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Oligosaccharides: These undergo
hydrolysis and yield 2 to 10 monosaccharide
Carbohydrates: Initially carbohydrates were units.
considered as hydrates of carbon as most of them Disaccharide: A disaccharide on hydrolysis
gives 2 monosaccharide units of same or
have general formulae Cn  H 2O m different kind.
Eg: Glucose : C6 H12O6 or C6 ( H 2O)6 , Ex:- Sucrose, Maltose and Lactose
Sucrose : C12 H 22O11 or C12 ( H 2O )11 . H
C12 H22O11  H2O 
 C6 H12O6  C6 H12O6
But all the compounds with formula Cn ( H 2O) m Sucrose Glucose Fructose
are not necessarily carbohydrates.  A t risaccharide on hydrolysis gives 3
eg: Formaldehyde : HCHO or C ( H 2O) ; Acetic monosaccharide units.
Example: Raffinose on hydro lysis gives
acid : CH 3COOH or C2 ( H 2O )2 .
Glucose, Fructose and Galactose.
A few carbohydrates may not have the formula
Cn  H 2 O m .
Polysaccharides: These undergo hydrolysis
eg : Rhamnose, C6 H12O5 .
and give more than 10 monosaccharide units.
 They can be better described as optically active Example: Starch, cellulose, glycogen, dextrin,
polyhydroxy aldehydes (or) ketones (or) the
compounds which yield them on hydrolysis. Gums.General fomula  C 6 H 10 O5 n
 Most of them are similar to sugar in taste, and 
H / 23 atm
 C6 H10O5 n  nH 2 O   n C6 H12O6
hence they are also known as Saccharides. 393k ,

( Latin word for sugar is saccharum) Sugars and Non Sugars: Bo th

Classification of carbohydrates: The monosaccharides and oligosaccharide are
carbohydrates are divided into 3 major classes crystalline solids,soluble in water and sweet in
based on hydrolysis. taste. These are colletively known as sugars.
 Polysaccharides are amorphous,sparingly
Monosaccharides(Simple Sugars): soluble in water and taste less and are known as
These cannot be further hydrolysed to simpler non-sugars.
 The Carbohydrates are also classified as either
Ex: Erythrose, Threose, Glucose, fructose,
reducing or non-reducing sugars.
ribose etc..
 There are about 20 monosaccharides occur in Reducing and Non Reducing Sugars: The
nature. saccharides, that reduce Fehling's reagent,
Tollen's reagent, are called as reducing sugars.
 Their general formula is (CH 2 O)n where
 They form silver mirror with Tollens’ reagent
n  3 7 . and give red precipitate with Fehling’s solution.
 Depending upon the total number of carbon  All monosaccharides, whether aldose(or) ketose,
atoms in monosacharides and on nature of are reducing sugars.
functional groups present (aldehyde or ketone),  All reducing sugars exhibit mutarotation.
the terms for their classification are as follows: ex:- Glucose , fructose, triose, tetroses, pentoses
& Hexoes
3 Triose Aldotriose Keto triose All Disaccharides are Redcing sugars except
4 Tetrose Aldotetrose Keto tetrose sucrose
5 Pentose Aldopentose Keto pentose ex :- maltose, lactose
6 Hexose Aldohexose Keto hexose  The Saccharides, which do not reduce Fehling's
7 Heptose Aldoheptose Keto heptose reagent and Tollen's reagent, are called non-
8 Octose Aldooctose Keto octose reducing sugars.
n 2
Class Molecular Structural formula No.of No.of Examples Aldose
Chiral Carbons Optional Isomers
Aldotrioses C3H6O3 CH2OH.CHOH.CHO 1 2 Glyceraldehyde
Aldotetroses C4H8O4 CH2OH.(CHOH)2 .CHO 2 4 Erythose, threose
Arabinose, ribose,
Aldopentoses C5H10O5 CH2OH.(CHOH)3 .CHO 3 8 xylose, lyxose
Glucose, mannose,
galactose, glucose,
Aldohexoses C6H12O6 CH2OH.(CHOH)4 .CHO 4 16
talose, idose,
allose, altrose

Ketotrioses C3H6O3 CH2OH.CO.CH2OH - - Dihydroxyacetone
Ketotetroses C4H8O4 CH2OH.CO.CHOH.CH2OH 1 2 Erytrulose
Ketopentoses C5H10O5 CH2OH.CO.(CHOH)2 .CH2OH 2 4 Ribulose, xylulose

Fractiose, sorbose,
Ketohexoses C6H12O6 CH2OH.CO.(CHOH)3 .CH2OH 3 8 tagatose etc.

 All polysaccharides are non redcing sugars  The sugars having the same configuration as
ex:- starch ,celluose , glycogen ,dextrin D  glyceraldehyde at the least prioarity chiral
 Non reducing sugars do not exhibit mutarotation carbon adjacent to primary alcoholic group
and does not form osazone. (CH 2 OH ) are called D  sugars and having
 In disaccharides depending upon the position
the configuration as L  glyceraldehyde are
of linkages between monosaccharide units, the
called L  sugars.
resulting disaccharide may be reducing (or) non
reducing.  Practically D  sugars may be D  (+) or D  (  )
The stereo chemistry of all sugars is and L  sugars may be L  (+) L  (  ). The
determined with respect to D- or L- symbol (+) or ‘d’ is used for dextro and (  ) or
Glyceraldehyde. ‘l’ is used for laevo rotatory compound.
Sugars can be classified into D- and L- forms  It is observed that natural glucose, ribose and
basing on their configuration. fructorse are D  form.
 The enantiomer whcih rotat es t he Monosaccharides
monochromatic light to right is written as (+) Glucose: Glucose is an aldo hexose and is
or ‘d’ and the other which rotates the alsoknown as dextrose because it occurs in
monochromatic light to the left is written as (  ) nature as the optically active dextro rotatory
or ‘l’ isomer.
 The direction of the rotation of monochromatic  It is also called grape sugar as it is found in fruits
light can be denoted by (+) or (  ), but cannot especially grapes contains 20% of Glucose.
indicate the arrangement of  OH and  H
 The human blood normally contains 65 to
around chiral carbon atom.
110mg.of glucose per 100ml.
 Rosanoff proposed a system to designate the
st ereo chemist ry o f carbohydrates by  In combined form, it occurs in cane sugar and
considering the simplest sugar, glyceraldehyde also in polysaccharides such as starch and
as standard. cellulose.
Preparation: Glucose is prepared in the
laboratory by acid hydrolysis of cane sugar in
alcoholic solution.
C12 H 22 O11 + H 2 O 
 C6 H12O 6 + C6 H12 O 6
Sucrose Glucose Fructose
 It is obtained in large scale by the hydrolysis of Glucose reduces Tollen's reagent to metallic silver
starch with dil. H 2 SO4 (or) H C l at 2-3 atm and also reduces Fehling's solution to reddish
pressure & 393 k temp. brown cuprous oxide and itself gets

oxidised to gluconic acid. These reactions
C6 H10O5 n  nH 2O H
nC6 H12O6 suggest that the carbonyl group is an aldehydic
Properties and Sturcutral elucidation group.
 Molecular formula of glucose is experimentally  Acylation of Glucose with acetic anhydride
found as C6 H12O6 gives glucose penta acetate. Hence Glucose
molecule contains 5 'OH' groups
 CHOH 4 Aceticanhydride
(CHOH)4 (CH O C CH3)4
 Glucose on prolonged heating with HI gives n- O
hexane. It suggests the linear arrangement of all  On oxidation with HNO3 both glucose and
the 6 carbon atoms in glucose. gluconicacid form saccharic acid, a dicarboxylic
CHO acid. It suggests the presence of primary
alcoholic group  CH 2OH 
 CH 3  CH   CH 3
CHOH 4 HI
| n  Hexane
Oxidation Oxidation
Glucose reacts with NH 2OH and one molecule
of HCN and forms monoxime and cyanohydrin Saccharic Gluconic
respect ively.These reactions suggest the acid acid
presence of carbonyl group.  D-Glucose on reaction with excess of phenyl
hydrazine ( 3 moles of phenyl hydrazine per
mole of glucose), forms a dihydrazone known
| |
as osazone.
CHOH 4   CHOH 4
Fischer’s mechanism : When glucose warmed
| | with excess of phenyl hydrazine, first forms
CH 2OH  CH 2OH phenylhydrazone by condensation with –
CHO group.
6 6


 On reaction with a mild oxidising agent like

bromine water, glucose converts to gluconic Glucose Glucose Phenyl hydrazone
acid.This indicates that the carbonyl group is The adjacent – CHOH group is then oxidised
present as an aldehydic group by a second molecule of phenyl hydrazine.

6 6 CHO

2 6 6 H OH


The resulting carbonyl compounds reacts with
a third molecule of phenyl hydrazine to yield Glucose is (2R, 3S, 4R, 5R)  2, 3, 4, 5, 6 
glucosazone. pentahydroxyhexanal.
Cyclic structure of Glucose: The open
chain structure of Glucose proposed by Baeyer
explained most of its properties. But it could
not explain the following.
 Glucose does not give schiff's test and does not
react with NaHSO3 and NH 3 , inspite of presence
of -CHO group
Note:All monosaccharides which differ in  Pentacetate of glucose does not react with
configuration only at C1 and C2 give the  NH 2OH group indicating absence of - CHO
same osazone, group.
e.g., D-glucose, D-fructose, D-manose all The aqueous solutio n of glucose sho ws
form the same osazone mutarotation.
 With conc. NaOH solution, glucose first turns Mutarotation of glucose: When glucose
yellow, then brown and finally resinifies.
was crystallised from a concentrated solution at
 With dil. NaOH solution, glucose under goes
reversable isomerisation and gives a mixture of 300 C, it gives  - form with melting point 1460 c
D-mannose and D-fructose. This reaction is and  D   1110 .
known as Lobry de Bruyn-Van Ekenstein
 When glucose crystallised from a hot saturated
aqueous solution at a temperature greater than
D-glucose D-Manose D-Fructose
980 C , gives  -form with a melting point
It is because of t his isomerisatio n that 0
D  fructose reduces Tollens’ reagent and 1500 C and  D   19.2 .
Fehling’s solution, though fructose does not  These two forms of glucose differ in the
contain any aldehydic group. stereochemistry at C-1. These two  and 
Same results were obtained if manose (or) forms, when separately dissolved in water and
fructose are treated with alkali. It is concluded allowed to stand, their specific rotation gradually
that fructose with ketone group also reduces change and reach to a specific constant value
tollen's reagent due to this isomerisation
 Epimers are a pair of diasteriomers that 52.50 .
differ only in the configuration about a single  This spontaneous change in specific rotations
carbon atom. of an optically active compound is called
Ex : Glucose and Mannose are C2 epimers mutarotation..
D- Iodose and D- Talose  c-3 Epimers α - D(+)Glucose eq.mix β - D(+)glucose
D-Allose and D-gulose  c-4 Epimers α D = +111o +52.5o +19.2o
D- Altrose andD-Iode  c-4 epimers  Equilibrium mixture consists of 36%
 Based on the above properties Glucose has been
assigned an open chain D-Glucose by Baeyer. α-D  +  Glucose and 64% β-D  +  Glucose .
 Above anomalies can be explained by cyclic O O
structure of glucose. Glucose forms a stable
cyclic hemiacetal.
 Generally alcoholic groups undergo rapid and
reversible addition to aldehyde group to form
hemiacetals. Pyran Furan
 The alcoholic group bonded to C  5 of glucose  The Hawort h ho rizo ntal st ruct ure of
reacts intramolecularly with CHO forming a glucopyranose is identical to the Fischer vertical
6-membered hemiacetal ring. projection structure.
 The asymmetric carbon now at C  1 gives two  The groups present on the right side in Fischer
optical isomers. They are not mirror images of formula are written below the plane of the ring
each other and hence they are diastereomers. and those on the left side are written above the
They differ in the configuration only at C  1 plane.
and are called anomers.  The cyclic structure of glucose explains the
 The two cyclic forms exist in equilibrium with presence of   and   forms, mutarotation.
Fischer chain structure as shown below. It explains the inability of glucose to form
H OH H O aldehyde ammonia and bisulphite compound.
1 1 In the presence of other carbonyl reagents, the
C C ring is opened and free aldehyde group is
2 2
CHOH CHOH produced,
3 3
4 4 1
5 5 CH2OH 2
6 6 5 3
4 1   4
-D(+) glucose OH H
3 2
1 CH O
-D(+)-Glucopyranose CH2OH
3 HO H
4 6 C
CH O 5 3
6 H OH
CH2OH 4 1   4
D(+)glucose HO 3 2 H
 The  and  forms are confirmed by the H OH CH O
reaction of glucose, with methanol in the -D(+)- Glucopyranose CH2OH
presence of dry HCl to give methyl   D -
Glucoside and methyl  - D- Glucoside. Fructose ( C6 H12O6 )
 Glucose forms a six membered ring pyranose  Fructose is a ketohexose. It is also called
containing 5 carbon atoms and one oxygen atom Laevulose and fruit sugar.
like pyran. The five membered ring formed like  It is laevorotatory compound and belongs to D-
furan is called furanose. Glucose is present in series. D-(-) Fructose.
pyranose form only as shown in figure.  It is found in ripe fruits and honey.
Preparation Cyclic structure of Two anomers of
 C12H22O11  H2O C6H12O6  C6H12O6 fructose(Haworth structures)
Sucrose Glucose Fructose
 Like glucose, fructose also shows mutarotation.
 It is reducing sugar. 6 1 C
Structure of Fructose: Fructose contains HO C H
five hydroxyl groups, out of which two are 5 2  
primary and three are secondary. H OH H C OH O
 Fructose contains a carbonyl group and it was 4 3
found to be ketonic from its oxidation products OH H H C
with a strong oxidising agent.  - D-Fructofuranose CH2OH
 Fructose was found to contain ketonic functional
group at second carbon atom and all the six OH CH2OH
carbon atoms are in unbranched chain as in the
case of glucose. 6 C
 Since fructose and glucose form identical CH2OH OH
osazones when heated with excess of phenyl HO C H
5 2  
hydrazine, it was found that both glucose and H OH
fructose have the same configuration at C  3 ; 4 3 1
C  4 and C  5 . OH H H C
Though fructose does not contain an aldehydic  - D-Fructofuranose CH2OH
group, it behaves as reducing sugar due to Lobry
de Bruyn van Ekenstein rearrangmement. Oligo Saccharides: The disaccharides are
CH2OH composed of 2 molecules of monosaccharides.
 These on hydrolysis with dil acids(or) enzymes
yield two molecules of either the same (or)
HO H different monosaccharides.
H OH C12 H 22O11 H O C6 H12 O6  C6 H12 O6
 Its structure is 3 

H OH Sucrose Glucose Fructose
CH2OH C12 H 22O11 H O C6 H12O6  C6 H12O6
3 
 Fructose exists two cyclic forms which are Lactose Glucose Galactose
obtained by the addition of -OH at C5 to the H 3O 
C12 H 22O11   C6 H12O6  C6 H12 06
carbonyl group .It is a 5-membered ring and Maltose Glu cos e Glu cos e
named as furanose ring  In disaccharides, the two mono- saccharides are
To explain all of fructose properties it is joined together by glycosidic linkage
suggested with two cyclic structres i.e. (-O-)
  D  ()  fructofuranose  A glycoside bond is formed when hydroxy group
and   D  ( )  fructofuranose. of the hemiacetal carbon of one monosaccharide
  and   forms of fructose are anomers at C  2 . condenses with a hydroxy group of another
Anomers: Anomers are steroisomers of a cyclic monosachharide, to give -O-bond, by loss of
monsaccharide that differ in the position of the H 2O .
OH group at the hemiacetal carbon
Anomers can also be defined as “ two sugars Sucrose (Cane Sugar) C12 H 22O11
that differ in configuration only at the carbon  It is the most common disaccharide present in
that was the carbonyl carbon in the chain form” plants.
Ex- 1)   D glucose and   D glucose are anomers  It is obtained mainly from sugarcane (or)
2)   D fructose and   D -fructose are anomers beetroot.
 Naturally available sucrose is a dextrorotatory 6
substance  D   66.50 .
 It is non reducing sugar. H GLUCOSE UNIT
 It does not show mutarotation. 4 1 
 It is a colorless and odourless crystaline HO 3 2
substance, which is highly soluble in water. OH O
 Even though sucrose is a dextro rotatory, on 6 O
hydrolysis with dil.acids(or)enzyme invertase, HOH2C FRUCTOSE UNIT
it gives equimolar mixture of dextro rotatory 5 2 
glucose and laevo rotatory fructose. H OH
H O 4 3 1
D - S u cro se  2  D - G lu co se + D - F ru cto se
   = + 6 6 .5 o
  = +5 2 .5 o
   = -9 2 .4 OH H
The net specific rotation of equimolar mixture
of D-Glucose and D-fructose is Maltose (Malt Sugar) C12 H 22O11 :
52.5  92.4  It is obtained by partial hydrolysis of starch by
 200 . diastase enzyme present in Malt.
2  C6 H10O5 n  nH 2O  nC12 H 22O11
 As the laevo rotation of fructose  92.40  is
Starch Maltose
more than dextrorotation of glucose 52.50 ,  It is a reducing sugar.

