Cardiotoxicity Following Thoracic Radiotherapy For
Cardiotoxicity Following Thoracic Radiotherapy For
Cardiotoxicity Following Thoracic Radiotherapy For
Clinical Studies
Radiotherapy is the standard of care treatment for unresectable NSCLC, combined with concurrent chemotherapy and adjuvant
immunotherapy. Despite technological advances in radiotherapy planning and delivery, the risk of damage to surrounding thoracic
tissues remains high. Cardiac problems, including arrhythmia, heart failure and ischaemic events, occur in 20% of patients with lung
cancer who undergo radiotherapy. As survival rates improve incrementally for this cohort, minimising the cardiovascular morbidity
of RT is increasingly important. Problematically, the reporting of cardiac endpoints has been poor in thoracic radiotherapy clinical
trials, and retrospective studies have been limited by the lack of standardisation of nomenclature and endpoints. How baseline
cardiovascular profile and cardiac substructure radiation dose distribution impact the risk of cardiotoxicity is incompletely
understood. As Thoracic Oncology departments seek to expand the indications for radiotherapy, and as the patient cohort becomes
older and more comorbid, there is a pressing need for cardiotoxicity to be comprehensively characterised with sophisticated
oncology, physics and cardio-oncology evaluations. This review synthesises the evidence base for cardiotoxicity in conventional
radiotherapy, focusing on lung cancer, including current data, unmet clinical needs, and future scientific directions.
BACKGROUND use, lifestyle factors and social deprivation [10]. This review
Lung cancer is consistently ranked within the highest causes of synthesises the evidence base for cardiotoxicity in conventionally
death in Western populations [1]. With its high incidence and fractionated RT specifically and focuses on lung cancer via
mortality [2], it is recognised as a ‘cancer of unmet need’ [3]. established research findings, unmet clinical needs, and future
Definitive radiotherapy (RT) combined with systemic therapy offers directions.
the greatest probability of long-term disease control for the high
proportion of patients who have potentially curable disease, where
surgery is not possible. However, definitive RT carries cardiovascular CARDIOTOXICITY OF RADIOTHERAPY: HISTORICAL CONTEXT
risk and minimising the morbidity of this treatment is paramount. The first scientific descriptions of radiation-induced heart disease
Cancer control rates from RT are also suboptimal given that 25–40% (RIHD) were made in 1924. A German pathologist found extensive
of patients will experience local relapse [4], yet an increased RT dose cardiac scar formation during the autopsy of a patient previously
led to worse overall survival (OS) in the landmark dose-escalation treated with RT for mediastinal lymphoma who subsequently died
trial, RTOG-0617 [5]. The elevated mortality rate was associated with from heart failure [11]. A canine experiment investigating
higher cardiac radiation doses in this trial. This finding was radiation-related pulmonary effects in the same year reported
corroborated by the recent phase 3 LungART trial of postoperative fibrotic changes in the atria [12]. However, RIHD was regarded as a
lung RT, where improved disease control with RT likely did not rare sequela for a further 4 decades until a case series of breast
translate into improved OS due to deleterious cardiopulmonary and lymphoma RT cases implored that the heart was not as
effects [6]. Pooled analyses of historical NSCLC radiation trials radioresistant as previously thought in 1967 [13]. Interest in RIHD
examining symptomatic post-RT cardiac events (PRCEs) identified a then emerged among lung radiation oncologists during 9
2-year cumulative incidence rate of 11–32% [7, 8], consisting largely adjuvant trials over the following 3 decades [14], although careful
of arrhythmia, heart failure and ischaemic events. Also relevant is attention to minimising heart doses was not embedded in routine
the high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs) and practice given the prioritisation of improving dismal cancer
established cardiac diseases (ECDs) (Fig. 1) before treatment that is control rates in lung cancer, and the lack of technology adequate
typical of lung cancer cohorts [9], owing to considerable tobacco to do so in most of the older trials.
