Level - K Thinking
Level - K Thinking
Level - K Thinking
Mark Dean
n players
Each player chooses si 2 f1, 2....100g = Si
Earn $10 if you are closes to p times average choice
∑nk =1 sk
si 2 arg min jsj p j
s1 ...sn n
Earn zero otherwise
Split the prize in event of the tie
p 2 (0, 1)
This de…nes ui (si , fs1 , ..si 1 , si +1 , ..sn g) = u ( si , s i )
The utility if you play si and others play s i
Nash Equilibrium
u ( si , s i ) u (s, s i ) 8 s 2 Si
u ( si , s i ) u (s, s i ) 8 s 2 Si
Consider the following sequence of reasoning for the 3 beauty
1 I think the other players will play 50, so I will play the best
response to 50, i.e 33 13
2 I think the other players think everyone will play 50 and so will
play 33 13 . I will therefore play the best response to this, i.e.
22 92
3 I think that the other players will initially think that everyone
will play 50, and will consider playing 33 13 . However, they will
think that others have done the same reasoning, and will
therefore play 22 29 . I will best respond to this and play 14 22
4 ......
Depth of Reasoning
What would this imply for the data in the 3 beauty contest
We would see a focus of responses at the following levels:
π0 : 50
π1 : 33 13
π2 : 22 92
π3 22
: 14 27
Nagel [1995]
Class Data
Class Data