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What I don’t like about the current society?

 People are unkind, they lack empathy.

 People are self centred
 Nobody is ready to lend a helping hand
 Material things are important.If one has a big house, car and loads of
money,they are considered important. Good virtues are not taken
 There is no tolerance for difference of opinion
 There is a lot of discriminination on the basis of gender, caste, religion and
 This discrimination leads lots of turmoil and loss of lives
 No regard for the environment. Everyday nature is getting massacred for
the selfish needs of humans.
 Rampant substance abuse
 Unhealthy dependence on social media.
 Ignorance and Apathy

How has the current society broken my trust

 I feel my speech is stifled
 I cant carve my own path,there is a fear within me .I have to follow the
accepted norms
 after a life changing pandemic i assumed we would start to value, cherish
and not exploit and harm the environment but i am very disappointed
 I feel people just don’t care

Why i want to form a perfect society-

-How will my society be different -

 In my new society I will try to make every individual equal.
 my society will be a safe and harmonious place where citizens can openly
talk without being judged.
 Every individual will be made aware of each other’s situation.Their
problems , the circumstances in which people are.
 Dignity of labour should be taught. Every job is important for the society.
 No slavery or child labor.

 People should know that there is a real world.This real world has
problems,not the candy flossed , filtered , photoshopped world of social
 No hurtful comments- leads to lack of self esteem and confidence
 No protests that trouble the citizens – blocking of roads,creating a
furore.Only peaceful protests are allowed.
 There will be no ownership of private property- there will no discrimination
between rich and poor as everyone will be treated equally.Property is
owned by the society.
 No violence- to maintain law and order in the community
 All citizens should take part in cleanliness drives
 A citizen is not allowed to be forced to do any work without his or her
 Fossil fuels are banned and only renewable energy can be used – there will
be no use of fossil fuels because these fuels are valuable and are slowly
 No harming the environment for eg- no deforestation and no construction
of commercial building on forest land-this will disrupt animals natural
habitat and they will invade our homes and offices.
 No animal cruelty -it disrupts the food chain
 Each

Our Mascot

Our society is based on the foundations of kindness, compassion, working

together as a group for the betterment of all.In the animal world ,the
dolphin ,is known for these qualities. Dolphins are helpful and joyful
creatures apart from being highly intelligent. They have well developed
systems of communication. They even have nicknames for members of the
pod(the group that stays together)They look for each other and make sure
to help out in case somebody is in distress. There are even cases where
they have saved drowning humans and have saved them from shark
attacks. They are incredibly social animals. They are a perfect example of
staying together and co-operating in every aspect from getting food to
childrearing. This quote by Lara Cruden sums up , why the dolphin ,truly
represents our society
“Dolphin can lead us to an understanding of how to live in harmony with
the twin needs of individuality and co-operation. Dolphin carries balance ,
peace ,joy,compassion, love and power.”
We celebrate holidays to relax our body and mind.We celebrate them to take a
break from the pressures of work. Holidays are also celebrated to honour
someone or something who/which is very important for the society.Holidays help
us to connect with our past , with our friends and family .It is very important in
nurturing relationships and maintaining traditions. In our society (Kindness Co.)
we have special days .These special days are celebrated with a lot of fun
and ,enthusiasm . They are observed to celebrate things which are the pillars of
our society, which must be cherished.
 FOUNDATION DAY ( 21st March):The day our society was set up. This
date was chosen as it marks the first day of spring.Spring is the season
of new beginnings.There is a big fair in the town and people enjoy rides,
food and shopping.
 Dolphin day (14th April)-To honour and celebrate our beloved mascot.
On this day kids are given free passes to visit the DolphinWorld.14 th
April was chosen as it is International Dolphin Day.
 Nature day-Preserving nature is something that we do daily but a
special day is dedicated to this cause to keep on reminding us every
 First rain Dance : it is usually celebrated during the first monsoon
shower. Kids , adults , almost everyone comes out to enjoy the cool
showers after sweltering heat. They welcome the rain which is the
World over there are various types of governments.There are
monarchies,theocracies,aristocracies socialist ,communist,dictatorships and
democracies.Every form of government has its advantages and
distadvantages.Democracy outweighs all other forms due to its fairness. Power to
rule is distributed amongst all the citizens .citizens elect the people torun the
country.It is derived from the Greek word ‘demo’-people and ‘kratos’-rule

Dear Swara,
Hi!How have you been ?Hope things are fine at your end.We had
great time at the music festival last summer. We should again plan something this
year also.What are you doing this March ? I wanted to invite you to my society to
witness the Foundation Day. It is held every year on 21 st March.It is to celebrate
the day our unique and happy society was set up.We have lots of fun activities
and fairs.You should also take part in the fun and see yourself how we live. Even
you should consider staying here.We are a very just society where no one is
judged for their shortcomings.Efforts are made to understand why the person is
behaving this way and he is helped. Entire community is together during happy
and sad times,especially during trying times.There is no distinction between rich
and poor as no wealth is owned by individuals. Wealth is of the community. We
have democratically elected representatives who govern well .The apathy and
indifference which is found in other societies , is absent here.Every individual is
respected . I would rather say nature and our roads, buildings ,everything is
respected. No one is allowed to damage them. There is a heavy punishment for
it.From childhood , we are taught kindness, compassion and respect are the most
important things in life.
Do let me know when you are coming.We all will be happy to welcome you in our
society. , I am sure you will love this place. We have a saying here ,’anyone who
comes , never goes back ever’.
Your friends
Inaaya and Suhana.

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