Winda Rahmana Siregar - 0304201021 - Research Proposal
Winda Rahmana Siregar - 0304201021 - Research Proposal
Winda Rahmana Siregar - 0304201021 - Research Proposal
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2023/ 2024
Praise and gratitude the writer say to Allah SWT who has given His grace and guidance, so
the writer can complete the task of this proposal. The author's goal of making and compiling this
proposal is to fulfill the assignment given by Dr. Muhammad Dalimunthe, M. Hum as a lecturer
in the Seminar on English Course. In the following, the writer presents a proposal entitled “The
Implementation Of Hellotalk Application In Teaching Vocabulary At The Second Grade
Student’s Mts.Lab Uinsu”.
The writer realizes that this proposal is not without flaws. The writer expects suggestions
and criticisms for the sake of perfection and improvement so that in the end this proposal report
can provide benefits for the field of education and application in the field and can be further
PREFACE ...................................................................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................ iii
CHAPTER I .................................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1
A. The Background of Study .................................................................................................... 1
B. The Problem of the Study .................................................................................................... 2
C. The Objective of Study ........................................................................................................ 2
D. The Scope of Study .............................................................................................................. 2
E. The Significant of Study ...................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER II ................................................................................................................................. 3
REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...................................................................................................... 3
A. Theoretical Framework ........................................................................................................ 3
1. Vocabulary ....................................................................................................................... 3
2. HelloTalk Application ...................................................................................................... 4
B. Relevant Studies................................................................................................................... 5
C. Conceptual framework ......................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER III ............................................................................................................................... 7
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................ 7
A. Research Design................................................................................................................... 7
B. The Source of the Data ........................................................................................................ 7
C. Instruments of the Data ........................................................................................................ 7
D. Technique of Collecting Data .............................................................................................. 8
E. The Technique of analyzing Data ........................................................................................ 9
F. The Procedure of the Study.................................................................................................. 9
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 10
To learn the foreign language English, vocabulary is very important. According to Wilkins in
Panese (2017), although no words can be communicated without grammar, these words show
that vocabulary provides a great contribution to students to improve their language skills.
McCarthy & O'Dell (2008) states that organization is an important component in vocabulary
development. words and phrases. It will help students remember vocabulary. people who realize
the importance of learning English and its importance those who will learn English will
understand how important vocabulary itself is.
In order to accomplish this arduous task, teachers were expected to possess inventiveness in
teaching by utilizing any kind of teaching tools that are already available in their surroundings.
One of the objectives of teaching English was to increase the ability of students to comprehend
English words that they might encounter in their surroundings. In fact, students often
experienced difficulty in learning the words, which means that it requires more teacher's
attention to make the transfer of the vocabulary process easier to grasp and more enjoy.
Because of the fact that their smartphone was the most interesting thing for students recently,
the researcher was looking for an interest application for studying English, especially
vocabulary. According to Hidayati (2019), through the application, students can be easier to
learn and achieve their mastery of vocabulary, and they could learn English from their
smartphone and practice more often although they are not in school. However, the application
from their smartphone, students also could be able to learn English from their smartphone and
practice more often.
One of the English smartphone application was HelloTalk App. According to Rivera (2017),
Hellotalk is a conversation-based mobile-assisted language application that aims to make
language learning and cultural immersion simple, engaging, and intuitive by allowing users to
chat and connect synchronously with native speakers from around the world. Conversation
partners can communicate with each other through a variety of media, including written text,
speech-to-text, recorded audio messages, video chat, and doodles. The researcher formulated
three research problems as follows is using the HelloTalk application effective in increasing
vocabulary in second grade students at MTS Lab.Uinsu?
Therefore, the effects of HelloTalk App on students include facilitating access to English
classes, helping them learn vocabulary they don't already know, and helping them use that
vocabulary in spoken form.
From the background of the problem that has been explained, the problem identification
obtained is using the HelloTalk application effective in increasing vocabulary in second grade
students at MTS Lab.Uinsu?
The aim of this research is to find out Is the HelloTalk Application effective in increasing
vocabulary in second grade students MTS. Lab. Uinsu?
A. Theoretical Framework
1. Vocabulary
a. Defenition of Vocabulary
Acquired vocabulary is one of the biggest obstacles in learning a second language because a
vocabulary, which usually grows with age, is a useful and fundamental tool for communication
and learning. Vocabulary is defined as a set of familiar words used by a person.
reminder, and
Reading vocabulary
Listening vocabulary
Speaking vocabulary
Writing vocabulary
d. Teaching Vocabulary
One of the most crucial elements of the learning process is teaching. Hornby (1995:125)
defines teaching as “providing guidance to somebody’s knowledge and skills”, which means that
teachers should impart information to students regarding vocabulary and how to use it in daily
conversation. However, Brown (2000) defines teaching as directing and encouraging learning,
allowing students to understand, and setting the learning conditions.
