Smart Bi-Directional Inverter Control and PV-ESS Integration For Net Zero Energy Residential Buildings
Smart Bi-Directional Inverter Control and PV-ESS Integration For Net Zero Energy Residential Buildings
Smart Bi-Directional Inverter Control and PV-ESS Integration For Net Zero Energy Residential Buildings
Keywords: Net Zero Energy Building, Energy Security, Intelligent Bi-directional Inverter, Household Inverter,
Model Predictive Control
Climate change, sustainable energy goals, and declining investment costs have increased the use of solar photovoltaic generation
in residential buildings. According to research, residential buildings account for around 40% of the world's overall energy use.
Most of this utilised energy is derived from fossil fuels, a cause of environmental degradation. The net zero energy building
(NZEB) provides a solution to this worrisome pollution. Rooftop solar panels coupled with home-scale storage units are
becoming more common in residential areas, and they provide prosumer families with tremendous potential to profit from
selling their excess energy to the grid or neighbours. Consequently, the primary purpose of this research paper is to integrate
solar (photovoltaic) PV with a household energy storage system (ESS) and the utility grid with NZEB's electrical load. Power
electronic converters are necessary to interface renewable energy sources (RESs) with the grid and the NZEB in order to
accomplish this objective. This research work aims to develop an intelligent next-generation bi-directional inverter controller
to meet the consumer flexibility demand under different operational constraints. A model predictive current control topology
for the inverter has been proposed to achieve the bi-directional power flow. Fourth-order Newton Gregory (N–G), backward
differencing polynomial has been used for prediction purposes.
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nadir values, if the grid rigidity is too low. Due to the fact that operation for a smart home inverter are more challenging,
grid-following inverters don't contribute to grid inertia or especially in the absence of grid backup during the islanded
system strength on their own, the grid becomes weaker as their mode. Further, an enhanced control topology is required for
popularity increases. Pure voltage regulator inner loops make the bidirectional power flow and for a smooth transition of the
grid-forming inverters too inflexible to work with other smart home inverter from island to grid-connected mode,
resources and the existing grid [10]. Grid-tied inverter control which demands communication with delays smaller than
methods [11] are critical for the efficient operation and 1msec if the controller successfully synchronises with the grid.
deployment of distributed energy resources and distributed The converter should be configured to automatically change
energy storage. Throughout the previous decade, significant the operating mode, i.e., inverter or rectifier in power factor
efforts and publications have been made in this area. correction mode, according to an instruction issued by the
Despite the significant computational overhead in actual home energy management system and the battery's state of
implementation, the model predictive control (MPC) has charge.
attracted a lot of interest in the power converter and drives the The main contribution of this study is to propose a bi-
research community owing to its ability to handle multi- directional AC/DC converter control topology for low-scale
system constraints and nonlinearities [12]. The MPC household applications. Fourth-order Newton Gregory (N–G)
incorporates a sophisticated mathematical model for backward differencing polynomial-based model predictive
predicting future states, which ultimately aids in the broad use controller has been proposed for the bi-directional inverter
of power electronics and promotes automatic digital control. control. The proposed Fourth-order Newton Gregory
Modern power electronics-based applications need MPC to backward differencing polynomial-based prediction model is
discover a solution in the range of tens to hundreds of very efficient for future state prediction to design the proposed
microseconds, a feat made possible by improvements in high- MPC controller. This methodology also helps reduce the
speed digital microcontrollers [12]–[14]. However the computation burden without compromising prediction
technology has great potential, but more work is needed to get accuracy [26]. Different test scenario has been presented to
it to the commercial and industrial levels [15]. verify the efficacy of the proposed controller. The rest of the
article is constructed as follows: Section 2 discusses the
Several MPC methods like finite control set MPC (FCS-MPC)
architecture of the proposed inverter topology, and Section 3
[16], optimal switching vector MPC (OWV-MPC) [17],
provides the model predictive control design method for the
optimal switching sequence MPC (OWS-MPC) [18], [19],
proposed configuration. On that basis, the switching sequence
continuous control set MPC (CCS-MPC) [20]–[22], and
generation is discussed in section 4. Further, the simulation
explicit MPC (EX-MPC) [23], [24] etc. has been already
results are given in section 5.
discussed in literature for different power electronics
applications. The FCS-MPC, OWV-MPC and OWS-MPC 2 Design of Bi-Directional Converter
methods are classified based on the characterisation of solving
optimisation problems. The switching sequence generated for The proposed system comprises a PV system mounted on the
these methods is based on minimising the selected cost roof of a modest residential building (10 kW load max) and
function. In contrast, the CCS-MPC and EX-MPC produce the linked to the network through a bi-directional inverter, as
continuous signal (duty ratio) and use a modulator to generate illustrated in Fig. l. The proposed bi-directional inverter would
the power converter's switching sequence. While the CCS- increase users' flexibility, allowing them to sell surplus energy
MPC and EX-MPC do guarantee a constant switching to the system operator or neighbour when they participate in
frequency for the converter, the MPC is notoriously difficult any kind of energy trading mechanism. One of the most
to formulate when dealing with nonlinear and constraint-based important components in this system is the voltage source bi-
systems. It's also possible that these control techniques will fail directional inverter, piques the author's curiosity throughout
if several samples are expected, which might be inefficient in the article.
the event of a significant nonlinearity or faulty situation.
Because the proposed techniques heavily rely on offline
computations for parameter modifications, they may be
useless for a stable operation. However, FCS-MPC, OWV-
MPC, and OWS-MPC use the power converter's discretisation
function to their advantage, eliminating the need for a separate
modulator to provide the necessary switching sequence [25].
And for these reasons, they are the most popular and used
MPC techniques for power electronic applications [25].
In order to provide security of power supply (during the
islanded mode) and reduce the cost of power (during grid- Fig. 1. Structure of the NZEB under study
connected mode), ES units are required to be introduced in the
smart home. An advanced inverter controller is required to Fig. 2 depicts a simplified schematic of the proposed bi-
manage the ES and RES to prioritise the renewables, directional ac–dc converter based on twin buck converters.
coordinate them with the ES and ensure reliable power that Four power switches S1, S2, S3 and S4, with parallelly connected
meets the quality requirements. Due to the fast intermittency diodes, are used, as well as two inductors L1 and L2, filter
of loads and low inertia-based generations, stability and capacitor C and two split DC-bus capacitors C1 and C2 are also
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utilised. The converter works as a rectifier when the power is The voltage and current flow equations from Fig. 4, can be
transferred from the AC grid to the DC source such as battery. obtained as-
Alternatively, it works as an inverter when the power is ܸ ൌ ܸଵ ܸଶ ܸூே (1)
transferred from DC source to AC grid or load. The voltage
ܫௗ ൌ ܫ ܫଵ (2)
across the capacitors is kept well-balanced through the
proposed controller to maintain stable operation. Further eqn. (1) and (2) can be written in terms of VAC as-
ௗூೝ ௗ మ ಲ
ܸ ൌ ܮ െ ܥܮ ܸூே (3)
ௗ௧ ௗ௧ మ
S1 S3
where, L =L1+L2,
C1 L1 Iinv
VBat Igrid
Igrid IL1 L1
C2 L2 Irec VAC
S4 S2
VAC C Inverter
Fig. 2. Schematic of the proposed bi-directional inverter
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simulation time of 0.35 seconds, it abruptly rose to 20 A.
k-2 k-1 k k+1 According to Fig. 8, the proposed controller may be evaluated
I INV based on its ability to monitor the reference signal, which is
1000 shown in the above figure. The predicted signal always kept
pace with the reference signal, even during times of
IINV 0100 uncertainty.
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