PhD Scholar in sociology, university of Punjab Lahore
Sociological Theories 1. Social theory tells us how to A. visualise the social universe. B. visualise the culture of society. C. learn the history of universe. Answer: Option A 2. Social theory is A. about the knowledge of social universe. B. about the knowledge of culture. C. about the knowledge of individual. Answer: Option A 3. Social theory is about A. how to use the knowledge. B. how to live in society. C. How to define culture. Answer: Option A 4. Which theory is a great deal older than sociology? A. Social Theory B. Economic Theory C. Political Theory D. None of these Answer: Option A 5. Social theory is found in A. old testament in Hindu Vedas B. the works of the Chinese sages C. both of these D. None of these Answer: Option C 6. The godfather of sociology is A. August Comet B. Thomas Malthus C. Adam Smith D. None of these Answer: Option A 7. Sociology as a distinct branch of knowledge is said by A. Adam Smith B. August Comet C. Plato D. None of these Answer: Option B 8. August Comet was A. philosopher B. doctor C. scientist D. None of these Answer: Option A 9. The Course of Positive Philosophy published in A. five volumes B. six volumes C. two volumes D. None of these Answer: Option B 10. The Course of Positive Philosophy published between A. 1830 and 1842 B. 1730 and 1742 C. 1630 and 1642 D. None of these Answer: Option A 11. According to Comet, human existence can be divided into A. four stages B. five stages C. three stages Answer: Option C Prepared by Mumtaz Hussain PhD Scholar in sociology, university of Punjab Lahore 12. Which of the following is stage of human existence? A. theological B. positive C. both of these Answer: Option C 13. Comet introduced A. Dynamical sociology B. Static sociology C. Physics D. None of these Answer: Option A 14. "Elementary subordination" said by A. August Comet B. Herbert Spencer C. Marl Marx D. None of these Answer: Option A 15. Karl Marx was born in A. Germany B. India C. Japan D. None of these Answer: Option A 16. Karl Marx received a doctorate of philosophy from A. Oxford University B. Unversity of Jena C. Harward University Answer: Option B 17. Karl Marx became Doctor of Philosophy at the age of A. 25 B. 28 C. 23 Answer: Option C 18. Marx's intellectual partner was A. Frederick Engels B. Herbert Spencer C. August Comet Answer: Option A 19. Emile Durkheim was born in A. Epinal B. Germany C. Belgium D. None of these Answer: Option A 20. "The Division of Labour" was written by A. Karl Marx B. Vilfredo Pareto C. Emile Durkheim D. None of these Answer: Option C 21. Emile Durkheim was died at the age of A. 57 B. 59 C. 68 Answer: Option B 22. "The Division of Labour" was written in A. 1877 B. 1897 C. 1907 Answer: Option A 23. "The Rule of Sociological Method" was written by A. Emile Durkheim B. Georg Simmel Prepared by Mumtaz Hussain PhD Scholar in sociology, university of Punjab Lahore C. Vilfredo Pareto Answer: Option A 24. How many books were written by Emile Durkheim? A. Four B. Five C. Ten Answer: Option A 25. "The Rule of Sociological Method" was written in A. 1895 B. 1795 C. 1995 Answer: Option A 26. The important book "Suicide" was written by A. Emile Durkheim B. Plato C. Adam Smith D. None of these Answer: Option A 27. The book "Suicide" was written in A. 1895 B. 1896 C. 1897 D. None of these Answer: Option C 28. "The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life" was masierpiece of A. Adam Smith B. Emile Durkheim C. Talcott Parsons Answer: Option B 29. "the Elementary Forms of the Religious Life" was written in A. 1812 B. 1712 C. 1912 Answer: Option C 30. Society is "a reality sui generis", is said by A. Emile Durkheim B. Talcott Parsons C. Plato Answer: Option A 31. "Sociology as the study of social facts" defines in A. Suicide (1897) B. The rules of Sociological method (1895) C. The division of labour (1893) Answer: Option B 32. "Constraints accounting for suicide were real" in book "Suicide" were explained by A. Emile Durkheim B. Adam Smith C. Vilfredo Pareto Answer: Option A 33. Durkheim's shortest book is A. suicide B. The rules of Sociological method (1895) C. the division of labour Answer: Option B 34. "The fundamental attributes of human awareness" was explained in Durkheim's book A. suicide B. the elementary forms of the religious life C. the division of labour Answer: Option A Prepared by Mumtaz Hussain PhD Scholar in sociology, university of Punjab Lahore
