Ganga Global Institute of Management Studies Internal Examination-2024

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Internal Examination- 2024

Programme: - MCASemester: -2ndSubject Name: -Fundamentals of Management & Organization

BehaviourSubject Code: -MC201Time: - 2.00 Hours Full Marks: - 30Instruction: -
I. The marks are indicated in the right-hand side
II. Attempt all sections

Define the following terms in Single Sentence: [10x1=10 Marks]

1. Management.
2. Span of Management.
3. Planning.
4. Authority.
5. Responsibility.
6. Delegation.
7. Committee.
8. Power.
9. Decision Making.
10. Decentralization.


Answer any five of the following Questions: - [5x2 = 10]

1. Define Organization.
2. What are the roles and skills of managers?
3. Explain the challenges of organizational Behaviour?
4. What is learning? How classical theory is different from social learning theory?
5.Scientific Management Theory.
6. What do you understand by Perception?
7. What are the methods to shape behavior of individual?

Answer any one from the following Questions: - [10x1 = 10]1.
1.What do you mean by Organizational Behaviour? Explain roles and skills of managers.
2. Discuss the significance of Organizational Behaviour
3. Define Management and discuss the nature and scope of Management.


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