Divine Architecture and The Starseed Template Magenta Pixie Ebook All Chapters PDF
Divine Architecture and The Starseed Template Magenta Pixie Ebook All Chapters PDF
Divine Architecture and The Starseed Template Magenta Pixie Ebook All Chapters PDF
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About the Author
Magenta Pixie is a channel for the higher dimensional, divine
intelligence known as 'The White Winged Collective Consciousness of
Nine'. The transmissions she receives from 'The Nine' have reached
thousands of people worldwide via the extensive video collection on
her YouTube channel. She has worked with people from all over the
world as an intuitive consultant and ascension/consciousness coach.
Magenta lives in the New Forest, UK.
ISBN-13: 978-1974025367
ISBN-10: 1974025365
by Magenta Pixie
"Twins Reunited" by Magenta Pixie
Introduction: The Call of Humanity
1: The Golden Stargate and Inception Points
2: Twin Flame Perspectives and the Vertical Pillar of Light
3: As Above, So Below - The Overworld and the Underworld
4: Middle World and the Golden Triad of Ascension
5: The Original Seeding of Earth
6: Giants, Lilliputians and Elementals
7: Jewel Planet and the Nine Triads of the Matrix
8: Hidden City of Atlantis
9: Mer-Ka-Bah Magick and Emotional Alchemy
10: The Fall
11: The Starseed Awakening
12: The Superhero Program
13: Sacred Wheel, Cosmic Soup
14: Nine Questions for the Nine
15: Meditations
Meditation: The Rainbow Necklace of Memory
Meditation: The Mer and the Blue Palace of Atlantis
Meditation: Architecture of Light (Your Temple)
Firstly, many thanks to Bjorn Ingolf Simonsen from Norway for asking
the question about Azazyel which is responded to in the chapter
entitled 'The Fall'.
Remembering those whose lives I have connected with and loved yet
who are no longer here in physical form, but exist within the 'spirit
worlds' of the antimatter matrix: Leslie Fletcher, Dora Fletcher, Colin
Stickland, Graham Kemball and Gordon Blake. See you all in
The strikers soon came to grips with want and the very poor were
brought to starvation. Only the more fiercely for that did their passion
glow. They forgot all about Mr. Bly and Jah: they were only
determined not to give in. They knew not wherefore they were
fighting, and were savagely resolved not to return to their old ways
without some palpable change. Forces and emotions had been
stirred which led them to look for a miracle, and without the miracle
they preferred to die. The miracle did not come and many of them
With a moderate but assured income the Fattish are humane, that is
to say, they grope like shadows through life and shun the
impenetrable shadow of death. They shuddered to think of the very
poor dying with their eyes gazing forward for the miracle that never
came, and they said:
“To think of their finding no miracle but death! It is too horrible. Can
such things be in Fatland? Why don’t we do something?”
So they formed committees and wrote to the newspapers and
started various funds; and they invited Mr. Bly to lecture in aid of
He came to Bondon, lectured, and became the fashion. He
discovered to his amazement that there were rich people in Fatland,
and these rich people formed Anti-Jah societies. Enormous sums of
money were collected for the strikers, because the rich were so
delighted to be amused. Mr. Bly amused them enormously. Mr.
Nicodemus gave a course of lectures on the Kingdom from which
Jah had deposed him, and Mrs. Martin held meetings for women
only, to expound her views of men. For years the rich people had not
been so vastly entertained, and they poured out money for the
Unfortunately their subscriptions could buy little else for the very
poor but coffins, and of them the supply soon came to an end.
Famine and pestilence stalked abroad, but only the more fiercely did
Mr. Bly urge the destruction of Jah, and the more blindly and
desperately did the starving poor of Fatland look for the miracle.
But soon not only were the poor starving, but the comfortable, the
tradespeople, the professional classes, the humane persons with
moderate but assured incomes were faced with want. Rats were now
five shillings a brace, and a nest of baby mice was known to fetch
four shillings.
When the rich found their meals were costing them more than a
pound a head then they forgot their craze and Mr. Bly, and Mr.
Nicodemus and the widow Martin withdrew from Bondon. Mr. Bly
was no longer reported in the newspapers. His name had become
offensive, the bloom had gone from his novelty, the varnish from his
reputation, and the sting out of his power.
In all the towns gaunt spectre-like men began to sneak back to work,
and Mr. Bly was nigh frenzied with rage, disgust and despair.
“It is Jah!” he said. “It is Jah. He has crept into the hearts of men. He
has stirred their minds against me. Oh! my grief. He has used me to
bring men lower yet, so that they will live in viler dwellings, and eat of
fouler food, and be more meanly clad, more verminous than ever.
The women will be lower sluts and shrews than they have ever been,
and of their children it will be hard to see how they can ever grow
into men and women. Deeper and deeper into the pit has Jah
brought us, and there is now no hope.”
And in his agony he remembered how in his childhood he had been
taught to pray to Jah, and he knelt and prayed that he might come
face to face with Jah, to tell Him what He had done, and to implore
Him to make an end of His cruelty and to destroy all at once.
