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16005 Terrace Road

Cleveland, OH 44112-2001
Phone: (216) 451-1725

Parent and Student Handbook


A public community school managed by

National Heritage Academies, Inc.
Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Parent and Student Handbook

Table of Contents
Board of Directors and Administrative Staff ........................................................ 6

Our Purpose, Vision, and Philosophy................................................................. 7

The Four Pillars of NHA

Academic Excellence .................................................................................. 9
Moral Focus ............................................................................................. 9
Student Responsibility ................................................................................. 9
Parental Partnership................................................................................... 9

Academic Excellence
Curriculum .............................................................................................. 10
English Language Arts ............................................................................. 10
Mathematics ........................................................................................ 10
Science .............................................................................................. 10
Social Studies ....................................................................................... 10
Art .................................................................................................... 10
Physical Education ................................................................................. 11
Library and Educational Technology ............................................................ 11
Moral Focus ......................................................................................... 11
Achievement ............................................................................................ 13
Honors Ceremonies ................................................................................ 13
Student Grade Placement, Acceleration, Promotion, or Retention ........................ 13
Student Support Services and Special Education ................................................. 15
Child Find............................................................................................ 15
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 – Section 504 (General Education)............................... 15
The Intervention Assistance Team ............................................................... 15
The Individual Education Program ............................................................... 16
Educational Placement of Students with Disabilities ......................................... 16
Parent Participation ............................................................................... 17
Crisis Management: De-escalation, Isolation and Restraint of Student..................... 17

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Moral Focus
Philosophy .............................................................................................. 18
Moral Focus Expectations............................................................................. 18
Moral Focus Assemblies ............................................................................... 19

Student Responsibility
Homework ............................................................................................... 20
Philosophy........................................................................................... 20
Guidelines ........................................................................................... 20
Make-Up Work ...................................................................................... 20
Technology Use and Internet Safety Practices and Procedures ................................. 21
General Rules ....................................................................................... 21
Internet Use......................................................................................... 22
Search and Seizure Practices and Procedures...................................................... 23
Lockers are School Property ...................................................................... 23
Legitimate Use of School Lockers................................................................ 23
Search of Locker Contents ........................................................................ 23
Seizure ............................................................................................... 23
Search and Seizure of Electronic Devices....................................................... 23
Search and Seizure of Person and/or Personal Property ..................................... 24
Positive Behavior Intervention Support ............................................................. 25
Building-Wide Expectations....................................................................... 25
Student Code of Conduct ............................................................................. 26
Acts of Misconduct ................................................................................. 26
Disciplinary Procedures............................................................................ 27
Due Process Procedures ........................................................................... 31
Definition of Terms ................................................................................ 33

Parental Partnership
Communication ......................................................................................... 35
Secure School Website ............................................................................ 35
Parent Satisfaction Survey ........................................................................ 35
Parent-Teacher Conferences ..................................................................... 35
Attendance.............................................................................................. 36
Arrival................................................................................................ 36
Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dismissal............................................................................................. 36
Tardiness and Early Dismissal .................................................................... 36
Absences............................................................................................. 37
Truancy .............................................................................................. 38
Family Vacations ................................................................................... 39
Family Death or Terminal Illness................................................................. 39
Illness During the School Day ..................................................................... 39
Voluntary Withdrawal ............................................................................. 39
Dress Code .............................................................................................. 40
Uniform Requirements ............................................................................ 40
General Expectations .............................................................................. 40
Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy ...................................................... 42
Visitor and Volunteer Guidelines..................................................................... 46
General .............................................................................................. 46
Classrooms .......................................................................................... 46
Field Trips ........................................................................................... 46

General School Procedures

Transportation ...................................................................................... 48
Meals ................................................................................................. 48
Snacks................................................................................................ 48
Recess................................................................................................ 48
Holiday Celebrations............................................................................... 49
Field Trips ........................................................................................... 49
Lost and Found ..................................................................................... 49
Personal Items ...................................................................................... 49
Emergency School Procedures.................................................................... 50
Tobacco Use and Non-Smoking Policy ........................................................... 50
Payments Made to School ......................................................................... 50
Medical Information................................................................................ 50

Rights Under FERPA ................................................................................ 52
Right to Know under Federal Law................................................................ 53
Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment .................................... 53
Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Boy Scouts of America ............................................................................. 54

Title IX ............................................................................................... 54
Unsafe School Choice Option ..................................................................... 55
Asbestos Management Plan ....................................................................... 55
Pesticide Notification.............................................................................. 55
Lead Poisoning Prevention ........................................................................ 55
State-Prescribed Testing and Compulsory Attendance Law.................................. 56

Commitment to Excellence Contract............................................................ 57
School-Wide Volunteer Opportunities ........................................................... 59

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Board of Directors
Deborah Howell, President
Faye Jones, Vice President
Nanekia Ansari, Treasurer
Donna Kolb, Secretary
Cecilie Williams, Director

Board meetings are open to the public and meeting dates and times are posted at the school.

Administrative Staff
Tony Verch, Principal
Totiana Hairston, Dean
Jasmyn Williams, Dean
LaDondra Howell, Dean
Michele Iams, Dean of Intervention
Alsia Thomas, Registrar
Dorieon Ellerb, Office Manager

Student Creed
I am an Apex student.
I strive to achieve academic excellence.
I exemplify high moral character.
I work diligently to prepare for the future.
I know my success in school and life is dependent on my own effort.

School Mission
Apex Academy’s mission is to create educational opportunities for the students of East Cleveland to
exceed in elementary education, high school, college and life by way of a strong commitment to skill
and content development.

National Heritage Academies

National Heritage Academies is a network of public charter schools serving families and students in
multiple states. Our early childhood, elementary, middle school, and high school programs are
designed to put children on a solid path to success in high school, college, and beyond. As a network,
all National Heritage Academies schools share a common vision, while each individual school enjoys
the flexibility of tailoring their program to meet the needs of their specific community.

NHA’s Parent Relations Department provides guidance to parents and the school in resolving
concerns. Once the classroom teacher, dean, and/or principal have been contacted regarding your
concern, you may also reach out to the Parent Relations team to discuss any additional needs.

Parent Relations Contact Information:

Phone: (877) 642-7471 (Monday–Friday; 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.)
Email: [email protected]

National Heritage Academies

3850 Broadmoor Avenue
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49512

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Our Purpose, Vision, and Philosophy

Purpose and Vision
Working in partnership with parents and the community, the school’s purpose is to challenge each
child to achieve. We offer a challenging, character-based education through a rigorous curriculum
with high academic and social expectations with the vision to better educate more children.

Educational Philosophy
The educational philosophy is based on the principles set forth in Effective Schools Research
developed by Professor Ronald R. Edmonds. Effective Schools Research recommends research-based
school attributes that are associated with quantifiably improved student learning.

In his book What Works in Schools, Robert J. Marzano translates these principles into the following

School-Level Factors:
• A guaranteed and viable curriculum
• Challenging goals and effective feedback
• Parent and community involvement
• A safe and orderly environment
• Collegiality and professionalism

Teacher-Level Factors:
• Instructional strategies
• Classroom management
• Classroom curriculum design

Student-Level Factors:
• Home environment
• Learned intelligence and background knowledge
• Student motivation

The school employs a continuous improvement model that focuses on principles and practices that are
simple and supported by research.

The school supports its researched based approach to education by including the following practices in
its daily operation of the school:

College Readiness: The school’s focus on a liberal arts education provides the academic
foundation necessary to succeed in an increasingly global and competitive society. In grade school,
the vast majority of time is spent on mastering the core subjects of English, history, mathematics,
reading, and science. Furthermore, the school’s first priority is to bring students up to grade level
in reading and math, so they will be able to master other subjects as well. In all grades, at least
twice as much time is spent on language arts and mathematics than on other academic subjects.

Longer School Day: School days are approximately seven hours long, which is longer than most
traditional public schools. This includes at least six hours of instructional time.

Structured Discipline: Students are expected to follow a clearly defined and structured discipline
program. This program encourages personal responsibility and respect for others. As a result,

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

students who have had behavior problems at other schools are often drawn back into a positive
learning environment.

Moral Focus Program: Part of the school’s purpose is to instill a strong moral identity in each of
our students. The Moral Focus curriculum comprehensively identifies the skills, behaviors, and
virtues students will need for character growth and development to prepare them for success,
both academically and throughout their lives. The curriculum includes explicit and integrated
instruction around three key components of character to provide students with a strong foundation
for leading an ethical life. The Moral Focus program is an essential part of every student’s

Parental Involvement: Research indicates that a leading predictor of student success is parental
involvement; therefore, parents are included in many aspects of the education program. The
school governance structure relies on significant parental input and cultivates a close working
partnership between staff members and parents. In addition, parents are asked to volunteer by
participating in playground activities, becoming a member of school committees, or helping in the
classroom, library, or office. To encourage involvement, parents sign a “School-Parent Compact”
upon their child’s enrollment, committing to active involvement in the school.

American Heritage: It is appropriate to demonstrate a great deal of both pride in the history of
the United States and gratitude for our unique roots and founding by gifted men and women.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

The Four Pillars of NHA

Academic Excellence
National Heritage Academies has invested significant financial resources in the development of a
strong academic program that provides students with an excellent academic foundation. In
partnership with NHA, we have carefully selected the finest curriculum to be used by our teaching
staff in order to accomplish our purpose. All of our curriculum meets or exceeds the state educational

Moral Focus
We believe that a strong moral identity is foundational to student success. It is our goal to not only
support the virtues parents try to instill at home, but to explicitly teach students the skills, behaviors,
and virtues necessary for leading an ethical life. NHA’s nine monthly virtues are Wisdom, Respect,
Gratitude, Self-control, Perseverance, Courage, Encouragement, Compassion, and Integrity. Students
will learn to internalize these virtues through the intentional and consistent focus on the application
of Moral Focus concepts throughout all aspects of school life. This integration is essential for students
to learn the importance of developing and maintaining strong personal character and to create a
learning environment built on a foundation of respect and care where everyone works hard to achieve
academic goals and improve school culture. The Moral Focus program is an essential part of every
student’s education.

Student Responsibility
In addition to preparing our students for academic success, we seek to develop a strong sense of
responsibility in each child. We want students to take personal ownership of their success or failure,
regardless of their background or previous experiences. This includes sound decision-making, an
ability that is becoming critical in our ever-changing, complex world. Students must meet high
expectations both academically and behaviorally. Our teachers work with students and parents to
promote the responsibility necessary for success both in and out of school.

Parental Partnership
A successful learning experience would not be possible without the partnership and dedication of our
students’ parents. Parental participation in each school’s program is solicited and highly encouraged.
Our parents are involved on leadership committees, in the classroom, and in the details that make a
school function effectively. NHA parents know they are always welcome and that they are a key to the
success of every NHA student.

NHA believes that open communication between school and home improves the quality of the
educational experience. Every marking period, parents receive detailed written reports of student
performance and accomplishments. These reports are coupled with fall and spring parent-teacher
conferences. The reports and conferences include interpretation of internal and external measures of
assessment. Teachers and parents may also schedule additional meetings.

At all other times throughout the year, parents can use NHA’s Secure School Website via the Internet
to view their child’s grades and progress. This web-based information center provides parents with
both classroom information and student academic data. The Secure School Website promotes the
increased accountability of all participants in the educational process—teachers, students, and

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Academic Excellence: Curriculum

The school uses the National Heritage Academies (NHA) curriculum, a rigorous and challenging
curriculum uniquely designed to prepare them for high academic achievement in successive schooling
environments. Our goal is to graduate students who have not only had the opportunity to experience
academic excellence but have also acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in high
school and beyond.

English Language Arts

The NHA English Language Arts curriculum, aligned with the Ohio Learning Standards, provides
students with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary for success in listening, reading,
speaking, viewing, and writing. Early reading instruction focuses on the building blocks of reading—
phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency. These building blocks lay the
foundation for the intellectual processes necessary for students to remember, understand, analyze,
evaluate, and apply the ideas they encounter while reading.

To provide students with the mathematical skills they will need in everyday life as well as in the rigors
of high school and post-high school mathematics, NHA has developed a strong mathematics
curriculum, aligned with the Ohio’s Learning Standards for Mathematics, that emphasizes
communicating, computational and procedural skills, making connections, reasoning and proofing,
problem solving, and using representations. Students learn to represent and communicate ideas
through graphs, mathematical terms, models, signs, symbols, and writing.

NHA has developed an engaging science curriculum that encourages students to participate actively in
scientific inquiry while developing scientific literacy. When participating in inquiry, students describe
objects and events, ask questions, construct explanations, test those explanations against current
scientific knowledge, and communicate their ideas to others. Students’ scientific knowledge is
developed in the areas of The Nature of Science, The Living Environment, Physical Science, and Earth
and Space Science.

Social Studies
NHA’s Social Studies curriculum includes the examination of historical documents, so students can
demonstrate their understanding of the major themes, developments, and turning points in our
nation. The curriculum is strong in the study of National and World Geography. We build a strong
knowledge of economic principles, so students understand the impact of economic forces both
internationally and personally in their daily lives. Additionally, the curriculum is comparative in
examination of world cultures. This creates a point of reference by which students compare the
freedoms of American life with non-democratic societies both historically and currently. Our students
are reminded of the rights and liberties they enjoy and the due reason to participate in and protect
those liberties.

