Hindi Calander
Hindi Calander
Hindi Calander
The Hindu calendar is based on the age of Lord Bramha, the Creator of Universe. The life span of Lord Bramha is 100 years. His age now is 51 years. Each day of Lord Bramha is designated by a Kalpa. Each Kalpa comprise of 14 Manus and each Manus consist of 71 Mahayug. 1000 such Mahayugs completes Lord Bramha's 1 day. At present, we are in the 28th Mahayug. One Mahayuga comprises of : 1. Krutayug = (432,000 X 4) years 2. Tretayug = (432,000 X 3) years 3. Dwaparyug = (432,000 X 2) years 4. Kaliyug = (432,000 X 1) years We are passing the Kaliyug today, which started in the year 3102 B.C. The Yugas are further sub-divided into 60 year cycles. The current cycle began on March 30, 1987 and will end in April 2047. The religious ritualistic activities are mainly based on the Lunar Calendar. However, some regions of Bharat(India) follow the Solar Calendar.
5.Sharaavan (July-August) 6.Bhadrapad (August-September) ......... Varsha (Monsoon) 7.Ashwin (September-October) 8.Kaartik (October-November) ......... Sharad (Autumn) 9.Margasheersh (November-December) 10.Paush (December-January) ......... Hemanta (Winter) 11.Maagh (January-February) 12.Phalgun (February-March) ........... Shishira (Dewey) Adhika (Purushottam) Maas Since the calendar is based on the phases of the moon, the twelve as above take 354 days, 8 hours and 34.28 seconds. This creates a difference of 10 days, 21 hours and 35.16 seconds from the actual solar year (365 days, 6 hours, 9.54 seconds) When the accumulated difference exceeds 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 2.865 seconds, an adjustment is made with a extra month (Adhika Maas), which carries the name of the previous or the next month, depending on the proximity of the month. Normally, seven extra months occur in 19 years.
7.Tula (Libra) The Scales 8.Vrushchika (Scorpio) The Scorpion 9.Dhanu (Sagittarius) The Bow 10.Makar (Capricorn) The Crab 11.Kumbha (Aquarius) The Pot 12.Meena (Pisces) The Fish The first month of the lunar calendar - Chaitra, corresponds to the solar month Maysha. Maysha begins on or close to 12th day of April, and this day is celebrated as the New Year Day known as Vaishakhi or Yugadhi. Makar Sankranta, which corresponds to the entry of the Sun into Makar Rashi, occurs on January 14 every year.
Each year (called the Samvatsar, Shaka or Samvat), normally consists of the 12 months except when there is a Adhik Maas (Additional Month). Shaka Samvat The Shalivahan Shaka Samvat is based on the lunar calendar and the new year starts with Chaitra Maas (Shukla Paksha). This calendar is believed to have been initiated by King Shalivahan in the year 78 A.D. Vikram Samvat The Vikram Era started with Raja Vikramaditya of Ujjain, following his victory over the Saka in 56 B.C. The new year begins with the first day of Kartik following Deepawali Amaavasya. The Yudhisthir Shaka, which started approximately around 5500 B.C, is not very popular today.