Even Perfect Numbers in Generalized Pell Sequences: Jhon J. Bravo and Jose L. Herrera
Even Perfect Numbers in Generalized Pell Sequences: Jhon J. Bravo and Jose L. Herrera
Even Perfect Numbers in Generalized Pell Sequences: Jhon J. Bravo and Jose L. Herrera
Lithuanian Mathematical Journal
Abstract. In this paper, by using linear forms in logarithms and the Baker–Davenport reduction procedure we prove
that there are no even perfect numbers appearing in generalized Pell sequences. We also deduce some interesting results
involving generalized Pell numbers, which we believe are of independent interest. This paper continues a previous work
that searched for perfect numbers in the classical Pell sequence.
MSC: 11B39, 11J86
Keywords: generalized Pell number, perfect number, linear form in logarithms, reduction method
1 Introduction
A perfect number is defined as any positive integer where the sum of its proper divisors equals the number.
The first integers satisfying this property are
Euclid, over two thousand years ago, showed that 2p−1 (2p − 1) is an even perfect number whenever 2p − 1 is
a prime. The prime numbers of the form 2p − 1 are known as Mersenne primes and require p itself to be prime.
A much less obvious result, due to Euler, showed that all even perfect numbers are of the form 2p−1 (2p − 1)
for some p such that 2p − 1 is a Mersenne prime. This is known as the Euclid–Euler theorem.
Theorem [Euclid–Euler]. An even positive integer is a perfect number if and only if it has the form 2p−1 ×
(2p − 1) with 2p − 1 a prime.
This theorem describes the relationship between perfect numbers and Mersenne primes. It is conjectured
that there are infinitely many Mersenne primes. This is equivalent, by the Euclid–Euler theorem, to the conjec-
ture that there are infinitely many even perfect numbers. It is also unknown whether there exists even a single
odd perfect number.
There are a lot of integer sequences used in number theory. For instance, the Fibonacci sequence (Fn )∞ n=0
is one of the most famous and curious numerical sequences in mathematics and has been widely studied in the
literature. Also, there is the Pell sequence, which is as important as the Fibonacci sequence. The Pell sequence
The author was supported in part by Projects VRI ID 4689 (Universidad del Cauca) and Colciencias 110371250560.
c 2020 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
2 J.J. Bravo and J.L. Herrera
(Pn )∞n=0 is defined by the recurrence Pn = 2Pn−1 + Pn−2 for n 2 with P0 = 0 and P1 = 1 as initial
conditions. For the beauty and rich applications of these numbers and their relatives, we refer the reader to
Koshy’s book [8].
Let φ(n) and σ(n) be the Euler function and the sum of divisors of the positive integer n, respectively.
Note that a number n is perfect if σ(n) = 2n.
There are many papers in the literature dealing with Diophantine equations involving arithmetic functions
in members of a binary recurrent sequence. For example, in [10], it was shown that 1, 2, and 3 are the only
Fibonacci numbers whose Euler function is also a Fibonacci number, whereas in [11], it was proved that if the
Euler function of the nth Pell number Pn is a power of 2, then n 8. In [9], it was shown that the Fibonacci
sequence contains no any perfect number, whereas in [4], it was proved that there are no such perfect numbers
in the Pell sequence.
In 2014, Facó and Marques [6] looked for perfect numbers in the k-generalized Fibonacci sequence and
proved that there are no even perfect numbers belonging to k-generalized Fibonacci sequences when k ≡ 3
(mod 4). The k-generalized Fibonacci sequence starts with k − 1 consecutive 0s followed by 1, and each term
afterward is the sum of the k preceding terms.
Inspired by these results, in this paper, we study a problem related to that of [4, 6, 9] but with the
k-generalized Pell sequence. The k-generalized Pell sequence or, for simplicity, the k-Pell sequence P (k) =
(Pn )∞ n=−(k−2) is given by the following linear recurrence of higher order:
2 Preliminary results
2.1 The k-Pell sequence
The first interesting fact about the k-Pell sequence, showed by Kiliç [7], is that the first k + 1 nonzero terms
in P (k) are Fibonacci numbers with odd index, namely,
whereas the next term is Pk+2 = F2k+3 −1. Bravo, Herrera, and Luca [3] also investigated the k-Pell sequence
and generalized some well-known properties of (Pn )∞
n=0 to the sequence P
(k) . They proved, for instance, the
Even perfect numbers in generalized Pell sequences 3
Pn(k) = F2n−1 − F2j Pn−k−j for all k 2 and n k + 2.