Art classes allow students to explore the many different aspects of art while acquiring an
understanding of the significant role art has played in the expression of ideas throughout history.
Hands-on art projects help develop student creativity and self-expression and are frequently related
to current classroom topics.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Physical Education
Physical Education is a sequence of developmental experiences in which students learn through
movement. Students work on individual skill development and learn about teamwork and the
importance of sportsmanship. In addition, they are given the opportunity to develop a positive
attitude toward life-long physical activity.

Library and Educational Technology

The technology education program at our school equips students with digital literacy skills needed to
be productive, safe, and life-long digital learners. The K-12 technology curriculum scaffolds student
learning of technology from foundational computer skills to computational thinking and design theory.
Our NHA Technology Standards (2023) are derived from the national technology standards for students
published by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and the state technology
standards. Online safety, digital citizenship and cyberbullying awareness and prevention is taught
annually in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).

The library program at our school is designed to expose students to a wide variety of classic and
contemporary literature, instill a life-long love of reading, and develop information literacy skills. The
library collections contain specific titles that support the curriculum and provide students with a
variety of high-quality literature. Our library program uses the NHA Library Standards (2018) based on
the expectation for students in the Information Literacy Standards developed by the American
Association of School Librarians.

Moral Focus
We believe it is imperative to equip students with both the moral and academic foundations necessary
to interact successfully in today’s society. Our Moral Focus Program is centered on the study of 9
Virtues: Wisdom, Respect, Gratitude, Self-control, Perseverance, Courage, Encouragement,
Compassion, & Integrity. Virtues are fundamental to a great education, and great schools place equal
importance on developing the heart and mind of students.

(September) (October) (November) (December) (January)
(February) (March) (April) (May)

Character is defined by which virtues our students determine are important to their lives and there
are certain necessary steps to acquire or strengthen those virtues. Our Moral Focus Program is
structured around a clearly defined process for teaching and learning virtues. That process outlines
those steps, allowing teachers to intentionally guide students through the process of teaching virtues.
They provide them with the opportunity to learn virtues in a way that will not only affect their mind,
but change their heart.

• Step 1: Introduction - Define the virtue

- Students learn to name the virtue and simply define it in terms they understand as a
foundation for their journey. (focus for the 1st week of each month)

• Step 2: Connection - Understand the importance of the virtue to create personal meaning and
- Students learn to describe the value & meaning of a virtue. A necessary step that motivates
them to put forth the effort to put virtue into action. (focus for the 2nd week of each month)
Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

• Step 3: Reflection - Recognize the positive impact the virtue has and know exactly how to display
- Students learn what it looks like and sounds like through intentional modeling and careful
study, allowing them to recognize it in others. (focus for the 3rd week of each month)

• Step 4: Application - Find ways to display the virtue and be intentional about practicing it
- Students are given regular opportunities to practice virtues. Practice is the key to virtues
becoming a learned behavior or habit. (focus for the 4th week of each month)

To support the Moral Focus program, time is dedicated each day to the teaching of Moral Focus
virtues. The 4 steps of the process described above form the core of Moral Focus instruction. Each
month is broken down into 4 weeks of instruction that correspond to the 4 steps for teaching virtues.
Each grade bases instruction on a definition of each virtue designed for their grade level. The
definitions scaffold in complexity from grade to grade, allowing students to deepen their
understanding and extend their ability to display each virtue.

This comprehensive approach provides students with a strong foundation for leading a moral life.
Students will learn to internalize these virtues through the intentional and consistent focus on the
application of Moral Focus concepts throughout all aspects of school life. This integration is essential
for students to learn the importance of developing and maintaining a strong personal character and
the qualities necessary for success as both a student and a citizen. Additionally, all students are given
the opportunity to participate in service-learning projects.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Academic Excellence: Achievement

Honors Ceremonies
At the end of each academic quarter, special recognition is given to those students in grades K-8 who
have achieved excellence in their academic progress as well as in the Moral Focus. Students are given
awards based on their individual accomplishments during the previous quarter.

Honor Roll ....................................... A- average (3.5 – 4.0)

Merit Roll ........................................ B- average (3.0 – 3.49)
Moral Focus
Perfect Attendance
Most Improved

Student Grade Placement, Acceleration, Promotion, or Retention

The principal is authorized to make initial grade placement of a student and to promote, accelerate
or retain students after initial grade placement. However, unless the student’s parent or guardian
agree otherwise, the School must accept the grade placement and units of credit for new students
transferring from any school in the state of Ohio and from any out-of-state school approved by a state
department of education or the equivalent for schools attended in another country. After initial grade
placement, a student is expected to progress through the grades one year in each grade receiving the
benefits of academic, social and physical growth usually accompanied with a full year of
development. On occasion, it may be in the best interest of the student to have a new grade
placement, be accelerated more than one grade, or be retained in the current grade. In this event,
supporting documentation with interventions already offered to the student will be provided by the
school. If a student’s parent or teacher believes one of these grade changes should be considered, a
written request for consideration should be provided to the principal, including the reasons for such
consideration. The final decision regarding placement, acceleration, promotion, or retention of a
student rests solely with the principal.

A student is prohibited from promotion to the next grade level if he/she has been truant for more
than 10 percent of the required attendance days of the current school year and has failed two or more
of the required curriculum subject areas in the current grade, unless the student’s principal and the
teachers of any failed subject areas agree that the student is academically prepared to be promoted
to the next grade level.

The principal shall consider the following, when making such decisions:
1. The education record of the student, including but not limited to a student’s grades, standardized
test scores, reading, speaking and math skills, the curriculum of each grade, the available teacher(s)
skill(s)delivering the instruction and available programs
2. Attendance
3. Discipline
4. The physical, social and emotional readiness of the student for the curriculum of each grade
5. The recommendation of the student’s parents and teachers
6. The applicable laws governing these decisions including, but not limited to, the “Third Grade
Reading Guarantee”.

The goal of placing, accelerating, promoting or retaining a student is to enhance the opportunity for
the student to achieve learning goals, meet state and school performance expectations, and to be
prepared for high school, college, and career plans.
Special Education Students

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

The decision to retain a student with a disability is approached with great caution. The Principal,
after consultation with the IEP Team, makes the final decision regarding the promotion and retention
of students with disabilities. A student with a disability may not be retained based on their disability,
but may be retained for other factors. The parent of a student with a disability may appeal the
decision to the school board of directors or may choose to have the student leave the school. If a
parent appeals the principal’s decision to the school board of directors, the school’s special education
supervisor must be contacted for consultation and guidance.

English Learner Students

The retention of an English Learner (EL) student is a decision that is carefully considered by the
building principal. The principal, in collaboration with the EL Coordinator, EL teacher, and Special
Populations Team, should consider evidence related to the student’s performance in each subject
area when making this determination. An English Learner student may not be retained solely based on
a lack of language skills, but may be retained for other factors.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Academic Excellence: Student Support Services

and Special Education
It is the goal of the school to provide appropriate educational opportunities for all students.

It is the school’s obligation to provide a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) to all students
with suspected disabilities or disabilities, as defined under the Individual with Disabilities Education
Act (“IDEA”) and state special education rules and regulations. For additional specifics regarding a
student’s special education rights, parents are encouraged to review the Procedural Safeguards that
are available from a school administrator or special education provider.

Child Find
The IDEA includes a Child Find Mandate. Child Find requires all school districts to locate, identify and
evaluate all children with disabilities regardless of the severity of their disability. This obligation
encompasses all children who are suspected of having a disability, including children receiving passing
grades and “advancing from grade to grade…”. A parent who suspects that their child may have a
disability and is in need of special education and related services may initiate a free evaluation of
their child by contacting the school principal and providing a written request for an evaluation under
IDEA and/or Section 504. The school must take the parents request into consideration and provide a
response consistent with State and Federal special education requirements. If the school does not
suspect a disability, it may refuse to conduct an evaluation. If the school refuses, it must give the
parent written notice explaining the reason(s) why it is declining to initiate an evaluation, what data
the decision was based upon, and other factors considered. The parents then have the right, if they
choose, to request a due process hearing to seek a ruling to conduct an evaluation.

Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - Section 504 (General Education)

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 USC 794, (sometimes referred to as “Section 504”)
prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities solely on the basis of their disability. If
you have Section 504 questions please contact the school’s principal who has been designated as the
Section 504 Coordinator. The Section 504 Coordinator is responsible for investigating and resolving
complaints. In addition, any individual who desires information related to the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, or the Americans with Disabilities Act, may contact the school’s principal or the NHA Special
Education Department at (616) 222-1700. The school does not discriminate against individuals seeking
to access a program or service of the school based on disability. Where an individual desires to
participate in a program or service and requires an accommodation(s) in order to do so, they should
contact the school’s principal to request an accommodation. In addition, if you suspect that your child
has a disability which may qualify him/her for support under Section 504, you should contact the
school’s principal to begin the referral process. Upon initiation of the Section 504 referral process,
parents will be provided with a copy of the Section 504 Procedural Safeguards and Parent/Student
Rights which contains complaint and due process procedures.

The Intervention Assistance Team

The Intervention Assistance Team (IAT) is a committee of school personnel set up by the principal to
ensure ongoing and effective support for students and classroom teachers. Parents are informed if
their child is being considered for referral to the IAT for behavioral and/or academic support. The IAT
is a general education intervention process and team membership will generally include: a building
administrator, the student’s general education teacher, and a staff member knowledgeable in
accommodations and interventions. Parents may also be invited to participate in this meeting. The
team provides a forum to discuss the student’s academic and behavioral data and needs. In addition,
the team generates, initiates, and monitors implementation of interventions designed to address the
Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

individual needs of the student. This includes use of the resources of the school, family, and the
community. This process creates awareness and understanding of the issues affecting the student and
their academic, behavioral, and functional performance. The IAT may serve as the pre-referral
intervention-planning team for those “unidentified” students whose difficulties may suggest the
presence of a disability. As appropriate, the IAT may refer a student to the Special Education team for
formal assessment. Parents should be informed if the IAT is considering a referral of their student to
the Special Education team. Prior to initiating a special education evaluation, written parental
consent/permission must be obtained. Information gathered through implementation of interventions
identified by the IAT will be taken into consideration as a part of the special education evaluation
along with progress monitoring and other data sources provided by the parent, educational staff, and
others as deemed appropriate. The IAT’s review of documentation of intervention strategies, the
student’s response (progress monitoring data), in addition to a referral for special education testing
for a suspected disability, fulfills the Child Find requirement under IDEA and State special education

The Individual Education Program

The school will comply with the IDEA and state regulations and every student identified as having a
disability will be provided an Individual Educational Program (IEP) designed to address their unique
needs. All required components of the IEP will be addressed including but not limited to: a description
of the student’s present level of academic achievement and functional performance including
disability related needs, goals and objectives, supplementary aids and services, program services,
ancillary services, extended school year, etc. Each IEP is designed to assure that eligible students
receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE) and specially designed instruction delivered by
highly qualified special education staff within the least restrictive environment (LRE). Prior to the
opening of school and throughout the school year, registration forms are reviewed to identify students
with current IEPs from previous schools attended. The parents are informed of their rights,
procedures, and responsibilities under special education law. Decisions regarding an IEP are made by
the IEP Team. This team has required participant’s which minimally includes, general and special
education providers, administrators, and the parent(s).

The IDEA includes specific rights for parents of children with disabilities. This information is contained
in the document commonly referred to as the Procedural Safeguards. We encourage parents to review
this document carefully so they are fully informed of their rights. Copies of this document are
provided at a minimum of at least once per school year and can be obtained from your school office or
by contacting the state’s Department of Education.

Educational Placement of Students with Disabilities

The school is committed to educating students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment
(LRE) in order to meet their educational needs as determined by the student’s IEP Team. This means
that to the maximum extent appropriate, children who are disabled are educated with children who
are nondisabled and special classes, separate schooling or other removal of children with disabilities
from the regular educational environment occurs only if the nature or severity of the disability is such
that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved

In an effort to meet with the LRE requirements, the school must ensure that a continuum of
placement options is available to students with disabilities, including: services provided within the
general education classroom; pull-out services; special classes; home instruction; instruction in
hospitals and institutions;, and in unique circumstances, access to programs and services located in
settings outside the school. Placement decisions are the determination of the Individualized Education
Program Team (IEPT).

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Transfer Students:
In-State transfer: If a child with a disability (who had an IEP in effect in a previous public agency)
transfers to a new school in the same state and enrolls in the new school within the same
academic year, the public agency (in consultation with the child's parents) shall provide the child
with a free appropriate public education, including services comparable to those described in the
prior IEP, until the public agency adopts the prior IEP or develops, adopts, and implements a new
IEP that is consistent with federal and state laws.

Out of State Transfer: If a child with a disability (who had an IEP in effect in a previous public
agency) transfers to a new school in a different state and enrolls in the new school within the
same academic year, the public agency (in consultation with the child's parents) shall provide such
a child with a free appropriate public education, including services comparable to those described
in the prior IEP’s until the public agency conducts an evaluation, if determined to be necessary by
the agency, and develops a new IEP, if appropriate, that is consistent with federal and state laws.
The evaluation conducted is considered an initial evaluation as special education eligibility within
the new state must be determined.

In order to comply with these transfer requirements, under certain circumstances the school may
need to contract with another school/entity for the provision of educational services.

Parent Participation
Parents are an important member of the school community and have the right to participate in all
meetings involving the evaluation, identification, and educational placement of their student. Parents
will be invited to participate and share information about their student prior to and during the IEPT
meeting. Parents are encouraged to review the Procedural Safeguards so that they are fully informed
of their rights.