  It undergoes mutarotation.
the mixture is laevorotatory.  On hydrolysis one mole of maltose yields
 In the hydrolysis of sucrose there is a change in 2 moles of D-Glucose.
the sign of rotation from 'd' to 'l'. This change is  The two  -D-glucose units in maltose are
known as inversion and the mixture is called linked through a  -Glycosidic linkage between
invert sugar. C-1 of one unit and the C -4 of another.
1.   D Glucose and   D fructose units are  Both the glucose units are in pyranose form.
linked through  ,  - glycosidic linkage between Cyclic structure of Maltose
C-1 of   D - Glucose and C - 2 of   D - 1H
fructose. C
H 2
2. Glucose unit is in pyranose and fructose unit 1 H C OH
is in furanose form. C OH HO C H O
The reducing groups of glucose and fructose are 2 4
involved in glycosidic linkage So sucrose is a 3 5
HO C H H C 
non- reducing sugar 4 6
Cyclic structure of sucrose 5
-link -link
2 1
1 3
2 4
3 5
HO C H O H C 
4 6
Lactose (Milk Sugar) C12 H 22O11 : Starch  C6H10O5 n : Starch is known as
 Lactose occurs in milk and also called as milk amylum.
 Strach is a white amorphous substance.
 Hydrolysis of Lactose with dil acid yields
equimolar mixture o f D-Glucose and  It has no taste and smell.
D-Galactose.  Starch is most important dietary source for
 It is a reducing sugar human beings
 The hydrolysis occurs in presence of enzyme  High content of starch is found in cerals , roots,
emulsin. tubers and some vegetables.
  -D-Galactose and  -D-Glucose units are  It is almost insoluble in cold water but soluble
linked through  -glucosidic linkage between relatively more in boiling water.
 Starch solution gives a blue color iodine, which
C-1 of  -D - Galactose and C -4 of  -D -
disappears on heating and reappears on cooling.
 Both Galactose and Glucose are in pyranose  Starch on complete hydrolysis gives D-Glucose
form. units.
Cyclic structure of Lactose n / 2 H 2O
(C6 H10 O5 )n 
n H 2O
 C12 H 22 O11   C6 H12O6
2 Maltose D  glucose

O HO C H  Starch is a polymer of  - glucose and consists

H C H C OH of two components - Amylose and
O H C OH HO C H Amylopectin
HO C H H C Amylose: Natural starch contain 15-20%
HO C H H C amylose.
C H CH2OH  It is water soluble.
CH2OH  It gives blue colour with iodine solution.
 Chemically amylose is a long unbranched chain
-(D)-Galactose -(D)-Glucose
with 200-1000  -D-(+) -glucose units held by
C-1 to C- 4 glycosidic linkage.
CH2OH  Its molecular mass may be 10000 - 50000u.
6 4 1 
5 O 3 2 OH H OH H OH H
HO  H
H H (Reducing half) Repeating
3 2 monomer
OH -1,4-Glycoside bonds
GALACTOSE Amylopectin:Natural starch contains about
(Non-reducing half) 80-85% of amylopectin.
Polysaccharides: Polysaccharides contains a  It is water insoluble component
large number of monosaccharide units joined  It does not give blue color with iodine solution.
together by glycosidic linkages  It is a branched chain polymer of  -D- glucose
 Polysaccharides act as structural materials for units in which chain is formed by C1 to C4
higher plants and reserve food for plants as well
glycosidic linkage , where as branching occurs
as animals.
 Polysaccharides are also called glycans. at C1 to C6 with glycosidic linkage

Glycogen  C6H10O5 n : The carbohydrates are

CH1OH CH1O stored in animal body as glycogen
H H  It is also known as animal starch because its
OH H OH H structure is similar to amylopectin
 It is heavily branched compared to starch
Repeating O  It is present in liver,muscles and brain
monomer bonds  It is also found in yeast and fungi
 when body needs glucose , enzymes break the
O O O glycogen into glucose
OH H OH H OH H Importance of carbohydrates:
Carbohydrates are essential for life in both plants
and animals
-1,6-Glyoside monomer  These are major portion of our food
bonds  Honey is instant source of energy .
 Glucose is used as a food for patients and
Cellulose  C6H10O5 n : Cellulose occurs children.
 Glucose may be used in the preparation of Jams
exclusively in plant and it is most abundant and Jellies.
organic substance in plant kingdom.  In the treatement of Calcium deficiency calcium
 Higher percentage of Cellulose is present in the glucosate is used as a medicine.
natural plant polymer, cotton. Vitamin-C can be prepared industrially using
 Cotton contain 90% of cellulose. glucose.
 Wood contains 40 - 45% cellulose.  The carbohydrate antibiotic is streptomycine,
 Photosynthesis in the plants is responsible for Kenamycins, neomycins and gentamycins are
the formation of cellulose. used against bacteria which are resistatnt to
 It is a colour less amorphous solid.
 Starch is the most valuable constituent of food
 It is insoluble in cold water. like rice, potatoes, etc. It is also used in the
 Cellulose does not reduce Tollen’s reagent and manufacture of dext rin, adhesives and
Fehling’s solution because no free hemiacetal explosives.
hydroxyl group is present in it.  Cell walls of bacteria and plants are made up of
 It does not form osazone. cellulose. Cotton fibre, paper and wood conain
 It is major constituent of cell wall of plant cells cellulose.
 The molecular mass of cellulose is nearly 50,000  The explosives like gun powder, medicines,
- 5,00,000u. pains, are manufactured using cellulose nitrate.
 Cellulose acetate is used in the manufacture of
 It contains 300 to 2500  -D-glucose units .
 Cellulose is a straight chain polysaccharide of  Glycogen is produced from glucose which is
 - D- glycosidic linkage. absorbed from the intestine into the blood,
  -D-glucose units in cellulose are joined by  - transported to liver, muscles etc. and is
polymerised enzymatically. Similarly when the
glycosidic linkage between C1 of one glucose body needs glucose, the enzymes breakdown
glycogen to glucose.
unit and C4 of next glucose unit.
W.E-1: A disaccharide ‘X’ on hydrolysis gives two
C4  epimeric monosaccharides ‘Y’ and ‘Z’.
Then what is ‘X’?
Sol. Glucose and galactose are C4  epimers.
X = Lactose. It undergoes hydrolysis to give
glucose (Y) and galactose (Z).

W.E-2:Though fructose is a keto hexose, it is a  Though there are more than 700 different amino
reducing sugar why? acids that occur naturally, only 20 of them are
Sol. In aqueous basic solution like Fehling’s solution important.
or Tollen’s reagent, fructose undergoes Lobry  When proteins are hydrolysed only   amino
de Bruyn van Ekenstein rearrangement and acids are obtained.
forms a mixture of D-glucose, D-mannose and  The general formula of  -amino acids is
D-fructose. Hence it acts as reducing sugar. R – CH – COOH
W.E-3: There are three disaccharides A, B and C.
The hydrolysis products of ‘A’ are functional
Examples of   amino acids are:
isomers and of ‘B’ are epimers. But the
hydrolysis products of ‘C’ are neither epimers H H
nor functional isomers. Then what are A,B and C C
Sol. Disaccharide ‘A’ is sucrose. It gives glucose and NH2 NH2
fructose upon hydrolysis. Disaccharide ‘B’ is Glycine Alanine
Lactose. It gives glucose and galactose upon
hydrolysis. ‘C ‘ is maltose. It gives two glucose Examples of   amino acids are:
molecules upon hydrolysis.  
W.E-4: Mutarotation is observed maltose and H2N CH2 CH2 COOH
lactose. Why?  -amino propionic acid
Sol. All reducing sugars exhibit mutarotation. Being
maltose and lactose reducing sugar, they exhibit CH3
W.E-5: The specific rotation of two glucose  
 -amino butyric acid
anomers are   1100 and   19.20 for the
Examples for  -amino acids are
constant equilibrium mixture is 52.7 0 .
Calculate the percentage composition of the   
anomers in the equilibrium mixture. H2N CH2 CH2 CH2 COOH
Sol. Let a and b are mole fractions of the  and   -amino butyric acid
anomers in the equilibrium mixture.
Thus a  b  1 CH3

110a  19.2b  52.7 H2 N CH CH2 CH2 COOH

  
a b 1  -amino pentanoic acid
On solving a  0.36, b  0.64 ;  %  36%,  %  64% Out of numerous amino acids,   amino acids
contain primary amino group except proline
Amino acids and Proteins: Amino acids
which contains secondary amino group.
are organic compounds containing both amino
group (-NH2) and carboxylic acid (-COOH) i.e. COOH
they are bi functional.
Classification of Amino acids:Depending on
the location of the amino group on carbon chain,
that contains the carboxylic acid functional
group, amino acids are classified as  ,  ,  and CH2
 etc.

II. Based on the relative number of NH 2 Amino acids with polar but neutral
and COOH groups. side chain are
 The amino acids containing equal number of Amino Acids
Characteristic of General
side chain symbol
 NH 2 and COOH are called neutral amino CH2
acids. 1.Tyrptophan Trp W
ex: Glycine
 If amino groups are more it is basic H
2.Serine CH2OH Ser S
ex: Lysine, Arginine
 If carboxylic groups are more it is acidic in 3.Threonine CH2OH CH3 Thr T

nature. O
4.Glutamine Gln Q
ex: Asparticacid, Glutamic acid. CH2CH2C NH2
III. Based on the source 5.Aspargine Asn N
 The amino acids, which can not be synthesized,
6.Cysteine CH2SH Cys C
in the body but can only be supplied to the body.
through diet, are called “essential amino 7.Methionine CH2 CH2 SCH3 Met M
acids”. 8.Tyrosine CH2 C6H5 OH(Para) Tyr Y
They are valine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Arginine,
Lysine, Threonine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Amino acids with basic side chain are
Tyrptophan and Histidine. One
 The amino acids, which are synthesized in the Characteristic of General
Amino Acids symbol letter
side chain
body, are known as “non – essential amino code
acids”. CH2

 Nearly all the naturally occurring amino acids NH

1.Histidine His H
are  -amino acids containing amino group on N
the -carbon bonded to the carboxylic group. H
 NOMENCLATURE: Amino acids are known
(CH2)2 NH C NH
by their common names and abbreviated by first 2.Arginine Arg R
three letters or one letter symbol of their
common names. 3.Lysine (CH2)4 NH2 Lys K
Amino acids with non polar side chain
are Amino acids with acidic side chain are
One One
Amino Acids Characteristic of General Characteristic of General
symbol letter Amino Acids letter
side chain side chain symbol
code code
1.Glycine H Gly G
-CH 2. Glautamic CH  CH COOH Glu
2.Alanine 3 Ala A 2 2 E
3.Valine -CH(CH3)2 Val V
4.Leucine -CH -CH(CH ) Leu L 3. Aspartic
2 3 2
-CH-CH2-CH3 acid
5.Iso Leucine Ile I
Physical Properties of   amino acids
6.Phenylalanine -CH2-C6H5 Phe F  The simplest amino acid is glycine. Its IUPAC
COOH name is “2-amino ethanoic acid”.
 They are generally colourless crystalline
Pro P solids.
 These are water soluble, high melting solids and
CH2 behave like salts rather than carboxylic acids or
simple amines.
 Except glycine, all other naturally occurring   At iso electric point, amino acids have least
amino acids are optically act ive due to solubility. So it is used in the separation of
asymmetry at  – Carbon. different amino acids obt ained from the
 Most of the naturally occurring amino acids are hydrolysis of proteins.
with L –Configuration
Peptide bond: The amide bond formed
 They are highly polar and in aqueous solution between the amino group of one amino acid and
they form zwitter ions. the carboxylic group of another amino acid by
H2O + - the loss of water is called a peptide bond.
NH2  CH  COOH  H  NH  CH  COOH 
R R | |
(zwitter ion) R R

d) In acidic solution, they form +ve ion and in O H

|| |
basic solution they form –ve ion. H2N  CH  C  NH  C  COOH
| Amide bond
+ (Peptide bond) |
H + R R
H3N CH COOH(Cation)
+ -  The product obtained from two amino acid
H3N CH COO R molecule through peptide bond is called
OH -
R H2N CH COO (Anion)
 Based on number of amino acid molecule in
peptide they are called tri, tetra and polypeptides.
e) At a particular PH, the dipolar ion acts as
neutral ion (iso electric point)  No of peptide linkages =
 H
At a particular P , the dipolar ion of amino acid [(no of aminoacid residues) -1]
(zwitterion) acts as neutral ion and does not  Shorter peptides (2 - 20 amino acids) are called
migrate to cathode ‘or’ anode in electric field. oligopeptides, longer peptides (more than 20
This pH is known as iso electric point of the amino acids) are polypeptides.
amino acid”  Proteins are polypeptides containing many
The isoelectric point of neutral amino acid is amino acids molecular mass is more than
PK a1  PK a2 10,000. (Polypeptides contains more than 100
calclated by PI  amino acids)
 Polypeptides are amphoteric.
All amino acids do not have same isoelectric
point. Ex: Silk, hair, skin, enzymes, hormone etc
An amino acid having more COOH groups will  In a polypeptide structure free amino group
(NH2) i.e. N- terminal residue is written on the
have PI  7 .
left hand side and the free carboxyl group on
An amino acid having more NH 2 groups will the right hand side of the chain.
have PI  7 . O O
|| ||