35. Durkheim died in
A. 1817 B. 1917 C. 1927 D. None of these Answer: Option B 36. "Kinship" is a symbol of system called A. economic system B. totemism C. society Answer: Option B 37. The totem is sacred because it symbolises A. society B. kinship C. worship Answer: Option B 38. "The Elementary Forms of the Religions Life" by Durkheim is A. analysis of the whole phenomenon of religion. B. analysis of society. C. analysis of totemism system. Answer: Option A 39. Max Weber was born in A. Erfurt B. Epinal C. Germany Answer: Option A 40. Kinship A. is always related to sex B. is unrelated with sex C. is related to society Answer: Option A 41. Kinship by Nature is A. always specific B. always unspecific C. never specific D. in some cases specific, while others not Answer: Option D 42. According to Karl Marx main cause respobsible for the emergence of social class was A. economic B. social C. religious Answer: Option A 43. Marx has been criticised for his views about formation of social classes because A. he has laid too much stress on economic aspect of life. B. he overestimates the role of social factors in his theories. C. he gives equal importance to social factors in life. Answer: Option A 44. In a capitalist economy, according to Karl Marx, A. the interests of working classes clashed with those of the non-working classes. B. social considerations weighed while deciding interests of the classes. C. none of above Answer: Option A 45. Max Weber was son of A. doctor B. lawyer C. politician D. None of these Prepared by Mumtaz Hussain PhD Scholar in sociology, university of Punjab Lahore Answer: Option B 46. "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism" was written by A. Max Weber B. Karl Marx C. Georg Simmel Answer: Option A 47. Max Weber wrote his first essay in A. 1904 B. 1908 C. 1912 Answer: Option A 48. Sociology is a science, said by A. Mkarl Marx B. Georg Simmel C. Max Weber Answer: Option C 49. Max Weber died in A. 1820 B. 1920 C. 1925 Answer: Option B 50. According to Marxian philosophy, A. no class inherits class consciousness. B. propertied, classes inherit class consciousness. C. all classes inherit class consciousness. Answer: Option B 51. Ibn-e-Khaldun was born on A. May 27, 1332 B. April 27, 1482 C. April 28, 1484 Answer: Option A 52. Ibn-e-Khaldun was born in A. Epinol B. Tunis C. Germany Answer: Option B 53. "Al-Muqaddimah" was written by A. Ibn-e-Khaldun B. Max Weber C. P. V. Young Answer: Option A 54. Ibd-e-Khadun believes in the A. static nature of civilisation. B. dynamic nature of civilisation. C. division of society. Answer: Option B 55. According to Ibn-e-Khaldun, there are A. two types of civilisation B. three types of civilisation C. unlimited types of civilisation Answer: Option A 56. The civilisation which found in outlying regions and mountains is A. sedentary B. desert C. social Answer: Option B Prepared by Mumtaz Hussain PhD Scholar in sociology, university of Punjab Lahore
57. The civilisation which found in small communities and cities is
A. sedentary B. social C. desert Answer: Option A 58. Inbn-e-Khaldun believes in A. social character of human needs B. socail change. C. culture depends in society. Answer: Option A 59. Ibn-e-Khaldun classified mankind into A. five groups B. two groups C. three groups Answer: Option B 60. Ibn-e-Khaldun classified mankind into two groups which is A. nomads and citizen B. desert and sedentary C. None of these Answer: Option A 61. Ibn-e-Khaldun believes in A. "movement" from primitive to civilised culture. B. a tendency to feel and act in a certain way. C. none of above Answer: Option A 62. Herbert Spenser was born in A. England B. Tunis C. Egypt Answer: Option A 63. "Principles of Biology" was written by A. Ibn-e-Khaldun B. Herbert Spencer C. P. V. Young Answer: Option B 64. "Principles of Biology" was written by A. Herbert Spencer B. P.V. Young C. Karl Marx Answer: Option A 65. "Principles of Sociology" was written by A. Emile Durkheim B. P.V. Young