ISE Short Note
ISE Short Note
ISE Short Note
- An accident is an unintentionally-caused event.
- An unexpected event that results in serious injury or illness of an employee and may
also result in property damage.
- Accidents which take place in the workplace are referred to as occupational accidents.
- Workplace accidents include events that damage property, inhibit a particular
workplace function, or cause harm to a person located in the workplace.
Accident causation theory is the art and science that seeks to understand the deeper roots of
why accidents happen.
– Insure that internal and external rules, regulations, and standard operating
The human factors theory of accident causation attributes accidents to a chain of events
ultimately caused by human error. It consists of the following three broad factors that
lead to human error: overload, inappropriate response, and inappropriate activities.
- The work task is beyond the capability of the worker
Includes physical and psychological factors
-Influenced by environmental factors, internal factors, and
situational factors.
Inappropriate Activities
- Lack of training and misjudgment of risk
3. Peterson’s Accident Theory
Together these characteristics can cause or prevent accidents that a person predisposed
to a given situation.
5. System Theory of Accident Causation
This theory views a situation in which an accident may occur as a system comprised of
the following components: person (host), machine (agency), and environment.
6. Combination Theory
7. Behavioural Theory
Roles of Management in Safety
Roles of Supervisor
- Are responsible and accountable for their team’s health and safety performance;
- Conduct informal health and safety meetings with their employees at least monthly;
- Enforce all safe systems of work procedures that the Departmental Manager has issued
- Enforce PPE requirements
Safety Committee
- A safety committee is an organization group that operates within a workplace and is
composed of members from its various departments, including management, frontline
workers, and office staff.
- The main purpose of a safety committee is to mitigate the risk of workplace injuries
and illnesses.
o Developing written safety programs
o Promoting safe work practices
o Facilitating safety training
o Performing workplace inspections
o Carrying out accident investigations
2 Head Head protection can protect the head from Industrial Safety
Protection physical hazards, they can also protect other Helmets, Bump Caps
parts of the upper body, such as the neck, hair,
nose and ears.
3 Ear Exposure to noise levels over 85 dB can cause Ear muffs, Ear plugs,
Protection hearing loss Canal caps
7 Fall Used by individuals when they are working at Ropes, Cliff Hanger
Protection height, they can wear the harness
Frequency Rate
The frequency rate is the number of disabling injuries per one million man-hours worked
Number of workers=500
= 5/500×2000 x 1000000=5.
Severity Rate
Number of workers=2000.
Number of days lost in a year due to accidents=100 Average number of hours worked by
Sol. Severity rate=days lost in year due to accidents/number of man-hours worked x1000,000
Number of man-hours worked in this case=2000 X 2000.
Days lost in year due to accidents=100+35=135.
House Keeping
• Refers to the management of duties and chores involved in the running of a household, such
as cleaning, cooking, home maintenance, shopping, and bill payment.
• • These tasks may be performed by members of the household, or by other persons hired for
the purpose.
• Managers must train employees to recognize potentially hazardous conditions and take
corrective actions before they cause injuries like sprains, strains, falls;
• Proper training to identify hazards and risks associated with these tasks will help prevent
employee injury
• Prepare a safety manual that is read and understood at the time of induction of new
• Paste safety rules on walls at strategic points in the work area.
• Reinforce safety rules in daily briefings.
5 s in House Keeping
Work Permit System
The work permit specifies the conditions and procedures for safe execution of the work and allows the
work to be carried out under controlled risk conditions.
The purpose of the work permit system is to ensure that:
1. Only authorized persons are allowed to work in hazardous area which is clearly notified.
2. The person permitted for work are being aware of the various safety issues involved and
knows that necessary safety precautions have been taken.
3. Work permit is legal documents between issuer and executor for commencement of job inside
4. Client has implemented the work permit system to distribute the equal responsibilities of job
being performed.
During process of work where ignition comes out or heat generates its own is considered as
hot work.
Flame cutting
Authorization to operate machinery or other functions that do not generate any form of heat
in the manufacturing process.
The major areas considered for safety considerations at the Construction site are:
Serious hazards can be provided to the workers involved in the trenching and
excavation works.
