1st Round Audition Pack Musical Theatre 2024 UPDATED

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Dear Applicant

Thank you for applying to Italia Conti.

We are asking all 1st round auditionees to submit a self-tape and recalls will be held
in person.

We have done our upmost to make self-tape auditions as easy and quick for you to
complete as possible.

That said, we are conscious that some elements of the process may be easier to
complete than others - recording a song or a speech is relatively simple whereas
recording a dance routine, however short, may prove more difficult due to lack of a
suitable space or space restrictions.

It is important that you do not put yourself at any risk to complete this process - your
health is the most important thing.

Details about how to submit can be found at the bottom of this email.

Please read this email for details of what you should include in your self-tape
audition and how we would like this to be filmed and submitted. Filming guidelines
are attached.

Please find the content that should be prepared and performed for your audition


Auditionees should prepare one speech, no longer than one and a half minutes in
length, from a Contemporary British Play written after 1990.

• Ensure your speech is from a published play; it should not be an extract from
a poem, novel, film or television script
• Please choose a character close to your own age
• Please perform your speech in your native accent
• You may choose a speech from any gender
• Auditionees should wear comfortable, fitted rehearsal wear that best
represents you and/or helps with your characterisation
• In a minority of instances, the panel may require a further tape or live-online
audition responding to direction


Auditionees should prepare a song, no longer than one and a half minutes in length
that they enjoy singing and can sing well.

• Please ensure that song is cut to one and a half minutes in length

• Please choose a song that shows your vocal and performance ability and that
is suitable for your casting and voice type

• You may choose a song performed by a character of any gender

• Please avoid songs that require extreme character voices

• Please choose a song that demonstrates your skill in acting as well as singing

• Auditionees should wear comfortable, fitted rehearsal wear that best

represents you and/or helps with your characterisation

• In a minority of instances panel may require a further tape responding to

direction from our Head of Music & Singing

Please ensure that the recording is a true reflection of your acoustic singing
voice. Do not edit the audio or add any effects to the recording in any way.
Please record the audio using the video camera device so you capture an
accurate and unaltered recording of how the voice sounds in a room.

Please record yourself performing the following Kicks and Pirouette combination &
Jump combination exercises as taught on the video.


Solo Dance

Auditionees should prepare one dance piece in your preferred style, no longer than
one minute. This should showcase your strengths and highlight any special skills.

Required dress:

Please wear tight fitting clothing to allow the panel to see your movement fully.

When you have completed the filming for your audition, you will need to upload and
combine the individual clips (DANCE/SINGING/ACTING) to make a single video.
Please upload your video to YouTube and ensure that the video privacy is set to

Please then log back into your Italia Conti application and click on the “Audition Self
Tape” button at the top of the screen, enter your self tape URL (link) into the box
provided and press save.

Please note - the date you have just accepted is your video submission
deadline. Please ensure your video link has been uploaded before the date and
time in the email this pack is attached to.

We have allocated specific days for your audition tape to be viewed and
marked by our panel. First round applicants will receive the result from their
audition submission within 3-4 weeks of receipt. This is to ensure that every
submission deserves our full time and attention.

Below you will find some useful links to help you through this process:

Useful guides:
Equity's Self-Tape Guide
How to Combine Videos on YouTube
What does 'unlisted' mean on YouTube
How to upload video to YouTube

Please know that we are not expecting professional self-tapes, but instead an
accurate and clean representation of who you are and what you can do.

Please get in touch via [email protected] if you have any questions or


Best wishes,

Ruth Breslaw
Admissions Co-ordinator
Italia Conti

Before Recording
• Test the camera and any accessories, such as microphones, by recording a small amount
of footage and playing it back
• Ensure that the space being used for filming is clear of furniture, equipment (unless
required as props) and other people around the edges of the performance space.
• Ensure the space is well lit, with any direct light source behind the camera operator; where
natural light floods in from windows behind the applicant, the recording will appear in
silhouette; stage lighting or spotlights can also adversely affect the video quality



• If the audition panel are not completely certain of the identity of an applicant, the work
submitted cannot be considered
• Before every filmed requirement, the applicant must state their name and UCAS number (if
applicable) and/or hold up a notice clearly showing their full name (as entered with
UCAS) and UCAS number close to the camera. They should also state the task e.g. “John
Smith performing my Contemporary Monologue”

During Recording
• The final performance for assessment must be recorded with a single camera from an
audience perspective and from start to finish and be unedited.
• Avoid clipping the ending of the recording.
• Ensure that extraneous noise is kept to a minimum. It can affect an applicant’s
performance and make it difficult to hear the soundtrack.
• Do not film the applicant from some distance without the zoom facility being used.

After Recording
After a recording has been made, please ensure you watch and check that there are no
problems with the recording, and that all requirements have been met. Unsatisfactory
recordings may not be accepted as evidence for audition and will be required to be re-

We would advise making a duplicate copy of all recorded work to retain for your records.

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