Department of Radiation Oncology, Washington University in St Louis, Saint Louis, MO, USA. 2Patrick Johnston Centre for Cancer Research, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast,
Northern Ireland, USA. 3Siteman Cancer Center, Washington University Medical Campus, Saint Louis, MO, USA. 4Cardio-Oncology Center of Excellence, Washington University in
St Louis, St Louis, MO, USA. 5Department of Developmental Biology, Washington University in St Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA. 6Center for Cardiovascular Research, Department of
Medicine, Cardiovascular Division, Washington University in St Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA. ✉email: [email protected]
Dyslipidaemia Heart failure Heart failure
Diabetes mellitus Arrhythmia Arrhythmia
Smoking Angina/MI Angina/MI
Family history
x Physiologically relevant
Single toxicity x Decreased event rate
x Promotes in-depth analysis
endpoints x Clinically meaningful
Fig. 1 Categorisation of cardiovascular factors and study endpoints in radiation heart disease particularly in the setting of lung cancer. a
is a summary schema for how critical cardiovascular factors can be considered temporally. b displays the positive and negative characteristics
of commonly employed study designs. (MI = myocardial infarction; IHD = ischaemic heart disease).
In 1991 a dedicated interdisciplinary working group in North radiosensitivity at the time, as excluding the blood pool from
America made recommendations on the tolerance of normal organs calculations did not alter results [21].
in partial and complete irradiation scenarios [15]. Emami et al. An initiative to summarise the normal tissue toxicity literature
focused on what was considered to be the most severe clinical two decades after the adoption of three-dimensional RT planning
endpoint for an organ at the time, which was pericarditis for the (3DCRT) was unable to make significant advancements for heart
heart. The authors highlighted that the lymphoma and breast constraints, simply concluding that the incidental cardiac dose
cancer-based recommendations for heart dose constraints, is “… should be as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) [22]. The
mostly speculative…”, “…from sporadic information in the litera- authors noted that lung cancer data requires special considera-
ture…”, and involved the “…clinical impressions of the clinicians tion, since this patient cohort was not included in prior RIHD
involved…”. These suggested safe dose constraints remained the analyses and yet had a high rate of PRCEs. The duality of the
best available 16 years later, during the design of the RTOG-0617 heart’s radiobiological tissue organisation was also acknowledged,
study. To test the principles of ‘the Emami paper’, the diverse range with the left ventricular myocardium possibly being regarded as a
of dose-fractionations were converted into a common format, based ‘parallel’ tissue with respect to muscle contraction, but a ‘serial’
on a radiobiological characteristic, the α/β ratio [16], which animal tissue with respect to conduction. Exemplifying the important role
data suggested was 2.5–3.0 [17–19] for pericardium-related end- of RT technology in RIHD, intensity modulated RT (IMRT), a
points. The α/β ratio is a summary value for the linear-quadratic planning/delivery approach with greater conformality than 3DCRT
behaviour of an organ’s likelihood of developing a specific toxicity introduced in the 2000s, has routinely demonstrated lower
[20]. The heart was considered as a single structure with uniform maximum cardiac doses than 3DCRT [23].
Atkins [38] RWD II–III 50–66 Gy in 20.4 3DCRT 748 HTN, Lipids, Primary: None pre- Dmean, V5, 12.3 Heart Feng 10% of patients
(JACC) 1.8–2 Gy #* (76%) DM, VTE, MACE 2008, V30 had MACE. DVHs
IMRT arrhythmia, Others: G3+ V30 < 50%, positive on MVA.
(24%) valve disease, events, OS V45 < 40%, DVHs positive for
PVD, stroke, V60 < 20% OS on MVA.
CAD, MI, HF thereafter
Atkins [73] NR 701 Dmean, Chambers & Feng DVHs positive for
(JAMA Onc) Dmax, Vx in coronaries both MACE and
5 Gy OS.
McKenzie [122] Trial III 60 Gy in 30# 22.9 3DCRT 439 None Primary: OS None Dmean, NR Heart, LAD Feng DVHs positive for
or 74 Gy in (54%) LAD V15 OS.
37#* IMRT
Speirs [25] RWD II–III 50–84.9 Gy 14.5 3DCRT 322 None Primary: NR Dmean, 2.6 Heart Wheatley 24% patients had
in (60%) Cardiac Dmax, Vx in (3DCRT) a grade 3 event.
1.5–2.8 Gy IMRT events 5 Gy 1.8 DVHs positive for
#* (40%) Others: OS increments (IMRT) OS on MVA.
Vivekanandan Trial II–III 63–73 Gy in 25.0 3DCRT 78 Pre-existing Primary: OS D100 < 45 Gy, PCAs 10.3 Pericardium, Feng DVHs positive for
[33] 30#* (96%) ECG only Others: ECG D67 < 53 Gy, AVN, 4 OS on MVA.
VMAT change at 6 D33 < 60% chambers, 4 38% patients had
(4%) months chamber ECG changes.
walls DVHs negative
for ECG changes
on MVA.
