Building Sustainable Cities Social Economic and Environmental Factors Aldo Alvarez-Risco All Chapter Instant Download
Building Sustainable Cities Social Economic and Environmental Factors Aldo Alvarez-Risco All Chapter Instant Download
Building Sustainable Cities Social Economic and Environmental Factors Aldo Alvarez-Risco All Chapter Instant Download
African Languages and Literatures in the 21st Century
Esther Mukewa Lisanza
Aldo Alvarez-Risco
Marc A. Rosen
Shyla Del-Aguila-Arcentales
Dora Marinova Editors
Social, Economic and
Environmental Factors
Building Sustainable Cities
Aldo Alvarez-Risco • Marc A. Rosen
Shyla Del-Aguila-Arcentales • Dora Marinova
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
vi Preface
efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change, including data related to global ini-
tiatives to contribute to climate change mitigation.
Part IV is centered on economic sustainability and comprises four chapters. In
Chap. 18, a crucial issue in people’s lives is addressed: debt. There is ample evi-
dence of the personal finance problems that many people in the world have and that
impacts their quality of life. Also, strategies to improve the personal financial man-
agement of consumers are described. Chapter 19 describes one of the most emerg-
ing thematic areas: entrepreneurship. The concepts and applications of
entrepreneurship and related ideas such as social entrepreneurship, green entrepre-
neurship, and sustainable entrepreneurship are addressed. Results of various mea-
surements of the enterprise at a global level are presented. Chapter 20 reviews the
green consumption habits of consumers as well as the planning of companies to
offer products and services in a manner that is environmentally responsible; in addi-
tion, the normative measures that help to promote responsible consumption are
described. Chapter 21 describes in detail the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), barriers to achieving them, and the social, environmental, and economic
impacts expected from each. The urgent need is demonstrated for multidisciplinary
planning, articulated between governments, institutions, companies, universities,
communities, families, and individuals.
Finally, Chap. 22 provides closing remarks and proposes the necessary research
for sustainable cities. This includes improving the knowledge base for businesses,
universities, and the general population.
All chapters were reviewed. In many cases, contributors assisted in reviewing
chapters written by others.
This book shows the passion of authors and editors in the most relevant aspects
of social, economic, and environmental sustainability. It highlights the most select
of literature and provides professional experiences. We hope that the book forms a
lasting guide for higher education and school activities. We also hope that this work
can help companies exploit the many benefits that can be achieved through the
implementation of business models that ensure sustainable development.
Communities are the cornerstone of society and for this reason this book includes a
strong focus on contributing to their sustainable and harmonious development.
x Contents
Index������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 335
About the Editors
Dora Marinova has over 400 refereed publications and has supervised 50 PhD
students to successful completion. She is a member of the National Health and
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xii About the Editors
xiv Contributors
This book would not have been possible without the incredible and dedicated efforts
and contributions of its many authors, who not only wrote chapters but also often
assisted in reviewing the chapters of others.
• Aldo Alvarez-Risco is coauthor of Chaps. 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20, and 21. Also, he is one of the editors and reviewers of the book.
• Andrew J Chapman is author of Chap. 8 and coauthor of Chap. 14.
• Raquel Chafloque-Céspedes is coauthor of Chap. 19.
• Shyla Del-Aguila-Arcentales is coauthor of Chaps. 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16,
17, 18, and 21. Also, she is one of the editors and reviewers of the book.
• Eduardo De-La-Torre-Jave is coauthor of Chap. 15.
• Santiago Diaz-Risco is coauthor of Chap. 7. Also, he is one of the reviewers of
the book.
• Timothy Fraser is coauthor of Chap. 14.
• Alex Harras is coauthor of Chaps. 15 and 20. Also, he is one of the reviewers of
the book.
• Sandra Huamán-Pastorelli is coauthor of Chap. 20.
• Dennis López-Odar is coauthor of Chap. 19.
• Dora Marinova is coauthor of Chap. 4. Also, she is one of the editors and
reviewers of the book.
• Coralia Mesa-Gómez is coauthor of Chap. 7.
• Demóstenez Mori-Pelaez is coauthor of Chap. 13.
• Marc A. Rosen is author or coauthor of Chaps. 1, 2, 3, 5, 12, 16, 17, 21, and 22.
Also, he is one of the editors and reviewers of the book.
• Marte Sanchez-Villagomez is author of Chap. 6.
• M. Chandra Sekar is coauthor of Chaps. 4, 7, 18, and 19.
• Aristides Vara-Horna is coauthor of Chap. 9 and author of Chap. 10.
• Sylvia Vásquez-Sánchez is coauthor of Chap. 11.
Part I
Sustainability, Cities, and Sustainable
Chapter 1
People and families are the main nucleus of society and their optimal functioning
ensures that cities, countries, and finally the world move towards social, environ-
mental, economic, and cultural growth. Consequently, governments need to plan
and manage bearing in mind the well-being of families and individuals. But we are
far from achieving sustainability, and examining what is happening in the world in
relation to the lives of individuals can be instructive.