+ H 2 N  C H  C  NH  CH 2  C  NH  C H  COOH
H3N CH COO | |

Ex: alanine CH 3 CH 3
CH3 alanine glycine alanine
COOH p  2.34 The above structure has the name
NH 3 p K a  9.69
In the above structure -COOH group is C- terminal
2.34  9.69 residue and  NH 2 group is N-terminal residue.
then PI   6.02
2 Most of the toxins in animal and plant venoms
 The iso electric point depends on different are proteins. A dipeptide called aspartame being
groups present in the molecule of the amino acid. 100 times sweeter to sucrose is used as substitute
 In neutral amino acids the PH range is 5.5 to 6.3 for sugar.
Primary structures: For a given polypeptide,
amino acids are linked with each other in a
| |
specific sequence. This is considered as primary
H 2 N  CH  CO  NH  CH  COOCH 3
structure of that poly peptide.
Aspartame  Any change in this sequence produces a different
(aspartyl phenylalanine methyl ester)
 The number of peptides possible for using
 Primary structure indicates the location of
different amino acids  n m . disulphide bridges if present.
Here n is the no.of amino acids, m is 2 for
dipeptide, 3 for tri peptide, 4 for tetra peptide, NH2 NH2 NH2 COOH
etc. CH R R CH
Ex: The number of tripeptides possible with three N H N H N H O C
amino acids is 33  27 . H
Ex: If there are 100 aminoacid units in a small CH R CH R CH R R CH
protein, the given 20 different amino acid units O
can combine at one time in (20)100 different R CH R CH
ways. N
Proteins: Proteins are the most abundant O
biomolecules of the living system. Main sources R CH R CH
are milk, fish,, meat, peanuts, cheese, pulses etc.. Parallel  Pleated Sheet Anti Parallel  Pleated Sheet
 Proteins are occur in every part of the body and
form the fundamental basis of structure and
functions of life.
 Proteins are required for growth and
maintenance of body.
 Proteins are biopolymers having a large number
of amino acids bonded to each other by Peptide
bonds and disulphide bonds and have three
dimensional structures.
 Generally Proteins can be classified into two
types on the basis of their molecular shape
1. Fibrous proteins: In this proteins polyeptide
chains run paralally and are held together by
disulphide and H  bonds produce fibre like
structure. These are insoluble in water Secondary structure: The secondary
Ex:- Keratin ( present in Skin, Hair, Silk, Tissues structure of protein explains the shape of
etc..), myosin ( present in muscles). polypeptide change.
2. Globular proteins: In this proteins  Two different secondary structure of protiens are
polypeptide chains coil around give spherical   helix and   pleated sheet structure.
shape. These are soluble in water (i) -helix :This structure is formed when the
Ex:- Insulin, albumin and haemoglobin. chain of -amino acids coils as a right handed
screw (called -helix) because of the formation
Structure of Proteins: Based on structure of hydrogen bonds between amide groups of
and shape proteins are studied into four different the same peptide chain, i.e., NH group in one
levels unit is linked to carbonyl oxygen of the third
1. Primary 2. Secondary unit by hydrogen bonding.
3. Tertiary and 4.Quarternary structures
 This hydrogen bonding between different units Quarternary structure: Proteins that have
is responsible for holding helix in a position. more than one peptide chain are known as
 The side chains of these units project outward oligomers. The individual chains are called
from the coiled backbone. Such proteins are subunits.
elastic, i.e., they can be stretched. The subunits are held together by hydrogen
 On stretching weak hydrogen bonds break up bonding, electrostatic attractions, hydrophobic
and the peptide chain acts like a spring. The interactions etc.Quarter-nary structure explains
hydrogen bonds are reformed on releasing the the way the sub units are arranged in space.
tension. Wool and hair have -helix structure. i.e. Proteins have four levels of structure
 In each turn of helix, 3.6 amino acid residues
are present on an average. A 13 membered
Denaturation of proteins: The process
which changes the physical and biological
chelate ring is formed due to intermolecular
properties of a protein is called denaturation.
hydrogen bonding.
The denaturation is caused by changes in PH,
(ii)  -pleated sheet : temperature, presence of some salts or certain
 A different type of secondary structure is chemical agents.
possible when polypeptide chains are arranged  Denaturation is carried out by
side by side. a) Change in pH, which breaks down hydrogen
 The chains are held together by a very large bonds and electrostatic attractions.
number of hydrogen bonds between C = O and b) Adding reagents like urea that form stronger
NH of different chains. Thus, the chains are hydrogen bonds with protein groups.
bonded together forming a sheet. c) Adding detergents like sodium dodecyl sulphate
 These sheets can slide over each other to form a (or) organic solvents which associate with non
three dimensional structure called a beta pleated polar groups of protein and interface with
sheet. Silk has a beta pleated structure. hydrophobic interactions.
 Globular proteins possess tertiary structure. In d) Heating or agitation which causes disruption of
general globular proteins are very tightly folded attractive forces.
into a compact spherical form.  Denaturation can be carried out without
Tertiary structure: It indicates the three effecting the primary structure of protein
dimensional arrangement of all the atoms in the Denaturation may be reversible or irreversible.
protein. Ex:1 The coagulation of egg white on boiling
 The tertiary structure is understood from it’s is an irreversible denaturation.
primary structure and further folding of Renaturation is the reverse of denaturation.
secondary structure in fibrous and globular Ex:2 Curdling of milk which is caused due to
shapes. the formation of lactic acid by bacteria present
 The forces that stabilise secondary and tertiary in milk .
structures are H-bonds, disulphide linkages,  Reverse process of denaturation is called
vander Waals forces and electrostatic forces of renaturation which is possibl in DNA.
attraction. Enzymes: Enzymes are biological catalyst
Polypeptide backbone produced by living cells which catalyze the
biochemical reactions.
O  Life is possible due to the co-ordination of
Ionic bond
CH2 various chemical reactions in living organisms
Hydrogen H
bond   Digestion of food, absorption of appropriate
C NH2 molecules and ultimately production of energy
linkage CH2 etc sequence of reactions occur slowly in the
CH S body under very mild conditions. These occurs
with the help of certain biocatalysts are called
interactions enzymes
 The mechanisim of an enzymes as catalyst will 7. Carbonic H 2 CO3  H 2 O  CO 2
be. E  S  ES  EI  EP  E  P Here anhydrase
E = enzyme, S = substrate,ES = complex, 8. Nuclease DNA, RNA  Nucleotides
EI = intermediate, P = product. 9. Lactase Lactose  Glucose + Glucose
 These are simple or globular conjugated 10.Emulsin Cellulose  n Glucose
proteins. These are highly specific. 11. RNA Ribo nucleotide triphosphates
 If once they are utilised in the reaction, they get
Polymerase  RNA
deactivated such that in the further reaction they
12. DNA Deoxy nucleotide
must be replaced by synthesis in the body.
 Enzymes are needed only in small Polymerase triphosphate  DNA
quantities.Enzymes reduce the magnitude of Some other points in proteins and
activation energy. For Example, activation aminoacids: The lack of the esssential
energy for acid hydrolysis o f sucrose is aminoacids in the diet causes diseases like
6.22 KJ / mol , while the activation energy is Kwashiorkor
only 2.15KJ / mol when hydrolysed by the  The rotation about C-N bonds is hindered and
enzyme sucrase. because of this hindered rotation, the peptide
 An enzyme contain a non-protein part called bond can show geometrical isomerism.
prosthetic group.  Biological Membranes mainly consists of
 The prosthetic group covalently bonded with phospholipids and proteins
enzyme component is called co-factor.  The phospholipids are arranged in a double layer
 The prosthetic group attached to the enzyme at with their polar heads pointing outside and non-
the time of reactions are called co-enzymes. polar tails into the interior of the membrane
Ex: 5-Deoxy adenosil group is the coenzyme to  The protein components of the membranes are
the vitamin B12 . either embeded in the bilayer or are attached to
 Almost all the enzymes are globular proteins. either side of the membrane.
 Enzymes are very specific for a particular Vitamins
reaction and for a particular substrate.
 Introduction: Vitamins are naturally occurring
They are generally named after the compound
low molecular weight carbon compounds,which
Ex: The enzyme that catalyse hydrolysis of
are essential dietary factors.
maltose into glucose is named as maltase.
These are required in minute quantities for the
C12 H 22O11   2C6 H12O6 maintenance of normal health of organisms.
Maltose Glu cose
The term “ Vitamin”: for such substances was
 Sometimes enzymes are also named after the introduced by Dr. Funk.
reactions in which they are used.
Their absence in the human body causes
Ex: the enzymes which catalyse the oxidation
deficiency diseases or disorders.
of one substrate with simultaneous reduction of
another substrate are names as oxidoreductase They participate in the production of co –
enzymes. enzymes and also in the regulat ion of
The important enzymes are: biochemical processes.
Enzymes Reaction catalysed Plants can synthesise all vitamins. Animals can
synthesise few but not all vitamins.
1. Urease Urea  CO 2  NH 3
Human body can synthesise vitamin ‘A’ from
2. Invertase Sucrose  Glucose + Fructose carotene.
3. Maltase Maltose  2 Glucose Some members of vitamin – B – complex and
4. Amylase Starch  n Glucose vitamin K are synthesized by microorganisms
5. Pepsin Proteins  Polypeptides  present in intestinal tract of human beings.
 -Amino acids Vitamins are widely distributed in nature in
6.Trypsin Polypeptides   -Amino acids
plants and animals. All cells in the body can store Functions in bio systems: Vitamins in low
vitamins to some extent. concentrations catalyse biological reactions.
Vitamins have varied chemical structures.  The daily dose of vitamins for an individual
Vitamins are designated by English alphabets depends on his or her age, size and rate of
A, B, C, D, E, K. metabolism.
Excess or low levels of vitamins cause different  Youngesters need higher quantities than elders.
diseases.  The need of vitamins for younger, growing
Classification:Vitamins are classified into two children and pregnant women is higher.
broad groups. These are  A lack of one or more vitamins leads to
(a) Fat soluble vitamins characteristic deficiency symptoms.
(b). Water – soluble vitamins  Mulitple deficiencies caused by deficency of
Fat soluble vitamins: Vitamins A,D,E and K multiple vitamins are also common.
are fat soluble. Liver cells are rich in fat soluble  The condition of vitamin deficency is known as
vitamins (Vitamins A& D) avitaminosis.
Water soluble vitamins: Vitamins C and B-  The sources, structures, physiological
complex are water soluble. These are present funtions and deficency diseases of vitamins are
in much smaller amounts in cells. presented in the table.

Fat Soluble Vitamins Table

Structure and Deficiency Diseases
Vitamin Sources Functions
Milk, butter, Essential for synthesis of
( an alcohol contains Night blindness,
kidney, egg, yolk, visual pigments, growth
A ionone ring and xerophthalmia,
liver, fish oil, rice and division of epithelial
(Retinol) hydro carbon chain) degeneration of
polishing papaya, cells, strength of bones,
C20H30O lacrymal
carrot healthy skin
(a sterol)
Synthesised in
(Four rings and a Regulates absorption of
skin cells in sun Rickets in children
D side chain) calcium and phosphorus
light butter, liver, and osteomalacea in
(Calciferol or three rings are 6- in intestine, mineral
egg, fish oil and adults, brittle ness of
Ergocalciferol) carbon rings and one deposition in bones and
milk bones
ring is cyclopentane teeth
(Sunshine vitamin)
Normal muscle
,, - Trimethyl
E functioning, essential
tocopherol (an Green leafy
(Tocopherol for proper Muscular dystropy
unsatuated alcohol, vegetables, oils,
derivative) spermatogenesis, sterility, necrosis of
chromone ring with wheat, animal
Anti sterility pregnancy, sythesis of heart muscle
3-methyl rings) tissue
Vitamin coenzyme-Q,stores
glycogen in muscle
Green leafy
K vegetables,
(Anti (a naphthaquinone synthesized Essential for blood Excessive bleeding in
Haemorrhagic derivative) bycolon bacteria, clotting (co-agulation of injury, poor
vitamin or C31H46O2 cow milk, blood) coagulation of blood
Phylloquinone) cabbage, liver
and intestinal

Vitamin Structure and Formula Sources Functions Deficiency Diseases

Healthy nervous system,
major component of
Contains pyridine & thiazole Cereals, outer grain coenzyme cocarboxylase,
B1 molecules (dimethyl amino required for carbohydrate Beri- Beri, weak
layers, yeast, milk,
(Thiamine) pyridine) aminoacid metabolism heart beat
C12H18N4SOCl2 green vegetables
pyrophosphates activates
Yeast, vegetables, Combines with H3PO4to form Cheilosis, skin diseases,
B2 (Flavin derivative)
milk, egg, white, FAD, FMN, essential for dark red tongue,
(Riboflavin) C17H20N4O6
liver, kidney. oxidative metabolism swelling around mouth
Dermitatis (Skin
Important component diseases) burning
B3 (a dipeptide)
C9H17O5N All food stuffs of co-enzyme-A required sensation of feet, graying
(Pentothenic acid)
for exidative metabolism of hair, feeling
lot of stress
Active group in coenzyme
(Nicotinic acid or (Nicotinamide or Meat, yeast, milk,
NADP, DPN, required for Pellegra, diarrhea,
niacin pyridine derivative) green leafy
C5H4N COOH oxidative metabolism, dermitatis, dementia
Pellegrapreventing vegetables
Essential for growth
Important coenzyme in
Cereals, grains , Chronic anaemia,
B6 (pyridoxyl phosphate) proteins and amino acid
yeast, egg yolk, dermatitis, convulsions,
(Pyridoxine) C3H11O3N metabolism, synthesis of fats
meat vomiting
from carbohydrates
Heterocyclic S-contraining
B7 Essential for fat synthesis and Skin diseases
monicaboxlic acid. It is Yeast, liver, kidney,
(Biotin or energy production, synthesis (determitasis, increases
called co-enzyme R milk
vitamin-H) of lipids in blood cholesterol)
Contains glutamic acid,
p-amino benzoic acid Essential co-enzyme for Growth retardation,
B9 Spinach leaf,
and pterin synthesis of DNA formation anaemia, gastrointestinal
(Folic acid) intestinal bacteria
C19H19N7O6 of RBC disorders
Pteroglutamtic acid
Permicious anaemia (RBC
(resembles heme. CO+3 is Synthesis of DNA, RNA and
deficlent in haemoglobin,
B12 essential situated in Liver of ox, pig, fats from carbo – hydrates,
Cyanocobalamine corrin ring) fish, egg and curd metabolism of nervous tissues
degradation of vervous
C63H33O14N14PC0 of nervous system
B-Complex is a mixture of B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B7,B9, and B12

Essential for formation of Scurvy (bleeding gums),

(acid resembles glucose Green leafy
C collagen, bone, teeth, break down of immunity
glucose) vegetables,
(Ascorbic acid) maintenance of redox defence system, bleeding
C6H8O6 citrus acid fruits
potentials, antioxidant delay in wound healing
Some other points in vitamins: Vitamin Nitrogenous bases:These are heterocyclic
D is also called sunshine vitamin. Since it is organic compound having two or more nitrogen
obtained by sunlight irradiation of ergosterol atoms in ring skeleton. These are called bases
present in oils and fats because the lone pairs of electrons on the
 Vitamin B1 is a derivitive of pyrimidine as well nitrogen atoms make them as Lewis bases.
as such it contains both N and S Their structures are given below
 Vitamin B12 contains both N and P  Pyrimidines and purines are nitrogen containing
 Provitamins are the biologically inactive hetrocyclic bases
compounds which can be easily converted into  Pyrimidine bases are
biologically active vitamins a) Thymine (T): 2,4-dioxo 5-aminopyrimidine
  -carotene is provitamin A (C5N2H6O2 )
Nucleic acids: Nucleic acids are biologically O

significant polymers of nucleo tides with CH3

polyphosphate Ester chain . HN
 These are present in all living cells .
 They direct the synthesis of proteins and are Thymine (T) N
responsible fo r the t ransfer of genet ic O H
information i.e hereditary .
 Nucleoproteins are formed by combining b) Cytosine ( C): 2-oxo 4-aminopyrimidine
proteins with nucleic acids . (C4N3H5O )
Nucleoproteins = protein + Nucleic acid NH2
 Proteins have polyamide chains. CH3
 The repeating units of nucleic acids are called N
nucleotides .
 Types of Nucleic acids are Cytosine (C)
a) Ribonucleic acid ( RNA ) O H
b) Deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA )
c) Uracil ( U ): 2, 4 - di oxo pyrimidine
Chemical Composition of Nucleic (C4N2H4O2 )
acids Hydrolysis O

