Bewar Mainpuri
Class 10 - Science
Time Allowed: 1 hour and 30 minutes Maximum Marks: 40
Section A
1. In which of the following group/ groups of animals, the heart does not pump oxygenated blood to different parts [1]
of the body?
a) lifted ribs and curve/dome shaped b) relaxed ribs and curve/dome shaped
diaphragm. diaphragm.
c) relaxed ribs and flattened diaphragm. d) lifted ribs and flattened diaphragm.
3. The given graph shows changes in the air pressure of lungs during breathing. What causes the change in air [1]
pressure during period X?
Oxford school Bewar
6. In which part of the alimentary canal food is finally digested? [1]
a) 12.5% b) 5%
c) 2.5% d) 25%
10. While preparing a temporary stained mount of a leaf epidermal peel, the extra stain is removed by [1]
a) Parasitic b) Holozoic
c) Saprotrophic d) Autotrophic
13. Which is the first enzyme to mix with food in the digestive tract? [1]
a) Cellulase b) Pepsin
c) Trypsin d) Amylase
14. As compared to terrestrial organisms, the rate of breathing in aquatic organisms is: [1]
a) faster because the amount of dissolved b) faster because they need more oxygen for
oxygen in water is fairly low. their survival.
c) slower because the amount of dissolved d) slower because the capacity of water of
oxygen in water is fairly low. dissolving atmospheric air is limited.
15. Which component of blood transports, carbon dioxide, and nitrogenous wastes in dissolved form? [1]
a) RBC b) Plasma
c) Platelets d) WBC
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16. In the experiment to show that carbon dioxide is released during respiration the small test tube of KOH solution [1]
is suspended inside the conical flask to absorb the:
20. During respiration in an organism A, one molecule of glucose produces 2 ATP molecules whereas in respiration [3]
of another organism B, one molecule of glucose produces 38 ATP molecules.
i. Which organism is undergoing aerobic respiration?
ii. Which organism is undergoing anaerobic respiration?
iii. Which type of organism A or B can convert glucose into alcohol?
iv. Name one organism which behaves like A.
v. Name one organism which behaves like B.
Section D
21. Read the following text carefully and answer the questions that follow: [4]
Human digestive system is a tube running from mouth to anus. Its main function is to breakdown complex
molecules present in the food which cannot be absorbed as such into smaller molecules. These molecules are
absorbed across the walls of the tube and the absorbed food reaches each and every cell of the body where it is
utilised for obtaining energy.
a. Name the glands present in the buccal cavity and write the components of food on which the secretion of
these glands act upon. (1)
b. Two organs have a sphincter muscle at their exit. Name them. (1)
What will happen if:
i. mucus is not secreted by the gastric glands.
ii. Villi are absent in the small intestine. (2)
Bile juice does not contain any enzyme, yet it has important roles in digestion. Justify the statement. (2)
Section E
22. Describe the process of digestion of food in human beings. [5]
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23. i. Why is nutrition a necessity for an organism? State three reasons. [5]
ii. What is likely to happen if green plants disappear from Earth?
Oxford school Bewar