● The major risk is during the cave-ins which is severe than any excavation
● Before entering the trench, it must be assured that adequate protections are
provided to prevent the cave-in hazards.
● Other issues associated with the same are hazardous atmosphere, falling
loads and safety issues from the mobile equipment.
• The sides of excavation work must be sloped and benched for easy
movement. This avoids further collapse. A slope not steeper than 1 and
half to 1 is safe for any form of soil
• The sides of excavation must be supported.
• The side of the excavation and the working area must be separated by
means of a shield.
• Protective barricades can be used to avoid falling of soil rock over the
2. Housekeeping
Proper maintenance of the building area and the working equipment is the
primary safety practice. This ensures that the building, equipment and the
machinery are efficiently working
➔ Unused materials can be removed and
➔ The access and exit for the construction site must be safe and clear
➔ There must be safe and neat storage spaces for the materials and the
3. Scaffolding Issues
● The scaffolding must be erected on a solid footing with proper foot bearing
● The scaffolding must carry its dead weight and almost 4 times the
maximum load coming over it. This must be
4.Working at Heights
The major safety practice that is to be provided when the workers are at
heights are to provide sufficient fall protection.
● Plan the dive: time, depth, work to be done and stick to the plan.
● Never dive alone. Always have at least one partner that we will stay close
● Know where the nearest decompression chamber is located and how to get
● Descend slowly.
● The original foundation is simply not strong or stable enough, e.g. due to
decay of wooden piles the foundation.
● The properties of the soil supporting the foundation may have changed
(possibly through subsidence) or were mischaracterized during planning.
7. Shoring
● Shoring is used to support the beams and floors in a building while a column
or wall is removed.
A fall from a ladder can result in permanent disabilities, and may even lead to
In fact,numerous people get injured every day due to not following proper
ladder safety.
9. Safet
y in Tunnelling
4. Fire fighting equipment with an excellent operator and sufficient water supply
should be available at the site at all
● Blasting is a process of reduction of rocks or hard soil into fragments with the help of
● The blasting operation involves drilling of holes, installation of a detonator and charge,
detonating the charge, and removal of debris.
- The blasting operations shall be carried out under the supervision of a responsible
authorized blasting engineer.
● In case of blasting with dynamite, the position of all the boreholes to be drilled shall be
marked in circles with white paint.
● The problems, hazards and uncertainties can be much greater in demolition if it is also
carried out by the unskilled workers.
● The design engineers have responsibility for safety for not only for design and construction
but also for the demolition of the structures at the end of its usual life.
A confined space is one which is both enclosed, or largely enclosed, and which also has a
reasonably foreseeable risk of fire, explosion, loss of consciousness, asphyxiation or
drowning to workers.
● It may be small and restrictive for the worker or it could be far larger such as a grain
storage silo with hundreds of cubic meter capacity.
● The National Building Code (NBC) is a document that provides guidelines for construction
of structures- residential, mercantile, institutional, educational, commercial, assembly,
storage spaces or even hazardous buildings.
● It is important to follow these guidelines that are meant to protect the overall health of the
construction and ensure the health and safety of the public and the residents.
○ Dormitories.
○ Hotels
Ergonomic Hazards
Ergonomic hazards are physical conditions that may pose a risk of injury to the
musculoskeletal system.
● Ergonomic hazards include awkward postures, static postures, high forces, repetitive
motion, or short intervals between activities.
● The risk of injury is often magnified when multiple factors are present.
● Factors such as whole-body or hand/arm vibration, poor lighting, poorly designed tools,
equipment, or
Module 4
1) Which are the hazards associated with manual material handling?
• ● fire caused by heat, sparks, molten metal or direct contact with the flame;
• ● explosion when cutting up or repairing tanks or drums which contain or may have
3) Which are the various types of machine guarding devices used industries.
Discuss the suitability of each machine guarding devices.