 DNA   Deoxyribose sugar +


phosphoric acid + purine / pyrimidine base HN

 RNA  Hydrolysis
 ribose sugar + phosphoric acid
+ purine / pyrimidine base Uracil (U) N
The two sugars present in nucleic acids are H
ribose and deoxyribose. These are aldopentose
sugars and present in furanose form. Ribose is  Purine bases are
present in RNA and deoxy ribose is present in a) Adenine ( A): 6 - amino purine C5N5H5
DNA. Ribose and deoxyribose differ structurally NH2
in terms of one oxygen atom on carbon at
position-2. 6 7
5 5 1 5 8
CH2OH O OH CH2OH O OH Adenine (A) 2
4 1 4 1
H H H H b) Guanine ( G ): 2 - amino 6- oxo purine
C3 C2 C3 C2 (C5N5H5O)
N 1 7
Ribose Deoxyribose 6 8
 Ribose ( or ) de – oxyribose is a pentose sugar 3 5
4 9
a)  – D – ribose present in RNA Guanine (G) H2N
b)  – D – deoxyribose present in DNA H
 a) Thymine contains two oxo and one methyl  If the phosphate group is at 5 I carbon, then it
b) cytosine contains one amino and one will be adenosine - 5 I -monophosphate etc.
oxogroups  These nucleotides connected by mono , di (or)
c) Uracil contains two oxogroups
tri phosphate groups at 5 I – OH of one
d) Adinine contains one amino group
e) Guanine contains one amino and one nucleotide.
oxogroups.  a) Phosphate diester bonds which links two
 DNA contains A, G,T and C sugar rings present between 3 I and 5 I carbons.
 RNA contains A , G, U and C b)  - Glycoside bond which links Sugar and
 Thymine is not present in RNA.
base .
Phosphoric acid, H3PO4 : Phosphoric acid  a) A nucleotide contains two nucleotide sub-
forms esters to –OH groups of the sugars to bind
units called “dinucleotide”.
nucleotide segments together.
b) A nucleotide contains 3 – 10 subunits is called
Nucleosides: N- Glycosides are called “Oligonucleotide”
Nucleosides c) A nucleotide containing many subunits is
 Nucleoside = Base + pentose sugar called “Polynucleotide”
 The bond present between sugar and base is  DNA and RNA are Polynucleotides .
called N – Glycoside bond.  A nucleic acid chain is abbreviated by one letter
 This bond is formed between first numbered code with 5’ end of the chain .
nitrogen of pyrimidine and first carbon of sugar
. Structure of DNA: The double helix
 This bond is formed between ninth numbered structure of DNA was proposed by Waston and
nitrogen of purine and first carbon of sugar. Crick .
 These are called as adenosine, guanosine ,  They were based on X- ray diffraction studies.
cytidine , thymidine and uridine, when they  It explains base equivalance and duplication of
contain adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine and DNA
uracil respectively.  All species contains
Nucleotides a) A = T b) C  G
Nucleotide = Base + Sugar + phosphate c) no. of purines = no. of pyrimidines (A +G ) =
A simplified version of nucleic acid chain is as
shown below
 The AT / GC ratio varies from species to species
Base Base Base Ex . a) In human being AT / GC = 1.52 / 1
b) In E. coli AT / GC = 0.93 / 1
 It is composed of two right handed helical
SugarPhosphate[SugarPhosphaten Sugar polynucleotide strands .
 The two strands are anti parallel with each other.
 Base is nothing but purine ( or ) pyrimidine
 5’ – 3’ phosphodiester linkages run in opposite
 Base bonded with sugar at 1I carbon . direction .
 Phosphate group bonded with sugar at 3 I or 5 I  The base groups are present inside and
carbons . perpendicular with the axis .
 1 to 3 phosphate groups may attach with sugar .  The two strands are held together by hydrogen
 If one phosphate group is present in adenine unit bonds due to A = T and G  C
it is called adenosine mono phosphate (AMP)  Always A pairs with T and G pairs with C only.
 Similarly if 2 and 3 phosphate groups are present  A forms two hydrogen bonds with T .
in adenine, then they are adenosine diphosphate G forms three hydrogen bonds with C
(ADP) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) A does not form Hydrogen bonds with C
respectively. G forms only one hydrogen bond with T .
 Greater the number of GC pairs greater willbe
Replication Transcription
the melting point of DNA.
 Melting point of E.Coli is less than that of DNA DNA RNA

human beings. Reverse
 The length of all hydrogen bonds are similar Transcription
 DNA strands are twisted but base pairs are planar
and parallel with each other . Protines
 Primary structure of nucleic acids explains order
of bases . Now in double stranded arrangmeent guanine
 Secondary structure gives double helix . pairs with cytosine and adenine with uracil.
 The stability of helix is due to Since RNA molecule is a single strand
1. Hydrogen bond between A = T and G  C complementary to only one of the two strands
2. Hydrophobic interactions between bases. of a gene.
 The diameter of double helix is 2 nm.  Its guanine content does not necessarly equal to
 The length of one complete turn ( 3600 ) is 3.4 its cytocine contents, nor does its adenine
nm. contents to its uracil content.
 The DNA rotates at both sides i.e right hand side
 Therefore, when RNA is hydrolysed there is no
or left hand side.
relationship among the quantities of different
 The right hand helices is more stable and is
bases obtained.
called  – conformation .
 At melting temperature, DNA separates into two  RNA molecules are of three types and they
strands, called as melting. perform different functions. They are named as
 When the melted DNA is cooled, the strands (i) messenger RNA (m-RNA), Linear in
hybridise. This is called Annealing. structure
 In the secondary structure of RNA , helices are (ii) ribosomal RNA (r-RNA), Single Helix
present but only single stranded. structure and
 Some times they fold back on themselves like a
(iii) transfer RNA (t-RNA), Clover leaf
hairpin thus acquiring double helix structure
posessing double stranded characteristics.
 The blue print of DNA is called m RNA .

W.E-6: In E, coli DNA, AT/GC ratio is 0.93. If the



number of moles of adenine in the DNA sample


is 65,000, then how many moles of guanine



Sol. Since the number of moles of adenine (A) must


be equal to that of thymine (T),

therefore, A + T = 930000.


Further since  0.93

G C

Therefore G  C   1000, 000

Further since the number of moles of C =


mumber of moles of G.
Hairpin structure of RNA  Number of moles of guanine (G) = 500,000
DNA Finger Printing: Each human has Hormones: Hormones are molecules that act
unique finger prints at the tips of fingers, useful as inter cellar mesengers
to identify that human.  Hormones are produces by endocrine glands in
 They may be altered due to some surgery the body and are released directly into blood
 Now a days a new technique known as DNA stream which transports them to the site of
Printing is introduced to identify humans. action
 DNA finger printing is based on the facts that a  In terms of chemical nature, some of these are
sequence of bases on DNA is unique for a steroids, like estrogens and androgens. Some are
person. poly peptides like insulin and endorphins and
 It is the same in each and every cell and can not some others are amino acid derivatives such as
be altered by any known means epinephrine and norepinephrine.
 DNA finger printing is used for  Hormones have several functions in the body,
a) Identify the criminals by forensic Labs. they help to maintain the balance of biological
b) Determining the paternity of individual. acitivities in the body.
c) Identifiying the dead bodies by comparing
their DNA with their parents or children DNAs Harmones

d) Identifying racial groups to rewrite biological

evolution. Steroidal
Hydrogen Bonded Base Pairs
Sex Cortico Peptide Amino acid
Harmones Steroids Harmones Harmones

