KEYBOARD in Paradigm Explorer 2022
KEYBOARD in Paradigm Explorer 2022
KEYBOARD in Paradigm Explorer 2022
A Keyboard
Elisabet Sahtouris, PhD, evolution biologist & futurist
densest frequencies in the universe, end remains out of reach. Eastern sciences,
The task of science is electromagnetic energy in the mid keys, however, start at the high end, in pure
choosing the appropriate and then see ever higher keys as mind, consciousness as their source of ‘All
soul and/or pure consciousness. This That Is’ and derive the whole universe
metaphors because universe of vibrations also represents each by slowing vibrations down through
metaphor is the only way to of us. We are not bodies with minds and
souls but rather body/mind/spirits—you
electromagnetic energy to matter. They are
thus able to play the whole keyboard.
convey scientific models. are all of those, just as is the whole
Note that this keyboard metaphor shows
universe. Taoist science has exactly that
same matter/ energy/spirit continuum, us the essential unity of science and
Because new scientific discoveries can and while this two-dimensional model is spirituality. Thus it is not necessary to
only be described in terms of the known, clearly simplified, it is a useful scientific integrate science and spirituality, but
scientists have always relied on metaphors metaphor showing how different simply to recognise their existing unity,
such as, for example, solar systems for perspectives on the same universe can asking ourselves why we took them
atoms and computers for brains. The lead to the opposite conclusions of apart. An example of a science that does
choice of necessary metaphors depends on matter giving rise to consciousness and not separate them is Islamic science, as
scientific concepts of the domains studied, consciousness giving rise to matter. determined in another symposium to
from the whole universe to our Earth, to identify its foundational axioms. Religions
our human selves. It is very interesting to Western science starts at the matter end. have come together in a Parliament of the
note that world renowned physicist Ervin Having defined reality as anything that’s World’s Religions; why not form a Global
Schroedinger, in his 1958 essay Mind measurable by its physical instruments, Consortium of Sciences? On the whole,
and Matter, pointed out the strange fact it cannot access mind and consciousness. science looks to outer world research
that scientists can only build models of Thus it gets stuck at the level of from at the matter end of the keyboard,
the universe in their conscious minds but measurable aspects of electromagnetic while religion looks to inner world
then leave that consciousness out of their energy, unable to perceive the high end revelation from the other end. Perhaps
models. May this Keyboard remedy that. of the keyboard. Einstein showed that the two will eventually see their way to
energy is matter and matter is energy something reflecting our playing of the
The keyboard metaphor described here through E=mc2, so we know that scientific whole keyboard together in the caring and
came out of formal symposia I convened ‘music’ can be transposed up and down sharing future that is our evolutionary
to identify these fundamental concepts, that part of the keyboard while the high mandate, privilege and responsibility.
often stated as axioms, in three different
sciences developed in different human
cultures (Western, Vedic and Islamic). No
scientific theory can be made or tested in
the absence of such fundamental concepts
of what is to be studied. The first of
these international symposia was held
to clearly identify the difference between
the fundamental concepts of Western and
Vedic sciences, because the founders of
quantum physics publicly acknowledged
turning to Vedic science to make sense
of their findings when breaking through
matter into a field of potential from which
matter emerged at subatomic, or quantum,
levels. Before that, Vedic science had not
been recognised as a real science; since
then the recognition has given rise to the
often cited ‘paradigm shift.’
Both standard model and quantum physics
recognise vibrations as fundamental in
the universe. As a keyboard is a small
set of frequencies, we can easily imagine
extending it to make it infinite. Place
matter in the low keys to represent the 25