
Say Hello. My name’s … Then, encourage students
to do the same in pairs, greeting each other and
saying their names. Say their names.
Say Stand up! Indicate the class should stand at
their seats. Say Sit down! and indicate they should
sit down again.
Play a short game for students to follow Do the same in pairs,
instructions. Shout Stand up! and Sit greeting each other and
down! several times. The last student to saying their names.
complete the action is “out” each time.
Evaluate students. Give feedback.
🡪Expected outcomes and assessment
Task completed with excellence: Students can Follow the teacher’s
greet each other nicely. instructions.
Task completed: Students can greet each
Task uncompleted: Students are unable to greet
each other. Play a short game
to follow the
PRESENTATION (10 minutes)
Aim: To help students identify the names of the characters.
*Lead-in: Use flashcards 1-4 to present the characters.
Hold the flashcards up one at a time and introduce
the characters.
Help students identify the characters by asking Follow the teacher.
some questions about their appearance.
E.g. What color is her/his hair?
What color is her/his T-shirt? Answer some questions
Elicit students to answer the questions. about their appearance.
*Listen and point. Repeat. (Track 01)
Say Open your books and model the action for
PRACTICE (8 minutes)
Aim: To help students understand a short story.
*Listen and read. (Track 02)
Say Now close your books and model the action.
Say Let’s read the story. Follow the teacher’s
Point to the different characters and have students instructions.
say the names.
Ask What’s happening? for students to tell what
they think is happening in the story. Say the names.
Play the recording, pointing to each speech bubble
as students listen and look.
Ask students to look at the story in their books. Tell what they think is
Then, play the recording for them to listen and happening in the story.
Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g. Who
is in the class? Listen to the recording
Play the recording again for students to listen and and look at the speech
follow the text in their books with their finger. bubble.
Call some volunteers to read the speech bubble.
Praise students if they have done well.
🡪Expected outcomes and assessment Look at the story in their
Task completed with excellence: Students can books. Listen to the
read the sentences correctly and fluently. recording and point.
Task completed: Students can read the sentences.
Task uncompleted: Students are unable to read the
sentences. Answer the questions.
HOMEWORK (2 minutes)
Learn new words by heart.
Do the exercises in Workbook page 4.
Prepare for the next lesson (Unit Starter - Lesson 2).