Abstract—A single-loop third-order switched-capacitor - 61 accuracy, providing an effective way to implement high-reso-
modulator in 90-nm standard digital CMOS technology is pre- lution ADCs without stringent matching requirements or cali-
sented. The design is intended to minimize the power consumption bration in low-voltage environment. By means of oversampling
in a low-voltage environment. A load-compensated OTA with
rail-to-rail output swing and gain enhancement is chosen in this and noise shaping, the - ADC transfers most of the signal
design, which provides higher power efficiency than the two-stage processing tasks to the digital domain where the power con-
OTA. To lower the power consumption further, class-AB oper- sumption can be drastically reduced by the technology scaling
ation is also adapted in the OTA design. Due to the relatively down and supply voltage decreasing. Meanwhile, the use of
low threshold voltage of the advanced technology, no clock boot- an intrinsically linear single-bit quantizer exempts the stringent
strapping circuits are needed to drive the switches and the power
consumption of the digital circuits is reduced. All the capacitors matching requirement, which is power-hungry. For high-reso-
are implemented using multilayer metal-wall structure, which can lution ADCs, the - ADC is more power-effective and robust
provide high-density capacitance. The modulator achieves 88-dB compared to other architectures.
dynamic range in 20-kHz signal bandwidth with an oversampling While moving into ultra-deep-submicron CMOS technolo-
ratio of 100. The power consumption is 140 W under 1-V supply gies, for low-voltage low-power designs, certain advantages
voltage and the chip core size is 0.18 mm2 .
can be gained. On the other hand, some disadvantages are also
Index Terms—Analog–digital conversion, Sigma-Delta modula- foreseen. Limited by the transistor breakdown voltage, the
tion, switched-capacitor circuits, low voltage, low power, opera- rated supply voltage is low in ultra-deep-submicron CMOS
tional amplifiers.
technologies. As a result, the threshold voltage of the transistor
is also low, which is advantageous to implement low-voltage
I. INTRODUCTION applications. No specially designed low-voltage circuits are
needed, which simplifies the circuits and lowers the power con-
I N RECENT years, portable electronics, such as personal
wireless communication devices, digital cameras, personal
audio devices, etc., find booming markets. Powered by bat-
sumption. Many low-power low-voltage - ADCs reported
to date are implemented in submicron CMOS technologies [2],
teries, their supply voltage is often limited, and the battery [3]. The common point of these works is that they work on a
lifetime is of great importance for these devices. All these reduced supply voltage that is lower than their rated supply
factors address the requirements of low-voltage low-power voltage. To sufficiently drive the switches, clock bootstrapped
system building blocks. At the same time, mainly driven by driving circuits are employed. In this case, some internal node
digital circuits, the feature size of transistors is continuously voltages might be higher than the supply voltage. Damaging
being scaled down. The working voltage is decreased as a the transistor or having a reliability problem are potential risks.
consequence of the size shrinking to avoid transistors breaking Low- technologies can also be used. However, this needs
down, forcing the design to work at lower supply voltage. extra processing steps and is expensive. Some works [4] were
These factors make low-voltage low-power circuits a hot topic implemented with the switched-opamp technique [5], which
recently. However, the decreased supply voltage restricts the solves the driving problem of the sampling switches in the
signal swing in circuits and brings some difficulties for analog succeeding stage, but the first sampling switch still cannot be
designs [1]. In low-voltage environments, the transistor char- driven sufficiently. With ultra-deep-submicron technologies, the
acteristics degrade and some circuit techniques can no longer threshold voltage is reduced as the supply voltage is decreased.
be used, rendering the low-voltage design different from the This makes the driving of the switches possible without boot-
traditional circuit design technique. strapping circuits. Hence, ultra-deep-submicron technologies
As an important building block, analog-to-digital converters help to reduce the power consumption further in a low-voltage
(ADCs) are widely used in various systems. The movement of environment. For the digital part of the converter, the shorter
digital circuits into ultra-deep-submicron technology presents the transistor length, the less power that is consumed. That is
strong demands to low-voltage low-power ADCs. Among dif- the driving force of the technology scaling down. Generally
ferent ADC topologies, - ADCs efficiently trade speed for speaking, in terms of low-power low-voltage, it is advantageous
indeed to move into ultra-deep-submicron technologies.
It is meaningful to explore the possibilities of implementing
Manuscript received March 10, 2004; revised June 16, 2004. high-performance - modulators in a standard digital process
The authors are with the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of in ultra-deep-submicron technologies. Presented in this paper
Elektrotechniek, ESAT-MICAS, B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium (e-mail:
[email protected]). is a single-loop third-order switched-capacitor (SC) -
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2004.835825 modulator implemented in a standard digital 90-nm CMOS
0018-9200/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE
Fig. 2. Output spectrum of the proposed topology with a 20-kHz input signal.
maximum input amplitude of the modulator is defined by the Similarly, for the same GBW and load capacitance , the cur-
output swing of the OTA, as can be seen in Fig. 3. For certain dy- rent drawn by fully differential class-A single-stage OTAs is cal-
namic range, an increase in the output swing can result in a large culated as follows. The current drawn by the the single-stage
reduction of sampling capacitance and hence power consump- telescopic cascode OTA is
tion. The importance of the output swing can be clearly seen (8)
here in (1). An OTA topology that can provide the rail-to-rail
output swing is absolutely required in low-voltage low-power For the folded cascode OTA, there are two current branches and
designs. normally the current of both current branches are the same. The
In ultra-deep-submicron technology, the intrinsic voltage current drawn by the single-stage folded cascode OTA is
gain of the transistor is low due to the lower output impedance.
