Studies On The Mechanical

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Advances in Science and Technology

Research Journal
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(3), 306–315 Received: 2022.04.30 Accepted: 2022.05.14
ISSN 2299–8624, License CC-BY 4.0 Published: 2022.06.01

Studies on the Mechanical Properties of C45 Steel with Martensitic

Structure after a High Tempering Process

Waldemar Woźniak1, Michał Sąsiadek1, Tomasz Jachowicz2*, Milan Edl3, Paweł Zając4
University of Zielona Góra, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ul. Prof. Szafran 4, 65-516 Zielona Góra, Poland
Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ul. Nadbystrzycka 38, 20-618 Lublin,
University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering and
Management, 8 Univerzitni Str., 30614 Plzen, Czech Republic
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Wybrzeze
Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
* Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]

This article describes the studies of the mechanical properties of the martensitic structure of C45 steel, obtained as
a result of heat treatment. This steel was subjected to high tempering, within the temperature range of 500÷700°C
(every 50°C) and for various exposure times, from 15 minutes to 23 hours. Moreover, martensitic steel was sub-
jected to tests by quenching at a temperature of 850°C for 20 minutes and then tempering it for 1 hour, within the
temperature range of 50÷800°C (every 50°C). The resulting steel samples were subjected to strength tests, that is,
to tensile and hardness tests and also to tests on the micro-structure. The results of these studies are presented and
discussed, in detail, in terms of their practical application.

Keywords: steel, heat treatment, quenching, tempering, steel structure, martensitic structure.

INTRODUCTION treatment has a significant impact on production

costs. The best combination of steel properties, in
Machine parts made of medium-carbon steel terms of ductility and strength, is achieved as a re-
by cavity processing, such as by forging or cast- sult of “thermal improvement”, so-called, which
ing, are very often subjected to pre-thermal or is a combination of the two operations of quench-
thermo-chemical treatment. in order to improve ing and high tempering.
their performance properties. Pre-heat treat- The development of metal science, espe-
ment consists of several stages. Usually the first cially the development of new research tools,
of these is quenching or isothermal quenching, used in metallographic research, provides all the
which results in various steel structures such as best cognitive capabilities that are used for pro-
martensite, bainite, or perlite with ferrite; this duction management. Information, obtained as
possibly tolerates a mixture of these structural a result of research, can be translated into the
components [1, 2]. Most often, the next stage of parameters of the production process of machine
the heat treatment operation is tempering which parts, carried out using heat treatment. The pur-
can be performed at different temperature rang- pose of such research is very often to reduce the
es, namely, low, medium and high tempering. cost of production, by reducing processing time
Manufacturers of heat-treated, steel parts strive and reducing energy consumption, along with
to reduce heat treatment, time and hence energy the use of new media in production thus improv-
consumption costs. It is well known that heat ing the performance of the products and/or the

