TNC For Samsung Infinite
TNC For Samsung Infinite
TNC For Samsung Infinite
Ac va on benefits:
1. 30,000 EDGE REWARDS shall be credited to cardholders’ EDGE Loyalty account upon successful
comple on of 3 card transac ons for spends of any value within 30 days of credit card issuance
2. The above EDGE REWARDS may take up to 60 days from the date of the 3rd transac on to
3. reflect on the customer’s EDGE REWARDS account
4. Cardholders can redeem the EDGE REWARDS by logging into or on
Axis Bank Mobile app, open, under EDGE REWARDS sec on
5. Any disputes related to credi ng or redemp on of such EDGE REWARDS may be raised directly to the
Axis Bank customer support team via calls / email / through the website/ Mobile Banking app, open.
6. Axis Bank Standard Terms and Condi ons apply.
Cashback benefits:
Cashback shall mean money awarded in the customer’s credit card account under the cashback
10% cashback will be applicable on Samsung purchases capped to INR 5,000 in a month and INR
20,000 in a year from date of card issuance
Cashback applicable on purchases of Samsung products only through the following channels:
o Physical stores under ‘Brand EMI’ on Pinelabs terminals and Benow So POS –
(applicable on EMI and full swipe transac ons and as stated in the charge slip)
o Online on Samsung eStore h ps:// and Samsung Shop App
o Samsung service centre payments made on PayU So POS.
o Amazon (Applica on or website)
o Flipkart - Effec ve 20-12-2024, Samsung purchases made on this channel will not be eligible for
the cashback benefit
Customers can make mul ple purchases (full swipe or EMI) in a month, however max cashback will be
credited as per the monthly and annual limits.
Cashback shall be credited in the next card statement cycle i.e., the card cycle following the cycle in
which the transac on was made (Up to 60 days from transac on date).
For disputes, customers are advised to retain their charge slip for minimum 180 days.
Cashback earned will be computed based on spends during the statement period minus any returns or
refunds during the same period.
In case the purchase/ transac on is returned/ cancelled/ reversed post statement genera on date,
cashback toward such transac ons will be debited on the date of such purchase/ transac on reversal
In case the customer reverses a transac on, the corresponding cashback earned on the transac on
will also be reversed and in case the customer has an outstanding balance on credit card in the form
of reversed cashback, the same will be treated as an ordinary outstanding balance and the customer
will be liable to pay for such outstanding amount, failing which the said amount will a ract the fees &
charges as per the schedule of charges defined in the Most Important Terms and Condi ons.
If a cardholder's SAMSUNG AXIS BANK INFINITE Credit Card is terminated at any me for any reason,
whether by the primary cardholder or the Bank, the primary cardholder will forthwith be disqualified
from earning the cashbacks and all unused cashbacks then accrued shall automa cally be forfeited
immediately a er voluntary or involuntary cancella on of the SAMSUNG AXIS BANK INFINITE Credit
In case customer opts for change in statement cycle, then cashback will be calculated and credited
basis the new statement cycle only. Cashback will be calculated for transac on made between last
cycle date and new cycle date. Accordingly, cashback capping shall be applicable basis the new
statement cycle. For example, customer wants to change cycle date from 12th of every month to 1st
of every month and customer makes this request on 8th June. Then the cashback will be calculated
for transac ons made from 13 May to 1 July.
Any remaining cashback including cashbacks pending credit into the account of the cardholder shall
immediately cease to be valid upon the occurrence of the following:
o The cancella on of the SAMSUNG AXIS BANK INFINITE Credit Card; or
o The conversion of the SAMSUNG AXIS BANK INFINITE Credit Card to any other Axis Bank
Credit Card
o In the event of a default i.e., if the minimum amount due is not paid by the payment due date
o Breach of any clause of the Card Member Agreement
And no refund, extension or compensa on shall be given by Axis Bank even if the card member’s
membership is reinstated.
The credit card is issued for personal expenses and purposes only. The cardholder must not use the
credit card to purchase anything for resale, for commercial or business purposes. The credit card
should be used only for lawful, bona fide personal purposes and must not be used for any money
laundering, an -social or specula ve ac vi es or must not be exploited commercially in business (e.g.,
for working capital purposes).