Vivekanandan RWD I–III 69 38.0 3DCRT 64 “Baseline Primary: OS NR Dmean, Vx 7.6 Heart, LA Feng DVHs positive for
[39] (75%) cardiac in multiple OS on MVA.
VMAT comorbidity” thresholds
Yegya-Raman RWD II–IV 60–66 Gy in 47.4 3DCRT 140 CAD, Primary: V40 < 100%, Dmean, V5, 15.8 4x chambers, Feng 29% of patients
[40] 1.8–2 Gy #* (64%) “significant Symptomatic MHD < 26 Gy V30, V50 LAD had an event.
3DCRT arrhythmia, events as per DVHs positive on
+IMRT pericardial Others: OS QUANTEC MVA.
(16%) disease, HF 2010 DVHs negative
IMRT without CAD, for OS on MVA.
(19%) valve disease
Guberina [35] Trial III 45 Gy in 30# 72.0 3DCRT 155 None Primary: OS NR Dmean, V5 13.8- Heart Feng DVHs negative
± 26 Gy in 17.4 for OS on MVA.
Sheperd [127] RWD I–III 45–70 Gy in 64.0 3DCRT 284 None Primary: OS V30 ≤ 50% Dmean, 11.2 Heart RTOG DVHs positive for
1.8–2 Gy#* (30%) Dmin, OS on MVA.
IMRT Dmax plus
(70%) Vx in 5 Gy
Tucker [36] RWD III 60–76 Gy in 24.0 3DCRT 468 None Primary: OS NR Dmean, V5, 16.6 Heart NR DVHs negative
1.8–2 Gy#* (41%) V30 for OS on MVA.
Lee [42] RWD III 55–70 Gy in 17.6 3DCRT 120 DM, IHD Primary: MI “QUANTEC” Dmean, V5, 12.6 Heart RTOG MI occurred in
1.8–2.75 Gy (42%) (with Others: OS (from 2010) V25, V30, 4%. DVHs
#* IMRT/ definition) V40, V50, negative for MI
VMAT D30 on MVA.
(58%) DVHs positive for
OS on MVA.
Table 1. continued
Author & year Cohort Stage Average Follow- Type N Baseline Toxicity Planning DVHs MHD Structures Atlas Key study
type EQD2 (Gy) up endpoint constraints findings
Lee [128] RWD I–III 50–54 Gy in 36.6 3DCRT 43 DM, IHD Primary: MI Dmean Dmean, V5, 9.4 Heart NR No MI events
1.8–2 Gy #* (70%) (with Others: OS ≤40 Gy, V25, V30, occurred.
IMRT/ definition) V60 ≤ 33%, V40, V50, DVHs negative
VMAT V40 ≤ 80%, D30 for OS on MVA.
(30%) V45 ≤ 60%,
V60 ≤ 33%
Kim [54] RWD I–III 60–64.5 Gy 36.2 3DCRT 321 BMI, DM, AF, Primary: Dmean Dmean, 12.3 Chambers, Feng, Loap 5% of patients
in 30#* (34%) valve disease, Cardiac <45 Gy Dmax, Vx in coronaries, had AF. 2% had
IMRT CAD, CHB, events 5 Gy conduction non-AF events.
(66%) stroke, PVD, Others: OS increments nodes DVHs positive for
CAC, alcohol AF on MVA.
DVHs positive for
OS on MVA.
Banfill [72] RWD I–IV >45 Gy in NR NR 967 HTN, IHD, Primary: V30 < 40%, Dmean, V5, 12.8 Heart UK SABR DVHs positive for
20#* Myocardial, Cardiac death V40 < 30% V30, V50, Consortium OS on MVA.
Pericardial & (from 2015) Guidance
Valve disease,
(list included)
Xu [97] Trial II–IV 60–74 Gy in 26.2 IMRT 225 “Pre-existing Primary: V30 < 50%, Dmean, 12.0 Heart, RTOG 25% of patients
2 Gy # * (61%) heart Cardiac V45 < 40%, Dmax, Vx in pericardium, had a cardiac
/ disease” events V60 < 20% 5 Gy chambers event. DVHs not
Protons Others: OS increments positive for
(39%) events on UVA.
(No MVA).
DVHs not
positive for OS
on UVA. (No
G.M. Walls et al.
Niska [129] RWD III 43.1–74 Gy 18.0 3DCRT 119 None Primary: OS Dmax <62 Gy, Vx in 5 Gy NR Heart NR DVHs positive for
in 1.8–2 Gy (41%) / Dmean increments OS on MVA.