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(3), 306–315

materials [3, 4]. This improves the competitive hardness of martensitic steels for a wide range of
position of the parts manufacturer and gives it a carbon content has been presented in [7].
market advantage. These concern, among other things, tests
Modern science, dominated by new develop- for the strength of welded joints, obtained by a
ments in the field of composite materials, nano- fibre laser at various welding speeds [8]. In [9]
technology, etc., allows C45 steel to be looked steels with 12% CR, enhanced with Z phase, were
at as a material that, after thermal improvement, tested to determine the dependence between cor-
can be considered as a composite, consisting of a rosion and its resistance to creeping. In [10], the
base, in the form of soft ferrite, reinforced with mechanical properties, that is, the stretching and
granules of hard cementite. This expression can elongation, of ferritic and martensitic steel were
also describe the ferritic-perlitic structure of this tested, depending on the different shares of C, N
steel, after such as hot rolling, after normalisa- and W. In another aspect [11], it was proposed to
tion, with the exception that, in this case, it will be develop ultra-high-strength steels, intended for
ferrite, reinforced with a lamellar form of cement- cold stamping in the automotive industry, by us-
ite. These two forms of cementite, present in C45 ing special alloy additions. In [12] presents the
steel, have long been known about and recog- results of tests on the strength of steel as a result
nised and are a classic, metallurgical problem. It of the repeated quenching-partitioning-tempering
is known that the tile form of cementite gives the process and replacement of 1.5% (wt.%) of Si
worst performance, whereas the ball form is bet- with a 2% (wt.%) Al addition. Also, in [13, 14],
ter [5]. At present, we are more interested in con- martensitic devices, designed to work in ultra –
sidering how the release of cementite, obtained supercritical- parameters, (T = 620÷650°C, P =
after tempering, affects its usefulness. Their sizes 25÷30 MPa) were subjected to constant tests,
vary, depending on the temperature at which the obtained as a result of the normalisation process
tempering is conducted. Such information is not at temperatures above A3 and tempering at tem-
available in the literature and therefore an attempt peratures below A1. In turn, the effect of thermal
has been made to obtain it through experiments, ageing on mechanical properties and micro-struc-
the results of which are presented in this article. ture, in low-activation martensitic steel, has been
For this article, grade C45 steel was selected for developed [15]. Strength tests of low-activation
the study with only those changes in the structure martensitic steel, subjected to the ageing process
and properties being analysed that would appear at 550°C over 20,000 h, are presented in [16]. The
in the steel under study when the technological ageing process has also been the subject of work
parameters were changed, during the quenching [17]. In [18], micro-structural changes resulting
and tempering processes. The applied, empirical from shock loads and their influence on the me-
research method consisted in conducting a series chanical properties of steel were analysed. The
of heat treatments under laboratory conditions study of the influence of the quenching process on
and describing the effect of the changes in the pa- low-carbon martensitic steel and on micro-struc-
rameters of these processes on the structure and tural, tensile properties, as well as the influence
properties of the material under study. of both susceptibility and bending, were the sub-
When the correct method of cooling was jects of research described in [19]. The quenching
chosen, the martensitic structure was obtained of martensitic steel with chromium, at high tem-
[6]. Additionally, it was subjected to high tem- perature and the effect of this process on tensile
pering during the various parameters of the pro- strength and the fracture mechanism, were the
cess, with any samples, prepared in this manner, subject of the research, presented in [20]. Stud-
being examined both with regard to structure ies of the influence of the evolution of the micro-
and to strength, using a scanning microscope structure of steel (16 wt.% Cr; 4.5 wt.% Ni; 1.6
for the static, tensile testing and for measur- wt.% MO; 0.9 wt.% B; 0.6 wt.% Mn and 0.12
ing micro-hardness. Steel testing can involve wt.% C) on the improvement of resistance to cor-
many aspects. The most common of these are rosion and impact strength, is described in [21].
mechanical studies, metallographic or structural In [22], the frictional behavior of low-alloy mar-
studies, as well as studies on anti-corrosion and tensitic steel with silicon nitride was investigat-
other properties. In the literature, a large area ed. The process of the quenching and tempering
of research is devoted to the strength testing of of martensitic steels was the subject of research
welded, steel joints. A unified description of the in [23], where the influence of the carbides on

