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Module 2

Summary &
Key Takeaways >

In Module 2, Siobhán has focused on the importance, benefits

and impact Customer Experience can bring to your company.

In this module we discussed:

How CX can differentiate you from your competitors

How it improves your customer retention and loyalty

How it helps you to increase acquisition of new customers

Benefits such as staff motivation and engagement

How CX can reduce costs for the company

How CX ultimately leads to increased Shareholder Value

Recognise the Importance
and Opportunity of CX

Key factors influencing the importance of CX today:

• A
 Global Market –
competing products and services are available online globally

• I ncreased Expectations –
customers now have far higher standards, they feel advertising campaigns
don’t deliver on promise and have lost trust in companies generally

• T
 rust & Integrity –
companies who deliver Customer Experience Excellence build a reputation
of integrity and trust in everything they do

• T
 he New Method of Customer Acquisition –
the key to Customer Experience is creating loyal, engaged customers that
become your advocates and sell on your behalf
Recognise the Importance
and Opportunity of CX

• Understand that building trust is a slow process.

It takes a long time to develop and can be lost
very quickly and easily

• Even small things can undermine and impact trust

 ustomers want to do business with companies

• C
they trust and if this trust is lost, customers will
look for an alternative

• Trust is crucial in Customer Experience

Differentiation and the
Competitive Advantage

Differentiation is how companies stand out

from the competition.

Understand that differentiating your

company from your competitors is becoming
increasingly important as product and price
are easily replicated.
Differentiation and the
Competitive Advantage

Be aware that customers' expectations are

increasing and customers now have more
access to alternatives. And where customers
cannot differentiate between the offerings,
they will make their decision based on who
offers the best experience.

As we have seen in the example of two TV

service providers, companies have a massive
opportunity to use Customer Experience
to differentiate themselves and gain a
competitive advantage.
Increasing Customer
Retention and Loyalty

Understand that customer retention is a

company’s ability to retain their existing

And customer loyalty is the extent to which

a customer is connected and committed to
doing business with a company.
Increasing Customer
Retention and Loyalty

Recognise that retention and loyalty are critical for

business success and lead to a number of positive
outcomes. These include increased opportunities
to cross sell and upsell. And the ability to provide
a more tailored experience to the customer as the
company gets to know them better.

Recognise that by offering a superior customer

experience, customers are more likely to stay with
you longer. They're more likely to buy more from
you more often and they are willing to pay more.
They are more likely to become advocates of
your company, recommending you to others
and selling on your behalf.

Understand how important customer retention and

loyalty is and how customer experience can greatly
increase this.

Also understand the risks associated with not

recognising a loyal customer.

Where a customer has dealt with a company for some

time and feel they have been a loyal customer they
expect the company to recognise this.

Recognising the loyalty of your customers is essential

to their overall experience. Research indicates that
approximately 60% of customers are disappointed if
their loyalty is not recognised.
The Complaints

Understand that when a company takes ownership of

a complaint and responsibility to actually resolve it, the
customer feels a sense of trust in the company. All of which
leads to a deeper emotional bond and increased loyalty.

Recognise that mistakes happen, most customers

understand this and will give the company an opportunity
to rectify the issue.

The occurrence of an issue can be a fantastic opportunity

to turn a poor experience into a great experience.

And customer loyalty can be enhanced if an issue is

handled correctly, even more so than if the issue had
never happened at all.
The New Method
of Customer Acquisition

Customer acquisition is the way in which a company gets

new customers to purchase their goods or services.

Understand that Customer Experience offers companies

a new way of acquiring customers that is not only less
expensive, it is also far more effective.

Know that by consistently delivering an excellent

experience for your customers they will become advocates
for your company. Your existing customers will become
your most passionate, genuine and effective sales team,
promoting you to others at every opportunity.

CX is the new method of customer acquisition.

vs New
By focusing resources on traditional methods of acquisition
and neglecting existing customers many companies are
missing out on a massive opportunity. The opportunity to
turn your existing customers into your sales force.

It can cost more than five times as much to attract a

new customer, than it does to keep an existing one. With
acquisition costs being so high, the option of a new way of
acquiring customers is very appealing for companies.
The Power
of Advocacy

A study (Nielsen Report) has shown that 92% of

customers now trust a recommendation from friends,
work colleagues and family more than any other form
of marketing. This shows just how crucial customer
experience really is.

Understand how much we value and trust the opinions

of our friends and family more than we trust advertising
campaigns. We know they will be honest and unbiased in
their recommendation.

Most importantly they are giving a recommendation

based on their own experience.
Staff Motivation
and Engagement

Understand that staff motivation and engagement refers to

how energised and committed staff are to their role and to
the company. This has a direct impact on both the individual
performance and the company performance.

Recognise that companies who invest in Customer

Experience realise significant benefits in improved staff
motivation and engagement.

There is a clear link between great customer experience,

great staff experience and company success.
How CX Enables
Cost Reduction

Understand that cost reduction is crucial for companies,

especially in a competitive environment. In order to remain
profitable, companies must continually seek new ways of
reducing costs.

Understand that CX reduces acquisition costs as more

new customers are acquired through advocacy rather
than sales and marketing campaigns.

Recognise that companies can also reduce the cost to

serve customers through the use of frictionless, more
efficient customer journeys.

And of course, as happier staff will stay with the company

longer, the costs associated with staff recruitment and
training are also reduced.
Increased Profit
and Shareholder Value

Understand that shareholder value and increased profits

are ultimately driven by capitalising on all of the benefits
that we have just discussed.

Recognise that by delivering CX Excellence your

company can now stand out from the crowd,
differentiating you from your competitors, providing a
unique competitive advantage.

Know that the opposite is also true and that delivering a

poor customer experience can have a serious impact on
company and shareholder value.

Understand that customer trust and loyalty creates

advocacy and helps you to acquire new customers less
expensively, more effectively and more efficiently.
Thank You
Did all of that make sense? If you’re
happy that you have understood
Module 2 please now proceed to
the next learning section. Many
thanks for your attention.
© The CX Academy 2019 - No part of this publication may be reproduced
in any form except as permitted by the copyright owners.

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