#* IMRT <26 Gy,
(59%) V30 < 46%,
V40 < 33%
Cho [130] RWD III 60–66 Gy in 45.0 3DCRT 133 Pre-existing Primary: G2+ None Dmean, V5, 8.3 Heart, LV wall NR 32% patients had
2–2.4 Gy #* (83%) heart disease cardiac events mandatory V30, V50 a cardiac event.
/ (list included) DVHs positive for
3DCRT events on MVA.
Thor [44] Trial III 60 or 74 Gy 24.0 3DCRT 306 None Primary: OS Heart Dmean, NR Heart, RTOG Model
in 2 Gy #* (52) training V33 < 60 Gy, Dmax, pericardium, combining atria
/ / V66 < 45 Gy, Dmin, bilateral atria, D45, lung
IMRT 131 V100 < 40 Gy MOHX% bilateral Dmean,
(48) validation Dmean, ventricles pericardium
Dmax, and MOH55, and
in 5 Gy ventricles MOH5.
Jang [131] RWD III 50–72 Gy/ 27.5 3DCRT 258 HTN, DM, CV Primary: OS NR Mean, V5, NR WH, RA, LA, NR MVA positive for
25–36# (NR) disease V10, V20, RV, LV LV in patients
/ V30, V40, with cardiac
IMRT V50, and history only
(NR) V60
Yegya-Raman RWD II–IIIC 66–70 Gy/ 39.6 3DCRT 335 HTN, DM, Primary: MHD < 20 Gy, Mean, 8.7 Heart, LV, Feng 10.4% patients
[132] (R&O) 33–35# (6%) / Lipids, MACE V50 < 25% Dmin, LAD had a MACE.
IMRT previous Secondary: Dmax, V5- MVA positive for
(59%)/ atrial Cardiac 70 OS
proton arrhythmia events, OS only, for MHD
(35%) and LAD V15
17% experienced
CHB complete heart block, CAC coronary artery calcification, SABR stereotactic ablative radiotherapy, DWP death without progression, VBA voxel-based analysis, MOHX%[Gy] = mean of the hottest x% of the
radiotherapy, HTN hypertension, DM diabetes mellitus, OS overall survival, MVA multivariate analysis, PCE pericardial event, ACS acute coronary syndrome, LAD left anterior descending coronary artery, UVA
univariate analysis, DL dyslipidaemia, VTE venous thromboembolism, PVD peripheral vascular disease, CAD coronary artery disease, MI myocardial infarction, HF heart failure, MACE major adverse cardiac event,
RTOG Radiation Therapy Oncology Group, IMPT intensity-modulated proton therapy, ECG electrocardiogram, AVN atrioventricular node, CVD cardiovascular disease, PA pulmonary artery, LV left ventricle, RV right
ventricle, LA left atrium, RA right atrium, RCA right coronary artery, LMC left main stem coronary artery, LCX left circumflex coronary artery, IHD ischaemic heart disease, BMI body mass index, AF atrial fibrillation,
N number of patients, EQD2 equivalent dose in 2 Gy fractions, NR not reported, DVH dose-volume histogram, MHD mean heart dose, 3DCRT three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy, IMRT intensity-modulated
with VT/asystole,
associated with
analyses, PVs
Key study
Furthermore, patients that develop low-grade PRCEs may do so
RCA with
≥1 G3
because of better health at baseline, and therefore including only
patients with grade 3 events may inadvertently introduce bias.
Importantly, only a minority of studies in NSCLC have found an
association between PRCEs and death [8, 40, 46], suggesting
historically reported PRCEs have not been tightly coupled with
5 Gy
excess death rate and quality of life detriments [52] equally justify
HTN, Lipids,
PVD, stroke,
Pulmonary veins
Atrial fibrillation
Left ventricle
V63 <2% (L); V11 <54% (R)—Walls 2024
V5 <15cc—Atkins 2024 Ischaemia
V5*, V30*, mean*—Wang 2017
Supraventricular tachycardia V60 = 0%—Jang 2020
V55 <31%—Atkins 2024
Ischaemia/heart failure
Dmean*—Yegya-Raman 2018
Sinoatrial node
Atrial fibrillation
Dmax 20Gy—Kim 2022 Left anterior descending coronary artery
V15 <10%—Atkins 2021
Right atrium
Arrhythmia Ischaemia/heart failure
V60*—Wang 2017 Dmean*—Yegya-Raman 2018
Myocardial/constrictive/valve/arrythmia events
V15 <2.5cc–No 2024 (LMC+LAD+LCX)
Right coronary artery
Bradyarrhythmia Ventricular tachycardia/asystole
Right ventricle V50 <0.5cc—Atkins 2024 (LMC)
V25 <1.9cc—Atkins 2024
Ischaemia/heart failure
Dmean*—Yegya-Raman 2018
Fig. 2 Summary of published dosimetric relationships for cardiac endpoints in lung radiotherapy studies. The three-dimensional
reconstruction of autosegmented cardiac substructures from a lung cancer radiotherapy plan, annotated with the literature on post-
radiotherapy cardiac event endpoints by substructure, and proposed dose constraints where available (*no dose threshold reported; Vxx =
percentage volume receiving at least XX Gy; Dmax = maximum dose; Dmean = mean dose).
