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Quarter 2 - Module 7:
Compose Texts which include
Multimodal Elements

Quarter 2 - Module 7: Compose Texts which include Multimodal Elements
Second Edition, 2021

Copyright © 2021
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form without written
permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Eric John D. Isidro

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team
Content/Language Reviewer: Racel S. Ordinario
Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr.
Design and Layout: Threcy B. Galvan

Management Team:

Atty. Donato D. Balderas Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent
Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, PhD
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
German E. Flora, PhD, CID Chief
Virgilio C. Boado, PhD, EPS in Charge of LRMS
Belen C. Aquino, PhD, EPS in Charge of English
Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II
Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II

Printed in the Philippines by: _________________________

Department of Education – SDO La Union

Office Address: Flores St. Catbangen, San Fernando City, La Union
Telefax: 072 – 205 – 0046
Email Address: [email protected]
Quarter 2 - Module 7:
Compose Texts which include
Multimodal Elements
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners, can continue
your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions, exercises, and
discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step as
you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM. This
will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to ask your
facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson. At the end of
each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are
provided for each activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also provided to
our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can best help you on
your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of this
SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And read the
instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the tasks in
this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
Whether we want to inform or plainly express our feeling and emotions,
writing is proven to be one of the most important means of communication.
As time and technology progress writing has also come to evolve with us.
Writing is not just plainly presented in sentences, paragraphs, or plain texts.
People have come up with new ways on how to present thoughts and
information by using different styles or modes of writing.
In this lesson you will be learning on the different ways on how to write
and present texts in different forms. It will help you comprehend and later
create your own texts in the different styles that will be discussed.
After going through this module, you are expected to be able to compose
texts which include multimodal elements.
Specifically, you are to:
a. define multimodal texts;
b. identify the types of multimodal texts;
c. differentiate the types of texts from each other; and
d. compose texts that use multimodal elements.

Activity 1: In the Mode
Examine the given texts below then answer the questions that follow.
Text A.

iStock by Getty Images

Text B.

Transmission and Protective Measures

COVID-19 spreads primarily from person to person. Fighting this
disease is our joint responsibility. Protect yourself and others by making
these 6 simple precautions your new habits:
- Clean your hands often
- Cough or sneeze in your bent elbow - not your hands!
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
- Limit social gatherings and time spent in crowded places
- Avoid close contact with someone who is sick
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces

Text C.

by: Eric John D. Isidro

Comprehension questions:

1. What are the texts all about?

2. What are the differences on how the texts are presented?

3. Which text would you prefer to read? Explain why.

4. What are the reasons why you chose that text over the other?

5. What type of text do you think are the three?

Texts are classified as being multimodal when it uses two or more modes in
presenting information. Modes are channels of information, or anything that
communicates meaning in some way other than just sentences or paragraphs.
These modes may include pictures, illustrations, audio, speech, writing and
print, music, movement, gestures, and facial expressions

These modes are then combined with words, phrases, sentences, or

paragraphs in composing texts or to create and shape meaning.

Just like the examples of texts that you had in the first activity texts A and C
are considered as multimodal texts because they used not just sentence and
paragraph, but also pictures and illustrations. Text A is an Infographic text in
a poster and Text C is a comic strip. Text B on the other hand is presented as a
traditional text.

Multimodality in Composition

In the composition field, multimodal elements are commonly defined in terms

of the five modes of communication: linguistic, visual, gestural, spatial, audio.
These terms are often paired with the language of design to create a more
thorough conversation about the different modes, especially when referencing
compositions that combine words and images, such as posters, presentations
and websites.

