Root Knot Nematode
Root Knot Nematode
Root Knot Nematode
Root knot nematodes, or eel worms, belong to the genus Meloidogyne, which includes
the following species:
• M. arenaria
• M. hapla
• M. incognita
• M. javanica.
They infest a wide range of plants and are the most economically damaging of all the
nematode species to agricultural crops worldwide. Potatoes are particularly susceptible,
but only in warm areas. Generally, root knot nematodes are not a major problem in the
cool production districts. The greatest losses occur where potatoes are grown intensively
or rotated with other susceptible crops.
Infested potato plants may show varying degrees of stunting, yellowing of leaves and a
tendency to wilt under moisture stress. Roots have swellings or galls, and beads or knots
(hence the common name). Affected tubers have blisters or swellings. Symptoms are
most severe when crops are grown on sandy soils and warm climates above 25°C.
Root knot nematode reduces the quality, size and number of tubers. Infested potatoes
can become more susceptible to bacterial wilt, which is caused by Ralstonia
solanacearum. Also, symptoms are more severe when plants are also infected with fungal
pathogens such as Verticillium and Rhizoctonia.
Nematodes or eelworms are small (less than 1 mm in length) soil-borne pests which
attack plant roots. They are the most common multicellular organisms in soil.
Juvenile nematodes hatch from egg masses (eggs surrounded by a gelatinous layer)
deposited by females. Juveniles move through the soil to the plant roots where they use
a needle-like stylet to puncture roots (just behind the root tip) and suck out the cell
contents. After entering the plant, the juvenile nematodes undergo a series of moults. On
becoming adults, the males leave the roots while the females stay in the roots and
continue to feed.
Invasion and feeding by the female nematode stimulate the host cells to enlarge and
multiply into giant cells, causing the galls on the roots. Once a female nematode
establishes a feeding site, her body enlarges and protrudes through the root. After mating,
she lays eggs in a sticky substance on the outside of her body. Some species of root knot
nematode can produce eggs without males. In temperate climates, generation time is four
to six weeks and there are usually three or four generations per year.
Nematodes survive in the soil as egg masses. The gelatinous layer around the egg
masses provides protection against desiccation and chemicals. Each female produces
500 to 1000 eggs. Eggs hatch under favourable conditions and juvenile nematodes infest
roots of potatoes and other host plants.
Root knot nematodes also survive in the absence of potatoes by infesting alternative
hosts, including many weed species.
Host range
Potato (Solanum species) and over 2000 other plant species, including many species of
vegetables and weeds.
There are no potato cultivars that are resistant to root knot nematode. Chemical control
is difficult and may not be economical.