Dual-Comb Wonders: Nature Photonics

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Dual-comb wonders
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Nathalie Picqué, the new director at function of time on a fast photodetector. In the
the Max Born Institute for Nonlinear time domain, the pulses from one laser pass
Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy through the pulses from the second laser with
a time spacing that automatically increases
(MBI) in Berlin, Germany, tells us all
from pulse pair to pulse pair. In this way, opti-
we need to know about frequency
cal delays are sampled repeatedly without
combs and dual-comb spectroscopy, moving parts. Like a sampling oscilloscope,
and shares with us some golden tips the periodic optical waveforms are stretched
on becoming a successful scientist. in time and can be electronically recorded and
digitally processed. In the frequency domain,
What are frequency combs? pairs of optical comb lines, one from each
Frequency combs are spectra made of comb, produce radio frequency beat notes on
evenly spaced narrow laser lines, which are the detector, forming a frequency comb in the
phase-coherent. In the late 1990s, optical radio frequency domain. Optical frequencies
frequency combs revolutionized time and interferometers. For example, when a fre- are thus down-converted to radio frequencies.
frequency metrology by providing rulers quency comb is used as a light source in front Owing to the absence of moving parts, one of
in frequency space that measure large opti- of a scanning Michelson interferometer, the the first features of dual-comb interferometers
cal frequency differences and/or directly link measurement speed, sensitivity, precision and that attracted interest was the ability to make
microwave and optical frequencies. Such accuracy of Fourier transform spectroscopy fast measurements, the sensitivity of which
combs enable precision laser spectroscopy, are dramatically improved. Distance meas- is further enhanced by the use of coherent
tests of fundamental physics and provide the urements using a spectrally dispersed static light sources.
long-missing clockwork mechanism for opti- Michelson interferometer — or a scanning For broadband spectroscopy, dual-comb
cal clocks. Today, table-top instruments based Michelson interferometer — benefit from the interferometers bring in the remarkable
on mode-locked lasers have become com- many comb lines for improved precision and a features of interrogating the sample with
mercially available and much of the efforts wide ambiguity range. A narrow-spaced comb narrow-width laser lines, resulting in a neg-
in frequency comb technology has shifted to can be frequency-filtered in a Fabry interfer- ligible contribution from the instrumental
exploring new ways of generating frequency ometer, which has a matching but larger free line shape for Doppler-broadened transitions
combs, accessing new spectral territories, spectral range, to produce a comb with a high in small molecules, and calibrating the fre-
miniaturizing the devices with integrated repetition rate suitable for calibrating astro- quency scale to the accuracy of an atomic
optics and exploring new parameter ranges. nomical spectrographs. The Fabry–Pérot clock. Although linear absorption spectros-
Frequency combs have also found applica- cavity can also be used as an enhancement copy has been mainly explored, frequency
tions far beyond their original purpose. They cavity, for extreme-ultraviolet high-harmonic comb synthesizers based on mode-locked
have become key to research areas, such as generation, or for absorption spectroscopy lasers use intense ultrashort pulses that can
attosecond science, molecular spectroscopy, with long absorption paths. More interest- induce nonlinear phenomena in the sam-
calibration of astronomical spectrographs, ingly, frequency combs have enabled a new ple, opening new possibilities for nonlinear
ranging and low-noise microwave genera- class of interferometers called dual-comb spectroscopy and multidimensional spec-
tion. Intriguing new applications continue interferometers. troscopy. Another successful application
to emerge, including dense optical data of dual-comb interferometers is in distance
transmission, quantum technologies, pho- What is dual-comb interferometry? measurement and ranging. The dual-comb
tonic processors for optical neural networks, What is dual-comb spectroscopy? scheme combines the time-of-flight and inter-
three-dimensional imaging and biological One of the most successful applications of ferometric approaches to provide absolute
Credit: Katharina Jarrah, Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics

sensing. Originally designed for frequency frequency combs beyond their original pur- distance measurements over an extended
metrology, frequency combs are now stimulat- pose is dual-comb interferometry. Dual-comb ambiguity range.
ing research in many areas of optics, photonics interferometers outperform state-of-the-art An exciting recent trend is to replace the
and physics, where they show exciting poten- devices in an increasing number of fields, single photodetector with a camera sensor.
tial for improving precision measurements. such as spectroscopy, distance metrology As many spectra as there are detector pix-
and holography, offering unique features els can be measured simultaneously. This
What is frequency comb interferometry? such as frequency measurement, accuracy, leads to hyperspectral imaging. In addition,
Frequency comb interferometry refers to precision and speed. An interferometer can be dual-comb interferometers are advancing
techniques where a frequency comb is used in made up of two frequency combs with slightly three-dimensional imaging by allowing thou-
conjunction with an interferometer to exploit different line spacing. The two beams from sands of holograms to be recorded simultane-
the full spectral bandwidth of the comb. Early the two combs are combined at a beam split- ously, one per comb line. But there is more
on, frequency combs were coupled to known ter and their interference is measured as a to dual-comb interferometers. Dual-comb

nature photonics Volume 18 | September 2024 | 883–885 | 883


the kinetics of unstable species to be observed.

