Part 3
Part 3
Part 3
The understanding obtained thus far relates to remedies of this system in the majority of the western
world, yet the fundamentals and knowledge is similar it only requires following the same process but
regards the currently the individual seeking empowerment inhabits.
Acceptance for Value is a Commercial Remedy, which is a commercial right that is acquired through a
commercial instrument. For example any tickets/fees, tax, utility bills etcetera. The basic concept for
Acceptance for Value (AFV) is exactly what it says. It is acceptance, so that you remain in honour.
The theory with AFV is that you’re accessing your (government) account, utilizing the AFV technology to
redirect how they issue you these liabilities direct to your person/ straw man, and you then pointing
them in the right direction and you get them to sort this out in the bankruptcy.
Actually accept it as payment. The process is relatively easy, but actually getting corporations to accept
is another matter all together. You might experience dishonor and therefore have to go into remedy as
a last resort.
So when a utility bill arrives, this is not a bill according to the Bills of Exchange Act, it is in fact a liability
proposal stating that you owe x amount of money. Most people receive a statement of an account,
because if they can’t actually put a value on it, then they can’t tell you that you owe it, therefore they
can’t state that it is a (true) bill.
This is because the government operating in bankruptcy uses ‘Double-Entry Accounting’ (two sets of
books, one that pretends to be money and the other that is actually debt).
In essence they’ve given you a proposed liability; it’s something for you to pay. But that’s not what it is
though. It’s actually something that should be returned to you, it’s your tie, it should be returned to
your exemption account (NI number/social security number/PIN Personal Identification Number) –
created in bankruptcy, a pass-through account if you will.
You can’t pay a debt with a debt! You can’t use sweat equity to pay something in public, because the
public is bankrupt.
The Acceptance for Value process is just discharging the liability back into the public domain to be paid
later on.
Some might assume that this is avoiding your obligation to pay for something that you’ve received. This
is inaccurate! Firstly, it’s not your fault you’re in bankruptcy. Secondly, if you’re using cash it’s expanding
the public debt, and obviously the interest attached to it will increase.
So when you use Acceptance for Value, you’re actually expanding funds under public policy without the
debt attached to it.
You’re actually reducing the national debt because you’re literally creating the Credit without having to
use the (promissory) notes created by private corporations called a bank, and charging you for the
privilege of using it.
Making known ‘Acceptance for Value’ isn’t solely to ensure those who commit to enough research can
capitalize from, but also reinforce the existence of (treasury) account created when your birth was
registered and the legal fiction which is attached to it, and how to loosen or even throw off those
government chains and begin utilizing the very mechanisms installed to enforce your serfdom.
When entering a court room un-bonded you stand little or no chance of victory. The moment you step
into the courts territory you are in contempt – you enter as a debtor.
If you enter unbounded you are automatically in contempt as you have entered a place of business, a
place of commerce and you are not insured to operate. Thus you are now operating from a position that
is very difficult to rise from.
Because if you are un-bonded you cannot begin the process of identifying yourself as the Creditor rather
than the Debtor (legal fiction) – your vessel that sails in commerce.
Creating A Bond
Beginning with a ‘certified copy of an entry’ or ‘birth certificate’ and an ‘EIN’ (Exemption Identification
Number) number then filing for the relevant commercial code procedure and obtaining a Bond Order.
Two sureties who themselves must have EIN numbers known as their ‘private offset account’ which
must be placed in the Bond with signatures and thumbprints. Following with two more witnesses to the
signature before filing it. Finally you give the Treasury 30 days to rebut the Bond – after 30 days the
individual is bonded.
The Bond is of an ‘UNLIMITED VALUE’ because they cannot put a value on the substance of life so
inevitably automatically the Bond is unlimited.
In Court the Judge has a Bond which is his bar number for insurance or indemnity (in case of suffering
damage or loss). The Court also has a Bond. Barristers also have a Bond which is to insure them against
their wrongdoing. The individual entering with a bond makes the individual equal. Having a private Bond
of unlimited value trumps their bonds as their corporate bonds will have little value in comparison.
When said individual has a Bond in place other Bonds can be issued of it. This is so the individual can
indemnify the Court they are about to enter. This gives them insurance against the individual doing
something wrong, BUT it gives the individual a means to ensure proper due process.
If you write a Bond to indemnify yourself you also indemnify yourself from them (judges, court
etcetera). If they do not adhere to due process you can liquidate that Bond. For example if you liquidate
a Bond worth 500,000,000.00 and the Court’s Bond is worth 2,000,000.00 (judges maybe being worth a
few hundred thousand and the rest some other thousands) you can see the power you now render
above them.
Other processes include remaining with your EIN and implying your position with all other trusts with
the relevant governmental office. Stating that you are the ‘Grantor’ ‘Beneficiary’ and ‘settler’. Becoming
the Grantor of the trust means that the only rules that exist are what you wish to exist.
The corporation uses leverage and force with a threat of loss to gain your compliance then they
continue on greasing the wheels of commerce – expecting you to settle all statutory infractions.
Remember the only LAW outside moral Law is Equity or Civil (which relies solely on contracting).
Further empowerment process includes what is referred to as ‘Letter Rogatory’ – which is essentially a
letter from one (foreign) jurisdiction to another jurisdiction.
Stipulate this ‘letter rogatory’ neither constitutes an acceptance or an offer to contract, also enclose an
‘affidavit of truth’. Stipulating there is no contract to perform having altered positions within the trusts
with a certain party through a certain process carried under a certain registered post number to a
certain minister. The affidavit should list all nullified contracts.
If the letter is not recognized but pressure continues once more repeat the ‘letter rogatory’ adding the
fact that the affidavit of truth was never rebutted the facts that were stated therein were now agreed
upon and now formed a contract.
The affidavit contained a Commercial Lien right if it is dishonoured. Then for example, utilize the Lien
right by issuing a claim for 10,000,000.00 for their commercial dishonor. You will receive a nicely soft
toned letter asking for their initial letter they’d sent – backing down.
The 10,000,000.00 claim will still be equally valid in the future should they attempt to return. This
proves 100% that everything is contract and knowing how to sort out the contracts is knowing how to
sort out the affairs.
Commercial redemption is a black hole if you enter seeking massive financial returns – if not seeking
money one will return having obtained valuable information.
Remember everything in contract; no-contract equals no statutes. Affidavits are everything. Liens are
your biggest weapon – corporations (meaning even governments and their subsets/departments/ police
etcetera because they are all corporations) fear when under a Lien. DO NOT EVER USE GOVERNMENT
FORMS OR PAPERWORK – these are ‘benefit privileges’ and carry with them assumptions and
presumptions of citizenship. If an individual must use one to obtain a passport then immediately straight
after fix it. Keep your eyes open. Courts are pathetic. Make yourself ‘sui juris’ legally competent and you
can get things seriously moving.