If the credit card is found to be used for prohibited, restricted, commercial purposes or any purposes
as men oned above, Axis Bank may, at its sole discre on, exercise its right to cancel the concerned
credit card and addi onal/add-on cards thereof and withhold/cancel the cashback earned, without
any no ce to the Cardholder. Axis Bank may enquire with you over phone or through any other means
of formal communica on and seek details, informa on, proofs, etc., about the credit card
transac ons, pa ern of usage, etc. Non-sa sfactory responses or no responses from the cardholder
may lead to blocking/closure of the credit card by Axis Bank.
Use of the card at Merchant Establishment will be limited by the credit limit assigned to each card
account by the Bank.
The Bank may, at any me without prior no ce, or sta ng any reason whatsoever, refuse
authoriza on for a charge at a Merchant Establishment, and / or restrict or defer the card member’s
ability to use the card and / or suspend or cancel the card. The Bank through the ATM, Merchant
Establishment, by itself may repossess / retain the credit card, if it reasonably believes that it is
necessary to do so for proper management of credit or business risk, or if the card or card account is
being misused or likely to be misused.
Nothing contained in the cashback proposi on shall be construed as a binding obliga on on Axis Bank
or any par cipa ng Merchant Partner to con nue the cashback scheme a er the scheme termina on
date or to subs tute the cashback scheme by a new or similar scheme.
The bank may temporarily prohibit any customer from earning cashback or using any features of the
The terms and condi ons men oned in the document can be revised or terminated at any me with
30 days prior no ce.
The cashback shall not be applicable if the card has been withdrawn or cancelled or is liable to be
cancelled or the account of the card member is a delinquent account.
Axis Bank’s computa on of the cashback shall be final, conclusive and binding on a card member and
will not be liable to be disputed or ques oned.
The terms contained in this document shall be in addi on to and not in deroga on of the Most
Important Terms and Condi ons document.
The cashback proposi on is made available at the pleasure of Axis Bank and Axis Bank expressly
reserves the right at any me and with no ce to card members, to add to and/or alter, modify, change
or vary all or any of these Terms and Condi ons or to replace wholly or in part, the Cashback Scheme
by another scheme, or to withdraw it altogether.
Without prejudice to anything contained in the terms and condi ons, all disputes, if any, arising out of
or in connec on with or as a result of the rewards scheme or otherwise rela ng hereto shall be
subject to the exclusive jurisdic on of the competent courts / tribunals at Mumbai.
Earn 5 reward points on all domes c spends per INR 100 spent
Earn 15 reward points on all spends on preferred merchants per INR 100 spent
Earn 15 reward points on all interna onal spends per INR 100 spent
Preferred merchants to include Zomato, Big Basket, Myntra, Tata 1mg and Urban Clap
EDGE REWARDS may take up to 60 days from the date of transac on to reflect on the customer’s
EDGE REWARDS shall not be eligible for following spends/transac ons on the card. The following
MCCs have been excluded from EDGE REWARDS eligibility:
EDGE REWARD points for spends on preferred merchants will be calculated basis the MIDs shared by
the respec ve merchants. Axis Bank shall not be held liable if a transac on on any of these merchants
does not earn accelerated cashback.
EDGE REWARD points for spends on preferred partners are configured basis MIDs received from the
merchant to iden fy such spends. In case there is a dispute with regards to non-receipt of EDGE
REWARD points owing to transac on falling in MID outside such list maintained at bank’s end, bank
shall reconcile the same with the merchant and EDGE REWARD points shall be posted/processed post
confirma on from merchant. In such scenarios, subject to merchant confirma on of the MID, bank
may take up to 90 days from transac on date to credit EDGE REWARD points for such disputed
transac ons
Cardholders can redeem the EDGE REWARD by logging into or on
Mobile Banking app, open, under EDGE REWARDS sec on.
Any disputes related to credi ng or redemp on of such EDGE REWARDS may be raised directly to the
Axis Bank customer support team via calls / email / through the website/ Mobile Banking app, open.
Axis Bank Standard Terms and Condi ons apply.