Agriculture Notes Grade 7

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Soil pollution control
Def: Soil pollution - refers to anything that causes contamination of soil and reduces the
soil quality.

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 It occurs when the substances causing the pollution reduce the quality of the soil
and convert the soil inhabitable for microorganisms and macro organisms living in
the soil.
 Soil contamination or soil pollution can occur either because of human activities or
because of natural processes.
 However, mostly it is due to human activities. The soil contamination can occur
due to the presence of chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, ammonia,
petroleum hydrocarbons, lead, nitrate, mercury, naphthalene, etc. in an excess

Causes of Soil Pollution

• Soil pollution is a complex occurrence, and it can be triggered by a variety of
things and activities, from the littering of cigarette butts to excess use of chemical
• Every cause is linked with another. It is quite difficult to pinpoint one particular
cause. However, the leading causes are listed below.

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 Industrial Activity - Industrial activity has been the biggest contributor to the
problem of soil pollution, especially since the amount of mining and
manufacturing has increased. Most industries are dependent on extracting
minerals from the earth. As a result, the industrial waste lingers on the soil surface
for a long time and makes it unsuitable for use.
 Agricultural Activities - The utilization of chemicals has gone up tremendously
since technology has provided us with modern pesticides and fertilizers. They are
full of chemicals that are not produced in nature and cannot be broken down by it.
As a result, they seep into the ground after they mix with water and slowly reduce
the fertility of the soil.
 Waste Disposal - While industrial waste is sure to cause contamination, there is
another way in which we are adding to the pollution. Every person excretes a
certain amount of personal waste in the form of urine and feces. While much of it
moves into the sewer system, there is also a large amount that is dumped directly
into landfills in the form of diapers. Even the sewer system ends at the landfill,
where the biological waste pollutes the soil and water.
 Accidental Oil Spills - Oil leaks can happen during the storage and transport of
chemicals. This can be seen at most of the fuel stations. The chemicals present in
the fuel reduces the quality of soil and make it unsuitable for cultivation. These
chemicals can enter into the groundwater through the soil and make the water
 Acid Rain - Acid rain is caused when pollutants present in the air mix up with the
rain and fall back on the ground. The polluted water could dissolve away some of
the essential nutrients found in the soil and change the structure of the soil.
Effects of soil pollution
Soil influences almost all aspects of our daily lives. Sometimes we fail to understand
it. As a result of this, we sometimes fail to understand the effect that soil pollution has

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on our daily lives. Polluted soil means stunted crops or even a toxic underground
water table. Some major effects of soil pollution are:
 Effect on Health of Humans - Considering how soil is the reason we are able to
sustain ourselves, the contamination of it has major consequences for our health.
Crops and plants that are grown on polluted soil absorb much of the pollution and
then pass it on to us. This could explain the sudden increase in small and terminal
illnesses. The soil pollution can even lead to widespread famines if the plants are
unable to grow in it.
 Effect on Growth of Plants - The ecological balance of any system is affected
due to the widespread contamination of the soil. Most plants are unable to adapt
when the chemistry of the soil changes so radically in a short period of time.
Fungi and bacteria found in the soil that bind it together begin to decline, which
creates an additional problem of soil erosion.

The fertility of the soil slowly diminishes, making land unsuitable for agriculture
and any local vegetation to survive. The soil pollution causes large tracts of land
to become hazardous to health. Unlike deserts, which are suitable for their native
vegetation, such land cannot support most forms of life.
 Decreased Soil Fertility - The toxic chemicals present in the soil can decrease
soil fertility and therefore decrease the soil yield. The contaminated soil is then
used to produce fruits and vegetables, which lack quality nutrients and may
contain some poisonous substances to cause serious health problems in people
consuming them.
 Poisoning of the Underground Water Table - Soil pollution also leads to the
poisoning of the underground water table. Since this water is stored beneath the
layers of the soil, the toxins in the soil could easily percolate slowly and steadily
into the water table.