Considerable progress has also been made
towards fieldable and even portable gas
sensors, with applications ranging from the
monitoring of greenhouse gases to industrial
process control or leak detections. Neverthe-
less, the use of dual-comb spectroscopy still
seems to me to be in its infancy, in the sense
that most publications still focus on exploring
innovative measurement schemes. My feel-
ing is that the technique has not yet reached
its full potential and that innovative develop-
ments in optics and photonics will continue.
I am very interested in exploring the limits of
accuracy and sensitivity that can be achieved
with dual-comb spectroscopy, and I am curi-
ous to see if it can become a tool that reveals
some new physics.

Are there any limitations in dual-comb

No spectroscopic technique is universal.
In my opinion, a fundamental limitation in
dual-comb spectroscopy is the trade-off
between sensitivity and measurement time.
Since the signal-to-noise ratio scales with the
interferometers are fundamentally different ‘molecular fingerprint’ region is key to sensi- inverse of the number of comb lines, achieving
from any other type of interferometer: they tive detection of relevant molecular species. high sensitivity over a broad spectral band-
make direct frequency measurements, with Thanks to the efforts of many groups over the width requires long measurement times. Iden-
no geometric limitations on resolution. This past decade, mid-infrared frequency combs tifying the specific advantages of dual-comb
means that they can become tools for preci- are now conveniently available at wavelengths spectroscopy over traditional state-of-the-art
sion spectroscopy, as we demonstrated a few down to 5 µm. The technology is still under spectroscopy techniques can help to identify
years ago in an experiment on Doppler-free development for longer wavelengths in the the ‘sweet spots’ where dual-comb methods
two-photon excitation. They can also lead mid-infrared and THz, and for shorter wave- offer superior performance. One technical
to very compact instruments integrated lengths in the visible. limitation remains the ability to conveniently
on chips. Although there have been remarkable dem- access spectral regions where femtosecond
onstrations by a few groups, it is fair to say lasers do not emit directly, such as the ultra-
What wavelengths are they operating in? that the ultraviolet region is still largely unex- violet. Another technical limitation is the avail-
Why in these wavelength regions? plored, owing to the outstanding instrumental ability of broadband frequency combs with
Initially, frequency comb generators based on challenges of generating low-noise broadband very high or very low repetition frequencies
titanium–sapphire oscillators were developed frequency combs of sufficiently high power, to address new applications.
in the near-infrared range, followed shortly but an increasing number of groups are work- However, the community working on
by erbium-doped and ytterbium-doped fibre ing on this topic because of its implications for dual-comb spectroscopy is quite creative and
femtosecond lasers, which allow turnkey oper- frequency metrology and broadband molecu- very active, and I expect that new ideas and
ation and the installation of very fast actua- lar spectroscopy. The first experiments on new schemes will soon overcome the technical
Credit: Christine Wolf, Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics

tors inside the laser cavities. Erbium-doped dual-comb spectroscopy using ultraviolet limitations. In my group, we have introduced
femtosecond lasers have been widely adopted emitting combs were published in 2024. a new approach based on photon counting
by the community and are highly relevant This is becoming a very active field in which that overcomes the challenges posed by low
for applications in optical communications. a variety of approaches are being explored, conversion efficiency and allows recording at
Also in communications, the more recent so we can expect interesting progress in the extremely low light intensities, in starved-light
technology of microresonator-based Kerr coming years. conditions, where the power levels are more
combs promises very compact devices, fully than a million times weaker than those com-
integrated on photonic chips. These combs What is the first use of dual-comb monly used. We expect this to open up new
also have a high repetition frequency, which spectroscopy? applications as the measurement of spectro-
makes them interesting for some applications, I would say that the first use of dual-comb scopic signatures at extremely low light levels
such as ranging or holography. spectroscopy is for laboratory spectroscopy. has become critical in many areas of science
However, many applications require combs It dramatically improves the measurement of and technology. Such applications range from
that emit in other spectral regions. For exam- molecular parameters, such as line positions, precision spectroscopy — in which a few atoms
ple, in molecular sensing, the mid-infrared line intensities and line shapes. It also allows or molecules are observed under controlled

