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Digital communication in

stationary gas measuring technology

Dräger has counted on digital communication for over 30 years.

This includes the globally recognised HART®, FoundationFieldbus
H1®, Profibus PA® and LON technologies. We also offer a
proprietary solution for our VarioGard systems in the form
of the VarioGard Bus.

Dräger provides you with the right accordance with IEC 61158-2. PB and FF,
solution. Whether planning and installing and feature robust signal transmission,
a gas warning system or connecting to which allows process-based applications
the existing digital infrastructure. in the industry.
We supply the appropriate equipment
and offer services such as consultation, The use of these standards ensures
commissioning and maintenance. interoperability between various field
Furthermore, we also offer suitable devices (e.g. gas transmitter and
analysis solutions for all current digital flow regulator).
interfaces. These give you remote access
to your system. With PB and FF, we are able to implement
systems in the intrinsically safe,
Our digital transmitters also offer a wide increased safety and pressure-resistant
range of internal diagnosis functions. enclosure safety types. Intrinsically safe
means you can work on the device in the
The remote control via the HART® explosion-hazard area without the
interface simplifies the daily work clearance measurement that would
performed by measurement and control otherwise be required.
technicians. The digital HART® signal is
superimposed (modulated) on the The VarioGardBus offers you a large
analogue 4 to 20 mA signal. This way, exchange of information between the
you can configure your gas transmitter signal transmitter and analysis unit.
digitally using HART®, while the With this proprietary Dräger bus, it is
measurement values are transmitted in possible to design an efficient digital
analogue mode. It is simple and requires system. In this case, all the components
little effort to retrofit your existing 4 to 20 are provided by Dräger.
mA system with HART® transmitters.
LON is a network platform for control
Both Profibus PA® (PB) and systems in the field of building automation
FoundationFieldbus H1® (FF) are in use and supply technology. Thanks to LON
and accepted all over the world. technology, you can directly integrate the
Both technologies are standards in Dräger Polytron 7000.
Digital devices and their interfaces

Dräger Polytron 7000

The Dräger Polytron 7000 intelligent transmitter
detects toxic gases and oxygen in cooperation
with DrägerSensors. Its modularity makes it

particularly versatile.

Dräger Polytron 8000

The universal transmitters in the Dräger Polytron
8000 family support a diverse range of sensor
technologies. The transmitters are all based

on a uniform operating concept.

Dräger PIR 7000
The Dräger PIR 7000 is a pressure-resistant
enclosed IR transmitter for monitoring combustible

gases and vapours with drift-free optics.

Dräger Flame 5000

The Dräger Flame 5000 is an explosion-proof flame
detector which works based on a colour video gas mea


recorder and can be operated independently.


Dräger Polytron Pulsar 2


The Dräger Polytron Pulsar 2 is an open-path gas

detector. A special algorithm in the xenon lamp

ensures it is not affected by environmental


Dräger VarioGard 3xx0

The Dräger VarioGard 3xx0 probe with integrated
sensor is suitable for affordably setting up a
simple digital gas warning system.
(Highway Adressable Remote Transducer)
HART is a standard for communicating with
intelligent industrial field equipment.
The HART® signal is superimposed (modulated) on

the analogue 4 to 20 mA signal.

Profibus (PB)
Profibus is the universal field bus for manufacturing,
process and building automation. The specification,
in accordance with IEC 61158-2, supports a bus
supply of the field equipment and allows use

in explosion-hazard areas.

The FOUNDATIONFieldbus is a versatile field bus
for process automation. The specification,
in accordance with IEC 61158-2, supports a bus
supply of the field equipment and allows use

onary in explosion-hazard areas.

asuring LON (Local Operating Network)

LON is a decentralised network for control systems,

nology which are predominantly used in the field of

building automation.

The Modbus protocol is an open communication
protocol, which is based on a master/slave
architecture. The Modbus has developed into
a “de facto“ standard in industry.

P VarioGard Bus (VG Bus)

The Dräger VarioGardBus is a proprietary digital
signal transmission for VarioGard systems.
Like Modbus, it‘s a master/slave communication.
90 41 506 | 09.12-4 | Marketing Communications | PR | LE | Printed in Germany | Chlorine-free – environmentally compatible | Subject to modifications | © 2012 Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
History of development of digital A good 10 years later, the development of
communication the smart transmitter made digital
In the 1960s, the 4 to 20 mA signal monitoring possible. The Polytron 2 was
became established as standard. Devices controlled by a microprocessor. As such,
like the Polytron 1 used this robust and it offered a wide range of internal
quick signal. However, only a small amount diagnosis functions and the transmitters
of information can be transmitted. The could be configured remotely. The HART
point-to-point connection does, however, interface was used for this purpose.
guarantee a high degree of plant security.
Should the cable be damaged, only one With the Dräger VarioGardBus, Dräger
transmitter is no longer capable of took its own fully-digital approach to a
performing its detection duties. proprietary system architecture, which
can, for example, be used in hospitals,
The first stationary transmitter for laboratories and underground garages.
detecting hydrogen sulphide based on a
modulated frequency signal was Thanks to various different interfaces,
introduced in 1981, in the form of the it has been possible to directly integrate
Sulfytron. Both technologies only provide the Dräger Polytron 7000 in existing
a limited amount of information. Besides bus systems since 2007.
the measured value, only a few other
status signals, such as failures
or warnings, can be transmitted.


Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA
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Draeger Safety Asia Pte Ltd Draeger Safety, Inc.
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Revalstrasse 1, Tel +65 68 72 92 88 Tel +1 281 498 1082
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Tel +49 451 882-2794
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