Construction of Written Test - 20241108 - 180127 - 0000
Construction of Written Test - 20241108 - 180127 - 0000
Construction of Written Test - 20241108 - 180127 - 0000
Construction of
Written Tests
Construct various types of
traditional test formats to assess
Learning Identify the appropriate test
format to measure learning
Outcomes outcomes
1. Selected-Response Tests
2. Constructed -Response
What are the Major
Categories and Formats of
Traditional Tests?
1. Selected-Response Tests - the learners True-False or Alternative Response
choose the correct response from several Tests - It generally consists of a
choices. They are limited when assessing statement and deciding if the
learning outcomes that involve more statement is true (accurate/correct)
complex and higher-level thinking skills. or false (inaccurate/incorrect).
writing skills.
Multiple-choice 02
Do not lift and use statements from
the textbook or other learning
test items? material as test questions.
02 Ensure the stimuli are longer and the
Matching-Type responses are shorter.
What are the general
guidelines in writing
True or False items?
True or false items are best
used to measure learners'
ability to judge or evaluate is
one of the desired learning
outcomes of the course.
Different Variations of
True or False items
1. T-F Correction or Modified True-
False Question. The statement is e.g. The following are kinds of test.
presented with a keyword or phrase that Circle Yes if it is an authentic test and No
is underline, and the learner has to if not.
supply the correct word or phrase. (e.g. Multiple-choice Yes No
Multiple-Choice Test is authentic) Debates Yes No
End-of-theTerm Project Yes No
2. Yes-No Variation. The learner has to True or False Test Yes No
choose Yes or No, rather than true or
Different Variations of
True or False items
3. A-B Variation. In this format, the Traditional Authentic
learner has to choose A or B, rather than
true or false. Multiple-choice A B
Debates A B
End-of-theTerm Project A B
e.g., Indicate which of the following are
True or False Test A B
traditional or authentic tests by circling A
if it is a traditional test and B if it is
01 Include statements that are
completely true or false.
Guidelines in Use simple and easy-to-
writing True understand statements.
or False
03 Refrain from using negatives
items: —especially double negatives.
or False
07 Avoid lifting statements from
items: the textbook and other
learning materials.
What are the
general guidelines 01 Omit only significant words
in writing Short- from the statement.
Answer Test
Do not omit too many words
items? 02 from the statement such that
the intended meaning is lost.
A short-answer test item
requires the learners to
answer a question or to 03 Avoid obvious clues to the
finish an incomplete correct response.
statement by filling in the
blank with the correct word
or phrase.
04 Be sure that there is only
one correct response.
What are the
Avoid grammatical clues to
general 05 the correct response
guidelines in
writing Short- 06 If possible, but the blanket the
end of a statement rather than
Answer Test at the beginning.
Two Types of Essay Test
1. Extended-Response
*much longer and complex
2. Restricted-Response
*much more focused and
What are the general Clearly define the intended
guidelines in writing 01
learning outcome to be
Essay Tests? assessed by the essay Test
Solving Test Subject to scorer bias when
partial credit is given.
Guidelines in Constructing
Good Problem-Solving
Test items
1. Identify
and explain
the problem
Guidelines in Constructing
Good Problem-Solving
Test items
2. Be specific
and clear of
the type of
from the
Guidelines in Constructing Good
Problem-Solving Test items
3. Specify in
the directions
the bases for
Guidelines in Constructing Good
Problem-Solving Test items
3. Specify in the
directions the
bases for grading