CHEM113 Midterm Reviewer
CHEM113 Midterm Reviewer
CHEM113 Midterm Reviewer
Metabolism 1
Week 7
Nucleic Acids 1
Week 10
Metabolism 2
Week 8
Nucleic Acids 2
Week 11
A ring that contains elements other than
carbon is called a heterocyclic ring.
The bases found in RNA and DNA
contain two types of heterocyclic rings:
pyrimidine and purine.
- pyrimidine bases: uracil (U), thymine
(T), cytosine (C)
- purine bases: adenine (A), guanine (G)
- DNA contains A, G, T, C; RNA
replaces T with U
Characteristics of the
Genetic Code
Only 61 of the 64 possible triplets The “empty” tRNA released, and the
represent amino acids. The other three whole ribosome moves one codon along
are used as signals for chain termination the mRNA towards the 3’ end
(a “stop” signal). (translocation).
The AUG codon (which also codes for Another tRNA attaches to the A site,
methionine) functions as a “start” signal, and the elongation process is repeated.
but only when it occurs as the first codon
in a sequence.
The Formation of
Recombinant DNA
Restriction enzymes are used to
break DNA up into fragments of The breaks in the strands are joined
known size and nucleotide using DNA ligase, and the plasmid
sequence, which can then be becomes a circular piece of double-
spliced together with DNA ligases. stranded, recombinant DNA.
Cellular Respiration
Metabolism is the sum of all reactions
During cellular respiration, plants and occurring in an organism:
animals combine energy-rich compounds
with oxygen from the air, producing CO2 Catabolism
and releasing energy.
he reactions involved in the breakdown
Cellular respiration can be represented
of biomolecules.
Stage II: The small molecules from ENERGY CARRIER
digestion are broken down into
even simpler units, usually the two-carbon Adenosine triphosphate, ATP, consists
acetyl portion of acetyl coenzyme A of:
(acetyl CoA): – the heterocyclic base adenine
Some energy is produced at this stage, – the sugar ribose
but much more is produced during the – a triphosphate group
oxidation of the acetyl units in Stage III.
Components of coenzyme A:
– vitamin B5 , pantothenic acid, in the Most of energy for ATP synthesis is
center. released when the oxygen we breathe
– a phosphate derivative of ADP is reduced.
– b-mercaptoethylamine, which puts – Oxygen accepts electrons and H+ ,
a reactive sulfhydryl group (—SH) producing water.
at the end of the molecule (CoA— – The electrons come from the
SH). oxidation of fuel molecules, but
are are not transferred directly to
the oxygen.
– These substrates first transfer the
electrons to special coenzyme
The reduced forms of these
coenzymes transfer the electrons to
The letter A is included in the name oxygen through the reactions of the
Coenzyme A to signify its participation electron transport chain.
in the transfer of acetyl groups, but ATP is formed from ADP and Pi as a
Coenzyme A transfers all acyl groups. result of this flow of electrons.
This is important in fatty acid
oxidation and synthesis.
The rate at which the citric acid cycle
The reduced coenzymes NADH and
operates is precisely adjusted to meet
FADH2 are end products of the citric
cellular needs for ATP. –Citrate
acid cycle.
synthetase (Step 1) is an allosteric
In the final stage of food oxidation, the
enzyme that is inhibited by ATP and
hydrogen ions and electrons carried by
NADH and activated by ADP. –
these coenzymes combine with oxygen
Isocitrate dehydrogenase (Step 3) is an
to form water:
allosteric enzyme that is inhibited by
NADH and activated by ADP. –The a-
4H+ + 4e− + O2 → 2H2O
ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex
–This series of reactions is called the
(Step 4) is a group of allosteric
electron transport chain. It involves
enzymes that is inhibited by succinyl
a number of enzymes and cofactors
CoA, NADH, the products of the
located within the inner membrane
reaction that it catalyzes, and ATP.
of the mitochondria.