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Possible Solutions to Soil Pollution
Soil pollution is a complex problem that ought to be solved. It is essential that we all
realize how important soil is to us.
The earlier we realize this, the better we will be able to solve the problem of soil
pollution. It is a complex problem, and thus, it requires everyone, from an individual to
the government, to work in complete unison. Listed below are a few things that could
help in reducing soil pollution.
 Reduced Use of Chemical Fertilizers - Chemical fertilizers do more harm than
good. While proper amounts could enhance the fertility of the soil, an excess of it
actually poisons the soil. The excess of chemical fertilizers could pollute the soil in
several ways. It could mess with the pH levels of the soil. It could also destroy the
good microorganisms in the soil. Not only that, but the runoff from such soils also
causes water pollution as well. Thus, using chemical fertilizers is like a double-
edged sword.
 Reforestation and Afforestation Should Be Promoted - One of the major causes
of soil pollution is soil erosion, which is caused due to deforestation.

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It is natural that, with an ever-growing population, humankind needs more and
more space to expand their civilization. Often, it is achieved at the cost of the
health of the soil.

To prevent this from happening, reforestation of a deforested area should be

promoted. Also, afforestation should be promoted and encouraged in the barren
The roots of the plants bind the soil particles together and even capture good
microorganisms in the soil. It also ensures the maintenance of the underground
water table.
 Recycle and Reuse Products - These steps not only reduce waste generation but
also ensure that soil pollution is reduced. At present, plastic forms a significant
portion of the generated waste. More often than not, this wastes are buried in

In these landfills, these plastics and other materials decompose slowly and release
toxic materials into the soil. These toxic substances are very harmful to the health
of the soil and are a major source of soil pollution.

By reusing and recycling things, we would ensure that lesser wastes are dumped in
these landfills, and this, in turn, would reduce soil pollution.
 Promote Use of Natural Manure - Natural manure is one of the best sources of
nutrients for the soil. It is harmless and completely organic. It adds essential
nutrients to the soil and restores the health of the soil. It has no harmful by-
products that could harm the soil or the environment in any way.
 Create awareness - In order to ensure that a problem like soil pollution is solved,
it is essential that every individual must get involved. It is with their involvement
that things can work out better. Awareness programs could be designed so that

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people understand soil pollution better. If people are aware, they will help, even
Safe farming practices that prevent soil pollution
Different types of soil conservation methods ensure long-term usage of land and keep
it productive for future generations. Let’s consider their benefits in regard to soil
 Conservation Tillage - The conservation tillage aims at addressing wind and
water erosion by covering the earth with vegetation (either crops or their
residues) and limiting the number of tilling operations. Another significant
aspect is to choose the proper time for field operations, depending on the soil
types. For example, clay ones are better to till after harvesting while other types
are better to plow before seeding.
 Contour Farming - The soil conservation method proves efficient in slope
territories and suggests planting species along the contour. Rows up and down
the slope provoke soil erosion due to water currents while rows along the
contour restrain it. An impact of terracing is similar: it also helps to conserve
soil and reduce its degradation processes.

 Strip Cropping - In this case, farmers combine high-growing crops with low-
growing ones for the sake of wind protection, like when corn grows in strips
with forage crops. The strip cropping practice works even better when high-

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growing crops are intensified in the sides where winds blow most frequently.
An extra benefit is the organic matter material from the low crops.

 Windbreaks - As the name suggests, this soil conservation practice is used to

reduce the power of winds and its disruptive effect on soil. These are trees or
bushes to shelter crops from snow and winds planted in several rows.
Depending on the number of rows, we can distinguish windbreaks properly (up
to five rows) and shelterbelts (six and more).

 Crop Rotation - Crop rotation vs. mono-cropping farming suggests changing

agro species instead of planting one and the same for many subsequent seasons.