Crisis Management: De-escalation, Isolation and Restraint of Student

The school is committed to maintaining a safe learning environment for all students, staff, and
visitors. It is the policy of our school to only utilize approved physical restraint in response to
emergency or crisis situations. Use of restraint procedures should: (a) not be viewed as a behavior
change or intervention strategy, (b) be implemented only under extreme situations and as a matter of
last resort, (c) be implemented only by trained personnel, and (d) be accompanied by school wide
pro-active positive behavior supports to prevent the need for their use. When such activities are
utilized, documentation procedures are required in addition to timely communication with parents
and other key members of the educational system. This documentation must remain on file at the
school and is considered part of the student’s educational record.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Moral Focus
At NHA, we believe it is our job to ensure our students leave us not only with a quality education, but
with strong moral character to guide them. They will inevitably be faced with challenges throughout
their lives that we cannot anticipate, but must prepare them for. One of our primary academic goals
is college readiness for all students, and we cannot achieve that goal by focusing on our rigorous
academic program alone.

Through an intentional focus on the development of character, our students will acquire all of the
skills they will need to prepare them for college and the challenges they will face in life. Moral Focus
provides students with a moral foundation to stand on and the strength to withstand whatever comes
their way. Parents are the first and most important influence on the development of a child’s
character, but it is our job to partner with you by reinforcing those positive values in the classroom.
Guiding the growth and development of character can often be more impactful in the lives of our
students than anything else we teach them. It is during this critical period of their lives that they will
learn how to be the adults they will one day become.

It is an essential component of the education of our students that simply cannot be left out. The role
teachers play in shaping the character of their students is one of profound importance. It is a
responsibility that NHA takes very seriously through our work to maintain an intentional and consistent
focus on the character development of our students and the character being modeled for them.

Moral Focus Expectations

Our Moral Focus program greatly impacts the development of a positive school culture. Each classroom
works diligently to uphold the following expectations related to the implementation of Moral Focus.

• Moral Focus monthly virtues are posted in all classrooms and around the school.
o Students will be able to identify the Moral Focus virtue of the month.
• Monthly virtues are explicitly taught through lessons, activities, or assemblies.
o Students will be able to define each Moral Focus virtue.
• Moral Focus virtues are incorporated throughout day-to-day interactions.
o Students will be able to provide examples of behavior that exemplify each Moral Focus virtue.
o Teachers will be able to capitalize on teachable moments using the Moral Focus virtues.
o Teachers will redirect student behavior referencing the Moral Focus virtues.

(September) (October) (November) (December) (January)
(February) (March) (April) (May)

By intentionally teaching the Moral Focus virtues and weaving them into the fabric of the classroom,
teachers are better able to support their efforts in creating systems that support students in taking
responsibility for what they need to do and how they need to do it with a sense of urgency that
increases the time spent learning. Teachers intentionally guide students as they acquire or strengthen
virtues in their lives. Through this process, they provide students with the opportunity to learn virtues
in a way that will not only affect their mind, but change their heart. To support teachers as they work

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

to develop the character of the students they serve, time is dedicated each week to the teaching of
Moral Focus virtues.

Moral Focus Assemblies

To support the Moral Focus program and philosophy, regular Moral Focus assemblies are held. During
assemblies, students recite the Pledge of Allegiance and the Student Creed. The staff and/or students
lead a brief discussion of the month’s virtue and perform a skit or lead another activity to exemplify
the virtue. At times, students are recognized for outstanding citizenship and academic achievement.
Parents and friends are encouraged to attend the assemblies.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Student Responsibility: Homework

The school staff believes that homework is an important component of the educational process as it
allows students to be actively engaged in their own learning. It is expected that the following
objectives will be accomplished through regular and well-planned homework:
• Students will develop more self-direction and individual responsibility.
• Students will develop independent study skills.
• Students will become organized.
• Students will learn to budget their time.
• Homework is intended to align with student proficiency goals.

1. Parents and students should expect regular homework.
2. Assigned homework that requires completion is part of each student's evaluation.
3. Homework will be planned and assigned for specific instructional purposes related to classroom
4. The quantity of homework will be within reason. As the school year progresses, the amount of
homework and the number of days homework is assigned may increase depending on the maturity
and ability of the students.

Make-Up Work
Students have an obligation to complete assignments missed during illness, suspension, or unexpected
absence from school. In keeping with our belief that students should develop a sense of responsibility,
we expect them, with their parents' help, to contact their teachers to secure missed assignments.

In cases of prolonged absence due to illness, the student's teachers should be called, so necessary
arrangements can be made to have assignments picked up.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Student Responsibility: Technology Use and Internet

Safety Practices and Procedures
Students are offered access to the National Heritage Academies (NHA) computer network for
creativity, communication, research, and other tasks related to the NHA academic program. All use of
computers, furnished or created data, software, and other technology resources as granted by NHA
are the property of NHA and are intended for school business and educational use. Students are to use
the computer network responsibly. The use of the network is a privilege, not a right, and may be
revoked if abused. The user is personally responsible for his/her actions in accessing and using the
NHA computer network and the school’s technological resources.

The school educates students about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other
individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyber bullying awareness and

General Rules
1. Privacy: The school and NHA reserve the right to monitor Internet traffic and to retrieve and
review any data composed, sent, received, or stored using the NHA network or Internet
connections, including e-mail. Users do not enjoy any expectation of privacy when using any NHA
technology or transmissions originating within or around school property.

2. Bullying: The school prohibits cyber-bullying, an act involving the use of information and
communication technologies, including but not limited to e-mail, text messages, blogs, instant
messages, personal Web sites, on-line social directories and communities, video-posting sites, and
online personal polling Web sites, to support deliberate or repeated hostile behavior, by an
individual or group, that is intended to defame, harm, threaten, intimidate, or harass students,
staff members, or the school during or outside school hours and on or off school premises.

3. Materials and Language: Use of or accessing profane, abusive, pornographic, obscene, and/or
impolite materials or language is not permitted. Accidental access should be reported to the
instructor immediately. Intentional circumvention of web-filtering is prohibited.

4. Installing/Copying: Students are not to install or download any hardware, software, shareware, or
freeware onto any media or network drives. Software installed by anyone other than the network
administrator will be removed. Downloading of non-work-related files is permitted only with an
instructor’s permission. Students may not copy other people's work or intrude into other people's
files. All copyright laws must be respected. Use of any other organization’s network or technology
resources via the NHA network requires the instructor’s permission and must comply with the rules
appropriate for that network.

5. Access: Users may not access the computer network without proper authorization. Users are to
use their own username and password when using a computer. Users must log off the computer
when they are finished with their work and are not to log on to a computer for someone else or
tell others their password. Students are to notify the instructor if someone else is thought to know
his/her password.

6. Data Protection: Users must not attempt to damage or destroy equipment or files. Though efforts
are made by NHA to ensure the safety and integrity of data, NHA makes no warranties of any kind,
either expressed or implied, for the service it provides. NHA will not be responsible for any

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

damage to data.

7. Storage: Users are to delete their files and materials they no longer need.

8. Printing Resources: Paper and toner are costly, and excessive use is wasteful. Documents must be
proofread before printing. Users are to print only the needed part(s) of documents. Students must
obtain permission from an instructor before printing documents.

9. Technology Disruptions: Users may not perform any activity designed to deny the availability of
network or computer services. These activities are malicious and pose a cyber threat by denying or
limiting services without authorization or permission.

Internet Use
The World Wide Web is a vast collection of resources readily available to any user on any computer
connected to the Internet. NHA integrates the use of these resources into student instruction. Student
Internet usage is permitted only in the presence and supervision of a teacher, the child’s parent, or
other designated adult school personnel. NHA is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of
information obtained through the Internet or the NHA computer network.

Some material accessible via the Internet contains illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or potentially
offensive language or images. While the school uses Internet resources to achieve educational goals,
there is always a risk of students accessing other materials. However, we believe that the benefits of
using technology outweigh the disadvantages. Teachers are trained in the appropriate use of
technology with students, but parents of students are responsible for setting and conveying the
expectations regarding the use of media and information sources at home and at school.

The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a federal law enacted by Congress to address concerns
about access to the Internet and other information. Under CIPA, schools must certify that they have
certain Internet safety measures in place. These include measures to block or filter pictures that (a)
are obscene, (b) contain child pornography, or (c) when computers with Internet access are used by
minors, are harmful to minors. Schools subject to CIPA must adopt a policy such as this to monitor
online activities of minors and to address (a) access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet
and World Wide Web, (b) the safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms,
and other forms of direct electronic communications, (c) unauthorized access, including so-called
"hacking," and other unlawful activities by minors online, (d) unauthorized disclosure, use, and
dissemination of personal information regarding minors, and (e) restricting minors' access to harmful

NHA complies with CIPA by deploying a Web content filtering product which categorizes Internet sites
and sends updates to NHA and cloud site-based hardware. A process is in place for changing the
categorization of Web sites. The following categorizations are currently in place:
• Obscenity and Pornography Filtering: The website and content filter allows NHA to manage
Internet access several URL categories pertinent to CIPA.
• Web Filtering: The website and content filter that is supported by the web content filtering
product and can be updated based off need of the school.
• Monitoring: The website and content filter contains reporting tools and a real-time monitoring
function and reports online activities of minors.
• Policy Management: The website and content filter allows customization of Internet policies,
based on a user or group, with the ability to set appropriate policies based on age or need.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Student Responsibility: Search and Seizure Practices

and Procedures
Lockers are School Property
All lockers assigned to students are the property of the school. At no time does the school relinquish
its exclusive control of its lockers. The school principal or his/her designee shall have custody of all
combinations to all lockers or locks. Students are prohibited from placing locks on any locker without
the advanced approval of the school principal or his/her designee.

Legitimate Use of School Lockers

The school assigns lockers to its students for their convenience and temporary use. Students are to use
lockers exclusively to store school-related materials and authorized personal items such as footwear,
grooming aids, lunches, or outer garments. Students shall not use lockers for any other purpose,
unless specifically authorized by school board policy, the school principal, or his/her designee prior to
students bringing the items to school. Students solely are responsible for the contents of their lockers.

Search of Locker Contents

Searches of school lockers and their contents deter violations of school rules and regulations, ensure
proper maintenance of school property, and provide greater safety and security for students and
personnel. Accordingly, the Board of Directors authorizes the principal or his/her designee, upon
reasonable suspicion under the circumstances, to search lockers and locker contents at any time,
without notice, and without parental or student consent.

The principal or his/her designee shall not be obligated, but may request the assistance of a law
enforcement officer in conducting a locker search. The principal or his/her designee shall supervise
the search. In the course of a locker search, the school principal or his/her designee shall respect the
privacy rights of the student regarding any items discovered that are not illegal or in violation of
school policies and rules.

When conducting locker searches, the principal or his/her designee may seize any illegal or
unauthorized items, items in violation of board policy and/or school policies or rules, or any other
items reasonably determined by the principal or his/her designee to be a potential threat to the
safety or security of others and report the finding of such items to law enforcement officials to the
extent required by law. Such items include but are not limited to the following: contraband,
controlled substance analogues or other intoxicants, dangerous weapons, explosives, firearms,
flammable materials, illegal controlled substances, poisons, and stolen property. Any items seized by
the school principal or his/her designee shall be removed from the locker and held by school officials
for evidence in disciplinary proceedings and/or turned over to law enforcement officials. The parent
of a student shall be notified by the principal or his/her designee of items removed from the locker.

Search and Seizure of Electronic Devices

Cell phones, PDAs, iPods, MP3 players, video equipment, cameras, gaming devices, laser pointers and
any other electronic devices are not permitted on school grounds or at school-related events, unless
approved by the principal. If approved, an electronic device shall not be used in a manner that
disrupts the educational process or purpose, including but not limited to posing a threat to academic
integrity, violating confidentiality or privacy rights of another individual, or violating the Student Code
of Conduct. If the principal or his/her designee has a reasonable suspicion that a violation has
occurred, he/she shall have the right to search for and confiscate the electronic device.
Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Search and Seizure of Person and/or Personal Property

The school will conduct a search if the principal (or principal designee) has a reasonable suspicion that
a violation of the Student Code of Conduct has occurred. When determining the nature and scope of
the search, the principal (or the principal designee) will consider the age and sex of the student as
well as the nature of the act of misconduct. The search may include the student’s person, backpack,
purse, pockets, shoes, and/or other personal property, but a student’s person will only be searched
when there is a reasonable suspicion that the student has an illegal weapon, drug and/or alcohol on
his/her person. A physical search may only be conducted by a staff member of the same sex as the
pupil. School personnel shall not conduct strip searches or body cavity searches of any pupils under
any circumstances.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Positive Behavior Intervention Support

The purpose of school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) is to establish a climate in
which appropriate behavior is the norm. While the Student Code of Conduct necessarily focuses on
misconduct and the resulting consequences, we actively promote PBIS as a strategy to teach, model
and reinforce positive social behavior as an important aspect of a student’s educational experience.
Teaching behavioral expectations and recognizing students for meeting and exceeding them are
important community-building strategies that shape the culture of our schools.

Building-Wide Expectations
The PBIS expectations are designed to (1) provide a clear understanding of expected student behavior,
(2) be few in number, (3) be positively stated and structured, (4) use familiar language, and (5)
include example behaviors defined for purposes of instruction. These expectations will be clearly
posted in each of our schools.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Student Responsibility: Student Code of Conduct

Our goal is to offer a quality education program. To fulfill this goal, students need a positive, safe,
and orderly school environment in which learning can take place without disruption. Students who do
not observe the rules of good conduct in the classroom or on the playground decrease both the
learning and safety of others and their own opportunities to learn. Therefore, our staff takes a very
proactive role in enforcing the Student Code of Conduct outlined below.

