Air Space PIL Unit 3
Air Space PIL Unit 3
Air Space PIL Unit 3
The concept of airspace—the poron of the Earth's atmosphere controlled by a state or enty for
the purposes of aviaon—is foundaonal to the structure of modern air navigaon. Several theories
have been proposed and evolved over me to explain how airspace should be governed, managed,
and ulized. These theories shape how air trac is organized, how sovereignty is dened, and how
internaonal agreements and collaboraons are made. Below are the various theories of airspace
that have guided its development and regulaon:
The sovereignty theory asserts that each naon has full and absolute sovereignty over the airspace
above its territory. This principle is based on the idea that just as a country has sovereignty over the
land and waters within its borders, it also has sovereignty over the airspace above.
Key Concept: A naon has the right to control all air trac and aviaon acvies (including
military and civil) within its airspace.
Historical Basis: This theory became formalized with the Chicago Convenon of 1944, which
laid out the internaonal framework for civil aviaon. Under this convenon, countries retain
full control over the airspace above their territory.
Example: If an aircra enters a naon's airspace without permission, the sovereign state has
the right to intercept or regulate that aircra. This theory has been pivotal in shaping
naonal defense policies and regulaons regarding air trac.
The Freedom of the Air theory refers to a set of principles that promote the unrestricted right of
airlines and aircra to y through internaonal airspace, regardless of the countries they pass over.
This theory is grounded in the idea that airspace should be as free as the seas, facilitang
internaonal trade and travel.
Key Concept: Internaonal airspace, especially above the high seas, should be free from
territorial restricons. Air routes should be open to all, provided certain internaonal
agreements are in place.
Historical Basis: The Five Freedoms of the Air, which were rst outlined by the Internaonal
Civil Aviaon Organizaon (ICAO) under the Chicago Convenon, embody this theory. They
allow for a variety of freedoms, such as the right for an aircra from one country to y over
or land in another country.
Example: Under the Five Freedoms of the Air, an American airline can y from New York to
Tokyo, and can also stop in Europe, carrying passengers between those countries, without
violang internaonal agreements.
The Air Traffic Control (ATC) and Management Theory focuses on the need for an organized and
controlled system to manage air trac safely, especially in congested airspace around airports and
high-trac regions. This theory is concerned with the safe ow of air trac through the classicaon
and management of airspace into dierent zones.
Key Concept: Airspace is organized into controlled and uncontrolled areas. Air trac control
(ATC) systems manage the movement of aircra in controlled airspace to avoid collisions,
improve eciency, and enhance safety.
Historical Basis: The establishment of the Internaonal Civil Aviaon Organizaon (ICAO) in
1944 and the development of regional ATC systems provided a framework for air trac
Example: The airspace around major internaonal airports (e.g., JFK in New York, Heathrow
in London) is classied as Class A, B, or C airspace, which is managed by air trac
controllers. This ensures that aircra entering or leaving such airports are safely guided.
The Open Skies Theory advocates for minimal restricons on the use of airspace and encourages the
free and unrestricted movement of aircra between countries, parcularly with respect to
commercial aviaon. The goal is to create an aviaon environment where internaonal air travel is as
open and compeve as possible.
Key Concept: The theory supports the idea that air travel should be free from government-
imposed barriers and restricons. This includes eliminang monopoly control over air routes
and allowing airlines from dierent countries to compete on equal terms.
Historical Basis: The Open Skies Agreements, starng with the agreement between the
United States and certain European countries, have been central to this theory. These
agreements aim to liberalize air travel by allowing airlines to operate freely between naons,
subject only to minimal regulatory oversight.
Example: The U.S.-EU Open Skies Agreement allows American and European Union carriers
to y freely between all U.S. and EU cies without the need for individual bilateral
agreements for each route.
This theory deals with the division of airspace based on altude, recognizing that as air trac
increases, dierent altudes should be allocated for dierent types of aircra (e.g., commercial
airliners, private aircra, military planes) and for dierent ight acvies.