Global statistics indicate that many people lose their lives daily due to causes
linked to sustainability issues:
• The 2018 State of Global Air Report published by the Health Effects Institute
(HEI) in Boston found that in 2016 over 95% of the world’s population lived in
areas that exceeded the World Health Organization (WHO) Guideline for ambi-
ent particulate matter less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers in aerodynamic diam-
eter (PM2.5). Also, worldwide exposure to PM2.5 contributed to 4.1 million
deaths from lung cancer, heart disease and stroke, respiratory infections, and
chronic lung disease in 2016. Air pollution is currently the fourth-highest cause
of death around the world, trailing smoking, hypertension, and diet, with the
majority of deaths recorded in poorer nations (HEI, 2018).
A. Alvarez-Risco (*)
Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Recursos Humanos, Universidad de San Martín de
Porres, Lima, Peru
e-mail: [email protected]
M. A. Rosen
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology,
Oshawa, ON, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
The education component of efforts for sustainable development has been clearly
evident since the meeting in Rio 1992 (UNESCO, 1992). Aspects of this include
improving access to the education for the poor, increasing energy efficiency
1 Introduction 5
of authors. In the case of conglomerates of topics, groupings are formed from the
joint appearance of specific terms in key areas of academic documents, for example,
the title or summary of the text analyzed. When two terms (where each term can
consist of two or more words) are mentioned simultaneously, it can be understood
that there is a thematic link or affinity between them. To the extent that simultaneous
mentions are repeated several times within a set of texts, thematic conglomerates
are formed. The technique that produces sets of associated terms is known as co-
word analysis. A complementary approach to the review of thematic conglomerates
is the ordered list obtained through the automatic extraction of terms, a text mining
technique that uses linguistic and statistical analysis to generate a ranking of terms
with greater semantic potential. In this way, the automatic extraction of terms pro-
duces a list of terms ordered according to the contribution of each term to better
understand the set of texts analyzed.
To use the three techniques mentioned above, it is necessary to have two funda-
mental elements: a) a large number of texts to be analyzed, b) the possibility of
obtaining such information from academic databases. To date, this availability is
offered by two multidisciplinary databases: Scopus and Web of Science. The total
of documents indexed in both databases is known as the mainstream of science, or
in practical terms, scientific knowledge. Both are the largest multidisciplinary data-
bases that exist to date (Scopus with 65 million records and Web of Science with 70
million records), whose documents have gone through peer review, unlike what
happens with other search engines of free access academics. It should be added that
these two databases are commercial products, published by the companies Elsevier
for the case of Scopus and Clarivate Analytics for the Web of Science. Since they
not only record the bibliographic information of the studies published in the most
prestigious academic journals, but also the number of times the studies and authors
are cited (individual or collective, in the case of research groups), both Scopus and
Web of Science are known as citation databases. It is estimated that Google Scholar
has between 180 and 200 million indexed documents, which are automatically ana-
lyzed by Google robots that examine academic websites on a permanent basis
(Alvarez-Risco et al. 2018).
Figure 1.1 shows the publications on sustainability indexed in Scopus and Web
of Science from 2010 to 2018. The data show increases in the number of publica-
tions in both databases each year.
To evaluate the publications on sustainability that have more citations, Google
Scholar is used for the years between 2010 and 2018. These results are presented in
Table 1.1.
The first step to obtain conglomerates of authors is to describe the results in gen-
eral. This means identifying journals where many works on sustainability are pub-
lished and authors whose works received the highest number of citations. For that
reason, we present the journals with the highest number of studies and the most
cited authors who publish research on sustainability, which were indexed in Scopus
and Web of Science (see Table 1.2).
Table 1.3 shows the list of institutions that have published scientific articles on
sustainability. It can be seen that universities of North America, Europe, and
Australia are dominant. Only one Latin American university is listed.
10 A. Alvarez-Risco and M. A. Rosen
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Fig. 1.1 Publications on sustainability indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. (Source: Scopus
and Web of Science, 21/12/2018)
Alvarez-Risco, A., López-Odar, D., Chafloque-Céspedes, R., Vílchez-Roman, C., Alemán, L.,
Asencios Gonzalez, Z., et al. (2018). Emprendimiento social ¿Las universidades peruanas
están cumpliendo su rol promotor? Lima: Fondo Editorial USMP.
Alves da Costa, F. A., van Mil, J. F., & Alvarez-Risco, A. (Eds.). (2019). The pharmacist guide to
implementing pharmaceutical care. Switzerland: Springer Nature.
American Anthropological Association. (2014). Strengthening West African health care systems to
stop Ebola: Anthropologists offer insights. Retrieved February 5, 2020, from
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valóságos szentképeknek tekintette s gyakran beszélt nekem
Istenről, térítgetni próbálva.