Students are expected to demonstrate respect and courtesy by obeying staff members, being kind to
others, and being considerate of others’ and the school’s property.

Acts of Misconduct
The acts of misconduct listed in this Student Code of Conduct are not to be construed as an all-
inclusive list or as a limitation upon the authority of school officials to deal appropriately with other
types of conduct which interfere with the good order of the school, the proper functioning of the
educational process, or the health and safety of students.

The following list includes examples of prohibited student conduct. Parents or students who are unsure
of what conduct is prohibited by each act should consult with the principal. This list is not all-inclusive.
Additionally, a student who engages in an act of misconduct that violates the law may be referred to
law enforcement.

Students are expected to follow the Code of Conduct when

• on school property;
• in a motor vehicle being used for a school related purpose;
• at a school-related activity, function or event;
• en route to or from school;
• at any time or place when the student’s behavior has a direct and immediate effect on
maintaining order, safety, health and discipline in the school

Acts of misconduct include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Acts committed while enrolled at another school*

• Any and all forms of smoking, tobacco possession or use including e-cigarettes/vaporizers and
• Behaving or dressing indecently (including public displays of affection having sexual
• Being excessively tardy or absent
• Committing arson
• Committing criminal sexual conduct
• Committing other criminal acts not included here
• Damaging or stealing property or possessing stolen property
• Disrupting school or violating building rules and regulations
• Failing to cooperate with or persistently disobeying staff members or volunteers
• Falsifying records, being dishonest, cheating, and plagiarizing
• Fighting with, assaulting, verbally assaulting, harassing, or cyber-bullying others
• Gang activity: defined as any conduct engaged in by a student on behalf of a gang, to
perpetuate the existence of a gang, to affect the common purpose or design of a gang, or to
represent gang affiliation, loyalty or membership (also see the school’s Dress Code). These
Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

activities include recruiting, threatening or intimidating other students or staff in furtherance

of a gang’s purpose or activities. Gang is defined as any organization, association, or group of
three or more persons who one of its activities being the commission of criminal acts and
which has an identifying name or sign or symbol.
• Harassment, intimidation, or bullying including behavior or gestures which symbolize gang
membership or causing and/or participating in activities which intimidate or affect the
attendance of another student.
• Improper dress in violation of the Dress Code
• Improperly communicating with staff members, volunteers, or students
• Making false alarms
• Making false allegations against staff, volunteers, or students
• Misusing copyrighted material
• Performing coercion, extortion, or blackmail
• Possessing electronic communication devices, laser pointers, fireworks, explosives, chemical
substances, alcohol, drugs, narcotic drugs, counterfeit substances, weapons, dangerous
instruments, look-a-like weapons, and personal protection devices (e.g., tasers, mace, and
• Title IX Sexual Harassment
• Trespassing or loitering
• Use of profane and/or inappropriate language
• Violating the Technology Use and Internet Safety Practices and Procedures
• Violations of rules or policies as set forth in the Parent and Student Handbook
• Visiting school property or attending school activities while suspended or expelled

*If your child has been suspended or expelled from another Ohio school, your child will be offered an
opportunity for an informal hearing before the Principal to determine whether the school will honor
the suspension or expulsion as initially imposed by the other Ohio school. If the school chooses
to honor the disciplinary removal imposed by the other school, then your child will be temporarily
denied admittance to the school until after the suspension or expulsion expires.

If your child has been expelled or otherwise removed for disciplinary purposes from a public school in
another state, your child will be offered an opportunity for an informal hearing before the Principal.
Based on the outcome of the hearing, your child may be denied admittance to the school for the
shorter of the period of the removal or the period of removal which would have been applied had the
student committed the same offense in the school.

Disciplinary Procedures
A student may be disciplined at any level depending upon the facts, frequency and/or severity of the
act of misconduct. A Behavior Referral will be completed for each violation of the Code of Conduct
and copies are made for the parent and kept in the student’s file. Discipline records will be included
in any student file properly requested by the parent to be transferred to a subsequent school.
Corporal punishment is prohibited as a means of discipline.

Level 1 EARLY INTERVENTION: The behavior may be a violation of the code of conduct or a disruption
of the orderly operation of the classroom or a school activity. The inappropriate behavior is directly
addressed with the student.

Level 2 PARENT NOTIFICATION: The parent is notified by mail or a note home of the misbehavior.

Level 3 PARENT CONTACT: A conference with the parent is held in order to discuss the incident and
appropriate disciplinary action.
Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Level 4 BEHAVIOR SUPPORT PLAN (BSP): When Level 2 and 3 behaviors become chronic or a student
accumulates more than ten (10) suspension days in a semester, the dean and/or principal shall
schedule a meeting with the parents in order to implement a Behavior Support Plan or BSP. A BSP will
take into consideration the motivation for the inappropriate behavior, positive interventions that
might be utilized to diminish the inappropriate behavior and disciplinary consequences that will take
place if the behavior continues. The BSP is an intervention tool and does not require parent consent to
implement. Copies are made for the parent and kept in the student’s file. Violation(s) of the BSP will
result in disciplinary action and a revised BSP. In the event of multiple (3-5) violations and revisions of
the BSP, the School Principal, or the Principal’s designee in the Principal’s absence, has the discretion
to impose additional disciplinary measures or recommend the student to the Board for additional
disciplinary measures up to and including expulsion.

act of misconduct disrupts the school environment, the resulting consequence issued by the school
administration may include suspension of up to 10 school days, or other options that allow the school
to practice discretion to enact the practices and procedures to align with Behave With Care and the
School-wide Behavior System. The school administration may convene a meeting with the student,
parents and others to develop or update an existing Behavior Contract that outlines the expected
behavior and disciplinary action. The Behavior Contract will be signed by school administration and
offered to the student and parent(s) for signature. Copies are made for the parent and kept in the
student’s file. The student will be granted a right to due process as described in the Due Process
Procedures of this Code of Conduct.


FOR 20 SCHOOL DAYS OR LESS: When the student consistently violates the acts of misconduct by
serving multiple out of school suspensions or does not follow the Behavior Support Plan, or if the
student poses a continuing danger to persons or property, or an ongoing threat of disrupting the
academic process, the principal, may expel the student for twenty (20) school days or less, pursuant
to the Due Process Procedures outlined below.

FOR 21 SCHOOL DAYS OR MORE: When the act of misconduct is considered a crime under state law,
constitutes severe non-compliance with school rules, or is so extreme that it threatens the safety of
others or poses a continuing damage to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disrupting the
academic process, the principal may expel the student from school for twenty-one (21) school days or
more, not to exceed eighty (80) school days, pursuant to the Due Process Procedures outlined below.

Students who are served under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (Special Education) or
under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 are entitled to certain additional rights in the area
of discipline based upon their qualification for services under federal laws.

A student shall be expelled for one (1) year for bringing a firearm, or other destructive device on
school property, in a school vehicle, or to any school sponsored activity and will be referred to the
criminal justice system.

A firearm is defined as any weapon, including a starter gun, which will or is designed to or may
readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive, the frame or receiver
of any such weapon, any firearm muffler or silencer, or any destructive device. A destructive
device is a firearm for purposes of this policy, and includes but is not limited to, any explosive,
incendiary, or poison gas, bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than four

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

(4) ounces, missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one quarter ounce,
mine, or other similar device.
A student may be expelled for one (1) year for bringing a knife on school property, in a school vehicle,
or to any school-sponsored activity, or for making a bomb threat to a school building or any premises
at which a school activity is occurring at the time of the threat.

A knife is defined as any cutting instrument consisting of at least one sharp blade capable of
causing serious bodily injury.

A student may be expelled for one (1) year for possessing a firearm or knife at school or during a
school event in which the firearm or knife was initially brought onto school property by another

A student may be expelled for one (1) year for making a bomb threat to a school building or to any
premises which a school activity is occurring at the time of the threat.

A student may be expelled for up to eighty (80) school days for serious misconduct or rules violations
or for other just cause.

A student may be expelled for one (1) year for committing an act that is a criminal offense when
committed by an adult that results in serious physical harm to persons or serious physical harm to

The principal may modify a one (1) year expulsion, pursuant to state law requirements, if the student
establishes in a clear and convincing manner at least one (1) of the following:

1. A recommendation from the group of persons knowledgeable of the student’s educational

needs in accordance with IDEA.
2. The weapon was not knowingly possessed by the student.
3. The student did not know or have reason to know that the object or instrument possessed
by the student constituted a weapon.
4. The student may be eligible for participation in an alternative program.

Restrictions upon Student during Suspension or Expulsion

During the period of suspension, removal, or expulsion the student may not attend or participate in
any school functions without permission from the principal, and only if accompanied by a parent who
accepts responsibility for the student's actions and/or behavior at the facility. A student in grades pre-
kindergarten through three may be removed for the remainder of the current school day and must be
permitted to return to curricular and extracurricular activities on the following school day without a
hearing, unless the student’s conduct warranting the emergency removal is likely to result in an out-
of-school suspension or expulsion.

The Board also authorizes the principal to suspend a student from any or all co-curricular or
extra-curricular activities for misconduct or rules violations. The length of suspension shall be
determined by the principal commensurate with the seriousness of the student's misconduct or rules
violations in accordance with the discipline code.

If the principal determines that a student's behavior on a school vehicle violates school rules, he/she
may suspend the student from school bus riding privileges for the length of time deemed appropriate
for the violation and remediation of the behavior.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

The Board authorizes the principal to provide for options to suspension or expulsion of a student from
school, which shall include a program whereby a student performs community service either in lieu of
or as a part of a suspension or an expulsion.
The Board designates the principal or designee as its representative at all hearings regarding the
decision of a suspension or expulsion. A Board appointed designee, who is not involved in the
suspension decision, shall hear the appeal of a suspension. The Board will hear the appeal of an

Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying

The school prohibits any and all acts of harassment, intimidation, and bullying (including acts
committed through the use of a cellular telephone, computer, pager, personal communication device,
or other electronic communication device) of any student on school property, on a school bus, at
school sponsored events, or transportation to and from school. Harassment, intimidation, and bullying
is classified as either (1) violence within a dating relationship or (2) any intentional written, verbal,
electronic, or physical act or threat that a student has exhibited toward another particular student or
staff member more than once and the behavior, in addition to being sufficiently severe, persistent, or
pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for other
students or staff member, has one or more of the following effects:
• Physically or mentally harming a student or staff member
• Damaging student or staff member property
• Placing a student or staff member in reasonable fear of harm
• Placing a student or a staff member in reasonable fear of damage to his/her property

All school employees, volunteers, and students are required to immediately report prohibited
incidents of which they are aware to the principal. A report of harassment, intimidation, or bullying
should be done in written form, providing as much information as possible. The report may be done
anonymously. If the principal is not available, school employees, volunteers, and students should
inform the grade level dean or teacher so they can ensure the principal is made aware of the issue.
The principal is then responsible for determining whether an alleged incident constitutes a violation.
In so doing, the principal will conduct a prompt, thorough, and complete investigation of the reported
incident and prepare a report documenting the prohibited incident. Parents of any student involved
in a prohibited incident will be notified and subject to federal and state law requirements, will be
granted access to any written reports pertaining to the incident. Disciplinary procedures under this
Student Code of Conduct, including but not limited to suspension, will be followed for any act of
harassment, intimidation, or bullying. Those procedures will include protecting any victim from
additional harassment, intimidation, or bullying, and from retaliation following a report. Any student
who is found to have falsely accused another of bullying or harassment is subject to remedial action in
accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. The school will follow any applicable federal or state
reporting requirements and report incidents to the school board as appropriate.

Discipline of Off Campus Behavior

The school reserves the right to discipline students’ off campus behavior, including behavior during
transportation to and from school or school trips, which substantially disrupts the school’s educational
process or mission or threatens the safety or well-being of a student or staff member. Some factors
which may be considered in determining whether the behavior warrants discipline include, but are not
limited to, the following:
• Whether the behavior created material and substantial disruption to the educational process or
school’s mission due to the stress on the individual
• Whether a nexus to on-campus activities exists
• Whether the behavior creates a substantial interference with a student’s or staff member’s
security or right to educate and receive education
Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

• Whether the behavior invades the privacy of others

• Whether any threat is deemed to be a true threat by the administration or Board, using factors
and guidelines set out by the courts or by common sense, reasonable person standards

Due Process Procedures

The following due process procedures only govern the suspension or the expulsion of a student from
the school’s regular educational program. If a student charged with violation of this Student Code of
Conduct has been returned to the regular school program pending a decision, then such action of
reinstatement shall not limit or prejudice the school’s right to suspend or expel the student following
that decision.

A. Suspensions

The Principal or designee may suspend a student, however, no student in grades pre-kindergarten
through three shall be issued an out-of-school suspension unless the student has committed a firearm,
bomb-threat, or knife offense; or other criminal offense that results in serious bodily injury or
property damage; or where the student’s out-of-school suspension or expulsion is necessary to protect
the immediate health and safety of the student, fellow classmates, or school personnel. Any
suspension issued to a student in grades pre-kindergarten through three due to safety or health
concerns shall not exceed ten (10) days.

Students serving suspensions shall be permitted to complete any classroom assignments missed
because of the suspension and shall be awarded at least partial credit. Students issued an in-school
suspension shall serve suspensions in a supervised learning environment.

1. Prior to the imposition of the suspension, a written Notice of Intended Suspension from School
will be given to the student, or if the student poses an immediate danger or threat to the
educational environment, the principal or designee shall issue a Notice of Emergency
Removal and Intent to Suspend from School, which contains the following:

a. The reasons for the intended suspension; and

b. Notification of an informal hearing.