Farmers applying this soil conservation method reap numerous benefits. Crop
rotation helps them improve the earth structure with diverse root systems, to

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mitigate pest establishments, and to add nitrogen to the land with legumes
known as nitrogen-fixing plants.
 Cover Crops - This soil conservation technique is another way to avoid bare
soils and additionally benefit from planting cover crops – secondary species –
in-between growing cash crops for different reasons like to:
✓ produce forage and grazing material for cattle;
✓ provide green manure;
✓ assist in weed control;
✓ retain moisture;
✓ ensure a natural environment for microorganisms and minor animals;
✓ balance nitrogen concentration (either releasing or accumulating it with
certain plants).
 Buffer Strips - These are trees and bushes on the banks of water bodies to
prevent sediment, water wash offs. Their roots fix the soil to avoid slumping
and erosion, canopies protect from excessive sunlight to water inhabitants and
falling leaves are a source of organic matter and food of minor aquatic animals.

 Integrated Pest Management - Pests are a great nuisance to agriculturalists

and have been a major issue to tackle while chemicals poison nature leaking to
water and the atmosphere. It is important to eliminate synthetic herbicides
replacing them with organic ones or establishing biological enemies of pests
whenever possible, rotating crop species to minimize increasing pest

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populations in the same field for years, and using alternative techniques in
Benefits of Soil Conservation
Humankind in general and farmers in particular benefit from numerous
advantages of soil conservation. This agricultural practice contributes to
sustainability in a number of ways:

Boosts earth quality and productivity. Maintaining the natural environment

for earth-dwelling organism’s increases fertility and reduces the necessity of
chemical fertilizing, thus boosting yields and saving costs at the same time.

Mitigates erosion. Soil conservation methods to reduce erosion and depletion

help agriculturalists to avoid the expansion of new lands when territories
become infertile.

Promotes water infiltration and increases its storage. The soil conservation
technique of minimum tillage vs. conventional plowing affects soil moisture
by reducing cracking and evaporation as well as rising the infiltration rate.

Aids air and water purification. The importance of soil conservation relates to
water supplies, and the earth functions as a natural filter to purify water. Soil
conservation mitigates the concentration of pollutants and sediments. In its turn,
water is the basic condition to dissolve nutrients for plants. Soil carbon
sequestration and reduced chemical applications contribute to air purity, too.

Gives food and shelter for wildlife. Land with growing vegetation is a living
environment for animals; it is not only the source for nourishment but their
home as well.
“When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.”

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– Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanack for 1733

Water conservation methods in farming

 Mulch - We cannot overemphasize the importance of mulching. Mulch is
something laid on the surface of the soil to protect the soil from the air, water
and the sun.
To mulch, first weed the soil then spread a thick layer of organic mulch on the
soil. Examples of organic mulches are:
• Chopped leaves
• Straw
• Grass clippings
• Wood chips
• Shredded bark
• Pine needles
Mulching helps save time and labour as it discourages weeds and pests and
conserve water through reduced evaporation.

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 Irrigate early morning or dusk - At the hottest and driest time of the year it is most
efficient to water your crops in the morning or in the evening. This avoids water loss
from evapotranspiration (water evaporating from the land and leaves of plants).
Evaporation happens most in the midday sun.

 Don’t over-water - It’s a common misconception that plants would be happy

with lots of water all of the time. But often farmers are over-watering crops
unnecessarily. Save water! Plants will only take what they need and then all that
extra water goes to waste through evaporation, run-off or infiltration.

 Check for leaks and damage - If you’ve already invested in an irrigation

system, make sure you’re not losing any water before it reaches the crops.
Irrigation pipes and equipment can become damaged or blocked which causes
leaks. Thoroughly check your equipment for leaks and repair them so that all
the water you have gets to the crops.

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 Drip Irrigation - Drip irrigation systems deliver water directly to a plant’s
roots, reducing the evaporation that happens with spray watering systems.
Timers can be used to schedule watering for the cooler parts of the day, further
reducing water loss.
Importance of water conservation in farming
 It minimizes the effects of drought and water shortages. By reducing the amount
of water we use, we can better protect against future drought years.
 It helps to preserve our environment. Reducing our water usages reduces the
energy required to process and deliver it to homes, businesses, farms, and
communities, which, in turn, helps to reduce pollution and conserve fuel
 It helps to preserve our environment. Reducing our water usages reduces the
energy required to process and deliver it to homes, businesses, farms, and
communities, which, in turn, helps to reduce pollution and conserve fuel

Water retention structures to conserve surface runoff

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