Ect307 Control Systems, December 2023

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Reg No.:

B.Tech Degree 55 (R, S) / 53 (PT) (P" S) Examination December

Course Code: ECT 307


Ma,x. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours

(Answer all questions; each question canics 3 nurhs) Marks

I Draw the basic block diagram for a closed loop control system. What are the 3
advantages ofclosed loop confiol system over open loop confrol system

2 Define the term "state" in the state variable representation. Write the state equation 3

and output equation for a linear system.


3 Write the time domain and Laplace domain expressions of unit step, unit ramp, 3

and unit parabolic test inputs.

4 Explain the term determinant of a signal flow graph. Where does it appear in a 3

transfer function?

5 Define the BIBO sability. What is the condition on the impulse response for 3

6 Define the angle and magnitude criteria of root locus on the openJoop transfer 3
function of a system.
7 Draw the s-plane contour used for mapping, for stability analysis, to the plane of 3

open-loop transfer function.

\'/ = s(s * 1)
c(s)H(s) +
Explain the choice of the contour. -i
8 Derive and plot the response of a first order unity negative feedback system to unit 3

step input.

9 Find the state eqqation for the system represented by the differential equation 3

dzv dv
- fr+ 201*+ 100Y =u(t)
where, u(t) is the input and y(t) is the output. Take zero initial conditions.

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l0 write the transfer frrnction of a first order phase lead compensaton. state the
function of a phase lead compensator in a contol system.
(Answer onefull questionftom each modale, each qaestian canics 11 rmrks)

Module -l
ll a) Draw the schematic of a second order spring-mass-damper (sMD) system and
obtain its transfer function. Draw the Force current analogy circuit ofthe system.
b) Find the transfer function of the following block diagram using block diagram l0
reduction technique. veriS the same using SFG and mason's gain formula

12 a) l0

Drawthe block diagram ofthe electigal network shown in figure. Find the transfbr

function W applying direct block diagram reduction rules to the

ffi obtained

block diagram
b) Draw the signal flow graph for the system in question 12 (a) and obain the tansfer

function using the Mason's Formula.

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13 a) Write the expression for transfer function of a general second order system with
negative feedback and complex poles in the sandard form. Find roots of the
characteristic equation of the system.

b) For an under damped second order system with complex poles on the left half of
s-plane, derive the expression for rise timg percentage peak ovenhoot and steady
state error parameters.

14 a) For the system in the block diagram,

ri(si=ffi 1n


Find the steady state error values for unit step and unit ramp inputs.
b) Plot the poles ofthe system in l4(a) and find the percentage overshoot ofoutput.

l5 a) For the system having bansfer function,

Find the range of Kforwhich thc system is stable.

b) Plot the locus of roots for the system having the following open loop tansfer
K(s2 + 4)

State all the steps forplottingthe root locus.

l6 a) Explain the effect of adding a pole and zero tffsecond order system 7
b) For a system having open loop fansfer function, 7

Find the value of K when two roots lie on the imaginary ods. Also find the roots.

t7 a) Using the Nyquist contour, analyse the following open loop transfer function of a

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system to obtain the limit of K for the stabiliry.

b) Drawthe bode plots of a system whose open loop transfer function is given by
c(s)H(s) = sGTlX'fr
Explain how the plot can be used for analysing the absolute stability of the system.
l8 a) State Cauchy's argument principle with the conditions to be applied on the contour

of mapping. State the Nyquist criterion of stability on the open loop transfer
function of a control system.
b) Draw the Nyquist plot and check for stability of the system with open loop tansfer
c(s)H(s) =
Also find the gain margin for this system.
Module -5
19 a) Obtain the state model of the electrical network shown in the fig. by choosing vr(t)
and vdt) as state variables.

b) Explain how to obtain transfer function from the state equations. 7

20 a) Obtain the state variable matrix in the phase variable form for a system with 7
differential equation

2#. o#* u#*By = lou(t)

Draw the signal flow graph for-th phase variable form. Assume zero iriitial

b) A linear time invariant system is described by the state equation

*(r) = [:l 'rlrlr+ [l]'ro.

Find the state transition matrix. ,

If the initial state vector is X(0) = lll . Obtain the zero input response.

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