2. The student must be allowed an informal hearing as soon as practicable before the Principal or
designee to challenge the reasons for the intended suspension or otherwise explain his actions.
In the event of an emergency removal, an informal hearing must be held as soon as practicable
after the removal, but within one (1) school day after the initial removal is ordered. The
student is not entitled to call witnesses at this informal hearing.

3. Within one (1) school day after the suspension is imposed, the Principal or designee shall
provide written Notice of Suspension from School and Notice of Rights Re: Suspensions from
School notification to the parent of the student and the treasurer of the Board of the
suspension. The notice must contain the following:

a. The reasons for the suspension;

b. Notification of the right to appeal to Board’s designee;

c. The right to representation at all appeals;

d. The right to a hearing before the Board’s designee.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Suspensions imposed during the last ten days of the school year may not be carried over into the
following school year.

B. Expulsion

Only the Principal may expel a student, however, no student in grades pre-kindergarten through three
shall be issued an expulsion unless the student has committed a firearm, bomb-threat, or knife
offense; or other criminal offense that results in serious bodily injury or property damage; or where
the student’s out-of-school suspension or expulsion is necessary to protect the immediate health and
safety of the student, fellow classmates, or school personnel. Any expulsion issued to a student in
grades pre-kindergarten through three due to safety or health concerns shall not exceed ten (10) days.

1. Prior to the imposition of the expulsion a Notice of Intended Expulsion from School shall be
provide to the student and the student’s parent, or if the student poses an immediate danger
or threat to the educational environment, the principal or designee shall issue a Notice of
Emergency Removal and Intent to Expel from School. The notice must include the following:

a. The reasons for the intended expulsion; and

b. The time and place for a hearing, which must be not less than three (3) nor more than
five (5) school days after giving the notice, unless the period is extended by the
Principal at the request of the student, the parent or representative. In the event of an
emergency removal, an informal hearing must be held as soon as practicable after the
removal, but within one (1) school day after the initial removal is ordered. The parent
must be sent written notice of any extension, and the subsequent notice should contain
the same information required in the original notice. The student shall have the right to
challenge the reasons for the expulsion or otherwise explain his/her actions.

2. Within one (1) school day after the expulsion is imposed, the Principal shall provide a written
Notice of Expulsions from School and Notice of Rights Re: Expulsion from School to the parent
of the student and the treasurer of the Board of the expulsion. The notice must include the

a. The length of expulsion (20 school days or less/21 school days or more)

b. The reasons for the expulsion;

b. Notification of the right to appeal to the Board;

c. The right to representation at all appeals;

d. The right to an appeal hearing before the Board;

e. The right to request that the hearing be held in executive session upon appeal;

f. When the Principal expels a student for more than twenty days or for any period of
time extending into the next semester or school year, the School shall provide, along
with the above Notices, a Notice of Assistance Programs Re: Expulsion from School (for
21 school days or more), which contains information about services or programs offered
by public and private agencies that work toward improving those aspects of the
student’s attitudes and behaviors that contributed to the incident giving rise to the

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

expulsion. The information must include names, addresses, and phone numbers of the
appropriate public and private agencies.

The school is not required to continue educational services in an alternative setting for
expelled students.

The principal is required to follow through on expellable offenses even if the student in
question withdraws from the school prior to the hearing or the Principal’s decision.

The principal may apply any remaining part or all of the period of expulsion into the following

C. Appeals before the Board of Directors

An expulsion may be appealed to the Board of Directors at the request of the student’s parent. At the
appeal, the student may be represented by counsel, present witnesses, cross-examine witnesses, give
testimony under oath and to have a verbatim record of the appeal proceedings provided by the Board
of Directors.

The student has the right to request a closed hearing. The Board, after hearing all testimony shall
deliberate in closed session and issue its formal action in open session.

The school’s final decision is made by the Board of Directors.

The School will disenroll a student upon receipt of either written notice from a parent/guardian of
intent to withdraw or a records request from another school. If at the time of receipt of a notice of
disenrollment there are pending disciplinary proceedings against the student involving potential
suspension or expulsion, the School will elect to complete those proceedings.

Definition of Terms
Behavior Referral is a specific written record of the student's act of misconduct. It documents the
date, nature of the offense, and the disciplinary action taken by the teacher and/or school

Behavior Support Plan (BSP) is a written document that identifies the motivation for chronic
misbehavior and what steps will be taken in order to help a student overcome inappropriate behavior.
It will be signed by school administration and offered to the student and parent(s) for signature.

Behavior Contract is a written document that outlines the expected behavior and disciplinary action
for a student. It is signed by the parents, student, and staff member.

In-School Suspension refers to a decision to temporarily remove a student from the mainstream
classroom and to place the student in a segregated environment within the school building that allows
the student to continue to progress in their coursework but denies them access to regular classroom
instruction and social interaction with their peers. The In-House Suspension room must be supervised
by an adult employee of the building at all times.

Suspension refers to a decision to temporarily remove a student's right to attend school or any school-
related activity not to exceed ten (10) school days. A meeting with the parents may be convened to
discuss the incident that led to the suspension and to develop a Behavior Contract for the future.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Emergency Removals In the event that, in the opinion of the school administration (or teacher for
curricular activities), a student's presence at the school creates a health risk, presents a danger to
other persons or property, or seriously disrupts the functions of the school, the student may be
removed from the premises without formal suspension or expulsion procedures, with notice and
procedures to follow the removal in accordance with R.C. §3313.66.

Expulsion is defined as the involuntary removal of a student for more than ten (10) school days.
Expulsion may be imposed for up to eighty (80) school days, or the number of school days remaining in
the semester, whatever is greater, or in certain cases one (1) year.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Parental Partnership: Communication

Effective communication between the school and home is vital to the successful academic, emotional,
and social well-being of students. To keep parents informed of school events and student growth, the
school communicates often with parents through email newsletters, telephone calls, and individual
and group meetings.

Secure School Website

National Heritage Academies is committed to student achievement and parental involvement. NHA
maintains a secure website, the Parent Portal, containing student information to link these two core
values. This secure online tool can be accessed by visiting the school website and logging in through
the Parent Portal link in the upper right corner of the homepage. Administrators and teachers daily
update student records, analyze data, and communicate important information on this site.

NHA recognizes the value of informed and involved parents in the learning process. The Parent Portal
provides another way for parents to stay connected to the school. The online connection begins as
soon as a student applies to attend an NHA school. The parent(s) of the applicant are sent a letter
with detailed instructions for accessing their own free online account. After following these
instructions, parents can log on to the system from any computer or mobile device with Internet
access and review their child’s admissions information, attendance, and grades. Using the Parent
Portal, parents can also email staff members, review important information, check calendars, and
subscribe to automated email updates about their child. Questions related to the Parent Portal should
be directed to [email protected].

Parent Satisfaction Survey

Measuring and understanding parent satisfaction is an important part of our culture. In an effort to
understand school-wide parent satisfaction, our students’ parents are surveyed twice per year.
Parents are expected to complete one survey per household.

Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-teacher Conferences are conducted face-to-face twice each school year. In addition, parents
are encouraged to inquire about their child’s performance any time during the school year. We
believe that by continually monitoring students’ progress, the parent-teacher conferences will serve
as a review with very few surprises.

During each conference, teachers review the student’s progress and discuss his/her strengths and
opportunities. Parents are encouraged to ask questions in order to learn as much as possible about
their child’s performance. We aim to make parent-teacher conferences a positive experience for
everyone involved.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Parental Partnership: Attendance

Regular attendance establishes good work habits and self-discipline. Our school records attendance
every morning, afternoon, and in each middle school class period, including non-classroom based
learning opportunities.

Students should arrive at school between 7:40 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. After exiting their vehicle, students
should proceed directly into the building through Door 5. They may not run, shout, or otherwise act in
a disorderly manner. All students wearing hats should remove them upon entering the building.
Prompt arrival is essential; late arrivals make an orderly opening ceremony difficult. Any student
arriving after 8:00 a.m. will enter through Door 1 and will be marked as tardy.

School dismisses at 3:00 p.m. In the interest of students’ safety and teachers’ preparation time, parents
are asked to pick up their children immediately after dismissal and no later than 3:30 p.m.

• Students in grades K-8 who walk will be released through Door 3 at 3:00 p.m.
• Students in grade K-8 who ride daycare vans will be released at 3:00 p.m. from their designated
• Parents must park and enter the gym to pick up their child. All parents will enter through Door 5.
• Any student remaining after 3:30 p.m. will be charged a $5.00 late fee for each additional 15
minutes their ride is late.
• Apex, in partnership with Hart with a Heart Childcare, offers after-school care. Please contact
them at 216-287-5717.

If picking up a child early, parents must arrive at the office no later than 30 minutes prior to the end of the
school day. If you arrive after that, parents will be directed to wait in the back parking lot by the
playground to pick up their child when dismissal begins at 3:00 p.m.

Tardiness and Early Dismissal

Students are considered tardy if they arrive to their homerooms after the start of either class or
morning ceremony, if held prior to class. Parents must walk tardy students into the school office and
sign them in on the sign-in sheet. Early dismissals from school will be marked accordingly in the
student’s record. Parents who dismiss their child early from school, for any reason, must sign the child

We consider abuse of tardies and/or early dismissals as lost instructional time, which may be
addressed by the principal.

Please Note: When a student accumulates 10-20 tardies and/or early dismissals, a parent meeting may
be held and an Attendance Corrective Action Plan may be initiated.

If a tardy is due to a doctor or dental appointment, a note from a physician may be requested. Tardies
are excused for only the following reasons:
• Personal illness or injury
• Funerals
• Doctor or dental appointments (which could not be arranged outside of school hours)
• Religious observances
• Late arrivals due to weather conditions (which do not require parent note)
Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

*The school cannot expel a student solely on the basis of attendance.

All absences are to be verified by communication from the parent to the school office. This
communication should be documented for record-keeping purposes. Voicemail is available before and
after school hours.

If an absence is not verified by communication from the parent, the absence is considered unexcused.
An absence may be excused if communication is provided by the parent within five days following the
absence and meets the guidelines below for an excused absence. The communication should contain
the following information:
• Student’s name
• Date of absence
• Reason for absence

The Principal or Principal’s designee reserves the right to verify such statements and to investigate
the cause of each individual absence.

If an absence is due to illness and lasts five days or more, a note from a physician may be requested.
Absences are excused only for the following reasons:
• Personal illness or injury
• Funerals
• Doctor or dental appointments (which could not be arranged outside school hours)
• Religious observances
• Out–of-state travel (up to a maximum of 24 hours) to participate in a school approved
enrichment or extracurricular activity
• Authorized absence (approved by the principal)

Abuse of excused absences may be investigated by the principal and could result in a referral to the
Prosecutor’s Office and/or Social Services or other disciplinary action. Parents will be notified of
excessive absences, whether excused or unexcused, after a student misses 38 hours in a month or 65
hours in a year. A letter of potential withdrawal and referral to Juvenile Court with possible referral
to Social Services may be sent after 30 consecutive hours, 42 hours in a month, or 72 hours in a year
of unexcused absences.

Total Absences
(Excused and Unexcused Absences** Procedures & Notifications

Notification of Attendance Expectations to all

0 0

Parent Meeting and Completion of Attendance

Monthly: 42+ hours Corrective Action Plan (ACAP)
Monthly: 38+ hours
Yearly: 72+ hours
Yearly: 65+ hours
Consecutively: 30+ hours **Formation of Absence Intervention Team for
Unexcused Only**

18 days 18 days Appropriate Consequence

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Consecutively: 72+ hours Automatic Withdrawal

**Absence Intervention Team (for Unexcused Absences only):

1. School must assign the student to and Absence Intervention Team within seven (7) days or the
triggering absence.
2. Team must consist of two (2) school representatives, one (1) of the two (2) school
representatives must know the student, and a parent/guardian of the student.
3. Within 14 days of assignment of a team, the team must develop an Attendance Corrective
Action Plan (ACAP).
4. Within seven (7) days of the plan’s development, the school must make three meaningful
attempts to secure participation of the parent and investigate whether a failure to participate
warrants a report to child protective services.

If the student refuses to participate or fails to make satisfactory progress on absence intervention
plan, the attendance officer must file a complaint in the juvenile court no later than 61 days after
plan implementation.

Note: Any student who accumulates consecutive days equal to 72 hours of unexcused absences will be
automatically withdrawn.

Attendance Corrective Action Plan (A-CAP) is a written document that identifies the causes for
excessive tardies and/or absences and what steps will be taken to minimize the number of
occurrences. It is signed by the parents, student, and staff member.

A student is habitually truant if unexcused absences occur thirty (30) or more consecutive school
hours, forty-two (42) or more school hours in one (1) month, or seventy-two (72) or more school hours
in one (1) school year. If the student is habitually truant, the Board authorizes the principal to take
appropriate intervention steps, which will include a truancy intervention plan and counseling for the
student who is habitually truant. The intervention steps may also include the assignment of the
matter to an Absence Intervention Team, made up of at least two school representatives and the
parent(s) of the child (unless the parents fail to respond to the notices provided). The steps taken
shall include the development and implementation of an intervention plan, which if successful shall
prevent the school from having to notify the Juvenile Court. However, should a student refuse to
comply with the intervention plan or fail to make progress, the school’s attendance office must file a
complaint with the Juvenile Court.