C. Herbert Spencer Answer: Option C 66. "Social Statics" was published in A. 1850 B. 1855 C. 1900 Answer: Option A 67. In "Social Statics", Spencer gave ideas on A. Social change B. Progress C. culture Answer: Option B Prepared by Mumtaz Hussain PhD Scholar in sociology, university of Punjab Lahore 68. Spencer pointed out that A. three basic laws are in operation. B. Society is changing. C. No law in society. Answer: Option A 69. Spencer is known as A. scientist B. second founding father of sociology C. analyst Answer: Option B 70. Charles H. Cooley was A. scientist B. American professor C. analyst Answer: Option B 71. "The Specialist System" and "General Treatise" on sociology was written by A. Max Weber B. Vilfredo Pareto C. Charles H. Cooley Answer: Option B 72. W.I. Thomas was born in A. 1863 B. 1763 C. 1865 Answer: Option A 73. "Social Behaviour and Personality" was written by A. Max Weber B. Charles H.Cooley C. W.I. Thomas Answer: Option C 74. Pitirim A. Sorokin was born in A. America B. England C. Russia Answer: Option C 75. "Social Mobility" was written by A. Pitirim B. W.I. Thomas C. P. V. Young Answer: Option A 76. Talcott Parsons was born in A. 1902 B. 1802 C. 1702 Answer: Option A 77. Talcott Parsons died in A. 1979 B. 1879 C. 1779 Answer: Option A 78. "The Structure of Social Action" was written by A. M. Blalock B. Hurbert C. Talcott Answer: Option B 79. Hurbert M. Blalock was professor of Sociology at A. University of London B. University of Washington Prepared by Mumtaz Hussain PhD Scholar in sociology, university of Punjab Lahore C. University of Oxford Answer: Option B 80. Alice S. Rossi was professor of Sociology at A. University of Massachusetts B. Columbia University C. University of Washington Answer: Option A 81. Raymond Aron was born in A. 1905 B. 1910 C. 1855 Answer: Option A 82. Raymond Aron died in A. 1983 B. 1945 C. 2001 Answer: Option A 83. Roland Barthes was born in A. 1915 B. 1815 C. 1715 Answer: Option A 84. Roland Barthes was died in A. 1980 B. 1880 C. 1770 Answer: Option A 85. Elias was a A. Sociologist B. American professor C. scientist Answer: Option A 86. Elias was born in A. 1897 B. 1857 C. 1817 Answer: Option A 87. Elias was bron in A. Wroclaw B. England C. Russia Answer: Option A 88. "A Religious History of American People" was written by A. Max Weber B. E.Ahistrom C. P. V. Young Answer: Option A 89. "The Psychology of Rumors" was written by A. Gordon Allport B. E. Ahistrom C. Max Weber Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A 90. "American Cultural Values" was written by A. Conard M. Avensbery and H.Niehoff B. Philippe Aries C. Solomon Asch Prepared by Mumtaz Hussain PhD Scholar in sociology, university of Punjab Lahore 91. "The Practice of Social Research" was written by A. E. R. Babbie B. Soloman Asch C. Howar M. Bahr Answer: Option A 92. "Our Schizoid Culture" was written by A. Read Bain B. Howar M.Bahr C. Philippe Aries Answer: Option A 93. "Multinational Corporations" was written by A. Richard Barnet B. Philppe Aries C. E.R. Babbie Answer: Option A 94. "The Outsiders" was written by A. E.R. Babbie B. Philippe Aries C. Howard S.Becker Answer: Option C 95. "Religious Evolution" was written by A. Robert N. Bellah B. Daniel Bell C. Howard S.Becker Answer: Option A 96. "Charisma and Modernity" was written by A. Ruth Benedict B. Joseph Bensman C. P. V. Young Answer: Option B 97. "The Invasion from Mars" was written by A. H. Cantril B. Joseph Bensman C. Ruth Bendict Answer: Option A 98. "Black Power" was written by A. H. Centril B. Ruth Bendict C. Charles Humilton Answer: Option C 99. "The Sociology of Work" was written by A. Theodore Caplow B. P.V. Young C. Max Weber Answer: Option A 100. "The Selfish Gene" was written by A. Richard Dawkins B. Nanette Davis C. Paul Dickson 101. "Infant Training and the Personal" was written by A. William Swell B. Richard Swell C. David O. Sears Answer: Option A 102. "Basic Research Methods in Social Sciences" was written by A. Richard Swell B. Jalian L. Simon C. P. V. Young Prepared by Mumtaz Hussain PhD Scholar in sociology, university of Punjab Lahore Answer: Option B 103. "Occupational Careers" was written by A. Walter Slocum B. Julian L.Simon C. Karl Marx Answer: Option A