Note that this formula immediately shows that the nth k-Pell number does not exceed the Fibonacci number
with index 2n − 1. In fact,
Pn(k) < F2n−1 for all k 2 and n k + 2.
has just one real root γ := γ(k) outside the unit circle. This means that the single root γ is in fact a Pisot
number (see, e.g., [3]). To simplify notation, we will omit the dependence on k of γ whenever no confusion
may arise. We denote by γ := γ1 , γ2 , . . . , γk the roots of the characteristic polynomial Φk (x). Since γ is a Pisot
number with minimal polynomial Φk (x), it follows that this polynomial is irreducible over Q[x]. Moreover, it
is also known that γ is exponentially close to ϕ2 , where ϕ denotes the golden section. In fact, it was proved
in [3, Lemma 3.2] that γ is located between ϕ2 (1 − ϕ−k ) and ϕ2 .
Let us define, for an integer k 2, the function
z−1 z−1
gk (z) = = . (2.2)
(k + 1)z 2 − 3kz + k − 1 k(z − 3z + 1) + z 2 − 1
If we consider the function gk (x) defined in (2.2) as a function of a real variable, then it is not difficult to see
that gk (x) has a vertical asymptote in
3k + 5k 2 + 4
c2 (k) := (2.3)
2(k + 1)
and is positive and continuous in (c2 (k), +∞). The following elementary lemma will be needed for some
estimates in the next subsection.
Lemma 1. Keep the above notation and let k 2 be an integer. Then
0.276 < gk (γ) < 0.5 and gk (γi ) < 1 for 2 i k.
Proof. The proof of the first part can be found in [3, Lemma 3.2]. For the second part, that is, for 2 i k,
we consider the function
hk (x) = (x − 1)Φk (x) = xk−1 x2 − 3x + 1 + 1. (2.4)
Evaluating expression (2.4) at γi and rearranging some terms of the resulting expression, we get the relation
γi2 − 3γi + 1 = −1/γik−1 , and so
k γi2 − 3γi + 1 + γi2 − 1 = γi2 − 1 − .
2 k 2 k 2
k γi − 3γi + 1 + γi − 1 =
γ k−1 − γi − 1 |γi |k−1 − γi − 1 > k − 2,
Pn(k) = gk (γi )γin . (2.5)
It was also proved in [3] that the contribution of the roots that are inside the unit circle to formula (2.5) is very
small, namely, we have the approximation
Pn − gk (γ)γ n < 1 for all n 2 − k. (2.6)
From (2.6) we can write
Pn(k) = gk (γ)γ n + ek (n), where ek (n) < . (2.7)
We will use estimate (2.7) later. Furthermore, in [3], the inequality
γ n−2 Pk γ n−1 for all n 1 (2.8)
ϕ2n 4
gk (γ)γ n = (1 + ζ), where |ζ| < .
ϕ+2 ϕk/2
Proof. Let λ > 0 be such that γ + λ = ϕ2 . Since γ is located between ϕ2 (1 − ϕ−k ) and ϕ2 , we get that
λ < ϕ2 − ϕ2 (1 − ϕ−k ) = 1/ϕk−2 , that is, λ ∈ (0, 1/ϕk−2 ). Besides,
2 n 2n λ n
= ϕ2n en log(1−λ/ϕ ) ϕ2n e−2λn/ϕ ,
2 2
γ = ϕ −λ =ϕ
1− 2
where we used the inequality log(1 − x) −2x for x ∈ (0, 1/2). We also have that e−x 1 − x for all x ∈ R,
and thus γ n ϕ2n (1 − 2λn/ϕ2 ). Moreover,
2λn 2n 2ϕk/2 2
< k
< k
= k/2 .
ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ
2n 2
γ >ϕ 1− .
Even perfect numbers in generalized Pell sequences 5
ϕ2n − < γ n < ϕ2n ,
that is,
n 2n
γ − ϕ2n < 2ϕ . (2.9)
Using now the mean-value theorem, we get that there exists θ ∈ (γ, ϕ2 ) such that
gk (γ) = gk ϕ2 + γ − ϕ2 gk (θ). (2.10)
Since the discriminant of sk (x) is negative and x = 1 is the only critical point of sk (x), we deduce that
sk (x) > 0 for all x ∈ R and is increasing in (1, ∞). Additionally, it is not difficult to see that tk (x) is
increasing in (c2 (k), ∞), where c2 (k) is given by (2.3). From the above and using the fact that c2 (k) <
ϕ2 − 1/k < γ < θ < ϕ2 (see [3, Lemma 3.2(c)]), we obtain, after some elementary algebra, that
2 2
2 1 2ϕ 1 1 2ϕ 1
tk (θ) tk ϕ − = ϕ− − + 2 +2 ϕ− − + 2 > 12
k k k k k k
gk (γ) − gk ϕ2 = γ − ϕ2 gk (θ) = λgk (θ) < . (2.11)
γ n = ϕ2n + δ and gk (γ) = gk ϕ2 + η,
gk (γ)γ n = gk ϕ2 + η ϕ2n + δ = (1 + ζ),
δ (ϕ + 2)ηδ
ζ= 2n
+ (ϕ + 2)η + .
ϕ ϕ2n
a0 x + a1 x d−1
+ · · · + ad = a0 x − η (i) ,
where the leading coefficient a0 is positive, and the η (i) are the conjugates of η . Then
h(η) = log a0 + log max η (i) , 1
is called the logarithmic height of η . In particular, if η = p/q is a rational number with gcd(p, q) = 1 and
q > 0, then h(η) = log max{|p|, q}.
The following are basic properties of the logarithmic height. For α, β algebraic numbers and s ∈ Z, we
• h(α ± β) h(α) + h(β) + log 2;
• h(αβ ±1 ) h(α) + h(β);
• h(αs ) = |s|h(α).
Then we can state the following theorem [12].
Theorem 2 [Matveev’s theorem]. Let K be a number field of degree D over Q, let γ1 , . . . , γt be positive real
numbers of K, and let b1 , . . . , bt be rational integers. Put
Let Ai max{Dh(γi ), | log γi |, 0.16} be real numbers for i = 1, . . . , t. Then, assuming that Λ = 0, we have
|Λ| > exp −1.4 · 30t+3 · t4.5 · D 2 (1 + log D)(1 + log B)A1 · · · At .
We now give an estimate for the logarithmic height of the algebraic number gk (γ), which will be used later.
Lemma 3. For k 2, we have that h(gk (γ)) < 4k log ϕ + k log(k + 1).
Even perfect numbers in generalized Pell sequences 7
Proof. Put
fk (x) = x − gk (γi ) ∈ Q[x].
Then the leading coefficient a0 of the minimal polynomial of gk (γ) of degree d over the integers divides
k 2
i=1 ((k + 1)γi − 3kγi + k − 1). But
2 k
(k + 1)γi − 3kγi + k − 1 = (k + 1) c1 (k) − γi c2 (k) − γi ,
i=1 i=1
√ √
3k − 5k 2 + 4 3k + 5k 2 + 4
c1 (k), c2 (k) := , .
2(k + 1) 2(k + 1)
Φk (y) < max y k , 1 + y + · · · + y k−2 + 2y k−1 < ϕ2k for all 0 < y < ϕ2
and 0 < c1 (k) < c2 (k) < ϕ2 , which are easily seen, it follows that a0 < ϕ4k (k + 1)k . By using this and
Lemma 1 we obtain
h gk (γ) = log a0 + log max gk (γi ), 1 < 4k log ϕ + k log(k + 1).