Function of Hormones
1. Steroid hormones
a) sex hormones: These are of 3 types
i) The male sex hormones(androgens)
ii) The female sex hormones(Estrogens)
iii) The pregnancy hormones (Progestines)
Testosterone is the principal male sex hormone
production by testis .This is responsible for the
develo pment of male secondary sexual
characteristics such as deep voice ,facial hari ,
sturdy physical nature.
ii) Estradiol is the main femal sex hormone it is
responsible for the development of secondary
female sex characteristics .These are breast
development ,shril voice andlong hair .This also
takes part in the control of menstrual cycle .
iii) Progesterone is useful for preparing the
Biological Functions of Nucleic Acids uterus for the inplantation of the fertilized
 DNA is the chemical basis of heredity and may egg.These are also useful as birth control agents
be regarded as the reverse of genet ic b) Cortico steroids (adrenal cortical
informaiton. hormones): These are of 2 types
 DNA is exclusively responsible for maintaining i) Mineralo corticoids and ii) Gluco corticoids
the identify of different species of organisms i) Mineralo corticoids : These are production
over millions of years. by different cells in the adrenal cortex .These
 A DNA molecule is capable of self duplication are useful for water-salt balance in the body.
during cell division and identical DNA strands These control the NaCl content of the blood
are transferred to daughter cells. (lack of this function cause Addison’s diseases)
ii) Gluco corticoids: These are made by adrenal  Low level of thyroxine leads to hypothyroidism,
cortex .Thes are useful to modify certain which is characterised by lethargyness and
metabolic reaction Glucocorticoids contral the Obesity
carbohydrate metabolism and modulat  Increased level of thyroxin cause
inflammatory reaction etc hyperthyroidism
2. Non -Steroid Hormones:  Low level of Iodine in the diet may lead to
These are mainly of 2 types hypothyroidism and enlargfement of the thyroid
a) Peptide hormones and gland It is controlled by adding NaI to common
b) Amino acid derivative hormones salt.
a) Peptide hormones: the most important Hormone Source Chemical function
amogst these is insulin .It has great influence nature
1 Testosterone Testis Steroid Contrals normal fnction of
on carbohydrate metabolism. male sex organs
It is responsible for the entry of glucose and other
Estrone and Controls normal function of
sugars into the living cells .This helps in the 2 Estradiol Ovary Steroid
female sex orgens
decrease of glucose in the blood .This is
Prepare u terus for prefnanas
commonly called hypoglycemic factor 3 Progesterone Ovary Steroid
controls menstural cycle
Insulin decrease t he level of glucose in Peptide
4 Insulin pancreas Decrases glucose level in blood
bloodGlucagon Increase the level of glucose in
bloodThe two Hormones together regulate the 5 Thyroxin Thyroid Aminacid Stimulates Metabolism
glucose level in the blood.
Insulin is isolated from islets tissue of pancreas.
Insulin Structure: C.U.Q
i) Insulin is a dipeptide consisting of two peptide
chains bound by three S-S bonds. CARBOHYDRATES
ii) One chain contained 21 amino acids and the 1. Which of the following carbohydrates is not
other chain contained 30 amino acids. monosaccharide?
iii) Sulphur bridges connect 7th & 19th cysteine 1)Glucose 2)Fructose 3)Galactose 4)Sucrose
amino acids between the two chains. 2. Which of the following is a polysaccharide?
iv) In the shorter chain the S-S bridge is in between 1)Cellulose 2)Sucrose 3)Galactose 4)Maltose
6th and 11th cysteine amino acis. 3. The carbohydrates are classified on the basis
GLY ASN 30 THR I. Sugars and Non sugars
TYR LYS II. Reducing character
III.Optical activity IV. Hydrolysis
10 S
TYR The correct statements is / are
CYS 10
1) I and II only 2)II and III only
3)I, II and IV only 4)All
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
4. A dextro rotatory sugar present in fruits is
1) Glucose 2) Fructose 3) Cellulose 4) Starch
y e I u s s r r e s r u r n u u n r s n
5. A useful derivative employed in the
S S identification of reducing sugar is
P V A G H L C G S H L V G A L T L V C G G A G P P T T R L T 1) Oxime 2) Phenylhydrazone
h a s I I e y I e I e a I I e y e a y I I r I h h y h r y h
e I n n s u s y r s u I u a u r u I s y u g y e e r r o s r 3) Osazone 4) Osone
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
6. If monosaccharide contains an aldehyde
 Epinephrine and norepinephrine mediate group, it is known as
responses to external stimuli. 1) Ketose 2) Aldose 3) Epimer 4) Osazone
b) Amino acid derivative hormones: 7. Glucose and fructose are
Theyroxin production in the thyoid gland is an 1) Optical isomers 2) Tautomers
iodinated derivative of amino acid tyrosine. 3) Functional isomers 4) Chain isomers
8. Which carbohydrate is used in silvering of 23. For the formation of glucasozone how many
mirrors ? phenyl hydrazine molecules react with
1) Cellulose 2) Glucose 3) Sucrose 4) Starch glucose
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
9. The function of glucose is to AMINO ACIDS AND PROTEINS
1) promote growth 2) prevent diseases 24. The building unit of all proteins is
3) provide energy 4)perform all the above 1) monosaccharides 2) lipids
10. Glucose is not 3) amino acids 4) primary amines
1) dextrose 2) Grape sugar 25. Essential amino acid among the following is
3) Aldohexose 4) Ketohexose 1) Glycine 2) Tryptophan 3) Alanine 4) Proline
11. Glucose reacts with 26. The amino acids which cannot be synthsised
1) NaHSO3 2) NH3 in the body but must be supplied through diet
3) Schiff’s reagent 4) NH2OH are:
12. Glucose is also known as 1) Essential amino acids
1) Invert sugar 2) Cane sugar 2) Non-essential amino acids
3) Grape sugar 4) Fruit sugar 3) Amino acids 4) Acidic amino acids
13. For the reduction of glucose to n-hexane, the 27. The basic amino acids are
reagent used is 1. Lysine, arginine 2. Alanine, glutamic acid
1) HBr 2) HCl 3)HF 4)HI 3. Proline, valine 4. Alanine, cystein
14. The letter ‘D’ in carbohydrates signifies 28. The acidic amino acid is:
1) dextro rotatory 2) mode of synthesis 1. Aspartic acid 2. lysine 3. Serine 4. Tyrosine
3) its configuration 4) its diamagnetic nature 29. The protein which controls the amount of
sugar in the blood is:
OLIGO SACCHARIDES 1. Hemoglobin 2. Oxytoxin
15. Which of the following is not a disaccharide? 3. Insulin 4. Ptyalin
1) Cane sugar 2) Raffinose 30. Which of the following contains nitrogen?
3) Lactose 4) Maltose 1. Fats 2. Proteins
16. Maltose is made up of 3. Carbohydrates 4. All the above
1)  -D-Glucose 2)  and  glucose 31. Which of the following is simple protein
3) Glucose and Fructose 4) Fructose only 1. Albumin 2. Globulin 3. Glutinin 4. All
17. Which of the following is a non-reducing 32. Proteins are polymers of amino acids, which
sugar of the following is not a protein
1) Glucose 2) Sucrose 3) Fructose 4) Lactose 1. Wool 2. Nails 3. Hair 4. DNA
18. Lactose on hydrolysis produces a mixture of 33. Cheese is a
1) Glucose only 1) Globular protein 2) Conjugated protein
2) Glucose and Fructose 3) Denatured protein 4) derived protein
3) Glucose and Galactose 34. Which of the following is not an amino acid?
4) Fructose and Galactose 1. Glycine 2. Alanine
19. Hydrolysis of sucrose is called 3. Histidine 4. Benzidine
1)Mutarotation 2)Saphonification 35. Enzymes in the living systems
3)Inversion 4)de esterification 1. provide energy 2. provide immunity
20. “Invert sugar” is 3. transport oxygen
1)Laevo rotatory 2)Dextro rotatory 4. catalyse biological reactions
3)Optically inactive 4)Recimic mixture 36. Enzymes are
21. Raffinose on hydrolysis does not give 1) Carbohydrates 2) Nucleic acids
1) Glucose 2) Ribose 3) Fructose 4) Galactose 3) Globular proteins 4) Fibrous proteins
22. Which disaccharide, is present in milk? 37. Proteins are
1) Maltose 2) Galactose 3) Sucrose 4) Lactose 1) Polyamides 2) Polyesters
3) Polyhydric alcohols 4) Polycarboxylic acids
38. Protein synthesis in living cells is also called, 52. Deficiency of vitamin A leads to a disease
1. Transcription 2. Translation known as
3. Replication 4. Duplication 1. Scurvy 2. Night blindness
39. Proteins are condensation polymers of 3. Beriberi 4. Rickets
1)   Amino acids 2)   Amino acids 53. Vitamin A is known as
1. Thiamine 2. Pyridoxine
3)   Hydroxy acids 4)   Hydroxy acids
3. Retinol 4. Tocopherol
40. The pH value of a solution in which a polar 54. Citrous fruits rich in vitamin
amino acid does not migrate under the 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. K
influence of electric field is called 55. Vitamin D is also known as
1. Iso electronic point 2. Iso electric point 1.Growth vitamin 2.Sunshine vitamine
3. Neutralization point 4. All the above 3.Reproductive vitamin 4.Ascorbic acid
41. Which of the following is a fibrous protein? 56. Pyridoxine is the name given to vitamin
1) haemoglobin 2) albumin 1. B2 2. B6 3. B1 4. B12
3) keratin 4) enzymes 57. With which of the following disease is vitamin
42. Which of the following is a globular protein? K associated?
1) collagen 1. Rickets 2. Coagulating property
2) myoglobin or haemoglobin 3. Scurvy 4. Sore throat
3) myosin 4) fibroin 58. Which of the following compounds in not a
43. The destruction of the biological nature and vitamin?
activity of proteins by heat or chemical agent 1. Niacin 2. Riboflavin
is called, 3. Thiamine 4. Guanine
1. Dehydration 2. Denaturation 59. Ergocalciferol is name of vitamin
3. Denitrogenation 4. Deammination 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D
VITAMINS 60. The disease beriberi is caused by the
44. Which of the following vitamin is known as deficiency of vitamin
Nicotinic acid ? 1. A 2. K 3. B1 4. B12
1) B1 2) B2 3) B3 4) B5 61. The chemical name of vitamin C is
1 citric acid 2. acetic acid
45. Dark red tongue, fissuring at corners of 3. ascorbic acid 4. oxalic acid
mouth and lips are the symptoms of the 62. Degeneration of Lacrymal glands is due to
deficiency of which vitamin the deficiency of
1) C 2) A 3) B2 4) D 1. Vitamin A 2. Vitamin E
46. Riboflavin is vitamin 3. Vitamin D 4. Vitamin C
1. B1 2. B2 3. B12 4. B6 63. The source of Folic acid is
47. The vitamin which contains cobalt is 1. Yeast 2. Spinach leaf
1. Vitamin B6 2. Vitamin A 3. Liver of OX 4. all the above
3. Vitamin B12 4. Vitamin E 64. Ascorbic acid resemble the structure of
48. Disease scurvy is caused by the deficiency of 1) Vitamin A 2) Glucose
vitamin 3) Cellulose 4) Vitamin D
1. A 2. B6 3. C 4. D 65. Which of the following is called vitamin H?
49. Vitamin B1 is known as 1. Biotin 2. Folic acid
1. Ascorbic acid 2. Carotenoids 3. Thiamin 4. Niacin
3. Thiamine 4. Pyridoxine 66. Which of the following vitamins is present in
50. Which of the following vitamin is oil soluble? all food stuffs?
1. A 2. B6 3. B12 4. B1 1. B3 2. B12 3. C 4. A
51. Which of the following vitamin is water 67. Deficiency of Vitamin D gives
soluble? 1. Rickets 2. Night blindness
1. K 2. E 3. D 4. B1 3. Xerosis 4. loss of apetite
68. The best source of vitamin-A is 80. A difference of simple base in the DNA
1) Oranges 2) Beans molecule cause for
3) Carrots 4) Wheat 1. Change in proton sequence
69. The condition of vitamin deficiency is known 2. Change in photon Sequence
as 3. Change in Amino acid sequence
1) Vitaminosis 2) Avitaminosis 4. Change in carboxylic sequence
3) Both 1 and 2 4) Anemea 81. Change in Amino acid sequence leads to
1. mutation 2. Translation
NUCLEIC ACIDS 3. Fermentation 4. Genetic code .
70. Pyrimidine bases present in RNA are 82. Which of the following bases is present in
1. Adenine and guanine 2. Thymine and uracil DNA only ?
3. Uracil and cytosine 1. Adenine 2. Guanine 3. Uracil 4. Thymine
4. Thymine and cytosine 83. Which of the following bases is present in
71. In AMP the sequence is RNA only ?
1. Sugar - base – phosphate 1. Adenine 2. Guanine 3. Uracil 4. Thymine
84. Purine derivative among the bases is
2. Sugar –phosphate –base
1. thymine 2. uracil 3. guanine4. cytosine
3. Phosphate – sugar – base
85. The pair of bases in DNA are held together
4. Phosphate – base – sugar by
72. Which one of the following is not present in 1. Hydrogen bonds 2. Ionic bonds
RNA? 3. Phosphate groups 4. Oxygen linkages
1. Uracil 2. Thymine 3. Ribose 4. Phosphate
73. Which of the following bases is not present HORMONES
86. Which of the following substance acts as
in DNA ?
1. Thymine 2.Uracil 3. Adenine 4.Guanine
1) Vitamins 2) Enzymes
74. A nucleotide is made up of 3) Hormones 4)Carbohydrates
1. A base and sugar 87. Receptors of hormones are generally
2. A base and phosphate unit 1) Carbohydrates 2)Vitamins
3. A sugar and phosphate unit 3) Lipids 4)Protiens
4. A sugar , a base and a phosphate unit 88. Which of the following is a steroid?
75. In DNA , the complementary bases are 1)Insulin 2)Vitamins
1.Uracil and adenine : cytosine and guanine 3)Cytokinins 4)Estrogen
2.Adenine and thymine : guanine and cytosine 89. Androgens are
3.Adenine and thymine : guanine and uracil 1)Female sex hormone 2)Non steriod
4.Adenine and cytosine : thymine and guanine 3)Plant hormone 4)Male sex hormone
76. Structure of a DNA molecule is 90. Steroid hormones are produced by the
1. Linear 2. Branched a) Adrenal cortex b) Pancreas
3. Single helix 4. Double helix c) Thyroid d)Testis e) Pitutiary
1) a and d 2)a, b and c 3) c,d 4) d ,e
77. Thymine is held by two hydrogen bonds with
91. Which of the following is a derivative of
the base
amino acid?
1. Guanine 2. cytosine 3. thymine 4. adenine 1)Thyroxin 2)estradiol
78. The number of Nucleotide pairs present in 3)estrone 4)Progesterone
one turn of DNA helix 92. Which of the following hormone is
1. 10 2. 9 3. 8 4. 4 produced by testis?
79. In the nucleic acids the phosphate ions 1)Progesterone 2)Estradiol
bonded with sugar at 3)Testosterone 4)Estrone
' '
1. 5 ,3 location ' '
2. 5 , 2 location 93. Sythetic testerone promotes
1)Menstrual cycle 2) Muscle growth
3. 3' ,1' location 4. 5' ,1' location 3)Respiration 4)Birth control agents
94. Phosphorylation of glucose is increased by 14. D indicates configuration
1)Auxins 2) Insulin 15. Raffinose is trisaccharide
3)Ethylene 4)Traumatic acid 16. Maltose cantain’s  - D - Glucose
95. Estradiol is responsible for the 17. Sucrose in non - reducing sugar
development of 18. Lactose can give glucose and galactose on
1)Primary male characters hydroysis
2)Secondary female characters 19. Hydrolysis of sucrose is called inversion
3)primary female characters 20. Invert sugar is Laevo rotatery
4)Secondary male characters 21. Raffinose can give glucose, fructose, galactose
on hydrolysis
C.U.Q - KEY 22. Lactose is present in milk
1) 4 2) 1 3) 3 4) 1 5) 3 6) 2 7) 3 23. Cane sugar can give Glucose and fructose on
8) 2 9) 3 10) 4 11) 4 12) 3 13) 4 14) 3 hydrolysis
70. Pyramidin bases in RNA are uracil and cytosin
15) 2 16) 1 17) 2 18) 3 19) 3 20) 1 21) 2 71. Sequence is phosphate-sugar-base
22) 4 23) 3 24) 3 25) 2 26) 1 27) 1 28) 1 72. Thymine does not present in RNA
29) 3 30) 2 31) 4 32) 4 33) 2 34) 4 35) 4 73. Uracil does not present in DNA
36) 3 37) 1 38)2 39) 1 40) 1 41) 2 42) 3 74. Nucleot ide made up of sugar, base and
43) 2 44) 2 45) 4 46) 3 47) 2 48) 3 49) 3 75. In DNA adenine and thymine, gaunine and uracil
50) 1 51) 4 52) 2 53) 3 54) 2 55) 2 56) 2 are complementary
57) 2 58) 4 59) 4 60) 3 61) 3 62) 1 63) 2 76. DNA is double helix
77. Thymine is held with adenine
64) 2 65) 1 66) 1 67) 1 68) 3 69) 2 70) 3
78. Watson and Crick
71) 3 72) 2 73)2 74) 4 75) 2 76) 4 77) 4 79. 5’-3’ location
78) 1 79) 1 80)3 81) 1 82) 4 83) 3 84) 3 80. Change in aminoacid sequence
85) 1 86) 3 87) 4 88) 4 89) 4 90) 1 91) 1 81. Mutation
82. Thymine is present in DNA
92) 3 93) 2 94) 2 95) 2
83. Uracil is present in RNA
84. Guanine is purine
C.U.Q - HINTS 85. Bases are bonded with hydrogen bond
1. Sucrose is disaccharide
2. Cellulose is polysaccharide
3. Carbohydrates are classified on the basis of
3 types
2) Sugars and non - sugars 1. To become a carbohydrate, a compound must
3) Reducing character contain atleast.
4. Glucose is dextrorotatory 1) 2 carbons 2) 3 carbons
6. If mono saccharide contins aldehyde group it is 3) 4 carbons 4) 6 carbons
called Aldose 2. A carbohydrate which can not be hydrolysed
7. Glucose and fructose are functional isomers to simpler compounds is called
8. Glucose is used in Silvering of mirrors 1) Monosaccharide 2) Disaccharide
9.  - D - Glucose &  - D - Glucose are anomers 3) Polysaccharide 4) Oligosaccharide
3. Monosaccharides contain
10. Glucose is not ketohexose
1) Always six carbon atoms
11. Glucose reacts what NH2OH to give monoxime
2) Always five carbon atoms
12. Glucose is also known as grape sugar
3) Always four carbon atoms
13. Glucose reacts with HI to give x - Hexane
4) May contain 3 to 7 carbon atoms
4. Which of the following is an example of 16. Invert sugar is an equimolar mixture of :
Aldotetrose? 1)D-glucose and D- fructose
1) Glyceraldehyde 2) Ribose 2)D-glucose and L-fructose
3) Fructose 4) Erythrose 3)D-glucose and L-glucose
5. Which of the following monosaccharide is 4)D- fructose and L-fructose
pentose ? 17. Total number of Nitrogens present in
glucosazone molecule
1) Glucose 2) Fructose
1)4 2)2 3)6 4)8
3) Arabinose 4) Galactose 18. The major component of sugar present in
6. Which one is a disaccharide honey is:
1) Starch 2) Lactose 1)sucrose 2)glucose
3) Cellulose 4) Fructose 3)invert sugar 4)lactose.
MONOSACCHARIDES 19. Cellulose is a liner polymer of :
7. Which of the following forms osazone with 1)   D -glucose 2)   D -glucose
phenylhydrazene? 3)   D -fructose 4)   L -glucose
1) Glucose 2) Fructose 20. which of the following is the C  2 epimer of
3) Maltose 4) All the three above D-glucose?
8. To convert glucose to saccharic acid the 1)D-Galactose 2)L-Glucose
reagent used is 3)D- Fructose 4) D- Mannose
1) Bromine water 2) Fehling’s solution 21. Which of the following is a nonreducing
3) Nitric acid 4) Alkaline solution of Iodine sugar?
9. Reducing sugar can reduce 1)lactose 2)Fructose 3)cellobiose 4)sucrose
1) Aldehydes to alcohols 22. Fructose reduces Fehling’s solution due to the
2) Ferric salts to Ferrous salts presence of :
1) hydroxy group 2) aldehyde group
3) Chlorates of chlorides
3) ketone group 4)   hydroxyketone group
4) Fehling solution to cuprous oxide
23. The formation of furanose structure of
10. When glucose is reacted with bromine water, fructose involves the interaction of functional
the major product is groups present at:
1) Gluconic acid 2)Saccharic acid 1)C-1 and C-4 2)C-2 and C-6
3) Sorbitol 4)Galactose 3)C-2 and C-5 4)C-1 and C-5
11. The reagent which may be used to distinguish 24. D-glucose reacts with anhydrous methyl
cane sugar and glucose solutions is alcohal in the presence of dry HCl gas to
1) I2 solution 2)Baeyer’s reagent form :
3) Both 1 & 2 4)Fehling’s solution 1)2,3,4,5,6,-penta -O -methyl D- glucose
12. Glucose reacts with CH3OH is presence of 2)   methyl D- glucopyranoside
dry HCl gas to form 3)   methyl D- glucopyranside
1)  -methyl glucoside 2)  -methyl glucoside 4) both (2) and (3)
25. Glucose gives silver mirror with ammonical
3) Both 1 and 2 4) None of these
silver nitrate because it has:
13. Methyl  -D-glucoside is actually a
1) ester group 2) aldehyde group
1) Hemi acetal 2) Carboxylic acid
3) Acetal 4) Amine 3) ketone group 4) alcoholic AgNO3
14. Glycoside linkage is an 26. Which is the correct statement?
1) Amide linkage 2) Ether 1) starch is the polymer of  -glucose
2) Amylose is a component of cellulose
3) Ester linkage 4) None of these
3) Proteins are compounds of only one type of
15. Glucose fails to react with
amino acids
1) Phenyl hydrazine 2) NaHSO3 4) In cycilc structure of fructose ,there are five
3) Tollen’s reagent 4) Fehling solution carbons and one oxygen atom
AMINO ACIDS AND PROTEINS 40. The vitamin essential for synthesis of lipids
27. Number of peptide links in a tripeptide is
1) 3 2) 2 3) 6 4) 4 1) Pantothenic acid 2) Pyridoxine
28. Which of the following amino acids possesses 3) Retinol 4) Biotin
a non-polar side chain ? 41. Hyper glycemia is due to the deficiency of
1) isoleucine 2) serine 1) Vitamin B7 2) Vitamin C
3) cysteine 4) glutamic acid 3) Vitamin B12 4) Vitamin E
29. The amino acid which contains a hydroxy 42. Which of the following is Naphthaquinone
group in the side chain derivative?
1) cysteine 2) glutamine 1) Vitamin K 2) Vitamin D
3) serine 4) leucine 3) Vitamin A 4) Vitamin B5
30. Which of the following molecules is capable 43. The vitamin which maintain the redox
of forming zwitter ion? potentials of cells is
1. NH2CH2COOH 2. CH3COOH 1) Folic acid 2) Ascorbic acid
3. CH3CH2NH2 4. CCl3 NO2 3) Pyridoxine 4) Calciferol
31. The sequence in which the   amino acids 44. The vitamin, which plays a role in
are linked to one another in a protein transportation, of amino acids across the cell
molecule is called its membrane is
1) Primary structure 2) secondary structure 1) B1 2) B2 3) B3 4) B6
3) Tertiary structure 4) quarternary structure NUCLEIC ACIDS
32. Which of the following   amino acids does 45. Structure of mRNA is
not contain a chiral carbon ? 1) Linear 2) Branched
1) Glycine 2) Alanine 3) Singel helix 4) Double helix
3) Phenylalanine 4) valine 46. AT / GC ratio in human being is
33. A sulphur containing amino acid is 1) 0.93:1 2) 1:0.93 3) 1.52:1 4) 0.93 :1
1) Glycine 2) Cysteine 3) Alanine 4) Leucine 47. GC / AT ratio in E. coli is
34. Which of the following is optically inactive 1) 0.93:1 2) 1:0.93 3) 1:1.52 4) 1.52:1
1) Glycine 2) Lysine 48. The two strands in DNA are
3) Aspartic acid 4) Isoleucine 1) Parallel 2) Anti parallel
35. D-Alanine differs from L-Alanine with 3) Perpendicular 4) Any direction
respect to 49. In DNA one strand direction is 5’-3’ the other
1) Configuration 2) Chemical formula stand is
3) Number of -NH2 groups
4) Number of -COOH groups 1) 5'  3' 2) 5'  5' ’ 3) 3'  3' 4) 3'  5'
50. In DNA the base particulars were arranged
36. The helical structure of protien is stabilized
by: with helix is
1)dipeptide bonds 2)hydrogen bonds 1) Parallel 2) Anti parallel
3)ether bonds 4)pepetide bonds 3) Perpendicular 4) Any direction
51. The base pair in helix is
VITAMINS 1. planar and parallel
37. In all green leaves and vegetables, which of 2. Planar and anti parallel
the following vitamin is available? 3. Planar and perpendicular
1) Vitamin A 2) Vitamin D 4. Planar and planer
3) Vitamin K 4) Vitamin B12 52. No. of hydrogen bonds present between G
38. The disease pernicious anaemia is caused by and C
the deficiency of vitamin 1) 2 2) 3 3)1 4) 0
1) A 2) K 3) B1 4) B12 53. The RNA’s which take part in the
39. Nutritional muscular dystrophy is due to the synthesis of proteins
deficiency of vitamin 1) m-RNA 2) r-RNA
1) A 2) D 3) E 4) K 3) t-RNA 4) All the three above
HORMONES 65. Consider the following statements regarding
54. Which of the following Hormones helps in the methyl glucosides obtained by the
the conversion of glucose into Glycogen in reaction of D-glucose with methanol in the
the body? presence of dry HCl gas.
1) Insulin 2) Cortisone i) These are methyl ester of hemiacetal of
3)Thyroxin 4) Oxytocin glucose formed by intramolecular reaction
55. The disease diabetes mellitus is caused by ii)These are enantiomers
the deficiency of iii) These are anomers
1) Iodine 2) Insulin iv) In one of these, all the substituents are
3) Phenyl alanine Hydroxylase 4) Lysine equitorial Which of the above statements are
56. The Hormone used as an oral contraceptive
1) i & iii 2) ii & iii 3) ii, iii & iv 4) i,iii & iv
66. Assertion (A) :-All monosccharides are sweet
1) Aldosterone 2) Cortisone
in taste
3) Progesterone 4) Testosterone
Reason(R) :-All monosaccharides have the
57. The Hormone insulin is a secretion of the
general formula, C6H12O6
1) A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
1) Overy 2) Testis 2) A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A.
3) Adrenal cortex 4) Pancreas 3) A is true but R is false 4) A is false but R is true
58. The chemial messengers produced in 67. Match the following
ductless glands are List - I List - II
1) Vitamins 2) Lipids (Name of the sugar) (Hydrolysis products)
3) Antibiotics 4) Hormones A) Sucrose i) Glucose + fructose +
59. The Muscular physique of a male is due to Galactose
the influecnce of the Hormone called B) Lactose ii) Glucose + fructose
1) Testosterone 2) Estradiol C) Maltose iii) Glucose + Galactose
D) Raffinose iv) Glucose + Glucose
3) Progesterone 4) Estrone
The correct matching is
60. The Hormone that prepares the uterus for
the implantation of the embryo is
1) iii ii i iv 2) ii iii i iv
1) Estradiol 2) Progesterone 3) ii iii iv i 4) ii iv iii i
3) Insulin 4) Androgens 68. Match the following
61. The sex hormone which controls the List - I (Sugar) List - II (Type)
development and maintanance of A) Glucose i)Keto hexose
pregnancy is B) Fructose ii)Aldohexose
1) Cortisone 2) thyroxine C) Arabinose iii)Aldotetrose
3) progesterone 4) estrone D) Erythrose iv)Aldopentose
62. Which one is a female sex hormone The correct matching is
1)Estrogen 2) Estradiol A B C D A B C D
3) Progesterone 4) All of the above 1) iii ii i iv 2) ii iii i iv
63. The hormone that plays an important role 3) ii iii iv i 4) ii i iv iii
in the control of ‘menstrual cycle is the 69. Assertion (A) :-  -D-Glucose and
1) Progesterone 2) Estradiol  -D- Glucose are anomers.
3) Testosterone 4) prostaglandins Reason (R) :- These are mirror images and
64. The hormones that have ‘Anti super imposable.
inflammatory’ effect are the 1) A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.
1) Thyroxin 2) Insulin 2) A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A.
3) Gluco corticoids 4) Auxins 3) A is true but R is false 4)A is false but R is true
70. Match the following 1) A and R are true and R is correct explanation
List - I List - II of A.
A) Aldopentose i) D-Glucose and L-Glucose 2) A and R are true and R is not correct
B) Anomers ii) Ribose explanation of A.
C) Enantiomers iii)  -D-Glucose and 3) A is true but R is false
 -D-Glucose 4) A is false but R is true
D) Functional Isomers iv) Glucose and Fructose 75. Assertion (A):- Maltose is a reducing sugar.
The correct matching is Reason (R) :-Both glucose units are in pyra-
A B C D A B C D nose form.
1) ii iii i iv 2) ii iii iv i 76. Assertion (A) :- Sucrose is a reducing sugar.
Reason (R) :- In sucrose glucose unit has
3) iii ii i iv 4) ii i iii iv
pyranose form and fructose unit has furanose
71. Assertion(A):-D-Glucose is dextro rotatory
where as L-Glucose is laevo rotatory.
77. Assertion (A) :- Sucrose is reducing sugar
Reason(R):-D-Compounds are always dextro
where as maltose is non reducing sugar.
and L-Compounds are always laevo.
Reason(R) :- In disaccharides the reducing
1) A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.
property depends upon the position of
2) A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A.
linkages between the two monosaccharide
3) A is true but R is false 4)A is false but R is true
72. Assertion(A):-Glucose does not react with
78. Assertion (A) :- Sucrose on hydrolysis gives
glucose and fructose.
Reason(R):-NH3 is a Lewis acid.
Reason (R) :- The formula of sucrose is
1) A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.
2) A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A.
79. Assertion(A) :-Lactose is also known as milk
3) A is true but R is false 4) A is false but R is true
73. Match the following Reason (R):- Lactose occurs in milk.
List - I (Reactants) List - II (Products) 80. Match the following
A)Glucose +HI i)gluconic acid List - I List - II (Monomar)
B)Glucose + ii)n-hexane
A) Sucrose i)  -D-Galactose and
C)Glucose+Br2-water iii)Osazone  -D-Glucose
D)Glucose +HNO3 iv)Saccharic acid B) Cellulose ii)  -D-Glucose and
The correct matching is  -D-Fructose
A B C D A B C D C) Starch iii)  -D-Glucose
1) iii ii i iv 2) ii iii i iv D) Lactose iv)  -D-Glucose
3) i iii ii iv 4) ii iii iv i The correct matching is
74. List - I List - II A B C D A B C D
A)  and  Glucose 1) Muta rotation 1) i ii iii iv 2) ii iii iv i
B) (+) and (-)-Glucose 2) Enantiomers 3) i ii iv iii 4) iv iii i ii
C) D and L notation 3) Anomers 81. Which of the following statements is/are
D)  form open 4) Configurational incorrect?
I. Glucose is non reducing sugar
chain  form
II. Sucrose is reducing sugar
relationship III. Maltose is non reducing sugar
A B C D A B C D IV. Lactose is non reducing sugar
1) 2 3 4 1 2) 2 3 1 4 1) I and II only 2) I and III only
3) 3 2 4 1 4) 3 2 1 4 3) I and IV only 4) All
82. Which of the following statements is/are 88. Which of the following statements is/are
correct? correct?
I. The formula of cellulose is (C6H10O5)n I. Glucose is present in grapes and honey
II. The formula of sucrose, maltose and II. Sucrose is widely present in the plants
lactose is C12H22O11 III.Lactose occurs in milk
III.The formula of Glucose, Fructose and 1) only I and II 2) only II and III
3) only I and III 4) All
Ribose is C6H12O6
89. Which of the following statment is not
IV.The formula of Fructose of C6H12O6
1) All 2) I, II and IV 1) amino acid can exist as inner salt
3) II, III and IV 4) I, III and IV 2) each polypeptide has one C- terminal and
83. Consider the statements other N-terminal
I. The  D of sucrose is +66.50 3) enzymes are naturally occuring simple
II. The  D of  -D-Glucose is +52.5
 0
4) the union of two amino acids produces
two peptide linkages
III.The  D of  -D-Fructose is +92.40 90. Choose the correct statement from the
The correct statements is/are following
1) I, II and III 2) only I 1) All amino acids have common isoelectric point
3) only III 4) I and III 2) All naturally occuring -amino acids are optically
active except glycine
84. Consider the statements 3)At pH= 0 all amino acids are present as their anions
I. D-Glucose is dextro rotatory 4) In strongly basic solutions, all amino acids are
II. D-Fructose is laevo rotatory present as their cations
III.Sucrose is dextro rotatory 91. Which statement is incorrect about peptide
The correct statements is/are bond?
1) I, II and III 2)I and II only 1. C – N bond length in proteins is longer than
3) II and III only 4)I and II only usual bond length of C – N bond
85. Consider the statements 2. Spectroscopic analysis shows planar structure
I. Maltose is also known as malt sugar of –CO – NH – group
II. Sucrose is also known as cane sugar 3. C – N bond length in proteins is smaller than
III. Lactose is also known as grape sugar usual bond length of C – N bond
4. All the above
IV. Starch is also known as Amylum
92. Which one of the following statements about
The correct statements is/are proteins is wrong?
1) I, II and IV 2) I, II and III 1. Protein occur in all living cells
3) II, III and IV 4) All 2. Proteins generally contain nitrogen, carbon
86. Consider the statements and hydrogen
I. Dextrin and Glycogen are polysaccharides 3. Hydrolysis of proteins in acidic aqueous
II. Lactose and Glucose are disaccharides solution results in the formation of amino acids
III.Sucrose and maltose are disaccharides 4. Their solubilities reach minimum value at the
IV.Raffinose is oligosaccharide iso electric points
The incorrect statements is/are 93. Which of the following statements is not
1) only II 2)I and II 3) I, II and III 4)IV only correct?
87. Consider the statements about poly 1. Proteins are poly amides formed from amino
saccharides acids
I. These are amorphous solids 2. Except glycine, all other amino acids show
II. These are sparingly soluble in water optical activity
3. Natural proteins are made up of L – isomers
III.These are sugars
of amino acids
The incorrect statements is/are 4. In amino acids – NH2 and – COOH groups
1) only III 2) II and III 3) I and III 4) All are attached to different carbon atoms
94. Which of the following statements is not 100. Which of the following statements is
correct? incorrect?
1.In nature about 20 amino acids occur in 1) Calciferol contains sterol consisting of 4 rings
proteins and a side chain
2. The human body can synthesis all 20 amino 2) Vitamin E contains chromone ring with
acids occurring in proteins 3- methyl groups
3. The simplest amino acid is glycine
3) Thiamin contains dipeptide structure
4. They are 10 essential amino acids
95. Which of the following statements is not 4) Nicotinic acid is pyridine derivative
correct? 101. Identify the correct statements.
1. The tertiary structure of proteins is three 1) Deficiency of vitamin A causes xerophthalmia
dimensional 2) The function of vitamin C is maintainance of
2. In globular pro teins, nearly all t he redox potentials of cells
hydrophobic groups are hidden inside and the 3) Vitamin B-12 contain ionone ring
polar groups are present on the surface resulting 4) Folic acid (vitamin B9) consists of corrin ring
into a spheroidal shape the corect statements are
3. Only hydrogen bonds are involved in the 1) 1 only 2) 1 & 2 3) 1,2 & 3 4) all
tertiary structure of proteins 102. Read the following statements and choose the
4. Globular proteins are insoluble in water correct one
96. Which of the following statements is not 1) Vitamin K is Naphthaquinone derivative
2) The condition of vitamin deficiency is known
1. A peptide bond is –CO – NH –
as pellagra
2. Each polypeptide has one C – terminal and
the other N – terminal 3) Pentothenic acid is pyridine derivative
3. The amino acid sequence of a protein 4) The deficiency of vitamin E causes BeriBeri
determines the function of the protein 103. Which of the following is incorrect?
4. The union of two amino acids produces two 1) Vitamin B3 is present in all food stuffs
peptide linkages 2) Liver of OX contains vitamin B12
97. Which of the following is true about 3) Vitamin H present in milk
vitamins? 4) Citrus fruits mostly contain vitamin H
1. Vitamins in the humanbody are needed in 104. The correct statement is / are
large amounts 1) Vitamins in high concentrations catalyse
2. Vitamins are secreted by ductless glands biological reactions
3. Vitamins are synthesized by an organisms 2) Daily dose of vitamins for an individual
4. Vitamins A,D,E and K are fat soluble whereas depend on his or her age, size and rate of
vitamins of the B group and vitamin C are water
98. Which of the following statements about 3) Youngsters need higher quantities of vitamins
vitamin B12 is false? than elders
1. It has a cobalt atom 4) The need of vitamins for younger, growing
2. It also occurs in plants children and pregnant women is lower
3. It is present in rain water 1) 1, 2 2) 2,3 3) 1,4 4) 3, 4
4. It is needed for human body in very small 105. Which of the following statements is not
amounts correct?
99. Which of the following statements is not 1. All enzymes found in cells are invariably
correct? proteins which catalyse biological reactions
1. Vitamin - A is also known as retinol 2. Enzymes act efficiently at a moderate
2. In carrots a red coloured compound (carotene) temperature and pH
in the body breaks into vitamin - C 3. Coenzymes increase the activities of enzymes
3. Vitamine - A is essential for growth and vision
4. Enzymes are not specific in their action on
4. Vitamine - A is a fat - soluble vitamin
106. Assertion (A):  -amino acids are the 111. Assertion(A): Lysine, cysteine and threonine
building blocks of proteins. are highly soluble in water but serine and
Reason(R): Natural amino acids are mostly valine are slightly soluble
 - amino acids. Reason(R): Additional polar groups, such as
1. Both A and R are true and R is the correct – OH, -NH 2 and –COOH increase the
explanation of A solubility in water appreciably
2. Both A and R are true but R is not correct 1.Both A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation of A explanation of A
3. A is true but R is false
2.Both A and R are true but R is not correct
4. A is false but R is true
explanation of A
107. Which of the following is true of A & B
3.A is true but R is false 4.A is false but R is true
A – Globular Protein B – Fibrous Protein
a. These are linear condensation Polymers 112. Match the following
b. Insoluble in water List - I List - II
c. These proteins have three dimensional A) Vitamin A 1) Calciferol
folded structure B) Vitamin D 2) Tocopherol derivative
d. These are cross linked Protein C) Vitamin E 3) Retinol
e. Soluble in water D) Vitamin K 4) Anti haemorrhagic
f. These are held together by intermolecular 5) Thymine
hydrogen bond The correct match is
1. A = a b c B = d e f 2. A = d b c B = a b f 1) A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4 2) A-3, B-1, C-2, D-5
3. A = b c a B = c b f 4. A = a e f B = b c f 3) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2 4) A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4
108. Regarding secondary structure of a protein, 113. Match the following
correct statements (s) is/are List - I List - II
A) peptide bonds possess regional planarity A) Vitamin - B1 1) Riboflavin
B) C = O and -NH of different peptide chains
B) Vitamin - B2 2) Pantothenic acid
are held by Vanderwaal attractions
C) Vitamin - B3 3) Niacin
C) Closely packed arrangement so as to
minimise repulsion between “R” groups D) Vitamin - B5 4) Thymine
1) only C 2) only B The correct match is
3) A and B only 4) only A 1) A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2 2) A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3
109. Assertion(A): All natural - amino acids are 3) A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1 4) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
not constituents of proteins. 114. Match the following
Reason(R): Proline and hydroxyproline are A) Vitamin - B7 1) Ascorbic acid
imino acids, not amino acids. B) Vitamin - B9 2) Cyanocobalamine
1. Both A and R are true and R is the correct C) Vitamin - B12 3) Folic acid
explanation of A D) Vitamin - C 4) Biotin
2. Both A and R are true but R is not correct The correct match is
explanation of A 1) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4 2) A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1
3. A is true but R is false 3) A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4 4) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
4. A is false but R is true 115. Assertion (A): Pyridoxine is water soluble
110. Assertion(A): - amino acids are generally vitamin
obtained by acid or enzyme hydrolysis of
Reason (R) : Pyridoxine contain chromone
proteins but not by alkaline hydrolysis
ring with 3 - methyl groups
Reason(R): An alkali racemises amino acids
1.Both A and R are true and R is the correct 1) A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation of A explanation of A
2.Both A and R are true but R is not correct 2) A and R are true and R is the not correct
explanation of A explanation of A
3.A is true but R is false 4.A is false but R is true 3) A is true and R is false 4) A is false and R is true
116. Assertion (A) : The deficiency of vitamin D 121. Chargaff’s rule states that in a organism
causes sterility 1. Amount of adenine ( A ) is equal to that of
Reason (R) : The function of vitamin D is guanine ( G) and the amount of thymine ( T ) is
normal development of bones and teeth equal to that of cytosine ( C )
1) A and R are true and R is the correct 2. Amount of adenine ( A ) is equal to that of
explanation of A cytosine ( C ) and the amount of thymine ( T) is
2) A and R are true and R is the not correct equal to that of guanine ( G)
explanation of A 3. Amount of all bases are equal
4. Amount of adenine ( A ) is equal to that of
3) A is true and R is false 4) A is false and R is true.
thymine ( T) and the amount of guanine ( G) is
117. Assertion(A) : The deficiency of vitamin B12
equal to that of cytosine .
causes hyper glycemia
122. In a protein, the different types of attractions
Reason (R): The function of vitamin B12 is that exist are
synthesis of lipids from carbohydrates A) H- bonding B) hydrophobic
1) A and R are true and R is the correct C) ionic D) covalent
explanation of A 1) B,C, and D only 2) A, C and D only
2) A and R are true and R is the not correct 3) A, B and C only 4) A, B, C and D
explanation of A
3) A is true and R is false 4) A is false and R is true LEVEL-I (C.W) - KEY
118. Which of the following is the incorrectly 1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 4 5)3 6)2 7)4
matched 8) 3 9)4 10)1 11)4 12)3 13)1 14)2
1) Niacin - Nicotinamide 15) 2 16) 1 17) 1 18) 3 19) 2 20) 4 21) 4
2) Vitamin B3 - Dipeptide
22) 4 23) 3 24) 4 25) 2 26) 1 27) 2 28) 1
3) Vitamin K - Flavin derivative
4) Vitamin B12 - Resembles Heme 29) 3 30) 1 31) 1 32) 1 33) 2 34) 1 35) 1
119. Match the following : 36) 2 37) 3 38) 4 39) 3 40) 4 41) 3 42) 1
Set - A Set - B 43) 2 44) 4 45)1 46)3 47)2 48)2 49)4
A) Replication 1) Formation of 50) 3 51)1 52)2 53)4 54) 1 55) 2 56) 3
RNA from DNA
57) 4 58) 4 59) 1 60) 2 61) 3 62) 4 63) 2
B) Transcription 2) Synthesis of copy of
64) 3 65)1 66)3 67)3 68)4 69)3 70)1
C) Translation 3) Single strand of DNA 71) 3 72)3 73)2 74)3 75)2 76)4 77)4
D) Template 4) Synthesis of proteins 78) 2 79)1 80)2 81)4 82)2 83)2 84)1
by RNA. 85)1 86)1 87)1 88)3 89) 4 90) 2 91) 1
Now, correct match is 92) 4 93) 4 94) 2 95) 3 96) 4 97) 4 98) 2
99) 2 100)3 101)2 102)1 103)4 104)2 105)4
1) 4 3 2 1 2) 1 2 4 3
3) 2 1 4 3 4) 2 1 3 4 106)2 107)2 108)4 109)2 110)1 111)1 112)1
120. The stability of double helix is due to 113)2 114)4 115)3 116)4 117)2 118)3 119)3
1. Presence of hydrogen bonds 120)2 121)4 122)4
2. Presence of hydrophobic interaction
3. Presence of hydrophilic interaction LEVEL-I (C.W) - HINTS
4. vander waal force 1. To become a carbohydrate, a compound must
contain at least 3 carbons.
Find correct statement
2. Monosaccharide cannot be hydrolysis to simple
1. 1 only 2. 1 , 2 only
3. 1,2,3 only 4. 1,2,3 and 4 3. Monosaccharides contains 3-7 carbon atoms
4. Erythrose is aldotertose 78. Sucrose is disaccharide
5. Arabinose is pentose 80. Sucrose contains   D -Galactose +   D -
6. lactose is a disaccharide
Fructose cellulose contains   D  Glucose +
9. Reducing sugar can reduce fehling solution to
cuprous oxide   D  fructose
10. Glucose reacts with Bromine water to give 91. C-N bond length is smaller
Gluconic Acid 92. Proteins solubilities reaches minimum value
11. Fehling’s solution is used to distinguish cane at the Iso eletric points
sugar and glucose 93. In amino acids  NH 2 and -COOH groups are
12. Glucose reacts with CH3OH in presence of HCl
attached to the same carbon atoms
to give  - methyl glucoside ,  -methyl 94. Human body can synthesis 10 amino acids
glucoside 95. Hydrogen bond present in secondary structure
14. Glycoside linkage in an ether. 96. Two amino acids can produces one peptide
15. Glucose does not reacts with NaH SO3 linkage
17.  -D - fructose and  -D- fructose differ in C2 105. Enzymes are specific in their action
22. Sucrose has no free aldehyde and ketonic group 106. Amino acids are end products of digestion of
25. Glucose has free CHO group proteins
27. In a tripeptide 2 peptide links 108. Peptide bonds possess regional planarity
30.  -Amino acid can form Zwitterion 109. Proline is secondary amine
31. Primary structure 110. Amino acids does not formed from protein by
32. Glycine is the only a amino acid which does not alkaline nadium
contain a chiral carbon atom 111. If polar groups are increases solubility also
33. Cysteine contains sulphur increases
34. Glycine is NH 2  CH 2  COOH it is optically 122. In a protein H bonding, hydrophobic, ionic and
inactive also covalent attractions
35. D- and L- compounds are diferent in
configuration LEVEL-I (H.W)
45. Linear
46. AT/GC ratio is 1.52:1
47. 1 : 0.93 CARBOHYDRATES
48. Antiparallel 1. Which of the following is a ketohexose?
49. 3’-5’ 1)Fructose 2)Glucose
50. Perpendicular 3)Ribose 4)Starch
51. Plain or parallel 2. Which of the following is not a sugar?
52. Three 1) Sucrose 2) Glucose
53. All the three RNAs, i.e., m-RNA r-RNA 3) Fructose 4) Starch
and t RNA take part in protein synthesis 3. Which of the following is an example of
69.  - D - Glucose,  - D - Glucose are not mirror,
, aldotriose
images 1) Glyceraldehyde 2) Ribose
70. Glucose and fructose are functional isomers 3) Fructose 4) Erythrose
71. D - Compounds are not dextro, L - compounds 4. Which of the following is a disaccharide ?
are not laevo always 1) glucose 2) Fructose
72. NH3 is lewis base 3) Sucrose 4) Starch
74. (+) Glucose, (-) Glucose are enantiomers 5. Which of the following is an example of
75. Maltose is aldehyde aldopentose?
76. Sucrose is non reducing sugar 1) Glyceraldehyde 2) Ribose
77. Sucrose is non reducing sugar 3) Fructose 4) Erythrose
MONOSACCHARIDES 17. Which one of the following is synthesized in
6. Which of the following carbohydrates is the our body by sun rays?
essential constituent of all cell walls? 1) Vitamin D 2) Vitamin B
1) Starch 2) Maltose 3) Cellulose 4) Sucrose 3) Vitamin K 4) Vitamin A
7. The reagent which may be used to distinguish 18. All vitamins are synthesised by
cane sugar and glucose solutions is 1) plants 2) human beings
1) I2 solution 2)Baeyer’s reagent 3) fishes 4) all
3) Both 1 & 2 4)Fehling’s solution
8. Five membered ring structure of glucose is NUCLEIC ACIDS
known as 19. The carbohydrate present in DNA is
1) Aromatic 2) Furanose 1) L - glucose 2) D - ribose
3) Pyranose 4) Baeyer’s structure 3) 2 - Deoxyribose 4) Fructose
9. In the ring structure of fructose , the
anomeric carbon is: LEVEL-I (H.W) - KEY
1) C-1 2)C-2 3)C-5 4)C-6 1) 1 2) 4 3) 1 4) 3 5) 2 6) 3 7) 4
10. Starch consists of two polymeric units , 8) 2 9) 2 10) 3 11) 1 12) 1 13) 3 14) 2
namely 15) 3 16) 2 17) 1 18) 1 19)3
1)cellulose and cellobiose
2)glycogen and collagen LEVEL-I (H.W) - HINTS
3)amylose and amylopectin 1. Fructose is a keto hexose
4)inulin and pectin 2. Sucrose, fructose, glucose are sugars
11. On hydrolysis of starch , we finally get:
3. Glyceraldehyde is an example of aldotriose
1)glucose 2)fructose
4. Sucrose is disaccharide
3) glucose and fructose both 4) sucrose
5. Ribose in aldopentose
12. Which of the following is the most abundant
6. Cellulose is essential constituent.
carbohydrate found in plants?
7. Fehling’s solution is used to distinguish cane
1)Cellulose2)starch 3) Lipids 4)Fructose
sugar and glucose.
AMINO ACIDS AND PROTEINS 8. Five member ring structure of glucose is called
13. The number of amino acids in insulin is furanose
1. 21 2. 574 3. 51 4. 5733 13. Insulin contains 51 amino acids
14. Which of the following amino acids does not 15. Amino acids are the end products of the
correspond to the general formula given digestion of proteins
below 19. 2-deoxyribose
R - CH(NH2) - COOH
1) Cysteine 2) Proline
3) Argenine 4) Glutamic acid
15. The amino acids are the end products of the
digestion of, CARBOHYDRATES
1) Lipids 2) Fats 1. Which of the following statements is true
3) Proteins 4) Enzymes regarding a carbohydrate having five carbon
atoms and an aldehyde group?
VITAMINS 1) It can have 8 stereo isomers
16. Deficiency of vitamin E causes 2) It can have 4 stereo isomers
1) Night blindness 2) Loss of fertility 3) It can have 2 sterero isomers
3) Scurvy 4) Impaired clotting 4) All the above
2. Which of the following is different with 10. Starch is made up of :
refered to D, L-Configuration? 1)  -glucose pyranose 2)  -fructose pyranose
3)  -fructose furanose 4) both (1) and (3)
11. In alkaline medium fructose is -
1. An aldose 2. A reducing sugar
1) H OH 2) H OH
3. A non reducing sugar 4. A furanose
12. Glucose will show mutarotation in ___solvent
CH2OH CH 3 1. acidic 2. basic 3. neutral 4. amphiprotic
13. The two forms of D-glucopyranose obtained
COOH CHO from the solution of D-glucose are called
1. isomer 2. anomer 3. epimer 4. enantiomer
3) OH H 4) H OH 14. At which carbon are the following sugars
epimers of each other?
3. Which of the following is least related to the
other three ? H OH OH H
1) Galactose 2) Glucose
3) Mannose 4) Arabinose HO H HO H
4. The end product (B) formed in the reaction
sequence H OH H OH
Glucose 
H 3O 
 A 