The Five Modes

Linguistic – word choice; delivery of spoken or written text (tone);
organization into sentences, phrases, paragraphs, etc.; coherence of
individual words and ideas.
Visual – color, layout, style, size, perspective
Gestural – facial expressions, hand gestures, body language,
interactions between people
Spatial – arrangement, organization, proximity between people and
Audio – music; sound effects; ambient noise/sounds; silence; tone;
emphasis and accent of voice in spoken language; volume of sound.
The Language of Design
Each mode uses different elements depending on how it wants to convey
meaning using the different senses.
- Emphasis - The elements of an image that are most significant or
- Repetition - The repeated pattern of the same or similar shapes or
objects, which can also indicate an overall emphasis or theme.
- Contrast - The sharp differences between elements that are noticeable
based on their relationship to each other.
- Layout - The organization of elements on a page, including texts,
images, shapes, and overall composition.
- Alignment - The way that elements are aligned on a page, especially text
which is aligned at left, right or center.
- Proximity - The relationship between objects in a space, particularly
how close they are to each other. Proximity can indicate a relationship
between objects.
The modes are experienced in different ways by each of the senses -- usually
visual, auditory or tactile. They often interact with each other, creating a
dynamic learning experience. For instance, an educational video might include
speech, images, music and text at the same time-- all of which can enhance a
student’s learning experience.

Types and Examples
The table below shows the types and examples of texts in the different

Multimodal texts can be delivered via different media or technologies. They

may be live, paper, or digital electronic.
paper – such as books, comics, posters.

digital – from slide presentations, e-books, blogs, e-posters, web pages,

and social media, through to animation, film and video games.

live – a performance or an event.

transmedia– where the story is told using ‘multiple delivery

channels’ through a combination of media platforms, for example, book,
comic, magazine, film, web series, and video game mediums all working as
part of the same story.

A Review on Linear and Non-Linear Texts

Non-Linear texts are also considered as multimodal texts because they
use other forms of mode in presenting information such as tables, graphs,
charts, diagrams, and numbers. While linear texts employ traditional form of

Let us then differentiate linear texts from non-linear.

Linear text is a source of information. It has an order or sequence. It

refers to a traditional text that needs to be read from beginning to the end to
be fully understood. Examples are novels, poems, short stories, letters,
educational texts, and all those texts we read from the beginning to the end.
In a linear, written text, the reader makes sense of the text according to
the arrangement of the words, both grammatically and syntactically. In such
a reading path, there is a sequential time to the text.

Non-linear Text as its name suggests, is a non-sequential text which

means that the readers do not have to go through the text in a sequential
manner in order to make sense of the text. This type of text has many
reading paths since it’s the readers who decide the sequence of reading, not
the author of the text.
Examples of non-linear text include flowcharts, charts, and graphs (ex:
pie chart, bar graphs), graphical organizers such as knowledge maps and
story maps. In fact, any text that is not read from beginning to the end falls
into the category of nonlinear text.
Most of the times linear and non-linear texts are used to complement
each other to give readers easier access to important information.

Activity 2: Poster Making

On a short bond paper, create a poster that informs people on

how to stay fit and healthy during the time of pandemic. If you have a desktop
or laptop, you may include pictures or illustrations in your poster. You may
use different font styles or sizes. For those who do not have computers, you
may use drawing materials (pencil, ball pen, crayons, etc.) in creating your
posters. Be creative and make sure your poster is clear on the information it
wants to convey.

Rubrics for scoring your poster.
Content Clearly depicts Convey a Is not clear with
information message about the information
regarding the the theme of the it wants to
theme of the poster but not impart. (2
poster. (5 points) very clear. points)
(3 points)
Grammar and No error in Has 1 to 3 errors Has 4 or more
spelling grammar and in spelling and errors in spelling
spelling. (5 grammar. (3 and grammar (2
points) point) points)
Attractiveness Illustrations, Illustrations, Illustrations,
colors and texts colors and texts colors and texts
are well are somehow are not well
coordinated to well coordinated coordinated to
create an to create an create an
attractive image attractive image attractive image
for the poster. (5 for the poster. (3 for the poster. (2
points) points) points)

Activity 3. I Can Do This

Directions: During this COVID-19 pandemic, we were all asked to stay at

home to prevent getting infected by the virus. Through using either a graph,
table, chart, or map, present your course of action in trying to stay at home
productively. Write your work on a separate sheet of paper.