The low-voltage environment and output swing constraint (9)
prohibit the usage of the cascoding transistors to increase the
voltage gain. The natural solution is two-stage or multistage The current drawn by a current mirror OTA with a current ratio
topologies. However, the two-stage OTA is not load compen- of , shown in Fig. 6, can be calculated as follows. For the
sated. Extra compensation capacitance is needed to ensure the given GBW and , we have
closed-loop stability. For a given GBW and load capacitance
, the current drawn by a fully differential class-A Miller (10)
OTA, shown in Fig. 5, can be calculated.
where is the Miller compensation capacitance. Combining
And for the current mirror OTA, we have
this with the MOSFET equation
Then the total current of the current mirror OTA is
It is clearly seen that for the same condition, the single-stage
The nondominant pole, which is created by the load capacitance, OTA is more power efficient than the two-stage OTA, since no
should be placed beyond the three times of the GBW. This cri- power is wasted in driving the compensation capacitance in the
teria single-stage OTA.
According to the above discussion, the single-stage OTA
(5) is preferred in terms of power-efficiency. In the low-voltage
environment, the rail-to-rail output swing for the OTA is
gives highly preferred. The only single-stage topology that can
provide rail-to-rail output swing is the current mirror OTA.
(6) However, the voltage gain of the current mirror OTA is only
in the order of , which is normally around 20–40 dB in
Assuming all transistors have the same overdrive voltage, the ultra-deep-submicron technologies. According to behavioral
total current of the Miller OTA is then simulations, the requirement of the OTA dc gain is above 40
dB. To ensure enough gain, a gain enhancement technique is
(7) used, which can enhance the gain for 10–20 dB without extra
Then the gain of the current mirror OTA can be written as (22)
(16) Equation (22) shows the maximum gain enhancement that can
be achieved. The smaller the ratio, the more gain en-
When we shunt a portion of currents from the current mirror, hancement can be achieved. If the OTA drives a large capaci-
for example, , shown in Fig. 7, the current mirrored to tran- tance load, then higher gain can be reached.
sistor M3 is reduced to The class-AB output stage is considered to be more power
efficient than the class-A output stage in SC circuits [9]. Higher
slew rate can be obtained from the class-AB output stage with
Note that the factor is between 0 and 1. Then, finally, the gain less power consumption. To save power, a class-AB output
of the OTA is given by stage should be adopted in this low-voltage low-power design.
Shown in Fig. 8(a), the class-AB operation is made by driving
the PMOS transistor M4 by a floating voltage source .
This is a very crude class-AB output scheme. The class-AB
characteristics are not so good. But here in SC circuits, high
Equation (18) clearly shows the gain enhancement. It is seen slew rate is more important than good class-AB output char-
that the gain has been boosted times. If the factor acteristics. As long as the output settles to the required final
is set to near one, then the gain can be enhanced largely. value, the settling procedure is not important. This class-AB
This technique actually increases the impedance of the in- stage increases the current sourcing ability of the output stage.
ternal node C. As a result, the nondominant pole frequency, As a result, the slew rate of the OTA is increased. The floating
which is created in this node, is decreased. Doing this may cause voltage source is implemented by a level-shifter, shown
degradation of the phase margin of the OTA and cause a stability in Fig. 8(b). The transistors M5 and M6 are identical and have
problem. A closer look reveals relations between the factor the same drain current. As a result, their gate-source voltages
and related parameters. are also identical. By properly biasing M5, a certain can
Suppose the parasitic capacitance of node C is , which is be obtained.
mainly composed of and , the gate-source capaci- Common-mode feedback is essential to fully differential cir-
tance of transistor M2 and M3. The nondominant pole in node cuits. A switched-capacitor common-mode feedback (CMFB)
C can be given by is the best solution in terms of power consumption.
D. Scaling of Integrators
One of the most interesting property of - modulators is
the noise suppression inside the loop. Utilizing this feature can Fig. 9. Schematic of the gain enhanced current mirror OTA.
result in a large amount of power saving. For a single-loop -
modulator, the noise suppression in node can be calculated by
Fig. 19. Measured output spectrum of an 11-kHz sinusoidal input. Fig. 21. Measured SNR and SNDR versus input amplitude.
Fig. 20. Measured noise floor of the modulator with inputs short-circuited. (24)