Lemma 4. Let A, B , τ , μ be positive real numbers, and let M be a positive integer. Suppose that p/q is
a convergent of the continued fraction expansion of the irrational τ such that q > 6M . Put ε := μq −
M τ q , where · denotes the distance from the nearest integer. If ε > 0, then there is no positive integer
solution (u, v, w) to the inequality
0 < |uτ − v + μ| < AB −w
subject to the restrictions
uM and w .
log B
3 Proof of Theorem 1
On the other hand, since 2 < γ < ϕ2 for all k 3, by (1.1) and (2.8) we have
22(p−1) < 2p−1 2p − 1 = Pn(k) γ n−1 < ϕ2(n−1)
2n−2 < γ n−2 Pn(k) = 2p−1 2p − 1 < 22p−1 .
log ϕ log ϕ 4n
p< n+ 1− < and n < 2p + 1,
log 2 log 2 5
which gives
< n 2p. (3.1)
We also take K = Q(γ), which has the degree D := k. Note that the left-hand side of (3.2) is nonzero, since
otherwise gk (γ)γ n = 22p−1 , and so by (1.1) and (2.7) we get 2p−1 < 1/2, which is a contradiction.
On the other hand, by Lemma 3 we have h(γ1 ) < 4k log ϕ + k log(k + 1) < 4k log k for all k 3. Thus we
can take A1 := 4k2 log k. Since h(γ2 ) = log 2 and h(γ3 ) = (log γ)/k < (2 log ϕ)/k, we take A2 := k log 2
and A3 := 2 log ϕ. Further, by (3.1) we obtain that 2p − 1 < (8n/5) − 1 < 2n − 1, and so we can take
B := 2n − 1. Then, Matveev’s theorem, together with a straightforward calculation, gives
gk (γ)2−(2p−1) γ n − 1 > exp −1.6 · 1012 k5 log2 k log n , (3.3)
where we used that 1 + log k < 2 log k for k 3 and 1 + log(2n − 1) < 2 log n for n 5. Comparing (3.2)
and (3.3) and using (3.1), we arrive at
To get an upper bound for n depending on k, we next use the fact that x/ log x < A implies x < 2A log A
whenever A 3. Indeed, taking x := n and A := 4.7 · 1012 k5 log2 k and using the inequality 29.2 +
5 log k + 2 log log k < 32 log k for k 3, from (3.4) we get n < 3.1 · 1014 k5 log3 k. Hence by (3.1) we get
p < 4.8 · 1014 k5 log3 k. We summarize this in the following lemma.
Even perfect numbers in generalized Pell sequences 9
At this point, we require the estimate from Lemma 2 to prove that Eq. (1.1) has no solutions for large values
of k. Indeed, since n < ϕk/2 , Lemma 2, combined with (1.1) and (2.7), gives
ϕ (k) ϕ2n ζ
2p−1 2p−1
ϕ + 2 − 2 = Pn − 2 − ek (n) −
ϕ + 2
2(p−1) ϕ2n ϕ + 2 4
<ϕ + + k/2 ,
ϕ + 2 2ϕ2n ϕ
where in the last inequality we used the fact 2 < ϕ2 . Dividing this inequality by ϕ2n /(ϕ + 2), we get
1 − (ϕ + 2)ϕ−2n 22p−1 < (ϕ + 2)ϕ2(p−n−1) + ϕ + 2 + 4 . (3.5)
2ϕ2n ϕk/2
Note that 2(p − n − 1) < −(2 + 2n/5) by the left-hand side of inequality (3.1). By using this and (3.5) we
1 − (ϕ + 2)ϕ−2n 22p−1 < ϕ + 2 + ϕ + 2 + 4
ϕ2 ϕ2n/5 2ϕ2n ϕk/2
2 2 4
< 2n/5 + 2n + k/2 ,
ϕ ϕ ϕ
and since n k + 2, we get
1 − (ϕ + 2)ϕ−2n 22p−1 < . (3.6)
Here we again apply Matveev’s result on the left-hand side of (3.6) with the data t := 3 and
γ1 := ϕ + 2, γ2 := ϕ2 , γ3 := 2, b1 := 1, b2 := −n, b3 := 2p − 1.