nature photonics Volume 18 | September 2024 | 883–885 | 884


conditions where systematic effects due to many more projects than before. Although and photonics have been ideal platforms
inter-atom and inter-atom–light-field inter- I may not be able to exactly continue my style for this, because even though the experi-
actions are minimized — to light-damaged, of working closely with a small group of gradu- ments are complex and technical, they are
highly scattering biomedical tissues and ate students and being involved in every detail simple enough that you can easily innovate
long-range atmospheric sounding. An excit- of one or two experiments, I will continue my and explore new insights. When I started my
ing future application is certainly the devel- own hands-on experimental work and will keep doctoral thesis, I chose a field that was out of
opment of dual-comb spectroscopy at short playing with the latest technologies. I love fashion because I felt it would be easier for
wavelengths, in the vacuum and extreme ultra- exploring new ideas in the lab, and I will con- me to not follow the mainstream. I was will-
violet, which would provide unique insights tinue to dedicate time to improvising optical ing to put myself in a situation where I might
into highly excited states in molecules and experiments in my lab. I am also very excited come up with something original. Fashions are
out-of-equilibrium processes in light–matter about the new scientific environment, both at made by people, but any field of research can
interactions. the MBI and in the Berlin area. There are many potentially be a playground for breakthroughs
excellent groups here and this offers thrilling if you look at it differently. Research has moved
What are the challenges of making opportunities for collaboration. I have spent on a lot since then, and I am not sure I would
the dual-comb spectroscopy practical 15 years at the Max Planck Institute of Quan- advise young researchers to do the same now.
and sustainable? tum Optics and have learned so much there. My advice to young physicists would be to find
Dual-comb spectroscopy is still an expensive I feel privileged to have worked at such an something you are passionate about and dive
and complex technique requiring interdiscipli- outstanding institute, but now I am looking into it. It can and should be fun. Look where no
nary skills. Cost reduction and simplification to the future, excited by the new scientific chal- one has looked before and dare to try, fail and
of the technique are taking place, but progress lenges ahead and looking forward to building bounce. Make time for thinking, understand
is relatively slow. So far, its applications are a research division at MBI that will explore new the physics you are doing deeply, come up
spectacular and of very high technical quality, insights and make new discoveries. I also hope with simple — but not simplistic — pictures of
but they are not yet accessible to communities to be able to better support and encourage the concepts you are creating, learn to be clear
with little knowledge of optics and photon- young women to pursue academic careers and rigorous, develop your writing skills. Do
ics. I am not an entrepreneur, but high-quality in optics and photonics. not expect instant gratification. Always play
spectroscopy instruments are already very fair, no matter what you experience. The rest,
widespread, and perhaps dual-comb spec- Fashions are made by people, I think, is a difficult balance to strike. Work hard
troscopy still lacks markets that would allow but stay healthy. Be creative but realistic. Be
its widespread use and justify large companies
but any field of research can ambitious to make discoveries but be gradual.
investing in the development of user-friendly potentially be a playground Be self-motivated and determined but listen to
instruments that would be accessible to biolo- for breakthroughs if you look advice and take positive criticism. Be focused
gists or chemists, for example. but open-minded. Work on the details but keep
at it differently. an eye on the big picture. Think independently
You recently moved from the Max Planck but find an environment that encourages you
Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching, You are a very successful figure and allows you to grow. Focus on creating
Germany, to MBI in Berlin, Germany. How in photonics community. What is something new but be aware of what others
do you feel about the move? your advice to young students and have done or are doing so that you can rec-
Actually, I am still in the middle of the move! researchers? ognize new ideas and not waste your time
I have taken up my position in Berlin and some I am not sure that I am a model of anything, repeating or refining what has already been
experiments have already started here, but but let me try. Personally, I have always had a done. Be humble about your achievements and
the laboratories in Garching will not be moved passion for building new instruments, because generous when recognizing those of others. Be
until the autumn, so at the moment I feel like I always thought that if I could come up with demanding of yourself and tolerant of others.
I am in the middle of a tornado! I am very enthu- new instrumental capabilities, I might be
siastic about the fantastic working conditions able to discover some new physics. I always Interviewed by Rachel Won
on offer in Berlin. With much more space, staff try to get out of my comfort zone, to learn
positions and funding, I am now able to pursue new things, to explore new ideas. Optics Published online: 4 September 2024

nature photonics Volume 18 | September 2024 | 883–885 | 885

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