Key Concept: Airspace is strafied vercally to ensure that aircra can y at safe and
ecient altudes without interfering with each other. This stracaon also considers
factors such as aircra speed, ight phase (e.g., cruising, climbing, descending), and the type
of aircra.
Historical Basis: Stracaon was formalized in air trac management systems, parcularly
through the ICAO's guidelines, which classify airspace into dierent vercal and horizontal
Example: Commercial airliners typically y at altudes above 24,000 feet, whereas small
private aircra and recreaonal pilots operate below 10,000 feet, and military aircra might
y at specic altudes designated for defense purposes.
Historical Basis: Regional airspace coordinaon has been promoted through organizaons
like the European Organizaon for the Safety of Air Navigaon (Eurocontrol), which works
to ensure that airspace is used eciently and safely across mulple naons.
This theory emphasizes the need for internaonal agreements and collaborave management of
airspace, parcularly in the context of transnaonal routes and global aviaon networks.
Key Concept: Airspace management requires global standards and mutual cooperaon
among naons, as aviaon today is highly interconnected and reliant on cross-border
Historical Basis: The Chicago Convenon of 1944 laid the groundwork for collaborave
airspace management through the establishment of ICAO, which creates internaonal
standards and regulaons for aviaon safety and airspace governance.
Example: The Internaonal Air Services Transit Agreement (IASTA) and ICAO regulaons
ensure that airlines can safely traverse internaonal airspace while respecng the
sovereignty of each country.
Aerial navigaon is the process of determining the posion and direcon of an aircra in order to
guide it safely from one point to another. It involves the use of various navigaon techniques,
technologies, and systems to ensure safe and ecient ight. These systems may include visual
references, radio-based navigaon aids, GPS, and more sophiscated methods like ineral navigaon
or ight management systems.
However, aerial navigaon is not only about how aircra move through the skies. It also involves the
principles of airspace management, internaonal agreements, and the rights of naons and airlines
to operate in various airspaces. This is where the Five Freedoms of the Air come into play. These
freedoms form the core of internaonal aviaon law and facilitate the safe and open use of global
airspace. Below, we’ll explore aerial navigaon in the context of the Five Freedoms of the Air, how
they relate to the movement of aircra, and the historical background of these freedoms.
1. Dead Reckoning:
This is one of the oldest methods of navigaon, where pilots calculate their aircra's current
posion by using a known starng point and determining the direcon and distance traveled.
Dead reckoning is mainly used in areas where no ground-based navigaon aids (such as radio
beacons) are available.
2. Radio Navigaon:
Using radio signals emied by ground-based navigaon aids (e.g., VOR or DME), pilots can
determine their posion and follow airways designed to guide aircra along predened
The Five Freedoms of the Air are a set of internaonal principles that dene the rights of airlines to
y between dierent countries and use their airspace. These rights help regulate internaonal
aviaon and allow for the safe and ecient movement of aircra across borders. The Five Freedoms
are part of internaonal aviaon law, specically outlined by the Internaonal Civil Aviaon
Organizaon (ICAO) under the Chicago Convenon (1944).
The freedoms were established to ensure that the global airspace is managed in a way that benets
internaonal trade, passenger travel, and aviaon safety. Below are the ve rights, each allowing for
dierent types of air trac operaons across countries:
1. First Freedom of the Air: The Right to Fly Over a Foreign Country
Definion: The rst freedom grants an airline the right to y over a foreign country without
landing. This is essenally the right to pass through the airspace of another country en route
to a third country.
Example: A ight from New York to Tokyo may pass over Canada without needing to land
there. The ight does not need permission from Canada to overy its airspace, as long as the
aircra does not land in Canada.
Importance in Aerial Navigaon: This freedom is crical in determining internaonal ight
routes, especially on long-haul ights. Without this right, airlines would need to arrange
individual agreements with every country they y over, making global travel inecient and
2. Second Freedom of the Air: The Right to Make a Technical Stop in a Foreign Country
Definion: The second freedom gives airlines the right to land in a foreign country for
purposes such as refueling, maintenance, or technical stops, but not to pick up or drop o
passengers or cargo.
