6 Comp
6 Comp
6 Comp
d. which of the following features allow windows 10 to adopt to different device types?
2. fill in the blanks. [mail page, hyperlink, program, insert, human, 2GL, assembly, language]
a. we need a __________ to communicate with a computer.
b. __________ language consist of sets of binary numbers i.e. 0 and 1.
c. an ____________language is machine dependents.
d. 3GLs are closer to __________ language.
e. Microsoft word 2016 is a word processing ___________ used to create text documents.
f. __________ command creates a copy of a document while keeping the original.
g. in ms word , mailing list is also known as_________.
h. you can _________ table as per your requirement.
3. write true or false.
a. a program is a set of instructions. [ ]
b. high –level language are easier to understand.[ ]
c. compiler is shower in comparison to interpreter. [ ]
d. robots are an example of system running with artificial intelligence.[ ]
e. C++ and JAVA are fourth generation.[ ]
4. answer the following question .
a. what do you mean by machine language.
b. mention any three differences between windows 8 and windows 10.
a. CD b. MU c. RAM