The rate at which the citric acid cycle
– Electrons from the reduced
operates is reduced when cellular ATP
coenzymes are passed from one
levels are high, and stimulated when
electron carrier to another within the
ATP supplies are low (and ADP levels
membrane in assembly-line fashion,
are high).
until they are combined with the
final electron acceptor, O2 .
The mechanism by which the cell
couples the oxidations of the electron
transport chain and the synthesis of
ATP involves a flow of protons (H+ ).
catalyzes the irreversible conversion
of fructose 6-phosphate to fructose
1,6- bisphosphate THE FATES OF PYRUVATE
As an allosteric enzyme, it is inhibited The sequence of reactions that
by high concentrations of ATP and convert glucose to pyruvate is similar
citrate, and activated by high in all organisms. However, the fate of
concentrations of ADP and AMP the pyruvate as it is used to generate
energy is variable.
Pyruvate Kinase As the process occurs, NAD+ is
catalyzes the conversion of 3- reduced to NADH. The need for a
phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate. continuous supply of NAD+ for
This is an allosteric enzyme that is glycolysis is a key to understanding
inhibited by high concentrations of the fates of pyruvate.
ATP. – In each case, pyruvate is
metabolized so as to regenerate
NAD+, allowing glycolysis to
When the glycolysis pathway is
operating, so are the citric acid cycle
and the electron transport chain,
which produce large amounts of ATP.
– If ATP use decreases, the
concentration of ATP increases.
The ATP binds to phosphofruc-
tokinase and pyruvate kinase,
slowing down their activity, and
thus slowing the glycolysis
Several organisms, including yeast,
regenerate NAD+ under anaerobic
conditions by alcoholic fermentation,
by decarboxylation (removing CO2 )
of pyruvate to produce acetaldehyde:
About 90% of gluconeogenesis occurs
in the liver.
– Very little takes place in the brain,
skeletal muscle, or heart, even
though these tissues have a high
demand for glucose.
– This allows the liver to maintain
blood glucose levels so that
tissues needing glucose can SUMMARY OF MAJOR
extract it from the blood.
Gluconeogenesis involving lactate is
especially important under anaerobic
– During exercise, lactate levels
increase in muscle tissue, and
some diffuses into the blood.
This lactate is transported to the liver,
where lactate dehydrogenase
converts it back into pyruvate:
Glucagon is a polypeptide hormone
It is important that metabolic (29 aa’s) made in the a-cells of the
pathways be responsive to cellular pancreas.
conditions that that energy is not – Glucagon activates the
wasted in producing unneeded breakdown of glycogen in the
materials. liver, thereby increasing blood
Besides the regulation of enzymes at glucose levels, thus counteracting
key control points, the body also uses the effect of insulin.
three important regulatory hormones: – Insulin and glucagon work in
– epinephrine opposition to each other, and
– glucagon blood sugar levels depend in part
– insulin of the biochemical balance
between these hormones.
Insulin is a polypeptide hormone (51
aa’s) made in in the b-cells of the
pancreas. When carbohydrates are
consumed, blood glucose levels rise, EPINEPHRINE
and the pancreas releases insulin into Epinephrine (also known as
the bloodstream: adrenaline) is a hormone and a
– This enhances the absorption of neurotransmitter.
glucose from the blood into the – It stimulates glycogen breakdown
cells of active tissues such as in muscles, and to a smaller extent
skeletal and heart muscles. in the liver.
– Insulin also increases the rate of – This glycogenolysis reaction
synthesis of glycogen, fatty acids, provides energy for a sudden burst
and proteins. of muscular activity as a response
– Insulin stimulates glycolysis. to pain, anger, or fear (the “fight-
– As a result, blood glucose levels or flight” response)
begin to decrease within one hour, – Epinephrine also increases heart
and return to normal in three rate, constricts blood
hours. vessels, and dilates
air passages.
CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM "Seek first his kingdom and his
righteousness, and all these things
will be given to you as well. Therefore
do not worry about tomorrow, for
tomorrow will worry about itself."
Matthew 6:33-34