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(3), 306–315

strength properties was determined. Issues relat- steels for heat treatment. The C45 steel is used for
ed to the tempering of martensite are presented in machinery and equipment components with a me-
[24]. Other studies focus on the micro-structure, dium load, such as spindles, non-hardened gears,
where the formation of crystal plasticity, due to axles, shafts, motor shafts, levers, conventional
temperature changes, was studied for martensitic knives, disks, bolts, corkscrews, wheel hubs, rollers,
steels [25]. Other studies [26] considered the ef- pump rotors and rods. This steel is easily subjected
fect of Ti, as a low-activation, alloying element on to hot and cold plastic processing and belongs to
the micro-structure and on mechanical properties. difficult-to-weld steels. The C45 steel studied was
In the literature, studies of the tribological prop- analysed to identify the elements that make up its
erties of products made of perlitic and martensitic composition. The designated chemical composition
steel [27] can also be found. In turn, an overview (obtained by chemical testing) is shown in Table 1.
is presented in [28], of the micro-structures and Samples, subjected to martensitic quenching,
the mechanisms by which they are formed by tem- were heated to the austenitisation temperature
pering, patched martensite, with low and medium (850°C) and kept at this temperature for 20 minutes
carbon content. High-strength martensitic steel and then cooled in an aqueous polymer solution.
was subjected to heat treatment by quenching-par- For manufactured, martensitic, steel structures,
titioning-tempering (Q-P-T). The mechanism that high tempering was undertaken in the temperature
improves both the plasticity and stability of austen- range: 500÷700°C (every 50°C). The tempering
ite at high temperatures, has been studied [29]. A time for each temperature variant was: 15 min, 1
new, hybrid approach for describing and simulat- h, 3 h, 9 h, and 23 h. Three samples were allocat-
ing the creeping behavior of improved, martensitic ed for each variant of the processing time period.
steels is presented in [30, 31]. In [32], the mechani- For each sample, a tensile test, a hardness test and
cal characteristics of five, low-carbon martensitic a structure test were carried out after tempering.
steels, tempered over a wide temperature and time An additional experiment was carried out on the
range are presented and the relationship between initial structure of the martensitic steel obtained.
the mechanical properties, hardness and the tem- The test material was tempered to 850°C and kept
pering conditions were further analysed. Quenched at this temperature for 20 minutes. Quenching in
martensite, obtained from four different tempering the range of 16 temperature options (50, 100, 150,
modes, was characterized in [33, 34]. 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650,
In the context of the literature review in ques- 700, 750 and 800°C) was conducted for 1 hour.
tion, the aim of this work is to determine the char- Suitably prepared specimens were tested us-
acteristics and properties of C45 steel (1.0503) ing following equipment:
subjected to martensitic hardening based on its • tensile tests and, based on them, determination
tempering at elevated temperatures for varying of the strength properties were carried out on
times. Furthermore, an additional study was car- an INSTRON 8202 testing machine,
ried out by hardening the steel in a polymer solu- • hardness tests were carried out using a Zwick
tion after heating the samples to 850 °C and hold- / Roell ZHV 10
ing them at this temperature for 20 minutes. In the • microstructure tests were carried out on a
characterised process, the following parameters JEOL JSM-6400 Scanning Microscope.
were studied: strength, microhardness and mi-
crostructure of steel samples obtained in different
process variants of tempering of martensitic steel. RESULTS

Structures after the application

MATERIALS AND METHODS of heat treatments
Steel C45 (1.0503), in accordance with EN After cooling at different speeds and after
10277–2-2008, refers to high-quality, unalloyed tempering at different temperatures and times, the

Table 1. Chemical composition of steel C45 under study

Chemical composition, %
Steel grade
C Mn Si P S Cr Ni Cu Al
C45 0.48 0.71 0.25 0.013 0.023 0.10 0.09 0.18 0.023

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(3), 306–315

Figure 1. Spheroidite structures after the high tempering of martensite (magnification 5000×)

Table 2. Tensile test results for parameter Re – martensitic structure

Tempering time
Parameter Temperature,°C
15 min 1h 3h 9h 23 h
500 1225 1035 1000 980 950
550 960 910 900 830 760
600 900 780 760 700 660
650 770 660 660 600 560
700 605 590 570 535 470

Table 3. Tensile test results for the Rm parameter – martensitic structure

Tempering time
Parameter Temperature,°C
15 min 1h 3h 9h 23 h
500 1289 1085 1045 1021 996
550 1030 968 953 878 819
600 957 839 829 747 714
650 810 715 723 646 617
700 738 636 630 586 546

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(3), 306–315

structures are now shown on the summary boards under study, were determined, i.e. yield strength
in Figure 1. Structures after heat treatment were Re, tensile strength Rm and elongation – A. The
presented at various magnifications, whereas tensile test was performed on a Hegewald & Pe-
structures after high tempering were shown at the schke test machine, model: Inspekt Table 100 in
standard magnification of 5000×. a company working for the automotive industry.
The results of the tensile tests for the specified
The results of tensile tests
yield strength, tensile strength, and elongation
In the tensile test, the main strength param- limits for the martensitic structure are shown in
eters (Rm, Re, A%) characterising the material Tables 2, 3 and 4. The dependence of the average