1) Hexanoic acid 2) Hexane
3) Heptane 4) Heptanoic acid 1. C-1 2. C-2 3. C-3 4 C-4
5. Which of the following statements about (+)
(-) sucrose is not correct ? AMINO ACIDS AND PROTEINS
1) it does not posses a free aldehydic (or) ketonic 15. The structural feature which distinguishes
group proline from  -amino acids is
2) on hydrolysis, it produce invert sugar 1) It is optically inactive
3) it is an a - D-Glucoside 2) It contains aromatic group
4) It undergoes mutarotation 3) It is a dicarboxylic acid
6. Sucrose reacts with acetic anhydride to form 4) It is a secondary amine
1) Penta - acetate 2) Hexa - acetate 16.  - pleated structure of proteins is
3) Tetra - acetate 4) Octa - acetate 1) Primary structure 2) Secondary structure
7. All monosaccharides containing five or six 3) Tertiary structure 4) Quaternary structure
carbon atoms have 17. Number of peptide linkages in the artificial
1) Open chain Structures sweetener “aspartame” is
2) Pyranose structure 1) 2 2) 21 3) 1 4) 11
3) Furanose structures 18. For a neutral amino acid (X), isoelectric point
4) may have pyranose or furanose structures is 5.8. Now its solubility at this point in water
8. Configuration of mannose and glucose differ is
at C-2 position ,they termed as: 1) maximum 2) minimum
1) epimers 2) anomers 3) zero 4) unpredictable
3)racimers 4)mesomers 19. Protein with special three dimensional
9. Which of the following disaccharide has structure and biological activity is called:
different type of linkage? 1) native protein 2) Conjugative protein
1) maltose 2) Galactose 3) Starch 4) Sucrose 3) Simple protein 4) Globular protein
20. A mixture of   amino acids is obtained 29. The bonds in protein structure , that are not
when proteins are hydrolysed by broken on denaturation ,are:
1) Acids 2) Bases 1) Hydrogen bonds 2) peptide bonds
3) Enzymes 4) All 3) ionic bonds 4) disulphide bonds
21. In aqueous solutions, amino acids mostly 30. Which of the following is an L-amino acid?
exist as
1) NH 2  CHR  COOH 2) NH 2  CHR  COO  + +

