Cross Shaft Design From The Aspect of Capacity
Cross Shaft Design From The Aspect of Capacity
Cross Shaft Design From The Aspect of Capacity
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4 authors, including:
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Lozica Ivanović1)
Danica Josifović1)
Katarina Živković1)
Blaža Stojanović1)
A cross shaft is one of the most important parts of the Cardan joint. In most cases, the size and lifetime of the Cardan
joint depend on the cross shaft. To ensure the quality of mechanical parts, it is necessary to fulfill the basic
constructional requirements related to the form, function, material and manufacturing procedure. The form of
mechanical parts is the result of adjusting all of these requirements, and the task of a constructor is to develop forms
with the aim of finding the best solution. This paper describes the procedure of determining the effect of geometry
changes on the stress level in the cross shaft of the Cardan joint. The task of the Cardan joint is mechanical
transmission of power and motion between shafts that change the position of their axes in the process of exploitation
or are placed at a certain angle. The critical stress at the cross shaft was calculated by the analytical method and
tested by a numerical solution. It is shown how small changes in the geometry of the cross shaft can lead to a
significant reduction of critical stress. The most favorable ratio between the geometry of the cross shaft and the
extreme stress values has been obtained by the means of the iterative correction of the form and the repetition of the
numerical stress calculation.
Key words: cross shaft, critical stress, numerical methods, geometric shape, cardan joint.
l = h1 − L . (2) - Distance l
The maximum force on the inlet of the cross shaft is: l = h1 − = 0,006 m
M u 2 max M u 2 max
P= = , (3) - Torsion torque on the drive shaft
2R F−L
and the resistant bending torque on the sleeve: MU1 = = 63,662 Nm
π ⋅ n1 ⋅ 30
Ws = π d ,
(4) - Maximum and minimum torsion torque
so that the bending stress: MU1
M u max 2 = = 73,511 Nm
( )
i12 min
32 M u 2 max h1 − L
2 . MU1
σs = (5) M u min 2 = = 55,133 Nm
( F − L)π d 3 i12 max
In the equations, the main symbols are: - Constant torque component on the output shaft
h1 - distance between the front sleeve and the budget
section, 1 + cos α12
M 2k = M U 1 ⋅ = 68,586 Nm
L - length of the needle bearings, 2 cos α12
F - the distance between the front of the cross shaft, and
d - sleeve diameter. - Variable torque component on the output shaft
Shear stresses on the cross shaft can be determined by
the equation: sin 2 α12
M 2 p = MU1 ⋅ = 9,189 Nm
2 cos α12
τ= . (6) - Maximum and minimum torsion torque on the output
πd 2
Taking into account that the cross shaft can be made of
different types of steel, some experiences [5] show that it is M u 2 max = M 2 k + M 2 p = 77,775 Nm
good that the bending stresses do not exceed 150-300 MPa M u 2 min = M 2 k − M 2 p = 59,397 Nm
for passenger cars and 150-250 MPa for commercial
vehicles. - Maximum force on the branch of the cross shaft
The analysis of the actual stress distribution and the
behavior of cross shafts of Cardan joints in operation shows M u 2 max
P= = 2,509 kN
that the initial cracks, as the beginning of the destruction, F−L
usually occur in the zone below the nipple hole. The
strength of the cross shaft can be increased with the - Resistant bending torque
construction solutions in which the central lubrication hole
π ⋅d3
is set at the head of branches, as well as with increasing the Ws = = 1,439 ⋅ 10 −7 m 3
radius of the curves between the sleeve and the middle part 32
of the cross shaft. - Bending stress
P ⋅l
Analytical calculation of the cross shaft of the σs = = 100,8 MPa
Cardan joint
An analytical and a numerical calculation were carried - Shear stress
out for the Cardan joint cross shaft that was in exploitation,
4⋅ P
using the actual measures from the model. The model τ= = 24,15 MPa
parameters are then varied as well as the stress state of the π ⋅d2
numerical method in order to reach the best variant with the - Equivalent stress
lowest stress [6, 7]. The basic data for the calculations are
given in Table 1.
σ e = σ s2 + 3 ⋅ τ 2 = 109,2 MPa
Table 1. Basic data
The stress is lower than the allowable stress which is
Name Value σd=150 MPa.
Entry power PU=10 kW
Entry number of rotation n1=1500 min-1
Structural finite element analysis of the cross shaft
Slope α12=30o
This part of the paper gives the structural finite element
Shear modulus G=0.8·105 MPa
analysis, done in the CATIA® software, which will be used
Dimensions of cross shaft d=11.5 mm
to check the analytical stress values obtained for the Cardan
F=40 mm
joint cross shafts as well as to check the effect of changes in
h1=10.5 mm
the shape of the size of maximum stress. It will be shown
L=9 mm
how the changes on the model affect the maximum stress.
Analysis of results
Based on the analysis of cross shafts, the cheapest option
which has the lowest stress can be chosen. Table 2 gives the
maximum stress variations at the cross shafts. The case with the
lowest stress is marked and chosen as the most favorable one.
Table 2. Maximum stress with the percentage difference at the cross shaft
Cross shaft
Analytically calculated stress: 109.2 MPа
Stress difference
Maximum Stress difference from the
No from the previous
stress analytically calculated [%]
model [%]
1 105.98 MPа 2.95
2 105.03 MPа 0.90 3.82
3 87.41 MPа 16.78 19.95
Figure 15. Dimensions а) real and b) new cross shaft 4 73.31 MPа 16.14 32.87
A new model of cross shaft is shown in Fig.16, while the 5 61.35 MPа 16.31 43.82
distribution of its stress is given in Fig.17, where the model is 6 63.37 MPа -3.29 41.97
Conclusion Acknowledgment
Based on the analysis conducted for the Cardan joint The financial support for the work described in this
cross shafts, it can be concluded that small changes in the paper was provided by the Serbian Ministry of Education
shape can lead to large changes in the stress state of the and Science, Project (TR35033).
investigated part.
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By examining the cross shaft, it was concluded that the [6] ŽIVKOVIĆ,K.: Virtual simulation techniques and their
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up to 40%. The studies indicated that the cheapest option is
when two different radius curves are given, with the smaller geometry on the stress distribution of cross shaft, The 7th
radius at the turn of a larger underlying sleeve. International Scientific Conference Research and Development of
To verify the results, it is desirable to use some other Mechanical Elements and Systems IRMES 2011, Zlatibor, Serbia,
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Received: 21.02.2011.
Ključne reči: krstasta osovina, kritični napon, numeričke metode, geometrijski oblik, kardansko vratilo.
Kly~evwe slova: крестообразный вал, критическое напряжение, численные методы, геометрическая форма,
карданный шарнир (коробка отбора мощности).
Mots clés: axe en forme de croix, tension critique, méthodes numériques, forme géométrique, arbre à cardan.