Note that K = Q( 5) has the degree D := 2 and contains γ1 , γ2 , γ3 . The left-hand side of (3.6) is not zero.
√ if this were zero, then we would get that ϕ2n = (ϕ + 2)22p−1 . Conjugating the above relation in
Q( 5), we get ϕ = (ϕ + 2)22p−1 , and thus F2n = 22p−1 . But this is possible only if n = 3 and p = 2,
contradicting our assumption that n 5.
Note also that h(γ1 ) = (log 5)/2, h(γ2 ) = log ϕ, and h(γ3 ) = log 2. Hence we can take A1 := log 5,
A2 := 2 log ϕ, and A3 := 2 log 2. Further, recalling (3.1), we can also take B := 2n − 1. Then, Matveev’s
theorem gives
1 − (ϕ + 2)ϕ−2n 22p−1 > exp −4.2 · 1012 log n .
By comparing this with (3.6) we get k < 2.2 · 1013 log n. From this, using the upper bound for n from
Lemma 5, we obtain, after some calculations, that k < 2.7 · 1014 log k. In the above, we used the inequality
34 + 5 log k + 3 log log k < 12 log k for k > 270. This gives k < 1016 , and by Lemma 5 and (3.1) we get
n < 1.6 · 1099 and p < 1.3 · 1099 . We record what we have proved so far as a lemma.
log 2 log(ϕ + 2)
τ := , μ := , A := 17, and B := ϕ2/5 ,
2 log ϕ 2 log ϕ
inequality (3.7) implies
0 < (2p − 1)τ − n + μ < AB −k . (3.8)
Note that τ clearly is an irrational number. We also put M := 2.6 · 1099 , which is an upper bound on 2p − 1
by Lemma 6. Applying Lemma 4 to inequality (3.8), we obtain k < 1230. Then Lemma 5 tells us that
2p − 1 < 9.8 · 1032 . With this new upper bound for 2p − 1 we repeated the process, that is, we now take
M := 9.8 · 1032 to obtain k < 440. A third application gives k < 400, contradicting our assumption that
k > 400. We thus deduce that the possible solutions (n, k, p) of Eq. (1.1) all have k ∈ [3, 400].
Here the same argument used for proving (3.7) shows that
log γ log(gk (γ))
0 < n − (2p − 1) + < 6 · 2−p . (3.9)
log 2 log 2
Putting now
log γ log(gk (γ))
τ = τ (k) := , μ = μ(k) := , A := 6, and B := 2,
log 2 log 2
It is clear that τ is an irrational number because τ > 1 is a unit in OK , the ring of integers of K = Q(γ).
So γ and 2 are multiplicatively independent. We also put Mk := 3.1·1014 k5 log3 k , which is an upper bound
on n from Lemma 5. Applying Lemma 4 to inequality (3.10) for all k ∈ [3, 400], we obtain that
p< ,
log B
where q = q(k) > 6Mk is the denominator of a convergent of the continued fraction of τ such that ε =
ε(k) = μq − Mk τ q > 0. A computer search with Mathematica revealed that if k ∈ [3, 400], then the
maximum value of log(Aq/ε)/ log B is 107. Hence p 107, and since 2p − 1 is prime, we get that
p ∈ {3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 61, 89, 107}. Furthermore, by (3.1), k + 2 n 2p 214, and then k 212.
3 k 212 and k + 2 n 214 with p ∈ {3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 61, 89, 107}.
What we did is generating Pn for all 3 k 212 and k + 2 n 214. Let L1 be the set of such numbers.
Next, we created a new list L2 with the numbers 2p−1 (2p − 1) for p ∈ {3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 61, 89, 107}.
Finally, we computed L1 ∩ L2 and checked that there are no solutions to Eq. (1.1) in this range. This completes
the analysis in the case k ∈ [3, 400] and therefore the proof of Theorem 1.
Acknowledgments. We thank the referee for suggestions which improved the quality of this paper. J.L. Her-
rera thanks the Universidad del Cauca for support during his Ph.D. studies.
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