The principal may act as the school’s attendance officer or delegate that duty. The school’s
attendance officer shall investigate possible school attendance violations, and he/she is authorized
under Ohio law to serve warrants, to enter places where children of compulsory school age are
employed, and to take such other actions as may be necessary to enforce the compulsory education

The principal is authorized to refer the truancy to mediation or to establish a parent education
program for parents of students who are habitually truant. Any parent assigned to the program who
does not complete the program is to be reported to law enforcement authorities for neglect of parent

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Family Vacations
Parents planning to take their child on a trip must notify the principal or secretary at least two weeks
before departure. The student’s absence will be an excused absence if approved by the principal.
Lengthy trips are discouraged and may be cause for withdrawal. It becomes the student's
responsibility, with the help of the parents, to make arrangements with each teacher for missed
assignments and to complete assigned work upon his/her return to school. The student is to complete
all assignments within the same number of days as the length of the vacation. Incomplete assignments
will not receive credit. Students who miss an announced test during their absence will take the test
when all missed work is completed and within the same number of days missed due to the vacation.

Family Death or Terminal Illness

If there is a death, terminal illness, or similar traumatic situation in a student’s family that may affect
his/her attendance, emotional well-being, and/or level of concentration, the office staff members
should be notified.

Illness During the School Day

If a student becomes ill during the school day, appropriate arrangements will be made for the
student's care while waiting for parent pick-up. Students with vomiting or fever must be symptom-free
for 24 hours before returning to school.

Parents must report communicable diseases to the office immediately. Communicable diseases must
be reported even if parents/legal guardians are treating themselves.

Voluntary Withdrawal
To withdraw a student, a parent must complete a Student Withdrawal form available in the office.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Parental Partnership: Dress Code

To enable students to reach high academic standards, the school has put in place a dress code
designed to reduce distractions. Implementing a dress code promotes student learning and increased
academic instruction time. Interpretation of the Dress Code is at the principal and staff’s discretion
and their decision is final.

Dress code guidelines prohibit student dress or grooming practices which present a health or safety
risk to the student or others, disrupt the educational program, or limit a student from achieving
educational goals because of blocked vision or restricted movement.

Uniform Requirements
Uniform Tops
• All shirts must be a short- or long-sleeve navy or black polo.
• Students may also wear solid navy blue or black sweaters and vests.
• Shirts must be tucked neatly into bottoms.

Uniform Bottoms
• Dress bottoms must be solid navy blue, black, khaki.
• Athletic, spandex and denim materials, yoga-style pants, carpenter loops, and decorative
embroidery are not permitted.

Uniform Shoes
• Shoes must be loafer style, dress shoes, tennis shoes, boots, or closed toed sandals.

Uniform Headwear & Accessories

• Belts, if worn, must be plain solid black, navy blue, or brown.
• Tights and leggings worn underneath uniform bottoms must be solid navy blue or black.

General Expectations
• Shirts and tops must cover the back, shoulders, chest, and midriff. Undergarments must not be
• Spaghetti strap shirts, halter tops, tank tops, undershirts, muscle shirts, sheer, or any other
clothing items that show bare midriff are not permitted.

• Pants, capris, and shorts must be fitted or belted at the waist to prevent sagging and
undergarments must not be visible.
• Shorts must extend past the mid-thigh (mid-thigh is determined as halfway between inseam and
• Skirts, skorts, dresses, and jumpers must be no more than two (2) inches above the knee in length.
• Pajama pants are not permitted without administrative permission.

• For safety reasons, students are required to wear shoes appropriate for indoor and outdoor
• Shoes that are unsafe (for example flip-flops or shoes with wheels) are not permitted.
• Slippers are not permitted without administrative permission.
• Athletic shoes with non-marking soles are to be worn for P.E. class.
Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Headwear & Accessories

• Hats, hoods, and other headwear except for religious or medical purposes, must not be worn inside
the school building.
• Any jewelry, chain, or other apparel posing a safety risk is not permitted.
• Ear piercings are permitted.
• Hair must not obstruct vision or distract from the learning environment.
• Sunglasses are not permitted inside unless for medical purposes.

• Revealing clothing is prohibited. All clothing must fit appropriately and must not be excessively
tight or loose. Such clothing includes all sheer, low-cut, or otherwise revealing garments.
• Areas typically covered by undergarments must not be visible.
• Clothing, accessories, or grooming may not depict or advertise weapons, alcohol, tobacco, drugs,
drug paraphernalia, sexual or obscene language or images, threats, or racial or ethnic
slurs/symbols, or promote conduct expressly prohibited by the Student Code of Conduct.
• Wearing, carrying, and displaying gang paraphernalia, names, signs, or symbols is prohibited.
• Spirit week and other special occasion attire may be worn only with administrative permission.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Parental Partnership: Title I Parent

and Family Engagement Policy
The school has adopted a policy addressing the importance of parent and family engagement. The
school and the board of education recognizes the rights of parents or guardians to be fully informed of
all information relevant to their children who participate in programs and projects funded by Title I
(Elementary and Secondary Education Act) [1116(a)(1)]. The Title I Parent and Family Engagement
Policy was jointly developed with and agreed on, by parents and family members of Title I
participating children [1116(a)(2)(A)]. The Parent and Family Engagement Policy is provided to
parents, families, and community partners in an understandable format and is updated to meet the
needs of the included stakeholders [1116(b)(1)]. In addition to existing policies and guidelines, the
school also recognizes the need for a policy that meets the requirements under Section 1116 of the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act
(ESSA) of 2015 (P.L. 114-95). The school will ensure parental involvement and family engagement in
these programs and projects by:

Building a Capacity for Parent and Family Engagement

Parents and family members of students are vital contributors in the education of their children. The
school will ensure that all parents/guardians are involved in our school in a meaningful manner in
order to improve student academic achievement. Two-way communication between the school and
home, both verbal and written, provides a sound base for a good partnership to provide an effective
educational program for all students. Full realization of the partnership will be achieved through on-
going commitment and active participation by both home and school. The policy describes how
federal and applicable state requirements for parental and family engagement will be met and sets
the school’s expectations and objectives for meaningful parent and family involvement and
engagement. Specifically, we will do the following in order to build a capacity for parent/guardian
involvement and engagement:
a. Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning
environment that enables students to meet the challenging State academic standards, and the
ways in which each parent will be responsible for supporting their children’s learning;
volunteering in their child’s classroom; and participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating
to the education of their children and positive use of extracurricular time [1116 (d)(1)];
b. Provide assistance (materials and education) to parent/guardians of children served in
understanding such topics as the school’s curriculum, assessments, and proficiency level
expectations, and how to work with educators to improve the achievement of their children
[1116(e)(2)]. Efforts are made to assist parents in understanding challenging State academic
content standards and the academic achievement levels established for students, the school
curriculum, and school expectations and assessment results[1116(e)(1)];
c. Educate all school staff in the value and utility of contribution of parents/guardians; and in
how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents/guardians as equal partners;
implement and coordinator parent/guardian programs, and build ties between
parents/guardians and the school [1116(e)(3)];
d. Coordinate and integrate, to the extent feasible and appropriate, parent/guardian involvement
programs and activities that encourage and support parents/guardians in more fully
participating in the education of their children [1116(e)(4)];
e. Ensure that information related to school and parent/guardian programs, meetings, and other
activities is sent to the parents/guardians of participating children in a format and, to the
extent practicable, in a language the parents/guardians can understand [1116(e)(5)];

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

f. Provide other reasonable support for parental involvement and involvement activities to
ensure a sucessful partnership amongst the school, parents, and the community to improve
student achievement [1116(e)(14)].

Providing the coordination, technical assistance, and support necessary to assist the school in
planning and implementing effective parent/guardian involvement and engagement activities to
improve the student academic achievement and school performance [1116(a)(2)(B)].

To the extent feasible and appropriate, parent and family engagement strategies will be coordinated
and integrated with other relevant Federal, State, and local laws and programs [1116(a)(2)(C)].

The following initiatives have been implemented at the school:

a. Annual Title I Parent Meeting to inform parents/guardians of Title I requirements, their rights
to be involved and provide input in school policies and planning, how progress is measured and
how they receive feedback about their child’s progress [1116(c)(1)].
b. Parent and family meetings are scheduled throughout the year to provide parents of Title I
children with a description and explanation about the school’s curriculum, assessments, and
proficiency level expectations. Efforts are made to assist parents of Title I children in
understanding challenging State academic standards and the achievement levels established
for students, the school curriculum, and school expectations and assessment results
c. Parents/guardians have the opportunity to make arrangements to speak to their child’s teacher
regarding their child’s progress throughout the school year.
d. Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled during the school year to give parents/guardians
the opportunity to discuss and to get information pertaining to their child’s academic progress.
e. Progress reports and report cards are sent home to notify parents of their child’s performance
and progress.
f. The principal will be available upon request to help parents/guardians better understand the
state assessments.
g. Parent learning events and materials to help parents and families develop and use at-home
skills that support their child’s academic and social development.
h. Meetings are scheduled for parents to provide suggestions and direction relating to the
education of their children and for the school to respond to any parent suggestions as soon as
practicably possible [1116(c)(4)(C)].

Other activities that promote parent/guardian involvement and engagement (but not limited to):
a. School assemblies/ceremonies (parents invited)
b. Volunteer opportunities
c. Classroom observations (as requested)
d. Special event and reminder notices
e. Parent Room with community resources listed and computer access
f. Voice of Parent survey
g. Athletic and extra-curricular events (as they occur)

In order to develop a partnership between the home and the school, and to build meaningful,
consistent, and effective communication, the information regarding school programs is provided to
parents/guardians in a timely manner according to the following ways [1116(c)(4)(A)]:
a. Annual Title I Parent Meeting
b. Annual Parent and Family School Improvement Meeting
c. The Parent and Student Handbook
d. Regular school and classroom newsletters
e. The annual school calendar
Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

f. Report Cards
g. Parent-Teacher conferences
h. Parent and Family Engagement events
i. The School-Parent Compact
j. Bilingual staff or translators are available for interpretation and translation of important
documents for limited English proficient parents/guardians and families of migratory children
k. School administration will meet with families who have limited English proficiency, families
with members who have disabilities, families experiencing homelessness, and migratory
families to provide information regarding support available to them [1116(f)]

Involving Parents/Guardians in the development of the Parent and Family Engagement Policy, the
Title I Plan, and School Improvement Planning

Parents/guardians will be involved in the planning, review, and improvement of the school’s parent
and family engagement policy, and the joint development of the school improvement plan, the Title I
Program, and the Parent and Family Engagement Plan [1116(a)(2)(F)], [1116(a)(3)(B)], [1116(c)(3)]. At
least annually, the school, parents/guardians, and family members will be invited to evaluate the
content and effectiveness of the school improvement plan, Parent and Family Engagement Plan, and
the Title I Program [1116(a)(2)(D)]. The school will offer a flexible number of meetings at different
times to ensure as many parents/guardians as possible will have the opportunity to participate in the
joint development and evaluation of the before-mentioned policies [1116(c)(2)].

The school, to the extent practicable, will provide full opportunities for the participation of
parents/guardians with limited English proficiency, parents/guardians with disabilities, and
parents/guardians of migratory children, including providing information and school reports required
in a format, and to the extent practicable, in a language the parents/guardians understand.

Conducting, with the involvement of parents, an evaluation of the content and effectiveness of
the parental and family engagement policy and initiatives in improving the academic quality of the
school, including identify barriers to greater participation by parents in activities authorized by
Title I.

Parents/guardians, family, and school staff members will be asked to evaluate the effectiveness of
parent and family engagement policy initiatives and the level of responsiveness to parent and family
concerns. The findings of such an evaluation will be published and made available for review by
parents/guardians and will be used to design strategies for more effective parent/guardian
involvement. The evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parent and family engagement
policy will identify [1116(a)(2)(D)]:
a. Barriers to participation by parents, including parents who may be economically
disadvantaged, disabled, limited English proficient, limited literacy, or any racial or ethnic
minority backgrounds;
b. The needs of parents and family members in assisting with the learning of the children;
c. Strategies to support successful school and family interactions.

All stakeholders will be given an opportunity to review, plan, and help improve the Title I programs,
including parent and family engagement activities and strategies that are implemented with Title
funds. Strategies and activities may include, but are not limited to [1116(a)(3)(D)]:
a. Providing professional development for school staff on parent and family engagement
b. Supporting parent, family, and community outreach programs;
c. Best practices for increasing parent and family engagement;

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

d. Collaborating with community partners or other vendors with expertise in increasing parent
and family engagement.

Parents/guardians of participating children are responsible for submitting any comments and feedback
on the plan if the Parent and Family Engagement Policy or if schoolwide plan is not satisfactory
[1116(b)(4)], [1116(c)(5)]. Comments can be included in the formal survey given during planning and
evaluation meetings, through open discussion, or through private means (mail, email, telephone)
including anonymously. The feedback provided will be used by the school to design strategies for more
effective parent and family engagement and to revise, if necessary, this Parent and Family
Engagement Policy [1116(a)(2)(E)].

Jointly developing, with involvement of parents and the school, the school-parent compact and
outlining shared responsibilities and means for improving student academic achievement.

The school-parent compact will address the importance of communication on an ongoing basis by the
following means:
a. Describing the school’s responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a
supportive learning environment that enables students to succeed academically by meeting
state standards [1116(d)(1)];
b. Describing the parents’ responsibility to support their children’s learning by participating in
decisions relating to their children’s education [1116(d)(1)];
c. Sharing, at least annually, the compact during parent-teacher conferences as it relates to
student achievement [1116(d)(2)(A)];
d. Providing parents frequent reports on their children’s progress [1116(d)(2)(B)];
e. Providing parents reasonable access to communicate with school staff on an individual or
community wide basis [1116(d)(2)(C)];
f. Providing parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, including
observation of classroom activities [1116(d)(2)(C)];
g. Ensuring two way and meaningful communication, to the extent practicable, in a language
family members can understand [1116(d)(2)(D)].