Table 4. Tensile test results for the elongation parameter A – martensitic structure
Tempering time
Parameter Temperature,°C
15 min 1.5 h 3h 4.5 h 12 h 23 h
500 12.2 12 11.7 12.2 10 9
550 13.5 11.4 13 13.2 13.5 13.2
A% 600 17.1 12.6 13 12.8 14 15.4
650 15.7 17.9 13.5 19.5 18 17.6
700 20.2 21.1 21.5 22.1 21.2 20.1

Figure 2. The 3D graph of the relation between the mean yield point and the
tempering time and the temperature for a martensitic structure

Figure 3. The 3D graph of the relation between the tensile strength and the
tempering time and the temperature for a martensitic structure

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(3), 306–315

Table 5. Average values of HV 0.5 micro-hardness measurements after tempering – martensitic structure
Tempering time
Temperature, °C
15 min 1h 3h 9h 23 h
500 380 351 346 323 318
550 336 311 296 289 268
600 302 278 257 244 237
650 274 249 224 212 205
700 237 223 211 193 185

Figure 4. The 3D graph of the relation between the average hardness value and
the tempering time and the temperature for a martensitic structure

hardness value, on the time and temperature of RESULTS INTERPRETATION

tempering, is shown in Figure 2. The dependence
of the average tensile strength, on the time and Changes in particle size when tempering
temperature of tempering is shown in Figure 3. various source structures
The micro-structure studies after quenching,
Results of micro-hardness measurements undertaken with a scanning microscope, showed
The results of the micro-hardness measure- that the variability in the size of the globular par-
ments for the martensitic structure after temper- ticles of Fe3C cementite, is in the range from 8
ing are presented in Table 5. The dependence of to 1000 nm.
the average hardness value, on the time and tem-
perature of tempering, is shown in Figure 4. The effect of the structure of the output
on the properties
Results of additional experiment
The subject of observations and analyses
In an additional experiment, tempering for all were, among other things, initial structures:
temperatures was carried out for 1 hour. Quench- martensite, bainite and nanoperlite, with an 8%
ing was carried out in a polymer solution after admixture of peredeutectoid ferrite. The high-
heating the samples to 850°C and maintaining this est Rm value was obtained for martensite (1196
temperature for 20 minutes. The micro-hardness MPa), while a lower value was found for bainite
HV 0.5 of the material before and after the quench- (936 MPa) with the lowest value of all being
ing of the martensitic structure is shown in Table 6. found for nanoperlite (919 MPa).
The micro-hardness of the quenched material, after A comparison of mechanical properties (Re
tempering, is shown in Table 7. The average values and A) indicates that bainitic and nanoperlytic
were calculated from 5 measurements, after reject- structures have the lowest properties and that
ing maximum and minimum values. a martensitic structure, with a low A parameter

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(3), 306–315

Table 6. Average values of HV 0.5 micro-hardness measurements before and after quenching – martensitic
Variant Measurement results HV 0.5 Average HV 0.5
Before quenching 308, 288, 312, 306, 301 305
After quenching in an aqueous polymer solution 654, 656, 663, 651, 660 657

Table 7. Values of HV 0.5 micro-hardness measurements after tempering – martensitic structure

Temperature, °C 1 2 3 4 5 Average
50 649 641 646 640 646 644
100 641 661 647 640 655 648
150 591 589 584 593 587 589
200 565 584 563 560 570 566
250 510 512 510 509 511 510
300 471 465 478 480 473 474
350 405 418 422 420 421 420
400 391 391 395 400 392 393
450 383 382 386 380 379 381
500 359 359 359 360 355 359
550 316 314 315 318 315 315
600 288 285 290 284 289 287
650 252 250 256 251 254 252
700 215 233 235 234 229 232
750 223 224 226 226 225 228
800 215 216 214 214 213 214