3) N 3 H   CHR  COOH 4) H 3 N   CHR  COO  1) H3N H 2) H3N H

22. The chemical change in a DNA molecule that H R
leads to the synthesis of proteins with
different amino acids sequence is called,  
1. Allergy 2. Mutation COO COO
3. Transcription 4. Metabolism + +

3) H NH 3 4) H3N R
23. If the amino group of Glycine and
carboyxylic acid group of alanine undergo R H
elimination of water molecule, the name of
the compound thus formed is VITAMINS
1) Alanylglycide (dipeptide) 31. Formation of RBC is because of
2) Glycyl alanide (tri peptide) 1) Mucoprotein 2) Vitamin B12
3) Glycyl alanine (dipeptide) 3) Vitamin C 4) Both 1 & 2
4) Alanylglycine (dipeptide) 32. The vitamin which is water soluble and
24. The secondary structure of a protein refers antioxidant is
to 1. Vitamin B6 2. Vitamin B12
1)  - helical back bone 3. Vitamin C 4. Vitamin E
2) hydrophobic interactions 33. Which of the following vitamin contains
3) Sequence of  -amino acids ionone ring and hydrocarbon chain?
4) fixed configuration of the polypeptide back 1) Retinol 2) Calciferol
bone 3) Thiamin 4) Riboflavin
25. Nature of aqueous solutions of two different 34. Which vitamins are present in much smaller
amino acids X and Y are acidic and basic.Now amounts in cells
X and Y are 1) A 2) D 3) B & C 4) K
1) Alanine and valine NUCLEIC ACIDS
2) Aspartic acid and Asparagine 35. In the sequence of changes/processes,
3) Glutamine and Glutamic acid replication trancription translation
4) Aspartic acid and Lysine X   Y   Z  
26. The forces that stabilize the 20 and 30 Proteins X, Y and Z are
1) DNA, DNA and RNA 2) RNA, RNA and DNA
structure of protein are:
3) DNA, RNA and RNA 4) DNA, RNA and DNA
1) H-bonds 2) Disulphide linkages
36. RNA and DNA are chiral molecules ,their
3) Both 1 and 2 4) Covalent bonds
chirality is due to :
27. At pH  4 , glycine exists as: 1) Chiral Phosphate ester units
  2) D-sugar component
1) H 3 N  CH 2  COO  2) H 3 N  CH 2  COOH 3) L-sugar component 4) chiral bases
37. If the sequence of bases in DNA is
3) H 2 N  CH 2  COOH 4) H 2 N  CH 2  COO
TGAACCCTT then the swquence of bases
28. A nanopeptide contains how many peptide
in m  RNA
1) 10 2)8 3)9 4)18 1) ACUUGGGAA 2) TCUUGGGTT
3) ACUUCCCAA 4) None of the above
38. The number of hudrogen bonds present in 2. D- Glucose shows muta rotation because,
the sequence of a stretch of a double helical 1) it is dextrarotatory
DNA 5' ATGCCTAA 3' is 2) it undergoes inter conversion between it’s
pyranose structure and furanose structure
1) 16 2) 19 3) 24 4) 20 3) it undergoes interconversion between it’s
LEVEL-II (C.W) - KEY  and  (+) Glucopyranose structures
4) it undergoes interconversion with D(-)
1) 4 2) 3 3) 4 4) 4 5) 4 6) 4 7) 4
8) 1 9) 4 10) 1 11) 3 12) 3 13) 2 14) 2 3. The reactions of glucose with acetic
15) 4 16) 2 17) 1 18) 2 19) 1 20) 4 21) 4 anhydride suggest that, it is
22) 2 23) 4 24) 1 25) 4 26) 3 27) 2 28) 2 1)Penta hydroxy aldehyde 2)Hydrate of carbon
3)Polyhydroxy ketone 4)An alcohol
29) 2 30) 2 31) 2 32) 3 33) 1 34) 3 35) 1 4. Hydrolysis of sucrose with dilute aqueous
36) 2 37) 1 38) 2 sulphuric acid yields
1) 1:1 D (+)-Glucose; D-(-)- fructose
LEVEL-II (C.W) - HINTS 2) 1:2 D -(+)-Glucose; D-(-)- fructose
1. It has three chiral carbons and may have 3) 1:1 D -(-)-Glucose; D-(+)- fructose
symmetry. 4) 1:2 D -(-) Glucose; D-(+)- fructose
3. Arabinose is not related to the glucose, 5. A dextrorotatory sugar present in fruits is
Galactose and mannose 1) Galactose 2) Fructose 3) Cellulose 4) Starch
4. HI + P reduces OH and COOH groups. 6. In lactose, the reducing part is
5. (+)(-) sucrose does not undergoes mutarotation 1)Galactose 2)Glucose
15. Proline is a secondary amino acid 3) Fructose 4) Mannose
16 .  - pleated structure is secondary structure 7. Glucose contains in addition to aldehyde
18. isoelectric point is high solubility is low 1) one secondary -OH-and four primary -OH groups
20. Proteins are hydrolysed by acids, bases and 2)one primary -OH-and four secondary -OH groups
enzymes contain a chiral carbon 3)two primary-OH-and three secondary -OH groups
21. In aqueos solutions the a  -amino acids exists 4)three primary -OH and two secondary -OH groups
H N   CHR  COO  8. Which one of the following polysaccharides