Example: A ight from London to Sydney may stop in Singapore for refueling. However, the
airline is not allowed to embark or disembark passengers or cargo in Singapore during that
Importance in Aerial Navigaon: This freedom enables airlines to conduct longer ights
without needing to make frequent stops in their home countries. It also allows for logiscal
exibility in the operaon of global air routes.
3. Third Freedom of the Air: The Right to Carry Passengers or Cargo from One’s Own Country to a
Foreign Country
Definion: The third freedom grants the right to transport passengers or cargo from the
airline’s home country to a foreign country.
Example: A U.S.-based airline operang a ight from Los Angeles to Paris, carrying
passengers from the U.S. to France, would be exercising the third freedom.
Importance in Aerial Navigaon: The third freedom facilitates internaonal commerce and
tourism by allowing airlines to oer direct ights between two countries, making global air
travel more accessible and ecient.
4. Fourth Freedom of the Air: The Right to Carry Passengers or Cargo from a Foreign Country to
One’s Own Country
Definion: The fourth freedom allows airlines to carry passengers or cargo from a foreign
country to their home country.
Example: The same U.S.-based airline operang a ight from Paris to Los Angeles, carrying
passengers or cargo from France to the U.S., is exercising the fourth freedom.
Importance in Aerial Navigaon: This freedom ensures that airlines can operate round-trip
services, beneng from the return leg of the journey, which is crical for the nancial
viability of internaonal ights.
5. Fih Freedom of the Air: The Right to Carry Passengers or Cargo Between Two Foreign Countries
as Part of a Service Connecng the Airline's Home Country
Definion: The h freedom allows airlines to carry passengers or cargo between two
foreign countries, but only as part of a service connecng their home country.
Example: A ight from New York to Tokyo that stops in Chicago and picks up passengers to
connue to Tokyo would be exercising the h freedom. The airline can sell ckets between
Chicago and Tokyo even though the airline’s home country is the U.S.
Importance in Aerial Navigaon: This freedom fosters compeon and allows airlines to
expand their services and revenue sources by providing connecng ights between foreign
cies. It also enables airlines to oer more convenient routes for passengers traveling
between two foreign cies.
Aerial navigaon is a crucial component of modern aviaon, involving various techniques and
systems that ensure aircra can safely and eciently travel from one point to another. The Five
Freedoms of the Air provide the legal and regulatory framework that enables global air travel by
granng airlines specic rights to y across internaonal borders. These freedoms not only promote
internaonal trade and tourism but also play a pivotal role in structuring global air routes and
airspace usage.By balancing the sovereignty of naons with the need for open, accessible airspace,
the Five Freedoms ensure that aviaon is safe, compeve, and cooperave. Together with advances
in technology and air trac management, these principles connue to shape the future of
internaonal aviaon and aerial navigaon.
The Outer Space Treaty was considered by the Legal Subcommiee in 1966 and agreement was
reached in the General Assembly in the same year ( resoluon 2222 (XXI)). The Treaty was largely
based on the Declaraon of Legal Principles Governing the Acvies of States in the Exploraon and
Use of Outer Space, which had been adopted by the General Assembly in its resoluon 1962
(XVIII) in 1963, but added a few new provisions. The Treaty was opened for signature by the three
depository Governments (the Russian Federaon, the United Kingdom and the United States of
America) in January 1967, and it entered into force in October 1967. The Outer Space Treaty provides
the basic framework on internaonal space law, including the following principles:
the exploraon and use of outer space shall be carried out for the benet and in the
interests of all countries and shall be the province of all mankind;
outer space shall be free for exploraon and use by all States;
outer space is not subject to naonal appropriaon by claim of sovereignty, by means of use
or occupaon, or by any other means;
States shall not place nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destrucon in orbit or on
celesal bodies or staon them in outer space in any other manner;
the Moon and other celesal bodies shall be used exclusively for peaceful purposes;
States shall be responsible for naonal space acvies whether carried out by governmental
or non-governmental enes;
States shall be liable for damage caused by their space objects; and