Hearing him pray Mr. Nicodemus fled from his side and left him
alone with the Widow Martin. Said she:
“Don’t take on so, dearie. A man’s no call to take on so when he has
a woman by his side. There’s nothing else in the nature of things, but
men and women only. If we starve, we starve: and if we die, we die,
it’s all one. Have done, I say, there’s always room for a bit o’ fun.”
“Fun!” cried Mr. Bly.
And the comfortable creature took his head to her bosom, and there
he sobbed out his grief.
He began:
“By the dead bodies of the children of men; by the plagues and
diseases of the bodies of women; by the festering——”
Very quietly Jah took His seat by his side and motioned to Mr.
Nicodemus to take up his position in front of them. In a voice of the
most musical sweetness and with a rich full diction He said:
“As we made the ascent I was expostulating with my friend here for
the absurdity of his attempt to reinstate himself in the world. There is
no Hell. Neither is there a Heaven. These places live by faith as we
have done. It is a little difficult for us to understand, but we have no
occasion for resentment. Separately it is impossible for us to
understand. My meeting with my dark friend here led me a little way
on the road towards a solution. The four of us may arrive at
The widow Martin scanned Jah closely:
“You’ve been a fine man in your time.”
“I have never been a man,” replied Jah sadly. “Nor have I been able
to play my part in human affairs. Like my friend here I have been an
exile. I have been forced to dwell in the mists of superstition, even as
he has been confined in the dark depths of lust. Until now I never
understood our interdependence. I am the imagination of man. He is
man’s passion. Together we can bring about the release of love in
his soul. Separately we can do nothing to break his folly, his stupidity,
his brutality, his vain selfishness. Without us he can be inquisitive
and clever, vigorous and energetic, but he remains insensible,
unjust, cruel and cowardly.”
And Nicholas Bly roused himself and he seemed to grow, and the
film fell from his eyes and he cried:
“Blessed be Jah, blessed be Nicodemus, blessed be man and the
heart of man, blessed be woman and the love of woman, blessed be
life, blessed be death!”
So saying he rose to his feet. Before his face the sun was sinking in
the evening glory: behind him the moon rose.
A great wind blew through Nicholas Bly’s hair and he bowed his
head in acceptance of the wonder of the universe.
As the moon rose to her zenith Jah said:
“There are Wonders beyond me and God is beyond imagination. My
dwelling is in the mind of men, but I have been driven therefrom. My
friend here should dwell in the heart of man, but he has been
unseated. Together we should win for man his due share of the
world’s dominion and power, and should be his sweetest stops in the
instrument of life. For without us is no joy, and with us joy is fierce. I
speak, of the woman also, for she is the equal of man and his
And as the moon was sinking to the west Jah said:
“We have suffered too long, and we have brought forth nothing. Let
us no longer be separate, but let us, man, woman, God and Devil,
join together to bring forth joy, for until there is joy on earth there
shall not be justice, nor kindness, nor understanding, nor any good
thing. We are but one spirit, for the spirit is one, and none but the
undivided spirit can see the light of the sun.”
Even as he spoke the sun came up in his majesty, dwarfing the
mighty hills, and Nicholas Bly raised his head and saw Nicodemus in
the likeness of a lusty young man, fine and splendid in his desire,
and Jah in the shape of a winged boy. And as he saw them they
disappeared, and he said:
“They have vanished into the air.”
From the scarred hillside came an echo:
“Into the air.”
Then did Nicholas Bly sing:
“I have lived, I have loved, I have died,
And my spirit has burned like a flame;
In the furnace of life my soul has been tried,
I have dwindled to ashes of shame.
Waking, the woman said:
“How is it with you, my man?”
He answered:
“I feel truly that I am a man.”
Gazing upon the woman, he saw that she was beautiful.
They came down from the hills, and a mist descended upon them,
and presently a driving rain. They were glad of each other, and
smiled their joy upon all whom they met. Nicholas Bly never ceased
to make songs, and as he sang the woman laughed merrily. The
songs he made he sang to many men, but none would listen except
the drunken man in the public-houses.
One day a very drunken man asked Nicholas Bly to sing a song
again, and he refused, because he wished to sing a better song. The
man offered him a mug of beer to sing again, but he refused, saying:
“I do not sing for hire.”
The man despised him and drank the beer himself, saying:
“It’s a silly kind of sod will sing for nothing.”
And he would hear no more.
So it was everywhere. None could understand that Nicholas Bly
should sing for the delight of it or that there could be a joy to set him
singing. In the end, and that soon, his heart broke and he died, and
Fatland is as it is.
Mr. Nicodemus and Jah were never seen again, nor in Fatland is
there trace or memory of them.
But within the womb of the woman was the child of her man, so that
she gazed in upon herself with a great hope. In this she was so
absorbed that the insensibility of the Fattish moved her not at all and
she forgot to apply for her maternity benefit.
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