Lower Limb Projection
Lower Limb Projection
Lower Limb Projection
A. Patient Position
Patient in prone
C. Central Ray
4. Lateral Projection (Weight-Bearing Method)
Perpendicular to the base of the third
metatarsal A. Patient Position
15° posterior angle, directed to the tarsals The plantar surface of the foot should rest
Perpendicular to the tarsals for bilateral on the IR
projection. To project the true relationship
C. Central Ray
of the bones and ossification centers
40° anteriorly through the lower leg
D. Patient Instruction
D. Patient Instruction
Normal respiration
Normal Respiration
E. Exam Rationale
E. Exam Rationale
To demonstrates the degree of adduction of
the forefoot and the degree of inversion of The inclusion of the dorsoplantar axial
the calcaneus projection in the examination of the patient
with a clubfoot
F. Structure Shown
F. Structure Shown
Calcaneus Calcaneus
Tibia and Fibula Sustentaculum talar joint
2. Lateral Projection (Mediolateral)
F. Structure Shown 40° cephalad from the long axis of the foot,
directed to the base of the third metatarsal
Talus, Calcaneus, and Metatarsals
Distal tibia and fibula D. Patient Instruction
Normal Respiration
40° caudally, to the long axis of the foot, Dorsiflex the foot so that the plantar
enters the dorsal aspect of the ankle joint surface is at right angle to the leg
Lateral surface of the foot rest on the IR
C. Central Ray
D. Patient Instruction
Perpendicular to the 1 to 1 ½ inches distal
Normal Respiration to the medial malleolus
E. Exam Rationale D. Patient Instruction
Shows an axial view of the calcaneus, with Normal Respiration
the sustentaculum tali and tuberosity
E. Exam Rationale
F. Structure Shown
Shows the heel in profile and is used to
Calcaneus and subtalar joint demonstrate the anterior/posterior
Sustentaculum tali displacement of bony pieces
3. Axial Projection (Weight-Bearing) (Coalition F. Structure Shown
A. Patient Position Sinus tarsi
Patient is in standing- Ankle joint and adjacent tarsals
upright position
Normal Respiration
E. Exam Rationale
To demonstrate the
Broden Method
F. Structure Shown
1. AP Axial Oblique Projection (Medial Rotation)
A. Patient Position
Patient in supine position Posterior portion of the subtalar joint
Dorsiflex the foot to obtain a right angle 1. Lateromedial Oblique Projection (Medial Rotation
flexion at the ankle joint Foot)
Rotate the leg and foot medially to form an
A. Patient Position
angle of 45°
Patient in semiprone
C. Central Ray
or seated position
40° caudally, directed 2 or 3 cm Flex the knee to
caudoanteriorly to the lateral malleolus place the ankle joint in nearly right angle
To demonstrate the anterior and flexion
posterior talocalcaneal articulation
B. Part Position
20 to 30° caudally
To demonstrate articulation Medial border of the foot resting on the IR
between the talus and the
sustentaculum tali C. Central Ray
10 caudally Perpendicular, to a point 1 inch distal and
To demonstrate the posterior part anterior to the lateral malleolus
of the posterior talocalcaneal
articulation D. Patient Instruction
Normal Respiration
Shows the posterior facet of the calcaneus Shows the middle articulation of the
and the articulation between the talus and subtalar joint and “end-on” projection of
sustentaculum tali the sinus tarsi
E. Exam Rationale
1. AP Projection
This radiograph shows a lateral image of the
A. Patient Position distal end of the femur, patella, knee joint,
proximal ends of the tibia and fibula, and
Patient is seated
adjacent soft tissue.
or supine position
on the F. Structure Shown
radiographic table with the knee extended
Distal femur, proximal tibia, fibula patella
B. Part Position and tibiofemoral joint and patellofemoral
Rotate the leg internally 3 to 5° until the
intercondylar line is parallel to the fil 3. AP Oblique Internal Rotation
Center the knee joint ½ inch distal to the
A. Patient Position
patella apex.
Patient is seated or
C. Central Ray
supine position on
5° cephalad, to a point ½ inch below apex of the table with the
the patella knee extended
5 cephalad, directed to ½ inch inferior to For a direct PA projection, have the patient
the patellar apex stand upright with knees in contact with the
vertical grid device.
D. Patient Instruction
Center the IR at a level 1/2 inch (1.3 cm)
Normal Respiration below the apices of the patellae.
Have the patient grasp the edge of the grid
E. Exam Rationale device and flex knees to place the femurs at
The oblique is an alternative position of the an angle of 45 degrees
knee that is used to provide a different C. Central Ray
perspective from that of the AP and lateral.
Perpendicular to the tibia and fibula.
F. Structure Shown A 10-degree caudal angle is sometimes
Lateral femoral and tibial condyles used.
Lateral tibial plateau D. Patient Instruction
Head of the fibula and
The proximal tibiofibular articulation Normal Respiration