22. The chemical change in a DNA, is called is composed of  - glycosidic link?

mutation 1)Starch 2)Glycogen 3)Dextrin 4) Cellulose
24. Secondary structure indicates   helical back 9. D-Glucose will form same osazone with
bone 1. D-Mannose 2. D-Fructose
25. X-Aspartic acid (Acidic); Y= Lysine (Basic) 3. D-Allose 4. Both 1 & 2
29. No. of peptide bonds = No. of amino acid 10. Relation between D-Glucose and
residues - 1. D-Fructose is
34. Vitamin A has ionone ring 1. C2-epimer 2. C3-epimer
3. Functional isomer 4. Positional isomer
11.  -D-Glucose and  -D-Glucose are :
1. Epimers 2. Anomers
3. Enantiomers 4. Acetals
CARBOHYDRATES 12. Which of the following pairs of
1.  -D-Glucose differs from  -D-glucose due monosaccharides will form the same osazone
to difference in one of the carbon atoms with when reacted with phenylhydrazine?
respect to its 1. D-glucose and L-glucose
1) number of -OH groups 2. D-glucose and D-galactose
2) configuration 3) conformation 3. D-glucose and D-fructose
4) size of hemiacetal ring 4. D-glucose and D-allose
+ + 1.  - D - Glucose,  - D - Glucose are difference
in their configuration
Z Y 2. Glucose undergoes interconversion between it
13.  and  structures
X 3. Glucose is a pentahydroxy aldehyde
Arrange in order of increasing acid strength 4. Sucrose can give 1:1 ratio of D(+) -glucose and
D(-)- fructose
1) X  Z  Y 2) Z  X  Y
13. COOH is more acidic whose   carbon is
3) X  Y  Z 4) Z  X  Y
bonded to NH 3

NH 3  CH  COOH 14. At higher pH an amino acid exist as anion.
14. An  -amino acid exists as, | PREVIOUS EAMCET QUESTIONS
R 1. Lactose is a disaccharide of (E-2014)
at (pH = 2) and its isoelectric point is 6. The 1)   D-glucose and   D-Fructose
amino acid at pH 10.97 will exist as: 2)   D-glucose and   D-Fructose
 3)   D-glucose and   D-Ribose
NH 3  CH  COO  NH 2  CH  COO 
4)   D-glucose and   D-Galactose
1) | 2) | 2. Which of the following sets of vitamins is fat
R R soluble (M-2014)
1) D,B1, B2, E 2) C, D, B6, B12
NH 2  CH  COOH   3) A, D, E, K 4) A, D, B1, B2
NH 2  C H  COOH 3. The number of hydrogen bonds between
3) | 4)
| Guanine and cytosine; and between adenine
R and thymine in DNA is (E-2013)
1) 1, 2 2) 3, 2 3) 3, 1 4) 2, 1
15. The deficiency of vitamin K cause X Glucose Y
1) Haemorrhage What are X and Y (M-2013)
2) Lengthening time of blood clotting 1) X-n-hexane, Y-Gluconic acid
3) Inflammation of tunge 2) X-Gluconic acid, Y-Saccharic acid
4) both 1 & 2 3) X-n-hexanol, Y-Saccharic acid
16. The vitamin which is neither soluble in water 4) X-n-hexane, Y-Saccharic acid
5. The site of action of insulin is (E-2012)
nor in fat is
1) mitochondria 2) nucleus
1) biotin 2) phylloquinone
3) plasma membrane 4) DNA
3) thymine 4) ergocalciferol
17. Which of the following vitamin contian 6.   D     and   D     glucopyranoses
nitrogen are known as (M-2012)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 1) epimers 2) anomers 3) tautomers 4) enantiomers
18. Which of the following is provitamin A 7. Match the following
1) Ascorbic acid 2)   caraotene Column - I Column - II
3) Calciferol 4) Ergosterol A) Hormones 1) Biocatalysts
B) Lipids 2) Peptide bonds
LEVEL-II (H.W) - KEY C) Vitamins 3) Triglycerides
D) Enzymes 4) Message carriers
1) 2 2) 3 3) 1 4) 1 5) 2 6) 2 7) 2 5) Essential dietary factors
8) 4 9) 4 10) 3 11) 2 12) 3 13) 1 14) 2 The Correct answer is (M-2012)
15) 4 16) 1 17) 2 18) 2 1) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-5 2) A-3, B-4, C-5, D-1
3) A-4, B-5, C-3, D-1 4) A-4, B-3, C-5, D-1
8. Scurvy is caused by the deficiency of which 15. Hydrolysis of sucrose with dilute aqueous
vitamin (E-2011) sulphuric acid yields (E-2008)
1) C 2) B1 3) D 4) B2 1) 1 : 1 D – (+)–glucose; D–(–)– Fructose
9. From the following statements 2) 1 : 2 D – (+)–glucose; D–(–)– Fructose
I) Albumin is a simple protein 3) 1 : 1 D – (–)–glucose; D–(+)– Fructose
II) Amino acid, alanine contains an acidic side 4) 1 : 2 D – (–)–glucose; D–(+)– Fructose
chain 16. In a DNA segment having six coils, there are
III) Insulin is a hormone 22 nitrogen base pairs linked by two
IV) Muscles contain the protein keratin hydrogen bonds. How many cytosine bases
Choose the wrong statements (M-2011) are found in that segment
1) I, II 2) III, IV 3) I, III 4) II, IV 1) 22 2) 38 3) 44 4) 76
10. The AT/GC ratio in human beings is
(where A = adenine, T = thymine, PREVIOUS EAMCET - KEY
G = Guanine, C=cytosine) (E-2010) 1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 4 5) 3 6) 2 7) 4
1) 1 2) 1.52 3) 9.3 4) 2 8) 1 9) 4 10) 2 11) 2 12) 3 13) 3 14) 4
11. Choose the correct statement from the
following (M-2010) 15) 1 16) 2
1) all amino acids have a common isoelectric
2) all naturally ocuring  -amino acids are
optically active except glycine CARBOHYDRATES
3) At pH = 0 all amino acids are present as their 1. Consider following reagents:
anions I. Br2 water II.Tollen’s reagent
4) in strongly basic solutions, all amino acids III. Fehling’s solution which can not be used
are present as their cations
to make distinction between an aldose
12. How many tripeptides can be prepared by
and a ketose?
linking the amino acids glycine, alanine and
1) I,II and III 2) II and III 3) I only 4) II only
phenyl alanine (E-2009)
1) 1 2) 3 3) 6 4) 12 2. Which is a furanose structure of D - glucose?
13. Which one of the following statements is not OH
true for glucose (M-2009)
1)   D     glucose undergoes mutarotation O
2) it has four asymmetric carbons is Fischer 1) 2)
projection formula HO H–C–OH H CH2OH
3) it gives saccharic acid with tollen’s reagent
4) it reacts with hydroxyl amine
14. The base present in cytidine is (M-2009) 3) both 4) none
3. Ketones do not reduce Tollen’s reagents, but
fructose with a keto group reduces it. It is
attributed to
1) 2) 1) enolisation of keto group of fructose and
then.its transformation into aldehyde group in
presence of OH  which is also present in
Tollen’s reagent
2)  CHOH group which is also oxidised to keto
3) 4) 3) both statements are correct
4) none of the statement is correct
4. If  -D-glucopyranose is reacted with acetic 13. Which of the following compound will show
anhydride at 1000 c , the major product is the mutarotation?
  isomer of the pentaacetate. It is CH2OH
attributed to: H OH
1) isomerisation of  -D into   D glucose H
at 1000 c A) OH H H B)
2) opening of glucopyranose ring
3) both the statements are correct H OH
4) none of the statements is correct
5. Out of maltose (I), cellobiose
C) H D)
(II), sucrose(III) and lactose(IV), reducing OH
sugars are:
1) I,II & III 2) I,II & IV 3) II,III,IV 4) all
1. A , B 2. C, D 3. A, C 4. A, D
6. Which shows mutarotation?
14. Which of the following is Non-Reducing
1) Glucose 2) Fructose 3) Galactose 4) All
7. Which pair is different for reaction with
Fehling’s solution? H H H CH2OH
1) glucose, fructose 2) HCHO, CH 3CHO H
3) CH 3COCH 3 , C6 H 5CHO 4) glucose, sucrose H OH OH H
8. Glucose is said to have CHO group. Which CH2OH
of the following reactions is not expected with H H
glucose? H
2) OH OH H
1) It does not form oxime OH
2) It does not react with CH 3 MgBr H OH
3) It does not reduce Tollen’s reagent CH2OH CH2OH
4) It does not form osazones H

1. HCN / H 3O
3) OH
9. Fructose   A. Ais: OH
2. P / HI H OH H OH
1) n-heptanoic acid 4) None
2) 2-methyl hexanoic acid 15.
3) n-heptane 4) 2-methyl hexane
10. Haworth’s projection of   D glucose is:
(I) (II)

H H (III) (IV)
4 1 OH H
1) OH H 2)
HO 3 2 OH HO H
(1) I & II are anomers , III and IV are epimers
H OH H OH (2) I & III are epimers , II & IV are anomers
(3) I & II are epimers , III & IV are anomers
3) both 4) none
(4) I & III are anomers , I & II are epimers
11. Chiral C-atoms in glucose and fructose are:
16. The optical rotation of  - form of a pyranose
1) 4 in each 2) 3 in each
3) 4 in glucose and 3 in fructose is + 150.7 0 , that of the  - form is 52.80 . The
4) 3in glucose and 4 in fructose percentage of the  - form in equilibrium
12. Which gives only glucose by hydrolysis? mixture is
1) sucrose 2) raffinose 3) maltose 4) galactose (1) 28% (2) 32% (3) 68% (4) 72%
17. Number of moles of CH 3OH / NaOH react 27. What is the pI of glycine? The structure and
pKa values are shown below
with one mole of glucose.
(1) 1 (2) 4 (3) 3 (4) 5 H
18. In aqueous solution glucose exist in how
H COOH pKa=2.34
many isomeric forms?
1. 2 2. 16 3. 3 4.4 NH + 3


19. The primary structure of a protein tells about
1) 3D arrangement of all atoms pKa=9.60
2) shape of poly peptide chain
3) specific sequence of amino acids 1. 7.26 2. 5.97 3. 3.63 4. 11.94
4) 3D arrangement of oligo petide chains AT
20. Proteins give, 28. A sample of DNA has the ratio of is 0.8.
1. A violet colour with alkaline CuSO4 solution If the no.of moles of adenine in a sample is
2. A purple colour on boiling with dilute 25000. What is the no.of moles of cytosine in
ninhydrin solution it
3. Yellow colour on boiling with HNO3 1. 50000 2. 40000 3. 31250 4. 62500
4. All
21. Proteins give a white precipitate with Milon’s VITAMINS
reagent, which is 29. Deficiency of vitamin 'A' causes
1. Mercurous and mercuric nitrate in HNO3 1) Xerophthalmia
2. Mercurous and mercuric chloride in HCl 2) Degeneration of Lacrimal glands
3. Mercurous and mercuric chloride in HNO3 3) Night blindness 4) All
4. All the above 30. The function of vitamin D is
22. What structural feature distinguishes proline 1. Calcium absorption in the intestine
from other natural  -amino acids? 2. Normal development of bones and teeth
1. It is optically inactive 3. Deposition of calcium and phosphate in
2. It contains aromatic group bones
3. It is a di carboxylic acid 4. All the above
4. It has a secondary amine 31. Two vitamins absorbed from intestine along
23. A decapeptide (MWt 796) on complete with fats are
hydrolysis gives glycine (MWt 75). alanine 1) A,D 2) A,B 3) A,C 4) D,B
and phenyl alanine. Glycine contributes
47.0% to the total weight of the hydrolysed LEVEL-III - KEY
products. The no.of glycine units present in 1) 3 2) 1 3) 1 4) 1 5) 2 6) 4 7) 4
the decapeptide is 8) 2 9) 4 10) 1 11) 3 12) 3 13) 1 14) 1
1. 3 2. 5 3. 6 4. 7 15) 4 16)1 17) 2 18) 3 19) 3 20) 4 21) 1
24. There are 20 naturally occuring amino acids
the maxim no.of tripeptides that can be 22) 4 23) 2 24) 1 25) 1 26) 2 27) 2 28) 3
obtained is 29) 4 30) 4 31) 4
1. 8000 2. 6470 3. 7465 4. 5360
25. In an amino acid, the carboxylic group ionises LEVEL-III - HINTS
at pKa1 =2.34 and ammonium ion at pK a2 = 14. Acetals (glycoside) are non-reducing
9.60. The isoelectric point of the amino acid 15. Anomers differ at functional group carbon
is at pH. 19. Primary structure of protein tells sequence
1. 5.97 2. 2.34 3. 9.60 4. 6.97 arrangement of amino acids
26. Which of the following amino acid has lowest 20. Proteins can give voilet colour with CuSO4 ,
isoelectric point?
1. Lysine 2. Aspartic acid yellour colour with HNO3 and purple colour
3. Glycine 4. Alanine with ninhydrin solution
21. Mercurous and Mercuric Nitrate in HNO3 is 3. Molishis Test : This is a general test for
called Millon’s reagent carbohydratres. One or two drops of alcoholic
22. Proline is secondary amine solution of  -napthaol is added to 2ml glucose
796  47 solution. 1ml of conc. H2SO4 solutionis added
23. Wt of glycine in decapeptide  carefully along the sides of the test tube. The
374.12 formation of a violet ring at the junction of two
Mole of glycine  5 liquids confirms the presence of a carbohydrate
25. nm of sugar.

28. nA  nT  25000 ; nC  nG  ? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS

nA 25000 1. Number of HIO4 molecular required to
 0.8  nC   31250 complete oxidation one mole of glucose is
nT 0.8
1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) None
PREVIOUS JEE-MAIN QUESTIONS 2. Glucose upon Ruff’s degradation produces
1. Which of the following bases is not present 1) Mannose 2) Ribose 3) Arabinose 4) Erythrose
in DNA? (EEE-2014) Ruff'sdegradation Ruff's degradation
C6 H12O6      
1) Guanine 2) Thymine 3) Quinoline 4) Adenine 3. conc . HNO3
2. Synthesis of each molecule of glucose in   Meso Tartaric acid
photosynthesis involves (EEE-2013) 1) Ribose 2) Arabinose 3) Mannose 4) Talose
1) 10 molecules of ATP 2) 8 molecules of ATP
4. Number of moles of CH 3  OH in acidic
3) 6 molecules of ATP 4) 18 molecules of ATP
3. Which of the following compounds can be medium react with one mole of glucose.
detected by Molischis test (EEE-2012) 1) 1 2) 4 3) 3 4) 5
1) Nitro compounds 2) sugars 5. Amino acids on treating with Ninhydrin forms
3) amines 4) primary alcohols 1) Red colour complex 2) Purple colour complex
4. The presence of absence of hydroxyl group 3) Blue colour complex 4) No reaction.
of which carbon atom of sugar differentiates 6. A tripeptide contains glycine, alanine, and
RNA and DNA (EEE-2011) serine. How many different sequences are
1) 2nd 2) 3rd 3) 4th 4) 1st possible?
5. Biuret test is not gibven by (EEE-2010) 1) 27 2) 8 3) 6 4) 9
1) carbohydrates 2) polypeptides 7. Peptide bond formation from protected
3) urea 4) proteins amino acid reactants is often carried out with
6. The two functional groups present in a typical which reagent?
carbohydratres are (EEE-2009) 1) p-toluenesulphonly chloride
1) –OH and –COOH 2) –CHO and –COOH 2) Di-t-butyI dicarbonate
3) >C = O and –OH 4) –OH and –CHO 3) Diecyclohexy1carbondiimide
4) Benzy1 Chloroformate
7.   D     glucose and   D     glucose
1) conformers 2) epimers 1) 2 2) 3 3) 3 4) 1 5) 2 6) 1 7) 3
3) anomers 4) enantiomers
PREVIOUS JEE-MAIN - KEY 2. Total isomers 25  32 in which D-isomers
1) 3 2) 4 3) 2 4) 1 5) 1 6) 3 7) 3  32   16 
are 16  2    D -isomers are 8  2 
4. Compounds having same configuration at
2. Light reaction
12H 2O  12NADP  18ADP  
C3 , C4 , C5 forms same osozones
6O2  18ATP  12NADPH
Dark reaction
6O2  18ATP  12NADPH    zx 2.2  4.3 
10.  2  2
 3.25 
C6 H12 O6  12NADP  18ADP  6H 2 O  

Net Reacton : 6CO2  6H 2 O  C6 H12 O6  6O 2 11. (Acidic amino acid has lowest pI )

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