Ó, milyen furcsa, derék bácsi volt az az ő Jóistene, afféle falusi
filozófus, fogyatékos eszközökkel és hatáskörrel, hiszen Miss Harriet
valahogy úgy képzelte el őt, mint aki örökké azokon az
igazságtalanságokon sopánkodik, melyeket szeme láttára követnek
el, – anélkül hogy megakadályozhatná őket.
Miss Harriet egyébként kitünő viszonyban élt ezzel a Jóistennel,
sőt szinte titkai és kellemetlenségei beavatott tudójául viselkedett.
»Isten akarja«, vagy »Isten nem akarja,« – mondta, mint ahogy a
káplár beszéli a regrutának, hogy: »Az ezredes parancsa!«
Szíve mélyéből kétségbe volt esve, hogy én semmit sem veszek
tudomásul azokból az égi kinyilatkoztatásokból, melyeket
mindenáron fel akart tárni előttem; s mindennap ott találtam a
zsebeimben, földön felejtett kalapomban, festékesládámban,
reggelenként ajtóm előtt várakozó, kifényesített cipőimben egyikét-
másikát azoknak a kegyes röpiratoknak, melyeket kétségkívül
egyenesen a paradicsomból kapott Miss Harriet.
Úgy bántam vele, mint egy régi-régi jóbaráttal, a jókedvű
őszinteség hangján. Nemsokára észrevettem azonban, hogy
viselkedése valahogyan megváltozott. Eleinte nem igen vetettem
ügyet a dologra.
Miközben kedvenc völgyemben vagy valamelyik mély úton
dolgoztam, egyszerre csak láttam, hogy jön, gyors és ritmikus
lépteivel. Viharosan ült le, olyan elfulladtan, mintha nyargalt volna,
vagy valami mély megindulástól pihegne. Arca izzó piros volt, azzal
a jellemző angol pirossággal, amilyet más népnél nem találni; aztán,
minden ok nélkül, elsápadt, földszínűre fakult s csaknem elájult.
Lassanként mégis csak visszanyerte rendes ábrázatát s beszélni
Majd hirtelen megállt a mondat közepén, felugrott s oly gyorsan
és furcsán menekült el mellőlem, hogy tünődni kezdtem, vajjon nem
követtem-e el holmi nem tetsző vagy sértő dolgot?
Végre is abban állapodtam meg, hogy nyilván ilyen az ő normális
viselkedési módja s ismeretségünk elején bizonyára csak rámvaló
tekintettel tompított rajta egy kicsit.
Mikor visszatért órákhosszat tartó barangolásairól, a szélpaskolta
partról a majorba, hosszú, csigásan sodort fürtei gyakran
szétlazultak s úgy csüggtek lefelé, mintha rúgójuk eltört volna.
Azelőtt egyáltalán nem törődött ezzel s nyugodtan jött étkezni azon
tépázottan, ahogy szél-nővére hagyta.
Most viszont felment előbb a szobájába, hogy rendbe szedje
csillár-csüngőit, ahogy tincseit neveztem; mikor pedig ismételtem
előtte a szokásos bókot, mely máskor felháborította, hogy: »Ma
olyan szép, Miss Harriet, mint egy csillag!« – azonnal kis vérhullám
szökkent arcába, valami fiatallányos vér, egy tizenötéves bakfis vére.
Utóbb teljesen vad viselkedést vett fel s nem jött többé megnézni,
hogyan festek. Azt gondoltam: »Átmeneti válság, majd elmúlik.«
Azonban nem múlt el. Mikor beszédbe kezdtem vele, most vagy
valami affektált közönnyel, vagy tompa ingerültséggel válaszolt.
Nyers, türelmetlen, ideges szavai voltak. Csak étkezéseknél láttam s
többé nem csevegtünk. Csakugyan azt hittem, hogy valamivel
megbánthattam s egy este megkérdeztem:
– Miss Harriet, miért nem olyan már velem, mint azelőtt? Mivel
haragítottam meg? Nekem ez igazán nagyon fáj!
Roppant furcsa, dühös hangon felelte:
– Én mindig csak vagyok, mint azelőtt. Magának nincs igazad,
nincs igazad, – s máris futott, hogy szobájába zárkózzék.
Olykor-olykor különös szemeket vetett rám. Azóta gyakran
képzeltem el magamban: a halálraítéltek nézhetnek így, mikor
kihirdetik előttük utolsó órájukat. Szemében valami őrültség villogott,
titokzatos és vad őrület; és valami egyéb is: valami láz, valami
kétségbeesett vágy, meg nem valósult és meg nem valósítható,
türelmetlen és tehetetlen! És harcot is sejtettem benne, szíve
küzdelmét egy ismeretlen erő ellen, melyet le akar igázni, – és még
egyebet… Mit tudom én… Mit tudom én…