cardiac regions and their dose thresholds. These high-throughput CVRFs that pre-dispose them to future PRCEs [26]. Potentiating
approaches have been successfully applied to establish the heart this risk, social deprivation in this cohort [67, 68] may lead to
base as a general region of interest [61–63] in real-world datasets, suboptimal health service access and engagement, resulting in
with subsequent retrospective validation in clinical trial cohorts patients being less likely to have their risk factors optimised
[64, 65], and following refinement of the region to a specific [10, 69, 70].
composite of anatomically-defined substructures [66]. In a study of mixed thoracic cancers where patients had cardiac
There is a lack of consensus on how clinical factors that are to stents prior to RT, comorbidity burden appeared to drive survival
be adjusted for in multivariable analysis are selected. Many rather than radiation dose parameters [71]. Similarly, the impact of
studies, especially retrospective studies, base these decisions on the heart base region dose on survival was mediated by the
univariable regression results that meet arbitrary p value thresh- baseline systolic function in a clinical trial cohort [65]. Cardiac
olds, but including known clinically relevant factors may be comorbidity was found to be significantly associated with the risk
stronger. It is important to consider the number of events when of cardiac death after RT at 2 years (21% versus 6%) in another
choosing the number of clinical variables to include in multi- study [72]. Several of the cardiac substructure studies found a
variable models, as over-fitting can occur when an excessive difference in the rate of PRCEs when stratifying by baseline cardiac
amount of variables are included (e.g. 1 variable for every 10 status, including a 2-year MACE rate of 12% versus 3% for patients
events often used as a general principle). with and without cardiac disease [73], and a 4-year incidence of
Lastly, although it is widely acknowledged that inclusion of symptomatic cardiac events of 52% versus 23% where there were
continuous data is superior to dichotomised data in clinical ECDs at baseline compared to without [40]. The relative risk of
models, dichotomisation can be useful in RT toxicity studies, since PRCEs was lower for patients with ECDs, possibly because of the
the output may serve as a directly implementable dose constraint high rate of PRCEs without significant radiation doses. One
for treatment planning. The study design should guide this interpretation of this is that patients with less baseline cardiac
decision, with continuous data perhaps being more important for comorbidity should be prioritised for rigorous cardiac substructure
‘discovery’ studies, while dichotomisation maybe more acceptable avoidance during treatment planning, as the detriment appears to
in studies validating a previously identified metric and threshold. be relatively larger for these patients. However, where such
In summary, methodological research is urgently required for the resources are not limited, the high absolute risk of PRCEs in
most statistically responsible approaches to be identified. patients with a significant cardiac history, means all patients stand
to benefit from these and other cardioprotective strategies.
There is considerable variation between studies regarding the
BASELINE CARDIAC STATUS classification of pre-treatment cardiac comorbidities. Some
The contribution of baseline cardiac disease relative to dosimetric investigators focus on the history of specific cardiac events, such
factors is a current gap in the RIHD literature. The co-morbidity as myocardial infarction (MI) and arrhythmias [72], while others
burden of the general lung cancer population is large, with ~30% focus on pooled ECDs [73]. As the natural history of cardiovascular
of patients having a previous ECD [9] and a further 50% having disease would dictate that ECDs are end-organ consequences of
x Regular ECG monitoring EVENT DIAGNOSIS x Optimal modalities for subclinical RIHD
x Consider cardiac causes of symptoms x Relative contribution of radiation / baseline
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= established cardiac disease; ECG = electrocardiogram; RIHD = radiation-induced heart disease; PRV = planning organ at risk volume).
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