Collaboration Statement

All stakeholders will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of the School
Improvement Plan, Parent and Family Engagement Plan, and the Title I Parent and Family Engagement
Policy. Stakeholders include staff, parents/guardians, board members and community partners. All
stakeholders are encouraged to participate in and attend parent meetings and family events.
Stakeholders will have the opportunity to provide the school with feedback through written surveys.
Feedback provided to the school through communication and the written surveys will be reviewed for
incorporation into the School Improvement Plan, Parent and Family Engagement Plan, and Title I
Parent and Family Engagement Policy.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Parental Partnership: Visitor and

Volunteer Guidelines
Visitors and volunteers are expected to review and honor the following guidelines while visiting or
volunteering for the school. Violation of these guidelines endangers the safety of students and their
right to an education. Those not abiding by these guidelines may be barred from the building and/or
prevented from participating in future volunteer opportunities. Please contact the school’s office for
information on becoming a volunteer.

1. Potential volunteers must complete the appropriate level of background check before a volunteer
assignment begins. Parents and guardians may complete the online Volunteer Authorization and
Release form on the parents’ form site to begin the background check process. Individuals who do
not have access to the parents’ form site can complete the Volunteer Authorization and Release
form on the school’s website as a community member.
2. All visitors and volunteers must be processed through the electronic visitor management system,
using their driver’s license and must wear a form of identification provided by the school. They
may also be required to submit to a criminal background check.
3. All visitors and volunteers must sign both in and out in the school office. They may not walk
directly to any classroom unless given permission by the office staff.
4. All visitors and volunteers must reinforce and demonstrate the school’s Moral Focus Philosophy.
5. The distribution of literature, without prior approval from a dean or the principal, is prohibited.
6. Visitors and volunteers must abide by staff instructions, asking for clarification if necessary.
7. Corporal punishment is prohibited.
8. The school is a public school with a Board policy of neutrality regarding religion. Visitors and
volunteers may neither show preference for any one religion over any other religion nor share
their personal religious views with students.
9. Appropriate dress is required.
10. The use of any of the following is strictly prohibited: tobacco, marijuana, e-cigarettes/vaporizers
and paraphernalia, and alcohol.

1. The teacher is ultimately responsible for the students and activities in his/her classroom.
2. Volunteers should enter classrooms quietly and wait for a break in the activity before
communicating with the teacher and students.
3. Student infractions must be addressed by the classroom teacher.
4. Classroom issues regarding students are confidential. Visitors and volunteers may not talk with
others about the learning or disciplinary needs of any child other than their own.
5. Classroom visitors are allowed for a limited time and must have the principal’s permission.

Field Trips
1. Volunteer drivers must provide a valid driver’s license, proof of insurance, and a sufficient number
of seat belts to transport their assigned students. Volunteer drivers, overnight chaperones, and
anyone in attendance of a field trip may be required to submit to a criminal background check.
2. Volunteers must follow all instructions provided by the teacher or school.
3. Smoking is prohibited in the presence of students.
4. Volunteer drivers must drive directly to the event and return directly to school (or pre-approved
location) immediately after the event. “Side trips” are prohibited.
5. Volunteer drivers should leave radios off and avoid playing music.
6. Volunteers must behave appropriately when participating on field trips.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Field trips are a privilege, not a right, and participation is determined at the teachers’ and
administrators’ discretion.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

General School Procedures

Because the school does not own a fleet of buses, parents are expected to provide the means for their
children to get to and from school.

Traffic congestion can occur on a daily basis during the arrival and dismissal process. Parents are
asked to be patient and to plan on some delays, particularly during inclement weather. Please contact
the front office should you have questions about the arrival and dismissal process.

Riding bicycles to and from school is strongly discouraged due to safety reasons. If it is necessary for a
student to ride a bicycle to school, he/she must park and lock the bicycle in the school’s bike rack
before school begins and leave it untouched until school is dismissed. The school does not assume
responsibility for damage or theft of bicycles. The student should register his/her bike with the police
department and must wear a bicycle helmet.

Parents or guardians who wish their students to walk home from school must complete the Student
Walk Home Release form. Students who walk to and from school should go directly home following
dismissal. Failing to do so may cause undue worry for parents and staff members.

For grades 5-8, the school schedule allows for a 30-minute lunch period. Students in grades K-4 have a
30-minute lunch and recess period. A nutritious lunch, including milk, may be purchased at school, or
students may bring a sack lunch from home. Outside food deliveries such as Door Dash, Grub Hub, and
Uber Eats are not allowed for students.

Your student’s school is participating in Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), a Federal program
which offers free meals to all enrolled students. Parents should complete a Household Information
Survey as part of the program participation. These forms are available in the school’s front office. The
Household Information Survey determines the funding your student’s school will receive to provide
supplemental student support services. Incomplete forms may result in the elimination of these school

A snack period may be offered at the discretion of the teacher. Students must bring their own snacks
from home as they are not provided by the school. During the snack time, students must be in their
seats. They may talk quietly with those sitting near them. Snacks should be nutritional (e.g., fruit,
vegetables, cheese and crackers). Candy, pop/soda, and sweets are not acceptable.

As in the classroom, the supervising adult is the authority during recess. When playing games, students
are encouraged to include anyone interested in participating. Games that are abusive or demeaning
are not permitted. All students are to remain in the designated recess area. Students may not use
playground equipment while waiting for school to begin, waiting for rides, or following dismissal.
There is an afternoon recess for kindergarten only.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Holiday Celebrations
Student birthdays may be observed in the classroom with the consent of the classroom teacher. During
the latter part of the day, if they choose, parents may bring in cupcakes or cake to share with the
class between 2:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m.

Halloween is not celebrated. Boo Dance will be held as a fundraiser for grades K-4.

Christmas/Winter Holiday
Classes may have a small party at the end of the last day before the Christmas/winter holiday.
Snowflake Dance will be held as a fundraiser for grades K-4.

St. Valentine's Day

Students in grades K-4 are encouraged to celebrate by making homemade valentines or bringing in
store bought valentines for their classmates. A class list will be supplied by the teacher for parents’
convenience. Students bringing valentines must give one to each of their classmates. A dance will be
held for grades K-4 as a fundraiser.

St. Patrick’s Day

The Shamrock Dance will be held as a fundraiser for grades K-4.

The Bunny Hop will be held as a fundraiser for grades K-4.

Field Trips
When students travel away from school, they are subject to the same rules, regulations, and
appropriate politeness observed at the school. As in the classroom, the teacher will judge behavior as
acceptable or unacceptable. Misbehavior or disregard of school policies can result in denial of field
trip privileges. Signed permission slips must be on file with the teacher for each student on each field

Lost and Found

The lost and found is located in the gym. Unclaimed items are discarded or donated to charity

Personal Items
The school will not accept responsibility for the personal items of students. We expect students to
leave belongings that are not necessary for their education at home. Any personal items that staff
members judge to be unsafe, inappropriate for school, or interfering with students’ educational focus
will be confiscated and held in the office or remain in the possession of a staff member until the
parents retrieve them. The school shall not be responsible for any items lost or damaged while in its

Students shall not possess cell phones, PDAs, iPods, MP3 players, video equipment, cameras, gaming
devices, laser pointers, iPads, Kindles and electronic devices during the instructional day at school or
school-related events. Subject to the Search and Seizure Practices and Procedures, the possession of
such electronic devices during those restricted times constitutes the consent to search for and
confiscate the device(s) by school personnel. Confiscated devices may be returned to a student’s
parent/legal guardian at the end of the school day.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Coaches and personnel in charge of extracurricular activities may make exceptions to this rule upon
obtaining the principal’s permission.

Any exceptions to this general rule sought by parents for specific health or safety concerns should be
brought to the attention of the principal. The principal’s determination is final.

Emergency School Procedures

In the case of severe weather (e.g., major snowstorm, ice storm, dangerous wind chills, heavy fog),
the principal will notify local radio and TV stations regarding the decision to close school or delay its
opening. A phone message will also be sent out to each family through our SchoolMessenger calling
system. In the event of closure, teachers will provide learning opportunities through the use of digital
tools or materials relevant to current learning targets to promote every day as a learning day.

Severe Thunderstorm Watch or Warning

If school is already in session when the watch or warning is issued, the school stays open. The staff
takes safety precautions.

Tornado Watch
Students remain in school, and the staff takes safety precautions. Students are released to parents or
other designated adults upon request.

Tornado Warning
All students and staff members remain in the building and take shelter in designated areas. Students
may be detained beyond the usual dismissal time. Students are released to parents or other
designated adults upon request.

Emergency Drills
Emergency drills are held throughout the year. In some instances, parents may be informed following
a drill.

Tobacco Use and Non-Smoking Policy

The school is a non-smoking facility. Any form of smoking, including but not limited to e-
cigarettes/vaporizers and paraphernalia, and tobacco use are prohibited anywhere on school
property, in all indoor facilities, and in the presence of students.

Payments Made to School

Checks written to the school that are returned for insufficient funds are processed through a service
called Payliance. If a check is returned, Payliance contacts the person who wrote the check to collect
the check’s face value plus a collection fee. If he/she cannot be contacted or fails to respond
properly, the check may be resubmitted to the bank with applicable collection fees.

Medical Information
To maintain a healthy learning environment, students are offered certain health services and are
required to provide evidence of required immunizations.

Health Screenings
Prior to November 1 children enrolled for the first time in either kindergarten or grade 1 shall be
screened for disorders in hearing, vision, speech and communication, for general health or medical
problems, and for developmental disorders. This screening, or any of its elements, may be provided
directly by the school, by contract with another service provider, or be required to be obtained by the
parent of the student. If the school determines screening is to be obtained by the parent, it will
Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

provide a list of providers with information about screening services available in the community to
those who cannot afford them. A parent may reject the requested screenings by signing a written
statement to the effect that no screenings are desired. If the results of any health screening reveal
the possibility of potential special learning needs, the school is required to conduct further
assessment in accordance with Ohio's education laws.

Students receive special health services through the Health Department or contracted service
provider. These services include vision screening for students in grades K, 1, 3, 5, and 7 and hearing
screening for students in grades K, 1, 3, and 5.

Immunization Requirements
No student shall be permitted to remain in school more than 14 days unless the student presents
written evidence of immunization approved by the Department of Health, is in the process of being
immunized, or parent/guardian submits a Medical Exemption form, or statement declining
immunizations for Reasons of Conscience, including religious convictions.

Please refer to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) website for the most current information
regarding minimum required immunizations and important details regarding the vaccines.

Medication Administration
Only necessary medications that must be given during regular school hours will be administered.

All medications, whether prescribed (written instructions from a licensed prescriber are required for
all prescription medication administered to students) or over the counter, require written permission
from the custodial parent. They must complete the Medication Administration Permission form (one
form per medication). The form must be renewed each school year or upon any change in medication
or dosage.

A physician signature is required under the following conditions:

• All prescribed medications.
• Any possession or use of an inhaler or epinephrine injector.
• Any self-possession or self-administration of any medication.

Parents must include any prescribed treatment or care plan. An emergency care plan from the
physician is required for asthma and epinephrine medications.

Prescribed medication must be delivered to the school in the original container prepared and labeled
by a pharmacy. The label must specify the name of the student, name of the licensed prescriber,
name of the prescription drug, dosage, effective date, frequency of administration, and directions in
a legible format. Over-the-counter medication must be in the original package with the student’s
name affixed to the package.

The medication supplied to the school must be in the exact dosage prescribed. The individual
administering medications is not responsible for dividing or splitting pills.

All medication must be picked up by the parent at the end of the school year or upon a student’s
withdrawal. Any medication not picked up will be discarded.

If a parent is accompanying their child on a field trip, the parent will be required to administer the
child’s medication.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Rights Under FERPA
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents certain rights with respect to
their child’s education records. These rights are:
• The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the
school receives a request for access. Parents should submit a written request to the school
principal clearly identifying the record(s) they wish to inspect. A school official will make
arrangements for access and notify the parents of the time and place the records may be

• The right to seek an amendment of the student’s education records that the parent believes
are inaccurate, misleading or in violation of the student’s rights of privacy. Parents should
submit a written request to the school principal, clearly identifying the part of the record they
want amended and specifying its inaccuracy. If the school decides not to amend the record as
requested, it will notify the parents of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing
to challenge the content of the student’s education records. Hearing procedures will be
provided to the parents when a hearing is requested.