• ● Fixed guards
• ● Fixed limited access guards
• ● Fixed adjustable access guard
• ● Interlock guards
• ● Semi automatic guards
• ● Automatic guards
● Conveyers
Gravity or powered devices
Used for moving loads from one point to point over fixed paths.
rigid frame
Pneumatic Conveyor - High volume of air flows through a tube carrying materials
• ● Cranes, Elevators and Hoists
Cranes - Devices mounted on overhead rail or ground wheels or rails
• ● Industrial Trucks
Maybe electric , diesel , gasoline or gas powered. Eg; Fot lift truck | Pallet truck
• ● Auxiliary Equipments
Devices or attachments used with handling equipments to make their use more
effective and versatile
Eg ; Expendable | Skid boxes
• ● The frame
• ● Motor
• ● Flywheel
• ● Crankshaft
• ● Clutch
• ● Brake
6) Explain the different safety precautions while turning, drilling, grinding and
milling operations.
missing or faulty.
• Safety glasses are required.
• Don’t wear loose clothing or gloves, keep long hair tied back. These items will get
caught in bit or spindle.
• Never adjust the drill press or setup while it is running.
• Never leave chuck key in press. It should only be on the chuck when power is off
and you are changing a bit.
• Always follow 4 inch rule.
• Never force the bit. Let it cut at is own rate.
• Work must be clamped or secured to table by some means other
than holding it. Do not hold pieces to drill them.
• Never remove guard unless authorized by Technician or WRL Manager.
• Setups requiring anything other than the standard drill press equipment must be approved
by supervisor.
• If machine is malfunctioning stop immediately and report to Supervisor.
• ● Corrective or Breakdown maintenance implies that repairs are made after the
equipment is failed and car not perform its normal function anymore.
• ● Less expensive
Scheduled Maintainance
- inspection
- lubrication
- repair and overhaul of equipments
- overhauling of machines
- changing of heavy equipment oils
- cleaning of water and other tanks etc.
Preventing Maintainance
Predictive (Condition- Bases) Maintainance
enables the maintenance crews to take timely actions, such as machine adjustment, repair
or overhaul.
● It makes use of human sense and other sensitive instruments, such as audio gauge,
vibration analyzer, amplitude meter, pressure, temperature and resistance strain gauges etc.
Module 5
1) Differentiate Hazard and
Risk. • Hazard: Any situation that
potential/capability to cause Injury/harm to the worker, damage to the property,
Loss/contamination to the environment.
• Risk: Any situation that has probability to cause Injury/harm to the human, damage to the
property, Loss/ contamination to the environment.
ABC Blue A,B This acts to blanket fire and Home, Offices ,
suffocate it. Building
Class A - Combustible Materials - Wood, Paper
Class B - Flammable Liquids - paint , Petrol
Class C - Flammable Gases - Butane and Methane
Class D - Flammable Metals - Lithium and potassium
Electrical - Computers and generators
Class K - Deep Fat Fryers
4) Which are the types or classes of fire hazards
● Class A - Combustible Materials - Wood, Paper
● Class B - Flammable Liquids - paint , Petrol
● Class C - Flammable Gases - Butane and Methane
● Class D - Flammable Metals - Lithium and potassium
● Electrical - Computers and generators
● Class K - Deep Fat Fryers
6) How do you conduct a HAZOP analysis
● Sensitizers
generally sensitizers may not on first contact result in any ill effects, although cellular
changes can be induced and the body's immune system affected (some chemicals
may act as primary irritants as well as sensitizers).
● Anesthetic and Narcotic anesthetic and narcotic e.g. hydrocarbons and certain
derivatives such as the various chlorinated solvents or other, exert a depressant
action on the central nervous system i.e. Aliphatic alcohols, petroleum etc.
● Systematic poisons
Systematic poisons attack organs other than the initial site of contact. The critical
organs are the kidneys, liver, blood and bone marrow. Many halogenated
hydrocarbons are effects the Visceral organs in Hematopoietic (i.e. blood-forming
system) Nervous system.
● Carcinogens
Cancer is a disorder of the body's control of the growth of cells. The diseases may be
a genetic or influenced by life style or exposure to certain chemicals, termed
carcinogens i.e. Coal tar pitch dust, Asbestos etc.