Activity 4. My Learnings
Directions: Now, you are ready to share what you have learned. You are
expected to write all the things you learned from this lesson. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. A multimodal text is…


2. Multimodal texts include…


3. A nonlinear text is…


4. Examples of linear texts are…


5. I learned that…


Directions: Answer the following questions. Choose the letter of the best answer.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

____1. It is a text that is not read from beginning to the end.

A. illustration B. image C. linear D. nonlinear

____2. It refers to traditional text that needs to be read from beginning to the end to
be fully understood.
A. essay B. linear C. nonlinear D. speech

____3. This is not an example of a linear text.

A. letter B. map C. novel D. verse

____4. This is not an example of a non-linear text.
A. chart B. graph C. map D. verse

____5. The following are examples of non-linear text except______.

A. chart B. graph C. map D. verse

____6. This type of text has many reading paths since it’s the readers who decide
the sequence of reading, not the author of the text.
A. illustration B. linear C. non-linear D. pictograph

____7. It is a text which has an order or sequence.

A. illustration B. linear C. non-linear D. pictograph

____8. A fictional narrative shorter than a novel.

A. essay B. poem C. speech D. story

____9. It is a picture or diagram that helps make something clear or attractive.

A. figure B. illustration C. image D. pictograph

____10. It is non-sequential text which means that the readers do not have to go
through the text in a sequential manner in order to make sense of the text.
A. essay B. linear C. non-linear D. speech

____11. It is a direct or personal written or printed message addressed to a person

or organization.
A. essay B. letter C. poem D. story

____12. It is an invented prose narrative that is usually long and complex and
deals especially with human experience through a usually connected sequence of
A. essay B. novel C. speech D. story

____13. It is a diagram that shows a step-by-step progression through a procedure

or system especially using connecting lines and a set of conventional
A. chart B. flowchart C. graph D. map

____14. It is a diagram that represents the variation of a variable in comparison with

that of one or more other variables.
A. chart B. flowchart C. graph D. map

____15. It is used to present similarities and differences of an object or idea.

A. diagram B. flowchart C. graph D. Venn diagram

Activity 1
1. The texts are all about giving steps or recommendations on how to prevent COVID 19
2. Texts A and C are presented using images and drawings. They are resented in a non-traditional
way. Text B is presented in a traditional way of writing texts.
3. Answers may vary.
4. Answers may vary. Gauge
5. 1. D
Texts A is an infographic poster, text B is a linear text and text C is a comic strip.
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. D
9. B
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. B
14. C
15. D
Answer Key
Alberta Education, The Common Curriculum Framework for English
Language Arts Kindergarten to Grade 12 Western Canadian
Protocol for Collaboration in Basic Education, (Manitoba: Alberta
Education, 1998)

Anderson, Mark and Anderson, Kathryn. Text Type in English 1, (Malaysia:

MacMillan, 2003)

Bureau of Secondary Education, Department of Education Basic Education

Curriculum. Pasig City, 2002.

Bureau of Secondary Education, Department of Education Culture and

Sports. Desired Learning Competencies New Secondary Education
Curriculum. Pasig City, 1991.

Bureau of Secondary Education, Department of Education Culture and

Sports. Desired Learning Competencies Philippine Secondary
Schools Learning Competencies . Pasig City, 1998.

Bureau of Secondary Education, Department of Education. Secondary

Curriculum. Pasig City, 2010.

Canale, Michael and Swain, Merril. “Theoretical Bases of Communicative

Approaches to
Second Language Teaching and Testing” in Applied Linguistics Vol.
I, Issue 1, (USA: Oxford, 1980.)

Cummins, Jim, The Acquisition of English as a Second Language in

SpangenbergUrbschat.K and Pritchard, R. (eds.), Reading
Instruction for ESL Students Delaware, (Delaware: International
Reading Association, 1994)

English 10 Learners’ Manual. Department of Education. REX Bookstore, Inc.

First Edition 2015

English 10 Teacher’s Guide.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – SDO La Union

Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management Section
Flores St. Catbangen, San Fernando City La Union 2500
Telephone: (072) 607 - 8127
Telefax: (072) 205 - 0046
Email Address:
[email protected]
[email protected]


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