2. HelloTalk Application
a. Definition of HelloTalk Application
b. Detailed description
Details about HelloTalk: HelloTalk is a popular language learning app in the market, based
in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China. It has a Google Play rating of 4.3. This app supports almost
all languages around the world, including English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French, Mandarin,
Portuguese, German, Italian, Russian, Arabic, and many more. The main goal is to connect
learners with native speakers and the target culture in such a way that learning becomes easier.
Although this app has a lot of options, one has to download the premium version to be able to
access everything without any restrictions.
c. Strengths
HelloTalk allows its users to make free phone calls for a better, friendlier language learning
experience and real-life connections. With the help of this feature, students learn to recognize
informal and casual conversations in the target language, which is an important skill in a second
language. The app's automatic translation feature, which helps keep conversations moving, is one
of its most prominent features. Additionally, romanized pronunciation is especially beneficial for
languages that do not use the Latin alphabet, such as Chinese.
d. Weakness
The lack of a motivation system to motivate students to keep learning the language with this
application is the biggest drawback of this app, and it needs urgent attention. People, especially
those who are not very motivated, may not try to speak another language regularly because there
are no messages provided by the HelloTalk team. HelloTalk isn't completely free, like many
good mobile language teaching apps. VIP memberships or paid versions are very expensive, and
having to pay to practice a language other than your primary language may be considered unfair.
Easy to use
Time efficiency
B. Relevant Studies
Some researchers had reported their researches related to vocabulary mastery and the using
of application. These were their findings that include the similarities and differences with the
current research.
In his article entitled "The Impact of Technology Hello English Application in EFL
Classroom", Ranta (2019) found that the Hello English application is an effective tool for
teaching simple past tense. The results show that using the Hello English application as a tool for
teaching English as an international language can create a friendlier classroom environment.
Technology can improve students' motivation, their vocabulary, and their scores.
However, there are differences between the research above and this research what
researchers have done. It was the researchers before implementing Hello English in temporary
learning process researchers in this study conducted research using the HelloTalk application as
a learning medium and focused on Vocabulary achievement.
C. Conceptual framework
A. Research Design
This study uses a qualitative method. According to Creswell (2011), qualitative research is a
process of understanding inquiry based on different methodological traditions that explore social
or humanitarian problems. In this research, researchers will conduct research through case
studies to achieve research objectives.
The measure of students vocabulary test in pre-test and post-test refering to the scoring
system as in the following:
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑠
Calculating the result of the test To assess the varying significance between the pre-test
score and post-test, test value was determined using the following formula:
t : Test of significance
D : Score shange
Gay, (2012)
1. Observation
Observation the investigator attended an English class where the teacher taught with using
the HelloTalk application. the investigator sits behind the student to view student actions when
the teacher explains material to support data observation, researchers record all activities in the
learning process.
2. Interview
The researcher conducted an unstructured interview with the teachers in order to obtain data
information detail from the participants. The researcher created five questions, but they were
improved based on the teachers' answers.
3. Questionnare
In this study, a questionnaire consisting of 20 items asked about students' interests and
opinions about HelloTalk Application, mainly as their media in learning English, and their
progress in vocabulary ability. The answer scale consisted of strongly agree, agree, are
undecided, disagree, and strongly disagree. However, the researcher omitted the undecided
option to avoid misunderstanding because it didn't contribute any information.
Hidayati, T. (2019). Students’ Motivation to Learn English Using mobile Applications: The Case
of Duolingo and Hello English. Thesis. STAIN Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh.
Miles, M. B,. Huberman, A. M. & Saldana, J. (2014). Qualitative Data Analysis: Sourcebook
New Methods. California: SAGE Publication Inc New York: McGraw-Hill.
Ranta, B. (2019). The Impact of Technology Hello English Application in EFL Classroom.
Lingual. Universitas Musamus.
Seroja, R. (2019). The Effect of Hello English Application on the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery
at the Eighth Grade of Junior High School (A Quasi Experimental Study at the Eighth
Grade Students of SMPN 1 STM Hulu in Academic Year 2019/2020). Thesis. UIN
Sumatera Utara Medan.
Syahfriati. (2012). The Vocabulary Mastery of The Tenth Grade Students through Vocabulary
Self-Collection Strategy at Man Mangempang Barru. Thesis. UIN Alauddin Makassar.