• The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the

student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without
consent. The school does not need written consent to disclose a student’s education records if
the disclosure meets one or more of the following conditions and the disclosure is to or for:
(see 20 U.S.C. §1232g; 34 CFR Part 99.31):
1. School administrators, teachers, support staff, NHA personnel and other school officials
which have a legitimate educational interest
2. Persons or organizations with whom the school or NHA has outsourced services or
functions and which have a legitimate educational interest (e.g., attorneys, auditors,
medical consultants, special and supplemental education providers, therapists)
3. Officials of another school where the student seeks or intends to enroll or where the
student is already enrolled so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the
student’s enrollment, and as long as a proper records release request is received by the
sending school
4. Certain federal and state officials and educational authorities (for audit, evaluation,
reporting, or compliance purposes) or state and local authorities concerning the
juvenile justice system in accordance with state statute
5. Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student
6. Organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, the school or NHA to develop,
validate, or administer predictive tests, administer student aid programs, or improve
7. Accrediting organizations to carry out accrediting functions
8. Compliance with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena after the school makes a
reasonable effort to notify the parent of the order or subpoena
9. Appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

• The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures
by the school to comply with the requirements of FERPA:

Family Policy Compliance Office

U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-5920

Right to Know under Federal Law

Parents of students have the right to know the professional qualifications of the school’s classroom
teachers and the school must give this information to parents in a timely manner if they ask for it.
Specifically, parents have the right to ask for the following information about each of their child’s
classroom teachers:
• Whether the State Department of Education has licensed or qualified the teacher for the
grades and subjects he/she teaches
• Whether the State Department of Education has decided that the teacher can teach in a
classroom without being licensed or qualified under state regulations because of special
• The teacher’s college major
• Whether the teacher has any advanced degrees and, if so, the subject of the degrees
• Whether any teachers’ aides or similar paraprofessionals provide services to their child and, if
they do, their qualifications

Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment

The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) affords parents certain rights concerning student
privacy, parental access to information, and administration of physical examinations to minors. These
include the right to:
• Consent before students are required to submit to a survey, which is funded in part or in whole
by a program of the U.S. Department of Education, that concerns one or more of the following
protected areas (“protected information survey”):
1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent
2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or the student’s family
3. Sexual behavior or attitudes
4. Anti-social, demeaning, illegal, or self-incriminating behavior
5. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close familial relationships
6. Legally-recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or ministers
7. Religious affiliations, beliefs, or practices of the student or parent
8. Income, other than as required by law, to determine program eligibility

• Receive notice and an opportunity to opt a student out of the following:

1. Any other protected information survey, regardless of funding
2. Any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening required as a condition of
attendance, administered by the school or its agent, and not necessary to protect the
immediate health and safety of the student (except for hearing, vision, scoliosis, or any
other physical exam or screening permitted or required under state law)
3. Any activity involving the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information or the
marketing, selling, or distributing of such information to others

• Inspect the following, upon request and before administration or use:

1. Surveys created by a third party before their distribution by a school to its students

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

2. Instruments used to collect personal information from students for marketing, sales, or
other distribution purposes
3. Instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum

The school protects student privacy in the administration of protected surveys and the collection,
disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales, or other distribution purposes. The
school will also both directly notify parents through U.S. Mail, e-mail, parent meetings, or the Parent
and Student Handbook of the specific or approximate dates (if such events are planned and/or
scheduled) of the above activities and provide an opportunity to opt a student out of participating in
them. Parents who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with:

Family Policy Compliance Office

U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-5920

Boy Scouts of America

The school does not discriminate against any group officially affiliated with either the Boy Scouts of
America or any other youth group listed in Title 36 of the United States Code (as a patriotic society)
that wishes to conduct a meeting within an open forum. The school does not deny such access or
opportunity or discriminate for reasons based on the membership or leadership criteria or the oath of
allegiance to God and country of the Boy Scouts of America or the youth groups listed in Title 36 of
the United States Code (as a patriotic society).

Title IX
If students, their parents/guardians, or anyone else on their behalf believe they have been subjected
to discriminatory harassment, including but not limited to harassment related to the students’ sex,
sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and expression, or pregnancy by school board members,
staff, students, vendors, contractors, or other persons doing business with the School, it should be
immediately reported to the school principal (Academy or designee) of the school and should provide
specific details regarding the event, the date of the event, and the parties involved. The complaint
will be considered confidential and will be expeditiously investigated by the Academy or designee
with the assistance of NHA legal counsel as necessary and appropriate.

The School intends to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, which states, in
part: “No persons in the United States shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, be
denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity
receiving financial assistance....”

As such, the School does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its education program or activities,
and is required by Title IX and its regulations not to discriminate in such a manner. This requirement
not to discriminate in the education program or activity extends to admission and employment.

The following person shall be the Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator and is responsible for
investigating any complaint alleging noncompliance with Title IX.

Tony Verch
16005 Terrace Road
Cleveland, OH 44112-2001
Phone: (216) 451-1725
[email protected]

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Any person may report sex discrimination, including sexual harassment (whether or not the person
reporting is the person alleged to be the victim of conduct that could constitute sex discrimination or
sexual harassment), in person, by mail, by telephone, or by electronic mail, using the contact
information listed for the Title IX Coordinator, or by any other means that results in the Title IX
Coordinator receiving the person’s verbal or written report. Such a report may be made at any time
(including during non-business hours) by using the telephone number or electronic mail address, or by
mail to the office address, listed for the Title IX Coordinator.

Inquiries about the application of Title IX and its regulations to the School may be referred to the
Title IX Coordinator, to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the Department, or both.

A specific procedure for grievances related to Title IX issues is set forth as the “Title IX Grievance
Procedure.” 34 CFR 106 The language above will be posted on the School’s website within two clicks
of the home page; in other School-related documents made available to students, parents, staff, and
applicants (e.g., student newspapers, parent newsletters, student handbooks, employee handbooks,
application forms, recruiting materials, etc.).

Unsafe School Choice Option

A student attending a persistently dangerous school or a student who is a victim of a violent criminal
offense on school property has the right to transfer to another safe school in the district, if his/her
parent requests a transfer. If there is not another safe school in the district providing instruction at
the student’s grade level, the school shall contact neighboring districts to request that the student be
permitted to transfer to a school in one of those districts.

Asbestos Management Plan

The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requires us to annually notify parents,
students, staff members, and others who regularly occupy the school building of compliance with
AHERA. An Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) has been developed for the school and is on file in the
school office. Parents may schedule an appointment with the principal if they wish to review the AMP.

Pesticide Notification
The school aims to control pest populations and to reduce the use of active pesticides throughout the
school by implementing an integrated pest management program. The health and safety of all persons
within the school’s facilities are of primary concern. In addition to providing parents with this annual
notification, the school will notify parents in advance of individual pesticide applications of non-
emergency applications of pesticides such as an insecticide, fungicide, or herbicide, other than a bait
or gel formation, that is made to the school ground or building. Please note that notification is not
given for the use of sanitizers, germicides, disinfectants, or antimicrobial cleaners. In certain
emergencies, such as an infestation of stinging insects, pesticides may be applied without prior notice
to prevent injury to students, but parents will be notified following any such application. Advance
notice will be posted on the front door and posted in a public, common area of the school other than
the entrance. A parent can also request to be notified by letter postmarked at least 72 hours before
the application is to take place. Please contact the school office if you wish to be notified by letter or
wish to review the school’s integrated pest management program or records. Your school will provide
additional information regarding this.

Lead Poisoning Prevention

Exposures to lead in doses much smaller than previously thought represent a definable risk to
children’s health and their ability to learn. The school will attempt to control the use and
maintenance of lead-bearing building products and avoid the use of any educational or maintenance

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

procedures or products which may create lead exposures. Information regarding risks from lead and
other heavy metals is available in the school office upon request.

State-Prescribed Testing and Compulsory Attendance Law

The school is a community school established under Chapter 3314 of the Revised Code. The school is a
public school and students enrolled in and attending the school are required to take proficiency tests
and other examinations prescribed by law. In addition, there may be other requirements for students
at the school that are prescribed by law. Students who have been excused from the compulsory
attendance law for the purpose of home education as defined by the Administrative Code shall no
longer be excused for that purpose upon their enrollment in a community school. For more
information about this matter contact the school administration or the Ohio Department of Education.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Apex Academy and the parents of the students participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A of
the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) (participating children), agree that this compact outlines how the parents, the entire
school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which
the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards.

This school-parent compact is in effect during school year 2024-2025.

School Responsibilities: Apex Academy will:

• Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the
participating children to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards as follows: employing state qualified
teaching staff and providing intervention support to the most academically at-risk students at the school.
• Hold parent-teacher conferences at least annually during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual
child’s achievement. Adequate notice will be provided to parents of conference scheduling.
• Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress. Specifically, the school will provide reports as follows:
the distribution of progress reports and report cards on a regular basis along with updates given during parent teacher
conferences and informal meetings with parents and teachers.
• Provide parents reasonable access to staff. Specifically, staff will be available for consultation with parents as follows: during
parent teacher conferences, via regular email and phone communication with parents and also during more informal
consultations on an as-needed basis.
• Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and to observe classroom activities, as
follows: notices regarding volunteer opportunities will be posted in the hallways of the school and communication will also
be sent out via the school newsletters and SchoolConnect.

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities: We, as parents, will support our children’s learning in the following ways:
• I understand that my child is enrolled in this school, so he/she has opportunities to achieve.
• I realize that the expectations and standards at this school are high and agree to support them.
• I understand and agree to be bound by all provisions outlined in the Parent and Student Handbook and acknowledge
receipt of the Parent and Student Handbook by signing below.
• I will monitor my child’s attendance and homework completion.
• I will participate in parent-teacher conferences and volunteer for school activities when possible.
• I will stay informed about my child’s education and communicate with the school by promptly reading all notices from the
school either received by my child or by mail and responding, as appropriate.
• I will serve, to the extent possible, on policy advisory groups, such as being a Title I, Part A parent representative on the
school’s School Improvement Team, or other school advisory or policy groups.
• I understand that my child must behave respectfully and responsibly to protect the safety, interest, and rights of others in
the school. I will model appropriate behavior while in the school.
Please add any other commitment statements you would like to note:


________________________________ __________ ________________________________ __________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Student’s Commitment: I fully commit to this school in the following ways:

• I am enrolling in this school because I want to achieve. I will put forth my best effort every single day.
• I agree with my school’s expectations, standards, and requirements because I have high expectations for myself.
• I understand and agree to follow the Student Code of Conduct and Dress Code in the Parent and Student Handbook.
• I will attend school all day, every day, unless I have an excused absence.
• I will complete my homework, submit it on time, and contact my teacher about any questions.
• I will behave respectfully and responsibly to protect the safety, interests, and rights of others in the school. I will accept
responsibility for my actions.

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025
________________________________ ________________________________ __________ __________
Student Signature Student Printed Name Grade Date

________________________________ ________________________________ __________ __________

Student Signature Student Printed Name Grade Date

________________________________ ________________________________ __________ __________

Student Signature Student Printed Name Grade Date

________________________________ ________________________________ __________ __________

Student Signature Student Printed Name Grade Date

Teacher’s Commitment: I fully commit to this school in the following ways:

• I will provide each student opportunities to achieve.
• I will communicate with parents on a regular basis via personal contact, weekly newsletters, SchoolConnect or progress
reports and will make myself available to students and parents for any concerns they may have.
• I will display integrity and respect to students, parents, and staff members through my words and actions.
• I will protect the safety, interests, and rights of all individuals in the classroom.

________________________________ ________________________________ __________

Teacher Signature Teacher Printed Name Date

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

School-Wide Volunteer Opportunities

The school Board and staff members support the school’s commitment to parental involvement,
believing strongly that it is a main ingredient for student success. On the back of this page is a
listing of the volunteer opportunities available to parents at the school. The committees are
listed first, followed by committee support and other opportunities. Please check all
opportunities in which you are interested. As you participate in these opportunities, you will be
fulfilling the School-Parent Compact by helping to provide an exemplary educational experience
for our students. Thank you in advance for helping make our school exemplary for our children.

Volunteer opportunities specific to your child’s classroom are on a separate form.

Volunteers may be required to submit to a criminal background check.

Parent name(s): ____________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________

Phone number: ____________________________________________________________

Best time to be reached: ____________________________________________________

Children’s names and grades:

Name: __________________________________ Grade: __________________

Name: __________________________________ Grade: __________________

Name: __________________________________ Grade: __________________

Name: __________________________________ Grade: __________________

Name: __________________________________ Grade: __________________

Apex Academy Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Please check all opportunities in which you are interested.

Committee Membership
Members must be available to meet the last Tuesday evening of each month. Please number
committees in order of your preference. You will be assigned to one.
_____ Grounds and Facilities
Plan projects such as spring clean-up, playground equipment installation, etc.
_____ Boosters
Organize several fundraising projects throughout the year
_____ Family Fun
Plan one special event for Apex Academy families
_____ Hospitality
Coordinate refreshments for specials events
_____ Moral Focus
Plan ongoing activities and projects related to the monthly virtues
_____ Technology Advisory Group
Support the NHA Master Technology Plan by increasing computer literacy
_____ Ambassadors
Assist with events to attract families to the school
_____ Library
Coordinate efforts for volunteers to help with library administrative duties
Committee Support Opportunities
These include a wide variety of tasks and time commitments. Many are one-time opportunities.
_____ Grounds and Facilities
Assist by raking, planting, building, and cleaning
_____ Boosters
Assist with fundraisers (e.g., distribution of goods and bag rolling)*
_____ Family Fun Day
Assist with set-up, clean-up, or other tasks*
_____ Hospitality
Bring cookies or other refreshments for one or more special events*
_____ Library
Cover, repair, or shelve books; read and review books; or assist at Book Fair*
_____ Moral Focus
Assist with projects as needed at one or more activities
_____ Staff Appreciation
Bring food or other items for events*
_____ Technology Advisory Group
Support the NHA Master Technology Plan by increasing computer literacy
_____ Ambassadors
Assist with events to attract families to the school
Other Opportunities
_____ Lunch/Playground Supervision
Supervise classes during lunch or recess on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis
_____ Music
Assist with music programs (e.g., decorating, organizing)*
_____ Office Help
Assist office staff as needed
_____ Physical Education
Assist with Field Day, Mileage Club, or intramurals

* Denotes areas which include some tasks that may be completed at home.

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