value, indicates that the material is very brittle. The range of unstable properties that occur with very
change in the characteristics of the material occurs short treatment times.
after high tempering. From martensite, which is a
form of ferrite, supersaturated with carbon, globu- Effect of tempering conditions on the final
lar particles of cementite are released. Their size properties of steel with different output
increases as a result of coagulation with increas- structures
ing time and the temperature of the tempering. The
The influence of the tempering conditions
distribution of cementite particles over the entire and initial structures on the final properties, in-
volume can be estimated as homogeneous. dicates that the best mechanical properties were
An indicator of changes in properties and obtained for the martensite structure over short
structure, that is, the size of sections that strength- times and low temperatures of tempering. As the
en steel, results from measurements of micro- temperature of the tempering increases, differ-
hardness. Studies show that the temperature in- ences in the output structures had less and less of
crease has a stronger effect on the hyperplasia of an influence on the levels of Re, Rm and HV 0.5
cementite particles during coagulation than does micro-hardness obtained – due to the fact that
the time of release. Therefore, from the point of the structure of the material has reached a state
view of controlling the tempering process, it is of equilibrium.
better to regulate the properties by selecting the
appropriate temperature of the tempering and The phenomena that occur during
secondly, by selecting the time for the duration the tempering of C45 steel
of the tempering. Manufacturers of heat-treated A summary of the phenomena that occur
parts usually seek to reduce the time given over when steel, quenched for martensite is being tem-
to heat treatment. With the data obtained, the nec- pered, has been provided in a graph, based on an
essary temperature and time parameters can be additional experiment discussed in additional ex-
selected. However, it is necessary not to overdo periment. Samples, with a martensitic structure
the time reduction element, so as not to enter the were kept for 1 hour at various temperatures (at

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(3), 306–315

Figure 5. Graph of the influence of temperature on the value of micro-hardness HV 0.5.

50°C intervals) in the range of 50÷800°C, after the temperature contributes to the growth of
which their micro-hardness was measured. particles,
The resulting curve shows a decrease in hard- • above 600°C, the phenomenon of recrystalli-
ness with an increase in temperature; this decrease sation occurs, after which the micro-hardness
is not monotonic as the curve is undulatory, in is the lowest possible and is comparable to the
character. This is due to the many phenomena micro-hardness of normalised material. This
that overlap when the temperature rises. These phenomenon explains why the impact strength
phenomena can be observed using dilatometric on Figure 5 falls above 630°C,
measurements. They are as follows (Figure 5): • the above temperatures are indicative values,
• during the initial heating period, carbon segre- since the temperatures at the beginning and
gation occurs, at the end of each secretion process and the
• the secretion of metastable carbide be- changes occurring in the material depend on
gins above temperatures of approximately the heating rate.
70÷80 °C,
• above 210°C, the process of cementite Fe3C The undulatory nature of the tempering curve,
secretion begins and continues until approxi- shown in Figure 5 deviates from the simplified
mately 410°C. The size of Fe3C secretions versions, presented in the literature as a monoton-
obtained in this temperature range does not ic flow. The results of the measurements of mi-
exceed approximately 10 nm, cro-hardness in the framework of the “additional
• in the range of approximately 220÷300°C, experiment” seem closer to reality and better re-
which is superimposed on the range of ce- flect the complex nature of many phenomena that
mentite secretion, the residual austenite is occur during tempering. Therefore, the literature
converted into martensite, data on the hardening curve should be considered
• above 300°C, the recovery period of the as fairly indicative information.
quenched structure begins and then turns into
polygonisation, which take place in the range
of up to approximately 600°C, CONCLUSIONS
• above approximately 410°C, all the carbon is
almost completely secreted and is present only The significance of the thermal improvement
as cementite with a spherical shape, which, parameters is as follows:
with the increasing temperature of temper-
ing, assumes ever increasing sizes as a result 1. In the quenching range:
of the coagulation process. Since the coagula- • The austenitisation temperature (before
tion process is a diffusive process, increasing quenching) should be higher than A3.

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(3), 306–315

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